CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1923, p. 10

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U~qIJE 1pW'~VWff. T1U~>AY MA1~CH 15,1923 , 8M4t14 -vi e d edit - ----- - ltor- ' tA8 G NLLKEY .--- ------LocalManage' 1CRP11*4pRICB-1.60 PUR V EAR. SOTRICTLV ON ADVANCR 0118.. Tai.piwsisNumnber 1. Llb.rtYvlIie laChanget. LaK COUNTY FALLS IN UNE -j Mie Laike County Board of Supervisora h\s - made no'l milataloe in passing the resolution endorsing the road programi in. Illinois being advocated and urged by Governor Small. è They bave dont a popular thing, they have corne out istronglyb for the biggest step in road builing that has ever been takep In Illinoi--and the whole nation watches with eagerness what "liepeople of this great state will - do in their final say an the proposition.t If you or any member of the board could have been at Spiufeldrecnftly on nuseerous occasions andi vieweà the Ligeleatins fafrmersanada other business mecn who b4ve ixmde their way to the state capital and waited upon Goven&or Smail to endorse bie road prograin, it would bave been most pratifying ta think that Lakte County's supervisora werer amrong the first to formally enclors this big plan for lifting Illigaois out of the mud. By the dazens, by the hundreds they k«ix corne frarn ail parts of the state, they have corne with bauds and banners, they have corne with pent-up enthusirn îwhch let forth ini mighty orations before the governor and r before tIýe highway depàrtmnent heads, Their interest in see- big this great mavernent carried ta cansummation han Inani- fo*d itsecf mare forccfully than ever before an any sirnlar maWtî ins tho history of Illinois.e yasPey a day passes but wbat neverai individuels or a hUg ikIffltiozi frorn sarne part of the tate meke their way ta Springfield to formally tell Governor Sinall that they are withV bàný to a man in bis road programn. Andi when these, men ït> ronthte gavernor or bhis hîgbway officiais that tl-is big ~ipxovemnt iunIlin&is is ta bc madle WITHOUT a direct tax on t~ec people. -and without appropriationis of moneyt before ~*Wle ac ctually needod, but that instes.d it will al ho macele *auughithe automobile licenses of this stete, they go awayà eeï9more enthusiaatic thati when they came. Tho road prograin af the governor is "taking like wild- - W'and the only opponents seem ta ho thoso who have op- po,4 cvery piece of state efficiency which Governor SmalI b. ta bring ta the people.., And this rosit plan is caus- à, many of thswho may have been Iukewarmý toward the trc nth att realize that eiÊLômngoefth - things in the history af theae andt that ho inreality ispoigta be ane of the most efficient governors the~ stato bu ld-x1eecutive who, if. given the chance othert have IM wopld have mode a"rocord second tot none and vha, cde- 4 *ie th proeecqtious and p9raecutions that have been forcedi t40nhii mwlth the on.-thouglit cf embarassing hie aciminia- U$4pmyent3ug a prçpr functlonhg, lha* steog odne~ *th Ibe o e lu minci, Mme1cly:SERVIN TH 'a O~IN KEOR..E of this great aute. If ou aveanydoubî about the minda af the people of the state, on the. big road prograsu iuih Govcrnor,Samall as ý;fUCeVe, dopdowu to Spriugrfield and sSc for yourself, thé 7 of .