- h" -à - F - - MW - - ¶ WAUKEY£GAN« WE«KLY SUN IL.XX~X r-No. 10.1 IJB~~Y ILLE. TAKE . OONTY, -ItLI1I, MURSDÂY, MA:'RCH8, »9.~ $1 .50 PER YEURa IN ADVANCS DELINQUENTS'TOTAL 0611 The anuo.W re or i» 11.ma f Mary PetpeI Mo0ti WOMUM shoo, 08.15WOlk400015 e, a5 publie veUàreVi as ubt. te tbé e011* bogit4%moday ate- - wen, taboytutw "po18*CtUU of tIl departmasua ïes u "Mayî largoesad of gremte? mpoiié8th-samini miemben rs t fisba r 'ei»L - Thé »ePort sbwod tisaI uring th.e leaur382 olsldmeesgiven ,super 'Vison, Tb5T vers il doiiuqsiney U ss.Mbeig boysand 26 gis-te. T es osi 11ependnc ess îMvon ça4«et Smotisera MOUtblY poggS o ersimsdled. 1rbu rebt inclades: 0 R vsia b rbatten Qff'r 1,276 ~'0lOI5 etyleedby Pro'n Ofrrs ero5ltervlevedby' Probatlin ....a................. 1802 )ev pétitions flied bY Siate's Aty. Adoptions s-ferred to Probation0f fice,...........1 Wes-k va... -e.fe * *cIlidren retusnedtote chool ..- 30 cases ou probation (s-Sfll) 219 Cases ou probation reportlug ai Ceut ,.................. 5 Moddicaiaid vas giVen *... 40 Mental dflsoes vers méUe for 7 Tallis od CISII4 W~ise Iu Counnu te Wom*Wo' Clubsad Parent Teaciiers'Assei. ......i Ilegllimat» babies cared ffr and placed (MouisesWaidi et Court) Disposition f icases Cared for et CounlY Invenlie 1 Home .................... 2 4 Hol-ees item 19!1 .... PlaSed lu Private cire ouber tisan oun home ............24 Enabled to return te ovu boues »& Te BStte Training achools (2)>, boys; (7 Sis. To Lfiacou tite Sciool & COL. 21 TuoUffle fo« Clpled Chidreft 1 te To 01er InstitiItions ..........17 Convate8cen.I Home, for CdlWe4 Chudi........... Girls ......... .............. i mits Pogmeteer recelved tbe ibinkui et lthe board for lber dtiliat repost and roalved tise psaise of thé supervIser&-for the effIcient vorli visicis %ie ladola uthe inlerest Cof eild veltare. A4iANST OffiCURS Police Magistrae and Former Police Officer of Lake. Bluff on Trial. -CHARGE FALSE - ARRESI égainsi mro. Nelile Kennedy, J. D. Doyle, police agfistrale, and Josephs -O'koefe. fqrmer police officer. ail ef L.aie Bluff, ciarglng that tbeY faise- ly arresied BunJy Biaugistes-. negro. vas begun todai lu thse circuit court befove Judgoe dvaruls. Siaugiter charges ttut Mis. Ken- nedy caused a vasranI to e b.lausd for him by Magltrite Doue and tuat lie vas arrestoq isy Officer OXeèfe on a dllge ef havlng stoben Mrs. Keused's ,cicitena. Attorneys for -Ms-c. Kenedy made au effort te gO thle dlinisal of 'lbe case hi clallulug liaI aise titinet aigu 'us compiaiaf.. Jutge Bdwards *a ibid eer <ist if the started thse ýaacinery inu Motion tjsiîreaulted iu the. warrant belug issued aie feld a party eSt the suit. WOMAN ANIJSON DYINO FROMBURNS Kansas City, Mo.I, Match 7.