LIBRTYILL iDEPENDEN T! J4ke Countv's îg Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEWT âQ.oe C&~W W&IoeoVCmbm entuwet tbé poft o. ac t iaertviil., M-U.58606cMiClM" Maui Mtte - M T iws u A.APRIL 9 I23 $1-50 A YAR INADVANo XXX-IMB17' LIBETYVILE 1LIOSPTHJRDA,______________________ s » I~PAATE RIALFOR LAKIE COUNTY Would Injure His Case to Be N F F I I L pom o eirsTried wlth Eddie Courtney, P L AN____O F__________________ tiaitla Na ~o aI Oin- ionmte atter I .O.I uhteldt'F R DA ON lu iny versons1 opinion that the ~ ~~~~ment aganst John B. Feld, f F R E Tiuii ets e tFu aeuL c 0f t,8I»C. dry snsd eiceeded Antiocli, charged with acp g£Tuuà sdNihAUtM4.4I tbelr authoriti" deCISrffii Spocial ~bribe In vote for an ac=itirt * fj~ jIEiI l- ~ u*o r ityrubu lr is da telGov . Sm all, la denled , bis attor neyU Y 4 >~ U UI1 pséuaArhrqio Ma aInEugene M. Ruuyard, WiIT -Xfor Amual Eved t h e m t a t e ' c a s- a s e p a r a t e t r i a l . F le l d s w a s 1t eI "" = tey Vtu ii ii: aieraOf an t he A -th lrd o r o u r m en tri h oe in d lcted B N I Tj R D À. V.I w th a id erseap n d c hr elto date . The aIliers vere Eddie -The offierus uad directors o t h e g.a ed ti. a tt ad er o n ch ay arge C r oke . n E d e a f C *Leslie H auctc of W aukegan Lake County Fuir Association m et a t thallem e e d hexro-a loookeep r an i clim, . ih le a d F ia d H ve a xc U > the Farm Bureau office s lt '1udp y ~r fJoel Eek. ot Ciaoafleged in have admltted ta lie ing x"iece niglit, the meeting betng csIIe4 t.e e g« o seph tils ,lthe Cicgo"heid outI$660" of the 11,000 bribe ' der by Prealdent W 1 Wo*u SiU*"la Prooocutor Bulkley de- money hie aims Kaufman and Court- oh edO ethepitfAtra urordscsonto. iisred lie wanted ta know the atti- ~~~~~~~~~., ney gave hm 10 turn over ta fI'eld. T i edu ttepito fe orhu icsin0 r oid f h1 oar"td tcanoinghimaortey aslenf oth et co ta gun suad then forced ta drive ery angle of the situation.ttei. o0ops tes f hllug locl asistat s-ienroomre atak rdai t Jourt soat dt Ilevral0m lesuiiand directors authorlzed theil olhZ se rve Smanc R .ta v ya'bu a, athe exPortance earlY étalement: s e r v e c a s e o norn e sriU p f o rx «tr ia l clup B o o nO -t o f t h i g cal R c h a n o v n e w hp en h a -o r l b ri. a u n a n n l n i L e lie H a u c k 1 8 I th e T o wnv o f U b e rt y r l e M th as era ecd sa rtr a i n e nne d -old charge. Â Ity. R qàyard s-il c un- years 0'& 4 »0 rvi e avenue, a f u a s b t nta s o - t . b. -ou g ad B at lay Heepl ed utend tht il t air t m f fld beg m . accrding b 1the tory lh. .ae debt rt of & c $5700, th, b*a0fhv oun b ot ltriut bes s ad lun o i ti-i l Ie cestra i ha ge rep etsd tt h l e u]al Police. HaurC cun b e rsa ed aud th e Pair ws - gg f cict fa ne .Hésoué liaIcase wlth Courtney s-lie record lu was 81cS0fle' U etlit MO'bsud lis made doubiy attractive. stt's11 flChicagr in svery bad snd s-ho now Walter' Llis0tead, 5l ,041 ~0 US'bac thechanges sud a egd *osub - e otewr ig a uiate conviet. tvlscteads-crs: $100a dy luactal riaisud$50The.'uie argument s-il icomade -7ne:i<Stb w-ct. out auto "M u Strilet commlonty