____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___THURSDAY._MARCH 8,_1923. AND. MS.SULS t#1~CIQLSORV WILDEN WI3DDIN(1 Eterta lo100ouests$ Deng Informai Recepton Ifid ln Atemoon V itâad e . SUas Nichl. PapI&r ~t, Wakegu.oscrved thair g809011 %wdngluIvcrsaryPridaY>871'B -»1S4 &n'informel rcetiu iri a 2r te 5 P.L MMretheh ý.egueats ere recelved duîu' té sdIs tthe day. The home 155u y t retl'demoated wth 060 Msd ~oesfrthe occasion. Mir. and lirs. NjchosaI amctilc Igmiuhrsof the G. . i. sMd iii. W. I. C. rsetie> sdPao- tical>' Ucthe ireme*2rabP et0 -&e«0 Ivo ortatilsat*Jm ye0.6prom- .ut. Tokeus et gold mars Pruted 4o both. . J. W. Svanbrough msds th p~ig~frti .A. I. *49d Nr.=ate lnhad i *mut of Uic W. IL. C. fer the lat- tir ofamam. kai>y ter glusi -'Wene reeivcd Tbliea&Wdcouple aisa r«eed ini>'qOOBtlkiYytelogrsins tem faisda il vesliecoutry. Per- Iapo tie nMos deiattulsurprise et .the cepogam:ftr. Xm is.che). cimte -*hm br sater, lMrm.Charles Ses- tu lofe Ceeland, O., srrlved tn 'mali er a vIit Ultile Dcli>'asd lilidreti Davis, -wers dreased asgolden daisîiesud Puwd'lavera tote gusu. The Uolole Girls of the Y. W. '.A. entertalned the guetse durlng te afterneen wflb sougsasu nd eo- est.. 'Plie Yeoman Bible cdais or Uic liothodist church atteuded the re. -eption lu a body sud Urougb their teechir. lira. Edvard Yeoman, pro- SOutedl Mr. sud lits. Nichols wilb su aLppropsIt4 teken. Rot. C. àA. lley *01th Uccharch gave a talk lu vbicb ho congratulated the couple upen Iaavilug roached sucb an Important -Mlleste inl thoir lites. M. Nichol ais 7 5 y«a s ld sud Uis wt. ta O. 51h are lu good »AUantisd have Uived lu Wank.. gasUs>'yera Fr yeffl Mr. ~)ieble Saempoyd as apecis 494M£rt oh.e.L L sud EL railnoed but rsttred a tew 'yoars am. FuRMSURREMDRS C1WITER AMgCJI1 Thle Hum, Laun, HUM compan>', Ireduce dealers at Lako Zurich. lu. corporalsd Octeber 2,. »19, sud bavLUg a capital dtock et $26.000 U~onl John Hum, preident. sud 'ebardlne D. Laun, aecretarr. oct- ti to te esertaryet *mini.'rhurm day te s dissolution et the corPor- atlas, and surreudercd lis charter. ITAVE SILOS manufacture sud tact concrete silo. Xvry unce et cocrete moulded j te "mirhîgan' Stavas la cen- .aunded tram onl>' the hast nggre.. gtes cnd cu;-d under the most favorable temperture conditions. T I. rrasut la a silo bult for time NO PAII(TING-NO GUY WIRES-NO TIGHTENIPIG 1 0F HOOPS "hilichîgiii" Silos are coatetà on the outslde with a water-prootq cernent tInta glving the silo, net ajone a Ieautful bright appear- snce, but a coating which la westh- cm resistlng. "Michigan" Silos wil nt dry eut or shrink-therafore ne tightcnlng af heeps je required. «Michigan" Silos are as rigid as thocugh tbf>' vere Cut tram Seid reak-thcrefere ne gu>' aires are uccessar>'. Erectedby the Manulactrq' W hlicte this le a service that ever>' tarmer huylug a silo la an- titied te. Why assume araction rapoabilties--you onl>' berrew tobowheu yenu do-let us as- sumne that burden. Noeue but trained mmt direct fram our Kala- maroe or Paonsa facteries, ail ex- perts ln their lin, ret "MIcb- igan" Silos Fire »ud Wd Preol "Mýichigun" Silos are lmperlsh- able and cot lem than an>' other imperishable silo. The>' vil nt dccay or low down>-very rich in cament aud contalning ne g ravel or tone larger than eue-haIt inch in disueter. tAe> wll withstaud or-. dinar>' harnflires 'without serious daltage. The lirat "Michigan" Silo le yet te ba lest threugh ire or wlnd strn--at thîs tine, appro%- Irately 8000"Michign" SI[os arc lu use. JOHN IR. .ARRUTTr Prairie V).w Phiono 241-M-1 ~.i URaSES'.ceML Y MORION ELIMINATES WAUKE6N IN MIRa f AI VPREP .TOURNAMENT W1NNfIN4TIIRUU(il FAST TEAM WORK' PREEF ESULTS Suburban, Chicago. wben Barrett was put lu. The wailsi Morton, 32; Waukegau. 