Ref uses te 89Sfle Squad Do It AlTywy. HE HAS HIS KICKC BULLETIN Tihe board of supurviaors vow lu1 te 4 t@ shlow the bille «lE Uu.'riy OWI e nd th* bill for tbolé BOh ,.,i.*Uel The. aM@fsiet$PMU -40 léïn., Md fine. gave t csé Joie tii$ttat,* Atevn.ys ee u-ts superviser 'Phomas MiiiiY, Of Bilia, came ln, with hia ai.IL latin tliiafternoon Kt tIse Meting Of the board ct superviserasuad re- ftusd ta slgn the.bbll submltted by Constable Conrad A. Brune, Of the dry agents, for expenses. The other tva membents af the lteess aarY eommittee signeti even after hie long erg- the.t -~"'ngfs ex conduciteti raids ville facing a mur- der charge, vas paiti $5 a day while ln lait, and that the cot eft the raiding vas ton expensive. Blsckvctl's expenses vere Iltset at $365, Brune's at $799, but cut te $759 before sîgneti, and Speclal Prasecutor'Carat Heydecker's bilt $287 but eut to $200 before sîgneti. Murphy hat i he kick against ithe automobile purchameti by thie sponge aquati aise, but decidedt tat as tong as it hati been paid for out of lhe fines iirought in by ttsem that thc bilt shoud b. altos ed. Brtish rubber men trylisg ta con- traithtei market shouiti b. bouisceti. Seeking ta excel ail ther boxera. jean williar. llii tart training ai Excelsior tSprings.,1,1e. Our Senators alave tared helping the. Young peopte. Senator Caravay bit one viti au umbreits. Mr. Twlne oa! PhladelphJa vas chargeti vith bing druik andi preli- sbly feeta ait uistruing over ItL When an actor Joinedtheii churci ln Montana every New York paper vrote it up an the fint page. Ataska radio tabeard a vouai ulnging lu Cuba vhere people have something taelng about, Msstng Texas man wireti fnlends he vas ta jallin 0Los Angeltes, shov- ing tisere vas no use lu worrYlug. A lttte star lu the group catted' Ceins la hurutag up.. AnywaY. Its Inhalltanis are warmn. * s . Itatian, wba calme the vords. iu-uclng champlanshlp may have Itarueti te fence eatlug sptagluetti. Authorgasys ail von u ant ls contpntment WLat etge la titere tO vaut? New Yarker a are 'no honest that 'when a movie ueaer viti 10Q. lu- aide caugiit fire, 300 gaI their rnoneY tjack. In Clarinda. la., $2400 vas iound an Taylor Eraut, Rs treet SeeePcr vho Lad been cleanungnit. Snooveare s0 ieavy in snime part ot Mains lise trains are using cal- eodara for turne tables. West Vîrginia min seutencedtiet serve ~aa--encentally hsssuJOb before int. 'University of Calîforula students are groviDg vhiskers te keep the, girls avay. Who raya higiser cduca- tien doesnt pay 1 4, * MAulas eahsaulti be lmformed tisai the average persan bas 24 nîbe, noue of vhlch are epare rie. 0 #. Hunt lie ýrghter thinge. Tatkiug monles are a failure se far. Attention Farmers Iliighest Market Priee Paid in Cash for Eggs. North Shore - ; Xstributing Co. Whoiesae. Butter and Ega Phone e2 Waukegan 10? South Shenidan Etiat Sear Water Street WAîeEA w*zf S ASAIflCOMM w.u mV ford t o Roue -tant, relison, te, Cent tainnWs~ovdns iin 4iOn in To meet the uituatlen the pr.pos- Pd bill voui4 place the. operation of trucku under the. divectionau SUP- aJ1IZI~Jerewson o e icItIluoscommerce conniseoc, Jxzt hov intenutate business viiibe affecteti bau fot A pre110000 tisata bill b. intro. heen detlded. d"efM 1» -têute legilatture this A meeting <« tlmehous matiand we S% wiwiivoMl provide that aul bnidkies eoitte todar lireparad ta truçk*e 6- OIgu dated operating for Caiider the truck bill of Repregent. .±rpoks ai forelgn stâtes opcratlng fer ative Plaug of Moro, «ladluon county. »,dtthrongh or ttathe state ho ln vhlcb he Ulta thse 1654 an truiks; a giren armut Der Icad, la ta eiluIttous, mantoud ef Ielve tois 't.Vith «xpressions of accord and tacrelie. the e iCe5féte ta $160, &MonM« embfru of the. S3rd sera- a yeAr Instead t 16 $0. blY ai A XIeaSOM f Maklng outolde________ ybUIness a11 trulck apcrstlng or tma. 1. 'ae" Du for a part ai the Illinois Colana--Muits arker, ,88 snd le 10«> R&S hteM. where they arm son, GOrge 4, ver. itictiInstant- ik»"w as constatent usons of thse iy vhMenthe machine@lunvbtch thoy -oa&. verWildns vas stnuck by a Rock TIXlu viii meet a situati on pertieu- land pahltnger tral]n.