Sb" maNotshow Alann. MRS, HIUCIL DISCUSSES 'ENI Uly MR&. WINNF#t£D M. HUCIC rm Illnois. Tbere's notblg vrongt t 1the fipper. Don't esurin rset over ber. in spirit she's 010 au the 1bille. In peruliicatlont 'me' but fhe tu'ea- tieth eentury mode of expraslo- *probably tlumee~da bit by eus Pres et manner of living-On the abortemi read te those coveted tulu eedea. siens held dearet ln tb. beat Of every vomRIL! These Ivo Jewels are,.Ii, 1the longing for attraction. sud. MScod the ever butUi* dgsire t108 e tâ e- ter of attraction. Ne Cause for Alarms As a mother mysel!. 1 cà flt share with alarmlata their Yle*e on thes passing thrngof !youg gfins vWho daily faunt ther PrettY bebbed heade and jangle the amnsiigly long ear pendants lu parade on or "Main Streets." morallîts ma> ,slgh andOheave beavy conjectures as te where the marching throng la go1313. They maY regard with grave apprebenslen the possible attermath of a nuti ag.' But te lme, the5 flapPer symbol- ires notbing ifIinla nt sheer bonesty. frankness, and IL glorlfylflg emancipa- tien f rom Vcterian fetters. '.11101 maSo for feminine pettiness and nar- rovesao! vision. 1 love the flapper. She beralde 1the dawu o! a vomnanbood whlcb viii oc- rept equal responsibllttes. The 'flapper and ber DurpeSes arel good. 81e vil! grow up and enter i-, teotnotherhood the better fer ber si- perences. Wbat if ber skrts are a trifle short, ber manner innocently flip- pant? Flappera Henest. Such exterlors label the flallpers net ae a nov creature by any mens but rather as a self per!octed model of somethlas vs have bad in oui midst for a long lime. The flaPppr Includes tee manY ot us te lu bad. And wbatever ber atm, ber purpose, ber desine. 1 kitov lIts based on gool- ness. candor and trutb. No structure buft on .uch a fon: dation un topple. Nor can l le no corrupt as a gond mauy moraliste are chargineg Flapperîsin lu fis essencemne f reedom. Freedoin as opposeI te Il censoeam lu austaLged, onir vbeî glded by educallea, Intelligence and -onfidenee. Therelu lies the Parents obligation- CRAZEDVIET MKs' TERItR FOR PATIENT. 'Chicago, Marris 7-Tbe bedY « CharlsaCraige 53, a sasnan vh joes, àlght terrorizeS United Statsi Marini hesplal ptients by attakii ene wltb a hatchet, vga founI oda lu Lake )Mclgsn, 1the tbroat cul beside itI ay a raser sud a hatchel Cratg, aer att.ckipg Star Foot et Mlwaukee, a fellow Patient, tl flttng several gashos on Pooe t l thie hatchet, sereamed that 1e v ging lu leap. lot the laite ao vanlahed threugh a nearby wind< 1111e the Issiness. :D*us al* feW -P ,tlW l' 0f,~ipreig.mÎ~,e~eciu ThlomaA. penn, -21, ~ 0fralLojn ~opi'e>%~Wls. oguese 1A ba ý*toluit the *1.Opnion ' Ta" Ge*410f . , a" , Wt li rbé » esoe'4 UuId." te lava réddle 0 .Z. tUits, #31 , .60.4 ttffl,,TUA* ter8U0t ' Io ul~ ia e eit 0,Ie"i w tii.Ut* -Ik ~~ uiU J as 'te stirntes 0 et ]a ean. 8.M,0,iO ' - wIS. t I ama saidt t .af. t' Ie r.a=4114 %Ie,?i<3ordan5. 24. bit., lt cip Auvauta là JB. WW b Dale 8ley,4litRltford, - "«% etRI lveralde Park ue th lake, nowv "alua thir'isaul et AniesaI 'Wolvistoat. 4, Damie. $2.00 £11tu re and oue UMtract Nortuaa E. Tope!. 22 3enohe, several mlesu p strvain, pur'kebad Wl' a~~~~~~~~~ Atmot' g i800,t 10 .3 _A. flatéolf 3.mrn ae t .O5are -Waite< '115, 2U, ssnie. Wla v.lualoow41 luPISmi 11 Wm. p. yrimber, 0,W. Allas, Wlsl fbislan -s'4for taxing purls aa Is s ym L lttr lt «e .4uestim Am« 'Qi00u t Sq5s. 