Residing West wa brrant for th.err rge, resdini on We- g it oiHigbvood. va, 51 it ie, vWho Chari ne ome et 2 a. M.1 4 *sarteul a rougiebu Vtod. te beat ber ut 03Seriff Duke OL 'toa. bale scene ut' Ite.Turner . de * have lieSimrTIed1 i eM.7 lIme li, g. $eatl a a oua, eanl "d ebe la firedaof I Xd osatdiveorce a tÇ ýa e ee Cilài r>4aln Hiighland Park RALF DA ThèI enterte-lumeal sil ýW at gatuide-y ave- *è tned, thera bein-g a0 t. The. procee4s ato Iry dou11enahich lier «Vx ~over thé buidi ,I*se liad. 014 Lad irt v el lu nlookeul bd no did lie eitire cas, 4btin.vbatsofer. Tib hed.ljla*Knox ou t m C M eson ou 00lW odei von' *mes Kox lro e veetber sudi 19 linsyveil sa-ng aeb- le tfl mil "Palm BancbeW' et metrco. lut sunde->'e- ,t tola l. e - clcin ea mixe »Amr Omviee Me. tiktle-q01 Dow mevm- à *Sm W* e %tels ui e,-Ia te ba »sen.repia-d poWd.d f«-e' thi e t eggr. an sd eured uidar the mt tsepcrtur. cSidltona Me-md.l a silo but for time "M"cega»Sio arc'coated on tw eteu vIhli e r-proofred lIma athg ivins thfli ll, ua sm uae-r - Igld 58 *.~el4er<oc e u> vsil are Ow.g dry out o oflcev ulal scte fie-t 11*1.4h ta. Wtr t>'-ssueIrdtios wq*p.uibl!tes-»n..ey *bo rce 'oe vsnythd-ç ef% ai- le-st bon-a.91on, but titwd or PeW4e ae croaSc"' tutbchnleae-, erecl'lit- tr&m idrectud WIadSrrou c1 a et les.tta a se-t>'aler sjpiee-l alo. Tbcy vill mtt or hIcvdovme-very nid' lu a d saicotainin ~aci or etimie large? liean 0e- l d4meer, lite>. v itstand or-- dt, b9rybbarn m itrehvll-o serious &ruent . FIe "Mt'ichtigan" Silo ISyri bc loe lgIhlrge arle or ,«ld Oen-at 0"-I fiieirx- IDbp MM y Si.Mdx&e -lpar #04 fiE sAItT« Mt emma s. * MM *A*M*Poé*i* #Md *rMra.J M- 'Fb.L. Avanreuse taOnt . W IN aChicago Thuraday. joue & fom the acaiet lever quaérAn- the wOk en. tiite Tusada of lait ee lir. Nlokes,,Mbos Carrathers, lira. lirs. 1auie Huit, who lian 5%Çeft Lensen. lira. Weaver. lirà. Tobmn<,MrlI son,@ttxne lu cblcago. carne home luit RoM and a ifumbr i fpu>ilâ att6nded' Raw lieeek. clen rrvdthe Barrlngton meol erbibit ffldaY.' liera lat Pdayhre&dy ta Start york * **********. on the sttarua-1regenser credge. Mr.aongrsetafwdY h * PRAIRIE 'VIEW * lait of the week in chicago wth h9r******** *** ,Artbur Ed5f vas takefl tOdÉChîr.o W . .8Auer aed famiy maved Awayj 'rhUrada$forraiq0pertion tor an al>tront oui'tôwu on 1 b . hy are ceza on lisa le9abOve the knee. HO' naw living 0t Peauet,. roturneil home th$ ffrit af tht week. Itva L. L Mie tbor itd Muton a it bitS. Chris Mortenffl. -owul>i o *'wts ap- ctyviitnn erated on for a ggtlierig inlber li eod l'<>'li weik Iin& ect vof two veýkS ago, returned ta lier 1homo eti.aidfed liere the latter Part Of Ilut week. . tas Elenor Prieue wua iborne on W,ni red King, the little tour-year Sunday. aid dgughtraof Mr. aud lirs. Frank j&,li. sd'Um,'H. Davisentertaimd Kng. wlio liai ban very sik vite company trom Chicago over thie week- ecarlet lever, la stili in a crtlca1 con end. dition. Rtev Mumftord had charge o the Mdu Flren~ce haether staid at Methodist churcli services ILst Sonda>' DeaPlainea.over the week-end. andl vas greeted b>' a large cangrege.