CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1923, p. 13

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MOMMR 'UMUMhJ. nUY. MARCH 22, 1923. *STTON TELLSt WIIY FISH ARE DY-t INÛ BY TUE TON Game Warden Says River Bot- tom Is Polluted With Refuse f rom Factories. William J1 Strattun. of ipgle4e. etate (lame an d iiih Warden. ste- parel ta answfer the charge Ot n- prosentative Horner J. 'lice thet figh ln the rivera of Illinois, Partictlsri th , Sa ngaîîîuiî, aie dyitiZ bY the ton. andi demnandtg taIai nthltt* ha clone te rprnedy the condition. The condtion la brouglil about. ac- cordln8 /» Mr. StrattOflaby the tactj t hat many factorles dUfsP their re- i fuse lntô the Sangamofi river. This refuse sinks to the bottôin.Tiien wben tee torme on the river the wa- ter lit polucinad by the refuse-and th- fish die. He says there la no way in remedy the conditoli Se fer sa that la caqeernied, accord- Ing to Mr. Strattofl. the charg~es iNt-rt brougltt Up by RepreéentativeT1'ice for poltcal rea*gone. le sa3 s t1at the matter daefnet belong iu hit (le patmeont at ail ut lui the depat-9 ment of river% and halTbois. Mr. Tice. ha rayti, never bioarlîr-d the matter te hlm. Mr. Sti atuato n l akc'-.exe-ptiou) to thae tatoment of lr. l'liethat lhe (Stration) asii ýoui t o I iilugllelt and couldl fot rw set-n le sald ha v'ae in Springft-tl at ihi. time and no effort was mpde tu 4eî' hiA~ M,' r4taiotMayelied 90& Th"yar father laestayIDg wth hie brother. tba wo irl tagotoGlevle an if fljJj(~j~Clarence, eo lie can keep on wlth bis thy t irs00 gt Ge hn tey go to DIOR Icontraetlng. hy ut.10 tfere tTen heY 90 tO i m. R. Merrrer and Miss Ethel Mer, on te rck let ErUDDJLINfU W lAi n.r spent the week end I suco.1 Mies Margarlet Kress enlertalned Emil lii4t of raire VieM an several oft lier friandseat a bouse party Walter MayertcfdPrairuiessVip and Jflj3 IB. NE ovr the week end. Norte rooMayer dabuinestnp taSes Strongheegt 1In llrawn or the Nort Brok, aturay ight --Northi", Liberty Titeater, Lîhertyvîlle. The Kaeblar girls were Chicago Says Lake County People Bet- missese leanor 'Meyer and Susie Eanton of Harvey apant the week end *ter Clean House But Over- at the F. H. Meyer home. -<el Ymod ailnde okf e e a t ooks Diri at Own Door. Mre. Jennie Bdbbihne left 9Sunday echo>Ibyfallng ff stanc. -nlght for Madison, Wle.. where site Mir. Wiegand the Grave echool We a eai ivn adwlll visit lie; aon, Dr. BobbIns, andl teacher bau a wedding Friday. abut the Chlcao ecbool boar Mm. Terry je an tha eîck lijt. scan4ais, the ochoal board lease -anly-ora -0-dae HayofOu, e veiin Me.scandale there. the varlous oter<RANIMAR 8Cl10L. NEWS NOTES Mre. Hyo ho evst r..ohr Hazel Easton, Reporter. Tem notarioue thinge that have amated The'Ining n've" aof eerfield Gram- the down-tate foîke, dan't a mrsholaedatervfry0 Mr. Isrtboiemnew je back tram bis emile as yau read I his editorlal ftraumatbrietc hi de seane hevemto.t tnpta anss.the Chicago Tribune Saturday--and when thay defaated Libertyvilie last We have not bati vary g ted oui wonder wliether the wrlter of ~adya h letviêfor h azice et echool an accruntg c f eueeil had been drinkiug inoonahîne or usaonteLbryv@lgth and cald waather. . aklng a shot o- two, for lUS uai score being 23 ta 12. Our second Hele Homary wn a u a~~'~1A washa rivng forTheTi-teani waa