u vwry w. #&ay for prparationWhie Rep. il au effort ln madie to tri f101 lidayngt toeilt 'lc J. ~dit. oirc f Delvidere ofcored to s-tIi Rley, W-ho lunsileged to havoe uiidai morsing tii.. er. drivins Oet out te & bur"e etent th&. malu çfr $ ia day for tria. ad mted. tb t how u " r lirtlua is s o f a t t . s a lo le c tr. é i - fie pqpreesd the. opinion that tbe bis purported «Ow.eaaîow". am el.on t W v er cne.aos aia a1ieSN~by would blicocmpleted lunSBortly betote the grand Jury ad- uAt a Frtur carie ioedtO l aasqIu ctuiu ~ tince or tour days, ouf mid lie fit journed Saturday for tw-ri veeks,uvnaFrtorucrwbo ac~difpO<l0 4Wt tbe bouasould le lufrmed osu - MissJuliaS clisefer, stinographqEr for 1hiYiU0lion 15 ide a the l b. 41uI. iyr'la the V~e ~-te the situation an 111*1 tbey <uid Il =cha betcieaSCYVt l oen ouepae TOma»., in$md se sd nlrcthm s uthoir de, --whlch Ben Newmarb4 missing Chei tndn ea su w- mr fcat tat w-il) urely Ir« ulre lu the. mater tri decd e whtherr cgoan, ollapsed lu the.courtrocuamcano er.agcornedistance buct irawing propsaIL s, -h. abould go ahoe As s pelal pros- ale estlfying before 1the grand H.os lthe i . -< pd thie cost w-t» Teiatrwau lu b. tlien 'jury. She s-au-, n d su a15er IHul u luts tpelta a.. -the litoî ep for. Ti. tter suso hsstr ainteil s-hile gotag dos-n tic clair- i f tici couid lie of asu atasam r"ons gra I«yac ei -ao. N w- ledln f om1,i ~ortroun ~ b tv ir voir lb.thecar chattd Wqth bortu r..oiuaeurt»e Stt.Bfly Idtesal rab- N.- ates' Attorney Smith is-anIs New. e- t t i oi 0VMomeito. -Thon a aw-rnlub.l ai abl wlàno pt o mrsth rvemark sud Mike Boyle, Chica go labor ot f tmdrew. m i. d evor é i ortieni luvituesse. but lif edm no, information ledr-Utki rv il .lkBuf ee odl m a 11w- maa lie defeme w-ouldAtty. K. J. Orvi, of Chicagos-ho Witli &,51111At bis baek anl 1 1 P I'h. tniowlus la a M l tiem k I0 bavle. NIL BuW lheaiooloi theboard represeats Boyle, declareillhe acted leyw-saotl ls ofleWii ilelraLmu *bot ha#sokin lu oo tion silh l Ait- goed faftà-_-Wh-. le- t-tae lie ie a tueD_104W -D M b -r<'0 il l -ttMaW lanWqet «W thrabfecaflse Iss _________________________________________court liaI lies-olud pouce ki&s ey thie bandits esfded te hheir Behoot c - teck for w-ilch t>_bor bu nelt client as soon as lie s-a sur,,- victime liaI they bad Unoen Ibelr *Horse andVay bo 00 yet silos-cil hlm UN tau- aiount D DiA ~ C R YfJJ 5H V l)~JI~N ~A~ ciently recoyered tri appear car On Thirty-lfth Ureet., Cilcao. 'polo ou bor»Obank- et s 8bil. . Tii. bih buau ehang- C Y 19L iduçH V D SO D"TM«States Attone ith osever, A Hauck's car relâoed the. out- rog racîng ceales. r refor M<outliandu sas lu bc À CM .YL W fiS 'u41~drunÈ i' s-llb liho as lent skirts of Lake Bluff the men atdered State or National horachoe vitthiUt Z .81 o is aitetaoavecu.ACOS biaGS ~ liseit 10 carrylug out af the hilm ta hail. Bath al15hteildn hmlshp Ibo board tt attérafum vteil ta f E V H f& L canso einn hcg oi iapae ntedrun ac mey-(o n ror otse .