e viai -.--' zmr Lam ecoqed, .ba e te Unteduti l mDouerm*t' 0( Buleu for* te cuunt. etephenom *toasti are.*bmj. lido pa4 uxbet to baufli h'â~4 U'b-m R DBreau wtiw the li;w4 S Ad cientifle lranfug ,la mukingprobleme lu eau'> Wb* ls ihes mch belp. It alIet la7i a ovng he cveryde prohma every 'roman lt a itereul%ta e, foods, clthIng, heaith. home furotubinga. housebolti-n agement, cuit velfare. andtM A 1dm. Bureau rgenxawý biIngpa awoisan Iramet la -1fi.à onémicu te the couty Wbo'îê idn din m a ti.trem tant, Stale Leader lp Bnmm W0114 lta a mlngte 4. eut'-* the. 211h puti 211h f$i »%a tbl ok u a"- Cuiy ii*v badi" .wroamkT oir t~&iJ XtetaBre"trb.mc0n~atvti .1 at m mb.e Ait *es.o aa. bdq. many o! Ii. Mbs uï e4 tuIb #tg*tb» tý ecomm #boïlhtil bi' th.p fes reet' cat Mr. Foule 1.4i'eemti-bwfl t> qV . 4oe1, Siteifcns lIme. and euiesum 2t Lta smaut 1k lest Colan- la -i» ObtalnbkeI I>alea OUllrda ac0 *À 8Ie. 'ite top fluxaiees tcfs 1»C# a fur $4M. gé,buin lu h . LL, Nch o f lu&- aeite for e 14 *aths Cid bah. 8k.111 bamQve 'Ü te mao emhut ebaOlé -and ke= ham WirSoMfe viii fot dalïi an> i-ML Of- $ourue lie rYNWyc1 ceub5 enter tate h*féedis fillfr »M. e ises. B..bteawi *Xe oten mueby fBot aeigriMl. n utt in 5*500 XC? ali*bou lwayt conlisa 0* *Pbiegril. 4ter thsechicait, br ÂNWed a we.k or aopnod a hneppo etbin rt shotiltiboe ti. a. Ct=gake a o m ies mve la tft4 $Obae gooti hicir, féed$ are cM CrachetiWheat ...........16 lbs, X4W, *4cked coru.........1I . bits .....................,16. .Sdk ale........... . Dry m&%h i. low grade ftour .......... I«lba.ý 8e(-: or M h aérp ..~..10 11e. #fBSwn on cmrnsw~k <igsIn CM l Wahe. 1$,'CWL WEATHER PLAMNT 1Darleb' la a sprIng eelta mWnsy b e tet to good adtatffl mn con stutit land. posuesses bisai ofth h.desirabI. qua* ittlcu S m« a' a cW that meriti.carefti coi u"dration as a substtuts loi ai9s. vbteh durtng te '« «Ivjra bus feeaau ndpaylngu «014 &=ve - àtg lu G. H. Dugma, Of au * iai vermity of iMUliOh. biany turmers a tIl linois ht spring are Ulung i i à s ei tol sow bancey' "ProCess o m 9ga "ud «Barisi' neyer. bus lon grevatai any grest i «Cent luin be oa boit Prp-v* aylnghelti ahmlm ;l tiupow -ti te &»as a spfl M"£s ' i vraine eopbecuWe Ilbus bmi cunaiti i utupenbl. lu ail cmv bell 6"p rtatIo= .But. -8eau1 durini' the lut two,- yeana bave b". a Maré e luot Parlaof 1h. 4htiW..laS ime,' to eut, about. ki'abubng bettes. la a Mrs.Orp MwriierfurMsthe fonctions et a crop for vlover aS malt- mo osate cite, mai alunt el ", as éary cite. -Il laalgl' -M* MOH POWUA 00W, M11, test %te end, Ii &Lt, 8a»> oIp onô menApr ib fe1ldun hlb"t four of lm. a bu iaei50 iaSprodouctiau evorage 0! o! ai nt 280 Plotien, be 11 245.4 Pouaidamore grelut ver