UIBFRTY VILLE N)EPENDENI, 1IIRSAY. MARCI-115, 1923 M LÀ.RIZUEM~ IS TRANSFERBED FROM WAUKJ34ÀN Popular Pastor of St. Joseph'i Church Goes to Chicago Parish. The Rev. Josephi B. LanÇrMtfl, lator or St. Jotieph'o churcli, WAiI- kegan, for three and a hait YeRrs. bas been transferred, and the flOwf that h.- la to liaie this COMMtlfIty la greatly regretted by bis thOuw Bands of frît-ida;. Fat her Lauerman Io without ex- ception one ofthtle mOst popular pastora Waukegan bas ever iiad, elther Cathoiic or Protestant. aoi mince bis arrivai ln this commuiiitY ln Ct. 1919, ha has been conflvcted with every wortb WhIle chvic acti- vity that needed Willtng workers He was very activeiY connected with the vlctory Memuriai hoapital assocIation and was largely iristru- mental ln Iutting over flot orily the building fund campaign but almo in the. management Of the. old boa- pitai. liather ,auerman aiso was active ln the directorship of thE Hattle Barweîill (ldfeliowaip club. He goes tu Mont Clair St. Wil- liams cburcb, Chicago, and occuPied the puilpt of St. Jesephi churcli for th. lasittUrne Sunday morn ng, March 11, ms lis pastor. St. Williams liarilh hâte a mesnbership of about 450. Hie vill be succeeded here by th( Rov. A. Mescher, pastor of St. Henrys cburch, Chicago, who laates chaIse of St. Josephs church. March 18. Vther Lauerman aleu vas activel ln the work of the Elke lodge and the Kivanis club. The hard work ho bas don@ In bis parlsb ba« brongbî very gratlfying resuits. lis iaunched a campaiga to builula novwbscooi for the. poriah and titis ln eûmini aunsgina a atlafactOry nusier. Tlh. plans for thiasehool W111 coStinue nager the. diection 0f 2%thsoe M.scher. Faihor Lauerman eàM eta Wau- kosasoon after ho returned tram Boropo viere ho serv.d as s MY chapiatn. le affillated biasait vttb ths Americau Lsgion. bolus larselY inatnamtal ln bulingop Houer De.hsinger Post hem Ho bas beaui chaplain of tihe podl for sevorxl y.,-. Thon, too. ho wus a leader and officor ln tihe Boy Somts. Kalghbts of Columbus, Catholle Order of Ii'or- esters (both mou and voinen orVm- halions). dirEctor tu, tse Jasa of Axe club. aud thiein ]Mors Coun- tryCub. XYEwotld be pca.ed ~te alk or wxIoto you abcom ffl e% nd 7%FrsMowgfqiRed l Estate Serial Qold Bonds and send you "lOPM,"»Ournverftnent à Magazine for 4wFit Mortg4ge Bond Buyer fie for six months. WOLLFEE & 0 0. Pld W Usitlh O0e V E VERPLA 1 THIE PERMANANT NEEDLE The 'Everplay" Phonograph needie plays every word more distinct. Plays every make of record. and wiil fot injure *any record. Price $1 .00 Mailed Anywhere Geo. H, Schubert Box 203 ROUND LAKE, ILL Dir. Ward's Produets FOR THAT COUGH OR COL f Mustard Ointment, Colti and 1 Fever Tablets,« Mentho- t Campho Ointinentt AUGUST RADLOFF Phone1I50-R - -LibertyviR I NDEPEND£NT roaders are ai- 8 *wys Ourof thesstest newssl&Hf i'S titime. on thse «et of le thse Lof. 19 lems tue, viti -LÀUWÀUKEHÀN BQRD APPROVES Father iosePh . Lauerman, $QOOBOND PastOr Of St. ioseph's Chuirch Since 1919, li ISSUE T1IURSDAY Transferred to Parish ih: Chicago. His Departure is Also Directs State's Attorney Greatly Regretted as he isi to Look After Debts of Fred a Reàl Leader in Civic and ' C. Nelson. Religlous