fb)«gsdbwmme ho"U i ry M.qpV th» o uL, Âtor eGneral :4 18 ' gwS. laU.aako nigJ4s trying te figure it euti gua 1exgýW"eto oso wùnewturned tlxeir atten- tý0n1ôrtýfflgto fasten sexnetbnig, oni eomehedy to inti'- mate oinl!eaýt at the" wm"a i r uthe >f#UM F piot p»,=tbIat's wliy-theyetan h rualung deoat. InX thm conneetion it la of interest te recall'. that ithe olqtyMM, wbO- WÂS deteetb4 tryin4o utaniaier wlb as th' « éir reom cpjr ontaining art'cles defrmi4g. -tho goverior-and,. u Mtau mn nas toi to desist b y Sherig Green who warne<l' him, if lie repeated it, le e , lethIan froin the cout hetie. - Ys, here waaaau hr an DM.TY to *the jury AGAJ1NE T oerner e I 4n e ftrta disovf'd ttinp (ndnoed kt~w hn'innyNOT« d1worered) the attQm~ey geeminl starta lin ta try te reverse thfflsmethng ea 'ot bc unéartlied tô inidicte thth mide plyU&the saine gante which the mian hkëe, whiipering to the jury, "iHe's gulty" *'as pls4yIng ïmtd b& Wýeas ea t' at it They swalowd hatVedic haddid'tTheI ave notgot it even haif way down yet. And non' they're trying te insinuate that every Lake eünty man who even lias a passing acqjgwntance witli the evernor of the state miust not speak te lim even non', orlie beconles a ',suspiciou[4 charater" We would say that the attorney general's office- at Springfield isn't very basy these days and. isn't .rery short of funde '«'len it eau spend se uxucli time and nioney on a'thingof this sort. A STR"IR SBMUTION It surely is a strange situation that arises with the grand jury having returned an indictrnent against State's i 'Attorney Sntk'as sponge. squad charging tlicm witli the desth of a south side man into whose home they weut lokigfor.booze. Here's a ease where the sponge squad, acting under the, orders of the state's atterâfy and apparently carry- -ing out thce tate's nislies and orders in ferreting out moshiners and blindpiggers, resulted in liavixig a, tragedy' cone as. a direct outeerne of a visit te the bouse and the office -who did the shobting déclares hé fired in Nowdefenn a special prosecutor is namlet by tlie court andble goca before the grand jury and açeures an iudict-. nwent. And before thot' saine grand jury the state's attorney',% officeý is Ilondling other boege cases asknig f«r ani eie4mag"kt xffenders. And the grand jury ream ri h'midetaantthe squad, ail of whom n'ere principal nitaesaski the ]iquo± <iaes beiug tried at ther hours before the "m'Oe jury. > n h -1t Certai* yla amtint uu stain n h out*ome -will 7lhé watehed with interees t. i lareally -kt a wa ys.paradoxical situation- and one n'hièh hoa neyer ar inii Lakte county befere. The fact that 'tle men, n'ere n'orking under the dfrection and under thêeaýmplqy of thte tate's attotney miade it illogiéal to hàve litai présent the case against theni before the grand jryand t4erefo;e the special. prosecutor n'as c»Aied. Of course only oe e ide of thteévidence n'as presented te the grand juysdCterefore a man, aithougli indieted, la net con- dene util the case goes te trial in the circuit court -and a verdict la obtained. At any event the outcoine'of this stra.ge case will bc ' watched, with keçn intereat by the people ef Lake county who have Been followiug maxiy booze raids -and 'with a constant fear 'that a trageoy w6ild bcecnacted *before the thingwnas through. af Nick Keller, third man on the Uick' [et for City commissioner: 11 had on- ly onW car hauling-eoters A th Ie poile *RadioStation, UOne of . Most for me." Powerful in Country, to Be rEGry 'l .te&luto Working by May 1."AlL' ' ' * - j of gasoline." MAY COST FýJLLLY $20,000 Pter Mcflevmott: "I'm atm m rn- Wilibr Glenn V'Olva ot Zion aigu- De Witt Monter: "There w a oti a contract lesterday wth -the women clerk In one of theprecincta i4lt hl t1w byacopa,.WbIcIR 4 permiftabil e, o beinuMOd uner TÈi ol w - a . asde- peemut ~versn5utftultlon. ~ eteifor coctasioeoner but site got ta ixpodth Uetthé. $150011viii aa =4lbetter )#ta than £la,*bor of ope~un botMay i. e e. i n on4 e *~onai i e4 IR ta*t= lou Ssct ~'~Politiciens. - m*borboO - ot 820A.00. ec7 s s 01 the dua' folioja tIe amnnco- AÀp<ltelan WA., aPProaChedhy tan *Mt madie ro=utly that Mfr. Voliva autmoilei ownel yestorday vWho - pgcMeliycomiott arane- aRtoti ta, bathvotera te lte poila. Mitif w ii.lqtan~tloa of a Povex' "WIat have' Yeu over doue slonz M tatleUt" VM fflposA., rxdLi. te enddat aM. "ei tw et0< ost.tat 10<1OeL vrltoi for one ai t4s,*em, uow ln 'Ur yon, pouts ta nuehi&. vIcte. OMlO trinth* rocs», iu Wmuke- ý1*eiir Aft 10nevolea, bis senior gathlie aplieat refflét. WeII. -.