acre igtéyexr. lx tittutheIbmibot vtai' ýof uts. Par- petrt v. st oeaN ,,rtouh on tb, Urbana Wd.thelb »e da' <fumer voultido 'tell tg dWference hemsflot beea au great, he» ths igra s. Plmuid vofnbut even 4 1 entrnilIlinois, Wis- '. laningthi ymi"acrot..Plet, ><consin pedigree barley, lasyeld goo4 oughae tu t pri0.4 ~poanaseImore per acre than Iowa es. rI.tairjian vltb e goo sup 103 oat& * pli' of légume bay and aai a vai], "Tero tia utIle prob&bility tatItI ableibtigiot the i' k"Oevan ,be gruonsuccecslullyin lusouth- major portion ot bis feeding prou.' eru lnots, exetepît In spÇcaîlocali- lents soied. Cooti allta bhY h-es Ittees,as. baley la aacool 'realber lte list or legume baya for? tain' plant. For uaI plbduacton Itlta citllé,If alata la flot avallable. au necesaa'y thal the climat. turing lue*o vmx; or cov pea- Y aboudîr' bbieltvyco. it <51. ad haé>sed for ha é<CMP. i on 1919 to 19201 the 'barlç-y ap1 gatihrele O . a creage bas muliffilleti more tItan ImlsÛbort 1151 si e rax timea but uitinthIe Samne Pertuti ime b *Md.if the aOpuiiy. of reigb- e a ceg acagdv a" id tit ulfattbroughoat te b10 eua0&r .9he. hagei ar alté hL _vl- Th,'condtiion suggeulte 0*04 lelj~ ra gre»s »04k AUIJSTIEO TO WEATHEfl C~reulmja cib*ofesos&/dinite y t tea filae Yn a minimum. ' eraK'pet of "*"»Cearucti lai Otîgigithe thichnuso f tb* roCf Pro9er Cave 0c1 f £hlhk Nlcmdtar fnrpot 1moeat lke a a yudcutl for oot. F%èll4,Irod4lng1 ' ii y rsy 10ke.p lbhe lemperatart Isla i1f19cf the 'Pûoe aormttn.. (ertanly n Overfeeil55 0<bel ébi '~doti~itnk t dolAi ilI l taI cause tf M" eef las ait 9liigan .&Mainth rclk t * ut-'t.ttuorf te.rVof'uIote'reglr 1 _- 5 1 rbttss~t é.'i.vowhjlt tltfauauon. tue 0 Vbg cjuere.xplis In lbis book. ?b*u~.4e ~ tat ta~la .re«.Tiuyrcl1c,ý' hut boa the TOX0~4~ij~~ PiO~1~ i3r. .gtçfànmu, the nti.u devTqrttel acre camping livaW» t * >""'"'bélo'w zero, cadi Hock Cidetese ____ re vs hfu o lbat tlunapol frffa thi akXe tfzied ti iA " e.a iCita tlfl#~tXi*0i4 èII'0II4et a agres tua til mi btat o b. 4etf1 JPOI rois & ed."T.neuralse teé etyothe lli- béats - " ucbu a1* eMp titele- amiflus aR e 1.resait. of bout Ibat.-omte e It -g'tubeur te clutheIbm b"eOt- U0.. é 4 aLbus *Mijste& *0 tw for ums*ntaI e .evks An ti -. . IdW ktq>tilessa g f lu boul. salra te)pins h,6tare WouE aloi'. #b.feuuobg est. mti el s - besootn eàve 1-ei aler a ~,aSe l < t ey S futbouitiale 1%ulfth amatitU Md « ick.Tu' but h,ratW l a.cmlte t 05 a o~~ae. oli etebeles or &Je ut rym IbSre vWUS si,,* ck aIdutraIs. lte IupeUrttte* 11g. Mat TtI4.. lla jm * bout te roof vouS béla l POOLt Te's aines '%oc& *v Ot Ca an ouI y Iceulite l *. ÙM Iff'XhO£ ,i tmk if anàyviterefromh.