3. or the Waukegsn mob grew with the O.k Park, 28, Evanten. 7. Moron- score. Dahlquist. Peacheit RIllsdale, 23; Usine, 17. sudd Butweli scored. The fiuai wblstle Gien BIlyn 17; Autioch, 12. medited snd thec bague ttie ne longer NswTrer.32 P-ovso 2. concernsd Waukegan. * Libortyville, 12; Gurue. 1il. LISETYVILLE WIN8 Libertyvile galned a decisien uver Aurore District. Gunleineluanother game oethue Santdwch, 26; Waterman; 16 prep touruna t, winning 12 te Il West Aurore, 19: Napervrule. 14. whon Endebrecht ItaqTed. TheoIons Bast Aurora, 5; DeKalb, 4. elimnatd OGurner front the seriez Piano. 22; Leîan, . ansd Autiecli, anethor Lake County Other Gomes. hl$h tai dropped eut when they Quiglcy. 12; Marquette (Mlwau- tuinbled to Glen Eliyn'a rbYmes. ken), 7. Deerfleld ges' action today. witil Loyla lights. 34; Harvard, le. the aemi-4ualâ starting tomorrew. i4oyela bantamas. 26; Harvard,.Il The Hghland Park cotâlt are pitted Waukegan's high school's basket. wth LaGrange, oer whem tboy bola hall taam was eimlnated tram tui e dds. New Trier beat Fre- Bluburbian leagus. teuruament et Ci. l'ie cail>'5and atuck lu the mcmi- cre Thuraday lu their Initial battise finale. vith J. Sterling Moron hgh, agalu T his leaves but four squatte tromt wbom they played their poorest thé North Shore district ln the gaine ef the tsason, losiug by Uic play,. providlug of course that Dent- Ovrerwheling score ef 32 te 8. Stage fil comes throngh *Itb the ex- tright and thoîr playing on a large pected win ever the LatGrange acheci fleor Ila ald by mauy te lave bee ANTIOCH TO PL.AY HURE the main cause for Uic wld passes With Waukegau out of ti heu- sud shets whch lest the cah t ponaip pay', Uic local attention Waukegan. wIilh deirofcd te Antloch. wbe Tb#? Morton men vers ou tep trom coule hers wi4hin Uic uext week the turne of their lirat goal on until or se snd endeavor te cross exminue the last. Waukegaunt ofly lest the local casera lu a county chant. theïr chance for the titie but aise plouship erles. listing heaten lb- thelr reputation au au accurate shoot. ertyville and Wauconda, adding An- lng enifit, for the tew abois tbey tlech 'ote cscalp string wlll give were able te tae ail vent vul. Dbi that WIl. otec Orange sud Black Qunt tarred for Moron. wthout much erver. The whle affair 1usd a tuners) 55 Folloviug the ttI tilts witji An- pect for mont of the Wankegan reet- tlech, Waukegu's basketballa vîli ers but these wbo watebed Captain ha tored 1Along vith the, menkey KenYon lose)>' recognized yester» suitesud the huncli wlll devete days game as nearr his triumph of their entire attention te hasebal. a Individuel plsying sud consitent sPort ltu whtch they hoeto maire fglting, was at his beat. It vai ho an even btter shoving than they wbo kept breaklng up Uic Morton have lu basketball. Pass$". It vas he vho kept suceur. The >ea5.bubheensomething aire agflng his men, and t vai hc whe 51M058. SeVen straight wins sud Playsd lu wbat vas probhahie bult trouhlé making for Uichast aquadi ltasketbill gaune fer Waukegau. lHc bas hacu Uicluck ef the achooL tOtehts esseesly t rom whistie te Tbe>"re geing te attemipt a dlea vhistis. sweeP lu b-sbail sud Utheva la Te Ce.goes Uic houer ef maklng;back et theu te turu the trick. Waukegan's ouI>' field goai, sud te box SCORL Harrltn te Uc cl>'free Uihrov. NO*ON (82> IL P. P. T. FLOOR TOC 3un.Dahiqulat, rt . 