Activities. .iust betore Its adJourrimen1to Mardi 22. at whlch time bide wIllt ha aPened for the new addition 10 the Courthouiie. the courity board Thurs- day 0. K.'d ihe $300.000 bond issue and also dlrect.'d the statt.'s attorney to look after the- countyv- Intpreats ini the -setîlement of thtît napeil tdiffi. eitties of Pred C. Nelsoni, contracter, who la construeting Ranid road. The bondS are of $1,00) deriomina- ,t ion. there bolng 301., and the3 vilI be d'ated July t. 1923 and wîi maturec aIt th( aie of V15.000 each year untit 1943, both (dates Inclusive. They will litar 4 I1 î- (-riet interest. Astt itesre comparues, th( bank...ma rhInery dealers and others att have- tegat represeritatîves. Supt. C'harles F.iRuasel] of the -county iigh- Way departmnrt asked that the board appoint someone to represent the ýa ile lie wss stationed at WII- county In the- tlreshirig out of Con-1 mette, anid le built a new parteli tractor Nelsons inarial dIfflcuîties. at ie.n View, muat prior tc, bis lt was declded t0 have State's Attor- transferraltot St. Henry,$ churchi ney Smith authorized 10 look afler thé- matter. * LAKE ZURICH POOREST AMONEi Mrs. R P. Blancisard la vlsltIng viti iser daugbter, Mm. Weaver. Mr. and Mms. Louis Weaver and tam- lly vlaltsd Saturday vîts Mr. and Mrm. MT.ad Mms John Prebsa and son. Jttnor, spent Sanda>' la Chicago viti Ur. and Mm, J. Zapel. Exli F'rank of Bonnen's Ferry, Idaho, IamakIdng a tva veeka' visit bore vith relatives. Mr. and Mr%. È, Weatphal of Chi- casa spent tise veek end vitli Unr. Blcka"s. Bertons Cravford la visiting at th.e borne af A. G. Crawford. Bir. aid bM. Kealcis ver. ln CiUi casa Saturda>' slag relie William Toua.eisad a arge radio net inatallied on. day ilmtweek. 'i'uradzy ev1sning tise [Mies BuM Club - e$ a.Krvoo~ csffuI rprso blnthday Party oo eo f ils Mesaber Mm. ImandaPreisu. hetr«eWzei vers served and lise doParting gieSta ame looking foe'wazt ltiste, Seatmeet, las ta b. heu .ln thSe neai' futre. Mr. aid Mms. ]P. D.Cardy 01 lrvizg Park agent the week end w vhMm. Flors Cilrk - Sm - NEPMWS bThose ait Wilson achoal; having psrf oct attendance during thenOoh of February are-: 55110 PerlstY, Chas. Dosi. William Flood. Dorotsy Kelly and AlI"Smsiths. Beveral bave been absent because ot thse grippe aid 'pink oye." Our cooka for ehe bollovlng tva vsekà are: Altbes Tlood and Allais Smnith. Lesgle Dickson andl Stella ptagenakl vash and vipe the dîshes and John Phasenskl aveepa 1h.- floor. W. have flnlahed mosl Ot oui ex- arnistIont. The complote set o! Reading Circle books. Our Trees and Iiav îo Know 1 hem. sud &;x second grade books have been aslded tu our library- Miss Emma Flood la vlsiting ber aister, Mrm. Howard -cf Waukegan today, Mary Kelly le hack at achool atter belng slck *lith tise grippe. Mr. and Mnm. J. Gonyo and daugh- ter of Anioci spent tise week-end ai the- Gonyo home tn Wilson. lira. J. B. Kelly attended tise An- derson lufleral, in Ubertyville rues- - -'aw'a tifsisbed trons tuhé ýWoou tarinlasI Moriday. Mr. and Mrs. S. tephenB speit runesday eoenirig ai tii.Peristy home. - isMarlon Ptaseriaki xeturiu-d to Waukegan, bac ing been 1l ai -thse home rof her parents durlng the. lasI two weeks. Mr. A, Coit3 boUghi a horse au lLrktyiake last Saiuuday. One of tlîe tr ucks of s coal car brate near Wilson Station Monday to. iig wlîîci ca,îsed traftlc ta b.