- many dceleodions that aerc oming ta, to tell the adinistration that theyre backting i they'rüowor h. Wbat Governor S"inUhas donc and oing ronds, he =M cido iu ather 'business matters b8 ct if lais percctorswould let him -alon. and g1ve Sthe. time no aocey to accomplish the. efflcieucy ho is capa- b&,4 oarrlKag througla-4n#m.d they harosa hm in this or S,n.rbut h. -forges aheaci aud functians DESPITE hie WR PIonGEi VEBY QUIO);Y It lastrange how the pViblic ehanges its mnd 'and w expressed sym athyo any uinere feeli'g for the they are pursuing ini the Ruhr district it is nbt infre- qu Ca o er Àmericans and good true A:mericanâ at .hat, p ut themselves in defeùse of the Germans. They are claxnoring against France, theyare' synipathizig with the Germans and in other words they have "about faced" on the French-German proposition. &The man who spoke nlany words in favor of Ger- mnany flot long ago was condemned on ail sides. Even t.he vanCwo before the war had learned to "soft pedal" 6 th erinan situlation, was criticized severely after the. war began and what he had said BEFORE TITE - W-AR STÂRTED was oten charged Up against h ,' OLLOWING the start of the war. Now however, things have changed and since.the F'rench have invaded Germany there is a growing senti-' Sment against the Frenchi ail of which goes to show that 'it doeB not take the public long to change its mind and tUat the atrocities creatcd 'by the Gerxnanii BEFORE tewar and DURING the war have quickly beexi o ver- Ip.&ked and inany people carmot see any reason for syrn-1 ,P&Àimàng with te Fench ini what is declared Io bec'a Èiove on their part to get revenge for the devastation Of theïr country by the Germans. J.UC munsu uîinwosresaenaao n JAIL MNTAXI; Mn. M. Pagels a!of &I Park.'vislted Sbntiay vlth Mr. anti Mn. William SERVl3D 150 DÀYS mr Joseph P. May' anti faily visîteti Sonda>' viii Frank May anti femily ln StanIeY Also Pa s Fine- of HiâtIainti Park- $2L3Oan aostBetOre im-ploy-stethii. John Lester store RGanin Release. Manday afiernoon reponteilthei co Stanley' Blahop o! North Chicago, agedti t s to ta. store laie thlai rhursdiY Iteatheti the air -of fru. eiteriioon. dom. He i.ft the county, Isl tli.t lira. Reuben E. Thoma anti daugh. 160nln e 9 'cickalter sei'vlik ter, )(iss Shirley, antiMm. Akere vis- 150tor laa for violation o! the Pro' ied Saturtiay ln Kenoshi hei home iior'lw. Althaugli Stanley' pie&d- o!- lir. Tbomansasister, Mns. Walter sti "paverty" and tieclereti h. votiltiT. Marlatt l'e unable to pay the $200 fine whlcb was aiso ssesaeti by Jutige Persoas- Th. local1 Odd P ellows partook ot an ln the. couuty oourt, ha rode ave>' qer st*w, anti enJoyeti carde alter tram the bastile An e taxi. qURguer meeting liondalr nigit. Biabop's case waa of unuauaî An- The F. UL T. baye are dertving snuch tereat ln many weYs. Arrested for social enoysnent et the . ilte get- havlng tllcit liquor and a moan- together meetings weekiy. ahîne atinl n his possession, Blahop M.Fe ohla a ruh rugtsuit for $10.000 danmages home 'rckn Viotor>' Memorlaihosptai, egaîat a. apoge quati". dlaim. Wauaegan, 'Manda>' evening b>' ber Ang ihai they broke Into ie ls ie, huahanti. lrs. Backelmaun oderwent amaseti doora, -broke locks ^Bd tvo serIons aperatAons, anti la nov matiee 0mul noise the. disturbance muci improved iAn heaiih. brouglit hlm lOâto unfevoreble r. pute. Mr. andi Mn. liars>' avis anti 0, EL Bishop asa fought the declalon Lester yere guesis of Mr. anti Mn. of the county court onthe lîquor John Lester Tuesay. the occasion le- chares o th apellae curt.Heling the anniversary af John'. l>lrth. cha esWt.aeieecut . Me refuse. ta, tel l uat boy many mile- rwms s ln tie the v p ie ati natones An ta. race of Ille h. ha.j bas been On. of Lake county's mn passei. Anyway. ta. ninmier la 2a. persistent velitora. Genuine Simmons Steel led outfit C À,n c/z c$'ervices 6 Inch, elevatlen Sprlng-100% ne rnaerl.e ot t uMattreaaifo $19-86.A> as.Schwart5fora-uni'. Co., 136-138-140-142 So. Genesee iSt, PIIST PRE813YTERIÂN just eouth of the bridge, WàukegazL s 11ev. (?uy Smock, Pastor. il oe' Ctoi rdro o-tw Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. W. G. TeWmn' ebleOre fFr WelSp.esters heiti the annulieto a lA Welis, -pt ci evcea lcers at Tbursday evening, MrhS M'corlng T esermnhilglabrv abot Ilwith the