e dered to mare a report. Hie city r5t1pointaevlc yu itirtalM airs, according ta, the et."y, vexed A S is ountry boy hast, anid viien ho eln sgu n pt the. amonnt.of AIAIaked Ir there were quaelseor Bob c.1 Youuea mttln Uea g Ispray ur ajroazl- By caréful creeping," titnIs nd, NIEWCOOERATIVE WAR>IÇTINQ &W t)annint te pay thisyy D1,Oi wÂl tgur 1 o allm onsi M FO thE Il yldgt ihnvn htsdBILL BEFORg IfS .SISL-%TURE i achedule' betow la gve. R.gbt An4tiaedir.am mtei.Ie klled the sap sucker. He got out is On of thé mont IxPoftant pxtéo .'tiie ùtie a spray the Dormp.nt-g* 'te.aporàeyrwueeuze c kit B Iiaéd dissocted IL.In Its craw lhe légsaltion wh1cheva *iles ] ÂPLS- - Spray-ForAewVdi *qre2to 0Ouotlon of Protection or Non. fron 300 or 400' insecte and sk.4o,,of gallons 'u= ogs:i eter ee., a nd ag rua pprx hecouft ycousin watthey vere. lature-the flew prtv ake-sco eida and lbaves have SLr u ag rs prI' prteotion Friend of Farm- Just ot hand the fermer boy diflot tng act. apened entirely on trees. Use in 0it tl reQuise tram 4 to a Ver '. er Before Legsiature. \ ow, but by carefuliy Sxamiing lone halg'etr*h ont a a ossry11 b.dr ie8I ti'e. e buga. he faoco eo they vere isat m ay ha te upon hefaon. Is, as g a Iona,1 . drlyie u bnsh <> rv The question oa. prohiblting the begs.he pranunced them hi'b îeai bsuhleo ti bh m I nd'-CUer ud-Fo'r set ktene "WinaPa shooting quail. nnw subjeet of ieg plain red ante. or -defeat vill conoera materially ev- ahowtag ink, but before they have appicatiOtion - loving th* sitOiUt tlatIve proposai. bas eplit the rnnh "Sa the Cty boy made a caretul or farmer, 0f this oity opened, use in 50 galions spray: Fittr oaeiUnee o sb6,aln et ilial fainea ntatwocaps, entry ln is note book of his dlscav- The act, Ilpaaaed, vill Permit farm- il>..dry lUme uiphar, i lb. povdered aanp5t f aty f lighneedeo v.- end bas ted one fariner ta offer a ery and sent sanie tu the archives ai ers ta Pool anud markettheir products I bad aiaenate. ,Oft0 lWlivi .nee. reiard of $100 for proof that quail eat the unlverslty and ho wrote a tengthy 1 wthut rfear tbat thé action vliiibé I rd--Calyx Spray-For sô&b and .* o sa d5iVvouay Fmer elinch bugs. discussion and signed bis name ta 1IL consldered a rest.ra!qt ai trade. it au-j dllnig math. Appiy vhen mot ar tihe The Lake Ouunty Patal Bureau bas Farner ar deandng hatthe Since then It bas been generally tharisos the formation ai' nan-pro-It b.hosieom petala have teiten of 6 n, a a.'y -of bulletins aon BpInylng 1li1i légslature declare a cosed season ~acpe ht.qalmtclc ua Qaealeascaina oen or bpiore calyx cupa close, use l-.5 gi ZOS iDIS quail, arguing that they destroy the m *~***tore members, for the orderly market- Ions &gray: Four iba. dry lime oulpbur* desdy chIincb bug and tber'.by- aid ig 0f theif o*n protlucts. lt aIlms talone -b. nt drèti bcd a rsenate. al*f **f . f ci-a production. Otber farnera deny * B R OW S CH O OL * ",,ke,,heitributionas direct as, Vos- 4tb-Tiireeveksa tter the. fa1 aif * G R A Y S LA K E that the qoil Io a cinch bug ester. sie"id ta stabîlize prices. peal-Fr ac, bbaech. coddIng The. man whe bas advertlsed the *f if i*f * * Th, aet dosa nat interfore in any math. CUrcultaus