Am.e-outhé. or Ji~t~>eL)the Six? Auboite$men otf4very .«'Vu, after wo rs&fr bi0otdey A twety u b« ie Must 0*r k05p on .Th d4or6{e pt is Mlt tbaîthe S"ol work b dw thschje" d wotoy for a lliving.. I" of it- foe yensd c work with notbig to reward -bim but, dire ~Ihh aday, and ip my cames tose suppied by By savng and ivestmng wisely earlY in if e, You i asure t. youraf and f amily cRout and pleure timt win1 ",e yowitrlaer ife a real joy. Start saving now- "thS yWIMP ave as' asubsantW a sn.,let buik hleIpyou iàet it Yàd. !L W e a b lto el yuvist us, whether for tel rOe f euIg mom uk o igadvsce Lake .Côunty National Boank DOLLAR -DAYJL Thiursday, Friday and Saturday Lgigworthiy!s -rlwhtems pot in, toweW Twuiah To*wels,. large sait. ret;. PpoSO--c cl. lu! ants daity wtè i I fw Ba mte weses, regisar 2 for WoiWs 1 nn et- ette Nght Dresses, sld to $1.50;-, .0 WashCoths, Lg s Igood soft quality; ai 12 __$ 0 IÇanvas Gloves, the best grade, b1ùe jersey to,j - reg,25c pair $ 0 i AppointmepVt' dirawers fo Dresse Scarf, large sue, lace trme.value $150; $10 IH seAprons. several styles, fnest percae; ýso1d at 65c $10 oach 2 for Colônal Glass Tumblersj reg. price 12$100 Iea.; 10fon--- Il III I Lage servuni plates, i-I re. tie1&$1iOO.00 I 8 for il î -ý 'AtfFMi « Y22. r1~ 1m Local ad Piersonl TO ENL96(E SUR." *M 6Ïs cf FpecW a umrese W LàbcrwvÎhe e Pope VYRSOF Mru ~ .H Wll s eroîy i, Ts.HBr.WU on the fut wlhpaenmonia. '"nbI 'L "lWint"e lbse emPlans for New Addition Pro- iltoi M.4r" afternoO4. J. 4gi*dtcté.1h seill'sOffice. poreLta4mll la t. Paul, Mhan., O 3jg 1 xx i Iisbuk lue I"nem- H P. Beers. Chicago arcbltect whO mtis wek 0on a busI1nea trip., antqý:&M% probable th, ba= isbas the contract for designing Plans 1Um~ C. B. Obsey li among tisiu iXWSvR m 505 la about Maruh 1. for tihe $300,000 addition to the sa<mID4 ia~ytjsla grippe. TWîfiebafl&lng 1, the MM *M'd as Lake CountY Court House, was ln & bali home, jaad sviiib. one of tse, Waukregan 3'nlday conferring vils Ums.Ina Miller spent lait ét show rgaceea e t yv . Charles Russell, county surveor and dèýy atterssoon In Waukecan. 1 .County superluteudent of higiswaYs. Sm .Nelsoni, fotMeTY Of UbOrty- Mr. Bers came here today on a Charles Scoat bas taire» a poil- vle. bat w%, of Lui Angeles Calif., request of Mr. Runs l in order UsaI lien a otrk hn the Lester atmr. bai met vill marked sueOfl IZ the the local county officiai mizlit cati I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~mxcp bueooinMton'Cui eta ts HO »rutslY to bisattention certain changes ne TheYong atonWClb mt t he reteda ourstrybusinessbulig em necessary ln the proposed homeof d".MarIc eteionTues- whicb ho bas disposed of. and la 110w plans. Under thse tentative plans day atternoou. dravlug Plans for another. Mr. Russel vould rec' ive but lit tie relief ai bis quarterasuintihe Mrs. Charles Brelle of UhIsselander, The Odd VellowsidUviiigve an oystir addition would be inadequate to bis WEisoun s is vting at thse homne of supper Monday uveniug aIt tufr bal, needi. ; . A. Vau Flow. thse occonOibeilfg Bro MOCisin birlis Ho vent over thse situation tiior- Chrs Jnse lpbl tuhooutaganday. Tuesday nigbt ml Odd Pullovna ugisîy and polnted out visere more Chri Jesenla blete o ot Minare requested 10 attend the Wasugfl yr a apfîîe ecsty a41er a&lime apont lu tise emorlal î<dge, asu thi lato boa silIrise ce t» Other