- Recet;t Autn Wolf purcbas.d the tion. we are ver>' glad to have Rev. BHOMr Knof haome àaso'Saliùrday Pollock bock ln the congregatiOn maved bito if. e-ain. Next Spnday la Eaiter. On account1 IW. *. Store>' and famli>' er. rel r themweraizweather 'th.udy lend trom- the scarlet fev*r quaran- Sna tine,-the 'atter Part af lait veek. ,Mra. liaergaret Davis vason tie ick Q .11e -foi'rer"Ul 44j » .. ý 11 lira John Woadhead vas a viltar vii t el&tio'g ae-I vsnstae evdays ast week. .- lia.George Kuhe-oPt vas a ChLcago avlistar Fnri'. Dr. Warriner vas'a vistOr lu Ciii- cego 1wo Lieys le-elvene. A Àfv fIlenus of Mr. e-ndl Mn. ChaA. RichardiscaMmee ini irFlsatedalrdlu Richards came lin haI ride->' andigave thea -surprise rart>' lu houar of theitr we-ddietg anuversari'. A gond lime vas euia>'ed hi' adlpreseul. * BIDDILCOM SCHOOL * The foiic.wlng lie- averages of 90 or eboy. u inte second tIn-monthi>' exam- Ine-flon: Raderck Ames. Athn,- Aima, Lorete ilonde-n andi Alvin tffeler, Roderick Âmes lisving 1h. £egaest. Catherine Riordan la uneie a et- tend Mchooi an accaunî of a severe la uyLer 10 maek.physicai Ie-aining More Interestini, ve have otalneda n. et oa-t eath records. Ma-r>' sud 'i outs Edve-rds have left, or ochool. The. Locklýe-un children are gettîni aloag bâneley, sud we bar- e b>' ii ao hitrto aaclool. Tii. Janes tami 'la- 0e-anqtlueLi au accoontaofIlie meuales. lin, Ketîr ad Viola are sae-'lg ln Waukegan wiîli relatives hecause af te had roada. M-zliaide lacouined tîahlghome hy i'lhlesa. TPhe Edwr.rds faml>lie-as maved-ta liinosha. .Tii.meil me-n vas naeie laake regule-r deiveries le-st veet on 55- C0out o." the de. psnov drifla and il- Gertrude Youug la ste->'lg iu We-u- kegan e-I rteseet. 0- INUEPENDIENT readers are se- k- Owaye sure Of tise letest e-lH S the litime. Mri. sMd lira.Georg Long sud .aon mottooul ao tL. L.Mot*eer,s Sa5ser. &eY WWMd tae-tedo. - Qultoe-.puembi. of Ouer powle attend- ad tihe pie-y «ed loulra. gbg the Poutr>ya¶y«W vmn by fio i ven.Evero thouo~t ithe pie-y vas viy go d n .njyod 1<te- Theo Miaula eplod e-fproasm vite tho e otent011 CO.,u o.ngte lied rvt = ieIove-r -f Dbor ZW.14I has v.k tbiHho. ta b. home Cii voek. Thu Làdie' Aid gf Graco Evsnzlical tchutait *111giive e-communie>'enter- fe-blunmehton -Thurida>'evening. Aptil M1 stf9 m