end bai spot. Âpply ***fif*fi*i -.i $100 offer la A. D. Wilkerson oi Cookr Mie Braoýr attended teachers' i. ay Wtb associations arganized under 3 veekealater petai or blassoms have, 4sMr aeWie fMdsn cfulty, owner ai a 1,600 cpi-e Green etheut at 1.e Fôrsa ad . Bluffta corne .MUelna gJoisjpryfor'V- z ,w ritJa e wbl utais olnt ooçnty farm near iEadred. Mr. Wil- iuea aeFretadLk lfthemaId oeoer tivcoe inaw. 1theiiaw bfaln Use Wpjui i lbt. .povdered * pe t oie aaaii leiiOO* makes tbe offer îeeitii $ Thi rimary grades are makuiggond 0ev ane, iftêey ib.har dua th bea ai-snate "the qgl ýsans of the hast iendsune f hel<ray.Z e av rd lil lîmiit the use ai' the vird O - th-NLda-e eeksalaler fait ' peteîs ~sa it .i uba i Ule fgi'inrq hgvç,agî8ks* . - o»peratlve." - sor. scond bsood aodllug math. Ap- -in a ble . bottaus& 'ý-or mny years." ho says. 'I havé iiay Dletmneyor bas te vS dlÏgers Na tockbOldrmy own more t4gri Plyuatyetenut 5St.Ub is laet lvsaiCca, stusdled boy ta increase the namber an is place preg&aallV ta dsilng a ane-twentiet ai te Stock.-la sprovided ioi 6gllone. spray:Tvalie,1lb. lupow- Mr-'ODS&W abilylae m 0qail ann my farim andi-1 reel that îeep veti. *0fi tat; aty persan vo knowlngly sproadstO t8hydaeimeI b ow M. o th 1tad fat ly ha rentov My efforts bave been rewarded ho- Thomas Edwardi raouid fot gel the feine information about the affairaeai:d.trd 'ed arsnato ed ab ti l ai.Dr' vh dlca recen cause i bave on my iarnM ,re, I ho- ,,Ilk ta tbe Gu4ee station durlng tbe a c-fferative associaton arganised NYT-fthse aprtysare ta hc iy vacated by De.hPaea ld y. Heye; than on any other tfaii ai like starmy itys. - ,éi inder the act alait ho gulihy gi a » mis- ed Iteidd ofrive, use No. 1. No. 3, he incaciwUi-CO. entydb aise In titis stahe. Tlh. higit scbpl t-plas go t o ui-ue I de.seanar. Provisions are aloo made an~td No. 4. <iS8nll uC "Th pincpa fctas u qui o ti. les h-ttistci.bemik tai fo thln aaiatmembers vo break a ysceusfor othier fruits and Dont <argot. the.dancestu ho given "The prncipal actors n quRi Ou theÎtrst tlélia,15tuce-he mill train or actohoagecst ee ah hoho hredte eLtheeatthi letr lova-e haithaol OTTurs- ralin ae:ca~ fr hebitsfedcoula li& get t-tlôgb. contracté, ln arder ta protech thasefrbrau Ueb -eaq 'a,Âri .Crean aeage "Iud re: clrfgt aonvoya ta ds, fp N l E.àiides Âmes, a former pupil vho are layai ta the orgaislation andti t ra u fiebyr . ay pi. su-anave e a .0 and-bredlng vhiconlavoryfaala0tJa.eIivsmarrbed ta piUlp ta maure efiloient marketing sud fi- jln-mixing dry lime aul.abur and lead, Me. sd Ms. UL.Car&Med vere lbob White. igrgàsb 17. ?boy voeeattended In"01129. arsettate, t1h- s advlsabte FulYty O ' iaovsirsbs hsdy "Th naura f041 orquat l-ba. b MIa britiasen 3(ss ruXI Xr. it hi-lot.the no-w ca-perative at, , velgh ont the ainount needed sud la-ta Roy Richeardson vas iln ChicagaoOn "i-se 'turvel d eor Batas l iaa 1q511811 ,taIu amisn s Tbé1 vblcb ins ianlai'ta lava alres.dy lassed tiSin a a samui qtbantlhy ai vher and 1 Friday. grin eneraWoompessionBa ai tg a>a. ?OIpq , ouple iirmu a akegti.' sud operatlug in 18 staheml mèeein latum ti--rain Ibis ln the bairoi thro - R.obin Hoqd," the Wortds greaheat t* gee" msp