CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Apr 1923, p. 11

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UB~R1rYvuE 'flIJRSAY. APRIL 5. 1923. .$414 ,$610 -$610 $630 -.$620 LJNOI* if' aged NlsonlOy aneCouers wort theiW' fnoeed for further discus. VOLIVA ic sienofle the matter. The court clhez '"lruN i didu 't thing the rptto 0T IV'~A~1 EL O MUCI' or It dIdn't fe htVlv bad sait! anythIng VERY dgmaging-- A 4OLD RAM" wbich was ln the courts mmd? "OLD Hard te tell. el,,aell. Judge Hopkins came Notorjous Libel Suit Brought aboutas close te deieg uhat Judge to Unique Climax in Ch!. Edwards dld ln Lake County as he cago, ourt. ceud-thbere's oBIY One c..ntadiSer Cag iOUî.Once betwee thie lwo. [le Lake Cour- 1 ItcostWilur Gen Vliv4 ovrty Judga Edwards set slde the guil se c liu ln eN,~ ty verdict returned hy the' jury; !r ta..of Zion, ane CnJi t*d&y te caii Chicago the Judge ddn't do EXACT. heRev. Thomas H. Neson, Inde, LY that but he came s0 close t i, penident pister of Volva'. oty, en that. you can't subtract thie two and *Iod rom" and a "biatherskîte." ,* get anythtng very siatis;actoi.y. à fine ef that amount with cotte ofthte trial by wlich he -a Om wns ound Appcrcntly thec Chîcago Judge. l,.. guity Of criminal Ilbel 5t$gi"t Roy- Judge Edwards, wasn't much Impres. Mi. Ne s as assesced agaMnai Vol and by the jury's verdict. Hia "sen Iva Saturday by Judge Jacob RO0I>kIX&i tencel' didn't Indîcate be sas. Motion for a new trial wax ev@r- ** ruled. 1 And the Chicagoe Jnrist substan "This case ban gene tAr elongh"' tially 0 K'd. Judge lfdwards et Lake nild Judge Hopkins. In levYing the County lnethe Nt.lsce-Vohîva aquab. fine. 111 have ne parieular apathY bie. He lnsisted Nelson had net for ether Nelaon or Vetive, but 1 been damaged--and the Chicago Jur- am sastlafled wtli the verdict. Mscblot admttéd he mighî have been tnan wanted te get the botter et the damaged a cent's worth. -Other dirgardleg fthc fart that 1 * .* ministera of the gospel o4ght te be Perbap.. Voliva, If he weuld say examples ta the rosi Of US." what he thlngs. weuld have told the ln bis remarks hi' sald there ta.s Sun eprrwoasdhitemk seue PIltcâ D he ase su tbttIasastement, hi' mlght bave nid. hls opinion Voiva had considerable "Wel, well! One penny's worth oi provocation. He aise naid that Ne]' damages te Nelson! The peer ftl son came intoZion Cty and becanie 10wsueM a JI Iftt'al a tale bearer, and that Nelson'&athe curt elt is P5Y t fats aIl tone. sand conduct misht have rui. a- t- our f51 s eudnt1 at sa *d the vont business enterprIsca and cdamages ed, btsout Ipw y t whIl l.t chnrch eft which Voliva was thoi însiated on the tlieg geiing clear ~ea4 £mle Hahinsalsnid thtreugh and determinig juat uhal the weakesî part et the case "as damages ceuld bave been or werf the tnidilméxànt Itseîf, and Il mlgbt createtid." 