lesforttuate, the Liberty. Hoe amel wna izie HA a ledivn t.TeTr-,ville second team aoutxlaying te.the castest -Why Mty Dad S ould Joui. bune eaid: score heing 16 ta 2. the Prt Bureau." Lake caunty in large part con-,îltaeaaasre isxItr Grove ahotainstheineud qwmr ofsaor citlzenestip. echool gantes. playei.lby oui tiret teasu Grav ecoolte hs rautiwer f ain Its egrîcultural reglans, In the boys.'teh "FlYiig l'se" hava navet' paioa girl twins and a pair of boy people who lie and work In the beau dcleated. Ilîe Liberty ville gaUle awn. 1 owns and villages. and In the pao- was te last gainsof lte seasoli for Saoini the boys t aur chool need pie whose legal reeldence le In the us. unless somns other grammar school velvet bands ta keep their braia s . ',caunty and wbose wark le In Chi- team of the count y wisbes la chal- Mr@. J. l-ammerly je taking cars ot cago. In epite of thie Lake caunty lenges' us for the Lake cotly grain- tgpolitîcal bad spot In the tate mar achool basket bail champloatihlp. Mofre Ter.sbrheadl wyt -nnd expoeed ta crooked politiclans. The St. Patrickt dance givanatth canfrenc. -Probably a consîderahie part ar graminar achool by the leerfieid Atht- ____________tbe remponsihilif y lies with the iti- jetteclub was a great eticcees.Th zens wbose work la In Chicago and -halls wiere beautifuliy decorated in * ** ** ** ** ** *wbose legal reffideisces are In Lake grecni and the music was/,esec:allY * wA ~~ RT *countY. Their polticai intereet la good. Thosa -who weer not d-,ning, U DW 'J t whare thay can flot vole and not spant te tinte drinkiflg pop, talitlflg * * * ** * * ** ~where thay ouglit ta vote. Many of lu thair frienâs; or wattiiig te dîfîtir- - evedanthem formeriy wera rasidants of Ciii- eut movemeuts tg rthe ete ove rtlie The folowngpils recevda cagn and Cook caunty. They are poliahed fluor. Ail enjoyad thematilves. average of over90i~n the tri-ntontbly fa millar wllh Chicago and Coi\s Anther grcal blizzard struck Deer- MrSttt tnat~ n aueanye 'xae --i.s1 i-. tS. Taroti - înyplt.. Th- kn . ha ieldlaat. uuy-a-_ tiOit aniet... *10. ROBERT MAIR AUCTION buhle fofaxIs; 6 fane of timotliy boyIKeyetone aide deli?5 Tuesday, March 27, at 12:30 p. m., 1Rab- i la lck; about 3 lana of alfal'a hay; Ternis Ovçr 16e art Mair will saliai public auction, 2,25 baies af straw. o% .Wlka mlles narth of i)erfld, and 2 miles MACHINERY l J. A. Schminké, c, saith hof Everef t, on Telegraph Road: Good bain teamlng wagon; a loW LIVE STOCK truck wagon; 2 single Budly babsIeds; 'e av arld l-- 9 cows, îwa wth caif by ide; two 2-vaid gravi i boxes; 10 -diac pulver-1 Adami and Eehv rie X fresh milkerii; 2 spîwringers and 2 izer; 2setotlirni;îeeiing now 1N'orth Chicaga. They are te MW mlkers. Two good work horses. 281111 el,; iî City grain seeder, grass t'01n9 ai the home of Mr. and Mis Ibe.; 2 Chester M'hite hrtîd aovs, due see<lei - leeîing liay in ke. double biar- Vltçr Nalloway. et 1248 VletOtt« to farrow ln April, lîuroc Jersey soaixeo single haine 's: 2 rîdlng culfi- stret. whose arrivai last Priday a wihli lg4 i)v suIfe. vatutis; 14 jncli walking 1110w grain alinnauneed hy Dr. L~. B. Jolley. HAY AND GRAIN sacka. 