m. in, BHecboge'a bull Tii. viale communhin a crdhaliin- viteds. Sa o e-d.on viS h. che-rged but the 'aid viiicleeertuliy recelve a jfroe-wiil offeris3g fer s good eaiao. Aller tho entortaismot refresumont vill b. servid.There vii lso"lie pienty of-tbaf lusons mborna-mae-d candy tee-f you 1ke no v.ll. Came oe, rame aelletun get to5er Mmra.mFrneSanceilra. ÏDegner, lira 0. T. Me-ion, cammittéer t flref ln Le-hi Couifly - The INOSa eg*IN., - r FoRYFAMIRKNOWS 1W" HE HIOII-PRICE 0f.I4MD AHI) THE RAID W,9RD WORK NECESSARY TO RUN A SUCCESSPUL FA1 YOU CANNOT APPORt) TO TAXE CHANCES WnT THE QUALfTY 0F THE SMED YOU S0W., Pl- SIST THAT YOUR, DEALER SUPPLY. YOU WrM BADGER. BRAND SEEIDS. FAMOUS FOR TIIEJ SPLEMDi PURITY AND) HIGH GRMTION THE LARGES T SELLER IN WISCONSIN - Forntaeo 5> Leadiai gDealiers .tôt*Dîtributra L TEWELES SEED CO. Everywhsre Mivauke., Wico.iisa YOU MIL SOON WANW TO HAVE YOUR RUGS CLEANED AND OF COUMS YOU WANT TDMII a2LAM N M HVERY lEST WAT. THERE13 140 BMIER WAY nMAN NPT DRYf CLEAM TMIWAYCLE£"THFM THOROUGHLY OF DIRT AND S»OT AND RFNMR THEM FREE FROM MOHS OR A POSSUBLTY 0OF MOTHS LATMRON.L CALL LIBFRIYVULL 67-R WHEN YOU ARE READY AND) WE WILL CLEAN THFM THE NATII WAY. Th1e Rellable Laondrv LJERn ILE u«d IIHÀDPAUI LAUNDERERS, DRY OLSANERS AND OVERS PI-ONE LISERTYVILLIS 67-R Iii - IgI~ lU 151F v., *- t lu God~r~ Se~oe LIBFe-RTYYILLE GA1~AGE ' Phone 202 esel(y esnl a o awe rachool *111 tender hexîtM' 1WofflmI~ vÂîmwfi #A4od'v ews mlim.O&vtn- la ver>' iiviPcelçd ON ten days, no If YOu liave flot &readY >E FIIfIT om in bmoraing he s8 dyaihooiAlba e twus *PbC 40001, p v& grd4 - ourpersanal lix. 1 cTLV Im mmql 1.0:1it 0.r M are etil1 somewhat under the. weethet r Te W& a. aiu qt u h hrHre. et perd and VP iriers aou ioi.bis a r reŽtwrUi. We admit the UBA tI 1 pxýw= r'w sile fr 2 pWtui8.phMId1sdth~e a Tho ag inthé f risthe jasa' i1iiieha ruh nddiaiv * ATw ýSaturday et Gracç courch. w. mstg iater -bionnetsIn iicon- tdb etvs e,-,.vputaethe door for greee-bie or lae-e, liut let ue hope i i"-Itte t sSf1 tOiot vorkii1y ~ arp tfoiw ho aten wli e hetter -at nome lime. e(.f.. n c onvo*er es tej 'beThent udeig*bi"d I-t t tc* er tours ta dlg an auto- oif High- Mrs. Bah Herihy enertied lhr. State Wants Shodt Cut Route. w. rvievie «lo for' hhu1r l*a1eramt- Mobile ont af the sno anmede-y lit th Beat- HeyMe-ansbhu>' rimming uP TIr gh Baingten; Af toni *up h ng p hegrond eIt iew Coinedy C.,çone Il.fof811 le.ihetes and uenlfgopth r fd icValuable Property.