's 81< Weeh(~ g Wue&Es mGnaty Cshud X2KXL'4~O. ~.7q a ,U v ouRidgiaB RAZàLyv L .lo ba liiet a ohAm c cd ucheclië1a. 2e va. e- la O the oy9 la uiÇA~ 'a 5. i boua tbeu =h bays, n adittdta biaXbil 119 bA. vas e tc a atalu lias vtie, the ygs tb easbed thé Jcobla*tatm aurUY lgt IdbMi(rks ceil the a beh utOc outys Afei da 'Mtd ta h -t haebad csed uilY a dosas cheeherowd ~Tut4 a Mr.Jcoa Jao baturda gad vasmae OU M tby Mil. li lmNd, a dmck.Mr. yIw- t.deedtheW==4»t bleîiic xyMnzad flom ots bna audi IMta hw ae b LnabyAd à -ovtn siguingte amit ad- a heck ho r $ et h*yïI O Tneahis chrckJal»oWU va o NaiibShore ichecb vas check 2,180 to iae. a nli. Mn. Mtst Mon. anam aesvri:té fl liai tw anylie lie. »st ChAi MidrU sd Plceis Mts rnl* i Alto a id ta havedt basins #1assafr s cbe (oa55 oIhe M V.ý A.. bis co hek aie.vasida et t-Mhlm iorted ah bues s'.IVM pbyasempup d u Favd a iea trgery. '1«t arn cnid iba a uim jusi " Boyoku tre voe."Ma -Allols thexcionaobave beea v $IcUedorlat me bY' authé rn = :t thepBn*11t- ait the' tit <c tsinture 01e Idi aod & toreau ontore afréM forer ad vase Ose e fi. yi Illiénisu Watt$4f, Palac. iSet Met t lu pseaIthe 'Y" at Puha chec t ora ons theWarWlre tai a*I Ore. thte United Sitats. ï toge- hkd. wotoe fd nthe al ta M avektame ro taistion i be devote"- 1 ~ flue c fie , 8 a ddtto l rs fla! Adsetta flres et oi JIllidis uW as 1«e laeatm 41wBinm or utU uted iisa, 1«sq wi betoore held Otb 1h. Bt Setaoa the sla b..rortacuiin P lut are undea leu, fai. l*<O~ iii -t .1 L Si ipe;cêttit)_se- r, -' ~van 10 ais. iS lu s ul~sst* ai. utc.. b Lu - rAss~1< ~ TSAY~I B~CYVZLi~ IaAK.E COII&IT, WAUKEGAN W IUtRSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923. UncODe kam IAW Wsa~~at 1n Vteets FW WIIL Lit!F 6os etf Sfat.While littie lias been heard, Puibliely" about 1,t the It 1* id tâthere lias LITTLE DEBATE HEARI> déveloped.a serious-'br"kI" between State's 5ttorey Snith'a offi".and that of Bpriustild. , ai., m -rua inouc;Sherifi Edw. Ablafrom eia result of the opertion of the so-ceIed"" go squad triWy Mase bWomn's iglr tinienfoSelng hephibffion laws in 14ke- e0mty. .And *t lf eeln the But b>' a "0o es te U maoxes ta -cosrnty officers hmasreached the point whero the sherif Uns 'as-aidinig MmLttsRas raOIaIai= yeral urnes of late birself witlioutrqgîiéSth ae aI luibyot houra viacla vwnese situation surnmarzed varIa lai tlllual& The sne= tt o be.- for Violation aorIbe iav ie reuai e Àln~ the O'Neill bMn. h Srif hkom Ver>'tile debale Preeeffl assimsin that hli lut4 of the ineasume vhieh nov gais 0 g the senate. - sh*riMtJ he~ o Ule~ The buteaPolice DMiindael'00> i4ý tbwords of -Lako, sideration br t lb Mnais.strict bnk lm or sieddint than di ite hé Roxu (IouUty,, feels that ho 'was law Th se V= t 0 Q' e tea to direct aul poluce B51111In d« 09oouhiMLtau work ot the coltty;aid* Aforttr 9v uneat",$attorney, desir is SntrTeUf t o ai it9ffl * vitebmnIe the dry a4 er>' arse ta 'I hoblSaso-M<> ~ Th tat BiasHoelsg dtuo iveWmisksle l pendin, la thé L~ove ulea vsuced tala- ýI 1 4 idrediei. sieriff--to, serve hie ~ WF COUNTY '&fletlygue vnfl~~ 41J~ Foeowing the. inaugural 15IF0.AHS'O VUl ~of Shériff Ahlstrom some OrimTUE iÀTI0 months ago a big banquet was lield at the 8glvatiOn Amry Hôtel ana, there 200 busi-9 11M ness men heard the sheriff and the stAte'a attorney pledge each other hcarty sup- -port and -close co-oporation in the conduet oftbeior respect-ve offices. Votes Cong In Fut to T. Therefore the tact thqt these officers ot late have béen coûfflcting very seri- Arthur SiMflof, County ously in the enférement of the dry law and flie methods surrounding this Iaw lias SohoolSupt caused the situatiou to reacli the point where discussions are frequeut as to just 0 -..