12 îîîîk eau", mvaier tank; walk- The children bave henn hlrsteneU, 11)0 bushels <of goiid ePd baile.y 10-1 iug cultiiator; Belle tC ty feed cutter; Adiaî and Eve. Thne De Lavai niilkas.cows, should be ndaiked Lookc at the. above illustrations show- ae-adjusting teat-cups fit confortaWMl ing how the De Lavai Milker is made over azyime of teat; puisator is c1oieet Wd suit the temperament of the cow. the udder to assure vigorous m«ilking., Everig is jut ghtforte greatest q1, kc t raItsMingaction is such as thé production of nulk in the shortest time. ",b11ave bimicOne accustomed to duringe The master pulsator on thm Pulso- -an . 1 1a Pump assures an absouitely nniform We will gI*dlyta ym more about' pulsation speed year i and year ciut ' The Better Way of f1ig.'5 SCHANCK fHARDWARE CO. Telephone 39 W 2 - a 'IR tarda, s and ie the stement in mare, Donald Cashinure, Grece Shieldspoa i nl polile. They are famil- ,,lich 'tas mt severe titan the anei respose toquesion.93 a sil rpre. dithPederenwMrcltyabgovRorntmJntw andltygithrmetttnd athprft cedre nge wrek.ek.Bccaîue o setaliesats l îUtatoî5 s ui iauaRedkre. the tanner ln whlch Cook catsinty the stprm, there were nu seZvîcea. held ____Thosa pertect in attendanca during la governad. Tliey are not tamil- at th Prsbytertan church ad the Chii the six monthhe uf chool are: Maurice lar wlth tha organîzaàtion of euch i cagû Mlwaukee & St. iPaul railroad * ** * ** ** *Lahey, Mlyrtie Lshey, Grace Shielde, e county as Lakte. 1 susepnded traf lic. * NORTH NORTHFIEJ. * Aice Cashmor , Edith Pedersoii, Harold' Thera ara excellent village and Mrs. Jahn Stryker was a visîlor le Cenhinore, Donald Casbmora, Belle îawn govarfimente bIn he coupty. the seventh and eigliti grades Frida.. q~ ** < * .z.. * Cashmore, Edth Kuntar. The cîtizaus taire an Interest thara I MimeMar Maer uaCiao EarI Louis, Frank and Edith Clark, Town govarnmantfle lsa ly ta af(tc' e.w vieto Sndi~k ie r,. udlalad ho have recastly maved into the1 them dîrectîy in metters concrnlg NOwin RAIM dstrict are attending échool. We, thaîr humes, but we wonder'liawýgNO T Wtn. Hipp lrk i rr n nli welcome thora into aur big famiy. àse.ny knaw Ithe nanes ofthIe county upfr h r;aio 1spervîsars or evar know the nxmes DIT Nochrc o unsyecuo er hiddao egof phyianyfexerc ias e IIS R CT'NEWS Np cfoor ;sunate c * wrehe asne e f phyeic e xer cise of the candidates fer supervisors. ait thse Everteîicai, cburch lest Sunday, waking to achool thruugh thse «La 'ke county lias a good tate-s RevMargey.tuandentor taongLuxa aoebbna. I citlzenahip can ha îipterested Iltetgappearance of Sprlng birdi. Thay Mifeence. .of sspnin hewekt M atrat su Cifasncxaebak:Intelligent, but the caunty aiea le semtotathink Sprlug le hera but! Minate ae i ai e adîn e werek aaioa 1e we' beic. confronter! wlth an unpleasant In- we hava Dur daulits. e et Wa h ite 4ayeroaiti irho re John Realing &etFia nCiaoquiry arising out af the circunt- Supt. T. A. Simpson visited a ecb. me .i' fotlit 0 ig ho n busines&. aetFie aostances Ot Sma.l's trial. Our ecitol i aet weak Born ta Mr. antd ..H ary Schneider There le a fine field for corruption Les Chrisenan bild bis eYes Waltr Maer wn ontâe ic wH a havure bea tStiro m . eday. l es their Ignorance and their lack appeared at 1echocl with 'goggtes' thWatter prtofer weoie ac a etre aIbi at Tedy of Interet Intheîr county govern- Monday. tis ltte prt f iiewek.Mr. and Mns. Chas. Caibtore visited ment. We'd suggeet that the people Haze*l Melville won a prize in Tlie