fm votuame cast atte P~rMffl tusday of Last W*k OtwrWlnners ý!%¶wi-re ibat thrty-tive votes cast it tke. village priniari eteclton Tues- are5rib1. 0f this numbor thîr- I*i#lhfWoui ntantiont recordeil ko4Se t .er failedt t place an '$".àailothi. namo tbey bail os lh. ballot. -l*iVos receiveti fourteen votes ,=t0 ffice ot village presâeont, sud 'P. KingS recelveti neveu astelut libsre-lectien. w bê ers a large numbor ot can- p e nteud for tbe offices uf lbe illageboard, William Christian h~e nl.sorit Of the votes cast J S Brook poled itteen votos for flua office of village treasurer. ai wmai egier Iree. The foloioii ia the vay the votes vere dilitrbuted. r Villagae Prosidafll Il" VO5 ------------------------- ýP*ùrILàtkRKing -- ----. -------- For Villago Trusts«s .»:tt.mChist=s----- . 1 IVUU Hilebrnd ........12 j» W. W. Warrnur -... ...1 ;Oo0ê'g Bartlett----------......- V ilIam Stony . ... ............... 2 Iid'bVMote-...--.... ... -- . 5 i-t e e Z im i e ' ------ - - - - - - - - - - - --... AIL BX lsnte------ s.G. W stson -- - ....... For Vllage Treasurer .Brook ....... .. - zelgier -.- -- - regular riltage e ~ -Bb. -M ri17 anti Spitelplace don -àt via l'h.pot$tO4i reste muit * IW -*iM ame i#tt«m tds»sbetons2 - day.--àum4ocbNouas. f Oia ftavek &go lut El'-Bus&cu stannetia K_ t btocit. 5h. bus OS lu'ier bacIrproi setten se nov ihat. il Anyoue,eatsa t loir f551, wAiS tidilipisia t ithli tt ls' ierila Sest ootat atumaiy atternoun élug5j;,end ath Srmervilie that Ohturm llant Weduesday lu tue. ,,Otium narroi-ly escapeti a aocudeni at i-coi. Wiie a hrse (Dol hutched) lsy tAie te quifls became tiglteti lied liI'. saS tiiisonna "n oreion e nsn i ca'im one0fcncee null 1 109 ~ le.-NO TI6HTERING 0F OOFS Mm gsi Slsare coahtiaen Oulsîde villia i-ater-p~roofed Ç6e&sbcutiful brigAil appear- X,=a oeti vh i c a eh- ~5IA# "idilan"Silos in d*Y, eut or sirinte-therefore hbte.r* « fho" la equived. lcbis" Sitcs ars «nigitiau n r C-tftnisseil *-hu weer ugy vires arm thiolev Ibi la service hat ta' frnr buying a site la en- to. Wby assurâe erechion ilitiies-you onhy. borrov 'wheu yon do-let ns as- t hurden. No0n e but - direct frein aur Kata- o'Pends facloies. ail ex "their ne, ereet "Mich- md 'a d iad Freo "Silos ave4 lmpeish- lem titan sny athen s ilo They w - md dwnvey is i Conaiin nogrve o a miracle the horse dtdn't step on ber, kilts e4d tir. j*itie;, aOf chi- as Ita heets vere unuagainst ber head. 1 ta. jcage; 31MM.Jak Loonard, Laiee- Fur~ ,belng go tlghtty dÉawn by one of the fI Z est;,MM.,L. Xewàloki. îer"t reins are one of rhem broie and the ZîasR. A sda t r 14 n horse tdre Itsf loose. Stie escaped oftI 5W5*WSTS0<Nangten MM Frank- lismllna nil with a atî lgt bruises. and very BW IadtVM S4lVlndlr..hhWd muchi frigbteiied. Ms u*Ienm'n er en clïence Bus 8 etft~ Jry ArvsVritbacl, et Rogere Pari. Thie tables wr ai hew-ae oue ad as ul carg Jry WIeS at f I rit cecerted là,green i lgean~d 4*lace duin mi' aU-ie u e rlae nes ne tin ems. a jaea ifeetIAfter 1Deliberation