- held up for some time. lie&use of tIie teaciers' meeting we w, 1 have no achool Tiursday and Iriday. COUNTY PAYS FOR SCIJOOL 0F TOTS AT NAVÀL STA. A recent Item ln the Dal>' Suri tiat, tise chilîdren of Mrs. Klinds- woutii, wve.-wîtlutut free s chool pri- vileges lest week came up fou' dis- cussion from s new anghe at a meet- Ing of tise county board. 4 bill ten $47.00 vas pr.sented as tultiori for tise tii-e.- Klindsworti chilîdren. The bill was finally allowvd. Tie chIldren are Dol extitled t0 attend the naval reservaîlon sciool because tise motion la flot an euliploye ort th.e govemfiment. ationgi sie ne- Bides on the station. She Is em- ployed ai the nestaui-,ont of the (Goi- don Wnecking compan>'. The chîl- dran could oct attend the- North Chicago publie sciools witisout pay- Ing tUltien, s0 the county bas de- cided to aï 'the amount ta tie dltrtt, bellevlng tisaI the chitdrer are entItIed te free education. Firet.lm nLaies Cent>'- Tho IND& PENDENT. TUE RICJIIST REPORT SHOWS fi coot Lake coualy $3 273 0>7 for board' aid Initiais for tise depon- dents of tise canai>aithe v&rs 1 "lte charitable inaîltutians. accord-c lng la, a repart subnsttlsd to the1 board o! aupervisrs !flRaday : Anotier report -'aqbeiUd aboyi a tkat te total colt or -carlag for, a 1414e Cowtys poor, outaide of Watt- he$an, Sieldanad DeerfLto ov- sse. durint tise Issu quarter vas 83,M3479. Thse repart shsow& tiat Mnost of the poor of Lake Caunt> are located on tise "Gold CasaI" bl peoos t~O ha itere tise richeat peopl retde, her tse ffrest oies aiso ahounil. There are ver>' [tew familles depeadont an cisai-ty in lthe rural districta.c mfNiRTIPRMII DISTRIT NWS TIsa..on th.isanor rol of pot'.ii tact atendance for tise past moitist NOTCE PetletZZ8are ,,vitAleilài the office,' osais for watt-r s> stem nt 0aboctIl cf TrusBee JonN. Beriard -a1 -LObe- ISt-'arnd aucfti ropisals -msi i-e ge-lhe ad-csl s atV iisso* I T FILIOS iertyville, Illinois, lu lado Ô STAE F LLNOS)tYvilte Garage, ai Libert.yvilte, Illnoia îcoinî,,,nied by cash or b.-' a check pay- Improvements reserves the rtgbît e.-o (Sa <'<ntractors are ro be pa:d ln apec.ialehtIo the orde-r or J -eS Yt,~etayadal aa h oris~ COUNTY OF LAKtE assessment bonda, whlci bondsA villiu 'ît-t-nl of flieLi3oartlt'ofeLoalalim- jeeci. dal ie ath r a IN TIHE I'ltOBA'rE COURT OSF LAKE dî'XI nttre8t at the rate of 6', icipetltlxeîenintS, cî rtitipd by a responisibte Companles or firme biddin.g vili give COUNTY, ILLiNOIS. annui,.payable annuatly. Proposaîn baril, fr ail amount wichl shai lot the individuai nantes of the msim MARCH TE.RM. A. L. 1923. miusi be matte urifirblanks furîict-ed be 1-s than 10 pecr cent wo1 he a.ggre- compoaing the cornpsny or tiai With IN THE MATTirR 0F THE EST1AI E ,aitie of:ie of Truste.- John N. Ber- gai. tiitheo oroposal. terrsetv drs«stwl 0F CLARA BLACH-ANIC, PliE r1inad, ai Libertystlle Garage, Liberty. Itîdo 9111li te opericd by the -Board of their repeciveaddresssafstei=a SUMED TO BE DEAIO. ville, Ill., and must bc tridoised î'îio- L&.-ai liîii-ov.