CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Feb 1923, p. 7

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aM ViU" avarded te Posed ~jÉUbOelsldiapatebet SU ai fI~ yigltlag lid braiespot a.à ý 'wcra ere kl 999u t1W ad invadeti asutral tedtSoT sttacklug the Lthuanlau tr000.. Warâaw dilepatcimes receivd y1^ COopeahagen by Iterntollsi** M Service at Frlday rOjIrOê tbaI luabv lersons hbai es, 11MWOand t woe«nded i clashmes belveenLfthu- 'uli sa" lPbles -lollowing Invasion etC LIhmnenan smaby PolSsii forces." ýTii. - e goass t gmhg *as ci Io bave takea place near Vilnas, former capital ac LltliMual forcibly occu- pied hi pattes after the Busseo-Polsb Var. ORMTU4 T" GtVU. L,àjJL RAAS Lendon, Feb. l-Preparatlocs have boisa m«de » lte Brtish t sr re*ter >»'rsbwars Ilirougl the Brn- t1b Jillée et .mlitary occupation on t» BRâles telime Frenchi, ca à CasraiNov flspecbf reuxCologne Tb"erai* .hbree trunkLues antLa =Miy *4uwb1nin thelimeColenedit- tri«. ,TeFrench bave set yet e- pidte lie latl«t British Scmmun!- esicon lb.the rrpuder ci the liner, lieCentral Newa dlapatch idtfrd. 14 K&LLEO 8IN PARI paris, Pcb. 19-Srtegu persona .Were reported kHlied aud,85 iulured Viien thme Slraslonrg aepr(as "mS wrcked near»omsMr eaerly ParilePcb. 19-The Brilisharmy of ocupation on tihe lion. le evac- nAiat thlie &trip> of terrilory obrdered by- th tomas uor eusa, tlieven- brUcir,,hurez, Menien An" El~ir te pelait thkese ut the Duesadorf- Basa rallwsy by th. French for the Movement et ceai, coke, troopa sad MlhtrM,- sm lesali a iL'usac- dort dW]*tb teI;In L'latsion today. Trueh troupe are taklng *ver lb. po.l114m5 gItant> DbY the Britih. The *spit iterrltery in questionj les atout the.western aide of the. British zrof 0flption Nfe*ibatlonsb bteen Trenchsd Bdtl2hAb ay eerafor the tres sa"sslMUleI vas et i l ralivaga tMim , a eBrwalb Loue of Occupé- îlis iy lthe Trenchwere 81111 la 19rsl U,»Uug resuItedlta a 4UI* TO AgOVAUCE . TII BS p»a s -4mwt rggwwnl or W M4friMdaP lefi Bocks ~ s l. in labliovel liaI l lu~eeiItellI *l e eres eïe b 'WMim 0f qu n eilW a- v9lat10mheq Doirlm"ml ,s* j = msvar. îNam» »Xlkn , tb COwleares taIOM surteu&d in Trench t thelleOsrllvay 17128lbeenx méas m«d Duren. Rtpaslld acUtiy on lthe part of Tftuch troopsa Vagreportai t£oa l*A 9"r. A dbslatch ra Dort. ingAj salt the adauce gwdUaigt a gmgt columa oC Trencth troope iba 940*4 lbraugim ttienDortuund Àosprul.nt t le b. eie« esllm -7>90* uls"<I 0.000,000 mrmslit doelarebn aller the muaielpa mgbqtltl refset te pay ble 100,- $~1ak ne imposetaimal the 4, -elsenkirchben di spaîcli t0 the Aizagrsad iatlie Moneî Smmee neViwesDelcm "d 'lb. t ihUrm rlye ~ *lahsw 5ie50 It U be ees ~b~i4 vb e. to balvas kBnisteppa ee#4for r* teIr et a eeaIsy. »ý *INEY ~ W bort #y, ar îà b. WeM.2 un ,Widtaey aa4 VlfN 1 orerilylaMisa sBw ai o vr.marris) a in cg Chidokeume<lthlIe wattr. 