tuatlng îbeina@Ved UxerVegtïy. The ladies Trans en the Soo Unre vere micb i1-2 om*10afl apeunatro, behind actiedule Frlday morning, in- Ou BndatY r. and Mrs. J»e'LeOn- conveniencing some of the paeiigairs John GlimOte and Sain Rose, ai., ard bad aistitestS thelr daughtffl and especialiy the tax colieCtor. Manil A. leged batti rebers. chsrgéd oitii huabauda, Mr. snd Mmà. Fbertevi Mr. ,,nuil, who was due ît the Weidnttv havlug ba steil uheir way ite the. andi Mrs.Hoduliù nad, Mr. and Mtra . store that nîorning, but as NO. 8_w&a afeiy depoit vaultS et the AnOoeh Mlter..o! Chicago; Mr. aud lire. John de four hours lie, she got there at noon bani and it iih avn ebtaîneti 110- Leeliard, of 1Lake Forest, sud Edwiard ltbi t me. A lot of the flos-tirddn't wnit. 000 ln casb4undnegotiable secti« O~Lupaid, aise, et LAie Forest. as they ddidut expeci. ber ta coma aI efna mo ult".The St ratrickspry ttecirh b ajuyFriday even ws ei ttmei.s g that hott4 In crcuei t court jAt Waukegua FrI ba reeutin w» e>Wall plendd c. J. i.erschberger kasistad Maud A. n gis aitsix 'clock. The. verdict tiluls pMsa en4Mtr preved besif B Knoll wth the tax collactlng t this fiwt eîerio lo.~ sIsâ idi$ n train rvem erat a place. one al.bout.Mseeie drcedtOuaea* i Peter Selvers la ccuteppiatlng lu- The rebbery oticfrsi on the. aiglit eide re dire-wn ars e uaesoftepl stailinff drinking cups or bis caIlla ID of Octeher 19, 1919. The saLlean- vas flot a dm11 menm ta tavT- The enonear o . 6ha-n wldoavoredt tesho'w iliBIboth of the nint. Refreabaients etfsandwiches; Thaengue n N. 6bai answft men verOs sen la Autiocei a week ere- pickles, ctte., cake a»d plaeoand tinte of t last Tbursday evenlng. The vious to the. rohary and that afler. white tee cre.m ver. serveul-.and the. braiemau sali It vas carburetor trou. yards deteetiveqs succeetled lu tracixtg thinis e of proseni are dus o w. hie, or some snch tblng. f tur of the telon bonds te Rose -who commItte, lu chage. Many have ex- jotaBrnen homw e teloy aiter bai disposeti et thein. presset a desire for more sUch gatber- la Jon loniofn onewhio1h lttr R's defense W1va a'the bonds ings, se ve'may have the. privilege oetP vas lu Waukegati bail been given te hlm by a man naom- another eue uas± mutk.' tira.Aie Buntoi la ernPl0Yed bY, a ed GlImore vho onuductoul a Kewpie11 Milwaukee f'rm t Ibome vore. Df tn srt*paeweeh Some ofounr igb acheel stuii.nts a otsan ert.plc br a *****i DesPlaines missedti ar train Thora- was amPtoye tu InChicagfo. Gimore. *MUR day evening sndbieti troin Wheelîug be ssid. toid ilm teie as bard mp sud LAKE. ZUR C ta Prairie. 0f Bfai Rsked hlm te dispose oftuhe bond oor** ** * et Mrs. Schmidt o ufl Grove Ia hlm. Hes admitteul that he vneyer bUL qu te 111 st lb. homte Of ber daugbter. seen Gilmore before andi bai net W. 0. Scbumnacher bas beeon ou the i Mrs. Rd »reAim IP seen hlm since. TRoth men asserteil Sck liai for the Vattwio veeks, wviii i You ane tii-ad ot Old man Winter andti iey bati neyer beeu in Antioc., nbeniiialsii. those heil II%%lssrils? Well naarly The mnu videntty'- oe their es- Mr. and tirs. Otto Ftrank and famiiy everytiedi, a, but vait. 