- Enedier, Ro# tal» and ge Granpy j Ou hie farm lun general. The aid idi- biothera fllais nthe au»smet.I -et of John ods Iironetead, hi' neal sommet, yo4t Righit ofva>' paperis have been the". boya vere Ini HlYWooad, theY ,ukegan ril w i l ot lie ah e ta roguie. Thatea recelved lii Charied . Russell, cOR oun i<Od b ýse BS jed that lie their work. Spriug limte le siicking Up State Bonridi.. tNa. 19, throutg b eEBeloixii sge I lifwQFrer, F A tI4bv yu-IB R S!adauoablo lent Monda>' lot everi'aue. -the aaulhvest portion a!fLLake caun-,Fairtr. e l4Lo. E irn o t'.bv >at siisnusata temienr. ___ redatidn put la shape for tbs long,. msrd seuan. BrIn1 hinl tua, e-nul e-t- HALF DAY 1>y, vhlci viii uecessitate the tak- jDor't mia. the - Buter program .et uvoplnensdvoii.e- $to. Nolau vas C:nderrEiiaWel, iaitor t* Te arsh:ov. Ylee uM t'~e-d Fred B caui' » CIh sW.DDGvXER SRVCE illb a- The eeventh snd elîlili graifes, viiiaver ta Supervitor Fred Kiracliner iFrned teBsr0amnofd Hetai. 'h&ieVOr labre.sf wovind ieg n mao, it a .asu uow. ,Ie-r th at have their fine-i examiuatig inlucivica vlia viiiattempt ta gel' tbi. rlîh sonorli1. fur itofHerhertSsL 14 yearsansd 011 Aprtillit. 0 ayag=r r, ilul f 3J lW'sut0fW.T.ue%"aiL ,ta "lqae" We have baiebd nev aliadea for expect.d h. *111 have canMitd-*blO e'~,li uia.CI~I O 8.d.bth -roame. The> ar-e de-n green dlffeully lu clama no. The rems ue )lany,,thanke to Paul P.&lov w L B1fAUOori~& siguSe de-adkeep lhe sun Out nicél>. for this a b hat prctcaill eIl of! aepini the ontd»andattreneai fraiwl' I 54.i tL f., > u l eil sud ln- Ortece la ivdd ili Itlala tlu t ownship ot Cuba aMd Vievwa... 0tln inoasix te-e-mafor cure-et eveufs 0V- e- conaldere-bie portion uth' iae Henry Hffl -eIo abusine cal- C 101 @ I.u. The wl!. ery Vriday morninte. Thé :îve for 1h18 at Barringlon. P*eVe h toMMm veek aeteOpai Beiglit, tarr>'Bock, La, Te tedairety vne 1sotOt i. . 1ev Tue-iod-y .ftarlern W - ~Vernu ilinan, Evelyn Anderison- sud route tobedrcfishtcu WIÂlLobaêv snle * * * ~~ luth itansen. bing alig ithe-halroad tru-kti. esslcuody ~ y a The emsaler chidreti veut IntO lb. As the pro eh vesn-usl'.lia e'lyl net-nig er hirambiid lu ! at voiS, as iI viiil an t tbgive up -the PMo- alatrb*OX > bl rom'Mbdy f ecssryfo te i ht04 Fr* uny'ndSiA re Tour Lainps tBright( *~ ~ to c as10ca d lu their raDin.. Wlihe i.perty uceer o h ili f ~ ~ u4mn sbdcarie ye i' .vndl roilerva tear air va>, It ba expected lie-t there viii on Mmr. C.T. Msao, 8e-fonda>'.r Ivvb h ijii ualgo mInthe eOit Xrolu. be lenglh>' condemnetion sUlI. Raip li Haverswuo n iPlMsireVhv O retiyopnt Ipo ULin vas ver>' lu he curredt eveUts ve bhave each MARC. 22, 19223. - on biness Tuesday sftemoorsorene pe otrpoe Mt lb. linlass- Fr!day inaMIX1. . ebave eAn elghth Frank Sacit & vife ta Frank Se-cie mC .M main endy met tmyb h imti teut One Pras- grade pupli e-t uai0apte-lu of-each Jr., lot lu NE 1-4 Sec 29,,ngerfleld IlCiag.o. aon us pentWd.dy mut lmi i efl-eth maelt vrte%-n,. two ipugis fiOQefthe seventh andi Tvp- Wl> $500. the Chicago on businesa.