a ypositiecsityre. bv bospital la Waukegan. Waukegan lod Ail lodgee aon thse g»oe-testainw r Nort Shoe M .ther Beurs and Ibe plans provide for a num*er pI higi sehot students ait a Firank Lightbody returned homeotiat their needs. it appears iaIvq party l emnrdaP ev«Jus. * Saturday f ront Chicago, viuru ho, b" Boers nome around, to Mr. Russell Mn.anSlia. isrle Evel 0 H115taken the large engne of thse Inter-tiatse.antmuslf. landS Psrk vere guesta of lMrani given a complote overisauliug la a Ma- Mn., IL W. tat*Bad GrveSCo, lchva Chine sho» tisere. Tise Interstate Co- Ul.AT E wihpuUania at te hom ober amount o gael and adhukea:CIRi3 A I parents, Mr. and Mss. Dave Atchison. pits tise coming summner With thse FO C Mis Wrhns o Ciicgoai Ms.Conment roads lu Ibis vlclnity usider 11) lD OTS TO Min arhrstof hicgo nd rs.Constructli, lise gràvel pit vill hbu Louis Larson of Waukegan vere bioes un t0 capaclîy. 155UNi Frday. lthe guees of Mms. Forest1 R "IÀ H M ss.î~. IARlarge isog bouse on the farm of !Rln .Meyer, 3% mlles west of lira. John Mitchell, lirarian ofth1e lLlbertyVUIO, caugit lire on Tuesday Mrs. Anna Irene Sanders De- Cookr Memnorlal Llbrary. attended a mornling fromt an oveniseated alove,, clares ljusband, Bert, confus-once Ô! librarfans lan Chicago and vas destroyet. The caisie of the Wedneaday. ifunois Bell Telepisane Company runa' Choked Her. along th e oad neanLbhe Meyer faim, 1 Misses Luella Attrldge and Gracie andi a section of tibis vas burned out,i Bert Sandera of Highland l'as lflfers lteuded a Party t tise home Of coipetely slsutting off service to tise is a regular old 'vampus cat". aci- Mia. Penn Muion lanMlH1twood lait western part of tise counoty and mc-; corilng 10 charges made' by his Thursdgy evening. Henry Thse break ln Use cable was wIif e, Mrs. lrne Sanders. who tempoxaîily ai soon ai the filed suit for divorce Tbursday arter- Mrs.- Allie Nicisolai enertained the maatter vas reported. Tihe large barn 0011 ln tise Lake county circuit court. Joily Buach at a buluco Party athber on the Meyer place waa. sared, the i55e eharges that hoe-Seat, struck .homse lat Thursda yeverthmp. AÀTry 5 carsyInýg tiserianmes fr-0m1. Nol snd choked ber, and falied to pro- énjoyable lime vas spent.IetSûwuvas aith Ue lire. ýperly centribute tor Use support of Misases Helon Begdabl and Helen BSes-vIcesa t the Preasytiriiis churcih lra. Bandera aILles lu ber petition MaNiclsolle of Hlgisvood and Graci ex Sanday as folows: BondaY, thatas fand il te shtîdren. es Ulferi composeS a theater Party t0uj cbool t 9:46 a. m. Mornlng waraiip,'0f ber husband aise vas forced , 10 thse Chicago 1beater Satirday aller- atil*. feomon toplc, '*M..e iIdea place foilr 0f Usee itise 1900IL ci CongemurlutOiL' iiig service at LakeC luff Osphamage, wiîle sise- George Carroi if Mapluwood, New 7:30. The lIttalatiou of tise nev min- supports tis eotier child, and 'ber- Jersey, anSd s-. anà Mii.o. . Dvis. 1liter as pototor viii ho held. Rey. Geo - self hi worlking out. of Michigan Cty, Idiaa, veu bore Maglil o! Wlmette; Bey. Pitt cf Higis- fie charges that he la amply able Sundy viltflgW W.Car-ouanS.lan Ps; B,. tabuti ! Lke or-1 tak,. cote of tise chilîdren -and! Sendy vsitng . W Car(41andjan Pa; Ry. Rbers o Lae Fr-aise aiki tbe court 10 compel iim 1 est, viilmke adieuseila the eve. b pi-aide for bis faMly. usiag.SPeCo uic la beng Pysisrud. The