L80tTYVILLE M)EDMJf, TMhMSAY, MARCH 30, 1923 us welcomu. Corne eaty andi tay late. '~flf gôOodite, tfie notbungalow vhlcb he INUN TO ~GUL473 in aga aan nthe elc 13Lîum i irecentîy purchased rmM.Koh UiIC IO Snt luit wek.MiseiClara Smith vas a visiter at mmun Geit i agnelilbusinesat tise LoUis Phdimn bhm Wednesday. iked and lad Carburetor trouble, et tise Nick Petto home for a few days. can*a re boqozipg scarcer and icare- 'The firot qpe has finihed reaciing JdeEdwards Granted Writ '"-Tho" w4e v i hpjtlr cana are tu Court GiVeg Custody of Babe 'tise Sticay hoeimer and the Story aur 0t 0 gt me epty rm.He au, top Mur nae. okoe. and are now ibch 1; Bar to Possesson our diver, bringa them si am s t ersons Who Cared for read t tart In readlng a new booli. -of Liquor. Insolai, but alter they leavehene It Since Birth. rTy ih grade bas finihisd the ex- theY Seem to go atray tue aftez. Thii -iitt flunhied excepting apeliing robe SIlannals and hia vife, goFyl neyer do. Mabel Ire ne [Lily, aise known as aud geOgraPiy.. Phia Stanczak. are made defeudaits 1 tMr.tand ira. Will Bunton of Morris, Little, of Lake Forest, .mrother of àisLemnij Hoffmçier. who apraloed ln a vrit of InJunction trgated In dr- . 1., fet Frida>' at tise Crestmore. Tisas. Allen, Monda-yteat thse son for- bar knee *aven weeks ago. lo lm-praV- cuýt court Mofiday b>' Judge Wva-rde 1iv 0Ge-;t pent Sssnday ât Liber- s'ver visen Judge Claire C. EdwardsIngifl iowly. Thse writ reotralas then m bey- tyrille. and as usual had a three-bour Iig the circuit court rsled tisat thee i hose who vere en the honor rool ln JuglutxiCtin Ilueron ho #»-valt for a train at Area. boy. viso la a year oid. should te- sixth grade reading were Cvilla Ladd. bngiooxcaln iqor >0tiai' '* Donald Busch had a birtbday.party logt"i a M hsR akAimag Gearyr,,ami Darothy Seih. Boys, Iseo ai 1213 South Victoria att-est, fo ,,'ILIo ii, sliolirate.s last Sat- eor. off54Q Washington street. WaUu'ie at e rsuyabt adrt Norths Chicago, or (romn toiating tise dy.Everybod>. bad a good time. Iea.uh a iedapttoreayUl ~v aîtd i adr1 prhiito Iw a -y Osr epet ' . C0îC.eýpond(nt received a yery a¶> l We have an enrolîment of thirty- The lnJuncîion covers tý,sisatie aoth two chlldren Lu Our achool 00W. building which n~~ICoaM Useful souvenir from Bisil Ha-beascru rcelg êe M.adMs rdCasn n buligwihla osed au a bai ho1 <eet-a ilvîr Everusharu pencil. W rge Mas c eor proce d a vre Mcilrere ndMn Fr ed houmen a- shOP anad pooîroom anad ai living t k'eEmil. as aur own waa vî-y Iarguactiondhay nbeae u taenbdadth onlen r ty.ga iehm f qatr.nlthaui'o up. IIi cinbva en knb'ts n f thierneighisors. aince ti;.eir res- Tquart, s rog about sri ~dU.motiers counsel. Att>'. George Field. Ideace burned ta-o weeks ago. Tiss atin vs boulit as Frank Liscom and lfydaeirwereu Severai weeks ago, the Paffkers fil- tise result of,recent t-aIta 0<> tel Fank Liscrin and lady frienil vera daotoeaesl ie cut BOBt t .b )MC)- by thse "sponge" squa-. d aoptonteprs n teroug ,,(ilOîC.) - c) ï CanrailA. Brun.. head8f1c0Mleat tise N. P. IBuschs