-ments fl cpei session tlenm adadesa of. Ho Tir. To: Clara Biactianic, presumf-d Lt,1posais for sewer systein l 1Park Ave.'a , Ilorlock Il. M. Mai-ch 20, 1923, in President oft1he Board of Local ha dead. A.nton Blachunlc. Eadwaîd [and surli proilosais iîiusî bo accorons sald s ilIge Hlin the Village of Lib- Improvemerits. 104Lt Biachanlc and to ail perauns wiom il nied by cash or 1)3 a cher, pa' ,,bI o ert yville, Illiris. The Board of Local_________ 'niay concern: theîtrder o. Js.-- S. llyait, Pr-eojlenIlmpi o% tiiîtri -t reserN es the rîght to re- PROPOSALS FOR LOCAL 1You an-i eaeh of you are heroby no- lot the IBoard of Local lînlroti-menî1Il1 ject anx ,tîidlail bids as (ie Boatid May - IMPROVEMENTS. tiflcd thrat appilcation lias beein made1 certifled by a les,onsibl,. barik,, for an , h-ci ,ci the abovt entitied Court. for saad amoulit viiclî sh l iii bt Oeist, lai, t'ouîi,îni sor ims bidding will giv,. Office of the Board of Local ImPree Cout to Judiclail> ascertain deteini- 10 per cetnioftIlit- i nl toilie iihiI tîn i, oftiret te miber- menta, Libertyvîlle,Ililinois, MArch ie and decîsie th ii-îeiriip ori said proposai. roiî,osiig (lie conîpaîîy or lirai wiîh 8 1923. Clara Blachanic, presunîed to b.- dead. Bide wiIl be opeîîr i il h- titaîid ort ilir istriiadtresses as weii as Seaîed pioposats vii b. reelvilâ Trlat t ha petitlon set tiog four hthi Local Irolros inet lt utt I 'rthe100 iie .fltiiiattIi ofGItiire firni. iythBod0Lca povnsa ltri.niiittliori oI detîll, suiiîtrted by ail et 7 o'clock t'. M. Nttttt .t_'o ,. oJSS S -ItTh0fVe Vilage of Lcabemrcyvle L ai lidasit ofthticpiesumpt-on of deatit ýsaid Village liall. itttitt' i nitriîtit\i t, Lb-o.Iîttctitoi d oifILocal outhe Villaosge n 7of 'cloek p.-le . ui tie sald Cla-a tltaciînic, lîavingJerlyvilie, Illlinois, TILe D .l :tîtllutt.O(citj .. ti2 un tyIin-2thdoisuMAr7h A. B. bt-ci IIit-niisaîd cool t ou tn..p 121,h mprovemenîs reserîrs lit i ,t, e day or March. A. lit, 1923, and said 1.-ct Stiy sd ail bidsa an be,, ji' i- t.,t. POOs.s ORLCL lîbt heiae, ael nty ýIlat caoit ca k dldatet ut-cd an oideruf01 et. POOASFRLCL lieiiiiLk ony l recît 10th mate olsad etae st oninisocCirusbtlîlri roi liIMPROVEMENTS.lithe-construction 4f tir.- folil glot- recor in he matel r sai estte ilt- Cmp#ni m o firm I)iiciI;g itiogsementmenass a hohote-wto-vitl: 1 11î n UtO apptlicatiîonltoi hear.ng on the indivîdual nrame r liiiii- it iit I Office of the goard of Local Improve- A connected system or saraitar>' 55v- %londa>, Altril 16ttî. 1923, at the heur jcomPoslig the comrnlîti or tli xrit t-eniîetyitliioeMrhcrmnhla " rnha.ce ti 1ý i i , ctock a.iii. ci said day. ai aro i tiioir respective addresesa s wladI., ensLb 1923. llnosloih>e8,athoudalte"Yrncesy adfnc soon therealter as the business of Raid ithe uri aniud address of theic ît. .tt lîîîîaovl erc-~îisi atra o lesm abinad cour vii îtiuîit.iii ri. cort roi. JESE S IIAT-, b%, 11-. ititl iLocal liiîlttosemeit ctrtuctid sud lad ri , alatig and ti- Ra IeCOUIc ou lotttirIe Cty ot Wau- lrsletof the Board of Locali M t- IaGi ofL bertyville, Lakt- der part tif Osborne St. in sait! VillagO legan. ln said couiit and vtaie afore- Impro% ementa. 