'Tis said bus- caPe to thb. tact that the atels vît- vlited Sunday viii P. Bleui au tam. ts Win corne vltb pring. Now theu liesses ver. not abi. te identify Ily. vhich laeW .orse? thaniosith 5111 as the.meu tbey hati tra. OQte Giose. enttaiued the Tli4 latent în curreut events ls the seen Ini uat village. Ladies' Pance Club athber bomne Satur- ditmeuas*eu of adlocatlng a blrub cati- On s previotia occasion Rose vas- day eveulug.i- broth'o Weli. it cati t be did, as trioti atone'bît th. jury et tuni lime' Thursday evenint a nombe tti trol pu Fri.Wto a' xitwt-dsged rlOi-ian W ieg ot o rs . James t ýhe brnlsent generato aIeitvih dsgei.Suetinge r gave bar a aumxr!se paxty. eut ibose littie feliova. I a uu ome i knc' AI tartoil out brlgbt sud "airly" + ** vu ** In p th eetorupletSt itd a deil Salnrday mornlng wth Spark Piug and ot Gmswrplydadaoi-e tLlgAtning blîceil ta thoex«Press vlth AuN T 1OciE *clousa luneh aerveti,- sevErat cases o eggs In !t.beadail tr. Brandine vWtodalhedsItaghier, soutb for Wboellng. but the merlng G .w *e**. radie, et peattne Momma. v as coud and the roade bad. H. hat a TAie J. WiiaotiMoGa. t&j Tiersn aredg oev Cira k uae tUteish Ve chace éseil i bisprotce 09 t e vsy, teleed- the mii aarlet. fsoer quai- pjttg ,'ii in«- - X fWiethe rcesat so ho dil, anil returned "ia; but Jtstuine iSgtUrday un tilt et.s f"tri*Silday, h. says. Dr. Gsorge MoGincla apekeaI the irsdm s ead esvsti Y. that baveauan lil bicycle, bang on tiathodkt t burcb Ounay Mornint. aIt Mr. VIbis lrk's reoently. to itNe tellng i-baiyen mlgbt maie tir.s»d Mms. ay iempeen of Cir e.j 71014 . Bus adilisa. Weiie eut cg it. Ws eothe .rage lu Englamil cag e aideVer Suadar t the, boute verS Wa e noei oudi. nexiklnlne vii h biy ul ft rg. etLr. Tiicsoyeon's parents, Mr. sud Thoe omwMty vau aaddnel te Brie, Our mail carrior deserves a lMM. Gerge Kqk'0< htsa cft i.<leAi0<hu£.beri Bll, ses Modal froà ibis patrons, as ho arl Mii. JamsU Wlton lkas beon on th5et rai'tra. Wlm ..Sten, turdAi Momsgo té sn avtut ltofettrouble toekslIt stthé peut vesi. oveing trois PutiOmia. deliver the mai l aly, regardle* of josephi 'UleatikaWho hbu il îdk William o 'ak and Augusi Bueicehing e the condition of lb. ronde, Helceutd fer nom~e time; t ai çeoent poly. vere lun aiisS5A last vielDOn Jury not use bis car laey. soe'be hitceei The Rai'. Muatord tamoly, i-ho have service.% Ddbblztote ocuiter. Wbeu ithe toad boas qfltautned for th. peuti Bye Mr. sud tirs. 77.4 ei fP*et Irving la toe bg ho valis asle I. Ha tees veu, ar en uthe'gain. Park wvers caller lierm Sbtui-daY.. - - ibrougb fielssud 51y vay nt ail, butl Mr. and trs. Rob Haalt spd baby (nee Le yLndi-er miae a businean tripf ho pronsa bis duty, anti deserves a Etsther Hawkins) et Wauk4-gau vlsiled te Chicageo arr<iy klnd wortj aietue 10. 