-wl-ch i-s riglit, the sheriff or prosecutor rALSO REPORT 0M1 PLANTIP4G It lias been a known tact over Lake Coutnty that there lias been a growing r - rupion etwen te to oficiis ad te fIal fit is- not yet writteu aud will TW pupIs t us achoolsah i of b o os tre~dig yrprs Ts htisthere ilaa-constant- discusgon Arthourcii irces n he attr t dm oaywiti ti.sponge squad. Some oftlcials soos 40thalir Peoexc fo eiski ha s~at' crne islweutorcement . doue - througl thse ZIffB o and he epl by ertin uppoter etthe state's attorney la that the s~>goss~a b~reai~. T~ ~tuaffn is <t sffiet importanc su that .tho Daily th e rtWc *i I eie et*ailt e Sari- 1. .sheriff'18 office is williug eSUtai~ eady *te and wllcarry ont iau as th aetna TmaY rquet o nforcing the dry law that may corne from State s Attorney Sinith's eau ires aso Ir tgyichlawu- offices. dt Uce th a 2. State's Attoruey Smith doeantcr to have the Bheriff s office de thm.s work. k~ ~ li upl ffu 510 scboola Il aiuo iaye Ptstea tfse-la Uic %eh-, He prpters to have bis own private. organization wh-ch lie says he'bas built.up wt e yard,-a&"= o eORPI. BMPloitcrcryetbi res8 ht eau be personally responsible for their work and th n M U f'h y b'drcl epnul eus M lbo. ot tr vis V bu piauted l In e th 3. ther coAhcutror say thli as neyer retused to co-operate with thse ill.e nieour. C-1> ý .1,state's attorneys office and rnake thse raids whicli the state's attorney hi. asked NEWS 0 ~E -4. The states attorney answers by adnitting that thse sherifflias never re- ?'PtkUff~kICT fusedPa erarrfn nis iiearurdçuhbut navutthat lin nrÎfers having, lis work clone by hi-s ~dhtr.-vUrst Hall t uella Mtafwb a eem ah- 1sent tram guutol iu Jaasary re- tmdta resame her4WstdseTues- *ZylynRasmaussen s Ii Tidam Misa Wtrtlia5 lean& ain&= flUa district atteuded tlb. mové "Ov'er D Th illi" Tuesday eveqlng ai Vhs Warren oTanthp Higli Seboot Ail report it a very fiue Picturs. h An accident occured *gI Uth$COur- tu nee bridge Buuday atternoan, a irheel ad camne off ut a car but 11a an. vas ty seriously immrd. M Rtuth Ames viited vlth her pan- gu mottier Mrs. Stewart ati Gues. Mou. de day after aclioci. Mr. sud Mr%. Wutzke led Coin- orpany tram Chicago Buuday. fleversiai of te chol childrmn bafl> heard radie prffa»u e aer the tele-, phani ai varions tlmes. ta Ed. 1 ing b e a ave &au m.S. Âmes' lther £romn Mlthtrx IIaleta the Aines' homle SnUXsl. [on ]Esther aud lHelm Rasamussenu vre "i lu Waukegau ridlay. or Mr. A. S. De" la'I. hvlugfhis car Id- repaIred ai ak Forest. Mx ýClyde Wutzke beard ftram Arthur 0fo »Seltone of bis - Stafford fichoal bweiedm. the other day. Arthur la ta i'Iarlda and Wes 1V Ibite very MmJIL. Murrie vas a Wanie- -g"c#fer ue INy Mo.. -A-pot 'A tht Rigi ledai s s~uh. o~ IIIJkST ;wu men. R~e adds that it la elseaper for taxpayers to haveit doue'lu tli-wi rather than through the, sheri-ff's éffe. 5. Tle sherif says lie bas 30 deputies wio are