home Satop court througis Attorneys A. F. ilea o CordA rný'rn f the day evenlng, where Bit]Millerst- io inadH .Lthtl.btte <IUUJS ,..j.. aquail Pt-ented ae afridavit lik court calfor tlsem aad' Miss Berthsa and moer anddH.C.nlydcied [hbut she 'a- B < <BING R FCt)F O todeg avearicg thàt gRh raided th,? Fred Busch, and b>' a uto tlsey vauid ut thersden4y ied h, at e h Sta-nca-lplace an Fabroan>' 22 ai 1praceed te the Miller borne. Bu a as, dtecidbc, fe h .( vhils rneho ag ho iocteda ntr car gI sck Budthey a, ac bs d careil fot-it practlcally, Our examiare over unUil the finals. quarht 1>11e ho saYvined lcoatp I va aî,tr oo n d lmoat al.d teail Its irfe, declartng lier Intention of puons. Wall a"i Alice Bainan vere another boulle hait fu of the saine Tougis luck. . 1 - ging ha-ck ta Englaad vhere there awat-ded aIaUdays off for having the. Ilquor hiidhda hahind a map board lu Wii Bonton and vite spent lestvas a man wrho vauld rsas-ny ber and isigbest ave*ge la thse 11h, 6tb, 7tb thse panIs-y. wepi at thse bon* of N. F. Busch. The give tlsem a haine, Judg~e P. L. Per- and 81th grades. Eunice Johnson, How- Hleimore tisat on Marcis 19, he former la a brother of Mn, Bosch. sons ruied ln fa-vos-b or the niotiser. ar Wedge and Banna Gusth.son mer- &gain raided thse place. On thîs c- Miss Bertba: Miller- apent severa l he Packors flled tise habeas corpus Ited honorable mention, cantoan, accordlng to is affidaeite, days la-st veek a-t the home of N. F. Proceedinga becasie lir. Paker dot Tise aiPPer room, did sot have scisool Stanczak apiled a quantity of liguet- Busch, clared se bat become go a tacîed Thorsday and Fyids.y of last week he- in tise bath tub but Ire aucceete& In Anbng tise visa boaded No. 5 ta tise child bée vouit die if It were eau"e of MJiss Fo*er iseing M~i abtalnlng a &amuple uhichisn-lelai et Wednesday 1mat-111ngfat- Aresa ero la-ken a-w>', We have campleted four special him te Judga tist t vas ntoxicat-IClarence Bosch, Mns. Buton. Andrev Tise Lake Caunty Huma-ne Society RIeins and boIse ta finish thse fiftb aext, lDg. Hausînger and Et Sdi.>- a-t Prairie aise tenir a hind in tise malter, andiveOIs. ** * * * * * !Vlew theyvwere ied by Ausin %ias IaHnmieo.secr:tary, ta- Tue le i th pIm%%r 0 'raii Kennedy deliveret a new chlt wuld have a botter home vitis ed ast a Iseltent- of emhraldery. A edcoupOe arlgetPrairie Ve th Packers. -*The eigistisgrade viliicomplete tise Thuraa>. He returssed taelbrile Tise Packors look the chlld about ge<smetry a-ni news boks titis veek. a ~ * e * * vieaNo. 7onte ooLUne teAres, a Year a-u.On altierlésbirth et M. Andersonlrs. Lyke andMr. George Sturm, St. ilaon tise îick thence an thse electrlc. Lake Caunty Generel hapîtal whet e Hanion W.8010ltheVisitersaof the paît latasea Emsma vas *quile IIIla-let M.