'net stand ln a igher court. Vlv But lestead Velia sai eethleg- wai net present ln court. although be Just rlinncd and cliuckîedl. Ithe. attorneys fer bath aides marec »raant Rev. Nelson aya h ug'q"e The Roy. Mr. Nelson accepîed thet' e idcae i-theldidns't tit uetence usa aviedication. m te m irecates hl-l didntte OVRBSCgR VOLIVA CHiJCiLEO ucb alenmt lmfe iniae When Jaiper H. DePew. manager is et etVoUvas Institutions broke the e»ta the Overseer laut turday. -II litt14er mcrely chuckled. The STAFFORD DISTRICTd ýà. 0awq dtbis Bratinoatn 4 Ut sentence trom à Sun reporter. SIuu Me dltu latecomment for publil. ',N L EWS NOTE 'catlon, sattlg: "I don't carste make'0 a sttement until atter I have taîked aio-vrf ut :the matter over lh y el m - Edtar-vrt éitr. Urja lme go he venceii ~ona~thMtendanob at school laédte 1t hvigmade the state- Thanse efetlnattendance lait ment tisat he would appuai the cas week voe. f hoc ham te$pend 840000 ta Win bis Uverett Hall point. Carl HaU The "and coutet «I" partote Ether Ramussen penlence wui amount to more thoan Holan Rasmusien 'Wsiikgmaluit talI the Cosas sce These chool room in belng prebtty t&PpoxmaLtely $1000' lasting eigbt decortcd for lMter. days H.vasteud gultyby ju Le~urs Munrie and George Mre deyut Hmie Caire C. d ut ard juset t e a able te attend Bundlay Schzeol *utJirge laie C Edard se th etGurns. Sunday morning. As moon -verdct solde and grnted a nee tri- 1s the veather permita Laura vili f4. Change ot venue uasaton te attend school. the Cook Ceunty criminel court. Thse The Cunningham tamlly in nom itrial thers Iaited 17 dsys. The ce o ut ef quarantine sud Catherine la <ltthe second trial la about $2000. lmprovIng. Bbc la stilI quite wcak -~ from Uic affectsetfdiphthcria. THINKINO BOUT Cldeîe Wetzel la stiII absent tram «SENTENCE" abo Mn. and ]Mr*. Harris have moved1 A.nd 4h.. Iodge fines the verdict fer eom Père. Hartis' parents home ta Nelion nt oue cent-be surely didnt Uic Rd Clark farm where Mn. 0Oit averpay ia. IUved. a a 5 Mr. and Mns. Meyems, uo lvcd The bad thieg about that anc cent on the Ward Wlre tarm meved tet ,-erdict agaist Volîva la that is net Mlburn, Monday. aven, eneugb se that bis Mnende ce Mra. Ana, Chitenien et Wads-1 chip in e tanake up the ameunt. wrbvatdS le Iamse a s ehome Snnday. If the court beldo that Nelon's Those pertect ln attendance lent ý.réputatIon Wa» damaged one centueji vere: Dorethy Fuller,. Niidred8 LVoliva ahould drop the mtter nov Fuller, Nerris Fuiler, Elmer FuIler. aind pay It qulckly. Ne matter what Everett Hall, Carl Hall and Ruth .anybody says about anyhodiy cisc. Amen. ý',tey're hurt et bl e ne cents sertis, Ctherins Cunningham la still con.1 î'.pvn ln prayers one mlght eassîy be ilned te ber home, but la impreving. ,,,'ljured te the exteet et a cent. George Murnie expects te be etf .s a s achool todsy.1( If the court boldi that Volîlva dlam-' The achool rect a h een prettllyÈ 4 . decorated for Muiter, the wIndows bave 'beendscoralcd with tulipe cut tram paper.E Carl and Everet.t Hall and Ray-a -moed Beahel vtted the Bryan .fam-a i ly at Mlburn, Mopday evee.Ieg. JThis la the lent waek et servleg Id o m m , the bet lunch. Mrs. lWIl beiegF cesthia year and we hope It wil be continued in the years te Ceme. F E A LMldred and ooh Fulrvlt1 Electric t ast ueFidy1 W ashig bMachine Wutzke la