CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1923, p. 12

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15, 1923 ~1mm Joalr.Conrad, SEWse~flI Miss DeCelles. Miss Mainwaring, Miss ought 0ohave SeLook, Listen" Wrth, Miss DeVries. tir. jJhjgI! IXU Mr.sand folits sboauld obC RI S RVI. metigsvay.JUS ICaAtayîsýng at the Msax Miller home, tirs- 141TIOWINGI.i anestr.sf ad.hlmeing vrsEASAIJI i udtié Jme fltose aeEiSIKft quarantne RÂIJTI1'rC CItff~matoisek lbas charge ot the household Ullj Th ' tixon tamily la tilim nqarniSTORe wie rI3ile.s ovee) U1UATF1.J dties whiletra.oillerta coveies BRIK T M ID besue t ite home of beri Justice Wm. Farris Arrested libertyvillp ver. cailers at the Max Publie Service Co. Ha$ Big1 - 5 n 1i avllMlerm Tusadaur tui o 1'ksBrothers Gt$50 and reuts, vfMr nd tirs. La e lo n Cosfor PafiMoon- , Miss Marguerite Thorne, who hl by Federal Detectives; Oc.- AI Buntin, Sr., purcbased a Ford Gng Re Iaclng Broken Coots Pl ~~the flu, is able tealbe oupies Ceit In Chicago. truck a( Franlk Kennedy recentlY. Il' oe gah d shine Rampage. around again. .Li ow h reiy te carry heavy pas- ot Tosty and John Yukas. wIiO 11%e, Sherman Sponenburg bas purchasedi William ltarrla, 60 yeaLrs old. jus- songera, regardless of the muddy roadt. The devasrl" - -ni Ta h~tr" botwagu Mliburn snd Guruce. were the home of pnn tire of the peace et HaIt Da3ý. just je.m, Geest spent Sunday at the Max Lbetyvile =ud Laie onyuda rugohd gojtty ef assauli and hstterY burg experts te n.ove to Gurus te otilh orf bertyvllle, reeenily vas Mllpe borne. ni.ght aud early MNonday urining sut UMb»titday by Justice Hervey ('oulseti nea ue arraigied In mimicipel COUrt, Chi. Mr. and tir. Fred Zersen vers in Io belng teull u varlous parttsof the, iXagisi...h flued $50.010 and caste. jMpiss Rassie Mainiwriilr, Miss Helen cage, vhere Judge Joseph Sehulmuan îeWn Sunday mont ng. county lu the lous ot telophofle and ase evas the outgrowth ujof uesu Db ihaî p n hlm ever te, the grand jury Joe Keisler hauts the Praire ie es elootric service. The damage te the h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ftc osn ota nwii utyinur e a iiand Kenoshallnton chargea of auto theft. milk totethe tovu fiue. net being saUov. Publie Service compauy linos ap ova breken. a vmsnseead apit M1uniel oinue, Ide eih anS Detectives onrequent o!federai ed te 'carry the full Ioa" over the sortpoire ta bave been heavier thoan that dow bokn.a omn' hadspit1 Mril oter habl elh ndautborittioa, ied the Justice of roadB. ta the talephione eompany. inws a fev dishes sliattered. andS Hat lie LinS vers laîighing kn acheel the peace ai «iaU Day Iliat Thurasdty Last Sunday a telîov drivifli ta AD- BElth companies have had gangs ai a M.ilo of whiakey consumed, ar-, Monday afternoon. They el, yed the and returned hum te a col ai Cen- takiair met two felows valking home -men ai varia Ocstantly but bave net oerdlng ta tbe testlimony of Amelta et ofthieastertieC ti cg. -Lt tral Dtait, Chicago. A radrai van- front church. He oIteS at the irls-- been able te repain ail dsma'ge. The giaalasas, of North Chicago, roUi- the girls comple the i.tale. rani, charging larins vltb belng they veio pretty; ho louveS ai the Publie Cervice company planoed