CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1923, p. 11

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u»N É nuuw THM~AY. MARCH 22, 1923. Mak Your Morley Do, Dôuble .Duty- ifa the Sd i coqy was hft atthe mines, ter. waouMbà uothin Wi&à mhihto niaie the wheislof lud.try - go iud,sMd lhoe- trets of thonsanàs d mm ,woold 6e tirown out ofworkc If aIlu tC iflî ey counryawuidi- storeti away mu pocièst, cash reisters or other places, ims.woofdou de sud we shoulti 6e vilem thithings we. neeti te live andi carry on our wo*'. lu ý n the haiWk, viether a large or muai ioi*,wheherfor a short time or a long time, wîqdotlils sbire toward eurichiug you andi thse c6OImpit. '$y déptitiag ail your mooxey in ttis hank,- adntU Tiy4 & a heéS loo14 YOU cUnhave thse mse of yem oamey ail a i tuesand stilli t vii be where it AI bu1d up lb. soummuiy in viici -If yen .lready have an acconut here, ite it te tise greatest ativantage. If MO do ot have su acceunt here, sart one today. Lake 'County Ntional Bank Telephone 15 LiBERTYViLLEiLLOs. RI Men's Work Shoes It wfll soon 1* tk iotoshed your heavy arc<csaad rubbirs and you wiII need a new pair of work shoes W. lavé i mplee ueanti weUm *àw tisa b e pled ewîvuâtie Lt amiwe&~iugqua" esoftie Frm$2.75-to $5000 MAy N, SMIH DuN £»&~wlTu Tra" Ad.0 lâie hde"pu. u 'Upsy y. .- Chas. D Pro.ctor. JInsurançe of ail kmnds, 1544f IB E TY VIL M.~s. M. R.-MiUer attendeti the regli- I1 meting of théd Lake Ceuaty Leagite cf Wmen Vters, bod i the Cham-1 b.r af Commerce la Weukegan Tues- Short Items ýof Especial hrtrest to Libe-rtyvîlle Peop:e Trades Union Council of Cbicego. C ire niart vas ln hart lttk h se Strongheart la "Brava o! the Mr?'. Robet t;lcbalIs. Who for S a m- itft cf leek i iew h North", Lberty Theater, Librtyvlîe. ber of yeans bas boon omployet as hoe foi mother, Mrs. Fred St., bookkeepr bytho es Mter c..dao, i ii a is sickea wittb ceralysis ab Clphe. t Wukeeubas tken a likohe positio .,t ti Saniat, elid Claire was entertaîning ai lw,,r,,*Joh Clahan -i EL-kganh. tks.. Uk p..11. wit Ile d alcaý, rît ,ui. atiinfluenza. lie l8 vas the guest et Mrs. Sarah Van. Pîsa scheurk IHartivare Companty. an-ilctraî.atiuhh a a Sunay. 1 - Ih nw liog ewsps !Misa »orotby Bivaca .-o Chicago, tive te w;.5 headc.d tor the boneYard. Edve'd Boyep vas lu Gray8lake vas ihe guest e1-Mss rances Blsbop Ca etai a tDe- tram Baturay uatll Wednesday visit- Monday and Tuesday. Miss Bowen h -ll hcg tkigtetet lng M. Jones. - shng severai solos Lt the ME eting e1t hopintitulatiîon )î19aiîg îetmeait, 0. . Curcillwasln hicgo verthe Libertyvilis Mualtiai Soc ety an hespital. -Chlck a,.,ý gassedî anti batl Buaday vlsiting bis taugbter, Mra. Mna nn.asvr ateo n-,ioi het Noe McCueig. anti tamily. ! Ail mombors o-the Ameican Legion the service et ltts eîîanlîy tiiIFrance,, Mn.ani rs FedSmtbvee auan. tiic Wemeaiis Auxii»ary lare iirged andi is llilacstoo visti î uilîce of! Mregandv>ltos. rSuiynAthemWu te 1be proesaiit a meeting te be hejat the olti trouble. ilts niaiiy i n-i tîtîlpe tbey know wbat a blizzard la like. dil vie L, rryv tllc Club oexp hua a50 bm om ',lnet day venig. eclck. R. A. Helton, towerta,rn ailliltt Mystlc Worken nnet paylng tues be- Aftefthie business meeting a sodakfrth hcg, iwue tare Éprit lat, pesitivety rank suspon- hiir a ii be spet 'sy htWtnsie ilt i î siea. Mary Caruey, Correspondent. 