- War s aent WednEaday athlie mosir lefitishe ha-bs. veai. veeh. Mis, George Sturms. f Lberty- Gavalaise. Ts .t eIfiiybv anO Vil.la a-ng at tisa Sturm home ]CdEt 0h1sa-i sd rev lainger **~***~~***~ Te ELcUi al for p atveweenon George 'tr* , Jr.,- 0f Liheriili,!Ra-y Boech vas a coller et tise Ct-set- * W A U C O U0 A theWauiegand I vas a coller at tise Sturmshome ss- na- eelo.lay onsa W - - . O ra. Abrlght and daugister iFlao>ped de atornoon &,ad Wednesta-y nigisl. - et tue garage of tise National Tea Ca. * * * * . i CiaoWdedy rince Bosch anr, Mlis. BuIIIOp in Chîcago. n*el*Msa * *a-p*,*0 *vnIna Ciego m es ay.ieL'iefil> aPesui Wîdneada-y in Lbertyville et rOadastJng ta becanlng nt isRt ais fEotnset Tem br fteLkefml tise joller' banne, Qlai' bare o lote. 1Sonda-y a-thtie home of- han parents 'are-n>, ittleed iDnliseur new borne on lira. Franki Horchar and lins. Et-bn.femnTrhe u iktuc -teUW rce a Mines SusleWa-l a-d Walter Burki l5i50"Ma.B-lg' oltgdriler, vas aisd te discontinue bis 1t-Miss Edyth Oea-ny returtsed homne on apent Bonday vitis Bue But-ka, visa i Tard" et ait Day lest Saturde>' nigisî. tietrn ieUn iarot r S-u-a rmWa-ekegait, visre she attending coilege at River Foreit. Tise> biSet oven the Se00 Une via tise sort, amidit4a a inm alitel>' obe>'ed bas beau for tise peut tht-s esyaks g Prais'eVica route. tiieue But several otisîr driversa &Étise VCtanY memorlal hasital, ha-.*< liss. James lisouseci vasa-calier of truack* o ftha saine velght are eili ondergane an aperton froappe"dl.l et tise J. N. Buschs home Tisutsda-g. travesing over thsois roade dali>'. Wbylils. . EV E RET T S CHO DL*a ira. Bd Glasevsteditishe Gto. Sturm s sould or .man hi shut off. and others Misn Nettie liantay' of Chicaga apent tainl>- Sonda-y. - a-Havidtet go aS? Sonda-y et ber home boe.**4 .* *****' A basket social and dance Winii hi.skasd àis. :Win Bonton motonekl -Parle>' Wa-te of Chicagosent tise Mr'. impson vIsfilei aur achool Fr1- givea- at tise Buffalo Grava ha-l April from Marris. Ill-, vithoot anontering weî end vithin le ife and daugiter day,. brlnging vegetabie and Ilover 4th. A nstUling gondt inte la assured any dîfficulty, lu gettiisg tisrough Use nt the nome of li. Ma-sy Baiel>'. seeda ta ha tistributed arng thse t oeil visa attendi. Dancing bogies a-i mud a-ndl nov banis. exceist one tinte, -Misa Jennie 8lnnot la spendlng tisa - 1î q 'be seau vwers sent te lit. 8 o'clock. La-dio bt-tag lbaskets, anti vien tise loat tisetrai and triedte.ioq vecit vîiChisa-go relatives, Birupsoii Ls t»Deçit. afAgriculture. ganl--welI. gon inov. Bviiyboty cut tht-oughais eavily bianied -cetliMra .John Brav" retornet home on. ii csrndt cola vhes-s no one isad yet passet. At--Tssa'fa ido> eoll lcseA chk ,letr ege 0 hoo o act-apig a-va a litU assovtise aid Bd O9a- dy, ah9,teraBieote Worrambled a ga ilBog. ol: puai, visereallie ulet-vent un 1ooer-,.