1 a*td, v > tIle muion.t quaeto fur, *te emya i,»4 do" rtovnl b emË& pan. I a4 w- im.i. a, Il mrÉtq ra - gie 4a. vair 10 di ýhdeoië oy Scout Cam- - *1Workermai Dn- Tii. Bey Scout campaign vorbers t for i: t thePlaza MoWe, The meetin« Vas moist cnthuaIas- tlo ad succesefnl., Arthiir lelson, Pftertalned lhe workers vlth a group or songs. whleb ho sang in his imuai deIgbtfut pan ner,.,Ili$ work uas enthiaslegay aPIPlaudeld andi greatly appreciated. ,Paul 0. W. .eiler, principal Wa* kegan Township iligh Suhoul Apohe or $àe Importance of keeping lthe Boy Scout inoveMent in Waukegan. He sai that the lUne had corne for peo- vie to realize the great valueofu yonlh to the communlty. «Au Inve tment 10 satfgurd anmd direct the youîh Of a Cty la very n."neh raper lia the building and upkeep of refori» sehocle, prioma and Ineane asyum," hie sUd. "SMI the people viii millions of doulars on sueh institutions tlirough taxation, but feel il la imposible ta rabs. lthe needeti lunds to properly train and educate yauth In order to prevent thme crimes wviemicma ucl i nelii- tloaa necessary. Jie >also salit that Waukesan needela C ampuign or Bd- mcatou on the matter ot value et Yonth-boYa and girls-In dollars and cents. Wauket& eedstls b e languI thi e fi1sta e be derlved tram, Putting moaey mb oboysa and girls organlzatioaai.- le taid us ofthleLedlng Bondng boune,Whoue lesesa rouglixdlahqn. esty et lndlvbduals vere- se astound Iag limaI th"at ead mon declded ta &"IL meaanresthrougli leglaalon or otheîrvise lu overcame thia evil. Th"a ver. advlsed by X aoted Judge la Ch.1cagu Unt w. already bav, more legislatlon, than vo eed b tepunieli crime, but thât the greatest Blepte.ta yard overeombzig dlahmeaty lin bum. »«0 and etier valks of 111la a1 educate cimldren along religious and Moral lîi)e. *The Boy Scout movement la each. ing th. boy 10 b. Trnstvurtby. Loyal. Ifeipt LPrlendly, Cesrtaous.KRid, Offieint, CliesrfiiTbrlfty. Brave, Cie"an sd l#vremt. An4 tiee *Witwogrole ate ¶# daux ~bùitp eCtli., boy unml"ithey tôim thee baud stieu Of *0 low e*mactr. nbe omplete reports o em. paigq_ *e ne am 4wwwt4" a1t0-Ib.d oet f ny <0l6eP Ledrs and after dlaeasalgtlb.situation tharauiMlY. StvaU deeidud teO 8- ima. l"bw v a util auil arsbad been nuwtsmand e aad 1me est.rid ternI t peaeiely »im Mni et thé ieok. Tb.wre it vas ]Rot POsiblete Ser sthe groaad.Vlth "fis. ev rosimrs. XCtin , ira«e, hev eve'r, uta aler Yeb. '24th. as the B«Oy coutOrtaabUsm dols net viii te Interfere à Mar ay agvith lhe Y. W. 0. . L yér. se after Irb 24lh. t le BenScut Campegu Vom- ers VIII lnsh upli te carda vblc t itttM IMeaU renitz bave beemi gwaaeud trams the vomi vW"& iat beec done. AUl BOY Scout Campalga worken, are esrnesty rétestel n»t la s. eltfor lthe Bo« Scouts ducrng lb. Details Bven on H.ardn kow Prurve Bof" ~Com-> >4oml~s iluassla nde the tOI- lotw li5< lm %dpOS berIbo0 1111 ,noe4sueee~msln ?hr a0iM& lab. m~necou>- UUin osCoimmeréesCommission ln "The OUcean>' la net asklns fer la- "The tattiareUme: theuUM leille Servie Com- enouIls ahovint et greally la- di# by thé oosmmlcým te puthm el- teg-z-esehls t evu*od rates, Via~ple t, upg dpied at prea- tb t or gsi f6duee& .The -oh tor ne ield, lm Inter" u ibsiatgluM i ow l'uit -j Nad Bien Keà of d tai"n Organization For' Man FATHER 0F GEORGE*FULL simple ritte "Y aAemin thle gemiuig t LIioalÎy 1mev. grSee tri ans ulive carftr.1 Surice eto r ulu ll. 8,n UI IeI lis attenaff At 2 o'cllmckl At the. Welxel uit Petersaîi ftnnrl homne.Mnteint vas lu pIn le w For Fesarli. 