& o r ave decided tva tram thei. tls grade are aisaoun Banche 1. Grothia& liiand fa Henry Tules of'Gilmer vai -buea m .ID fond. That the. teem. W~ ie tmit.ePatlifitder as SeId. S. Marks lot 1iblock 2. MotI- ce-ler inPrairie View Mouds>' a the lievrin Me-y neeui- renevaL. dy Brigg5 did aur aulliorit>' end Ihank t he P. T. A. gomierys te--dub i Hghlanud Park. mon.Intanen ietlaimr iver>' uatural, Lfur li.pluS us ta keepd~u v ith t he wii $10, istamp,$6.a eto Wof af Apte-klsic, calied l Our gnvi on arc ee ud tem.Ca r t vli no ez.tifmes b>' auliscribitig lot ibis veekl>' __________ie______ U achItes.Ca e music fin- pap#t, mblèheLi aI bie ne-iane- al-al: * * * * * * * * * onBtue-' ~lie vialinsud NofiqeBe e-refui o!f .erap in ilghlung rece-ves u ral- et the Pie-nt)'WU - l*er. lies heen much lcienesIlimu * LA KE Z UR I CHIl'- Whi.Uugboys. ' T.LENON 400ANO% I'L %. WieTroat vas l40PraNr W Vle muc i * m h cunt>' this C .Totw uPar 'l 0 )Wnter. Ou. eattenld-***** on CL.OR OU GA AN fe, ue-ntee las ual heeu ver>' gond, be-lse ***********"business Monulyt o TLI r VOUR . r ~~ the gr:'ppe and filie-av.e -i-rO nu Mis E eauor ?ox vlslted oever Sun..EHSeh l e> - a a* U H I8 LS i4P 'ttOIL mm r -om among theepatrons a! aur O5h61 ay i t>hililier ait rs. V-a lore- Clare ~ uwln-e(tnspiWded->e iiue>~ unestetaue - B. B. S" i trm in Véryatontprse*v e0wWX.iga an th chidrnver. kepI e-t home Me-.. R. DaanifD deW tt t inithe buildingw i he puer. PIFROGL #4p n#WÏ'i?) GreceBock ead lie-tntCarlikon. 0f GracieélBrandng returtied homevinte'ne'II ekug il ia rdHet eu **'*OftkY orth, fourtli grade, ie-vebeen. fe-fedf lun tantPale-ine Tliura4ay. i Mn.. W m. cif lavisiting irew 8gL.. ee'- ntlre91cTe-st dyea at gaf lutQ the cold U aie-buco part>' and basket soc4In thei.___________________pont__________ .Ot h50' frefl fi.u sh da greret m w ulsean alreptort H 0m- te3lag la VUr>'pocry ad 11,1 gas.'Cook ht a pcînre. Auditoriutm Theatre. APril 3ý Thuradae-eeng teé bunco club wU -tah@ vebi0b= = the 5~- e-o veil i b>' ~ enil 10. 141 vas .terteland byblira. EMuMe,8- Bue- ~ r~1 ssto e 1e"tg. ebut e-gin. "ex~ omd~-A-N TI * Cil a6Preh= j ava ae-urise gfit In u onor à*fssbl. mdo fo a ie long lime snd ai or g çani aST1!CBo lier e-int, lira.wt. Tank la nf hopmv1m. :RED OGRABBE PARI! AMDMM-Oct SI' A SECIALTY 547 ORTiI COUNTYST. WAUUEGAN, IMMEL PHONE 2441 F. 8AIWW flAN ui4C-ftaiRER'P MARDI.!AMI>GOMMf C.metoeYWuui ef Eveq WAUUGA, 1UIOL¶ [ARLtINGTONý SHOTEL j+ GoodlMeals 50c w IKGANt ILL F OR ALL. THE NýWS 00 LAKÉ *couwrv. *aumcum gF" "a e INSSOSTSAOAVAR eFR SALE BeUrksirellogs MEDAR CREST FAMS