5 4 ô 0 Ths SYmnaslum, big as tla, vas Stailcek, It .. 0, 0 OO0 0 Ovsrleaded wfth yelling supports etfPsschek, c . 4 2 1 O hoth aides. Morten's baud hoomed Brasili, rg ..-..-.-.2 (O O somne strring airs, yeul) ved vitb yei, BatreU, lg àS0O 1 ô sd the epenlng whit). shriekcd. Panek, If ... 0 O0O0 Cel tePPled Waukeffla's nliefld lu Blinkus. ig .()....0... 0 0 aImait as as the baln vas lumped. - - - - Dahlq4ult f01lled, Uien Peschck. 12 6 2 O IlahIqulat teSaed a Pair of free.- WAUICEGAN, (e> IL F. P. T. trows, sud another field geai, sud Oison, l18 0O O0 0 O the quarter ias over, with nosagu Pinminer, rg...... 0 02 0 of the altaghter that tellewed. Mat- lfenyen, Capt. c.... 0 0. O à 2ô rlugtou teased a free throw, sud as Harrington. f! Brssk flippd inbhie Sst goal things Cote, rt..... ntarted. Heoscoredaain almot lnBarrettlg -................0 o0 etanUtY. Peuchek tallled. The score - - - - et the end of the halt was 15 teS3. 1 1 6 O Durtu the aecond hait Waukegaflý Referee: Trevilleck. Umpms: Rav- showed ne signa of added figbt ave fljeck. Scorckeeper: Oison. SEEK TO finT FARMERS INST. Sprlngflid. I111, March 6-Speclal te the Sun,-Waukegan lest the tate Farmen@ Isitute for 1924 ai . session f,. officiais today. i he vote was Dxen 13 Waukegan 5,! Rocitterd . The commnitte from 1 Waukegas, urgeti Wsukagan be me- lectemd. Benjamin Lautmau. 30, Mil.. Wis. Margaret Pîria. 27. saine. Re% Tucker. 21, Mil.. Wls. Agnes Meyer, 20, sarne. Frank M. Hudson, 27, Chicago. DI. WilLa M. Stewart. 24. samè. Lawrence R. Clrerd, 22, Racina. Valonsa A. Colins, 20, same. Howard W. Rawllng 24, Mil.. Wis. Elsie Rank, 25, saine. Hemer 1. Holden. 24, Shehoygan R. E. Caldwell, of Waukegart. r.' * LAKE ZURICH t presentlng tha Waukegan-Nerth Chi- * *******. cage Chamber et Commerce this ai terneon at Sprinlieid presents'd the' Mrs. Robert West la helping ber crs Istiut luths it> l 194,tadaughter, Mrs. Church, moto at Bar- tute at thaîr session. according te ar'Isiusi hsCt u12't ringten. dtspalcb from thUicsiat'e capital ln- Carl Ernst vas lu Waukegau Tues- vitaiensver preeutd aie ~ day on Jury dut>'. voctrno lu. P reendaris by J. D. Fnir made a business trpit Piceond, Quincolnsudarisea w. Chicago Tuasdlay. Prmnctonsu Rasntatixed.. F. Mrs. Anna Geaka la repented on the Smit an RePesetatie W F.sick liat. Weiss et Waitkogau sud John Btarrt Saturday evening..tbe Wome's Se- oft Prairie Vieti, aIse arepetu yI a>0e teBaptiat churcb vi i gvo a. tram Lake Couuty. rosat park and rosat beet suppeyr li 0,00o00oa9 90 0 @ 0 o oo oo vted4>cre 0 MARRIAGE LICEfISES01Litt GeiBlranding ls lu the Pal- estine hospital recoverlng trom an- 0O0O 040 00 0 00l00 -00*0 ther operatien on her arm. Paul F. Baam, 20,- Zion. Miss CarritheasMrs Jensen and Verenla V. Wisman. 20, saine. Mra.Hicits attended the teachers' lu- Ormel A. Prust. 21, Chicago, Ill. stitute at Lake Forest the ast ot the Ruth M. Neyes. 18, ma. yack. Emîl Koppin. 24, BpellinWîs. Word vas receîvad et Uhe death ef Leora Parpart. 19, Juneau, Wîs. . ~Klrschhaum 'at bis hbome lu Chicago Wlaiter Zaeske. 23. Mil.. Wis. Monda>'. Mr. Kirscbbaru blai beau Sophia Grzegerek. 20, sae. rosi voltis vinter, sud bis daatb NormnD.Hauon,24.Chiage uîwas rether sudden. Ha bas a son, Ar- Lrand . Faknstn. 23,cao Ial.thur, residlpg lu Lakte Zurich. LedaF. Flkestei, 2, Loia, The Ladies' Aid ot et. Paul'g churcb Wis. held their regular meeting sud aIse a Herman R. Haman, 222. Mil.. YWvi. quilting part>' lut Thurada>'. About Dorethy llucliert. 