~ té ta 114 .1 'tIi rer' ghtactihinuer go litI'thécolti réa -b n orIb #ey M «oute voalipeneltm. 1te0'su' 'ýSaS è" n StMtdNclet 'au.& Ib"*e m iaîa. Om 010 t Wr 'There ' *the nsUt daY t. w.aLtcktuaeti .toort iM hessai gIn, itertreet veut ern 0on 10»theramI anti dronasmxovflmms t* tlo r thr . ed. &W. vould I mev11lites *a oea, - 10<0e b theglMr u S1ttIs suid senti a man fubsas~àitbif5O. Mx eI.blautet I l '11 ot su*w. * Ipgoo UsasA Young Mens',1ù:. flD- .'tedo te 1l#M &*Wbyla. i 't 'I 'I *1 'I PI ~tY .4 t'? ibm~ ~ ~ l bof ximI ha ie a obe ." .t e'1i1 n thse uait MWi pb> nal; a4 automobIlec. b«.mi wickle baIl> adl bdlbar h" 0,%t iha wa. utm e )et.rI sau Iténu!.Ït 'tmeLake Count' Goerol hoimupba SUcveredth 1e aoe Ie .b tbey placmd ber uner Ilie K-rai. la tb. 29 isars lte»MaleVue la b b$ cmeer fit m. Itii .1 Seaille m»n olatma ieits if it lin, ,bul hot m bau. ba reMliNq b«, .111 a dog. Boya lis a£Cape,$1.00 te, $10 Doq1ittie & 'Wbyte, 14 Imm Nlbe-Nahi. cy s2U.4I la rga R. Vado 1aM4 à meg a'éYen th eqc@irswm1 "îhnthe5rare milked jn tourf j aopé 0of d0 tay, ghtA*v- ~»' ~ za.n~oê pg ters thot tis hi., e SI It eloed i=.l Aytia g Ort t*11w fat UrI HOMit W, w ormbh'**-9 . Wll te bnby augar £rom tbe 09 1#%V flo t lb. Moi*mfl 'uni soy ta'&nr rput &&ad lu terRslIbýmuea uaeciatlou. lxv ugnh.» = j-4 ~~12 . hâtre d A oondihs*Ia b. 1uiw bô Sm voam aw ig»lMmptéitordgu, maUu t tbe liere Unr. la f AOO helde s year ï- taain!' c: notU$ %bu.Ir the man Who1 afflatir v aae îk, p*- beuel&turu. IQIW asd IMi loui. Thoré eh Cnoffl Hait 500Ani' wXI I iug a- pemtamlie.. xias quugan liais, -deett. itt U mu.0the vlit*r e M. ies the- nmmer. the mecrtÊ og tbi air ge Mn si ln tlW., nommer be Ilies the aux.. tI eite 'a In?1f tireacttons. Bbc t-. bem es. h Caucasan race shouit nalurachi'buve wa77 nqichMi'bain *Anl oetimjst tu a man Who goma 10 Mdntba lI straietbtehair a un- £ pupils' recital cxp6ctlng tu eslci' satauaifor uu ci' b air voulU IW', be ta, an luas cie Badnue.andi etraighl bair. the awý re, ihrecwti ruomoble'40 b.d M V AE cms oS ho s«cea l aIncyi. iL W . We do aometbhsg 1.0 babies beatia,"0abtomidme, '7htebnosn- I~~ Mile adit would de ta ber ove U. S. IE1M4 ES heur. Imagine w*aabln your scalp tap £Bd, stiater ente or tIee a, éÎ7y Irelt s lreguenliy ap. Washington, Âprtl,25. -Ramon -eDm 10 he baby. e.Roesa, r"asi Jaice turing l»e *Hamm n halr tIsailua aste JîgJeo mddarafls, andi jrji5 poet andi arc» botter ILJI lta do Oc.uiab it ong lamaitser ta les cml' rauéuhi ceaSet0.4 5 -t" Wh e axcaii N*tmio8M p4U aY ve bes Il l vahti uf Baeconsista01selecteti by itfeû DIbenote,0 1w ubtancs;eue~ula be aiw ~preoint the- . meý8velubnt tu w tructure, hérsya" tic ttha- qué la the fat which mii ni thle utri>Dn*c. l t 1euladsa tara, ~~ __ buina