tllowlng result: Kathryn8: O'lc.theKserdm o f wl1 e aoUtGibbons, Chie! Ranger; àMary Dola, Christian lindeavor viii resurne lis Recarding Secretary; Jôsephine Ber- pl rneelngaSunay eenig at830 ail F xanclal Secretary; Barbara meetngsg'eunle«eeUl t b.3Q. Ail Mow ers, Treasurr; Katinryn Bernard, a eoun t la eewtings. bcprls tandi Margiret Mack, 'ruteeO; «Mary Y Pvening service et 7:. " Hov We Maddefl, andi Mary Doyle, Coniductoas;E thlie ! hogh.Ana Clark, Inner Sentinel; Anna 8 May Know 00<1 la thUeo huh.Lalagdeleine, Outer Sentinel; Agnesai ,We Xpect te observe the prmee-Maiut nt el season -wita a week's evenlng meet- qela Êm -ouanMre Inga, begnnlng Maroh 25, andi ail am -Âudltlng hysComnite;D.C urgedtetofindtilmre Cofthea. meetings. Gaoey Our Annuel Meeting wM bcleali on Marh 3,atera cafeteriaa sm et- gether. Election af afficers anti the Cil' iuW ruWS report of each organIsation cennecteti wth the church wliilecglved. You yUl w-anitto be prasent for the enJoy-II4IW Y ment of the occasion anti' the hearltýg CLI3AR Hflf or these gooti reports. Tii snow plowa of the contIY -0-- hlghway department vere out Mon- PIST MAiTHODIST EPISCOPAL day andi Tue8aY Clearlng the roatis. Cha. J Dikey Psto. Pon. ~ They worked on Green Bay roadi Chu J.DiceyPaaor.Phoe 12-JWaahington street and Grand Ave.. Jack Bradford, Choir Director.1 Mn. yeterdey, andi on Sheridan Roati to- LyeU IL Mrris, Organist. day. The tate hlghway department Suntiay Scheolaet 10 a. m. D. A. snow ploya vere worklng on Bl Young, 8upt. videre andi Rend roads. morang wQrahlp at il a. m. ser- mon taplc. "A Church Stroun uWeak- RESOLUTIONS0F CONDOLENCE nos., belug the sixAh germon n the. Atipteti ly LItertyville Latige No. seuise on "The Beven. Churchea." Goati 956I. tD. 0. P.* moalo l'y the choir.. ERA, Divine Providence bas Begi a ooddyrlght-attenti the seen fit ta e nove !rom or mldst or agoo ay aiter, Mnl. Idà. Andierson, beloveti ezwverth La= n evotioaaiservice vite 0faur brother, Clyde Andierson. at 0: 30 p. m. Subjeci, "What Jeanus Therefore, le lit Thoqght About Service.» LasSer, T1*r- Reaolved by -the membera of Iâbe- lti Mao.. MissBevWillUsma, Pres. tyville ,lotige, No. 96, L 0. 0. P. tbat UEwmag'worbip at 7:30. Sermon w. meure wlih aur brther lnbi toglo, "0cr Duty to ths Bystantier." greaN Mugie b>' the. tw e hoira. Resolved, That tala renolution be Xati a -gooti day yel--ttendth ie preati upon ta. recarda 9; tala Lotige eveniag aervice. and thbtý a capy bcle sent te Brother wednood&y eveing t 7:80 the mi- Andierson, anti bc given ta the preau weah m=#et$z for prayer, Bible sted>' for pilllicatiosi audtfoUtip. AU are Invitedte taHARVEY REWTT, aaend a quiet bour withuo. ' ROBE~ IZ ,lupiday evenlnt ait 7:00 sharp, th MAX gBROM)EB. Junior choir rehearsal. At 7:80 sharp. 1i-t -ConlieS Senior*choir r4eual.- ---..ST LAWRENCE ICOLX SNlS0PLNWIW Rey. I. B. Gwyn, Pastor- - The #ervices an Frida>', March ilili. wiD i l Ltan>' anti atdressaiat 8 p. m* Also HoI>' Communion and sermon eit 11 a. m. Sunday'Scbbol et 10 a. m. Mir. Gwyn wfll pfflc;ate at ail tffe The ertmeeiug-ofthe WoYmens' - Gualt wlll be on Frlday, Mardi 16. 4 i sory that 1 don't know it's so but I HEARD su," cmt are mucb about the trufli. It's just as malicious if lie STARTED it. It's xnuch like tht worni who *as to wrtek the reputation of her neighbor and who 's I don't KNOW tbat'mih and uch a thing hap- but I RJ it did"-aend in that výay many upet wou>an bts been brauded as immoral who &&pure as a Virgin. ÎMat to call any mian a liar, but it is doubly Il Il HOUSEKEEPERS YOU WILL SOON WANT TO HAVE YOUR RUGS CLEANWD AND 0F COURSE YOU WANT THEM CLEANFD IN THE VERY lEST WIAY. THERE IS NO BETIFR WAY THAN NAPTHA DRY CW.HNG. THIS WAY CLEANS THEM THOROUGHLY 0F DIRT AND SPOTS AND RENDERS THEM FREE FROM MOTHS OR A POSSIBILITY 0F MOTHS LATER ON. CALL LIBERTYVILL 67-R WHEN YOU ARE READY AND WE WILL CLEAN THEM TH-E NAPTHA WAY. UIBERTYVILLE and IIIGHLAND PM LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND OVERS PH4ONE LIBERTYVILLE 67-R toLm- Measure.