essioassbmau u Ti. h* e l r d upln a b Bôe ratathe farmer bhl*iight of Organ- a /Zuntfy saek or éome selve of that Auditoriuma Theatre, April 8. mat chnch bss. ihaVa saiiol exend goald vishea ta the bride tala-g ithbius nelghbors for the mat- sort.ta<re acthb unsn ~- este rop cfhbusdraedo!pandtI* scongratulations ta the groom. kettos o_ their ave poducts. Ih dons sotl itatéell c nab eta-.'letle Smith of isarhyv'lle., theet' foui rnd s t ~t~ inet tate avay. bovever, the rlghhs, or as<lfrIed f this la not doue, a gie tvs a cler bei-e on Tbursday 0i lent I«e do c a t belleetatt'if *f'eifindifi 1 llegaa sscain vibaedeal ýf delay may ho caused bythie veek, d tio ler 4ioll <ipa A E»jîeai raile. - .sold partiales catta; talntheisehln Mes. TiiasnsVaay la expected.to. 1 -- give abwwl4 ol-t c.ueatv*mrktn si- the dii at thé nasale. I'_~uaiLe hosptath te tant of *à*f 1 * 1 i fi itfi f fi R E A Atiafis 14 .prvei-ymaorke.taing soi lime suphur, vbei a- oag dissolvai, thili veek. «« abapo*nt al'Itin11%w,"produet already set up bY thei111111012 bould b. done lu a arnali quantity af. Ur. ad )m .es.O itami dangter. ~seaz ~ &Moeeut oplctuiq. i theWolds greateat  rAFituna psol5I u d cotY vuter lugt ta aa tilky conalstmiiey. tise» s- opawitu oaht-otavn ileuis. cudiorIm Tteurt.Aprit . aiburetus. tbk siii et a lêrane, a-ato e lie rrel. TIse, are lreMar~rtbcsixWtn Iand iter. tisi -p ss 9 uea nd 1.15-t ative imarketing ba s een estabibhed or 0<Chicago, caili on fblende litre oij at yess.ad i cn-M s ereRs a hcg i-1ti0tItisStte a s tfmris- gréatest Cardapoat attsda Xext year. l'cou.' lier oit ~opporttuuly for- économiea tabhlty. isLsi hr gn Mrt bu a séM-. ai Nia, Bi-t vau na-cchili- treaisinLb, yeasMr.med sesonM Bert SwanJ no -zunday w.tbrltvst .>r e ar valsdeease i-nveeOsiao iai-vr ieGETTlN Q OOO RESULTS ON ARE^ tyviule. výwud era e o e C"" enirs.v heWORKIN IS"SONE 1 PtD ) i ïMun. Bd B$"uider spont Suaday ln ma-h < it vdopraijob» £ywy s l t g- atnrday vith 8I15410T.B.'testa-g eaited la-Bonne Chica U vi B OW (tgo, vbere mite la teoivDt 5t- uamat of ~thelt spaa on AlDean sud amnily ahtlhghlaud eoOity on .JuIy lai, ile prcetage0 monsf 49"u st leader l o lark reactors fond lu bord$ bas dtbpped . :w Blrc5liaadoctor S m.uany tielnuds aifNi-s. Fi-onk 4h1- ofstPhe.lehaiersvsina Chcagof<am 35 per cent ta 19 pet cent. À total '74eile -un down, but Wb= lod grim Were sBhcked 10 hear ofhe <a LIOKi -e4.a- Ob*"vWstor on Monday. ai 2477 cattile have been tested, vi1th lspureibri deatit, vhicb ocaul-ed at har home ah a uiiiv roeesi?. t iulti UllanR~eU, ofAustin spent tbe 4716 rekewitotdate. .Tiebethh -thbxtgsthbg- i-ceLea uay .7audent u. t seu0 vMdi 'we41ivilsAmarlaie orn eriy teinaikablo réuts have tot Gude's Ppt>aMns an omb ho Curtis Tannles rtuened on ftrlday ouI ou <bl tet». Mm I-.. L RIaoder vas a WaikeeautboeiloIta.laed in eteaitlng ouiT. B. ,ixiify' sd entch ablond. n from aChicagô hospital vbere he bas vistd-, n1pnda Mdui Q> , hiomither-ts vhesq 50 Io 60 Der- cent a O D~?i-W rsgdot be .vn taimetfori-boum- wm Mesýi r. 'JOoi lts ver. 'Chi- the cate uted.ta the test lait JulY. freltuga Wtt' <Ilsappat sdtiie OUdim atiom. cago -viitai-s op BuudaY. . -.11on the e.