-The.bodis lanlY lu southerniisais nd la vere unleS lu front of a train nOrMiern sections of the sate it la travelling. opposite the one whieb fPOinteti out. Trncks apcrating ont struck the automobile. aOf et Luis travel tata tue snta" f .54 the IMssoiMnIbusiness men gain cbktord.0fteth5e hodg Praflt tram Illito vs aud bui. a clnî here un Dar aevisnga nes alng ii rier 0 cmptîtion Dr. C. H. Downing of Boston, Mdass., aviii Minois merchants vho axe tel'- Doctors tram snany surrounding r e ta psy for Part af the. roadh sYS,- towns are attending. Boue settlng, Vtem, but viiose business la stifled by sPeclal etinies andi lectures are be- gthe caMPetItIon of foreign mercluants. lng heid. INY1I~) lien Imm thle top o fat-tue vagoni. l every tain or "'0 pra 55 *A5 ss<s.~A..branches nsay beha""eie back ai ~vÂIa ~"""'Pointe viiere the. diametens are ual grester tisai one sud one-hait luches. MMarch an. Apnil are <cati months Rarely branches lilghtty-langer tisan ta prune orchards. Il, le casier t a ~s 11 M&Ylue headtetiSuckera arit- the branches amS ta gel acces. ta lng fram the hase of thse treos and tiem viien trees are dornnant tian vaten apraute frani langer branches viientbey are covered vîia faîuage, aionld alun be rernovet. andin eneal ULS l mso s go Pruning bearing peach ttsi h a im s a 'r<xa thie tantipoînt of home oschard -Generatty beariau lie trees themacives. Peaclu trees lu home orcianuls are Pruning old appl. tetes ,In the mare or lees scraggy anti unsymsi home orohard-The graver shaisld metrlcat lu form andi it la impossible tiret remove the dead branches and tO gratly Isiprave their uhape. ally vhlch are sertouiy tilsessed. Pruninç shouiti constat ta the remoy- shouldti len tudy evesry Ires Care. <e 0f hfokeî branchesanad dead voot, fnlty andi decide viietiser ajny JO. ad ta tinni ofthe. uevshoote and portant framevorIt branché@ should Maai branches aver lie outulde of ho resove.d. If tue trees have beaustue tree. It ls s <004 plan aiso te Issglected farntome lime tuent t«t hO ieai back ithe mare atrsggling 110o0 ue b am M, ez te bran uche te Strang ulde-branhes Iaee.ike abrahe he usetise eut- bath lu the. tops and tie iaides of 11tie of tue Irce uheulti be seYenel lie ires 10 encourage as compact a thIMI&ai in eited, tr hs t habit etfgravlng as Possible, lu coni- thunnlng usay renie .oie-hait or merd a ecborchardu it la Possible pvnmore afi hlmklnd cf vood, the to mslnt*ln a ralier carefutly pre- tyeaker twills, cf course, being chas- COnceIveti Plan cf headtag back aud 913 lcr removal. 'bIs kinti of prun 1-109. Th,'re graver sbauid learo lag luaboricus anti trylng ta lihe to deeet the' vood vhich cas-ries patience cf lie pruner, but it le con. moat cffthe fruit buts, sud la thin- rect ln principie anti satlofactary In ning tie branches be carefultet pre- resuita. It muet be perforiped by serve tihe shootevici cari-y the vonking irom the outaide of the tree nisI anti not from the Insidle. Mastorcfit Other orchard fruits-After pears may lue donc viii prunlug shears, came fnobebarnug It la best ta re- ALxIfrGo Evcrything Marked in Plain Figures-One Price to Al Authentic New Spring Apparel At Remarkably Low- Prices Charming New Frocks For Busines, Afternoon, Dinner, Street and Sport Wear., Nomn The and and Newest Mises'up Spring Size-1-s1Colors1 S The newest Spring Frocks are shown bke in ail the wanted materials such as Taffeta Silks, Novelty- Crepes, Fave Paisleys, Fiat Crepes a nd Canton Crepes. The styles are so -t-aried mnd ex- tensive that choosig a dress for âty type of figure is a pleasure. The Newest Styles In Wom en'à and Misses' Two and Three-Piece -Suits lu i kU~a.1J~J Fashion decrees that Suits uvill be an important factor in ay wonan 's wardrobe this scason. We have assembledl a wonder-j fui collectioon of -the newest styles in two and threc-piece models -Tailorcd, Dressy and Sport Models, fashioned of