-Ms-s. -Morris Pfeffer sud -ber tour year old son Davi are lu a dylng con- dtion bre a» a resut of fs-gbluI -huma s uffered today vbon the veman fought ait attemt te remcue borsoif and the boy frenu tiaming hause. Wbeu A E. Larrison, a ulgbbor, altractedl by thse weman's, emramne, bursi locked doou t blber spart- met anti ttemtedtoterescue lber sbe fought hlm off and ploadeli te ho alloved te ds. Tbe bey vas fOunti horrily burneti, locitetilu a clîe los-luJ.th. rom v I Mr, lud Mrp. Waltr Bwanson vere, by la àumWerpf riands. AlI bad a v*, *J«~abl. t4se. "~r. ày 'Wilson er Chicago, Who là weIl kaowa *round York Roui.,be ose of ber freqteut viite te bier d4agter.r..Wm. Swansea, la crit. iealiy lmi , Evelyn Gramsm snd Trances ,Ra. iiox "0a Wwmet on accout of imuses The elaldren of Yorki Rou*s seho eslored a day of vacation Tbu*ry. le oul01904of Lewis avenue, bas pumbume a nov motorcycs. Mir. and )ins. lHenry MIans or Lewis avenue have .0,04 te tisir new home at the crner ef Grand ave- nus sMd Jutricli shot. Mr. Eniery' Shaw 01 Wllwsukee soad. sold mait is 0cow's* vbe- belug repiaced by pure bred Guru- seye, Ms-. Wm. Smsun bIl returned te ber home aller àpendl3g a feu' d&73 wlth lier moues- llu ChIello. INDSTK?#POS- PER1Y, IOSPITÀLITY RAep. Wm. F. Weiss Has a New Intei ealn of the IninWord. NONE TO' DISPUTE IT WAU-ilustrY KR-Pri3fPerlty "Tbe Word 'Waukegan' consista Or tuse syliabies," said RePresentstive mm. P. Welses Tuesay, et Spring- field, when urglng the IltiiOs Farm- ehs Institute officiais te. meet lu Waukegau in 1314, *'and," he added. "Itl e an indienname. WAU lu la- diau oinen LNDUSTRY; Ki" meaus pRSpgaITy and 0GANmeae HOBIITAITT. At least that', What rie intereteâ thse Word te mean Md uies. there's semebedy ber. .Who undlortands thse Indian lar-1ide vwho la tbere to; dispute MI'" 'At auy zate," sMid Mr. 'Weiss, "Wankegaft 4" 1911 these advatg to offer you snd w. urge you te co6me te oui ctY la 1924 snd take advan* tage 0 orçui bosptitlty sud prosperi- tyl and view oui vondertul tndusts-Y." Mrt. WIol pointed eut tbe hotel posshbltis the halls avaliable for the. coaerenea. etc., anti with Otb- ers made an eâessipIes fer hring- lng thee instituts te W"ukegau. Coutsasto te thle sepresentatlve'e Sonates Iteduey Bwitt.H, ls,1k Mr. Weiss bad been asited bi John E. BarretotiO rairie Vlew, te appeas- baoese the. fermer' officiais and urge Lakte eountY's advantages. Th*. meeting was »t for 1:1 (thle Be- ts vas neit teu la session). Weil, each ceunty asklug for tbe coniven- tien vua sf0104 tn minutes but by the Mlme Swft arrlved,. sU the Wau- kegan men bad already sPoken and other ceunties vers argulng. And, se thse Lake ceunty senater 414 net es-en taire the trouble te got te the meet- ing la Urne in order te give a lit île isanela iandiug tie state meet- lla seeeotyvisicitagiafliLüt shows ene contention la true ibat bir. Swtt's Interest la Lakte celmty affaira la verY Pasive. P. .