12 oc"iit, ,Il tttiuriil 7 ticlock p. m . in île miner %hown aid set borth la saiti. usualiy uctupitd hy asd court. il he 2jllhday of Marcli A. 1). 1923, ai, ordîniance p .zsed and approvet b>' At. v h.clîrim.- ud place evîdence wili PROPOSALS FOR LOCAL alt i i.Vîlla,îgt lltii thtýVillage of heictîes tlerrt and Board ot TrustIffl « te buaid t0u stl)ti ad applicatiolî IMPROVEMENTS. !Lteit3ille. Lakeu-(tny', Ililinois, for sald Village ol Lîbertyville oh. thSe 8301 and at. whiîcb i me ,nd piace )'ou maY !thei. coliatruclionor tfltic, iillowing lm- day of October, A. D. 1922. appedl ich 12, A. f i2. Office of thse Board of Local Improve-'liovement as a vÇticý lo-wit: ýSait i mproceitient shall b. construlW JOe MrH lA. 1BU1L23. monts, Libertyvili., Ilinois, March A connected systiîn of sanîîaîy 5.-w. ed iri accordance vitis lhe ternes «p JOc o H N lR. Be urt oîLko 6, 1923. ' rs, manioles. "Y" braucito, conriec- said ordinance and in accorduoe o tth Clr ftPoaeCourtty.ilîLake fealed prpposais viii be recelvEd tdons and ail other nccesaary adjuncîs the plans and ilpeclficatlans of K*DwOiý Max rityb lios.i ton. i tbY tise Board of Local Improvementst and materiai for sanie, to be made, lb> Leuw & COm.o)any, vbich pla" aM cf the Village of Lihertyville, Lake'constructedi and laid in, aiong and un. speciflcations are onl file la tisa aitice -County. Illinois, untili 7 oclock p. Mn., 1 der part ot Grant Court and First St. of Trustee Join N. Bernard a I iy-' ADJUICAIONNOTCE on the 20tb day ot March A. D. 1923, ln said village, ln the mariner sbown tyville Garage. at Libertyvnie, ilo" AD DIATON OTCE aitishe Village Hall lntise Village or and set forth ln an ardinance passed Contracturs are ta b. paid la 5oeW Pubic nde laherby ive tietLibertyville, Lake County, Illinois ' fat and approved b>' the President and Rassesement bonds.,visieli bead I& w th uc nielEe erebyofgthe i tthOe construction of tise ftqllo*ing lin-I Board of Trustees of aald Village of draw Intereet aithIe rate of %.0 tiean TuesmernExctr of aoie LM. provement s. a visole, to-vît: 1 babertyvilie on the 30th day of Octo- anniens payabe annaMUy. Pe WVli, adeeamen il tte alndte Pm.A connectedl systeof tsix Inch cast I[ber, A. D. 1922. muet b.e mailsupon Iibanhtusii TUlr, eesd vitted i i rounweater supay> pipes, toaeuier vith1ii id improveient sall lie eonatruct- et the of:ice of Trustes John N. néov bats Court of Lake County. at a terni tire bydranis, sut off valves, teesed in acoordanos vlsh the termne of nard, et LlbfrtyvIllo&V«4%e 3*oay- thereof ta lie holden ait the Court and special castings and ail Otiser nec- said ordinance and la accordance vWitis ville, Ill., and muet bo omi P. Houas ln Wankegan, ln sald County. essa- On tise finit Monday of May next, 1923, sane, uneU and iraterilafor the. plans aid ap.clicaticuof Kelker, posuls for sever syauton -0000«,g wheuandwbee al prsoa hvilg snie tob.cmtueeconstructeid and lai, DeLeuw & Comgnçon>. viicisplans andl St" and such pp osai wt vison aianvi e aileran baiin alu. ag and under part o!fOsonoespeclfleations ar eon filsllitseotice CoIIpanW dby euor o' b' dam gia adstt r oîlist. la laid Village, in the . aor <4«T3e onN oraýuLbr bl ats ro .1«»el and requsete4 ttiosfent the ssret g, n ot ba ýX»oldiJoh- n N ait ][Abel, able timthea. Pu'eM$p $ çtê Al.d Courtfor aiudfc ýRon Pased and approved by tise Prsaideqt Cantractara ar. tc, ha peld lna cal .srP-OUemoa. certiffed bF. ALI w»StFLLiR and lBoard o! Trustees out aid'Vlllag* aaseamm bondasvisici bondasviii bank. for aaiauti k Wauksgaa, ni. Marcis 12th, 1923. cf LuberlYville on tise lOth day ut Oct- dravi lateroaet ai tise rate Of 6% Der Ile ssa 10 por ceofo h UeM Lev A. Hendes. Attorney. 