-~ * LBERYVI .LLE LU.E'CoU~T INEPN NT Lke C t XXXI-NtJII3E 13 INDEENDENT WAUKEGAN WJEEKLY SUN $140 AYEARINADVAN~. uty. ,, Bîg Weekly rl"Be, Ml, a u ftai Cbu bumaMat LoeERTY IIfNOJS. UJRSAY, MAI H30,1923 rt ~ -i. b~ ch6~ r*ê~~et -~ ~ ~* lIÈi*xc uOst ap. 1,.~ mi *llul~ BS 9< tIC ~' duo ~*cv 6.- orl~ti s -.-c..în. .s.~ .-..cmr:- VOf ~A0R0F HE IAE T flAVE TWO AMEI>RWUTS 0F 'imuiîAWARD 0 RRÀCTFOR <liM 1ER EUClON EIT1~DA LAIiES FAI ~ DIING~ ~ FOI AN SIOTTO MA& CAPE & SMN CO. $10000oeLQ _ 'Tevotera t the town electonthe THEBILE SHPTEIBALAR Tudayil . iruav I! A VatViflbanIn Ptaken TuendaY afternoan, whente tate h rpto ofchanging U D N .S tn £0i, --erBar t e movements met at - okMmra iiayfrmaVlae- ~ Iiuvng here elle WU !the village Hall an4 opefled bide for ofa 208 *Liray.3Ares lff!ittid witlitheic Epwli c .CongtWMM11 Wifl8 Long 1111,e1conalructhmoet theimpravemetOsa Sadrm Lo e * ~ toToad J4arY. We apliyPlan Purchase thf P20 ent of whichbarhearentà Wereminters. 14 _ 'ff . . i$es £re closweî e submitted as loi- (eea otatwîth ftr~hu*RIPdIY YiliSS ~ liibOU 8CO01~ ~Grounds. ther and aiter, came to America and WoBed n arfrIfer.Conatruaton Co., Racine$1500 Ontt, ri4__POhanetrth RghSchSoadan____ ietLled in Vernon, Lakre county, 1-1.Wlacnsiu 52,162.99. -L , 4- ýiu nof à remient;a~syre 1 e « Sprigfield, Iii., Mircb 24--BY the' On AS>l 16. 8&i, the w l UIedtW Abter B fouIr,7ar flgbt itu Congresi James A. n5ackley Ca., Chicago, Rida vere open"d '1horeday ft LetrB a r" 1Vi ar0 bry .ttr afpurchases of an astjolug 208seaie. marriage ta John EL Ballard, of Vernon ta get dlb . C. m s IÛ10 65,M0.S4. tconstruction ait the $800,00.ade8 Tbe op n.oageidtiseatae fir b4Bldtownsh.p. Here they made tiseir home wvscrippîcd for nite vienlise Waa ,James Calto & Sono Co., Raie, tien ta the court bioug ndBMOW 4cr oitii! as iterI te B-efaad hestt fira4'4r oadWBu 131 kcgan ,e he ovd adaro o auegt bd câ r.Coby, for Sv, y-8m edtor penseï, leavia n book sud1114jilbjai the tica v isgr »aiti s th" lintIàt 91 t icb t 1me they e shot Ja> B urn âCg«p boe nad b ael u h lg t fro0b- love~ nt firesothe Snertmac r. PcwIt g, i'd~ Ingi ta be purclsed troui tffd l ,.o!th sat fîr 'tiisti a ve to ine rvie. ofv, heWaukegan barbor. Cangre«usulryvule isare of thse work. The bide tract, bis bld bcbg 8$154,006 cd by subscription or enterta±nmeul, nis eanCaiRCihave v tiselu l- &Utie oeh it d.n thavelteU gsince rl 910,00ided.b*e0 4loted t thé ilco itr nd bure- nyeran enatrOiy satisf&ctoiT ,ay ta ground la thse Unitted iMates. Thse'Durng the luit three ye fiure abcp. 41uMtaotbPeW.ie oa Rfr. i rs- lfieBpulCnttt.o.purchsies vould give the aBeU i bssl ot clh udB lgpased an appropriation ot $&- foct tealbepaid for by thse state, are