-Otflcialiy. reaily sud boneat- ly, ,waukegan,"' an Indian usme. means hIttie Fort"-but tisat didn't botiier Bi lu tihe least. TO A17FUNI) ROÀ) BSTER MINi *Cood road entisusiasts Inlu ait county ha;k-.eceved In vtationg t0 attend £à rte vide meeting c.11ed by the Decatur Association ef Com- merce for Frlday, Marcb 16, te pro- mote Interest lu the. $100,00o0,o Bond Issue te finihbtbe state road system. Gev. Len Smaii, C. R. Mil ler, iiead ofthte DepÉrinSont o! Pub1lc Works, aud Frankt T. Shets, super, Inteudent of hlghways construction viii ho present. The metlng represents a non-partis- an effort to turtiier road buidng lu Illinois, and thse invitation lu generai. Decatur has unbroken state road con- nections vîthisCcago by vay ef the Dine Higbway aud Route 10. lie- duced tares bave been secured on thse railteeda." NOTED MAAL MAN ILL AT HIOSPITAL Bir&a of' ?.aUir (iRAYSLÀKE~ ROM) WILSON SCIIOOL DELAY ROUSES IRE DITRICT NE3WS OF ANTIOCJIMEN Those a:Wlzn cool i n et Febiuas-> are: Balle lstatiCiha. Delegation Urges County Desin, WIluam Flood, Dorotby Kelly Board te Compel Grayslake anti Alan 8Mti. te Sign Right of Way. Sevenai have been absent because efthlie giippe aeut'"Pink 0eé~ Oui entsfor tloi t. ASSURE EARLY . ACTION w eets as.: Alt«sea hFboot sntAllaiS -mih.Leslle ie k ndSel -Gaylate sud Frcmont's teabilit>' Ptasenski vais anti vipe tise disis te get aguareti away en rigisI et vay sund John Pilasenalti eveepa tise fluor. for roule No.-21, sate bond issue WS ihave tlnisieti moat et eus- ox- bigluva> todiy &gain vas brougist up aminaliena. Sefore tise ceuni>' boardi bi satelega- Tise comiule st&et fReaduig Cincle tIen froin Antîcci.h, esded b>' Frank books. Our Trees sud 110w te Know ing, mayor cf tisaitevuw, and Frankt Tieni sud six second grade hooks Hamlie. presidant oethtie Vllage of bavas beau atidedt le ut lin,'. Laite Villa, iti a demnut ta I MSa Einma Flood las vlsiing Ser- SOMETHING BE DONE AT ONCEtle aiter. Mmn. Howard ot Waullegau get tise ImPros-ament atasted 4s*s atet. day. te "rimng te go" Sut vlli de uohitg Mary KellY la bacit et aciscol atter anti the ptoperty ovuors of Gs-ys- Seing sick itvh tise grippe. laite anti Freinent igu up the neces- Ms. and Mss. J. Gonie sand daugil- set>' rIgisu ef va,. - ltes- ofAntlecilspoul lb.hesee-endl st It vas expiled fiaI ive sections tise Gouya bonus lu Wilson. as-e holting up tie aiate'a Prelect bo- hiNir. J. B. Kelly attendedthelb.An. iveen Chicago sud ths Wisconsin derson fuerai lualbes-ïvllu-rues- sate Une sud deprlvlng tiseusautia Of day. Persona oethtie use ef tise resucf, tise A carleaitofet isgaas alippetitrain roati Secausaetf aggliug at Gras- tise Woedin famin lasI Monda>'. laite, and because o! lb. apparent lu- Ms. andi lma. S. tepisena apeut ailit>' cf lhe Fremonth prit Tuostiiy evezisng ai thie Perli>'bhons.. owuots to gsi enougis signatures. Mis aroPaentielneie Atiocil anti Laitk Il ie Nfaitss aving bsnsieau 111etos vaut soinetiingdoueaian, at ours t erhvn eà11e h tise fous-lius irca.î bc--- hoins 'erparents turIng tihe last ef dolrs t10 hem enuuauuy. - M Ybm'. '> Supervîsos- Brown et Rotufidtiaite Mr. A. (lýno beUgl a horseatn assredtheboad tatAveu tovnsip Graylaite lait Salas-day. bausuroetitise ord htsf ai n ai Oue et tise truckts et scoal car inside ef e vee thtie dlficulty i viiibi.brote uer Wilson Station àMonday elimnsnaletl. uornlssg vhlcil caused tritflc ta be Because efthlie tjeaches-' meeting vo vili have ne sebeol Tisursdsy sud FYida>'. SCIIOOL NEWS There