Impneving. Mrs. W'utzke's1 1brother etf Çhcago bas been deieg &aliee ptyabl. at t6i rate -te farte work., of $780 Wukega ( Thuroda on ngotre t Aocamlpanylng the Machine, th. Miss Wlrtb rsceived tue bunnee isayor durlng the. contlnuancsoe fefr Eastr m the Rasmussen chu-. the. Spelal Sale, le given FREE dren. 1) A Ta"l Top (2) n Ek* kmBIDDLECOME (3) Au, Ektc lioag ~ (3 AsElerieToaterITEMS 0f NEWS --If lit happent ho la la :ro. -- it vlded with tihe Tabla Top The acheel has received a Healtb and the Two Apisiliei Poster and a map ot Healthland. The t.~ named, we wili llow "0is primary grades are makieg trips te effit On an. putoniea Healthland. otaller Marchandise 06 1. lieu Th seodgae av tre et the Table Top, 07,6S0 ln Th seodgae av trd place of the Iron and the. reedieg le the Third Reader this maneaeuaIMpac f week. Taser.on lpaefte The Lockhautn cildran bave ne- Toaster.turned te sch6el atter being quaran- hlned *Ith the mesies. FuAl partiaasnt any of Onir The. evnt -ad -gth gAde th n A>l rsGsrtleY, lot à,. Green Bay Add., tae llT fA<a A T l[lREALII UEALS Lake Turct. Wl) 7600.jDI 'W U AN er p iath er & ir ue ta p ublie S Be R UNs. 9 FOR LÀST WEEK Ie Ce., strlp '00 fi. i es N 1-2 let 1. Quinlan & moraes Bb.. W LD BEFO« V R AR E N W jWaukegae. WMM $10, tamp$10. W II -> K Ganit Neufs & vite te B. H. Met- RÈ ÀN D RS I theva, part 8 1-2 let 1 Quinian & 1jv 1 1 MAI1rl) B IS Bb.,Waokegae WD $10, .SMALL TRIAL WITH THE HIGH PRICE 0F LMAM NDTHE lHMR rMany Deals Reported from stl eto Catherine B. GIbbons te Grand Jury Action Forced WORD WORK NECESSARY TO RUN A SUJCCESSFUL le Ail Parts of County; Sev- Public Servce Co., stnp 100 fI.. 'sida Merely to Create Doubt era m Wauegn. Twp. WD $10, taep $2.60 . in Civil Case Pending. FARM YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE CHANCES --~ ~ ~ K IOE Esl ile& Rnt 5fo I ed Mre In the forcing of grand jury actic, sa.Secretary Securlty sie& t.,runteg î hrough te Unien zai ceecerning alleged tampering with WT THE QUALITY 0F THE SEEDS YOU SOW. M1< F r the w ek e dig M arch 31, W aukeg n. Wl)D $10, sta ep $5.50. the jury In the trial orf Gv, q sl 1923. Bsn Elaenbcrg & site te JoheheUc aed O et b Brundage, Tribune.,ITTA YU EAE UPY YU WT Numbt et Cnveyaees, 71. Losack & vite, Iota 2 ho 6. block a2 Chicago Delly Newssgang Ile ulainioUTTHTYU EAE PLYYuWT Nuxner o ai neyeeotaes, 7 . NortbhOicago. Wl) 8w, stamp 82. Oece le a plot te strenzthen their' Number oeTruathe V &or ort.ea, Wm Schmidt & vite te Emîl Ta.ivilSuit te cempel the g"ovre gages, 51. ter, rtl35, Tweeds Bob., Fox, Lake. t aîî.gêd aefudswI""th BADGER BRAND SEEJ)S Total numier ofIinstruments field. W $, tap,$2,-- bd e ad coeverted te private 2 66.Vce ueon&vt eDm n ue, despite the tact thet he prove-I Shelrohsona 1& w22. bl Ock 1 Uo Indhe Ucrciminal action that he dîd T'rtaîanount oet bans, $285.610.00 net basbai& Uicblocm1,nloyd Iulus continues brisk wlth o.Havo.W>810 trteBudg agaatr boans above the average, Mit-ch 28. 1923. AtrteBadg agsatf The' tllovlng are the merse m- Plln L. Van Bcbaick te Hugo Soen- the cnIminal proceedin a brs th.