tpwa'< rbcosnhlI-, accorti- Fat Etzontfil1- tipr*a.MilU -«SChini hre .Vldem ft si. .m.te , bs after»Mo u txo f~ r am ne ptlayera et tbescalP, il Bae depaxtm55t bu »sCreceiveti 1» Iblu fat vblch Vasa aterantioéuitltiOB UF t iiiio"tafel. sud tbscalp. à* vasblagn re. Wetllun aIIs bore'.drivtng keepu uoi* 1Ufrin lte structure.. the rée f romcrlAckblng piauer, but fDot Mar sahriks. aIboair beromes front eracbftg trnI k ote ta diamter ma siaHlY grevas deasl-aned ustraight Insteati ot vuie sMd url." k."Vwl'âges tte #atr 'urf aI ai," - 1 uke& z - N *HtmkxitIy.' îh.e plieti. «You tee t EU bowy tri he habo leé1 u Mer hot ratui day.'Te IulIlior te.W hlamsbédy tulmuie umat l e Au 'aa( hait bes ioliom'eue anti* .a4 vAe;1 vétit W4 l« MfedIÀai Lu v pff am(PeX0iv4l'é,'41M W'.take i uthe qMaity and aîne'Ol ur wolk. perfcct îîrn gOrder la *,ue, economy iv na tixu a.nd raxicid <Ml is 1ninOus. tt wil cost yoiu nothing to let me examnine your wateh. -Mhen yon want th l atesd and the bcsf for your aLme 1Y, there k uîîly ome pluceto go ,The Thrif t Shovpe, .1ohn J. List 1i 31N.U A» WATCENAK open Eriînps ýFow me - rt 0 wus N AVAL AM Zt. w', PIE. ~OI prc 114 eo t*- 108 sq. f.... * .G;azed sasb't 3 îiàghlsaiWb, 46 ln x 26 in., ezéciient fer barna. garages. etc. Lriced remnarit- abliy 1ow. 10 in. his 5lu. A splendid vt5tiow for Tour bungalow' or eottage. Sire 2 fIL 10 In. hi' S fIL in. Prame equ1p- ped i vth puileiandi fia 2x4 atudding. Compiete ,w.1 0W rand trame, vCul 4,5 LUMBI]ER Dreand uaImathed- litSiu. Y I,;[,«Xi in a. 1.iil.' Wall Bord- uiew, per 100 mia. Vu .~A Worth iew $.e 2in ugetin x 1uu 2 eront panels, 9 ligiti' .b";Ve. nstc- 17 it h ardit art'. Alitex- cepîlenal V,4p . .1 Fine cregs panvI. 2', I 9<In. by S M.9 ln.,and 3 flub 7 -n., like nt%. aute or leu bardwa, 3S «nCh ........ ...$ .0 Trame andi<amgfor i Ineh $1s.. NOM - The. quu3&tj of iiibeýaM mMfwork uLed in the cmm- atruetigpa 0f hume mpa wuagen2Uoefy dthl. e YM bat gmde. fMu bwliaga .arteSumianti wiâtbe .grokteat cmare alails ae drawn, mmd lthepd condition eofthe lumbei s l emed ix every Wa«BJahe Phzmbing aùd lIeuting Materîal -tNWSU BU.EE-5Peu Cent Wew $42' 0 î-T¶rtupcln nie Imité 1.Stlslurmil gaft.. slt ire *8*.Um Incigjg witeu. china au trou ' leamtletilew al muaatIlatept. ~uee br'l inerli rlImmiM ani iiitt. -alrcous *ciplOt aclien eloset boaS. Sp*dàff- "Amzi," ~ im"slMt WU waI te MirEli'y et owtsa ma i alm .'i W em A lI. p rabe ujetrit Ira N52i~5tu e lm s' I Thesi to. Suil jpvved 1 Srate8t 'r, ,d choice, In a 1 wýero speci 4oi 2o 'tWat9 won *79e Women'a thon of prel )Ow pniea. Giq~ $1.49, faclly p>t 'cti "dCape" 41V the val lis laagoI a anid colora 59( Infants i 4lande "dI .>4 Wommn' 's alsaleti ».os. -ail 1