Ila e h.a tesciesena'meeting Tburstiay sud Ftldny se tises-evil ho ne* secoh., Rey 8tgebo bai retumueti frein Can- ada vises-e 55speul neali fous- veoits vacation. Thie Biait fsmily vîbIseon mos-S ave>' frein tiseA. B. Dîcit estate. We vili ise sos-sy te lose Mary Blanit frein eus-second gratie. lis. Criciton vise bas issu icit la tecos-erIPg. Mr. Andierson isas been ves-s>'sci viii a colti. Mrt. Llnaeeo lule girl di itt il diptilre 1maiSaturda>'. Mss. Win Stels sud lIns. Jeanette Lts visiteti scisel a sat Tburuday afles-noon REFUSES TO PAY ÀLIMO'uýNY; JAILED Indianapollu Maes7 -Police b.- gan a probe Ioda>' te determinie vii th. Soofhet isInfant daugiter e1 Mn. anti Mmi. Nelson Grimes, naid te have beau laylng ou thes coling table ai tia Cit>' hoapital ines Feismuar>' 12, bas net-iseen has-ried. Grimses pîsadeti detituls Ocir- stances. Cunti autinritlez ait 'Gis a bata guet Job' suddvas -able tebus-y lis. oblt sud tise> reluisit tepuy the expenbes. COSI of KEEPIi«i COUNTY POOR ON TIF NCREASE The ceai et k-esplng lie oouty'a peor le gradusîl>' seing styvard, tise audit ef lis poor coinsitee efthie bsoardi ef supervisora sioved tetiai. Dus-lng the at thrée mentis tise ceai lu tishe ntisoe-sowevships vas as folleva. Cilty etfMon...........1,494.63 Boton Tovniip .. . 93.00 Waukegau Township . $,489.80 Shie>ds Townshsip ......... 1,519.19 Deenielti Townsbip ........ 1,178.38 TOTAL............ $ 12,775.80 Tise ceai ef koeping the. ceunI> poor ilas casedthtie commisoe te cousitier recommandation ef decreas- lug the beisefits te a numbes- of familles bat Ih la bud lise hie Inctease la net due te largo amoanta gis-en te ludîviduat familles se mach as tise gradualincrose lu tise nain- ber et peer. Il vas bud tisaItise poscetage et peer ln norti shobe lowns la due le cougesied living conditions lu taclos->'disuricta. INSPECTOR KIU.ED Dv TRAIN Elsla, 0.' -Masci 7-Blinded Sy e enow srn, John Kinney, 46, NoewTes-k Central cas- inspecer, va histanly tîllel Ioiay vison is sieppet lu front qt tise Tfullit SIFT TALKS YS. HOME FOR MENTALLY AFFECTE» SOLDIERS Lake County's Seriator One of Few Who Oppose Move to Care for Unfortunates. INSISTS "WAR 15 OVER"I S euser Ret ivft o! Laite Couuty vent ou record in the Illinois Sen- ate ou Tuesdis, as oppoeed te tise proposeti eiabltatlon hespîlal for Wesi- War veterans. OpDoslug tise proposition ef esiabiiig a bespi- tal viere minuho vie Ottetetheir lives fteiisceunIr>' cm hbo prol- erly Ieateti. tise senatos- freinLaite Fereat lusistedt titisevas- la oves- sud thatlthe e n't Se asu esesiug numbes-or etmn viserequis-e fie ses-- vice aucis as lie preposeti bill pro- vides for, .Agaiu1 SvIft vas lu. the mines-t,' fer thebeill pisedthetise asate andi sems sure of heceminn a mvW. S'wifts position vas relier lucon- gruona lun-iev cf tise proota subsui- tout S, supporters efthle measure te lise affect tisai tisairecordsauisoW tsattiers la au lucreaslug number e! tsas pahheiic easea vbos-eln boys *ile R«è i vess5. u 5u4s- tiadx deseloplog mental conditions due te thels- experlence