0, tiains home oeor ithe - 1. Witb fond»a ton had for autos andile ib e nd. Mr. and tirs. Hall fermerty80 1 Note. telephodisnet vokilng, vo foot lii. IllinluVirginia. the ponedvs of earty tisys. MM Dulfmia BatIlett. iho has beonByM'teqmaer Whlte qUlh -te Braniing anti Lois Weaver TAo ie g caz oethie WieConslvac- te 111 the euat wy. I. ijow ranch are ou tAie sîciliai. Grecoe1laIlu tue tion company sud a fov Ford coupes botter. itne iiu.l. l - ere About tbe only cnes to ventur'e Mr, sud tirs. FraikWood andl sou,. peuatickasvstdoripSl otfor mr thoa vea paut. A Ford C5llin, visiteti relatives In Evanston Ted.I car rau mie oa anov driftinear ~'un Over tue vosi ond. - W. are ubreugh i viii envexamina- <Centen ianot as h'gh as the car. tiMrs. Beu DruryWvho -bai been very iens. Atter viggtiug aud sqnll-tuig a fev sici at tue home of ber pavents, tMr. -îvri~gl au O bsetf limes t putiedt trougb ai igbt witb -asd tira. SOIl&lPIont, ts muchbobtter. sOier Iteiy--u fO -no bep Miss Paulie Van Duzor teft Tues- coo usa.esvnhadegt treainIn is l'ne oft&t'vel, *hlcb wa dors-ont a ssrlams-operatton.***a *a** beat'lly haniedti ti now. -Ho thonght -Two more cblldreu of tirsLoin il mlghl cari-y hlm. whcb It ttd untIl Cbi4ziiare sici vltb scartet foyer. P >R A IR IE V IE W * ho roachedth ie deopet part, vben ha At tbe regular meeting ot the Rayai voul thvaugb tbe la. into the vator, lghbors ai Woodmen hait Tuesday *******C aud e0e he reacbed the nearesi bouse evenng, a shaiiiZock paity was en- MissetMarthea Saner vas iu toi-n Bal- Ae w-a a large icîcle, has cltblng andi rJoY..t, ater which a dalnîy inucheon urdayugto e a oi ri boots at Irozeu tightliy ta hlm. A cou ll555 selvd. tilvankee, viiere ber father is takilu punuge Isla&il rigbt, Ratqtb, but we pro- 1Lait Skudriay Attltiller eilter- treatment, b1aviug au: operation o6 one fer te lis otms lu k welt heateti voin. rialn.d seven lutile girl friendis at a of bis eayeslait veek. . Harotl Giasvas somai-hat under blrlhday Party. Attleia ds e"ven Mr Clausiug ot a-limer vas a huai- lb. wether lait veei. , yoars olti. Mv. Samervitie matie ber Auase caller aet 'rai#1 le v e Tnesday t Saine of tAe lunemon workei l aitday birtbdaY cake, w-icb bail seveu pini 3luii.RuthiWenlacayn a bei week ago tiunday vithout a bit ofcaulea bull. It. A file inochee)n vas ,food. Iseems wben th&y asked htby 'serveil the ittie foks aud au bhai l g, no Abo catugo te achool turing lb. veo etusedIn lua, numter,.ot -places, goodt ime. , -bailveatier. it b6ei'g lM"o'bie 4o propare it. Otti The Misses TDootby ant Ii ols TAie Royal Nelghbors bekIn luanSs ors dii't 'w-st lébolier. The boys Re>e'chlen were Chicago vassoutoiv ut bati -vbethlsr, eabout tony e doul.d.euue..unht1atmnLnt - Satur4ax,4Ziarcop the 0-tfailort tufed.w-Ut Bsc"Met lever.fer tue pa3t - 4-À. Wagner sud John Bornhofen., ifivo eiks, vas reteaseil Satunday. vitb lb. L. Mtiibr tgnily lunilay. t servedilon the jury lest veek, roturit- I. SBe s trohat In i u"Brava e!tue uhOse untit Tuesday. the 27, i-bon ~4 *4 ..'