capable, reliable apd ready te do th6 work now clone by thse sp<nige squad and that it capdpe just as cheaply for thse couuty, It is recalled by politicians that State's Attorney Smith's dry- scuad origipated ouncë, tipped off pi-opesect raids'and 'when ý4h reaelîed - tite scene, thse bihsuI * Howevcr, Sheri,« AhIstrons 's tri-ends argue that there bas been'-no charge of stich à conditiôn under his admiinistration, lu fNct that they liaven'thad -tIse chance te prove their loyalty. in view ofthtIe impertancc of this situation thse Sun intervicwed bo4h Sheriff Ahlatrorn and State's Attorney Smith. % 1 The interview with thens lu substanc e are as follows. and: Prt nal Mu.s The nanefs -at prntunt lAke couzty a»d Chlosions baWho ed ln the "gplW ot1 11,9mme. by t = , W1I~sorj4*y.a T1e listi ncludei mir spmemunty onglals aud dozena of leaders lu buslees, society and polmtcl. Sorne of the rere prorninent min Sfolliov; i SO.-ivo min b4 Oibes lnjured. ClarenerG(ooodvin. ai. Faret; r"jlma %mail A. Vaine>' Foitex. Laie Fox-mnl; Scot *serai xplWaves Durand, Lai. Buff; Water P. KIrk, LOi. from hlme, Laie Formst; Henry B. BuDUtI4 kIW4 ver. W»- Lake Bluff; John A. Chaum». Lake iàpermu1lcdoài#4 Fox-mst; john B. Thompan,- Liberty- t* .40 butt Tere are lax-ge nember o! Per- fld,.,Tbp "m" . icas af ieu promlnence on Ibe liai. 1 4ni- Tus fedemai aut4itltes are tm>i ut lubiese ia hhobugb Investigation luto the Came. Sanie o! Ihose asontioaued lu *wbise book. are llsted as havi9g 0 4si tojobI*'lange -qstitles o!fiâne vItisie>' MOma,«gn.ruas, and other lutoicsutm. THE &HERIFF'S PO84Te;ON. Question to Shunt! AiIsiadi: "Rave rau refued la compyl, dvlh lbe roquet In the mater o a* ie n- foxcoment as given out b>' Statm's At- tomney' Smith? Sheriti Abltrom: "I cèxtalul>' neyer have refused and neYer vould refuse because Il cornes vitbla My> dutib a ss ounly atticer. Under ibm lav 1 vonld have ta." QuesUtiu: *Why dac e Ia te'e Atfolne>' have aaeponge equssi athex- hia 1110v onmipffice 10 buste the raids min?" Abeiti Ahlvan: -'larn atIlons la underatAnd tils.w - Question: "Atý',you villlng ta haie on ail Ibis van Ifibmthe tate's atar- nié) shoilld sali ra toVt?, Bhient!Ablotrm: "I certainS>' ses. Questlin: 'Rave you euoh bel» ta do St?" 6hbotr hltamM"Ic .aai> bavé. 1 have 80 deputies. ,I b ave ibe ceaetl cnt men that ouW bis avaliable, reliable men vha 05* go out sud entae. Ibmhelav lunpaitllly aud imsve " bad taste; insu vho vaould Dot do su>' shonting or basi au>' af te ctizems>yetwvhoe pros snce vould bavé a goal ee ci ý iii. cani>'."- Quesition: "Are rau ruad>' ta 4o- thia varIa for ibo eslae'atorneri" Ahlstront: «I certalny amrn redy sud hava don*besor i an nMY' 0 accord vithout aidera fr051 thie State's attorneyt office." SQuesion:. 'Waud It bW mors 060- nomnICai. or the comty t>' 10haegthe st.ie6faai*tas> d ibns foý lg j *~Ttrn nu >ags EL~'~'» question: "Bais the. limff's of- lice ever efuged ta to-operate vitti tce Slsie'is Atilimne>". office lu the mater of makini arrestis sud ou- forcng ibm dry lavI Prosecutar Silth: "I caunot usay thal Ibe>' have xefusîd ta do uo." SQaetlon: 'Jusi -why la l heu uhal Ibm dry raids,. etc..are cond.et- id b>' the so-mllted sponge aqnad mter than tbrouch the Sheriff s officet" havqth! Is el doui e tbtenwh re- hae tles onebytame. I are t~d ta