eekly WALJKF~GAN W -5. 1923. i&$~YrII~I&O1Se - ,-~---- - :1 omame- von b"s been 06u1buwtft th0 er tinflw as fai tiat lb. plans Mnd a- Kwt g augtqem - Cl*g~Uob ~ w mci ti ~ict b,~é<.zcvuW __ 18 la M.d tirle u sa tiuly i.t tfp*s e 9S Wt «*&4dMteifor l*0e bsfroi"n'bM d i oet vuralm er the beud of usesr bave ayfor the una ctg ié ecmsrta ciatmma~lnai tue& tetuIbà woop;i w1iî :il! bu e lsOt. lli te eMtbes elf rbé t swe 8 t e Mdorgte T2 X * 1«,,lek "e»r et Cbs *toWuulp lott»koews 'e opeili ma»wrmcd tidy * -i lsa ïbwý y.- The là# musâ are o ie, byli141. u othei 4end a 1q*pce .~l C.,4did t ,k Me&s"esor KUsehncr vustsé7t.5vy lsA du"timr vi»i*g . *dstpeutg S*« mià Ahis 80, **be s».asenur 'thé- oaa= SIU cer BOËloreietltttb# Mme stand l c ss SLÂIN# Wétiaw, "ril 4-Tii. Poflab-ciii fflk Ildi dii*Ct4 vital tepi Latalld kiledI - alem J' I i k um But WA*teut5a e vke Tsla Lixilt p "0ohouetaïM Sthe JéhunOMS s ,at la -th* Dfady boiin la t~-Genuesfi ureet vWU en- l="ered *ad robbed TURe Marrg& la th* Betz. apumretNhitJd hr. Tb othe vas eu ey a tathe 1 O M aber robbery the mn murE foi- soor tw mte for MiSsBarber obâi*de4 U , oi badry oddescription et I0* te1 1»4, l w 4 tie police -belleve liii Of aid the1É;, i,*y 8h. desflbi h&d lb.-voer as bo- W W e o n t u I W t . t e k . l e v r e.lintm»aeteb evmetZ 3 Prnipi 1'aclàKeger etftthe Wan ~qaTo*gmilp li Scha9l te- ---------e4 s a ter Tueéday fremIn- 1. Prget lie -mteacommssiOn and 1ooa, norti central Candidates'in 7 atlie Waukegan ilgi ',tactlstladd-n eaccredited ELECION APRI. iYIiJl8tOf-i* ehools intahe state. jW*,jni* u%4t.eWankepaa ilgi - - siob. Cotttaka a "Class A" lotia t uIert'liée'b e-(O' 6mg. uted il -lie Pttilg jsp orthflb. -- sa et cnedited achools ticklets ftir tb* -lctS i~ aif'teAssoulton b. h1014 ApnIl 17'- Tie ticket0b ùw4ilh lix~eO1attal feld arée au filov: - t ie -e4"~lcsralieL ltI progessie iipNWe -eSt, 4 g~omgr i t -te credit br lfgb i tttil- bas bieu, Jesse 9. liyatt, tfon prib.*Ea. * e 14keg -et=ici'a JN. Bernard, W. VWé Gfi1flÙ11tt Cd ig ", antI uhers s'ireentà W. P.~ .-lifeaten, fer u*I.'h mon .are ni>for r4dtO.TI~tl t4',a~cele rae be ies Icm bô 'fbuï tf -JbieS,4 rh~i olot' n. a. aned their orili*0i#ife t hhlti ~ a i ja2 shnLhertred te èiplî t oiebOl- n -tbé -ob ýài -lie cOutret fer thée 5 iia uu4t5t ia vias mttlly heen let '16Ih elOçhi eioalal gon fore rIgà li 51. iis&1M ylmtte t t -~ villae * ùkbga& olIei41 as 1lo à a 0* a B. Xg. mPI~ O li hu sadsd et," and Iýgli0t 8l;r.for trusée*S X i'v$ tu 'il s1.bnCjfi&' SA numier o LIÀs -Coleti>u>coupla* în he.e«ë- eýtrïe4 î1;0 aki 'ut ~ma ie ImCWes iu( 1 " r Mbi- VawIegs aile. nI gl ie~ '10 on - - Ï. 25Fot -Sheridan, Lti 'aie imý$tP- ot Ïb4 I.