Uiat of Arcbt Herbert P. Soaq Uaat 0, ý tt t Wb RgieM . pnfa pbi nh. tit uationnovgraindi hier@.atomalspace i i iebuibeau oritlciily Ili,.ail or 387 for thse man, aithougisthc govem a , toenu fCiao iet;mtezOý ,Ag nitilItvaamercdvit P M"e lanvstf meai 15ev bOkimuitb. ce. inca vii 0ares visi t e bore vitfs the greateat ia-ment la nt hetM renponabfe lor lisiDec.pc COpàUtn Ca.. 77,62062. Ree& eto lf~ i iot )p~ ag Bjs ea îy tv ~ co iiuaîy an v ns on e ai thse larg at acr e a iBtpreict .a £a he Duiin th@tore.,Co.,bes$75.9r70.07c.-w e aftgo ta isi bcm yebalrman u chamol =Untl aMd tive iB After connulUing vWUisGoernar 'lec I-1 ýswhîch îatei-but six &uMes, Wo ullws-a zis à o »* t ~I»eude thse en- braugbt out bliastiat tletf jW dtonbim cara ofard t udntsad28 ro*autv '& h i nain tiseboard aàopted a resain-' days,&lise vr ueiraduexet elWs.but vs ttsat timeWua the boa altei er ! lduiauii. nd284g atSchel tien reqUeatlng Col. Cornelius i 11111r edlly vent ta lber eternal rest, Monday, emplayed ai au enSileeri toy P. iee-sN4ted cc a is at aet oiaeediI Upbasi experenluyavse ar o 8u«là Ari. T ise board b t" tseIdirector of tise stata department Mardi 26, 1923. QalovBy, contractor doiug vank on co« t 0<igrdQggticah e »goment general cautract ia lot taa my et ea »Mti.Mpperidemznce vn.He service tise lbr&rY rcusilro tisese b9r- Ifopublic Warkiand buildings ta Pur- 1Ars. Ballard vas a true, devoted, the billet dock of the 'S. J- A X91. . Tuc st4te hfiviy,. indansntmeutrs hebar esSth M havecontractora cmploytog 'ouly -uakbi fiai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý chue oal rcr iabîl-nvr 011 rU ldB t hemather. service e.rosît. He vas shot, tbrOM;gh thcbo yOUiveRtsir a. kXta. a tse cou- mlab or n-ecunethion nit1' 1br, orae a daberecutre.sa ail ever0< dbc tovnsI»lP oe .ground Wiii coet $99.500 vhtcis la ta oticnWUi ie scaure ta hersait, by g: buliet tram ancof thse Machine -acî ania ame twho'wMtwo itsi rpo o-no ao.. 4 rois ran c uclvedbsfnit ast iste ta iye t t e ownsipCo viwthin'tise appropriation 01 $100.000 and visose'lacs viiilbe deeply toit by g-tns troamthse boat, an# vw u nthc portion eft th, wve .t uaW «W'ee. Tiert vere tive gciscvsl bail in made for litspurcise bY tic gen- anl visaknew lhat. $ie vasu e lutasit &Itanç..&.11,lr h niaretmt i a& sfloe 1»p« «epartnce an tise LlbertYvf lie Do5t tiai ta mark your b tboaîtautrm Nv. 6.lit. eu tc gace 'of- lidrereovrln sf ti mandi Iiilii any fl5 avr aithc Townsip Librry. andd'ai 5iiaifbl. ariigmebro-e fmiadChrhstmas of tisai year. Ris injuriei Tho vanS vil, bg9state4 cia tbmu Boaiolv M. bad pr actIal earle its e tus ainAb tc îs0 rentative plana for a ýiome bnlld- les. sta nuunslier legsalber husand, vers sa serfo» ths