e ble ta aeto at.Ibi aniz- tu oe ale tro men ua sth dri sad l h.eenon ry officast* d do not thaneng ielaay eMe ta icdowu su effgiint ,omaIds. to tar they av.effbent lu apertiau fotr ta yes d bave mInoasn ao w suc e andhebrve ad." / 1 Question: "Could the ork We carrled on mores #MuaIicaiiy througL the. Shosifrea ofice rather thau througb a speciai organisa- tion of ibis sort?" L mith: "I do not tkink nonlu tc -I kno*r poitlvely the cantrary. The b ines, etc., , hlch have been pald ta your offie or ta do It by his avu orgstsation V' AbUstom: "I canuot may as ta, that but 1 amn confident 1h voulu flot, coet aï 'mare., Quetion;. "gays yeu" ever offered to do tls, work for the state's attor- Siierli hIstreim: «I -cersiuiy bha" told hlm 1 w(aoI* coopeste îith hlm la pa;. ~Ll~V1i1~ OUTLINE PLANS 1 FOR LIBRTYYKLE MR TARIS YARI Probby WiII Eliminate Horse C Races, Which'Have Proved Te Expensive. WDD MANY 'ATTRACTIONS N Aller a tour bo=m discussion ai ever>' angle of ibe Faix- situationil ruesday u-tglt-at thse Farra Bureau le ln Libertyvt1le. the offcera and di- lis ettore nt unidughti uthorized the b: Ifth. Ue ovaiet Libertyvîle yll te.off in a substautil a v>'ta-- m »r pyiug tb. debt of someu$5700 Sir a>ce eau lie ralsed andth. 'yi of go oin d bu made doub>' 04- 5ne oft i. changes sud prograra q ty.$«t e msoomy ln uverï item iftysia*adof fBye. Cit ont -te s large extent lthe *tq 7«osAior ibm entire dehî, t limi rIs ~ =«et unique sud nuezpeuita pps etaiamusements t! a>' airlu~tit iUIed Staies. wblcb aid trùm Bas Bail yull inctude sa1151 of etus, vblcb viii 1 surai>' prova the tysatdravlns Pro- grain ae- attcasptil ainsd bosides te coet vili ho *«Y'mucli leua than ths ai t a iproportion, lir"e raclg Progmsatof y' 71%pait. With hare acing ourtli momm $Pace*u viii oaeifor l,W snc 'b*v vhlcb shoulu W ethe laizea ever had. Tue entertaiileiit progmaM Mtc- gested: Scboot chlCmeu athietic contesta. Htorse snd l'on>' Show. Polo on Harsebaci Dog Raciug Contests litai. or National Horse 8110e Pltcbiug Chsrnpionsblp. Archury (1>0v sud arrov) contesta Fiy casting contests. Dan O'Lear>'. tue 80 yuar oid pedustriau vu. Horse or Mator Car. Push Bail on Horsebace Hurdie Races-Harse--Ma }High Jumping <hox-ses) Expert Motor Car DrJvXtg Con- testa (mn ansd varen) Childreu and Wornen ridiog con- testes Exhibition b>' sheep bîrdiflgdot oingin g' $00tety cautes 't Stock jlgins lla front ogra-sd d vith anno)u4cemenh b*ed th li0te prises sre avardul.. Uver>' veil vhsher aboÙlaItMe 'Iii tie Secretax-y. Jobnai lms. riÇi4 aat sugiestlons for a* helter, 1mors In-' structIve, more attractive Faim. "6J" DUATII CRAS TO BRINi. BIQ Open Verdict hy C oroner's Jury ini Shimuhnas Case Returned Yesterday. TO SUE R. R.,ANO AUTOIST Rela-nf au anOpen verdict lu the death of Six-s. Siarcilia lihimullitas, S29 bucAisiter ave.. vho vas kfll.e4 anl automobile la vhIch asic lAS id- lng coilded, viii resuit lu the atari- Iug of $10.000 damage auite azainht halit the rallroad fompsuy sud Dan Petrulis, Tent etreet baker lu wbose car the voman vas boing taken ho Chicago ta attend the fan- erai of a relative. It vas indcated. taday. The 'aquest vas held Tueuda>' at- temucon St- the Petrasbini undrtak- lng establishinut vith Coroner ..U Taylor lu charge. 