19, Elre>'. Wis. seventeu.s tteudod. John Lutravartoto, 21, Des Plaines. Mrs. Carl Ernst, Mn. sud Mrm. Elmer Ill. - Reose sud Prad Grlm atteudod the Marie Loyale>', 18, same. tunoral ot Mrs. Lav at Palatine last Leslie Heur>' Oswald, 24, Chiçago. yack. Ill.. Dick Hillusan la vlsltiug lu Wsuke- Margaret Erma Peterson, 19, samne. gan for a tew da3'a. Wiliord C. Jeus, 24, Feu du Lac, Ws. Ada Shepard, 18, saine. Harry E. Kendier, 28, Edgar, Wis. Charlotte Rîfleman. 23, same. Gust G. Allen, 25, Mil., Ws. Helen Sophiae -eikkitla, 1i, Han- Albert Forystek, 35,. Mii., Wls. Stalle Basket, 35, sanie. RIeiuhpld H. Ruwaldt. 25. Chicage. i. Elsle E. Knulb, 23, samie. Lloyd J. Bei.tz. 22, New Louden, WIls. Nalle R. Laib, 21, saine. %a.sWis. Ely"r Hartflald, 21, Shboygan. Wla. Edvin J. Thomson, 26, Hamilton, wi& . qfelota C. Nast, 18, saine. Eatrl V. Thospupe, 2u, Chicago, Ili. JeUMIl Jebusen, 19, Eaoinp. Win. Mred C. Kattuer. 24 Mil., Wle. Ft a>'Daast., 19, aau& CiGARETTES EUI NE 0p tASY TO,CLEAN. ATTRACTIVE IN COLOR' HARD TO WEAR SIZE *PRICE 22VZ~ in. x 36 in. - -. - 2.50 34 in. x 54 in.....- ..... . .. ...... .. . 50 38 in. x 72 . - ~ - - -. . 6.50 54 in. x 84 in..--. ... ...... 10.00 I I ________________________________________________________ t ________________________________________ FOUR BANDITS STICK lji> (ROCER, TWO OTUIR MUN Highland Park Merchant Route .Gunmen; Two Others are Victime. Pour young unmasked bandit- with1 drawn guns waiked Into the grocerY store ef Deane Ainalee. ot GreenbaY and Bloom streets, Highland Park Monday niglit, and were just about to open the eash register and safe when they were frghtened away by a motorcydllst who parked hie ma chine ln front of the store. The ban- dits apparcntly mistoek the mortor- cycliat as a metorcycle policeman because they "ran like the decIl," ac, cerding to Aaslee. The attempted hold-up tooli place about 9 o'clpck. Chief or Police Edward Maroney had Just previously received a cal] frein the Hlghwood officers stating that a min uamed Jamesi Walson at that place had beaun held up by four men at S.,10 p. m. whtle ho was1 on hls way ta lodge.1 Another report te the Highland ParX police was that a soldier st1 Fort Sheridan was held up by tour men. Boti the seldier and Watson1 Were relleved ef the moey they car- ried. Policeman Ed. Borkert. of High- land Park. had4 a gun battie wlth s susaioct et 1f:45 'clock thgt mcong. The man pullod a gun but te ocer was ton qululi for hlm and' laid hitlm eut wth hie "billiy." He refused tu give bis usine or borne sddress. Mr. Ainslee was te go to the station this atternoon te givo the suspect thé "once over" In an efforttoin dentity him as te whether or not he was Onc of the four bandits who at:-mpted to rob hlm. S0000000 0060006000o e REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS e o Sy A. K. OWES a FEBY. 28, 1923. Frank Mackowski & vife Anus Nowack, lots 9 & 9 block 42 Wash- humn Park, North Chicago. WD $135. Jetrule H. Hinton & hushanci te Allons Dawson part N% SE 1-4 sec. 8, Vernon Twp. Wl) $10. stamp $14.50. F. A. Thuma ,& vite te Harold $5 downI -t.FEDE-RAL Electric Wasbing Machine Balarnçe payable at the rate of $7.80 mnfidy. Accom>upanylng the Machine, the buyor durlng the contînuanos of the Spedlal Sale, la gNOen FREE 1) A Table Top (2) An Electrie lrou (3) An Electric Toaster .If It happons ho la la pro. vided wlth the Tabls Top nd tho TWO