Grave choel reeeived ae ilt Of relatives ini Kenueho. o aecut Ism h ulr 800 words irom dia Cook caunty Supt a aescutyasmtefir-te "Snuggla pup" conteet of the and ba i etFriday. Our teacilei Jousie end Florence Homplirieare ePcmelillty fpi ctlaeneisip. dean uP chicaga }terald snd Examiner. offered $8hftortdiaona who bld the back tu echooi after s week'e absence. the badl aces. and make their The Ladies AId met Wediiesday, et higbst nirk Holn Hamal hadý 1caunty governntant reflect their own the homne of Mre. L. G. Bennuett. hige. mak.Heen amtely ' ]i ien Gertru Newalt epent the sentinment&. Mm. J. Crawtord viited a few _0_____________ week-end swtb ber friand, Margaret days at the haone at Mrs. L. Mal- C4wkof WMwotJLville. The dance tbat wu tohave been beld ******xa*a* Mr. and Uxe. W. Connaît. and aiWdwrho ac 7hwas Mark Gibson troam Kenasha, ana pc.rtponiad tu thse Monday mter Enter. E R I L*I.lanGbofrmWuelaPt Sunday with thair parents. Mr. sud **4 * * * * Mrs. A. Gtheon. woY d e pead, ran*Mr******* chldn Mrs. Guy Simimoaeand daugliter, tpr *- RUN oI f Hfghland Park and Mr. u MeNancy, epent SundaY aftaoon. witb TV talor W" 0 R M UETleo. Lange. of Rondout, ISere guest 5Caf ~ îgt ni yoibutar~ oed * *~* * * * ofth mother. Mms. Henry Lnew Bh soirl a eraning t a YOU JXMOR W% 1d ** ** * undy. ilho o Mr. andaMm J. J.g ait th 7%Fir#?st Lii! Mm. P. Miler and son*of Highldd Mm. Wm. Onterman and dsughter hm Mr. and G riffu Jo.hJ.sphIld Etat Sfi[Q U Park, epet Sanday ait W. HironiIuL OfChicago, epent Sunday at their uew Mexteneti init lu as CoUnt lan Bonds and "adae tareturn "on ta ber home celderanddscnd you Mre.Mre. idamaisStryker of Wliaeling 'le lowa. c"O »O llA. l oer &Woudey e pendung eeveral days wltli ler sonq,________ 'Msèesimf SwMo t A ioeradf mll oved C>ver R H.,1. A. and 1. W. Etryker 0 0 or m FW Drammoudam tome. 0 Min Isabelledetdt ighad a @e 0s S Boj]1W Mme. t*Pçlek rterued ta ber homne Park was te guest of lier parent@., I MOV~($ge DNES h~W br. siar a .lg sgverai day. with M lr. andi Mm. F. C. Biederatadt, Vriday kmfu ixmn"br P-ueMClcào. Iand Saterray. a000aa laoe00lbem o a N Mr. Rueismmocf Fox Lakte, wu a' M. M. L. Thtomas entertainedthetsa .t 1 int ,atware perfect for tae ple a ieler Teeuday efternoeiî. Minsi<nay Society Ofthlie Preebytr- %= bo it ra Ewin, Alvin lamI - ~nTemrs la on dis ick .Jais clieliThersday aftlernon. rZis =î.~1, t= ud eeauShoed, liaI. heing thea annmai l ot5ln, 5 o f HoeVm«dTtDm n godWoi WULLEUEE 10.C.G. JieCendlm areterneti Tu"nayti eeeaysdtreagura'r w_ ed Lom itWilliam Woit- -- - r- - -fron Wisconin. ansd offloars alected au fclOws: Prosi- m adEmmerat abocit. 105mi" King of Havard. wu taa le'dent. Mrs. F. H. Meyer4, vce ipreident, -a l brgL - -~ 0 a ir. P. Haggise; sacretary, Msa 8e he sq t ilmht hae ave whe â&.beykO to reatuetforascol du"ieauntillMondajir oay treesurer. Miese aî finaeat iseir geaunti50 oks eveun ounacemtnt of trin aervibe. arEel V*w it ubenhm ic u Knaik. Mma. William Schinlatuer will Lait Monday tisera were cnly thirtean __________of ____________ elm Futitn beaàf homeing k fo athe hootes inApril. pupils ta acitoo. 38 y ~ eek, bl la lt2~irovitg. The elsoir wil1 give a cantate. Thurs-______ ' Soes Strongliaart lu -Brawn ot lte day evaulng. Marcb 28. Mrs. C. Becker ______________Nortl'. LUbey Tbeatar. Lit>arty#iU.. leader: 'MVBe dRf tatplaiait. 