**y th Il o>1 f Alty. Balley la full for ticlaus, refused tri take MY word descrilica them as boiug 2» yert5 Fly cssting contesta. erIces lulthe tan objiecto case. AND.J .Mtradfml for il and iateil Ibat Sieriff Ahi- OfaRere -Ch, aboutrve '-foa our, Dm Ole.ary. lti, s0,ye&oer'I4 s4 Th bad lcUI t abeth r.J L ile adfai fLÀ T aUDÀ trrim sud Dr. Amliroaego ta Ci.i-or rive luches bail. Oue wor. a tra% vÈ& #«» eor mè,r North Chucagoslivittailota tsblee -lire- Atty dark oueIcLAt and totbo t--het waller rit authorisin th11e hlring offrom dea h a ud ay trn ncago sud gel Boyle," declaelAf.dr ieca u .tbtl.ale ; an suintant proeecutor lu the murder -fo ehilt udiatroi Orvis taday. "I dont blama lha a liglit overcoat sud a gray cap-. u $4esm 4 o Imew prvisor Maw-man, s-ho declareil thal O' anerdani, plungeti rver a tee foot en- didthir dul>'. Bayle badi ltendad Whther or uaetitheothert1w- o t tuc ttolf, ca r2vqq~l *1 soulil Dot -b. necoauri for Uthe t3n Crr afe jbankment at Gurnea on the1e ast ail-WarruS Wife of HiS Intention to corne triWaukagau s-tIime thal Meau elzby Hauck*Were members (Mea4ut> 1Q.dte go on record as backing thi. Out Samne Way. proach la lie river Týrldge. The ima- and Commits Suicide. morning. He bail paid me 110rifthle.-»Mane gang, le not, knos-n. prosecution of the men. s-ho aré chine crasbeil through the plank rail- tees sud $15 for exponses ta meel Tbey s-etceel u triwah dos-ntle NI*O -lelby bhe counli ta de lteeraldlug Tiree robberies Oer tie week and lIngansd dropPedin tah1e las- ground "Ifevrythiug la goluz to iHall me ai tbe train sud accomPany me road as Hauck drove s-ar s-llh Bîngin ty scio rPr.arc 'belng investigaleil by lie Wauke- belos-. Fortunately it landeil rigit ,tri Waukegau in reapouse ta tie 1the otiar 1w-o imn. ao% ug xtu Supervisor Eger dedlared Ihatlti gan police, aide up *nd aside froin a severe jolt- 1 might as w-al go liera too." summons as a s-ltuese. Ha would't sblltd witii annouucégaL * -s-s lme W dietermins w-etiir 11e 'he places autarad s-re as fol- Ing tia merbars of the Miller . A fews moments atter liat state- have given me any money if hoe s- hýpise s are continue,.liat's-on. The v Q te ta Chiarles Crasfords place. Washing- damaged liadly eltiet and s-as drie- RsseB oudhlm iunglng tram- a have douca Uit lhoul tia aid of! R Y U ý,D% aed poroie hamfid table the. mater s-as carrlad bDY 19 ton street. anhmnlyle hsthn ea ule carn cri an their las-yar. àndi provide souietiing cf01 pg r ayst Il noa. Thomas H. McCann'a pool hall. nhm yth, oan sd oua hiait miless-est "Wiien lie atels attoirney dacided MLr veryrine at th1e «a i t The supersisors voleilta altos-Washington street. o! Prairie Vies-. He liailbeau deail ta hriug'BoYte s-lthout MY asaistance ATUUi!i. DiA4u counly faitraliould lie îeOa lT Joiuon& o 85*1 orcnsrictug-George Osonsa meal market, 1002 (Al ' baraly 16 minutes. 1 decided ta quit 1worrying about ln overu seule or lie wos4 K Ir tii. ries re escapes et liaetLake Belvido re ee. '>~I-~JJJFThe tata arrivai of' sprlug, s-ork it aDY longer. 