- ,son)tg cougis Per rmbed Lrhtalng.fforl:ation fat- appendiltis tvo veeksa ago Frida>' orning vben vi çsune ta Takse a Ford abus vith Yeu l Il gaur liMm. John Gcanyr la sPening tise se4otol, Miii Keougis vas deddng visa travls.' wek iti Citeao rlatves .auld go ta Wilmot achool, hecause Wî vera Iifrmad o! thse sotiten Miss Frances Kent, of Chicago speat ve tld not have canveyançes enaugb i vaci laen t ekoe artn'ota m-euhManlMa ,C Mn. fetabtsscui o ar- i.W dit a s ait v eek Mt-li' Gatee eak endi et tise iamotlber par- for a-fi ta go. TbrEe buggies andt tv Ne' 1 would b.nlesad jf-rbenda bat-c. Hei leaves a vifsand Misai Ma-e Mliani ted relistivves M.,iss Sneddan came she sa-id sbte couit saveraI chiltren. a-iae an agct mathet- lu Waukeganaon Saturda>'. get a- tesin of mules a-ad a w-agon a-t h&ll or write Cb and fa-tiser, bath s'mont bei9lea In* Clarnce Meyer off Chica-gotsaent the tise farm and ail aôuld go. At 0000 YoU jaboUt ùt6l% .fd Ibeir ai tage,. Be va-ather ani>' veek end et hise mes-oe. ve tareta-ndil - a met-ty ride. Mas ciiltiand support, a-nd it trul> la a _______ 7 %Pirt Moign Ral isard bla vta tissas. Tise aged Zri. and - Sfleddon held tisa reins.. Aiter ars-ving lis-. Goliter s-clte acar Buffalo Grave. 00*000600000 0000 -e vaPlayet outside util tise bell rang. Tis tereve hvesetriyalis'. oeruaîTiess *ovnt iD ansd took our places. Th teraedhaeca smpty. 0 RW S.Ua-55Ij5. Mr.1Ulmunshoved un tise tous- offtise Bonds and 'moud .you VoS. çerims -emsse Urne tht) tele * ,-, * '.o o Ule atsIlsr-e ysecpi "OPMs"OUriWa~ 16it have sadtI>'negiecte t Ibis-duty t0 the ca-n sllgla. Bachs plcture vas expiaI-- ~vfa~zinforveryfrs fal".lID disii cuitg. The popils viso have bean ahient ad by pyzof' a Viiot. lit. Simpson sLest Wiede yiyvening abe hob< f n Ûom IsOlon a<7ount of sicisssathon saekefora a wvminutes, cdmpli- Martgage Bond Buyes us, netlîivng mua is e e tado, 80ve are cai bacS agae. -' ainug tisa iupith of Wilmot achool. free for six ponth& . st around aetishe SS Une tesot lins, les-mai Brocisuan axent thse Wordi failta do justice ta tisat lunch. ai re. Wll lt inearigist smart latter past ai the veilk vilshîrr s- Suffie ta sa-g von ii utIt oui' iea-r- t uetavsleavg osolm.antm ID Ciicigo.tiest com.tllent,$. p a" ître go icre -a off -tim ngd lir. a-nd Mrs. LouisePaisimans attend- Ms-a.Sneddon va-s lifting a- bolles- of you ca-n bcerd ona o tise accommoda- et thse tuera Iof Mns. Pis. imsn aFal- vaten off tiese tove, vben it caught C on trains. The>' at-t-va frequenti>.satune Tuesda-y. and apiliet, ha-dl>'- aeaiding ber foot. WOLLE EIOKR& la nt havina to vatt moretis an-n A. Pegelav spent Ssnda-y at tbe ae. AI lIwenmd of u«rs-tri-mostbly exa- los heUBSa.o'Mcee bus-s fs-antise time anc ieaveo untî L dt home. . mations Bonnet Conva>', o thtie elgbtis q bkgo II.jthere le anoats<r"due" but seve M.ad Ms-a ViIsinEdwarde vis- grade, atoot higiseat. bavlng a- aaver- Ta.. Es.dalsbS032 he but-slate. Na extra charge far vat- litedSund.ay afttona itisMs-. and xageofo!0, and BeageMaillaia, off tise o 'ng Dosing tbe vee Uses-e la a good lits. Paidl Pogolov. fi:.th grade, ala vitb a naverage af 90. j ire In the depat stove. anti maies It "*Mt. Pegelov and Arthur - ielppd lMr. Fatiser Ryan la expectedtet relus-n 8 yeesw f In"useatBisMg t a am i l.i~t ou ta>Yu' usinWolf e niovo hiei housholti fronts Fiert-lia Saturda-y. can stan-dd o usXefreqze. Weil,-7 Sa-tier youlgel ou lthettainthý ise nvi yoo Oi no, eSrIîia-n halla~l 27 000 RECORDS = ltie platioinaitsast'0n cn, g