******Noth". Liberty Tiniater, 1Lhhertyvlle a y titi reluro for furher duiy. -mv. anti trs. A. G. tiaether yen. -J. Heractibergen vas a Lberty- L A KE V IL LA * clîy business visItors WednendaY. ville business calter Tburaday. -I~** **w *Mrs. E. Kruger bad ai hon guesti on J. N. sud*M* Ai*B *t# *vontFriday night tira. L. Riehie aud ber t0 Libertyvrfle Thureday morning via Mr. anti trs. tiatsen e;tiertaîned a dilubter. ,i tbe fiee Une. eumnben <Of frienls etthier home Sttnr- tiMr. FWuey spent tionday lu Chicago. Vernon Glas apent Tburatiay nigiuî day eveuiug. Carda ver. playeti anti a 'As soon as tue veather clears Up. tAie vltb a a9heelmate at Wbeeliug. gooti lime spent. i-r iviii o noitmeti on Milwaukee A veai ago Snnday nlgbt a brother tisses Rnby andi Mabel Ptalcb ai- avoua. lu tulI blas.. TAie resîdenli t 'il Thiomas L.ynch, outhIis section, -w-u teniloi the tunerai of a rotative I l aiethtAe avenu% ougbl nutlotere anyi calleil out for duty after the big alorni. Chicago Wednesday or tant veeî. Mmr. courage Ou acconut ut the muti aud lie prontpîly respondeil and vtrki Kean substituteil fur Miss Falih u bati conditions nov, vben. tbey me-v faithfully utîtli Tuesday night viibout ibat day In lb. primavy room. --they WEIiib Ibrough vih mudthle s bit of et. vwlthie excEption ut a; MI-s. Wm. Weber, Jr., spent s foi- .Cttilg aonmer, wvite pther parla et bite of fod nov andl i heu Tbat'a i-bat ilsys etiti-ok ltb ber ulster lu Chi,- the lovu *111 ahI! b. plodiug aloug vo cal] dolng youî duty, sud tien cago. tbreugh mm,wvAhlu Utile or ne hope somo. The Soc LUne sureiy oves hlm, Mms. Arthur ýruman. a former rosi- for auciL rellô.t.They cg!,kwý offor as, a meilal o! rovard. Sucit fîllovsarae dent bore. <ied at ber borne lu Obi- su excuse, 111 osunot go to ebprchbeb.- rare tbese ilays. cgro at veete of dvouy anti the fin, cause the readi are tee, bail." . Mil Wiciersbelm o! Waukegan aplent anti ber bodiy vas brotht bore tan friday eyeulug ten' nov members Sunday aI the bomne of is parents, bîtial by the aide of ber buuhani, i-ho vers taien loto0 WUillrd Camp IL. N. 'In. anti trs. MatWiciersbeim. nieceilet ber severat years ago. ir.1Aw gt nfi ni1- sca.Pu George Ptlster was agaiu emUloyed Johnson ia the only immedilto relativeI more Awil b. litan l ai tuhetnextmeet. on tbe Soc Lino asai veei. toit. lg d i atydatn.Artt_ Mn.'aud Mms. Robert Buton sud Mr. Itoan vas anablo ho taie Up ub'its1e initiation vorkwae oven. presideti gloit. Bobby, of Chilcago, epent *Sunday studios at Garrett hst wei. becaliset ovor 1»' trs. Chli.trom. our teputy. s at . N.P. Buachs. lof oye Irnubte. He vas la tAe clty Ou taluty lunch vas serveti sud a Mocl Ensit Geoit spent Sunday aIithe Max businesS fiaîurtiay. lime vas hati by ait. Munie sud Joies M'ller home In Libertyville, sud guI !Mn. MCIur .as lu Waukegsu op aperopylale te St. Patrlci's day vas lu statteil aI Area, i-bore ho parkedi for busuness Satnrilai. ordev. A. G.. taethon led tbe discns- tbe ight. Hîs assistant openeil up for1 The nov haiery opetid Monday anti sien iIA "Wby