aiiroed. Senaters vers amazed t ISviits opposition tote 5iseasure vilicisla Intended te ps-avide s home for tise reisiilitation et asentaliubalauceti soldiers ofthtie Wolt War. Tisere are 532 eft hase inu, meat- 1>' abollI eoitcasas nov n teate In- stitutions for tihe insane. accordîng te Senatos- Mile (lIsp., Cas), vise casried tise billuthougi forlis. Ain- ericau Leglon S,' s vote of 41 te 0. An apprapriation ef $100,000 vii Sbe sougit as a scondi susure le pus-- chas, a alto for the bome. Conts-astedti t Senalur Swift'$ position veme tise remais matisb>' othes- senators wvisese ointerecog- uize tise services renderati b>'tiie boys vise vent evesas. Duriug tise doSaIs Il vas dîseceet that tise state bisDsplale for tise in- sane are filledti l ovottboving. "~We 551h a special cottage for tlsese soltilers ai Elgîn." sali Senat- os- Keainger (Rap.. RaKe). "Nov the suais nastis tua aspace for tise. ho are sleeping ou tise floors In crovded speeti>. lusanihi la a lgproduce liai la Iucreaslng. Tise number et cases oomlng trauinChicago la alarmlng." TINY "SUPERVISOR"l AT BOARD MUEET Tsars wîs a an ry ery mall ILtINOISILEADS IN ýSOIL RESEARCI Trsasa, ID., Marci 8-Bhinois te toit yeas &ho" 01 *D sy otises $iata in soil refearcis, Incuding thse greal soit sus-ici vos-k vIcit buinovr coves-Od more tian four Ifthe of the. %teaaccordteg te W. U Bus-- linon, boand of thse dapartmont of agronomy. in thse University et 1111- note. "Bo fat vo have fouud 123 du.f rent itinda ef sell Iu the stîte," Dr. Buflison saad. "Eighty-tour per cent of tiese cae bus bçen mapped sud tbe different types of &oil snd tortilty iudlcated .,, The soUl sur-. vey publisestiose couuty sol i ape togetior vitis information ceuceru- Ing thse land, as ceon as possible atos sach ceunty survey bas been pleted. Iu speaiing of thse vor of!the ags-enomy and sou tfertility depert- monti, ho sald ibat tise "ultimate goal te te conserveIlilinlois raeur- ca by Proper crop rotation and fertlllzaton." H. drev tise lesson ot conserva- tiou frons India, a country visi naturel reseus-ces vee ti one time as ahuzidant as those of lthe United States, but visicil, through Ignorance has been laid vaste. L-AIXE tC0. FAÀRM BUREAU NOTES ON M TOPICS Demnand for Hostein Cattie Is on the Increase; Want Heathy Herds. GIVE HINTS ON PRUPflNG Tise demand for HOlatelul Caille tubercullu -tecteti, te coninueflil-n creassng. Tise ite et lova Pus-- cisaedover s- 50,000 verts of catile lu Wiscosian durtur lise pat yens- sud ever $558,000 vorth las tie alate of Minnesota dusiug lb.eime Pet- led. About 89 or 90 pet cent et tisa pu-cisased vers grade catile and tise romaluder pureisre& Jeffersou banu- ty, Wisconsiu. breeders Seeid moyen carloadi turWineevekit Why do Iova. Dakota. Texas andi Mexicos huyersa s veilias bayera freon otiser etaies g0 tQ Wisconsin and Minnesota for thert caille? The suives- la give lun tise Octeber BoIsue et Boas-d'a Dairysun, ou page 310. Thse repos-rt fKietan, ef tise United Siates Depirttient et Agriculture and Ciairman Of tise Inter-national