2t Mrs. Fred Suydam,. ahile prfflsrlng bour sbift, thte twenty lrigi' t-an The littie tbree year alti deugbter of dinner last Stmtiay, waes strickenlthple.T heinoycandsetb. hndu eie di Nr. anti Mrs. Joseph Wilson, ot Brain- paralysie ln a llght tormn, ber rja lc.Toyra tRnotaehte erd Avenue. la cnlclcally lIit e. neu- 81ite beluz e!ectet. At present she prant catly ail the lime vitb treight meula. le mucb improveti ant iber complts 'bzevinj luanti eut ot Chicago, this recevery a is onot for. A traînei nurse belng-thie point where the St. Paul The First D-OLLAR eut of any pay envelope or salary check îs thie easiest onc te save. If you can't gave that one, you can't save any dollar. -But yeu CAN.ýsave if you will. *You can even build up a4'prtune by the unfailing practice of depositing a definite sum here te your interesb-beariuig accomat, b-efore anY anending e clone. peted. b -24th. et that though r shah Mbe for cent"- ethat »Qr.*l oIt pAt- ?e been &pprfti- tnatrolts l. Tou -Cail"? mine IL. t Glendora Lump Coa THE SOF1 COAL WITHOIJT A FAULT Frankin County Furnace Coal LOW IN ASH HIGH IN HEAT "Washed Egg FOR THEERAGE OR HEATFI j By-Product Cokt, Ifardwood Chunks SCRANTON ANTARACITE É>Ioe 47 LI'ERTY VLLE 1 Il Suuday, Mar" 25, Willam De Mile's "AFTIER THE SHOW' -Wit- JACK< HOLT, LILA LEE, AND CHAS OGLE. COMING-14ROBIN HOO" f'~Absent -Relative1 PHONE 306 52Iss es fW S ILK- AUl Silk Messaline $1 inFuat c ta' LibertyTheatre SATURDAY, MARCH 24th A Fine Picture Strongheart The Wondor Dog "Brawo 0' North" YOU LRIKE» RilM M SIETCAL!.;'YOU WLUKUE tU IN THM PICTURE. ALSO GOODCONEU. Special Values; in per yard » 9Ail Siilk Taf feta per yard, - - - Crepe DeChene a good line of colors . - - Canton Crepe China Silk Paisley Pattern Hours8.00 A. Mto 8:.00 P.'M. W. W. CARROLL & SONS'COMPI .-~zy 1~ - -e. v Mrs. Judson A. Mlason van boe tram is for ler. turuWlis frelgflt over te the E. J. & E- ~ tors, an lo viaiter buMnssat- Carlsle, the twelve year old son of CharIl5 t). Nichois, wbo la etationed Mesand ie Mâe r.SaUA lr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bennett\,was bad- at LadyzSlih , in the inttrest3 if' ly cut about the face and bande in a the 1 si Ma ole., Chcgo Mrs. B. Jýurke and daughter, Vir- coasting accident fast Priday. His ale4 with the fszmiiy la LibertyvIlle train.~g er's parents, Mr. and Mnm. Peter Pet- Off. A physicisn took several stîtchs aya the weatber ln tirat «etion Of' gos, Monilay.\ in ot of i s . WnicOnslu bas beee fine au wintOer, 1 LIBERTYVILLE e, ILLINOIS. I ceea.wl[ftî no snow to &pt& of. WIi.I0 thej A. C. Richard of Mark Ridge spent Mns. Hiramn Lusk vas bostess ta thp, blizzards wero raging bore tbe paML Resources of More Than a Halit MIllon Dollars We-inesday afternOOn ratthiehborne Of ".îoiy Bunch,, et e bunco party at ber flOu Sundays. there was O...bad weat- hi., couusin, J. W. Hutchingr:. on Brain- 1 uni ýast rbuinBday evelling. Mrs. . }, r in the clty of the B..dger state. *Mr. erd Avenue. B. Eger a"mtMrs. Peter iiockelman Nichiols reportashle I meeting withl ~l's b~îî5Lanworty, bo a a, iomv..aod the team with tne blgha-scre 'ne. ked succesa tr is work, j btelaLagwrty' wo a i-white Mn. Wred Suydam was contt F CINrmn tending DeKlb Normal Coilege, la at .C omn the gantil groccry-r home 1or a week's visit wltb lier par- 'wrtebae wscorefroflhnenteein. Ilawaa feeling t ansd chesty 'Tuea-s-________________________ enttrMt.eanamea.. ErT.rLongwments, ererday. On Monday lie vias madie a fuill col. M. ad ra E.T.Lanwatby. tiedged iizLn oa tCese United Stat.