bi amkbu-""Md M eruaise<ta ~Ouca Sandstrom, Wavukegm S* il eperevc i H th ths bentm th airaa, a a toisw ý - IObi»aiJeusen, Waukegan .45J ho bai orautiatI4uer hac vu Publie Xbrry M LRM#EN lng ta lie used ai ai udînii t'Bti Mr. John Z .Ballard; threec bldren- able ta -pertarm former datdes, andition..Br muneade can. fber. Eus chiUS jgTVlLLE- ttimbuilding and for a iirgc buildiIn lMAra. Hattie Rra Baiiey, o!f Denver, vi ee i nieyto rc di.lr. m~eoghr <Ua la.i edraCis pasix V«ma 0W 'rE 0ne" hic ta bhansýe tc utomobile ex-Colorado;,Ars Jasit;Batelle Trip Att'. W. G. semc tact US tise t" & ----- Wu t1 tihoaosCs'ncesnv bts are being utie by Edsr anid'kri. Florence Iabsel Fallett, is<lh1m tter vitis Cpgreusm oetdhIc.i. odftL uioc depsrntfs and bat L. mofrt"ju, uvioiusg areiOii.it O .of Libertyvlie,Ililinois; tour l""&Ing. visencted a bltlu CuW... j>TO - ------Biis --tise-i-- àal lroailexpoelce 'ln active fl1UtafhU MA IIvii l e ecexposi tin.trae ild fen ad a dliigat s'rois-ieleit-aAlir ou theIZ" cmv iuaecwW v, nsd sdinigr*tlIi Biley psaed avl la1895 islm fuswdyaonce9epartgttet tis a ie ! t c old dam e bulljdt 0g, I l1Ier idait gra d clu t E va stelle h o < thog 0no m C hi5 I - Ior'TCid v -tr-'lsus - vis 1 Ba-'Pm 1i adwici s destrered r.Balard liai earaed lie cvard. 1 wpaae< ad it ibubecau ,4lr'éi eve -- -ou u-thé- fim eo)Testbu nt -vrsai ae ised ormpacenoailier blt m ~~ bieaer%]dedidd vsua. dm r ~ ~ ~ 5urpresideui HaringThsie bill pasaitdr IM mlis te mne&o ta *muwwUÀsi ndu&N hretedaeo « a, 2tR«Mw,-m n e-the. sltwowbïoeteU - W n 0 taise u~ils van on Peioiclea ITêI~~~uaU WSWMadminstrattainstig lUvibcet- vioe for otiuus sen , ievueveramet! clatesi.Js ,e. u r.obav artledls toc Pat-- d. 1 source a! comftaad coniolatiom n-d flumesfa lu nths on a arm e ai80» a" ae peid lothe Bnit- Tcimmlitratioli building vil lflIspiration te 115*1 vhich s, liBruisiselW whc>slu near Racine- enday .i'eatng 1pot M t ulLiquer ItrSi akfgbavyea lassdame au 41d Use, b-Ull est and noblest.Mai 11h ~ W. X tact tisai 1r. proSecution Against Bac-lag deiroycil hi Ore.Watr .Oe ilseouvmnoa rrOue 2Cute tGq1wu.: Ill wnkWLndley, generai Manager Oi the made. To a i h@et vabta19velise&s RooIsILakeCmutY FareM Qeiisy le thse bet IkuLsu d thib g, et ofBielski. state tain statea.Tic rai fu r c 1.eth.13amt »an tDo awoutvidbU suid Q1< nte- Mdsemhhly bas aPProPnited #4501000 r lths niaitoref ay;1 _______tuhé _____ .Staer mtviare back of thcUe bltdings. The-urtunalina' yravn, h bu* Fo tc v aa. ,~JDLU~ ' RV t The state ra oient or Pul and s, f "Ï virus prosecuto iIaBaS b ietT &pudJ ITJ~I L1 Warks sud Buildings anouasci a WlConradl A. Brunesansd red A & A 6'er thse ulreelild liy hsght, N&W àùoafeiIb&; :.r OflD R R