Commuttes ou Tuber- cubasis. indievery clesr.ythe sras- son vhy bayera go te Wisconsin lu preference to nOrtiseru Illinois, The map visicis Dr. Klernasuhals prepas-ed sud wvicis13pubiliae I lu tise issue aboie meniloned la von conclusive evitisuce liaI lIcHenry Ceuni>' must gel huai sud dean up lhe lubetculeate frons tise bssb. McHenry ceuI>'fermessasd huai- nos men mliii consides- lie tacts sud gel bebinid a movemeut te clesu ni, lb.eierds of tise ceun>' and plices the dais-y business eft Iis couni>' ou a pis- vlhh Wisconsin Mid Klnuoea or eny others-ate.- Octoher, 1922. OPERATION 0f GOAL -MINES IN z Le t 11A>Ii.UUUî 'i A11; rnLMaJWB West Frankfert, Ili., Mer. 7-Op- eration O! CeaI i lnes ibrougieul soutiseru Illinois vas tirealsueti vils possible entorosti cessation Iodai toi- lovlng a stike isi etcricai vorerss empioYed b>'tise Central Illilnois Pub- lic Soterce mpani. Linomen, con- struction mess sud maintenance men left tiseir posta et mîduigisI isat nigisi vison thoir demand tes- Increaset vagels vote rotusaiti b tus uttittY cor- poration heada. Buds ofetmine voks-t- iugil- eut ibis section villbI otb'rofln eut of vos- t I aasestag ofo!pover s-a- Suite trointe lb.viont. Many otbes- Industries aise viii ho affecteilu event et interruption e! service. ELA COUPLE ARE UCENSED TO WED L. Alan Weiskepf sud M1s6 Myr- tle Umbdsn *stock, Sots et Ela ten- sip, bave oitaiued a marriage Il- ceuse bore. Mr. WelaitoPf l ts on of Mr. anti Mrs. E. j. Wel8kopt, aud Misa UmbdestociIola a taugitet et Ms. sudMs-. Eti Umbdestecit, iotis familles Seing realdonts of tise Dia- moud Lake-Glîmor neigihboit, anti are prospereuis fermera. #JAN T1IROWN OUT oF CIIURCJi; SUEDI LAKE Co*,BOOSTERS TRIE» IJMI)FOR STATE FARMRS Looal Men Prad, with State Farmers' Officiais But Dixon Wins Out. FIVE -FAVORED WAUKEGAN Springlield, Match $th-A commit tee et Lakte County mn u odai Bp' peated halos-e officesafet1he lliilois Farinera Institute sud urge t tsOi te pick WauCegan as the place for holding thse BiaIs Farmera' Instituts iu 1924. John I. Barrett Lakte CouatY, presided ai tise meeting sud tho Laite Counly men vent belorete o0 officiais primedti te ise s-invti arguments for Waukegau as tise on. place luth usatotisaI ebouiti ho consldeted- for lise 1924 mtei meetinq. Waukegsu lest outInluthe Iligis te land tho state meeting but Il vas "lu tie ruuning" and secured five ofthtie 21 voles lu tise final vote. Dixon vinning hi geting 13. iWaukegaa 5 and Itecittrd 3. Tise five vise supporîed Waukegan. voisd for il ou ail four ballots. Tise flrst ballot shoeet Wauitegan 6, Dix- ou 7, Rocittord 4, Lncoin 4. Utles- chies cotending vers Princeton. De- calur, Qulucy. This Isu minute pregrain vas et. tinged lu advanclng Lakes Caatys Invitation te lise state fermera: Invitation Item the Wankegan Chlam- ber ef Commmotce-Ih. S. Caldwell Publictîy-Wllliam J. Smith Agnculure-From the Ceunli Ageuts Yisv Point-J. J. Dostscisuk, Laite Counly Fatm Adylset. Agriculture-F-onus Fermera Viewv Polul-Senates- Svift Waukeggh'a Accomodatons-Repre- sontative Wm. e.Welon <Aithhugb tise heur ef bearlng vas txeti vis nail coulti ho preseut, jBeneter Svift dîi net arrIe lu timeo te butbhis aid te tisae tier Laite Counly men. Re reacissit Jie roonu about ton minutes tee lite te 'have a baud in It And tise other mess present vondered Iif b. did se lu. tentlonally, lust se lie Wdldn't be csedled vifsh aving doue anyting for Laite County.