-Y " IL Portnt dals:nenacheite Pant lot 8. block 32, High- aIflec civil suit,% te Bpnlngfld t.1 porantdeaa:land Park. W» $10, tamp $22 compel hlm te ture even moeey the% In Wawkegan. Charlotte C. flns te Geo. Aujugt_ aîleged ha bat! takan trom state* William Perimen bought the Wm. Ine. lots 3, 4 aud B part lot 2, look fueda. le thea cninea action thay Sctt hetb estate pnpery sst et 47.Lake Bluff. VrD $10,000. elI do se completay. but thy are yNorth ave., cotahning 59 34 acres C. 'G. Bucl ad vite te pdward stîll determine<j ha try te kcep sons- L &r iir>,oeo. maison and wIfs, lot 3, block S. thieg baeging aven hlam bpad p Abe 'Gocdon bought a lot on Stouth Smith and Adams Nerth add. Wau- Thaîn anly purpaga lu attempUing aide H-ull court tram Jas. A. Beeves kegan. Wl) $2500. te Indîct a memtber et Uic Bmal jurzy FRraî 1er lndicatcd $1.000. Marci, 24, 12. Io te bave aucb a malter peedIeg FMU II DVfIaama. . Notau i. Bron & ite bught Walter AtkIeson and vite te R. L. when Uic civil actieu goca te trfilMU O TEtSLNDDPRT 1 ltomn Suh. Base & vIte oub Malcolm aed vite. lot 3 and E 1-2 se tbey cauld create doubt Ie Uic s lo, nSot ea onè '~itt' lot 4, block 2, Lenax sob, Waukegasu minds et the Jury as te bis inocence N l~ EMNTO aveOd fo J ae Ct.2tm00yon A Babthe Mandel et aI te G. H. Lanm- vhicb be eaitily establlshed, because ~.ods on edlcacd 2.50.phere and vite,,part lot 8, block 39, tbsy neailze that viUi governor vin- 1 ne Itobertson beught the Kennedy Highland Park. WrD $10. tamp $5. dicated et a CRIMINAL charge they THE LARGEST SELLER IN WISCONSIN Properby ah nerth eat cerner Utica Bebetts Manel et aI te1 G. R- La- veuld have ne chance le vineing the t& Belvidere at., frein the Master lentihelle sud vite. nortb part lot8.CVLsla Cbaecery for 17160.34. block 89. Highland Park. Wl) $10. IIsie RudOîPb Rueger & vIre bougbt tamp $11 . If the grand Jury dosa relure s tbc Fiaek J. Hurley place on eut L[Ara Wilson te Nancsy E. Price trî bil h avi b Jre onB ils o aeB ide S. Uticaeta., aaljoIeîng South lot 7. Ovnen sub et lot 135 &c.: been vot e. teeportedj thatns bas school, for $3000. Lake Foest. Wl) $10. sttmp $4. be odtePreaecutlan dons net uhiD mEey m Erneet SIeCk & wite beught the- Hannah Reckenbacb et ai te B. 0. pousss a stcOeg case againat hlm. If vtwu Zelier place on soutb aide Perler a, t Fritsch, 8 10 acres NW 1-4 NE 1-4 the necent "dope" et the persecuou Sole latribuhorm Just weat of lot at., fer indlcahed Sec. 25, Vernon lvp. QCD) $1. stamp The Tribune la troc. Even that pub- $4400, and gaes back trust dced fer s.lîcatIen, anîtimall, admited Ilean L TEWE LES S LED C O. NIWaUI.., Wis.a $3700. J. E. Koch and vIte ta Elias Tata- article Thuraday that Uic principal A. F. Beaublen beugbt the Ira J. saIde lot 14, Poelal & Hutchins eob reason thal grand jury voted tue pur- Les placs on sautb aide Paclftc ave: lIn block 31, Wankegan. Wl) $10, ported troc bill largsly on the testi- tor ladlcata<l $4000. - tamp 825.MOnY et Antlech bankens that Filtad Auna R. CCeoncy te Lydia Bchree- dcpoiited $360 In a hank there abouti In North Chicago. der lot 