0 0 00 0666969 000 - Taeadaje. tedn, coeeldering thi1bad wea- 27,000 1'IÇS W14Ei.Fd Stod iou miketo ai i the er, atthetr chop suey lper Frïday 0 0 0 00O00 0 0 dept il igt.Ed rai'w es a Mies Francez WpodmiLnspent a few By Artur' Pegelaw riq«<eq With One Hebran cller Sundsy ight, got home - asvcla wt eplae r Miss Ida Kargoas-ut Burtlngton Wis. 9 rk12¶rIMo"y. days oand in. Wi. h ber Woodma , r.ugias been isiting at the Chai. Sturin E VERPI L Az Many staid hornte front igb schooi Monday 10 hier scisool lu Michigan. home te.past weak. TEEPRANIN NE).E Monday because cf the lied whatber.1 Word lias been rsceivad hoeabtat Ernest Hafîmaierý Ralph t 'ala.Rob- TE ER 1 EDE Mien White waacalradiMrsuMr.RsShraletaly ert Douglas and Firanklin Scliar spent' _____________________ Mitan Litwiier honte Satsurday. Ais., for hame on Mardi 151h. Titay Tueaday afternuao St Evergreen terni M. bie ad sn etrkot reare traveling by automobile. George Scott, hartisman. loftIte A. MrWhiMerynud yenrceiverkwordaSatOakwoad Stock Fart Friday. Hea its The 'Everpay" Phonograph on Vhs eîk it. ura ta lerMg~ary DfMm. Mamd Sie- aita n atIn Pennsylvania. needie plays everyovord more Mre. Edna Smith and daughter were Walkar,, ot Mialhl.01 l. be ldled Arhur Pegelaw epent Sunday rtler- distinct. Plays every mnake in Chicago a waak, they atteîsded tse at Preston,, Arl.z., wherersie had gone noon eVtte Wmn. Lockfiead home. funerai of Mr. Mcntyre. lest No entier to regain ber hethl. Lac Geary, formarly of Waucattds. Offld adw ot i re SoLoLse.Dnt 14lir ituabanti, S. W. Waiker. was calladIois ow exrployed by William Cruik- ofreoran -iI njre St Loo, ite. ontforget s0le esd a.lI Irbo her iank on te Oakwood fart. ans' record. aise &M5tics Maonlight dance. Monday, .t e ensdbt, The Hoffmetar children ware ab- N2 1sf0 Vri l haE. le lir a8tWd'I a u Prc$1.0Mailed Anywhere Arl.ahri',Ed ai Preston just atter site hiad sent tram echool s nunthar oi weako _________________________pased lIaway. The tuneral will blie Id onlaccout tof Illntes. C * * * * * * t Hoiy Cross churcit Frlday. Fouir naw alpils bave antared Our Geo i Se ub itMr.-. Martlrt Muphy wlll enterta n echoal tram te Evergree farnis, ai fol ýG o.ILSc*b iM QN A V IL LE * her club at the home otflier motter. lawe: Ama, Ronald, Vîvialie and BxM ROUND LA*KE, *IL*L. * lrs Rd luinehi. Tbursday atternuon. Doris. *Box* * * L# * *-. A. Frintz returned Manday f romt There was nu sciaol TuesdaY, On Lana Nelson and Lloyd Atwaii ibai Ashton, Ill., where lia wae In attend accourir of Mise Courson betng ill. 10i pligalmant. . sce aitlite Evaugelildl couferelida, as ISOla epaiiiiig aIla delegate front bis churcit.************ a.' I. VI~d'S îoducts The attendance bas been very ponrTh a~: e rence sent Rev. Stakenul- *v tisthewaek of mconte lical ciurch tiare. ;crilkinson, Hazai Tweau and taineti Tuasday evenng by Mr. and LenaNelied 100 in selllng ail the Mmi. A. Maerner. Mms. Jay Vaeey vsltadl relatives 51 Mustaru Oictnsgit~ Coli u week. Aiberi Mitchtell relurned Monday Aurara the pst waek. Feve Tajét, i"o:front Clev'eland, Ohia, wliere ihe wae Mesdames Leea Mon and Wn. Dii' Foe Tbl, ti Charles Billiige bal the higheit sloing doge tram hie kannale. Ion apent Ssturday in Chicago. Campho O'net . avý"ge for the second exatinations Mrs. Bade of Chicago Vii the guest The