-S. G. T. Luce wont te BiUlings, Mont,1Ayoewo le apoopa ack duc ;ngthe îequ'ied testsaiatWauke- Asl h aeuda euersis Tuesd;ty ta maire arrangements teor AaYone wbo Ath.inaTpeotoplay peck Claisified drilling a well toroil on bis land ia cd wlvb tbrilllflg action. wlh a story zen. Mr. Normant came bere trim ki that tate. Ho expecta ta bc gene a'o that la moviaz tram the t'rat scen eta land several years ega. ant i ll ow I'i5l IN Vnl oit wu ha'eoVbseâd Jvil)neyer Mithi or frme weeka. the lasit adeout, anti wbo Would onkeevofthte substantial business men of, ta see Betty Compson. Bort Lytel. May thia village. We are glad te eiteiîd - thie haad of fellowsihllt and wush there Paul jtey vas absent from bhis dutie McÀvoy atd Gsretb Hughes beading a At the RayF'urnitae.,mn4 ~'Nit ~tor wvnderful Cat Ia parts ijiat suit them acumr îehm Tuesday 'ratsatnevlth an attack of t csp' rfectiofl. viii da voîl ta go to the The Liberty Tileter. whlcb won lumbago,.lie was ait he store agaîn 'Auditorium Tboater and soe "Kick In" clased about a monl.b age. on accoUnt> I E " N C tliere fflday nlgbt of thia week. "Kick Kate McKee. leaving tpwn radier sud- Ywaeivtât on t famw#yu ec Mns. C. Spriug and Didon Kitch.-n lu" la coeo! these crook storles vhich deuly. bau been takei over again by T« 0 meteS»tew a" fr Se ta inChicaga Wednesday. and whteIeolaparticularly sulteti fer pctirizatin Mrs. cKee san I re-epenctSt-Uol.Yua eetfru ofalg tilere purchaaed a modem steam table and George Fltzmaurice. Who directesi urday, Marcb 24th. The feature foier:aisa t oww ks and ceftee urn for use ln the restaut- IP, bas madie a pbctoplay that yull en- tbe epealaz >ls Strengheart (the ven- ant. Tbey expeet te bave It inslallid trance andi cbarm pictitre tans the dier dog) ineBlawn ot the Nortb.., A soori. verîti avr.'god fdomedy yl aise ho shavu. The M " 'BuM KVY S~( UC nov management annaunicos titat oaly -the blgbeat caos pictures viilboe s heva. A nov musical instrumtlat s8 balte,32 DL Igýhe . tes. nev on the w ansd vil be Installed 8 bans, 32 je. -gh, 7 fa. ys.L lu the tbeate/ hcrtly.. 9 brs 42 in. h isis 12 îe. stayffl 31...,. M ID hig- ~~~~W. _ Franzeit. Jr., viii. have causeinle",7n.sA- ta remember the 18tb cf, Marcb. 192'3. bars. 42 j.b~,7j.sos..-.... D o in 'tisfs Tfs or tberest of ielits. On that da;,10 bars, 50 ig4l~ 2 Ù t y badtu cent the day, bie car becatue b fl B V M Qt7uhl3tulrP ~~stalled Ila a mev tfituerthie A EIU SM OUTTFN ~J~VFJ SUUUuu"~ ~Sebvantt. homo. It vas during the,- 14 bmt, 46 Üje >, 8 à à. s PO>UCTION w 5 r heëowan no torm,16 barZ 58 in. hdi 8 in. A they vere, The party remaînot inluthe BARM t) w E, êed 0h puLW I C K I N 'Iautomobile trom seven o'clack Sun- oI".43 4I* , day- nlght unti about six o'cleuk Mon- 2-pt.Hg.--L.343 4p.H" - mcruihi. te four occupants -. t (de __ '_3.22 4-et.CattI7 BeVy L4Ci~o fl. 4parkedlu tub rear seat. trieti te keol warm aîqd 1usd. the bout o! It. Nono SA! NI O1S B iy tell .cfHi arty feel îuWIhe w v er 0____________________ May Moy ,.,tiroir xporience. but il knov vbAt a R I gnueNorihera minteiblizzard ___________Co____ OUQILL rnveIl 'ith« pal- la.e p "W1 In the Caut: d5511 s dhlil M Il, In the Cait:' "R O B IN flH IDOMP"anîud 11 .*$ 1UfL,, i-14 Z$AJ14 the lavie mia5 5antd SUDY,11aIVzzyG T Geh flg.John, Apr. 834 9rmtl..46o 4Tim NeglU girlwho sIpsafO~ AUD)ITORII TIIEATIRE, u u t w fPumSfer hie sami. ____________ Kathle« YmisI l y Wodrames ,icIIWalter ,48 in. hg $2l ; 60 W. C -1 FRIOAY AND SATURDAY, 0 MeIFY 'Arerican WÎre Fenoe COO ruditodim*Tlheatre MARCN 23-24 I1mg j ADULTS, 3&c._ Chlldren 10C LangWorthy's Bassient afl f@ igsad the nouncemitýxtra- i--1 tI~ I* nickeWe with the etaent Imm NE= cal== cm mm Il a Lîb«t"lllýN UL Phone 29, i Il 1! 1

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