14, Cale. add, Waukaegan. Wl) tue lime ha la aliaged te have ne- Creamnery Package Utg. Co.. toak $10, staml) 86.60. celvcd $350 "bribe" moncy. Filds tille te tbc DavisW*Ukin plant at Eventa Wrem snd viete e W. J. abiolutely denes. havlng recalved _______________________________ North Chcago fan lndicated $100.00. Brave sud vite, lot 4 sud B 12 lot 3, any meney as a bribe. Led bie tienda Stanley Konus & vite baulsi thc block 7. Wrene'a sdd te HighlIand declare thcy ame viuling ta go inla K.Outi, PsesMt.W . U Vs voU Grabtevaski place en veat aide VI, -Park. WD $4760. cutsd.tbla opeealb ,wCueêl sssymIk ou 4 a.'.w* ýý fotei aet. juit noth et 13 et., 1or le- MarchIn2, 192&.&0ito asvhe Came tlapobseasion dlcated sIfl. rank Kerzeb aud vIte te Tony e the oonay ubicis ha depoaeted.I li lO In Lake llitiff.Graher abd vite. Iota 1 and 2, block f n CM r0ehi héun in in LîY. b RlufL.f be. TbLIIpia'a add te Waukegau. Wl) I fticnpoeIISL n WlnifrctedLmina . r drpapes10,Ie tay i.deubtcdly vill net Se oonvicted b.- onboh bbc SNortJ. afrdeen 0lace Emma J. <Gardner ta W. P. Hnblay aUse the an]y remaling "vdn S EC M TY lT = E & 'FT CO ond geth edtruatb ae.. on 8000 et ailet 19, block 42, Lake -Bluff. W la tUicLllleged atatement ot William - ~ ~ U 'tUÀUa ae gvabak rut cc fr 200.D. $3000. 1. lly, an ex-alomkeepen, uhose 0RA F TM£Easa In Lake Forest. Clara J. Leai and husband te reputatien arud Antibci la none italpb R. Bradley bought the Rasi- Frnk Mablin sud vOte, lot 3. block tee gaed. accoerding ta Former Seail! Capftal. $125.000 musae proerty on sait aide Mic- 6. Cuniminge & C.& a dd -te Wauke- EImer Grenansd neigbbom.W IKEA , Kileey Rd.. for indlcated $11.000. fgan. Wl) $10, maMp 82. W IGA EmilY S. Gap'laeY boght thc David G. A. Johnson and vite te L A.'TRUDPM e L WlpIls place on cash aide OakvoQd Minuesand vifs. 85U fît. N 81 ft. E TH NEEDN'. ie. for $I ave.. nertb tor $7500. 90 fi. lot 3, block 6, Mcay's 2nd ad-M Anniale .Rus',-s bouigbt the Oea. dîtion, Waukegan. T. Rogers place on eonhherly aide C. B. Smith sud vite le Wm._______________________________________ College ave., et Illilnois ave., for le- cbumacker and vIte, let 7, Waab- eitated $7500. Iegten Park. Wsukegan. Wl) 810, In Hlghwaod. tamp $1. tomeeik Shereny beugbtthebcVic- B. H. lock te R. W. Batlett. lot tor Johnson place on eertb aide 63. irai add te Wfaaleglan Park. Dewellye ave., for $4100. Wsukegan. Wl) $1, atamp filc. fni-l ghland Park. J. A. Reevea to Abe Gorden, let 24 a%0 Edwerd M. Gallup & vite bough Reeves Hull Ct. sub. Wankegae. W T o Thaters..C on cert. the Zinner & Ituleer place on Eat- lD $10, atamp $1. Te erly aide, Lînsein ac., noI-bh of Emmna C. Osborne ta C. W. Even- Beach ton $16,350, end gave back trot, 47.23 acres le Becs. 21 and 22, trust deed 4or $11.500. UAbertyville twp. Wl) $10, stamp $27.- Joseph Barfiari & vite bought the6.M Lauelan lceo avtad e., o d- dr e .A. Woods sud site te N. H. L u , U M et. eiad pac on auela adeSon d.Brown and vite, lot 5, block 5. Stesle at,$600 & Deuglas aob, Weukegae. Wl) 810. Patrick J. Kelly & vIte bought the atamp 82.50. MayKel laeo suh ie HaaeMarch 27, 192&. by th e MarYKely paceon suth aid HoaceBulkley and vite te Frank Homesood ave., ton ledîcahed $6000. Caîxavara. Iota 1l and 13, block 24, Catherine OLeary bougbt bhe Wright'@ add le LibertyvIlle. Wl $10, Rose Prichard place en eu.t aide gtampt 50.