ta Pling vîtuesa. The follevmg pupile vers perfect in a ringleader lu, an auto theft gang mnud---it vas t1erce, Band bis'buggy vas koop ibis gang ai woi9s ail day ta- 5h. deciared that the pair Of aitendanco for the menth et FebruarY: In Illinois, Wisconsiu and Ohio, vas a siaon o-ust about rootafan him' day In an effort ta enreime brokoh. Tuba-s camne te ber home iast mont h'ErBan Brusiable,. Muietia tlonrY, avorn out FriSay. self, but he didn't have the beat't ta aff service. iuti a truck loaS of booze. sh Hattie Lin, Muriel Potier, Everett Mauy oethse %aon c ar-s, accord- nas eraei by. Se he Mauaged je tuck Thi comps.ny's main teeS vires te Megiaglo.sdte te e CIr.Evr Glig,,iif aiing te the police. vers talion ta thein tu aud 100k ftlemahome. G<O thse wet nun sieng Teiegrapii reai ~n consumaptiin o their suPPly. Richard Davis,. Denit'Z' Mahion Hait Day vhite ailtera s'en. talion-boy. N. For three miles ale*# this rosid ther& Wbe. tiey vers delectabiy polluted Washburn and aimer Russeâ te Chicago. Rumors have beeu J. . $B usch las omenehat on thse skck are ses'of poles Ibat vers suappeil thecc ganlhtng ith ta. b her,_an-______afloat lu Hait Day far tome lime, flitai Sthiis vni1ing. off by the tarin. Thse breakiiig of anodlnta bjer sînerof Steoa-e * ****a*****Consequetitly thse arrent ef Parris Fnank Kennedy wvasa abusiness cal- tis.puisescauseS the higisteutlon tis bus, uthogot Even b'*WIL HOOL T huraay dlnet coins as a Complete er ai the CnegtMoýe Thursday. vires te break aud balied service. »Jmaigabrick ai ber through up the vindov sud littiug ber head. ************ Farnis got foinsajam ast Juîy nad rgaiWth e r n. ..N.Busc aom che-vis aeThoepoli.e$nardeo as Do .- A dor ad si cilerwindws O1ýwheu he la allaged te have abat day &tieron. sible lu arder that service eau be r.- lovol in order but John heid the The Wilmoi Progressive club met E. J. Corber ot Cookt county, a me. Emma Sturm vas a Lbertîvllle vis stimed. The loue of lectnic current fort by tessing ishes i TOnys wiih tira Carlson tst meeting. torrycie policeman. Thse shootlng la fier ThuradaI'. sales yull amotan ta mny thausands bead sMd keepîng hlm on the eut- Regular meeting la'te b. beld aetishe ailegeci te have taiioved an argu- eSgao pig ml netrcl idlae sMo.home etftirs. E. Frôet. Everyene aimmentbetwen Frds ndîte me- Sin ! plg EiQts e eiv o ors.ei aeconybsbe De.L.B.Jeie vs a nsd ho be prosesit. occl oirmd t h lCar a car ioad ef tile. Clarence Bsat Srie aecunybsbe Dr, ý , oleywa clid oryce olceanaith Sncaisad Gog fse g ddte. Practicalîy restored by bouh the Pua' ite pot a. tewst stchea in ber bead Thedace given hy Wiimot Progres- tillng ststion In Deerfield. Parris dlisMt lceset iUcenvice Compîany and the telephone asi~~~~~ oace pbrIjrSan ive club vas a sucros. Everyoe lai alieged te have nade diaparag- . '. Company. Broken virles ver. the T and John falleS te appear enjoyed the evening. The shever in ug remarks about motorcycle po 'liedt Sunday ai N. F. Busch's. gets ifelyecutrdb h Thutsday vn their case vas set houer ef Miss ne-mpnnws iewic ohr eetB.Fri ug Gch'as-Filda i N.nig.tva companies. Telephoue service and a s'orrneS bon4aman sent the veny pleasant surprise. is sîlegeci ta have ahot Cerber lu ________________g l pacicly ac t nrml %ba tie tar5 the ut 10te ts The West ig muiyclbaete leg and thon made is escape, .George Wimer o! Chiragoelalen'i roicf>bc t oml vbus tey ~îut he venngte bave a Si. Pairirk's cotume dsnce A warrant vas averti ouit evrldasrcetyaitehoee jai be ieys>étth veig.hi rrs bi h oudne . . iBusch. CAE IU M IT ,s r wu an ila a =a short tme Marci i7th. hearrs u h oi nth e.0' plilGeesi. Mms. J. N. Busch, Clar- J5JL F IUI 0- goRlm sroud underneattb au Mmrs. ybeck tt-eddthe Tesciser' cateS until September 2, a mentisf e uch Aie anS Alexander Bun- moêO8.natr omboasd brought meeting Tbursdsy and Friday. t er the aheoting. Farris etrittnniend o etci, AU ri BYCO -enes in an unonanieusthe office et the LaIte Couni, mier. onmeordteUbrtvll WSn R. vs l a omatse ThlX~trs stieol~theday evenultg te rati on Mrs. Mai Miller theo 1boums, bI anut oeni> lu u Tp erdpis prvedy someatiff ai Wsukegan sud gave iiseif sud baby <Mon BtS. ,ml swss br PA here, butwoke opIn foi.asaul i viiilatent teMki. Ms dIi a avsora h câliit ~for Ica vater ta cimIa bc v i.wratchre l ii ~vvstra theUJIU MB IKiT UCKS jaytitr fneastnaireichol blirmnspil gaast s. nde fOuS f $2.000, bis cage ho-Wiseelng caera SaturdaY ulghi. The boardi o! supervisera laft veel uftil t"er fal checks Camne1 W. re giviiig the. lectures fer thse Ing continueS 1t0 Sept. 6. On liaitirs.Bd IaiGlsand nhilairen vere lu vOîed te ptrhciaae scales for use ln restereopdecas ictureentitled "A Tour date lhe case vas disoiased ibrougi prairie Vlev Sonday. veiitgthse 10.4. 0f trucks te en. titrougu tise Unted State." Tis uet the. falure af Corser te appear sud A giiof 'nTeodore Weidnon force th. receni rulng of the coamai ** * u * ** * ** * *of picturnes alst of Ofty-.lghtsiides. Presecute. Hat Day reaideais Charge vas& .5 si liffalo rv ~d~ sgvan sd township nosid officia * . ,~~~~~~~ In titis vork vo hope taebave ail tise taiP'rrin effecteci a settieunent Th'e bereaved have aur sYungîauiY. îiligb.ldsf ucst80< - G(J N Edistrict people lere& d.thnough paying Corher bie saiary AI »Mietn, Sr.. vsrug abusinless c"elr Peunutson dinh or gravei rusa duort IF Mr.oandadm G. Cate w of BarrMngton dur5ng the tiens ha vas laid upin i la betyi10atSudseivHerhdsoeuthe month ofthie yearvwheu the @pn*udyate * v h . h rn a frtekn f ete. SprlsrPdok as e h uoe e ý-M o si «W da*ter bornlut okenbjý ord 0f t ave nula but asu Bt tse &Johns * But hiue te the kuduess o! Chas. t*tbrougibesCsuda opS uaceeer.o n fcma ns t of tâtbi g e rit e nb t v a i St. jýohn'a, The second grde me readi!ig Krueger andFrankt Kennedy, lbema- okse UshgPriItnvol. labelMcCuloug1vas abit.i ixisarTh ee t d Ut OERI-IOTALEOFRAANie rip. I oua f mk ueai 6,000. but thse local ighwsay et. »M M41>01t Setaii'da wuayfith anCd so'i ibnItrse n"ai, Frsvrldy o-ln g r."rd-trougi te APtakiir MondaY. ciaie haveroiud thnt fine rases xA rebans' littinggS The. lover grade children made. * sunt ad net ahi. te attend to ber vhene A us B! and oeGra nk4Op> uIt egtIa uh bd$ 4a ut Lake Paent&M board decralleas apprrpisie fer household duties, se vifling hobby de- the milk as tan ns Chas. We!dners, AUCTION SALE gTLa. G~ ursee. Esser cided te trI' is aili 8utisouseverr, net wheu Joe Hertel neveS thoi nd 55tock Having hought a berd of Pure breu '~..s d~ ~r: tir. R. W. have fliisl>sd vnîting aur tri.Seing able Le finit s girl j3attisuny i toa te truck. Jos Keinlen tastie ev. n ut ate Ivt slm n 'away. WeiI, bruevork la a saapteoublev viths a ie'd iti Grade Hoîstelia, on the Searâ Most of tise Sean men, se ho started. rrtvteta> tobe 1ebs~Ptrnu, ai Gag9's Cerners, about tlv 1% ihhgrade am. #onktng o he ebr fth alyte reok Fond tuck. mls ato rylk n ae verm.