1'uflwag prouta f th leNational Orocer's LuSOetUL5 Re *Bloed lthe destîluea o e tma = =deee fort> several terma anMd diet-ur.tram siMnuerdal aCUTiy Pif. imeidft o e t i' b. i teunt corporation lacateti la the . Msnu faecturemsTerminaL If. haitrm siq4 d hem-i tva -yesrs, eerningte liv bere tram P-mub^ s, Nt.k. goies boni la B»Bail, Nom butina,, geais mga. ne Cme lae Uited*4IIwhvba ho vas about 30 gea-e 01& XI wu. liex Ijat lie becamma cosmected whb15 Nieretail gricery tInde, vWic" b. lloved for a lie lime. et ie Vlcbory meelsi beuL Mbe ibaelxvriej'tk-tifmmra eslotl nttaei limaibal oep i b th ie bqigea u e tle in suile ir a aM d m Ive dauaiereo <son h.W~1~ ii Wauhusm. lira: milh usari41 Sa& Psacibee, 5A" Erg.Lomey. u WinsorNo. ilai. IMf. and MIst. Xrauk cussett, p West Waahlngen sursee,»m ~lcewe braleiltiel mer 'pedbmg anies M"r At tGoir homu0,Tie mer Vr.11h fienda froin Cimicigoai the e oeiov lion &nd bthelOaUledet lie Seeapk lire. Forreel toboItg. et PeCrIa. sud tWis. Davlid ýverelt c na im.iauthlid& et li. nd lira. useett, attentat tie Imrty. A uttuber -et, Waieffau trienda vere' also Ïkere, Titehome vas bdautltnllyddort i d for hi m abn M "4 'IWme vieà,a the Ceat vas servt" Wàs te- prpaly deco Imm m. 't an0r dolm1 g*lel"eei 5 b4 4isrti in ve.r et. et A dlitance aad1 mame. x v, t; WeMIPloyeti aI t» *sWust CHAS. WHYT, JR., l FOUR flOU -mChart1 W*»e, r' meNr. ae mooe ptreet du t* Awu kttuml ,ime. T" .swinfistllovt,,- wB1J; Ceefts.nety o W»»; ètaxisasm. . wucJ; CoUugee.r1 s WPAP; iftia5. KiYw; Cxitago. W'PAD; ChtaLgo. XDRA; P,"aI Pitollugi.-' ~StSeeneclad,. N. 'Y 'W*; leuwtrt. lv; ,hg09 , MU wox; Detroit wl»AP mu iaty. WOl; h s ovt oa. K1rAp Denver. Wum. lsuvile. ,We»; MAtula.b Wu-, Ne-va*. WAA&X- mlWvanbee. WGAL; hIoellin. Wl"J; New Tue- WuHA; Troy . . y ay thbrw bua bu te1 ~51wm jm"n ft aIe t 4i ot rbolecdon vth -bath teei Mt Ma 114bis pello Ibbs #Iu.noou. NVos im M as-$l-t ouia. Wr. AtrM aiIellaëd te. makis a pu-,tesàss g"bh or -AdthWount ris- Cer- tplia b. cldn't exPftt te b. a Stialfte. I New Tork, Pcb. l-Isveraeasf laitbe i V"tsie -tsday l tvtwire. mau or nepee vue m bet Î.1l JM*wlk"tni ag dla * ius"Mt bira*dto d»eéll )butielsrdt3, aputailet tieouse. Aaln ràç ils 5 s ,l t«t, met olk*ýs le l*' es" U tscoStii. egoy* Retan Army ehoeo, Â Amy off icers' dru» srigy =mde for oi rjh sI ohmc&kl"à sof eco4w p'uts ' 1iideo xta hea .xy YStAý'drdShrtu mude Witi tden eottoei materials>le eMow aM ndled, fron 98 pak to a lo t Aff 0 2 1 .4 5 t4w iuoambayworkhrs 91iiTCp aml f J -m$175 loIr as Soutbeast Corer Genaemd Water Streets The ffl Frornt Store. --e 2

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