'The AItrgd-P. tkllteà. 2M. ret Label.i tity Iu* spntthoeuda '0fdolars panesIL Bray 37. Wankegau. In building»t ufle0n iet ______ qutte wates'e p~fer ,ytsrs te come, aud tai= s-bmaeie»m d mivtu the opbtin Opu5m e0 t d bec.i4& IIII4 derlng th 'le itouId asut t1 ar.5L5M85< lus for tl m*rovnieut- b? a.reelngE PÀ ur t te a hlgher aisaubt on their prop- Gives Jy te slcsterm. During the wnter montls the lake El Pase. Tex$^' March 7-imse becape* rendeavous for tee skatr, am -1n0 daMage ee teday seaZuXý snd gbh«e imýsui .d swlmmers are frotu a llght easthquske lait 111*11' 110w lqeoklig forward te the arma 10 OclOck wlch rOoked El *K dan te fpiy their sports. suMelienlly te awaken Bleépers,. TiS Whethér swbmmng la te 1e aUlow- graphie reports recelved tods! lu- dicata that the trlinoacoered IL ed lu -the like la a question. Ths e frrtory of appoximateIl' 400 =1108 state departulent of gane and f .fh 111te center of th* dlsturbalea bau agreed te mas the laits a Zab1 appartiY a short distance West et, preserre and msy object te 5wim City. mlug on tbe gromnd that pollution of the water mght resaIt. ocford-The 1923 Ilshbn s BCS0 la belleved to bave cimed tliSt5 SterlIng-Doi'otly Page. 6, daugh. 1dmin bers. Vicer Levrla allari er W MU. jMs et-- 5 lle Ofuhe! lb. trs - 0 g In:1W1 ot, MorrlsonIo ledead hers frort lu- vartn weather, disappeaedffi¶>m.â "ersa received vhen min dowli Ir home secently, lits famlly feitsA le an automobile. vas drowued. Oh! eMyl1 Such Patffl Rlght acroi the aMal of f the ba*kor over the kdzeys! iltai&es 'onight lun1the bockt! Bore- tiimes in ther. M .12 -rfoot. It's al - L. due te an over-abunda11eG ef that pio o c& aed ur lu seULd.T he Oine s areI nt 3abIle eget rdnI L.GnlP, £0o116, n aîd le Mînys beak daure u n conditions e cou - r11aSdily overcome, ani prelong lite 1w talng thie advice of Dec- ter Piaee whth ie "keep the idusylulia ood osIer." Aveld teo mlol méat, sica- bl or teà. Drink plonty et pure vater, prefrabîr lot vater, blotos.seans. md drivée cunié aad- eut eof te ystem by taking '*Anurie". <"i-tlrlcidi.T mu n e obtained at any drug store la tab* i4t tenD..Thi 10 Aàk for Dr. PIarce's An-unie <ildney aud b aciache remedy). Ba Polka everywvlenadoreaI i. LY Springfield, wu l-! a u eed ot a Midner medlci9e fer 1, had et' baciaches and rhenmatlsia jalu, aise sti!! points, asd Dr. Pierce'$ te Anurie (for itidnes and baciache) gave me great see almot lm- a- mediately. It la tbe but kiiuey remedy 1 hAve #ves kuevu and 1 ih, praise i htghly."-Mnm I.L Reberts, 1609 E. Edwards St. tO Seul 10e te Dr. Pierce'& Invallda otel la Buffalo, X, Y., for trial Ow package etfAnurie. Write Dr. Pierce for free medlcal sinice. BLUmBERG'S FOR FURNITURE . Value Givin ln Lake Cojty S ,inî~EXCLUSIVE BFÉDROOM SUITE WHICII 18 SONLY ONE 0F TUE MANY BEAUTWFUL SUITES WE ARE SIIOWING. WE IIAVE SUITES PRICED FROM $75.00 TO $350.00. Our Display of Overstuffed Furiture- is worthy of your cousideration at this iime since 'we have just reccived a new shipment and have them at rcduced prices. This weeka 3-piece Overstuffcd Suitôi in velour or $145 tapestry i on sale a t- ................. . ..........1..