LTCpaciagc vstiemVi50 EMIra make lier abatte *,ycrîiflopen ~ bide lu tisat ct X a. . aIis Joseph EcisiI. timde cas Ulo oVUWs et'WE flfl bobtlener Ut -1126...Mp.w -. J1# 4 .Apnil13 fur 1_4, l4s0f, 6 5(jffi~ aétleggr tif lt5 (SOmfIatvOaIS WI~I~I1U 'iThe nusrai icê vers haLl t 'pvi$ !ts otUiOus hr &venue. NortisChicago. vsava U'JEf I - tv aioi n edsid7 ftCf0.vi b tn im atitrlifhii iiRus na.luIg*oz*Uh.. AI' ?I' IIIabat M uon a ome am ti n àras id. l 'U'5Ii14TUT r t hle rsidene, 807 W. l'Krk KeLake, County. Ths vanS viii be ai Wisrr lecti cCao_ 1% e ~ > I I L u po i bon e Fr ida ia e 880,ilsUr.Kli.R t1'ae « J.173 key Ex-legisiator Says H e H ad foiiOva: . gai-------- --- -- - n u s Nwuascaie flayse aty rcrds - fr4NWÀf j ,a.-o 0,trie iral Methodiat EPIaco- fI hveRouog Hue, ate 21,, section 2, runnIng cacis A. &,A~. *»eunic Ca., was made int, the count records VUoh jar* et XibeniyvIiefficlaulur. Bnsoe rog osaide of lbertyvhie aid bei for 9 liy stnangerrainChicago wvia*are intermeut vas ini Lakeside cemetcry-. Lose in Senate. a. distance a! 6.42 -miles. Tise necaMo'It Pivate Lyle HaWknS Shot representinz antI-prohibItiOn Inter- Miss Martha Durand Denni- Route 42,. ba e ctona13,ntisCcgo.raira otic rassa wu Throgh he Lnga Chnêe iii RLake 42luff ta Nort, nCuicago.tram can tro he' ago, vas io fog- RteoveryslIChance o sanetrster aebe sn ae rest Society AMR&t.ANNA MARY BADER Thoas, Grahsamu, Of Inglesidi, for- distance of 3.913-mllsi. figures bdgg I$UO., fo Rcvey lgh- itbacgt ieuioraus reut en il, Makes Sacrifice. Anna Mary Geger vas barns inMet- mer Deraocrstlc represeeitativs ai Tise verk o! pavisg viii ie lu Linoleum floortfg.lii w iscin tise iorountereut vrs Gzinarie, Geimany, Octaber 22, 1884- Sprnugfield expliled vbY lutlia the talioi<lasg coumries lu addition ta Bondeti 710o00111C C.,C ~1itrae Lle aiina Trap . ici liaibeen crîdent lu ibis case e -- s, ited la mars-tage ta Stepistu bees diacovered during thi atfvLi ani u~u Croi hm cssi untr ltts cavairy, W« abat lu tise righ ad hi bas eaulted lu the tlu- misa Martsa Dirand Deunhalait lAko Bader Auguat 17, 1876. aud came ta e otuis ulat rakny fbah ln tise 1111 agu hnla.C-aviod, Ca-, Biefai----------- &t lndung e its lisr icMtofte uline men, prînci- Vaset society girl, husileti aIlite Of America in 1882, sud settled a a Bsamnd ailier rivén ltrish, Centrai Fard. Fuslton, Henry, Kano.iania- lito Co. t Aii 00s(Mi., sing'er Bt FartStriasu iere pally Blae]fveii.' Tise aiber tva men Idle isîsasure ta metiser aud train 500 taini sean Ares. Mr. %dter dted' lu part efthtie ,state bave. been drlnin lu ec. Keudml, Knox, LaSalle, Msoum.