OUTIES M* zaîfc Stt SyQR.Mat el-ORganîmâd 'blckiuail, perhas * s"èe ganig, ii. Coitraposbeo inta tlêmurder of Doioty Kin#,Brada «P!oï* #af dollar ar ecely.tort*d, crime .experts.say, (~alw~ I~s~tbAt bae eli men and Wbmen, as -'1 "ýTii..ou rators are knowa sometimes as cilf Ani O-f the poisbiitics of a seriez <of notorious crimes having beou in th . anda c @ùe organb:ed baud of black- oI»r hows tIMM .Casesas Ilka axJithe Chain. MYSTMROUS slaYW# o0~iU~ DemoutTaylor, moV- i. dreetir hiLes ugeçs. ~'.r go, lait februàty. K4JNG Of a.silor,4b Wu e & ard, . lhoaiebak- Cr seo ni'n«Whitc PAws is,. Y1ast May. UNSOLVED üiwl. tairro-f Rev. Edward W. Hfl and FIMrs. El, . -eanor MlA t NwButuuk pt Sepember Bufal wonaan, anti$520.000 ;eéwel robbery. iiNew. Yorit New Yers Ev.. MUR0FAbY chloroforin of Dorothy Kinçg andth left of- $15000 wostli-of jewe* 'n^ usedi plot tô b1amai1 J. w*ewle M teiiU,.o-lIw1ofÉ. T. Stotesbày, 'wilon- ouas an explanation of Taylor'. murder. M rdm habee thesubject of an ini- vutStku Gii joWvrbr Sexth, declaedho 31J4 Is W vic- tin t gvahumse-ffrein a f tbree hIa4maiers. wbo had i,.dywbi.d t ,00rdmanded $75,00, zmor. ý In the. New &uaswi&t cas the. Hall fainily's théory.was tt*tj R«. Ha adMm. Mfls met death et the bauds <f a <f bkekacuiers ad robbars Tii.SobeeEkcipf *obbery cas.. the oniy one tbat diii %lot eKllumude, i lnktiW it bcth thei Hall-Mils and the. IÇn sse. bI=fo W» uedt t ubithé' ~t ' Sgdelkpfai Miss, King; in , tba latter 'cà. it Came fromi New ruûskk sen'ofi. Hll-Milb mnw*rs; and, two men' conntil the i.S"foollopf case are sai to bava - s*<yed later ut t m.m iNèw* Bnmsewick botel which era- ployed a uaà". dsaperefroni the.apartment flouse Aboêiu ço<p#enoela thatNeilson Olcott is coùiusetfori IBSNY MI' C iH ILL ic&.4 yhoe kla r .Dorothy Kmg arut bdevecIlt e v A"W4LaE x Ji= moght hy bciil*andibs aharlàlim .K ni">OU L I . 12a2%idic'New Brunswclâdublezimurder a:ntisi POLICE ' »o> epniitut "rama" thýt >directedthet .attitude cof 'the "thee ~1I~EI3t<f S King murder,' said Assistant District AttorneyFednd Pankerton detoctivus say blacknailing of wWathy mon ÎM ASÀU Yând omSlms becme nie e of the. greatest crime menaCes. Meat Of the CW.s, tley say, neyer coM~e te hlght, although fliîd4 ItoTropiseveum enus ago Mpconiplaiut wau madle te tthe district at- Capainani LJi*.tPrMyfoy' f fice tbt bli.*mailers bati been active akainht 'ay~ 2yN~TY1ksocitty wmn T wrdS. M"h. foril years p6atoffice inspector. 1'- R OBENG s": "uibactulcases bing. on letters through the - niai1â, ant poétofflos inspectors have inveatigated sme tjist tions tor appoltmteaýt te Ç heaulgEwe.# se Xnols StkIe Dis bteve UadRaines. attaIie t tthe district at > the &mre UneW O*ueý& sahos oyte *i4 oe esy ui w blackmai cases a ycsr get Iscora te~s sca welty victis .racwiDigta of the. bill creat1f5 " ,.iit*inci ..~ ii~ ~ r roduced ila the85815 â -y .....J. J. fven LL..L... innocet.,JL Ue police forces ou1c«> ç-igai 4ey$000bsbau etoe ~t it l" th"i sa W110SS h bener ioedjuûn asc.~1fS ~p~ ~ 4udeI-in -w i. cases, including that involviug ,u.snUeitg. ei$htcorporss Meuis' E1eruii vls,,à and tip»wrelo r ime. age $m . t a' robeitheory rgther than 121*2 Revézinor leua th» a nuail Wlt- i.Dwoý:King case. . ",re eXaes& aPm-t>a% ta 01th. mate sov5Miueuti e vout be a s"e.latend-j atet bY the. govéror. TheI woWdIt bae thé >ovér to ils suprntdnt for l>i cy. .uégect of dutrtyor mai. lai calce.,but na*o"der for fal iroffld tke effeCt UUtII vi«tIth theacritary cf:t"= 'm emos for lhe dis. alaiesthec.d. Sittre.tho t e auti a. rte, a ý -re, tr.o liae té ti.tin Lqantrs àétilSua v dtvthe ', n liio. , - y4*44 i -N gov«wr sésé 57aen-a"" îbtheieior.«tSWUae l' Safr cait.or tIi. Pcuhic * *Df am y la *FuppFesa- Worked mn' Co-oparatohl With 'joS x',,Wm2 ;tt'e Un4Wermty ofli- 1 v 1li. 'lMis ORTAINED GOOIYIRESULT$. jobu IL.5. ý41.Detrot. M.-',' Urbana, Iii. April 4-Taayle~ 5IO1 %~ r* of the atte vo kIlng lU sag ra lion of the University a 01 Ie e .weedmsS 2.