11-tober A. D. 19t2. $5si U0 y5p"" aliaW. Pro0posaislot tise proposai __________ Sait u»vemsesi allaitliSe coastd- =lut * Mde apon biak»amunsho.d Bida vii lsed b>' tha UusS et elna acrdaice wvl thIes.teruaof aetItsoffice of Trusstee, John S. Be-0ocl mprovellamte itao said ordbiaS ieand lea co*&We.v»h 14q. -Ait - lev6jyilo AM ý11w9r ty 7 I peç k-P PROPOSALA F4 OR LOCAL @te paUs MsU teiftScaosof Kslker, ville, fL i istbMioro ro id II Bage 22Ùlli ÏX =* IMPROVEIIIINTS. DLsv&Camtay. visih plana and posais ter' »w«e systein on Grant eortyvlle, hhol. Ibe -" apecltcafioM are on flse la thse office Court and Ttrst fit» ad sOh proyoo. bnprovemtents reseylelm t Office of the ord of Local Improve. o! Trustes John N. Bernasrd et Libr- ai u ai leb& aeem ponid by cah or by Je«oM anad s*ll de M . b . 4, leu .Contractera are te ho paît ha apecuai8. Hyatt, Praodt et thée Board oe, Coflaiiea orthm111110 Séaled Proposait vifl! hgrecelved assosmoolbonde. vbleh bond. vii LolAI Ipro-remomta. erttfed b>' a i'o. th is n&dog 4ilM Isy tihe Board o! Local impraveaients drav Iirat aIt the rats et 6% Der apuiiible uk, for au amosint vbh tholr reucti Of thse Village o!fLlbertyrMe. LaIrs annunwaI, yah&easmaîll. Proposas shah nMt b, le" tisa 10 per cent of compodu the CountY, Illinois, until 7 o'clock P. es., muai lie uma". poun aira farniabe tise aage jetthe Prpsa.tise naie and otieJlsday 09 Mardi A. D. 192&, et tise efau et !Treste. sabas N.Ber- Bide viii ho opeaied b' ieo oada!= at lthe =LMag > thel sVillage of nard, et Llbertyvlle Garage. i.*o;rty- fLocal Improvemeti la open seusion Presldont of hOUob LibeiCtyvU. Lah e OduMyt>'. fiis, for ville, MI., asud muat b. cadmuie-'Pro-l 7 oclacis P. M. Mardi 20, 1923, lan m<rvmma the construction or lte foloin, lm- Dn.,ÀA0onmeciiedseux ofa sinlciscasi Florenco' Johansen and Selda Ir'tn vater suppl>' pipes, togetiser vitis Campbell bave retu'ned ta acisool fl-e bydranlshahbutoff valves, tees aid atter s»Verni veeka lilas.. Peclal d laand aIl otisor nee iCondali Cravtord la back to &BAi>' dJuncts and snaterial for tie achool after suffering a veek witiSeme. to b aesi.cSsatruciled aid a apraiaed ankie dus ta talling laid in, alonsg aid uider part a! Norths froin a "straack wviie plyigAve., Seo" an id ThIrd ils is sald vus sane of bis frieads. Vila"i. laiitise asanner shavis and set Tise sevealli and elghth grades farth aiR ord1i531 paàftd and ap- made-potmak" ha UFý 4y f-Proved b>' the Prealdeni aid Board of me postmKenal racita y d heTrustees of said Village of Liberty- gteo . ondbi rfo as. tbeigi. te ~Ou thse 30th day of Octaber A. D, mreust ambrotsal.n80r.g19 more iÀha rdi 80. dwU "iaimprovement shall b. consiruct-. al l lndhrdt eui lisKI- sd in sceordancte iii tise terms otl Suda CrvodSaturda>' nlght and «sa<rdiasiceand la accandaice