~ ii ivis. fer anS wait on the vite. Weîî, h. got wîîh great sadusas W'etel e! the lnea'.iqatoe! GaykeanS s te Bat IBO010breakfasdtO55t andiuhesattheeiVsaid deatb etftira. Otte UtpaSel et Wheeh- vdeis 3tadai One'clock Wed4ns ;0 t wah te dihesandwas ladthee ag whch ccurred hst Thuila>. day. Yjrrb 21,19213. ,eret any more dithaenluthse bouse. Several daye prier te ber Seau ubhevSa Svon nov mailni cowg, vitb calvee WR IG HT S CR00L *- or hie vouidbav baS more teaea' vas a change (or theblettenaind her by aide!f S beavY aPringers; S Milliers; -é' oî o au~up. He got ibreug in lutinte taestart man>' trienda agae had hoW orere i aaenbl;2ya - id.aner sud aller havieg tbe meai ana recoven>', but there vas a Vacant place 1bing Hearo ostein uo; 2 yea ru l~'hSa, Mrr Pi, cose or~$th lotatees an the tovo for an heur andt andSelle vas nalled. tira. Utpanel bin bullst engt Hoh Yaringboitr jmath or achant. The frotîowng-pupflsa abal! he iscoveneS the grease hadn'i leavea te Meuru 1heînle 8 hfand Stahga; S aboies; i Du-oc Jerse. terelved gaIS stars fon perfect attend-imelted yet, anS unme to eat. Nov bie tour cildren, the youngeat a baby o1 bear:; iilenibire boar. ance: Mary El' erlng. .1eoeegsh B,-'1geatiler nIeS and gave the tirs il, <oneyoar; a tather 5and brthit an R, 1 1 ihave abie&aveu bosS' et honset eni, Frances Belenski, Auna Tauilu OUCvet-.«i tuey aitihoîr dînuer on heet er triudSe. Three et ber ciilareu anging ini age frein six te tevebv( Derethy Freeman. Mary Freenan. Ma- t ntified Uans eta:.i>- .e ou-have passd te tise great bayoud Ultile yae wih fen120t 10 b r'e Doba, ladys brulden. Alice bluba. But nehing seened qutht.gokun- Anis eIneg au automobile, vitim a Som frs, viaisi reiy20te10 b ias eBrachrlta.Leonard Taulu, Otto JanS>' .5 when bo acfubbed te rcb OUJe Ofetyear ge hn ovn -u Usual terme of sale. b>' an or Radke. Donald BaSSe, s, u. Freeman. Len fluor, ai fitet getiing dovp'-On hie ver vile rrsseieg tise sîreet, Syiu.g ' George Drummeand, Jebhn Drummond. he..ou bmcbditcut-ven soty atten the accident. The h- Fredl Grabbp, Aurtioneer. satisat ef U wUia Kermit Radko, Richard Mulder. ES- "eCh! "-tbere muttlh a tack In tiltt reaved have our Sa,p»syini>&thY. Chas. J. Wrightt, ClerIt. 11. ar e perts In tbe itardit adIte, Paul Duis,- -Abert ERUer hase. TrieS shmlting tise velgbt ever* mainusctur anudl îng. Herbent Braile,. Dorlng Casey. ibereon ithe ther Itties, ven 'bol- ******a ETESO UTO etectlioneofa per-_ Wn. Bysnrors! '.there vas a suar&îer Os bî.~ O ieuetts rab onne r nen BRT day. TiaNis 3, i 9 . i Erexy ae of coes la aiuics titellvca ince hv e eninerfect nventSreieS>' nattera. But ail te no ~*****~a****Ben Rasten yl Oieil ai pWblic alictio 'tidtgsi"Slaessac.ateld ary, sinceth oand Woilrliamt Dc t.n~a uo btoOn BastOu & Sens' mollet stock tart frei Ioi>t ste Seta ahol arBnd udWlla round there was ne sncb !telon tia G. A. Vase>' andtailtiy'and DonethY on Waukegan roai, 1mile eeutb a.....tuo1..Ui. 