> COUNTY JHOSPITAL IIAD ITS BUSIUST ÎTIRE MONTIJS Quarterly Report Shows Pa« tients Avera ed 46 Daily; Recelpts_$e,763-44. BIRTHS .18; DEATHS 20 Orbe quarter, lnciuding Dec., Jan. sud Feb.. vas au unusuaily husy oe for tise Laie Ceunty isooptal,thei. o port o e u ospitil commutte, e tiste conty' boardt Monda>' ettetooen sovs. During tise quitter tise reelpta veto $4,768.44. Tise amount Wud te the boapital dus-lui February vas $180410. tiI, belng consldetaily iigier lisait lu December (;1366.09) andi Jeu. ($1593.26). *Tii. diii>' average of patienta via% as foUlova. Dec. 42.7; Jeu. 45.3; Feb. 51.4. Tiers vers elgiteesu urts at lise bespitai sud tventy deatie. Majes- eperatllna 36, tner operations 58. Tils report aboeei a balance eof$$l' 788.40 ou baud. fM JEffRES TO ACT FOREPCTURES Los Angeles, Calif., Match 7-. James J. Jeffries, former verîd's box- lng champion, vise à veeli aie. fled a Yoluutaty petitieus in banit. rupto>', laseing te appeat on tise acteen as an acter. He nade tise admission teday ai bis ranch noir Burbeuit. a auburi ef Les Anegela. .ust viat type et picturea be vll une as vebicles or under viose Sau- ner ho vas te 'stai" coulti net ho leas-ned. 'veq trieti a lot et venturas." ho sald, "sud I migisi as vell trY pic- lures. ts a clnch I cen't b. any vors tissu soinsetoftise actrS bVve su. MORE TitAN iPUR Madison, Wls.. Matis 7-Tise Wis- cousin aaembly veted 51 te 34 tuis atierneon te asaliCongresaste deaug- uit. as inloxlcsting liguer aucis bey- erages as centain more tissu .8 per cent et ilceisol. Sucis alcobolle cou- lent bas beau prevet hi sclentIlle erx- periments te unlntoxIcating. salityF J. Petes-son, Milwaukee, auuisor OC tise Sill. COURTIIOUSE BONDS' I.sUperisoen as sous>'. sesson. rHe vas 'Jackt" Stratton, fous- >eama olti, Iowa City', la., Mercis 7.-fleCaUse NM U E MU y I.. son et Superviser and lIns. Hem>' lie vas tison o ut ef a cisurch wisenc Strailon, ef Laite Villa. Wisen CeunI>' lie vas net a vorsbipper, Sut vies-e Clerk tLoy A. Houdes calledth ie le bai sougili reuge tram tise relu, Bouda for te $300.000 addIU tIol r oll sud came te tise nalue .Straýt- Etivard Itunler la aulng Fred Zlm- tise coutieuse vl bliauedtbt *ton", 11111. Jackt pipeit Up a prompt mermant for $1.000 damsages lu dis- tlsey villmaethe On t O! 341Y * Hors".. He 'Was'i luerested llu i-lt cous-i bers. IHo asserîs tisaithe o"'eci es, sccs-lngS to e vee4 a the proceedunga ho an>' gresi exieut 1tiefentiani soved ne regard fur bis jcals-st tday by 1Lo A. 4n an s penitishe morniug IîtaYiig vlhs safety or tise satety of lis vite sud Iceuti Yclos-t. frOonWod & a te>' engins -hildrenwvi e ves vl li i. thubonodtexperts. 1Z .LAU -C(-