divorce - suit vas -Blied by The 4manka o! the cioutfltvli i&Bbu Toare ttordially ÎDNIted tc ttend. Atty. E. S. Gai, of Htighland Park. closed an WiihlllgtOrs' birtisday, Feis._______ UindTise bankas observe the hâif holiday on Wednuaday of each veek, n T fl IIUT adclose at noon. - EU IW RDSDDN rlU3E T9 FnlConfirmation of lise Mlvauskee avenue paving iitIer vas obtained i U laNC S ý fAN0 F If the circuit col ai War'kegan lion- >.1 ÂMU zna-tuvn AD - eshDe that bidi on thse vork can ho askod for next month, and the comlsg imimer viii seé dirt flying on the lmerovlng of the principal street lu the vllage of L'bertyville, FAUDITORIUMý "Thesehow Hou* Oelichtful" FERUARY 23 & 24 Wallace Reid MORE FA1W IMPROVEMENS This bauk backs the ffumr .,iê invest in hmuha etu o qpmetý aoa macinery, silos, f.rtiser, iiigrade aeed, pure-blood stock, etc. W. favor that sotf tdft becauseeV- ery welI equuppe faim makes for a mort enjoyable rural ife, as *el as more profi- able f arming. IN THAT SPIRIT WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR SERVICES IFirst 'National Banik LIBERTYVILLE - -, - ILLtt4OtS. Reiaurces of Mort ?hsn saI4alf Million Dollare SWIRE FENCE Y«i arm iniew t.oaoeto MW &fdory for ".wrfm n mt& Y« cm aow uusd fo urd a e f sywe at ti faOW 4pe es 1 8 bars, 32 in. higli, 12 in. sai-8 8. rs32-im high5 7 sà1. , 9 42 in.b,i. 9,ba. 42 in. lieh7i.sou 10Obar. 50 ini. hli 12 in., gays--.~ 14Obar,546i. ihe, 8in. atan 16 bats58 in. bW4 8 in. taY s' - 45?k RARBED WUIE,8 "ed pM4, MSpsl 2-pt. Hog - - - $343 ' 4-pt. Hcg - - 2-p Cattle__ _ 3.22 4-pt. Catfie !rTVVIi iNV pftim .. Rhowfng tise ctre1rne10 t whirhj Attv. Homier Cool'e. who la ableta 1a 0 1 .)57LUI55& Fm0Wa.'I r character assassins ln Waukegan viilibe et bis office agaîn allen a three EN OS',eah---.--. go t10'gel even" It la worthy of notice eeka Ilnesa delares Ses Setter CoR MIERP = ' lisat a certi newspaper inXaukegan pisyiit'sly 150w thsa lie vas thlrty vhich lias not been ale ta inlimidate vears ago. He vas 91 yeara old In >JMJ'STLE ST Circuit Judge Edwards lias kept haro- .anuary. t mes-ing hlm on thse thenry tisaI be- Mr. Cooke la tise oldest of a famîîy ~ ~ *.6 cause ho 1reidpd In (le previnua Net- Of thirteen children-tise otlier sur- Galvanized 10 ftI., 1.9; tsot-Volvo case and eventuallv rnlpd vivilflg nember. a *siter, v-as tise las o de pd fairin hecagethat Se vOuunmî. He Sas a olece living lust PLAIN STEE4 ta t0ia thlie Chic> go trial and acrosase:0Wtaconsln 110e whla th ue 1 t ie-.56;1 t"stify FOR Volva and AGAINÉ Rmt aier fa eenteen ècildren--antd 10f.wd .$65 12 . -Nels nt tn fart. tibi s ame newrsstser Plilare living. 1'EEI man. Jusat lait Fsiday Vrinted thse- "'H feeling gond agalsi" said TMr. stai;ment that Jud COO k P t sis office as e as iterally 48 in. bigh.. .... -..2 onthe stnd lhicaugo lwrda waa htil.iin bpaDera. bocs, etc., addlng- ot se r s t ha th e C is ag id ay a-lent ic e r, P o p e dled i;t tre v a lo t o f thled aî(h tial, tise dgowano%%-osItkors m e and 1'm nov getling -A ierican tîserefore did NOT testif v e on tarl rdab.1 tistougis .utatbo1dly 'tatod hoe D i hLibella not. ln Just's mmd, lu sng ,,ry fat off lise facts. ___- 12 ft,49,70;¶1~4 8"; 10 fIt, $t DRVWAY Q twide,....$6.25 - 14 ht. wwce..$ OÔULTRY GATES 2.10; 60Oin. hiOkL .-.-$ Wite Fence Co. andrponanr ring il in andI lARD WAUE a ,Co, «ETTv ,U RL5YEA . li