- t Lake Bluff; Cenr* the -P a 2, ndBeralce De*ds led ojula -OSléL 3u ]y aW IKA j i. ud eani V, Peine,' - belIl e FortShendan. hmtUo of St PaulAsks Ex- Dsn tou gk3 i, 19",1 foetoplft f, etWork. WANT, IWSFOTES SETTLED ic C hicato, bmlvaiee & st. Paul ra!riod loday flât WlitheIinOis101 Ocesmerce Cqu2esshji 1 t answer iiý te ibi b.8j% iïèuiSiOteUlme fOI~~~~Ï *udt*t"at Dec. 31,. s1W-bsi4selrtother - i - iE # ê#tiythetr ~eti&itnsa-te bW .AiiflBiidtb~ ehrgterluspeo. Uteam bosim 2,b«eJ » wor a Utg ntc petodtln iii be rd.,oiq th___u"tnApi Y' .1 H ýWbe mv e6 4* th le s Iea IUéla*$' by sbootins bet et meassu, an'to, beb.row vih a lihort, turg. accordi »mery Kirn 0f Waimeknd Ègr t d ît- fév day. Mr, Il nboa Wl-- reêelpt ot coi jw' thi i garilava viciPl ibolnga et due"s. Smof het ileltum &raé eccuving veati ertyiM. acer4ing te reports lut xi. Ker>4. "The laI *111c1 abollmhed ioti4 e am% tint the nutebér, ,pt dil«à." tie !Pm* v*Ofdetmrted to4ay', #00aty C oP. 4821 4àb ifor1 outel pea tt U Vlgttc net éattefe te 'l» tie& u staii lairwov.Wiiitura tlie( fe4eral edurI1tu Cicioo.Ti cral rnlgrtory bird liv- proi penalty of 13"O and coefoi Uons, r arn geint ont miter -i and they need expeot no0 dem caught.l' LEIWIS 0. BR"C Circuit CterlcTUody Cor ed» YirS ev Offo.J t -c HoI~sR %r on Sei L flt 1ÔBAP 'NEW SPRI Supervisor land Pa by - THOMPSON-MWONAI-tAN Wl* Spirited tova eIeotlim els ln oeverai omunl*a taLIk Ceu21ty 'Tueedy., la "mre coommun- Mies ýthere' ver. no comtetts and limte ittreot vau manhebte4i.' B. C. T#Mepeonýof Mion *ra re- oiected supriser. XE. 3.Menlial of Lak e rwmt uiso vas r"w-elec to the s-3a"8. At 'R1Zîîl"< Park.ý M pvti&Ebiadii*adefctewd At Atiodh Barney . 14.1er a re.lftted muetl'iser itiint 5a7Dy, opposion. cfflrat. aI, Z40i Ti Vrelva- f Coro e li Ticoca -v ote ticket, vea&delle-làoop tike. ereori v~b mAgnof Rvotes Tber vg ai - tatkteatso nallbestieý t t* pti. Indepeodsat, lm EeO&C gra t.'*fl5l -. iRi Thresul~ts çvte levu in As tellovs: IL C~. ?impem <T)-41 Fer I*1 TW1ccaieO OMM. T., IL bckèr. 4 iM TI.Lekrt ~ i3 ê 1 W 1M of -e bîW bi I*amtter o e- -'à kg tI. land PAati. tcRe a r ilc dePi1tY ticket defeted- the CtIUSenaParti. o couR. Wiila . lm aseledtod m0 vison. tala. over Main -: * \ern dah, ie bas hm een .cpervlsoa trou iplatats Deeid for usaiyYeats. Obebas euaty ",o assistant supervIser fer bye regard- Y052!5> - - protiblt Thée tet ve uSt cadi- ýe vonst dates fer assistant sOupervimqr voee et Liii. Chiries Earbaugh ad WImILa E ro B- 3etici. The. total vote vIa as rec-folil - . sprinig 1 Suprvilse1 Laral William 1. Obie-4»t deputy Matnindb-" ".Tiey For' Asistnt Supurvimol' nu lurge Ciaries RX&Mug"-41 a mnany Willi a &E. le4oi-8t Moe i To&. . LDOQlcy-40 trs eau Wu . rd-8 te thein - LTLAtSlOISOT vlut a- v miti $u1j thoow Vldem A Mnaau et lake- Forest. aveciOn, torsPreaF M. a fer assitant-va idv lie ele eted>, John J. SelÉIrnan- for lUO- over te -tice, and William leffrnaufor meipel rie ted. truatée. )vides a Thé vote vag as folflevai r viola- ; Fer Superviser. iolators B. J oaa-8 nency if Bari .Fiin-S Jamson t.L ryer-75 f Feu'Amoant W.V. ..acoln-ul ju#tioo' 0f Tii. PORC* John 3L - spelIrnfn-8077 mpe- Lelsnd C. Srnti-297 asan ledire, eturu Mgmvs.Mena , maLMavitu b7suci a large tiuos unentyms-ir