<esp 1 made 46,000 Carravisflaita .e,'resE BaIn , ,WSiAU. » ad gonuted 211.8U1 ties. WWn4e" i utc'iu, um ckJs ., w . 288,497 létters and publiaed la, ~ ~ wssgs * pepe~s 7.489algritûtra aruitrimg l~y cArn5to a eatement M"$. by t1 iy Univerty - teda. Circular - ette 'a et., -4 circulars and pDo"a*snumbrlnu 5,af <sge ùaE.NS, 1 i i*0,E wre sent out and thé total iir ti-, 15MlWa of circulr lett r a 4 oaller infOrinmà -4 4- w: illdir&approximately 2.MO, * <*. The attedage.éat 3,081 dem- sc e t tar In in tita tona In short îk.. courses la the state at whIch tarin U f-4-- adrice as given vas 1,94. 44 Tbé coliege et agculture liers lai ~ ~ ~ 3 lb. at ten years lias graduatét 1, A« of wet hicli between 6« and ,7o Sthtti Pae ue *msr actually living on ta mi s In Gls Sa & 5* , 4 d-slOtM. Others are engaget in lie pg ir alliai teagriculture snch as toain adv isory wvon apri- ~V *Sti8 BOa w @fou Oe urly momuluIff MveaR.m ¶ i»*a m ay Mar lt S ivale a garden. fwélé&gu~rPI181r 10 piarktlng or Utaf ou1%WW LI rA I l M IN Gordon Wtécking - ~ ~ ~ Lurnbeï~(o vas bêlag consideret for thé Dée.- Pive PélUJi, s~ised CRETLUS.L 'sl ratia PrealSential Nomination ltu on a' chtlE#*,' W OOOY 5b.UsPhone W aikp x »L0 DC1924. aceordIag to,.& CCuro dIsDateliHervey .Coulf.>.' * 0 e WS SOff -FaO Rj, pnld lu the Moroung Pest todiiy. by' A. P'. - MoKevaasWib Take electio lille ditet t. o 4 Undervrot vas quoled as mayimg affdhay, boCSslag -te - 1 _ hé vould sot maire up hl$ mini hu.y vas 1 ..=iner a dl4L5 .,North Chicago, OfI< *sS Lonn, I.Apri4 <-VnIf ed States viéther to hé a cailddate tuntilrait .554 ~c~au d~-ta' thée eut 01 n. wd" *& Oeuiter Oscar W. Underwoeet aiehéarrIvéS houése andconferredét ita0o f t thh béoe isale, *a s '5tSundays for Yourcnvf lrunal.Ala. výo la now tour- 1deungcrattClesdéru. acoru #Lt ~e sorry «'1OÏo M00boffl FOR,1928" p m New. qWeek Rauffied courtaili'0o renne with ruf fi bs. Aseca at pair other Rumfed Oui are priced Up te 4 pair.-. se-Inchi curtaun Grenai pure white; msrcerlsedq plein or wltii coloreS dots. lard . ..... ...... Cartaili Maraulstte and Bth are or aglenSlt quel yrd ....z...... ..... - ilet fWer~ sags eserai. ~ at yard altos -"dutoer efforts ait ape-clal at yard, ..... A'noteisi otet I-lüchi Cr of 14 iaty aprice. et .. .4......... cotiir ritlxoire ag tram 250 ta 5tiS lrd 89-tuch Drapery Shant natumal nolôrI of,.1ak and mercrimed yarns, yard.. ietg a i riking destins. am evonderfail values, et pe mW5CllOU Tapetrl Table tm- nert anduteurs80 W *111rice f ri p J 0~-. -1, Home-CGraft Week-ÀAPril,2.to .7th Ii Styles I idw lte 4 Common Sense DeNauds That. the Curtain bé-ý Traspaeut; the Curtain Must be a Veiing, o k e White Thes.two reqirementâ r delyconbiued l luêvmus8 e bbave led tie selected for Home OrfW-theorligpialiBWýr ftOWeek. 1.65 Casernent lace I rce uçp - - .- . and fisthed 1.75 atinsr of quc*; holý" ou mev 4b tung là Ld $1 1t fne i. 1'e lmg lu lhe boi t caserent Clti affet-ýplus thé interest ot design -ndthtii ransa*rency 0f a veills $1.26 ta $11.18 yard. ort is y strnu a sMsan or o ago. Tb* virls'anacarhiecffs ora!the rou~ll TWuSel-e I&s Ù m l arliér em #h&iSPS >7xytbOis e i i ted ffet o£ Ibis new liii. aI 1.2& Îyard. Ts t efaoatuanNlmefo yousu fieai al eai fr anla a F ils r etadti-i Quer Vurt14Mi Thov i th damo Tman ameNebytei ufrtaTnh- asa frether ai,tUl QOt ut bdI2S SA they do thelr clotbulues é iearoiwr and ve&yo. They are iNta-,il. 0154 an euau curtaini are t98~lr an and rtrm8Si enluhOIK480 Your ou-wuinaMay Be ad.y T? W*oo. . Qe OrinoaD0 ~ And àIe-Cb Roft t rineka ganse ami sheer caaéo~uit TInr 1 uaterlale in thé palular ahadu are uta'theine j l immriUf# thlng for sumiaer andtt eiY are in lie test vt Pairi e tttbhp- 4 of tante and faulon sud oi drap»Y ec- *Mj ler *-aiR ilio wil belp yen make lie rigitst at10u. ý tier' ay e **~S OrýnOka Draperiles and tYheltOrIbs mea*,é mm 4%* *bti i e rig W*rcl