telephone men aralie repair- which won 89. MryGaliger sud Lloyd ai Mrs. Mary Dufty Sunday. ing the- damage caused by the recent bail very gond avereges aiea. Mrs. Emma Faurar oi Racine, le etOrEs. A U GU ST R A D L OF Ma- Galiger,, Carence Galiger, spending sevaral days wtli lier eliter. "AunI Hanuah's Quilting Party" wlIl W Bertranti Galiger 'sud WiliamntNeleon Mms. Mary u)aiy. --h A gvr a IeVl M .ciidiFi Phoo 50R ave beau perfect,l& attandance for Mise Mary Bonson. only daugliler et day evening. March 23, wlft a full Cast th irs i x amendie of echooi. Mr. sud Mm. Iflua Boisson, wae laid af characters canaposed of honte talent. *@ ~ ~t OO 000@O@ ~>OWe bave Ieon<i ~ u eentary' la rosi Tuesday afternoon In Moaney play le an ominig ans. ful of * IO~PNDET radea ae a- ,adm5 sfor tepiaygae. cemetery. Mary Bonsnnwent ta lier ludîcrouns stuations,. sud should -have IN DayE R. cDENTe oerae a~ i. ret Sturo momnng, sttar su at. a flitausa. * th ue oe. he lFtutt *ne ait le 1 tack of the lusa year ago. In ee'oee eOete T P IOLNL.Harold ti u>.n, youuiget Bon ot John Flret In, Lake Ceunty-The INDE ID 19Huisn. le sicIt Vith dipltharia. Hi PENDENT. The 1923-series Studebaicer $peçh18&8SIdtt4*min 1lu 192ý, with.1923 re imemtce»b.ttusnote5 oflUPholda t0 Studebaker tradition qf, fine comch bu&ii shi ay;;'ý ý 1 ehi ae efecedinaide andi out, In theo appearanb n its sturdy construction ad in its equipSat. The hàndsome body, .bui)t by Stud l lût for years. There le nu makeshift Or O k- *'l manufacture - thse quality of StudobWý wo" 1 ship and finish is ýneyer cheapened tfiota di& .Upholstèxy ije of highest gpa&»aMohr vo1l'et pluah, laid over aoft, rcatftîl, terç-inch cueonL TIck carpeta e barzoniua in taRe. Fittings incbade-a vanity cas moking set sud vase. No bady oml$ma a gtater degree of 1uxurY, enduriug beauty and cunvenlence. Thse Studebalter SpecialkSix chaiss ij practically uudsanged in general desijvn. It bas na experixnental features. It pousaC the emre zeihauicalexcellence that bas dWUtiguiaebd tIhO Special-SIx as the outstanding leader amoug quality ma t. quisntity prices. The narne Studebaker stands for quality, durablhty'Coefort sud integrity. It will neyer appear on a maekesblft Job. f 1923; MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. factorisa * LOU .SX pE A-------------- 11~a. 2 W., 40i. P. 8-Pa. . Ii,W.Ba.S0 H.P. TP.... âdW.. o.S.. Irouiog _ $ 7 5 Tourn«.lo......- $1275Tour., 81M Pead~ 0 (3P....)...-'.975 Roae-(2-Pas..)-i1250 a*d55ste<-Ps........'. un Ceqpae.detee - C-ouva u)- 4» (2-Pais1225 Coipe(4-Pai)---.87etScou*<S4p--,,...-.,.S.Mes lod, ..~ tSa d= ...2030 lad.,,"se Terms ta Meet Your Convrgnea - l oT -HI S LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE 1J. N.- BERNARn Prop. Telephone 202 LIBERTYVILLE 1IS A ,S TU DE BA E R Y $2050 E QU IPMEN T leu,,wlde-opeinc d-oon î- piste. esisiproof eind ,ietd wil t atic ,odhitd .1ee,'.od gtat-of vas,. %est vlw ,i-r .Contins t"os tou-dt a't dghi. Clok. P-rte, . F't - Vm. Vity vas. Soki.8 tg . imns h.,od eerp P"ds hvto ik plates. WI.t tein «b.el wlh iioîood type of .pak aed ticottl. -ootl. Coadà lap, oplment cr se, CauSe sd c,.ttsvlight. Covl enttator. Tti.f-poof trass - aIm, ok. oa iou* 8y j.v~ N@U "e- NON r ST. u Calta 5*CC MCI e R Titis YEAR~ Sos ~ --7---- 1 f-

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