wvhs Sunday. b n ahol he plans and specificatîons cf Kelker. Tier yulb. o scoolThuya- Deeuv & Consianvie plnad day &aidFrlday becanse of tise mld- secfiatca ae u is lams ffic Year Teachera' Meeting ati Laie For- of Trustes John N. Bernari- tLbr est aid Lakes Bluff.i tyvIlie Garage, ai Ltbertyville, ilos Agnes Gîheon waff a Waukegan CoRtraciors are ta b. pata lis speciai and Ikenosha vîsitor last wveit. aSsmnent bondsvisicli banda yl Mr. and Mra. Ray Ferry ent.ertain- drav Inionesi ai tllerate o! 6% per 1 ed a fsv oft ileir trienda Saturday amuis, payable aiinuall>.'. Proposals1 eveniaig. must ho made upon blanks fnrnliedi Tiere viiill>e a community partyi at teoffice ufT'trustee John N. Ber- givan at Oie echooi houa.- Frida>' nard, ai Llbertyville Garage. Liberty- everilag March 9ib. iVille, lI.. andl muet be -endorsed "Pro- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Larsenrind posais for Water Systeinoon North son Bient tise. day "k±tts .iîvle Ave., Second and Tird St." aid anci resideace. 0.rt4pai BiisA< ls e Sopacîitr Dy .;en .%ra MryConelMrn. os.r 1tr r aCbecL paabie ta tiseorden of Mrs.Maiy CnneI. od rs.Jesse S. Hyatt. Preaident ofthLe Board George Comneli. Mr-. and Mca. Wm. of Local Improvements, certifled by a Conricît and Mn. and Mcs. Werizeî reaponsîble banit, for an simouni vilcis Conneil vlsited aithte John Conneil shahl not, be 1.-se tian 10 per cent cfiih- residence Sundày 'alternd6hi. -aggregate ut the zroposal. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfi'ed Pierce aud Bide viii be.opieied by Lie Board of son Donald visited wiii Mr. and Local Improvements In ,open session Mrs. A. G. Gibson and- famiîy. at 7 ociocit P. M. Marcc 20, 1923. in Kingsley Ferry has qui 8CI100t10 said Village Hall in Lie Village of Lîi- ielp ils brother on iith ai-m as I.- ertyville, Illinois. The Board of Local lanid Ferry asa moved In Ray Fery's Impiovements reserves the. rigit 10 ce- fsu-m. 1.-ct any andl ail bidsasaitise Board may Conîpanlea or firmma lidding viil give Lie individual naines ofLie mernber. ORDERED TO FICiIT ithiieu reepective addresses as well at igthe compandadriy orhefîrn it FOR SUBWAY Presideni of tiseBoardl of Local Improvements. 10-t Chas.E. Russel courit> agent o! PROPOSALS FOR LOCAL hlghways. andl Lew A. Heride.-. IMPROVEMENTS. county clerk Tiucsday were authou ___ ized by the county board La attend, Office of the Board of Local Improve- isearirig betore tiese tate commerce .en, Libertyviile, Illinois, Mai-ch commission on thse matter of lie 6me1923 Gurnee subway under tise St. Pau Sealed pooosals will ho recels'ed rallroad, lni vilci tise rallroad is b>' tieBrd ofLoa pretes te show cause vi> tbe>' siounl fot of tIse Village cf ,bertyville Lake start work rif construction on tise County, Ilinois, until 7 cîici P. m.. pi-opoeed projelLt et oncel. on the 2ti day of Marcc A. D. 1923, ______________et thse Village Hall in thie Vilage ut Llbertyville. Laite County, Illinois, for ADJUDICATION NOTICE the cotru5tlctiori o!tise folowlng im- provement as a wiote., 1-wIL: Ptublic notice is icieby given tisaI A connected syster ofo sanitsry sev- the Suiscriber, Executor of the Isat ers, marioles, "Y" brandies, corired. WiII and Testament'of Henry Cordes. tionsanad ail otier necessay adjuncts deceased, wiii attend tise Pi-obate and material for tise same, to b.