£leraa a s ms~oC," 1.iie bu ot S bchaisE orauisretr- ers Indlcted deapite tise tact tisai destittteorpisane lu famin-st. ickeu evnghr cr o Iecu - ti~cets l eafoves Ma*gac. McHeury, ' MautgalisY.cni aga o. ,a18,luis ir t aefr le t- a iaMes h stain Moistrie 1Rock Island, SaU. gmf.Otis EieoÏ -C------ *a-2 el card sig ta asIlyc ln a generalli' Suovu tiat ihsy lhed Armeenia. -dren, aie an infant, a duty viic asegolng ta tbe point viserea alegisa- vStarS, Warrnu, Whites aidWlUcun- iBide torsteel friuea ier saod!" ccured iste fridaY. nothiiugta do viti tise issus of MIS.. Deunlsttns v vapn hseln-as sîndyluRart tsithluiiy per!irraed. . tre eamnstion ta loak inti tise tics. Wissn it la recaldti fI981 1 esîre La Th.aSigBielski, tien ou counection vush lu Paria.,visere she malinas, a 1. Four chilidren survive ber.-Wredcacd tpaeqtmnt ilaisins.a. l oe a 8in Chicago the case being tise tact tisai îhey sculpter Of ne mess shuliy Skei Adam,. a! Rockwell. lova; Cmrlin. flatier vasasked et Springfield. lng la te be donc lu 26 co=ue Art MotaiConsitkuutlamsC04. bail thserevolver. Pyt. Thasas HalY ivoire in teuse one isen Blacweil gave tiisup ta iallov the cal -D ngi t. o! -Arens-,Wlliam Stepisen, o f-Mr. Graham states tsat vihes ie and tisai tire "% but 148 Sules tobos N. Y.. >jt4,9.t7, 1e bU,. a!~ ~ ~ ~~~to tiesofscp.s csi birui atten 'Blelskilied snspDLd is sean esat relief iceturen aid ta lhe- W*aukeýanad AunaBasbara Zacli- liillu tisre egiatr iuaothe u5d o rlngith lnat*isstissuo moeLurqvral hidi fr tieoic »curling vis liaskInsa tarcontri trevolvern ice at tise raider, accord- cm oienteer varker esuanauvOu'nel'et Lb lctyvi?.. Ose chi d uali apdefttc&nd lngts nu'vlt nshnetaimr umeras f-unde voire00 tise guis. hla eotdtsI IbesY uta tise dafim of tic offices- =. ssnueuas-Adnianople. Psnyliny i a.Chtsnai rivera ort Itisals dumping thiîr r.tsitsmlsl sls ~i unsititn8l rea i c Bet ! Thse "ca e auicsproscuei bit- MI"a Desistas lea a granddaugbter Jacob,.' vudrovnedaetMhe age o 2f usealet..laa is rve. hI -Sa41Mnt, ss= - Lu tbic Us gs i< lisfige lec &or sUis lis ram rzûticaniti. Blis of tise late He" ur>' d ansd a isece lu 1902. Thee r setvtg5i405.b h, rpauedue Grtesliipo tub in a toremt on tise tiggcr as liese tsugled idonwîîvdemnîng', tiat mu r fSot adadof r *k < n P WîîîîdadDoade atian. 4 ~ ~~througistiebosesucta effto po, ofaste R ë(sir<tst, tise veapon, Alisarg*eIg t. cisargeà ho ps-clos-roiagant tiese uitis.tulier vanS, iovever. se 40d-Aira. Bailes-r med la 1906 ta thse sud It iooked ai tisaughis lu guing NA I .aaon !ts 1 nmt Tie uhetcorsd ralis e tîp - o fisa eann ty.Wlim..kuowim ai "tCptan of Industs-les" haine ln. thiavilla"e os Bs-mInird Avete Secame a iav. But vlsen lu reacis- Bu« H asuumss' iung aimit ta 'tis hud lasesdE .O-i, demani- pnWsunS 10OOgiateful aid lanely lihuis j viesse passei avsy Marci '23, ed tise sonate It tis explainesi tisaiT O RS j' seul.