thie Irishi WorV Oreen." businîess Mouday mrning trainnwonue you will hb- Al t1 get Rev. Koten vent t9Q Wheoliig Mouiluy t.earil durlng the big blizzard: Me 'reili. baker> gods dait>'. We wish by train sud, conductedth Ae service ai of WMnr Deenin t 0< Lait LOÇKI)1 i-eO*. sol erveil tie folloiovnt: tIdtsd.y, /ooru strch pudding; ,Titol. day, têpieca; Wednetae, &Wrestco f N gwry, aorved i-Rhbl * hsdY ASIoeTI%ÀIÉ *) d 7F$dy. obeâte padins. tin. tianulut ianti trs. Radius ut the Viking beome,, spent WeduoàdaY anQel Gme Sole~I~ W t teroon ah the home of Mri. H. Hav- qa Wa; Cmtitd rnnitred iHoward cf Wauiogau i-m uc m sflied over the i-s de t t he home ot 8 U O Oft8t W - 13 9 p ns t, M L sud ti t.L B arry , 0Ltu GHok e ba hoi a 1es Mr. HOev4rd announceelthe houer t tht.Graystie bauet "m! a r ollne for Deoaner, Janaiary sud Foiru- SrliiensssenoOt asn. has, iocka ry Monday. Il 1A as telleva: Howar'd te dofa fer the. flinal time, et Se t oiet strang, ,keqiv&n Hock, ast durinîthb " sun.Tii. oora i Vetrott O re. tMartmn johnaen, Dor. vilt not 6e ophA*d againevea forlaRu. eotvMou&bX- te sclieduied Sm#tilitýGm ~HnyGnnee iCiO.i Guasda «z ~ e' é'Wtsli, lHsn Jùhon, Muriet Pet- suy B. Guaida u*- Waiiiegan. ne FFelon and Dean Bai'. M AO 40=984, 0,~ Gay*ke i-I'uia ht of Bsue* mtHEWAIqREN TOWNSHIP Cw vasin tIn t aiua aeasda tro. ....aoIoooL EXTUNSION AOURSU-_ 'lie budiasm es 0Qf tise têwn Cvert ed y Hamna hu rf bUsof ethle sqIIed and Sk -m« O StdM'an. anti- lLai'le *MU * chat 4ilsinmaes tbora vend lu The Warn ' ovnhi* 11181gb iOci b.e Niî . 1 da, libs mat 910eed au aitenqion courft bY PI~ la hb"td that éune auditoriumi the Domestie Science sud Agnlculttali wi Ote re ttdy ike f, on thse h>'Dpau l.Cousîdeningth ibm flel :etbal anses uex±year, vies Qvays. ibat >àà bean prévalent la Warqg sud lae i ta&. a more Important the continue bil utb4d veathén, the part la bhaietbajj et tiM tis isiet. imeetings vers very muccesaful !~o fIesdeavon la oerthe Thel. foie--ugoutiUne glves 0on. An ~i~Ilil l~Upfer ti*he next10*01, idaa of lhe calbefe he iimen sud nai orenPitotRo0 0.,Baude, woma-es hoatdressedtheliavaiius )Loaue andl C oto. tu the lit- meetings: 2:1 leO Moa*l le lias oof thte Pla-y- 4Mr. Tiompson, et W. T. ]EL S. F oras0 et hday, bat tee amall te do The Business eof armn-IBy prof. nucb -Astinsl -beavy $51L1'., Moutt, Bleater Bull. ievevartisa aetar-ad for (tisysisie l- eaiFeedlng Consideralieus and t la 55i9l mt coset. test sud tinet Cutting-.Prof Areta@ * *e n n *o f * * * * * N u s . a T h * G R* A Y S LA K E *Ms nIg efEdctin-i, gr e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r *M aninagemet and The Wenof tIsaMen Nevlteanti fnincithi.. arm Bureau--$. W. Siaugiitev. MissMoru Neve an lad rri >sylcbeiegy of Lite--Misa mailen Of -Cîceno, fil., &Pont Over S=audy et Marion Fleming. tAie Neville homes, poedlng et Chiltiren andl Food ferI MI"s Kathleen Ed-antis enterhaiued Heotuh-Muia turyn Van Akon. îentPanY.freni Cbicsgt> evr the véei Demenatrallof t arat anti Salail