Tweeds, Twills, Tricotines and Serges. A WONDERFUL ASSEMBLAGE 0F Spring Coats, Capes - ~ and Wraps 1250 ==to 5 0.001 The Wrap, the Cape, the Coat sill be equally popular for Spring wear-and so this spçeially gahered group is certain to please the best dressed woman. The fiue of the Capes vie -tith those of the Coat and Wrap for your fa-vor and ail are ap- parently straight lines. Special Showin g of Dress Capes and Coats at $25 -$5 $50 ~l tbrongh a*DytiVeWood auaclehplr>. iia OhYi ifite oe-, tola lutkty ta éiread in. bligiit tea net ïuintabug s a t e iti u Otiiex buncbes ln the trcs, Cherries la case ai native vsaritiée. iixg Witd Bautt ho tiruneti chielly vith a view Omoe, te prevent tanuIing ot th., te thlnnlng th* treest and encouriag- branches. and the developmeijî ot lut more vigorou branches. After dense tops whlch stut out sunlligiht cherries corne lote beaning, pafticu- and make the. trees dIfficuitte srray larly the Bour varleties, vhlch are the. and larvest.-B. S. Plekett, Chletlal ontY satiafactory on.. lu Illinois, the Pomelogy. U. ot 0. 1 anaie growths . are comparativeir "*Counset citer action la like raie short andi very tangleti. Prunisng aftcr liasveut.'-Danah. H & P Accessory Co.. Tires - Tubes- Accessories, Battery -- Recharging BATTERMESTESTEDF71M à- CAinno.t.p.TAie of IWIz Producta f, P~,stafa d io WRDO TTRYSRVCESAIO Co.Sth ve WSatisfPtion 6 VJu1c , auiJocs Avatonaid arnRair L LBR $20- LRVIEUSBERO %x4IN. OUTBSERIANEDA Cor. u th, XIXeD P U ouain AL h1iLe 168 LENOTE - BOA" MPET Shcatiig Board- 1:6 ln., 8 ln. PIooing- lX4 yellaw pluse. Dimension Lumber- 2x4's. 2x6,8, 2xso, 2x10's. Roofig Paler- Heavy rubiior, 3 ply, lu rails, p)rie. per square of 108 Bq. iL......... $1.25 Worth nev $2.50 Widovs--Sa- 1 3 lghts esci, gtazed sash 46 lu. x 26 ln., excellent fur barns, garages, etc., Prleed nernsrkabiy mv o1A tsci St.........$10 Windiows ma prmes lin. iy 16 lu. A SPlendid vlndov for yonr bungalow or cottage. Pie 2 il. Ioil, by 6 f l. n.F'ruse equlp- peti wîti puileys sud fita 2x4 atuddingl. Complet. v,n- 40w sudtrmer specially fprîed vety .50v Dresacti-sand Matbed- Shiplap Sldig- 1:8 lu. Ycllnw Pin. .Drop Siding- ' 6 ln. No. 1iclear. Wal Board- ' new, Vr 1ail .$ 1.75 Worth flew $4.00. IDoon-Oinze-.1 32 ln :60-lu x 1% 2 crosa panels, 9 ligistesave, masti ly wiii hardware. An ex- ceptionai value.' eacl et. Fine cross panels. 2 fi. S lu. by 6 il. 8 lu., anti 3 7 fi.,like new, more or leîe isartivare, S.O each........ ...$ 60 Prame anti casing for 1% dionsâ..... ...... NOTE:, The qualiiy' or lumber And millivork uesed ln thecon- struciion.of tiseCamPeBvas geîeraliy of tie very besi grade. Thse buildings are dismiantieti viti the greateat car., ail naîts are dravu, sud the. goaod condition ar tise lunsier is preserveti ln avery Way possible.1 Plumibing and Heating Material KEWÂNEM CD RS 5porent icvw-4425 sadup. Variety f iz aunispection inviteti. Wash Bei- Wash havis, wviii.porcelain enamueled roil rim; aise 17 lu. x 19 ln., fitt.d viiitvat nickel plateti compression faucets. completse each et ......... 6 Closets andi Plus-Valve-- Wisuie ireous, siphon act- ion closet bovis and imain flush valve. A.$ 25 bargain at .......i Water Tanks andi Heatens 250-galIon, 30 lu. by 7 fi. hieavy steel Plate., if vile tisey lest . . . Clouet Outil- Including vwhite china law dovu tank, fitteti viti latesl improveti irasInterlor tnim-. minge, sud wvile vîtreous ai. pion action closeti havi Speclalty prîeti at.......... $1 4"micaî"Wall Iadiatr- Tappeti for eteaus sud hot vater, lu variety et eptlons sud unîts, A vende?. . f ut value. per eq f t., 2 zIMorios Qiiaitity of Pipes, valvs, aid Fittiagali a. tge <iw THOUJSANDS o! items to help ye u iBu= D . INPEVX G aUr Pr-tcs-SAIE from 40 Per eut te f0 par cent an iaterWu- aid ii many cases mà mm. Etbatcs cheerfqity tumàlb&d B7 ail means COKLE TO THE CAM. Take elocirle â»lins b« to 2aI& St., Norths Chicago. Office acrosa tracka te the eut @M Shieridan Rond. OPEN SUNDATS FOR TOUR COMIVNNCE Cordon Wreckig GREAT LAIE, TLU£.~ 4~ v