*ta st on. lh Iise ôdlrcondition wvssnchB d uni fonced tise appointassent ef j grils And boya. Sise le teaching tisera1923. Sentor itat Svitt of Lake Caunt>' itet-tauaeteb& -tisai srgeans wveteunuble ta probe ipecl ps-eculaf. Att>'. Asthuonbor le support ueraielves sy mai- fSue ,hais en lbpon issaltis fos- ven vas .amoug* thos oviavîgoousîrop- >>Itl3ttet-abstsicit.- » jr tis Iulsi. 9rt Oiicera are n- Bulki9y, t--iing-lthe caga ont o! tise tertng's trade -sud as svmnil,,ug. q ' and5<coutînsi ta lier bed ton tire lfoe. thc rassir visici Ar. (Grahsams- h mus-heics-tcesl a above.e vos-S.re lls;et hthe, chie! eualiaitaalarges cie o! fiandsaWvi, deeps- rGnaiam »setat fii *ble Agu*~r aaiÜiÊb..X" vsutso bttesea s etv55il%,tish~e to ni>techiscai, the cas-oseras-rtosfe ii ti abs blt> e1'regret lier boss, Sic vua sdertstodladet ictttsitefcorssreiotse alSeiepii- vas -eilari, - ~omrandei isattieent fera h R ank fioernt bil yot rsda ldnigso. fdibnp tisein cil etc., ino thtiriver and ment for hi. fs-tend Simon Rodrguies, hed ad'ho ha rhdjryt-Rer. R. Buea'ger, paîitor et rSu. John's ttssvssa nuespcm ealNri uuae iovstui ui isid sd iss is. ras jrylu Tseplin iMIesa - Deanlaton, baiSesai cisrcis, casiuctei tise uer- strl> tr ia ea"h e.* !tiemiesetMrs rhv -tV~-'dicted t tem. tis eucae jXjgW ai!ug. vhisl Juil turned 24, vas talion dur- rics st tlif home Monda>' afierneno, Acrihrvssts iicm p5' el Tie-s tts ucn stop by step. -t- h baibeau. bellevet inlg a tunlaugis lu Constantinoplbe. adhuredva aei ri ta bs-eautitey pus tissus-nase Ist Lousvlle Sraeltlug compan.ui,Jti tisat tise case neyes- vould came ta s 9tnii umd i 0'h h i,-tcad1eitl r Car .Ewrst h ts-ial. cemeter'. b>' tissasde o! lies- isàisadtie0,etailnmdtir re larC.HvsaIn ie cçut Tada>' iowvrer tise matIes- assura- aud sou.- aidbier retlsg place Wols kiled. - - ceuni Tisusaday. sasiuteoed 'R R'4"fed qf deeper siguificancevisaistise.HEEUD 1Wcoveyed vuti the usýny beinustil flov- gis 'belle!tad tisiat fthetl was ta serve tram ose year te Me ~ *le.a d Court Offlo istiserto Invisible angle, tise.anti- Ii.U11111141t114ers istbylI> a-ing fblende h aka a ut sa alav vhicis veusimaire t an psesta- tJoe,.na 'Prhiiton orewaadiclsed a .tributs te ose visa dean>' larci affeane ta embu> retuise minoe is-v- fiel Tara acies-cil ta sacrMce 'h) - 4tn of Miïss Raw,ý los rhbIInfre a iclsi s OF UIA fUCUD floyers. ,es- vouli bars brougisi about a ces-y self fltes bi Yl5d hcause 1 tt iflgs Is Cause. vas eviiettateesi o! jt IJw>iU0r nffpotnt change in ibis respect. bas a vite and idxaI mail ~~E amas1De Ti t uhth a.aans h fies.M.Snt.AecordlnXly Mr. Grahama Mye vle 