-Approprlates Moîney for G. A. R. a mi Farm Bodies. Sanie financial &id An varloaus or-. ganisations cerrylng an activlttes of a semAi-publie nature la provideti ln a bll iIntraduosti An the Illinois houa. of reproentati-ves b>' Buvard J. Smelkai, chailrman of ta. appro- priailans canimittee, as tailova: Illinois Parquera luatîtute, 161,740, of vhich $18£840 Ia for salaries anti wageaý the Ilinai. Stete Beekeepetis association, $2,400: the Illinois StAte Idaryrmen's association. 11,000: ta.' Illinoais Siate ilorticuitural soc4ety 116,000: the Illinois Firemen'. asso-~ clation, $2,000. the Grand Army Heli sud Memorl association, $6,500. the' Grand Ârmy af the,,Republie, de. ia-iment ef Illinois, 8troo0. The. appropriations for el. except' the Fermera- Institute, are provitiet principeliy, for polshlng reports, trevel expenses anti postage. The Qum for the Grand Ami>' Hall andi Memoril iassociation incluties vags for tva cosiodians ai $1,200 a yearý each. The appropriations are for a tvo year periati. L. T. H., S. NEWS 0o- J6x9 RESOLUTION Iarn going to grow fok- tbat's iY resoiution. Andi every day Fllchange a lit- tle--get new ways and iuew fuatures . My baby cisys are - fe i nmbr. If you wudalways frep me as 1 ami--if you would bold v9id memories of rny babyhood, send for the photographes who knows just how to niake beautiiful portraits of babies like tpe. Phone 258-RZ or Lord Drug Co. Toésy fo« an Appsintuf. ~OMZVWZLL FOR TRAIT4RTIS T IPNOTOGRAPNy RAu~e The students of the. nigh Schoal r.- celveti an unexpected vacainMn t ralitat y= rhomte 07 0W a ieiml uethoda. lay, due to the tiainge don.b'te storm. Because of no powqr h vas Impossible to make the. fans W"ok, which are usedti t circulate tih bo -- 1 *rTHE TRIP fO DES PLAINES Isome o! the players viii remember This week d nexi ithe Seniors are' lut &ac athe epectatora. Englebrecbt iddigtMsing touches to tae.'M Frida>' nlght aur ga41ant boys wv tes tur of the evenlng. He madie zehearsala of 1beir play, "ia. Tem-i-took a trip te De. Plaines. l'irai, the ail the pointa for I.ibertyvllle. Wîhen- ple'a Telegramn." Wednesday night 0f second teaux vent out upon -ta. floor ear eh recelveti the ball anti abat ev- next week tires.; rehos6rsalê vIllb. hati anti playeti lor ail that vas An them. erytody> helt helr breath for fear the>' anti aon Thuraia> the real thlug. If Harris wa the, star fur taem.4 for helejv o ft the gge. But aies. ln sopit you heven't reserveti gour ticket bot- rolietila noar'ly âi thebaskets, lut a=bisgooti playins be vas layeti for ter attend to I t a once, for dise good- ss Urne flevsno verry 1mai. tii.>'last the bl>'the other teani. After recoverini seata are galng faut. Reserveti seais gae by ivo points. bis vinti, le playei barder than "O01l are on sale now at Lovell'a anti Dock-, The firat team thon went ont I. the jHennir" himself vouid have don. If b2 or & Nevlles Drng 1Stores, cage anti starteti a ge .tbs4 not OUI>'1 lad leen lot lace.. YOUR LAST CHANCIE TO BUY CON GOLE RUGS AT THÈSE PRICES: 9x15 --$21.OO 9x101'$f4.15, 27 x9-$.OI - -. -$8"010 i _______________________________________________________ s Try The Congôleum Companyadvanced their prices 10% toý the dealer March Ist. Our Ilast shipment at the old prices is now' on hand. Our Stock is Comiplete. New Prices Will GO In7to J3ffect M'on day, March 18 Don't wait; Buy Saturday, March 17, 'at the OLD -PRCES. RAY- FRITURE and.ePAINT STORE- 1 - -r ii_- c ýil Il phS . Libeityvillep lit Telephone- 9.

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