* Green ah.. north et Waleut ave., for Tbco. Scheu4nane and vite te W. indicated $6000O. W.' Cla,&en and vite. Sl'ly 60 ft. Wly.Ne hl u Charlea W. Esetrat boogbt tseWI) $1250. Emmea C. Osborne farmaet 47.23 acres in Sac. 22 for lndlcated $27,500 ~O and gave teck trust deed for $17.400. AUTO-TRUCK O In -6hleida. Jno. H. Guliçk heught bhc Jea. J. e. RÂ fHA I' ýFI8chr pro e nNE4, Sec. 19. cmJ north aide'B.cklae w Tcd 1er indt i e cae 10.In 1earrîngîon. n e t " Mi:R N T Sa MyteA. Pebersoe bought t entsandrceain re m da= Sl Wm. Muster -place ee north aide Liberty st., -fer $3225. Thursday' mernnng a truck be- Ioeging te the Chicago Carbage Com- In Banton Township, pany vas practlcaîîy .destreyed vhfrenu by t e r qu n i'i LeRoy W. Bracher bougbt the Thon- lb caugbî an lire aI the *s.' curve l E. Gray tarte le NE4, Sec. 33, et nertb et the achool. The lira vas l Beach for iedlcatcd 811,000. that dangereuis that fil cauacd ta~o the .J J 717 &3r' l n e In Wsuconda. sloppîng et traffic tram the eonth sermc o h éi h r i e John W. Hart & Alfred W. Measde and snutb for soea ime. The driver bought bbc Elmen J. Ceuntrytean and somete, fthUc emeet the viclnity fane le Secs. 2 & Z, neer Vole for auccecded le puttIng 1h eut by $41.69.carryieg valer frtraa eaarby wsdi. Misa J. Johunsn o erly et Chi- Fast tmaIs bve Làbetyv&. eyyIbby m 900000000060*000000 cage bas accspted a positien aI the fo S4am î1:8.,m gî4L . 0 vALiA a'na rice 0 Jordan home en Graenveod Ave. rm54a .te1:8a .O a 148a , 5~LI5L rarnîc O M. C. Jensen speet Sueday te amd every 60 f oui tbiuftw Ému 7:48 p. m., &m. g0 0 0 to A K. BOWRCS 0 Chicago. t:4,: ,9:8 .n.aivybo'ttrate 00000000000 Ardozcb and Carl PirzlgOan speeli ,9 1,9 8p LMdwr wd ife .Marc ~, ~the week ed et bbcel)ady Tart. uLM 12:t48 a. m. Prompt connections at Li-Ùe Buffl Marh 2, 123.Mna. Wx. Smith and sen Burton Wmt. Melater and site ta Myrtle A. vere Chcago visitons, Thursday. . for CluCago. Pattersen,' let 4, block "L" Barring- Tht- Boyau Country Club la under- ton. Wl) 82225. going saverat -fimpravemcnts aucb as J. J. Fiacher Sud vite ho John H. painting sud leterler decoration. Gulck, tract et land n NE 1-2 sec. The basement eftbteneev boutse fL 19, Shields lwp. Wl), $10, ahamp $4. belng built by J. Hemmena onL M.R asulsben6and w17, ClaR.&La-.petoR.,9wcgo Northt Shoae f& M v u o I M. R Ramoaen nd vte e R R.North Sheridan road la nearlng cote- 1mrs sub, Lake, Toresat. Wl) $10, L. Moore vas a Lake Tenesl busO- statep $11. ness visibor. John Laniovec and vite te Anlon M. C. Jensen bas punchased a Malovrk and sIte, B 1-2 lot 12, block Pond sedan. 12, Sunderli's lot add. Waukegan. Josephine Smith, Mary Hermen. at rodtiL h nmckelcd The Cod ýtooep1ete us spaee nrr 'face. Bt 'n wth the ýelf y'or LtY, VIL -self iJre

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