d o ome oitOo<i but the lire a da be~ hold and the houes va. too far gent WeM~JttrM ~R mi tsa ot ba*iku >MR wJ - obrtu sot the#n béleagInýN - A DEI ~ ~Ka1 j te btMu&Thon sa'e raeti "n .1otte rusutm Io t w <W4Y Mur Im rruiesrsoumllao t -b. very J jJeI Thuruday idt t.ehottée w% owe - birtheeaue wn=wlio Ud iaibouge Trnt and Saving '*Batik ý burmilai uta Yu a).and, It was Kighla e tt ai re*M ue s .MT Ut-»#IO ba mapIn n arkStatoB=Z ~ h~ KrlK~ Md Mun tu t t a prian.. j CtnolIdUli ofthe ive bankx ~u~slly-i# WV ~ a Tihe caDIS el the ir thil* gtWihlin -WI ni t xtPark, luvolving thre IO~%5# tse In la "X*nkii1M 'maffrer 0more tirait$1.0~000lI »L . mseorgtago ~ ~ ~ <<~ capital, surplus .and1 resolirces -be- Mdu. auoh b hasos. theState ils, obme knovri today, causing comment as qnu qICklbrought$Mo the Wfiwmjnsin aide, va. burnnolte ln Nbrtb Rbore flirancial etres. mu" *1. te gai the rue 1tble rOU& l.Theo a>wikmoenr.became eetive: od11 th IM F ieire Pepartutent Met of the viflagora o! Wftrop Moud". M t tL .The two banU inl-I >5. tu After the Zion amreon Harbor were eut te ses the ylaa. eluffl latheut consolidation are thée Mdelttlr hous te thre vater sup, thé. blase. 1 igbland Park Trust & Savin" atti MX bk«ÊPI8 ha ~pluthelag 'qU h o o j n r idedinZin efremo-. and tihe Hgbiand Park Stat'bank. 1- eu <* mtott pressuré tea iK to Wltbrop l nbo. fThe Trust & Savînge haut bas a o0tl0 50,M00asd yn urces ef SVrer 8900,000. Thia bank vas femd- _______________________________________________ 8 a aprivate Inittutionl by David M. Brukine. who vas a brother of Robet an Fre S.Erskine. of Wau- N Itoga. Hlm. sou Raymond 1. Erskine, le.nov assIstant cashier of tthe btk. itether offiers being mron z. Mavor. uresident, Georgè -F. Gooti- nVI Idpesldt .andi Hanry Pauil ýTIe Higllad Park State BantkIbas In Step With Spring!. OXFORDS, $ 7.50. I*IR'S FOOTWEAR diat poaseses ever qualifica- ti* "eu dSnand in Good Foetwear. Ou= were made dut way becairs we insited tht thre randracturer foikav our apecifications tri the letter.1 THAT'S WHY yen gel superior leather, better trim- onp and certain fit. Iî's a great comination, es- poely i Oxfords, tIrat sent for $7.50. Others, $4 go $8 L&UY N.SMITH 4 -6 » AmmeLIBERTYVHILE Ja*. . M. ppel la v-ie -presldsnt. and C e. Grant, cashier. jTh%*e cald ted bgnk viii octllpy tIre preaeijiarters of thre Trust& Savings bank. The recent death of Mr. Baker, viro'vas vice-presideni of the Piub- lic ServIce earipany. vas tire rinci-! pal, cause of the. State banktotede. cide to censolîdate witIr the Trust Savings bank. Il la beiieved. Cwhrceh J'rvgcis VIRT 1PRIISYTERIAN Re«. Guy Snlock,*Pstor. Suiday Scireol at 2.4à . m. W. G. -Weiia, aupt iPr«acbugngervice at il a. m. Sub-! ject. '1)neasrandi Visione." 9venng service st 7-90. 6ubjeot, l'Hov Goti Spesýx tiQ ts." A veicome tu ail t o rahlp snd Un. il . lame, Onganlsi Prayor Meeting ai 7:45 Wedueutiay evenlng. 'PIRIT MICTRODI13T EPISCOPAL 4 J. Dickey, Pagton. Phono 112-J Jack BtiCordhi:r Director. M Snnday Sochoo at 10 a. m. D. A. Yewrg. Sut.. Umirag wmhibp at 10. Sermon top le, "Thre Chunchof e!LaWreng Reuza to." being the CUti-of a sortes on "The Soveil Chmrche. 'Ms» y thre é#elr. Cora.andi vorship wtus. ZpEirorth League ai 9: 80 p. aM. ToPlo "Whb" Ieru Thougit About- Popus MiOU&" " r.AUi" G Dftkey, leaden. xeuot alg vo -*tuat7: Z 4t,"**e w.hi"*Wua le. ~ ~ ~ ~ l Amaeaa~ bt a d it t a t t h n w p r n g H at a r e th e e î i rap'ofstyesever camiqo& I sure is a wice lot of bats. Ille f , ac f . lke" so well t"atw. are givûig one to sorie man (or woomi) who attedsWaly UR tidtp "ACROSS THE CON- TONON' at the Auditorium ilcater Fnidy, M"ch 6th. If you Ioit'î ike a hat. yaU.can pick out two of thoe PePPY caps nientioned below-cenough to laut you ail smrer-and if you' are Dot hltky you can saii beat thcm rigt here at home by corn- ing i and btxying otie anyhow, Corne on,. $uddy,, kt's go. O)THERS,ý $2 toý $44ÔO SPING (CAPS our nev stock of grey andi tan tx*eds, and ,ftluP ngs.lutbel. roomy, sprit styles-the kinti WalY IReidi vore $2b in111 ri* tn '«Cosathe Coitint-are unusu1m eI Oth4r Stylei, 50e 10 $2.00 B..:B MORSE & .CQ.7 <Zpetying fr Min u EJiU Why Do You Do It? You buy an Automobile 'or a Victrola and pay a lot of money for the fflasrire ybu get ont of them. Youi"I let your ife do the hadest part of ber houaehod duties, Wasluim ad Ih«- ing the I1mlIy Lumdy, and tink it as alright, Why not cousider lIVU and send the, family wasli, to THE REUABL LAUNDRY for'the lit-' te itwould coet yot? We wil'do it DAM WASH, ROUGit DR~Y o« FM M SEDCO LETE. as suis you beq. Have You Ever Thonght OfIh la Tis Wiy? Laundereis, Dry Cleaners & Dyeua L4bertyville 67-R -- Il