'tileUcgnrloIints th qre PifES U Dtat cansbantly pîleil bigliar ai Puhemf.tconteuil Ihat suli- SMD Y IRNIN orpaddj-elo ansd i1u T- board Ouealgo adotd InwetereSudathe-morflin Cha'ee Crard u il AS O higher, and a slek ciw w-re dia: Ipoana: la notregular. lt bearsur noreniet aMn re dons And rûléea----. . -lot s-hidi lie cooructs lnV.IWOltnou A E O jese b imte lytthiea seladd ter a ois e-snamra oe away w- it. -4'irt-hsi e - - -, ' t« . Hi - ethou&t l tIle ilu aiiieplay rof teClÇt of the i)eath ll4lý Sh - frIwïdgu'îes W- mg noe blubtion gare. "R M ulisang. Theie * nite awaudwV~~ 18s a mu..o otmnly- cutiscnnis u eienr u* tt Zproledi. continad silgtly more Iban $30. En- BHe hail arisen ai the nouai lime h ktéCdmnf coais we mile nob aou tto - laigtanehdbengle hyuhteTst Saturday, TortIfor lie harn tri lora riu; -a alory for Chartes B. front doar w-Ihid itbeacu unhockeil Change of Venue - Granted To- oteIWATHadreund C PquItncs mb Rusel st uperluteudeui t fsr,.ilater tocked by the thieves .k. ~-"'-'- nwalllng breakfast. Afler eatlng lej~~jI'~killode lUcfil n bighw-ays. The -mater s-asrefetreil The soie, liad been chaineailhialeaitte os, u ddnta eew arniug at slx-thrty 'clocli o! cucli.a good rputitlb- -te the côunitttlcofrit ees anti saar- heavy chain ta a bg gas pipe, bel g Bies hoing Case. overly deàpo.deut, accordlng uobs fl4pan cacured slli a big padiOcL 'rThe w-la. 0Yj F.L 'niKU aLit Tic board aillourueil ta Jueia111th-hevas liad chu! of thc gas. un- Change- ot venue ta Borine county, Afer lbreakfast both Bussiea ai nue, ie a dis-* M-rys-,l iuei (teïtat- srwda section of!pi suad carricilLhemutiler eeagaluat Ilie tirea is wifa wet ta lie barn 1 il tiWi IED U IETI'tutsok l anafYfiii Uc away lia safe and chte s-tboutm.mbLrs of State'a Attarney A. V. 11 a-a u ! 11 cow-s w-asM O M ENT Mr. Hidos-n about a nonis a- idtrts. A ea. an suqit$cos las a bê 9 tlig aopen Tl on the premises. SmitI's sponge squail, falawing lie ailiug sud thia saamad tri affacdInaotamnh"0wihwrs rn r upuèef o- police beleve tl ie 5le muet kllng of Tosepli Blesk, North C i- B u-aie trangeti. it was to oclieu beo rsin a om ay truo nsrcieI r t have l~ainer corporation of Wauksgau. A BOSli Firfo M~<vvft PuflfA he Ti.blduess o!f11e Ilevea ia sean lii Judge Claire C. Bilsards lu thc tlilug gon rngi. Wlthalit 5iYu-a ndWfyad pi~D piaiondeetp1300wco 5 01.tii ls o forucfI. wie. hNy crriedthe sie ot or he Cicuitcotbe orcaierlat thelian.endte o LtdsofslieDwCIcocliitionourt-o6d-amare aoi.ulehe t tictiobaru&I -- - ~~~front dont. No trace a1 lie cIrong' Tihanges-a grautail because A res- minutes aler bis wie foi- in Deep Ditch. Fu asbfr l et 1wa .B iaJ .Coe i T5I~~r--LMWh ~ box tiastienround. tieee , deutoa.Constable C. A. Iris-d. She enteil tielieuse but abligad. ta go tg .d Fwptbgh Voltw-ennelatas &a- -~ V IiLRAj> U> The M.Csnn ftbb.ry. tImne. lm Blackise ansd Forreat A. lie was nat tiere. Tien le thougil 1 The occupants ori iDodge car isil moment ilsdedlinle W d-cannas lie situation sudie lu th casea! th MeCau r obenri5, laifled thiey coutil ual gel a ofbils threat cauceil ler 10 doul- a close escape tram deati Tant satur- Mr. Hils-as boni la Waukcgsii the amount whlch eu be uaiSa fai su iupatta tiailu ai coxi-tiua ieseari.She ass1barri- day, s-han