1flif athebmJaroes favored ceusurlim Ibmrrod sd Ibm others vere aoftseopinion tVliat >%; Irulis vas la bîsme for the,#ccl.det. Jerorne 5hiuuis, Iiutbani « ts accident victim. bas retie AM.> J. A. Miller te siazi hs damat. miii against thse ampauy snd astPiu lie, INWE4LSAVED Pearla. Ill.. Aprit 16-Aller bobt. mpMoned lu a edater oaithebfa=lli < WlitaiDillon,. usar boe.sine# l*W tomber 10. haeta purselimed 50W, lt been removel trami t-sprison. ;c animal, vbieb a'elghcdUe uhM4 vbex t IVdisappared., tippsi -the sosies ai "70 iounde vheu nenavel nad vasdo akeIticonid Bot tw4 aloue. The ho«, discovered b>' nSae elmauge ounds coming froua lb. ais. tex-n.ý la xpected te ilve. Danville-Cliffax-dDavidion. tay thme yeare lu Ihe service of the Wabh amliva>'. Wiuaig as su office ho>'sud for té 1eti Io sud une bait yeems traiuiac'fer tse Daeiille-St. Louis division, b imo promotmd ta W supêrtadet of' terminale ataIKamSa, dit>', .P Biade. lanmasier forUit Cicag division la prornoto a t.e Dsuvli St. Louis dIstrict. - Mamu IL Shav.' lis Mdetrastna4ter fo tue Chî-ý EELYSUNI $1.50OPER YEARINM MEW COMM S'flE ON COUNTY D. ,, is sumo.T hairmen and MEehes Varîou Vommfttm $are Namned for 1M2. MIULLOUQII HEADI800. aue board 01 IuPervbfl Msd ts v »us comnutteag on veth the bave »en nsune4 vas if«s OUtMdiid&l' àr ths nev chairMman, GeOrgeT. UcCullough. of Gurnaes. as8t»90": Count>' Fam & Fsmmi Institt* --wanubrugb. Thlnpaau, Egr.-- Count>' Farrn - Ruiton, Nabet'. Rarhaugh. coiunt>'Fart Auditing-Murpi. Colt. Webb. Deteutioti Iome--»urke, Mouabane Bletsch. Delentiont Home Auduting-Xell7e 'icke. Ohme. liducatioa-Cook. iiarbaUgh, 14eV. on- Etections5-FiCke, O'Com.Kelly. Erroneous Aseesaments - W. t Stratton, Eger, Verco. Finance-Meyer, Verca.. Austin., Fees & Salaries--Webb, 9-vuA. brnugh. Eichier.- Hiospital-Martin, 3Slawmsn, Pa&- Hospital Auditiug-Echier, Austin* 'Ruban. .Iali-Iarry Siratton, Rlohan, lLAv. .ludiciary-Paddock, ilaethe-, Mat' jury-loban, Brovn, Cook. Miselaneous ciairna - Verc. webP1, Lirachuer. Pour- (Wsukegnn. lSbieldusuad Deer- Sld)-Sletubta.Burke, Harr tiraI- Poor (Balance ar countyi-Âcbe. Oie.. W. J. utraltau. prnttng-kiehutr, Ma-xy 81111. tout. Naer. ., Pumcbaslug dqparrment-Thomlpuai Acieu,. Maether. Publice.BuRduings& Qrou».d*-Obee, murphy =lgm Publie iltuags& GrounlS Audit- ing-kuotin, Roldridge, Sanlarougb. itesotldots, & SeUtlement wWt Pmobate Ciernb-XDonoU, liruc- EfInger. R Bs rIdges Eger, Halidl%- Ati srleab-31ethem, KFAgRU5 - Sttlem lit -wlt'hCircuit Cdenta, IDigr. addck.Burkie, - ettiemeut vitit Coat>' iioldridge, iDlmtisox. Acheu. sehtemnut vitix ,Meni- a..- haugtt. Bichler, Brovn. Settlemeut villa Couty Treauret' -O'Cnnor., Hilton, Martin. k mîtl«meuIt vltb Btatelu Âtteeq"e Nleber. Kimaclaner Monobsu. ý Bwamp Lands-Brovn. W. J. »Wr.t ton, Moetr. MEMBIERS AND ifriliR COMMITI.K AUSTIN - Pubulie Buftdbno Gnmde Audltiug& Hospital AulUabg,. Finance. ACliEN-Poo- <Baanceet cf<oen- t>). Purchaslng, lietîtezunt viii Couni>'Cierk. BROWN - Svamp ,ad.Jugit Settlernent vltb StieriL. BLETSCH - Pôorisbp~ (Waukegan. Shielde' ud »s~} Setulemlent vth Vircuit CIsMAL COOK-liducation, Coatt- Fetos Auditine'. JurK,,- . DILGER - SeUen«ieut vinCircut <Turc tg "sui IZVS John i. Cahifi Asts q INVOLVE-N#ý j o ýi- suit for st6U Mo-d sW touy luta tApiýk lobai j. -CAU4 Ait Ybs at46 ble i titr -.u », oate amer t tthe U.veabeiv . 1 .1 >. k li 1