trenth and Neyer pplvt1e icetamoi. Fewer V' ankPtffa Kasse 0 llaonn. .e. DeXuie-belîsg tic oeteatettcandidate. Tii,'rte. vs ai 1,Kisseveki 497, and DO op4O h'Foe va eOtier cont- or proposiltion Ili North Chi- ratio, April 4-w-A n'romkl, bute.teotth. accounèoz.!,iie .yonBerin ioda>'. A4apÀ h r~ bat c1W 'quiei. rg~e;tutabi ir ce vas la usl J Wlnner for l è4« REEVÉS ItçAnSpqx"% Mrrili Jr e deteated George %tA dent candidate, iyaý sg 625 votes at the 'w4k~ election Tueaday. The. total vote cast Ii-(' candidates follows: l4errlll J. Achen35 îeoôrge IH. Bal.rsto-3~$ -Plier Ret'ubulcn c~~ *ticket were u.1,pped~* iutton won the t *assistant supoperiO Imager wou& uh ' 0leae. W Samb ltd :il44ýtd'fort %Ch" 11. xr. Atdie t eihe ' e4l-~. Oirel. Mr l-a trer. Ass *îîed a Uia»#vly la an but Sut -Ja*lt. s xtveuacly iclen*ct - sihuLteir*"bl'are titn tv* Independents Clainid -Th.Y'vas»U iête- tý zt Were BOeing Kt 6lrte ml " twf 1»tUI 1mich et foitng MPlace. -1 -» - $1t It t- li 'OFFICERS FIND SERENIIT eouit etla tev .10 tiat, IidpOldiis vers béing Ike Tbe eteaim 01 i gwu- away fvrn the pollin plae by the 'vas accaialW~ Ti wiel iane llueifteyWerack ln a abiutf - The'shrif SArtd Imelatly 0,but vas ptevsa< for tic scene et *"battiel" but wilio a-s»eat on - t»é b4efAt vb"g *'o** arrived tie smoke imd cleured 'Ilf ogne at"hileéllt b whllvilOVt there vas any. The Iticeri tOulI! i tt "U"ieeiedmield bave leca everythili mseene. - 1114 ast haat, limé. ,Athogi e- An unutnally bitgvote vu cast pilSdI - a -* overvielmns ti oe and tiers vas -coneldenalile exetw Wl'ýack cung .o the offtte nI> tg ment duvlng the daY, bt e a' % ;gM firdfrdWet could bg l«end'tiers vers ne tur..Tcdfa fBafv etl nouaa, enceunters ezeei. s* v nafflcttrtbuited'te thé tact liai Il vas or' lsuited "rag ehawlutg.'% -gemllY neported tuat be vas PU' Tic TiMifrittisiet *âi iieslonohe crace as Weniok'a canddate tu'nonty tuo-yen ,'*" 'op shows liy the tact liai hoîedicat»c "Fietroule. lsall vi s ,Mé .Biharz at lis proeeat 1* 1TheocuW45 £iML 1i election ne- la aCity comismaou1r. Xea GM lur-nisoin *a 4,P55iG0il sgahoard. rue for re-election. [IlS electiien clu seme vounpebi,, oui iitte crovd meets vith laver.,- tiguthetýrett ta rebd lb. i-dams. iut tippansd mafe etier noions.- . lePtty SienS tPaulso raivird and 0151. AND MAU a- MO' ordeed, évpnipenrsons te calrn Doyen, 1S. J,. îAp44,-,Mlsp P 4evn. . boumltntslime tic Zion bti llaffeun, oometz g <1.*1,14 joisfiong huis Gilhet Becker Ci.nleos.MldoMiS ii.uc, ~ i e iritied. -WVMn Sierif Ahietronimilsbta- iéMMUi17 oo. arived DepuiY. paulsou loftIthe à> ~ ldd i4theAi Olleuie. ~Latua he llme r 'DES Tftb¶nom Ir, ten V" OraySmi. gi grade, Adher48 lus a bo- ne, belle- . *Mes 2 for M0e 2 for 16e a for 36C 2 tor 26c 2 for 25e 2 for2be 2 for 20e 2 for M 2 for'20e 2 for "ç 2 fer Sic p2for ne 2 for blo 2 for $1.01, 2 for Mo0 for mec 2 for ltW... 2 for 260, a for $1.0t, e for Il* '2 for 6 2 for 4iÏ for I0 for$60 2 for à0 2for 410 for Meo Pl