~o~aa'het~.ac"OugbOMi ,tbM't sprett>- gop& ,but WbÜt 614 7»u *ero* Tiuost, u o »4* lt e aLdt*o ontiuoo. -T, lee16Udios. b&#>nle the oipel$ au the foopte pu@otpWi motiaothé. rsuti tae 41of om Ose-t ýç4s4vls.Vlv u%_e oti eNet 1dao ingly emphualas brililant JUtes lnndtnlusvIdd grmens, eruth- et berry sba4, lt* ltrlit fainea redo, thie no*, tans m& browýns. Thb, é*ý tepqutw poIrs. d te lochs. rig toques, turbansan a",u*B-oam ahapes- Pron thte noncbslant ban- tanna blouse and ICs many relatives of printqd persuasion to monogrannned sports modem and beuliful costume styles fntrieately braltet. embrotti- ered or leaded. Blouses sitare te future Ir elaboration ln trthnnxngo.. Styles ttemtevea favor amxple overblouse Unes. $4,95 t» $2â.00 laz.Ali 9port tds iPay 'winnfng galmeshere-tbey saretcetain io. Win a lot of admIration during lthe Spelug opening. Top Conte, shirts or Oport suite of ca kt air or- knittot veuves have tecorativo plaid. of Color. Sveatèys partak -iPt, thce spte 0f nov Orlohiaicolor deaigus. Toniv yl 1and Our sports displays eoinplete, Children'ý- De»"leabe littie- garments, are bore taou"auce lte vee one's cbkma. , There are lt- tIc piar <rocks witIc bandsome toisehos 0< haudw*orlc suits for 1unIQr rmpera fer the two- Year-oid. ochool and dress frocks for junior misses ant nov Dlay tbtngs for baby. Many cbarnrlng tubablea are Includeti la the new styles. Fabries- Pabrics e bediapiay every far-easter n loutee.tht kas * Invadet Sprlng stylos no over-- 'e'ehningly. Ettective creée«. radium, Initted and *othter iveavea are l l ilan Dprints. e Aabian, and Egyptian degin. TIRe mcetorgo-* bd st slqks ever sBon are .tntshpetsed j vhic t te forata' >raio YeallaotaçlIA;. fLAxgie- Pilée a U ilk andsdaheer batiste and bMOulu styles 'ire hore for the SprInS exposition. Color reigus snpirleme-orcid, maize.., Ils. 51k styles vith a teftdexcy toward inueh trim- mlng are bo- radium, glove slk andi eretiedeebine ture- gype pra bud keecus o >**.sudi core out eii d' pcke-aive 0fr naiubffl amsrt*W-tor a.»M*ar.té liote pr. fwa* ts aci flrly Wtu iar m arut. Âceemsrles la a ku»UJiud et charmilag eblmiismare re. . R~) 's'~ / o 0 aDýýTISaeda.Nwhetenw tlt tht have-cauglit the secret of eternal apparel char- for, iktheli la lOOr-the intriginginiterest ef many , nen', clever and -beautfUl fabrl0o-,the barmony of skilluly feetedl expression efthtje wonld's designers. The store cordially invites j-ou te view mode la here. New Suite i. WhkIA Coata Sirgme Thol, i-By ite ceat shahllie- knewu the Sprng Suit' There ia truly American swing te jauntily bexed ccats,' or those that piquantly flare, though they par- take ot the Parisian flaveur ot the jacquette. Sport suità are ef knitted -Weaves, velours or mixtures.. .Three-piece models are exqulitely coibied with pýrntedsilk in bodice anding. yz o$97.59,. .1j14: ollei i ILJ '.1/ e. New Froicks Mîry A Mode lai01orientai The influetnce of the Oriental in e or sud designs has swayed froeks for Spring. It is seen on frocits for street, sport or dres wear. The ucew and beautiful ilita ef which they are fashioued~ lend-themselvea perfectlY te the boyishly straight sud sIender silhouette et the nen' season. Lauvin green la a ncw and prominent shade in the epening dj"pIay et Spriîîg frocks here- Springtime Wrapâ For Every Ocea&opn A Wrap- -Far Ev.ry Wrap -Verily Coats are ËigÈuiglits lu styles for Spring. For they al have elaboration of anme sort or other. New' and interesting variations of fine pile. fabries are employed te fashion the Spring wrap or cape add nany a cape is topped with fur. Prices of wraps and capes range from $25 te $125. A New ArityIýReveàled In 's ,i~ieFootwear The launching of Spring fashioirs the foot of the Ainerican woman, bas gvna d 1ecidefJy ne -exprcs- and neyer before was sucli a fine given artistry displayed as in elaborate sien 'te ootn'eàr for-never were flue trînnningsv.and mode, as now- $5.00 footwear se beautifuly adapted te te $12.00. la Iir il.. m -a hvi vI soal tbrau tu bis 100LI -r Ins Report spen BUSINE ey 'Int Middle 1% ta - $73 ,9M nin 10Per 45 Per 'The Etat- icompany' Nebra'ikit, lahomna. Last m A61.000 o cent fer $5.99o.do0 buildings. Contem turing thi "I',000. stittted ddi titia disir aset, year. NATION ý,SUT It costs èd States mailntalu tlOnal li tîee et rpu * umtriexi