- made, Court cf Laite County, at a tai-m tiare- conetcucted and laid in, atong and un- of 10 be islderi at tise Court House lu der part of Park Ave ln said village, Wankegan, in said County, on Oie tiret titise manner ebown and set forth In Monda>' of May next, 1923. vian and an ordinarice passeil and appcoved b>' wisere aIl persuns having claime tise Eceeldent and Board of Trustees against saîd astate are notifled and re- of saidl Village of Libertyvilie on tise quested te present tisesaine to said Soti day o! Octuber. A. D. 1922. Court for adjudication. Elaid improvement shal b.- construet- CHARLIE KLEINSMITH, ed in accordance witi tise terme O! Execular. said ondinaisce and ln accordance viti WVaukegan, M1., Mai-ch 8, 1923. the plaise and epecificatons of Keliter. Lyeil H. Morris, Attorney.- 11-31 DeLeuv & Com;pan>', vhieh plans and 'I Th ere is no Substitute for Quality Automobile bodiea lk ioas-znay i~ etiac' 'txutg. niy nd durâbrié, oi- ight, flimay and weak. Likre .bouses, good bodies arc expensive, 'and make-' shifts are cheapt- Prices influence sales if automobiles,'as tbcy do of bouses, but highest quality and loDwest price arc possible in neither. Thene is no substitute for quality. To cheapen quality cf maierials, con- struction acid finish is flot Studebaker policy. A mak-eshift product is fat-il ta pei-manent aucceas. Studebaker bodies are built ta withstpand for macay years the expasure and use to wich an auto- mobiLc la suhj,-ttd. Better bodies are flot b-:iît by a-ny manufacturer nor borne by any cisassis, Studebalers reputation is at stake in body building. Studebaker bodyp= tatSoi"t squarefeet of Boar apae, rcpràý f * investment of $7,OOO,00, emuploy .O people, and arc tlhe largcSt body planta owncd and operated buyw iàdidual. mianufadturerintheindustry. TheY ar, we believe, as expexienccd and as comâpe- tent to build gotsd bodies at minimum coata as an>' plante in existence. Buyers of Studebaker c4ira get the benefit of thîs inveutmcixit, experience and economy. The broad principle upon wbich Studebaker business bas prospered for scventy-one years, and upon whlch it ia now conducted, insurca satisfaction to everybody who demis with the Hause cof Studebaker. The name STUDEBAKER is your best protection, as it is aur greatest asset. Partial List of Equipment, LiglitSix Sedan Fr, r i le ci, i n i.. t ',t y cock. Quick-action cowi ventilator. Attractive , ; .alî-.. IL- ter. Gi.Ir -rrifVinar and windshicldcleaner. Thief-prooftrasniioai 1 k. ome I i ht. M'..rvcIvet pluali uphoistery. M43 MCDELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. factarî.s LIG - Sx f SPCIAL-SIX DB-SIX 5-P.-...fil' W 9 4 IlP P ..-I ,W.a., 50 H. P . P 16, W. a., 90 M. P. T a. . $975 T-ir.g . 1..4273 '..47 R nd.~r13 ~ 9-R75 . <-P.) 12SO Spda <( > 1=8lU IC.nipe Rodster Coupe5(4-Pm.) - 2400 ( 2 p-..)>____1225 Co.,p.(4-P-a) -1875 CO.p <-Ps..)-2550 S-d- .,1550 &d.n .... 00 .'2750 Tsi-ms tcMoet Your Convezusna. LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N. BERNARD. Prop. Telephone 202 L1BERTY VILLE T H IS I S A S TU D EB A KER 'YZEA 'I