5151chilidref vers i uITqn o ar tteo4oneySihwsot URtED AYWËS ira rm ae-ss~a isn tisai nobodr la ta bIsupe exceptlug sentetice liwu pronuoti-di. be14 ofi serfuica-gip-t at eà - Wher ~ourOii s sCCiicffl lu 18.68 aidd ietIMarc le,,tise factoriesse oas-e dumping inia Rôal-Ius uic i a, a s ltau D1.e Ne- e - h o teclu>' thisaftes-nooan sd tisaeo- -.. tes- aun-pesation tas- gali saus ierr iatisasesutarfmog u e~a lstawd noleiî torlY il.s-suet*. 14 et fibim' l4a. taeois. l.statemeut couldnest ho ai & Cfl sg Sital. SOie liai 65thissveate tn isa dte, mtien- _eorel.ield.bavice tise jodme b.gt-ùdenoolIsc het ebisinsi, -I lah explaîned tisai tio e rleom' attention' ta inatrutionisa rears ojï<iettbe tsmq o! bier desti. tiemse ag tSeift h lu uestidon ge W. FiAlv.momenltlaes- bei . e O'erehmee lé tisatr Avai s eet à rad " m ua'prDese otftise antl-prbton itts 9 at botter ctlacnhip 's 'luges-fis vas won nc nie sioth i aS uesetionse iK. A istra amkdrgan at he an u*wermisie s-oppl afréI1 ne àWsta g m 1l ocal dryr aqusi lnanai ffitta of Roekfard ln adirssine tise maim- 1sýgersti, haring at osatiras.Ssci n itin vt ~rl.bcehmitise auire teJolit a ttsov ae th.n > lu hag tentan naini era cf s Pareni-Teacier Associa- i ba-arn"s business bers. Ther mcv- tIses a!nsa la on, , - Ut bal ioi ~ s-aa A fel Tara apears-stiuntd vise court officiais. asra tetua s-S. v wicis notlbnly Ioaza tien lu tii-tcli>' a few lghts aga. e ite r <ainChagO in 1879,.s-tienyetiesnecevsra Afr -inisu-ciuet ohta Ilsednagalsthentiseoa the seeteneuges-lais raaredaibg heetecChîcago. broncnuaqst , ia'1 o. euea, but Ifa:sconvcin cold b Jde alhha Veiddlu circi-lt luges-lah is d in1884, snd lu 1885 M DN E RALpstd terlarge aaldoa'tm.lwiilcs esa ai a acc at-ol>' c!oc Sucaineýandasibecause lue la sole ue is urvivel b>' tvasons, WiN Y EW T IAlau atie]Terttatte all bs Mse laeWaterié êea lic hlàMon eoisg Ebuý ems-athsderd aselfg;an auiteseidetense a s et ersu until they>' a! Scn en hehmék tad rd fCcg;eereMs-. IRED IN(J3R s-s d f thse eurtooate flt i» - asest aIns-ae aT*noon liai taken ablg chance on tiseir RocStrdan.se o konies-cl et llr. ertha Itisi, ai Ra.rensavod; ivoa lueur bas not bell,- -à IN 1 f4ewesi ai hpai usa iaerAiNe a£ Kr5e-,ad ot-ed by tise musdeserss vfs'and te cft belitg tried iavbe, the s- Tiss îe uSa aeodi lime v itisin os res, teeswauldle w ors ho va s ioatesIigtpisemnual lin tsa, et Chagtou- rcead Leui-aier11ecllde.asotueda-anIe t. the onbtbtdwt a «ie' h ould cars tettsetise job. b e ttc'gtemnulia'>%,o 'cg;f mga&f- te itechlrn a cnldfraioer ttea, "--~~I ttie muls ts&dtbis i ii~ mannes-tise enemies o! bis-- traininsg ps-ograiýs but het Insisai t res, MaIriandmiGeorge luges-ti sud Thse Supreme cous-t bai ruled