'àr 'l. a ;ï; 4~ 'J05.~ ~ ~ and ribtsaSlderasd~hfr~ s augim, tirs. Uoyd, Be-, an&. As I»b n. of tise, ' tu' Ti.rosait la a iobufit fort th. Ont'atiiendanre itas quiteoraat lait rWeai, vii everlasuing. Monda>': There vers til.ieen absen- vreati and reigbt-i ,lpot.of md a tronre Beduerf theetit us tiret et prompti>'. tees&eon ancoanit etthe snev alerta. reada gh-otpl.H moe Lfec de sn heie fprpty PAIHTING-NO OUT 'Report exa s ers - in orerile itshat MailandS ctfubhed the tfiou au the veekln Chicago. .LIVE STOCK "fNO TIGHTENIG eei..L-k- &bii.M-na. ilhorUa, Vasey vi1tied her b.l Brown borns. 12 years nid, 1.500 Ibo a Tise fboorvkn ers et-otuaieeough tateenta in Grayabako a t ew cisys the past brovu herste. 10 yeara ola, 1,400 Ibo.; Tb0F fleur vas scntlibed and e:ied view the tabora 0.« that nucb nuaight vsc k. Saoy bons, 12 years olS. - 1,300 Ibo. Silosanrested u dunlng tbes hort vadiuion. We are airet-Ced mati su>t W'15 a ver.tîiile pirnîr. Msesgather sud O*ha Russland brovu mare, 12 years oli. 1,300 Io.; "tilelilgan" ver>' thnnkrul for that. -He .gbso intenSeS te Se a lot et hakiug, Ms;-garot $iMtzgsrald attended the miS- bay sa daSdrvgboe,2yr tb. talde vtba vater-prgoed Mary anti DoraiS>' Freenan visite"u sLa ei day w-z una>', buot Sîtness vinten instituts Thurada>' and Fias>. olS; laet paner, Syeara elS; Guerusej 0010=est thus glvlng te silo, net Genevueve Behring ai Graylake tast cvertok'hlm and a lofe catiens fri Mtrs. Marc>' LusIt nut daugbtor eftnov, freab lu Februian>; Jersey cos *obta Scautin ltu liitlapearh- Thursda>' and FriSa>' 'se v-ening came. s4~e Put fit eatfoi- Grayslaks visoiteai relatives hors lait tebls pr cDnine;2Sl si etnc. btMaciatn- uSci tu et- Gay udsrnsaeAe, vis- _ . ýa', ut yenare ever in aeeu Frday. beifem 8 S oniba eld; Guernse> heitel n e dystin or ihigan tieorevu lited Sunday a! ternoen ai the Brarheu at a geodCook. malS sud nuisrucoa- Mrnsd tira. R. V. Fich anSdsugh- 3 mon1,s old; 2 slieep; 2.geate. *lt il iego! hoops ta required. home. Ilinea, cati On Ni4ck. He bas badl a lut ter, tirs. Floy'd Wiîbur, et Wankegafl, -, NAY AND GRAIN asW Silos are ss rugiS as- tirs. Jackt SinI and rhildren. Misses .0' O -.petlsnc. n a short time. anSdtirs. H. Thanupson et North Chi.i' 600 husisels of eas; 200 bushelsac tisaugl tie>' ver. rut frein souS l.or&tyLuela anS Ruth Freoman 1 As a moral te the aboe r ien> NItcage spent TbursaY at the hoeOf et esmcern; 16 tous 0!fha>y; 200 hales « ro&--tsefoe no gny vire, am treem.,n spent FriSa>' in Waukegan. . c-u e eeruu rat n gOLt uver rat- C. DilIon asie famil>'. oai strav. goer-A. T. Gerard returued te Briar Ridigoetuega anS the adventiaing pgos of the tira, leur>' Knuegsr anS son et Wau- - MACIINERV F >mlas1 vweok. atter spending the'ludeptundent, ooeking up Litevanieo.unSa ara apendtng a tes' da>'a thua r»ysiono hay leader; Osboreue id bhe L. aduacter vInter In Calitennis. laher-eaving Sevices fon use about thue veeoIt athe honm. ortir. snd tins.deliver>'rate; Mlwaukee maver; hi: W. iselieve filis la a service tat heur>' Taayer la apesting a short'lionne, aucu as eseli-viugung mopiu. 