ri' its tise iteisor! thse mffl.. coaii>g. *ion ygaIna-ta etnuoY- N Y A " 'a-ie trip, go on tisa80Boa Une. VisaI E VERPLI4. ~ sa-y yaouAiidt-sv? * ______ iRESOLUTION 1~ie~vapa.,uRso#ajh 'a&Maugeâg ta grow folNs- uela~asjw*drc las e Àdho tw7i MWT tti ' ~iii * MADDEN SCHOOL August Schwandt, Jr,* bas purchased a new automobile. The son of We. and Mrm. John IneJus was christéned Sunda>', the 12th, and many df their friendsatatended the din- ner at their home ln honor of the event. Those Perfect in attendance for the sixth month of school were: Pirst t .he soutbern part of oft grade-Marie Krlstan. Stella lncjus; have moved t b a fat-m o* second grade --- Clarence Naumann; 4th road. grade-Evelyn Briscen, Agnes Guerin. We have finiahed our tetu i"tb4 After a two days vacation, onl ,c- w will do as well lu Our ffineeg'Y counit ol the teachers' eoinvention. we eightb graders are ready te t"& t reLurried to jichool. The school build, final examination in"lats f lac was given a thorough cleaniLag, Dois.- and It now looks very neat. We will Mss Irene L. Schwandt sisaèm ail try to keep it as it tg. nesday with Mise Gerda Tboragre We are sorry ta loge one of our first Hae-thorn Pearm. grade acholars. Anna Paromaki, whose _____ parents resided on the Hart place In. THE INI)EPENDEN 1-52 trnes for fi . .... - - --_-~ iTne DeLaval milks as cows should bei Look at the abovee ilustrtions show- ing how the De Lavai M'isrl made to suit the £ememnt' of the, eow. Everythn is juit right for the greatest pr6clucion of mi, the' shôrtest urne.' The master pulgator on -the Pulsa- Purnp assures an absolutely unifarm pulsation speed year In and year out; seli-adjuauing teat-cups fit confortably ôvez ay aze of teat; pulsator is close to due udder £0 assue vigoraus milkin&, &W the Jamatingaction issuch asthe cows1ave acacutind ta duriag handrnlim we will glacIy t&,~ym or ae about ~ Baffr W ~ w The 1923 meies Liglit-Six Tour- of ail the autonwbobeh&. It ia4Ison sappearnce with a harinony of lins previously confined to high priced cms. It is cosnplctein detailwlth nanyrefine- rment* exclusive with Studebaker. It la exçç>d" ~1in econoaiyof pÙrurchsand malntenanoe. The new body is, al ted, aveu to the frmework, ani ta finilhedi baked enamiel. Cttbhioue Mtest bçbus deep and tphotue&d.m usa in n uine leàtbae. Ther la gç=oe r mfor five pa*uorwin =duknîe Ies* mntigy the. saine aplendid automobile that 44I thousand owners tézgo -tb world. The Studebaker Ugbt-BixTour- ing Car fufly mocUte tpublic dernand for a lIetht * iôde- Te pe4, htgb lytOtoe cuiz otw*- rmscag eu y h"Sa lcit-Sx o7lrbmig Car up tio for hocest yulue 13 MoOELa AND WRCZ-t. . b. £otSe. S-.P.... jlrW. a.,40 H P. s&..,a...h . ? 1 >~mta Am.t Yr Cffl.ino LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE54D J. N. BERNADflProp. Telephone 202 UIBERTY VILLE T H IS 1S A ST U D EB A XE R y & DGE. mois r hvftd. CAIMUY, lie moi* IB hNum rois RFMD IUON *ienI bildin BBE 1; y Sr. fois Cà& O N 50C ILL nee1e1 SCHANCK HARDWARIE. Telephone 39 .Lu~ 1' UAGHT-SIX PtOURING CAR (1923 SBRIES) $975 MOP