u» avilla, fil. A. I 41OON Phone Lako Vie a141-J FINOTýNAItoNAt. BANKIM O 0R< H. SM MH N G CO L8M LOUSett no. 131 Mric WORMs ILIBIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Moit la nd sd4th Tuoid&Y of Bach mon-h at Gridiey Hall. Vaiting Members Cordilly Ittud. .O.HUSSARD, MARY CARMUY, Prit ot Carrupehsigl LILUI$U D. C- OVER Tm 5OAs oFonIS LIBERTVVILIE LUN1-181491 BLHAJ<ANW. CML OU.. at ambsm Ouk hum T.hbta 104-5 q LYW. L MORRI '< LJ WrTILL ILW<018 Re- Phase IS&M 00ffice là 1 MARTINr. DECER Attomy.atLw sis WaahbiaateoStreet ommePhzone 84s a& Fla. 110-W M 0O. F. BUnTERIEID Assistant Statu Vetorlnobrims urnITxVMn.ý.nimoes DR J. L TAYLOR Offiée in FIit National SUnk Dilîdin uadsoos n aW", opposite Park ad son. 4e ii 'FILE] lu e- vnlt af ct court h leut.Writ 1 lui lubxice Iseoa et 121 North -Chici vrohibtion The IDiote-ci builduig w ehopap ndul -qure-rs. This acte- the resuit c b>' the ""pa Conre-I A aquadrne-se, today>' aeai Ste-ncie-k pli ultIie tirme quart hotu. anolier boti liuor hîdedl the. ar-sy>. M m o vre aai-lu red Caan, eamc Stanczak ajt lu tb. bath obte-ing e- hlm ta iodâ lig. A A1 George Sti unu aigu E vee.liMr$, ( ville. la Mtay bers cerinsg Oioffl Stm L s acelier deatternoox Lare-oce i aDet We-dn, lie Miller h4 lira.Pria Yaxdm t .1 lue-rd tie, The>' hUked o Prable, Vie-a lira. Jsuneî at thi. J. N. 1 ire-. Bd <31 tflhhyBundi Aà bskt . given at lbè 41h. A re-IU.ý t o&U vlio ai 8Saciock. L geta-veli. wEo you ab Eirtat Bondi "'OPM Moiigd free foi WOLLE los a EVi THE PE **c Ev moscle pl R TW Peter AUCU wb1 4,,W0 «LINEP W. Offer 'fOU Shippig sand loc"idelivery NMilkCà at price you cannot equal elsewhere, flot second* or damagt cana, but ffrstsi *ver resect., Note descriptions-and pie TIGýER FATTERN, 8 gallon, railroad shipping cana, actuïl weight 1 9à to 20*Ilbo., extra heavy construction, rolled bottomn wired to stiffen, beinir nveted and sold- erod to the cyinder. Double neck couüstruçtion in sýýtandàrd on Jol ur cana, .11 searns andrive(s, fl sold- ere gn lt bkirc$n 1immds, %wiîhpening,. for ship- ain m. A can' designed andbuil for ÏougIt ul- 4 handling. Regtàlir retail value i $~ $475 to $57) Our ppnce, eaoh $U qlHlO PATTERN, 8,galon, local dehivery con, actuuul w.eght 16 to 17 lbi., constructioidtitical with Tiser Pittern. with th exception of thé, bottom which in te- 0 oce noutaide0ofcy iue~wi h212X 31 inch band, h *viy solderel'andriveted to cylinder-* pipe handie suitable for fact an sd crearnerdy'idivery. I Regular retail value in $3.75 to $4.50 2 f Pur price, each............. qaoA' When It's HLARD WARF,'Ask Mcf(inney T; F McKNNEY &SON Telophone .308 N*rtIt Chicago, III. I8th andi Sheridan ti oai l IM TI'9 4 ý .Mq nuuabl%.nr4rbiNa