'Joun Waitotu. tedd1n; MoCoeik ha>' raire; 2 seed eeryfariner Suyiug a silo laen- Uie ai Lakes Villa. Carpet seeturs. etc., and that oeePar- tir, anSdtire. Herrick ontertaint'd ors, Bradley cern planter anS 80 met '11*1.5ta. Wity assume creciun Mn. and Mrs. A. Behning and tamul>' tîcular houas viii ho au.puiud vithout fioadstraea Chicago ever the vesk of vire; vesSer; International cori ,ys~osSiiteaye eh> hî.o Grayalake visiteS thte Wm. Freetoar murb urglng fren the good vite. end. planter and 80 onde o! vine; 2 suiS3 tc-yU n ybîo alySna. isLel rea-'-- 0- "unt Hanuab's 4uiltiig Party,", a cultivatora; valklng rultivator; Voi 4zub. ien Ud-Ici Uss as- ai> u >.MIaLei rea .5en lthatburden. Nonsa S ut tununed honte vithfihea. Yen use les ie, yonr food tastfa thnee stapi.', ilii Segivten at tise drag; iron beam, drag; vood Seat nitxdai direct tron our Koa- Mr.'and tirs. E. J. Hoilihan ',sted -etter. Alaska refrlgeratrs-all nueS- Vole M. E. churcb FriSa>' evenlng, Snag; 16-Inrh dsetar n relier; Deeri Umor Peoia tactories, ail ex- ai the l'aui Duba home Suda> Ceia nov on dispia>'. Schwartz Parut- Marri 28, b>' bome îaoqt trom, Grays' sulky phev; isreaking plev; 2 emubbu Inte ie eetlih ure Ce., 136-13t-140-142 Sa. Geneses late. Dgn't lmina h. piovs; 2 sitevel ploya; cern sheller Si**los*. ** ** >-s.,inu soulli ef the bridge, Wauke- The ixth and otgbth grades an. hav- taunng Mill,3 ha>' racks; cern iint tL* ý gan, fli. iM:t lng a centest lu apelllng. and the Sth er; grain b4nder; manure eptuader;i 7fr. a.d Wd Frool FAIRFELD SCHOOL The basket baIl gante st Prainutu gtade membera are? prend te ssy the>' vheelbarrov graus moeter; ptata dl? »lIMga Silos are lutpeiai- * **********e'Viev Satorda>' nighi neauted as toi- 'bave hesu perfect lu spelling for the ger; potato Marker; 3 four-nch tin and cebrs ian an>- ther iLuehis Hatuke Edîtor) 1 tw-: V% oouduen anS Hegniars, 14 tae si. vagons; 3 vagon boxes; 5-ton Foli silo. They viilnot wlofee n J 16 Iu lavor ef Weodnien; Regniari. anul Ruth Huson rscslveà the prias u in atisscalea; extension to" surrey Y or bow don-ver riahinuikS tean, 12 -te 14 ln taver at the _ortbmetlc centest tor the primat'> one-sated top buggy; ranopy top su' ty la Kl tg le la Dt It fi- ýs ro en tr- Ir- By s1 M. i. y W, -s ýr )le I- Y. on jr- gU- i- ng , -LH F-l f IMP TOUR LUND FREE FROU 140XKRIS WEED AND) GROW PROFIAW CROPS BT DOM 04DIG SEEDS OF ESTABLISE! REI'UTATION FOR IGH PURITY AND) GERMINATION. BADGER BRAND SEEDS HAVE ST OM .T1E TEM FOR FIFTYEIGT TMAI AND) ARE THE LARGEffSCIlER IN THE N0RTHWffl For Sale By Leadisg Dealer Eyerywtsue IL. TEWELES SEED CO.Z0t8 iWauwe, r.mim} l i. W odreMOuest, preeent W. B. OMM%.VIe. PriMnt F. W Churoflil, eerastI nor SECLJRITY ITLE & TRUST CO. AOSTRACTS 0F TMULE- MM TLG UAIANTM Capital: $125.009.00 'll WAWCEGAN Mr. Adyntior, *iL..UUTTVILU DWUM iT ~d by peo*gi aad evesmmtmrit«,y dmu uay é.rpapein do csm . PUBLIC s'AL l4awlng d.cidd to quit farmirg, 8 wlil suWI et publie muotion on the faim kIown as the M.Ormiokta m, on Or«anUay Road, Mle, wut of Lake Oluff, 2miIn north of Lakce Foreut, and 3e f«I.