- v1blch started lau. 15, V=ilansd "lc" ie bck again. Oct ,. B. Godftey vas in Lîbettyvilie an à&.sud MUn. IL Kale andi daughtt sa g9"dY ho « %r < tite. s as borde Gud.e's PpeMm oa- y.Suntiay. <3oevIv*vae iaioai akevtl~ee hgveomi - i leaioi,tbi. oe- At y.ani- rug&-Id oM .liblets, Ms.-G.Wbt sddaugbier May u ndi test.G(k the second ttst, lu SOre as y- preior. J' "i2 Tburaday ta Waukegsu esRi.MesBIMe vasua0. $ouaesone or tva riosauie rofund. end llvantoi. - - i- visiter an maiýw. I-W"tty-twô car.liquada fai ri- l g1 h I~ , Iv. usslngham. la spendlng the '8hh8alyaniLa'yern Stail are have lieso hippe4ta Cicago for ~" Week ah bis home bue. M tbà,,,e .8k vWtth bir ' dPalh'binuet«onS sul lutla.M e Charlbea Kuebker, S-, vas Cal-, and Mmes ..YUiigit<tXg ni DPImI P0SB.. N .AEielta Patetine hi' the d«ea tuabr Ur n r.C .YI9i, -, - I E J "L~mot r lité, or Lake Fors e t 5a-t 8t15457 £1 2 nd s4q&odJnricear R. W. Churchilisl aZ inIzan Ouhbas- home Forthwhoa-vf-iecheo has vh -> teé C"era»hm.io h oueineo hs . - ess theft-s iethve. iTne-"ACor" SX Ilits range cao bc haied fyom a riglg to a eithand mven witlioutextra parts. No nter wherc you taove, th ie Acon No. 6 wiIi meet al condtons eficientiy. Iti- qui-es Dt oi-e roo n iiyou.r kitchen thai th# ordinary box cabinet irange. .-.' Furnnsed with aniai-y i4tite porçelain enarnel doar panels, 'Upasher, trays. "heifibck i-ad, broi1ei-.pan, legs# sides and top of aven, bofl sides of sheif 1i-acket and with nickeled pats-, make ita umt attractive kitcheti Range. The Gai section uses cither natural or artifficial gas., The Coai, "eIon burts lbard coal. soft ceai, coke and wood. A coWplte gas range and kitchen-beatei- as one unit, acuping leu space ini your kitche and givitiz a large coinbmed cooking surf ace. Bath the Gas ad CeaiSection can be uoed at dhe sain tinte - Coiii for beating watef, tank cati ho tsed in connection wth the ceai section. In- BusinesFor Myselt f it's anythinh gai4 electricîty or plumbing repair work, cMI Ben SaovoactUon Guaranteed BEN CLYBOURN Telopone2.1 LIRTYVLL AS c ma -Miss Ber pointed b cut( Miss Bei-y Ni-. and Mi- Mciley av ho.u appoinI - Count>'- Nura esived the ai Ü%m. Laite Ca t* -and vilI tivel- on Ag Pushased au -nablo Minss I làexOpochmd hÈ the.ruade vil fev ielays The.loi-k c ~liltetc. e e .rticulanly. ~'Penseoi Malil ia met fi-rn luit year hi- smala. la csrrying thriop yl v< lits LaiteCC Il ilte PMI 'or tourt ures kegaa. Lakte Antloch and 7promoters ai Uient that thi .Outaucessini Ro TweFak Bak, 't«Hsamy tol PMred dEs 'Wackefal ah i 'week-end at lb SWILNî Our atteudai- lb. veathar. Proiresive 9 Wtàmday ail mm lranicSpa Mes. Louis E v riday muet Ise mehaUl eboi, ést«r vas "hTioui osasngof 6 .7' k! %'s IN VI 'I POTS AJ~oyq*rInh~ àE Pimi~*sforf3àster - ..IV~flD TO YOV2 ' I KokutFlwer Goehc Telephonýe #174-J - beryvi "SayletWith, Flowers"- THE CUT ai a sarment makes tIesargS- ment, vhtt you May thliu oi- sai' about the other ica- lunes ofai t FItabrlc and vorkmans'hip are important, but the style la aliiportatL. In aur tattillg. you set al the"e aoints lunfl mealure. JOHN CICHY LIBRTYVILE - Uimm Waah buyer dut-I ls pecis (2) An -(3) Au I vidsbd - ct-sait othor of tUf roasu' -WA t w" iil Kr, uýV