anothar machine crashai!lnhijilli t lhbeean ie Mlie. He off ltaefloaling ludébruh. - il ~Ttappears liaItithiheves muet bave ldcblatatvtlsa sdr elw lie aeroundlils bady inînt, i, îoncklig it off tie camant was Promnnt-ID Masateuicîrcles association. Tiers alirililb- Afleçs f0ad, Construction Zgainalentraide by the. use of a key bora for aeveral years in connection lie corn crib. Apparerty telie- hlgisay sud cauclng il ta lard bot. sud devolei muci of bis lime tri responsa on the part ofatlud en- Polean. McDa'rald founil tie s-tIi lheenforcemeut a! 1h. proiib- tir ail dfastenoil lia rave abouthils toaida up aithle bolloml of a tn lolge -work. H.ew-as past1 master Laie couny 1 at O th l S BW nCok County ie r .,cedt4:5Sna o.nekan1e Lk. Zuih;Waiooflda, Volo. lrig. lécCanu was notilail and ia- 15 Blaci-vetl le ciarged with iavlig cher andil la a iavy heani i oi. The aciethpee andWauArM.,htsAvit aseein 1917odgai hral . an atb i i mu *h caverai liat lie place hail een tia shal liaI killeil Biataki, lia teapail offTeacdn hpee nWbnAihrad r uùciog ednxtTedyngbwe «r -taraI. il was founil thal $M290 ln s-heu lia latter lu autegeil ta hava Joseph Kealir, a iegibot, s-as Waukagan road, betw-e lia Noth w-sm organisad ihe tacamea acharter of tic prrigresmadie w-l b. <ISUL Fred C. Nelson, cOnracta Wiw-o csu-smclg.Wairayhnsapped ie isrevolver t-ice aItliaecs.leil sud hoeculdos-flthe body.Western croscing et Uvtan sud Lake member. F!or a yeux sud a hall undertooki 10 canstruct pavlng Of aise of value s-asaarihas riot beau raiders. w-icis-es stiil warn. Bluff. dýiriug tichast part o!flIhawar >1 and roai f rom tic Coo crunty lina discotaereil. Tapitt i asi rletii~ sl -sntc i epîet The occupants o! lha Datiga car and tollos-lng tiasigning of i the 11 P I tri Wauconda Monday fiîcil-notice or The Oison Rchliery. leq wleti*er Blacis-ali hail aullior- type, according to Superviser A. F.w-re Mr. sud Mrs. J. M. LyDniOa armistcelha conductail lie ArmyliLJic SJLY defauîslt i tIrte Brard ot Suparvis- Entranca ta lha George Oison gro- Ity ta. carry a gin, as Ttlaisclalmeil Maatthe, o!Vernon trisn. Hoes-as Charlevoix, Midi. Thai w-re Ou aid Navy Club liere, au organisa- ors toli IThi nsuciali unabla cary sud meat markal was gainai liy auly Brune lsa aconstable. als-aya gond natutail andl liedmade timir w-ay taKaukaunia. Wlu., tO* tou whidi suppllad teceatior insaa PaTE ta acapletle te wsud hemoi ad alienstore. V assl teri frontpacem1uy tren4a ln lie tas- yeara hie ceadIna luan eaaatany direction. for Masarsin thile service. lHe O D N A M -lesia lie rThe sud trtItook l DD flflhiedresidaied u int commuly L. Baco, s-irisa car bora aMis- alsa w-ha in charge o! Macoule ne- 4- h dadlrsdecoammtee somalimaafl.r il ocloci Saurday ID O N)Bussia w-a 35 yaarsoad 0sudlouri licence plate, lad stopped il slie! durina lia saine pertdof rtlima. lataidal, ritfy la budiS cin-lii.ulgt. ha ablirs iBaARD bu >ffNt uxira-serif. swai hld.1ndai disaancortheal0f Lynu. - as p o Te lasît ir ilo licevcedamntin sitM w-li utemat iceinthona, crMsUeat-sDsrc ep yGadMs ero!btiaare nSerc f OPtO)55*01