«eat of LJb.rtyvilue, on SATIJ!RDA, MRCH 31 14 MliiiCava ncgat1 o1io Janevl nplne 4 Oprlngers, 3 f reati, Balance 1 Tire. year id Bull 1 Stock Bull 2 yosrs aid 1 Black T«iÀ,, il & 14, wL. 300 1 Gray Hlors* 9 yrs Wl. 1300 1 Black Hors* .12 yr. vi. 1400 M-AY AND GRAIN 50 Tons Bale4 May' in Sain 6M0 Bu. Corn in Crib ;;0 Bu. Date 20 Bu% SCorn 100 au. R>'. ,.2 Tons Bnied Straw, 2 Tons Ground Foc- Ots and Corn 65 Chicitone MA&9HINERY and TOOLS 1 2H'OraoWagonBox 1 1.0w Iron Wh*od Wagon 1 2 Seated Surrey' 2'MeCornulcitCorn Bîndera 2 Manuro Spreadors, 1 nearly New 1 H-emting Tank 2 Sals Double Hearnee« 2 2-Herse Cuitivatora I Sulke>' Piow 1 Waiking Plaie 1 Janouville Corn, Shreeddor 1 Crindsaone 1 Corn Sheller 1 Hog Feecier Manure Carrier neva.- used' 2 Pulverîzora 2 Wagons viii Rack* 1 5.focà Deerting Mower 1 Dump HA>' Rak. 30 2-inen Planks .1 Stever Gao EngIn. 2 S843 of Drage 2 Fanning Mille5 2 Gaivanimod Water Tank* TE RM8 0F SALE--AIl suma of 8M.00 or Mpder, cash. AU smoli over th t amount, six monthis'time vliiib. giffl on aoo4 bankable notem. =ln'o 7'pet cent litereat No property to be removod untlil ettl.d for. Sattlement can b. npade %vlth th* Clark. BI!1Î AMArrop. FRED ORABBE, Auctioneor. Auction Sale Deing about to quit faesrbg, we vi Iil I t public auction on thie Lof- tue Farm. 8 mlleaseant of Grayalake, % mite maat of GagePs Cornera, on the *amnt road, starting at lo'clock p. m, on MO NDAY, MARCH 19 6 New Miikers, with calves by 1i tet Wagon Springs aides 2 Sets Heavy Harnes 6 springers 1 Set lght Work kiarflOB vti 1 M ilIer a 1 Sa-f. Bro di g fouse, w t î t o-yr.-old Durham Bull' Br eoder complet e 1 Team Gray Horses, 6 Years, 1 240-egg incubator vi. 3000 30 Roda Cbicken Wire 1 Gray Horse, 12 yrs.. wt. 1200 2 20-Gallon Stone Jars 1 Black 1Herse, S yrs., wt. 1404) 1 60-Gallon Gao Tank 36 Barred RàcIt Pullîs 1 Set Bob Sieighs 7 White Pekin DucksiWaoJaI 1 Ford Ton Tiruck 1WgnJc 1 Chambi0n Grain Binder 1 MUik Tankt 1 Blackt HavIt Corn Planter, 1 Cern Sheller vith 80 rode of vire 1 Cider Barrel 1 ii'uller-Johfl5onGang ]Plow i Hay Rackt 1 Riding Cultivator 1 Manuro Box i silo wagon and Rack 1I 'rind Stone 1 Large Wagon BOX 1 Set Scales TERMS OF SALE-Alil sumo of $20.00 or under, cash. Ail auma over thnt amount six menthe, time wil b i n o n good bankabie notes, b.aring 6 par cent inter5st. No proporty to 130 i.moved until settled for. Settienient can be made wlth, the Clarik. FRSHOBES & LOFTUS, Props. FRDGRA'SSK, AuCttone*r. am" FR Popular 1 Chure The Re, pantier et Itegau, ton bas been ibat he Is ta greatiy Bands et t l"ath,-r i ceptiou ot palutuns M either Cal mutnce hi$ t ln Oct. 191 vitS evsry vit>' that n viii the 'i association meutaile building tu the nanan piai. FatJ active lu Baille Bar Heoggese iains rhurm lie puipi c tie lait taM il, as litaPs hn a menii H il vi1 Roc. A. I Hienry's chu charge o! S 18. Paiber L ln tise von the Kîrani b. has Si brougbaveu Downcho s in e0ming mnnMer. T viii cSdnu 2%iteoeýMe» Islher L mrope Wvi chaplaon. I tise Ameruta instrumenta; Debringer i citaplain Ol Thon, tec officen tu t of Columbui eiera (bot1 mahous). cd Arc club, a tnp Club. thse depareu Mihistor. F leader and you il Esta Bond Magmz Mort1 WOLLI "E Ineedle j ditnct o eco: any res Price $ heo Box 20 Dr. y FOR TH Mustani Fever LA UC' PhoneI fil t E

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