- ....... JBLUMBERG, mnc,. ON THE BRIDGE .I4vsieiirl T V.M 0 Ilf1 "k 104 liii. Doult min 00f wondedo~i dispIaV A in Rz.tê.Dsl SWAGGER'SPRING SIJIT À remai'iable sbovlng cet nev moles playtns dellghtW li tlidualiti nsu dIlferent 'that a&U the tinU t the new *ata slexpressedlnluth1e 'great 55117. There %ire Platu Taleorel Suit&. Blouse =«f*t Suita, Blousa Back Modela aud i3îrlobl3-pleceSuIfa,- e! TwillCorda. Poiret TwilIs, Piquatinses and Tricotlfles lu Tans, Navrt ansd Grays a- .. $25toý SKUM¶ 4*98 Stylist 'Isgiskidarti ini thetahoal new paids and checks Various pleat- ed styles are shown. Othi it p'ta$10 $75 CAPES OF aud fnr-ti'lIlTItlSl medls ilu co -trown tgry,, . ac, and nevy. AU sili 11usd. Capes are fasblco' favoites fee. Sprlftg and tse VeR Ver beant1p tare vndes. fully popular. Of icied LOVELY NEW CAPES Fashlonable vomOl iniltaul lu love viti the» luxllrtous inev cmes. They're m»rielad lia- tinctîve itra ne vondOf tbheyre mepopulas. Bll plain sud fur celar models, T1eyre developed ef splongid VeldritO Iaahena. Arabella, Velvarette, aud Nos- inandy aud art beautithll nel aud tallorel. Wrips lIai vin lave a Prout place lu your Sprlng vasrrb*. In, the leoutenticing of sprixn fashions. A wonderful dlis- play t i vely frocks'in lual the POPU14Z new silks. Tbere are dressei of gorgeous colors'1 and dresses, of mère conserva- tive shades. There are dresses of simple design a nd beautir Muiy embroidtired effecta. Ail arc frockýg that will becfà joy to women who apprteiate art in dress. '?lentyg>f extr~a sizes. $15 to$75 to PETTIcATS 4*95 Prettily -made Petti- coats li ail wanted new shades. They're of radium and Jersey siIk of exceptionalIy fine quality. THE GIRLS MUST DRESS UP FOR $PMUG 'AND REMF? SMARTS AWPAREL SPECAL LY PRICED Slk Dresses For 1the girls frein 1 toe 16years eld. T1ey're o! handseme CrePes, Taffetas, and -Penges, lun ]aY, Cisen sud Tan. Styles thal wiii deligl any girl Specially pricel ai- S9.9to 1975 Sew Coats Styllal Sprlng Coals sud Wraps for IL, tie girls front 2 ysars aid te,îte miss ef il. Excellent fabries and styles- 9.98t'o.$25 ElOulaitSdresses o vite georgef te or organdis for graduation or confirmatin wear. Thsrre pretlly madle lu splendtd styles; dresss your dangîte? vlil be proud te, wear, ai fron- $5to 18.50 Panty Dress I Oilîdren's Panty Dresses of good ginghai la varlous patterns and. color effects. A new styles. Splendid bagais al, fron- Id Id i p. ý -..UUI, 1 Ie Bout th= f ea »bbcrd baù 'IgM Ulahog., Ci i. Kom su" Mr. - Te baffl oapi be 4fflt otat "wmtum is. eogv Md athl mmm fie a wottogtt la tIi m ous' à< Mo p*mé pfcm* i Aim a"b~sI Qlut to tIe là *0* m eoy"t 'Vus made Moud 4eeewL.Prompt 1lnatlns O! thie Ad 'ilvered le The lus .evlope. Wlon the totlowin s A ýtotal utmber 0< emo1.1 Remuit o, Whic leh I@ds C. J. Harnehbers O.0onge Wauner- WM George Grof M.Tom Brouip lr. C. )(Cure~ Ms3üs W=. LoIns 7rsik 1enn.edy. Moilenna Newt -V. T. Iouilhai..... Bd MurpIy~-- Mss. H. B. Hevi, MiL .Hrb Bavai nr4. . L aer' W e, Qttlcis é , u-si4t - f mnemad de Ortler listae& x Chants J. iffl fera eclsred tht laU04 dix Sedlan. giren the beys a te the beautifl Msr. Wagner. Pille, vasprese eI tltI prise, t EsUrlftom. fourti .the campaiou un '20 pet cent ou ctnmned ln. tberel s Céutesat vier. T *h.utinoat ýamong the Csand Conlest vas oas & Mnost satisfaei Weeits aud Clap lation Service, 0l l hlCharge ofth11e proýved ta -ho a i"ll personaliy. , Suducting the preacl. Thein - md aboes boai eauce for amy lITe Indepèrnd z10w bas.5the lar, *apor hlite Cet , esd ot the Ust ost arS concel #a muellMM ès 51Ve AIL t1ie bu t~bsdone RO~tIV<