eud. Maiing-timis yrtl. Weideui. SeStrOlighert lu "Brai-n Of the Fiai'a Funduwistaî Neati sud Cii- 1 Nantir, iJberty Tieste, Libertyvilie. »setp__MHa&M»Conirad, . tirm Williamu Cremfion caileil on aId i agiit e added liaI liaismeet- 0M ,To"vagit, Xlu Iga i-aro,îeîut ln tus.atternoon sud Vae i tuar a s vantage for six cenaSotive fluesilys opsi Lt be Lie couaty bospita or Weaedsys. Mmi t oftue speakers 'suaoL is<iii:weer enucîed iUttAie Univrslity sisroI Stil'Shor tKeOha sment tetobrin& butorse is audience. Tt week end et bis hoeýr. meaat pestainuti teithe farm. te the fle nesrmeeting et the cem- ioeiie sud totue sesooi. Bal$' 5su" muntY CWlu b i-lbhM naIMa ndai' a eoinihiiilti' snu a s i #bOum db. disht S st iihh ga hail .piotilt e bleMote bold uch.a coorsa. The luteren- of'thes' Ciohgregatlcsual , Qui-nee fp.Eftaumer tacii er' chttrw la beibg tsdacorated, It Iohoes t and chilI sh Wt'il. it lb a- eut te cmplete the wion hi Enuter, lunes, he alte te Mn i' i-uiapologies tir%. G. P. tieNsutars apent ThunF -to Dr. Cone) "Every day tuevery wiY dey lun<Chicagos. I am learungatmoe anti more ahout mi' respective occupation.' a*aeaa .w-.a* Mr, Thoozn , of theW. T.H.IL * maies lia interestinx statemepi ual G U R N E ~ tpvîesha"sor stron 4railnt Pover. '*Peopte ceSe in targar uumbers te *~~~~~~ *u * <evhigAi achocl gatherluts if Part et Edi-ard OhI lings, Editor. Oui- prograla sdevoeilte nOvIpE pic- Mr- andi trs. John 0. Noble etof ff hures," SsirotY Oe Of the. greatasi Pari anouace tue _engagement ot factera lu preseut day lita i'*Thie lAi dtasgiter, -Margaret Helen, ta o rtes," Fritai M Liduieet orWinona, 3tin. Mr. Tiimpson and Miss Conradi are 'lle, wiedding vill taie place ln thi e t b. congrattiltei apon the succeas riny 'part tf Met>. Miss Noble isot o the Extension jFork. gradvsie etOf toiti ('oliege, sud Mn. .Idille of Hain niuverit,. tir LIt- dit-and his bridevwlispend tel.,hou- *4 ebon altiinssettissûh *EVEJtETT SCIO.OL* Tebe-iteeofmihostors .usy***i frienls *ln Ournes ns teint eue cf the iuast popalar teat'ier Warren Towi-. vonott acoot received tue sianti ship tîlgh school over hati. given the iiPqeples' Home Ilournal TicL.tsite Count>' Farm, Bureau Ai.îd ter prouecttng the ilitbirisetof ur uta annisal meeting ait the Warren T. noeilborhood, by teriprg bIrd "eai- H. S. Bttturday. Murcli l7. Tiae Ladtee- i tuaries for tbe yeaj-1fl2.'Ths ai-anti î%d et te oulunch rntî-oon.' anti a gc-ad consista ofthe bOfetiovlng books: "Thia crovd vas preseut et botb Ithe ftit indsanti tannera et Birds." by Dr. uoon anti afterneon sassions, iWilliam T. Horuadai'; -Ti. ImPent- The Dhxon ratit), vas releaieti su acetofBird Ut.," hi'G. imaes Hart- the qui-einfin. falurtiay. TîoY bave ley;" "lTi. Tiieruon Burgess Bird beeji shtit lu' on accont ot diphiieria Boiks"anti**Thet.lhcruton Sturteis for the paat tire. eoisek. Animai Boos," (Tnrnee test a tod cualoin i-bn thie Mn. Gibbons. Et-anti Itogh sud. Woedmen tIti net give tbolr annual St. -Mr. Keougi are -very mach Improvoti Patrlck's masquerade. Wluat vas tbe , lnbealtu et prasont. .. Itroubte, Woptimei. - Te. itecughs brother». Frank sud aev.MaItrs, Rhsqeli aspent utaày PihIUP C"irtneY. Of Auberta. Canada. -- -.