tisaI lxplasnatiou vas aaet ijta oties i*0es&borne, ai thelr uot l hbtlon woutd acccmpiiis thels-tisai tieseal oi>'a!geveruimeul ndClaudia sand 014"Irisyh. rLA S iosanebut tise cenvîctei. persan co ea !1Clng Whio la sllego4 tu bl' knrtbur, - aowd , 14,P4 res ecueter ol oeAmorîcan histos->'la oet smud - ira evce eehedM hses-ve sentence ftras-acrime, huDel ,etcaecondition, vw o t 111- me isnthe aga afien a,, sgerng itrins. ta taie a chance ai dalng tise sn- Importance. Hes svîssi votera te 2tb. sud aise ses-vices et, Lakeoide Tara adnt heard about thps-pent. IReltiuvea*aiueet -- - Tise paiti cf lHensr vas sffeeed tOiceuent work. become Infosrei ounis uaiic-cee en>,sr btes-meut tooir piacé Judge Bivardi lait Flia>' verruledl________ bara Kte Rlgi, u-bcph taiteiaslasthe ispeas-st the_________ loso!cnIates seeklng ofc u 1v s.Bato!ftChicago off-amto oranvtil uts ae Fr-ank Petisersek, MaWS-itreet, tiss.* ae Rlai Hss - togc aufs 1 li bec tai ise CARO> OF-THANKS aud expesi ertulse mas>' Clu, i zTise b e-siamfly wilb e eofbilsu Redluger against John aptd mSgn od> îae ut' ale-duitrssdl'tit S-cange et scene and air volirestore WÇW iiita tiait aur triesis sud representalîves as-e sont taelise nemembrdi li>'.sany cf tise aides- ses- Jacob Hcnk, o! tisefies Plaincg > charge o! vîoîsuIng tise prolulhîtouy l'rse vug vonua ttesbé Ia ta issaitis. Tiser dspaseti ai nelehiars frtas- ir sl- ist&nce and lgsauewoaabs l ac-ietso àeryllriver *'no manss land", neas- the tw before .udgee ivas-Os, and va iri-vle isî wois scis lir t b sei-e s d m oved t !la i» urrpah i l - a dfloral o fi n g , du s-ng I g l u a -m a lng abilit'. C c unt i l d n l vasI n e et r .,r y iles-r c ao m th lie uiand deal i f aur helarsi Judge Welsis praisci the rapo- < 8d ii GR@)@OB ani ia elige o iecat uî> e n adona-med-i tl mt. iecu ~ Initeofci etug bettes- bovever, aolh9r. Ar. Mary Eadcr. sitîin oaiboterareSilIflraticU -ta-r»C.) (Î) 0 noDr 0a- @Î nti f MissI, sud ic basor-the5coatien o tatea@ Aut onne>'Siiti. I siamcsaldihe c -'ong man's condition canttii - 3fr. andI Unr. SFred Bs:er teacisersansd -ccmiineidtheis DPNIN r ae a i. pe tdati e ppenllae ur. aan e fSates AtrtneSmith.is m ud Dntie e W gjfiiv vas. 0f ats hilspasentae 3e.asd Ara. Cas-I Bieor si1odietrict ou tise svidest In- 0- ,awya sure of!the Wstanieasuail FOic sýl uIthe la oes- tisacout.das- onu efte e In a liqus casè <sud arexucot lwat »titlclii a~eusahc hpe.0< in.aidAir. W. ader tères.t lu acisool afasise iy the par- ditisatiras. nlie fonce dlvdilng l tni arm aithe local oou# n flu e anthei. Frial s> u g w-Xbuis. M.asuiArs. W. Zoellnen. cute. @ @iddd@ @ dS.RedIinien andi84isi. Ivas nown a 4A MÂ etneer, jk g a ~ HI il Ct kit W $1.ýO A YEAR INADVA"',