Appilances namod, we wiili show au s croit on tne purensbe or other maerchandise $5 ln lieu of the Table TOP, $7»50ln place et the Iron and the same amount ln place et the Toaster. - Fuil paticdlas at any of. Our Eledtric Sales Shops, the near- est of which ti at WAUKEGAN, 111- 129 N. Genoe. St Tolephone 258 Ifflekr & vite Part E% NW 1-4 soc. AVU-Tw. WD $,000. C. À-qÇwSMbJrte Louis An- dra4*l & vite loti 89 & 40 blok 9. Washlurn Park, North Chîcago. Deed $150. &liens Verve) & vite te i). N. Lewis & wife lot 21, Rose Terrace Suh. Lake Forest. Wl) $10, tmp Alice Moore' & husband teO .A. Wunacb., lot lu 8% Soc. 27, W. Anti. och Twp. Wl) $900. B.. LMixnor & vite te B. P. Lewisa &vite, Part lot 1, block 80. Highlud ,Park. Wl) $10, ataip $5ý Marc), 1, 1le8 Auna libu nte P. J. fuber sud vwite, lots 6 sud 4, block 3, Kirk & Powelle add. Walikegan. W)$10, stsmP $.. A. L. Farwol sud vite te Belle W. Thorne, Iota 74 te 77 sud pat lots 7j1 aud 73, Lake Forest.. Wl) $115o.0. John Grffith sud wite te 3a.M Bredford snd vite, lot cm 13. ide M. vision atrset, Llbetj'vle. "Wl) 110. atainp $8. J. A. 8'ulton te Ueo. liagiers,.lu acres Iu Secs. 4 sud .5 Warren tvg. Wl) $350. Matida Guthule and hubaed te A. V. Redxnond, lot 1. block 2., Parkora Grand Av*. sim, Waukegau. Wl)$0. C. E. Parkins et al te N. IL PhMlp 220 acresadJ Villae et Derfleld. tied 4100.000. Est of P. A.L Montgomnery te Blanche 1. Greeti, lots 2 sud 8, block 2, M-otgomer'asusb, Highland Park. Deed $18,.. Est. et Wm. B. Kelili te C. W. Diver, 13 lots lu Douglas sbal t SI cor. filon lere sud North Ave, Wsu- kegsu. l)eed $13.000. Helen B. lCdnnedi sud htishaud te CaraE. Strsug sud hunsd. lots 9 WOOL FABRIC "Sur-Tex' rugs are not feit. but are constructed et a wool sud jute combinatien fabric that makes thent easy te valk on snd that causes lbem te always iay tlat on thie tîcor and te retain thoir shape Indetinitely. The flat construction efthiis fabric prevents the duat sud <lrt frei working Inside the rug se that tho>' can ha Ossil>' clcsned vlihsa carpet swoaper or vacuum cleaner. Becanse et theso qualiies "Sur-Tex" paicuted ruga are maklng tri onds ver>'taisand permanent. COME IN AMI)LET US SHOW YOU THES REMARIABL RUGS AU )YOU WULLWILLINLY.JOlI TM RILS J. B. MORSE. & CO* Libetyvie, likois.Teephse14. sud 10. bleck 1 Orvis West Bide sli. Waukegau. WID $10, stani; $4. Louise Pinceffsansd busband te F. B. Manterro, E 700 It lot 1. Law- renco s euh. Lake Fereit. Wl) $10, stamp $5. SNOW'8 Plan Your Vacatîon Now n'a not tmo orIr t10mtorOU plana toi a alp Ibus. umoe« Ta" advMitawPo( of ly t" that Win bla ftqoe Ti*k 0tiithetioket gqit, about it t~dy Chicago, Milwaukee & StL>PW i t. TO PUGETor *NO.4LScTSItpRED Z-14067 .W, When -yonr Baggage le iin the care of the North Shore Lino-, it receivés the saine careful consideration that it wo'uld at the hands of a trusted, emýpioye of your- émfl. thought until you corne to claim it at.your destination. f J p Baggage Checked to Al Points On the LUne Trains leave LibertyvillM i thrty-niiute intervals fro. 5:48 a. m. to 10: 48 a. m., thenuat 11 :48 a. m. and every hailLeur tbereafier until 7:48 p. m., theu at 8:48, 9:18, 9:48 an& e'very hour to 12:48 &. in., maldg prompt connections ai Lake Bluff for Chicago. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. Re w LIBERTY VILLETICKET OFFICE PASSENMERSTATION. PRONE Invfto& ýRNEY, pendenst 8 P. n.- Oui ldlng, lite Park B E «i I k J Check YourBaggag0 ---and FoirgetIt Until You Aririve!. ery st. )IS¾ ;oc LL R resesf 1