~ ~ '~agent a fte » i ut I ber thontelut Ulniesi suenau e baacusi-v4i.Tag iiboeun le, bous i- tbe attendanèe -te talita botb theo higu the ileati thelr methar, tia. Britigai anti grade subools. Behween ti-euty- Courtney, ah Wsuconila. tive sud thirli' er. ab6eneuiati!day . We received,«un vitng paperm. anti lait veei ai lie grade scieol. miate gond grades. Ilci-Tace Vase et Gurnee la eueo!rlbtheGentge Yore, Sr., at tis vritlng. Is rive owners cf accrodihti honds ln tue verY'Oi-. counh'. tir. VÔae keepe Holatein cet- Tlh. tance ai St. Fartici's hall beld tie. The etuer borda that vée rvgin-.- 5t. Partick's ove vas altenioti y culy hereti np te February isi are ovueti iii'a snalt crovil, dus ie lie bail veau iMr. Wlson. o! Witson; tir. Don.egan, sud Inclement veathet. Ï MPORTANT TO THEFARIMEORI SEEDS 0F EF51 PURffY AeN >M NOJUOW WEEDS DCSSY,»EMANDDIG IYFATION FOR ffiGII BADGER BRAND SEEiDS HAVE STOOD THE TEST FOR FIFT EIGJf r YEARS AN4D ARý THE LARGEST SELLER IN THE NORTHWEMT eor sale By Leading Dealers Everywhere Soe DistributOrs LTEWELES SEED ,CO. Miaue,îons Phone 202 FOR SALE BerkslMe Hogs <04 l» Agos) MDAR CRUFAÀM Lpke VM0 L.. A. CLo.Imuffl Plhe Ia&kg Vilba 141-J 8 11116coIDmm UOGE Ne. 131 um"micwolui LIBRVvViLLLIE LUNOIS Me.t 2Md end 4UI TW.daV.of£aoh Menti et afilwy Hall. f î.ltlng htmwbers Cornlally tnvlWd m.O USSARDMARoY CAANKY, Prdet CM7"5Pi5n L IL M^ D. c EW . OLSYt LYH.L . mm1 IE VLU* IL UM mn. Piss. uI- 005. Pba il MARTIN C DECKFR MtunW4v.atLaw tu Wa*biatmes Srso WAUKEAN. ILLo(O DR 0. F. BUfWIFD vETMWRflUYSuEboN Amuant Stat. Votoes4wrtla JR J. L TAYLOR lfic n Firat Nationa lUark S.alkdng Roffl:-1 to'3:» mm 7teîa M Remidanm l EogéWay, ~os àttaP LIMTYvUOL, UILmloI FRED OABB AUCTIONfEERNO 547 NORTH CO(JTYST. WAUKEGM IIÉIS PHONE 2441 RaserasChaaee m SuissesCala F.;DAJRSIW WANUFACT URRES 0F CeçoeWetk Of E«, A RLINGTON SHOTELt WAUKEGAN, ILL e çOUNTV, suStoRIS FOR Tutie 0 INCDEPRNOENT-SlJS A VRAR boteSê*o f SSS* 00 1 ý 1 l - "ý - « IN Game Wai tom Is Pi f rc William .J atate (lame parpilte ai presentative ln the river th , Sanint and demain doee0terem The condi cording to 1 t hat many fuse lntô thi refuse sînki wbenite t0 ter lit poison fish die. HE remedy lhe Se far 'as ing to Mr. ff brouglit .Up for politîcal the matter c pastnàient at ment of ri, Tice, heotFa matter te b Mr. Stiat te the statol (Striation) and could n vas ln SPI' no effort w;~ Mr. Strtt terdai srt respOnse 10 menttati e. * ORI MdissMari visiter Su"d Wtn. Hîpp up for the ri No churci at the. Evar> Rev. Terry. conference. Miss RutL at Walter Y o bad she c Born to M lait Sunday. Walter M thie latter pi * The Grovi 800 vords ft andl had the. offered 83P higbset mmi F1 ,,ou à 7%Fi Movm fred 38I l a E 1 TmE The' needb of r PNce Dr.' FOR,', muat Fei LPho-m *INOI *wayt 10 thie1 ommumww