lie For esls than one' cent per day, WC can ýgive vou absolute 'protection for your securitiesand othier vajuablés of that sort. At thW price you cannot afford to be without one of our safe deposit boxes. Uet a box today. Delay Many mean Ioss. Lake County- National Bank, Td#u. 15s ~uu un« LIBERTY. Bencust i2lSefzclent Mùic Ffiday and Saturday- .Stronghe àrt %We W6d Ds rwb.rIdiee m i se &aInd ça%,, "lThe Brawn of the North" Tie 1gem ietia r im 9Re, CaineOn of tie %Mfi mmS A COUED Sunday- ~ ~ Hiesfmn t "Meliss" Gladys Walton Miss Waonappeersini thi pidue s sin meui aidmot loy- able damadeizato f ler ayu. mALS ACOIIE Tuesay and Wednesday.- Helen Gibson. ;aidanmAMSr Cm -la "Niue Points' of, the Law" A ig Drain with a Punch.DWut Miss h . 1- M A COMEDT Leflar Jut cae Ou~tramChi ysay29Ieaan0.T beweea reai __________ a (buins We4nsdy sodndthe soh aidevd etbersa J. Fsse su dagblr, i Gras. Sudayandapet te dy wth ~ tee bof ardlTediten i quetion a parents, r. and H. utt. OurCertsficaesld Depsit. wln werebersBundy viitfn Mi.and rslent and aed emson te con- Mrs.. alr. rldMr rs.wi W.i W CaroifL akd Miss aect w itb bstomsee.Tbbor 7Chlc-ago ModHelen WaBtee aChcaof Sundaygest5a Tohe aairtmeio r th nm vcla e -UV. nbsieVaen eiBat. Wi.. a a i. n r s. Je u iackoapropert a rguce anot t a resfrise tVrtfvoal neetrts- in ~ ~ ~ ~ Sna andertyvile tueday vswtingbbi aeny t f t lw o hsiee, oand e ctironrie st adiseaejasriu p m. an lew.of Mnep r ndMr. a rveyP.HMojsa nd. the oad. e cade.nin usa tont a te h r u d y itr g M .and v st~ i o d e s S n a .pres ttans bavedheermissioared aond tbe. homeaylMr,.SrilVnPe' a Mr. and lraW . CrrolTanor Mn er- and te bad from Trsew e .. Th bordhersertiar e s oular ormi t empor Henr us lnds Tiieosday vnlg tiiug k te Pstree t aithe 'fIlase thes A fourVacf Play. ofNl i sn a in., so r adMs ac aiPomer. Rfecedewntsao bt ae r iveatvenfvoblesetey eante ar lnby Mystillore My2f .Wtb r eu aWeaoI. day tiin hsa bCUlf e set Iono or nues frm hedteon for ad nex Mm . vîsVtn tei r. a b ro Hrv lert syand . socd e. mde . v iage adit!ldetsal I ieysl otos aiuswu p Mr.HryAnln b isbe an na', ta aosep d thiner oystlc Wor- s de l tofygear thelwake avti*sre1 nftueue sstngr. .E. wth om Gaslforanu-er' or-ntVI>. olawdb> adac, uebewsaRoklndloa ad bI ae ediy egtabe ip9 on Thurada>of ennaylvanie, Asrnls alan St Faut tavea wlllnot lepoed, aedreeet tIe hom eeoks .rSurad Vanday wter.asd 50c. Hny 1ar8ne-dtob afrmTuteJN B- oasp P M'an a rnly 'li I ira.eda Yugbarone' ClubMari- sard>atluheuL>'. yil aae frTeeaeappla ortO epr nte. Wius.,adttenday egoen.ed-Ttnhe eemes oaiheCalumlageLodge d funingt p laytr moftelandLien- dnsanvear 31, Mystia howies are avein irvstNet aionh a 1interes gerlethae retrned ta, ih e i o e aT hnd MissJ. .oh adu. pey .113reti ron ft i eair-am es >' byr. suli Wr.L J roUsan o, daMvaytlag f.Jnl St fieda- tnahldt a 24t The sgaiturstlli hedteofho comogou t for a twedaiChc18-1 v of aterlso speiont dayAlt aFyee, mdnce.edi llalentand much ts imeL8RYVLE--. LIO Mrsw mahi nan alsn the lasee e nd hiinds tatten'd th M o' is b coenggie niae ottheaal sdohrasetr ridéfsuifet sxýwlo vîfil~ ~ ~~~~eB LibertyvPlyliolorelatiavanc.,warkone lat e lwaukheelel- Rsucso e.Ta alMlinOI assistIng Mrs. R. E.ra A.TA.mTaratoroa csug- la.. et Te pola wII o gaand te mnhadaerad 'gt l p lir. aad s ruraned Huberrourn h bsdayeay the ' Admer ion atespriina neprecdd homne Bn ay aseton. fo Fr1tesoter 5ae a thsdyfo ectr.avndlan instcte aad cmpenter-noseet Wayinge lad. ter o the lus ie r-eteak a ist tt e ndierhme.gotdenlng vTe nlng la f lustore o hae vlaltlng relativesersaay o fir pflts. Mr- o atnd a13fo1urr n Mr.e, ave ra. edt te o eetad Ma. Jnd oMisonA.asLoke i Wu ________________are_____________ 409Agit.o!WaueanlidSkegan egn wr'tegusa fMisJener hE. odla g. lîakoçrannplay day~~~~~ aIhhm ilr.Smsnsas eateLateatafks set ,eek. bas isamdfloe ya big bd ae Ilsay.Frs atoa Ms. . . Po n o n' s, northt aiUnverstyIiO oa, ; ts L, ackMa rd Teew e Cmy' tbeeoomaofe aCshibildggasdslf a teoukes1lsuwek sd a Mi,.Gore aba' ne loec pen as liday e F'urte n PInt ceeed Ofl" alntbae asdmc e; IEthILE. Cale accmpaned y Mia Je Tar- sore liovs Ut stck t ' ihnLue t g ipete snin es a 3 and u rush Lbril e l.o Cî a otdtaive wBuldlng It il tedben ot>' a cMilionide011 M. and Ms. Jama Tyur re d red A. Ubervtsond fOa su la.,î men t. d.he aplay ll e greitdnte ..Q arBlta TomerSun , lI hoa pe cialfmet Wgo0f b asm ploy t nedyJ. R mollnt a affIhnsuedar Dr.isn .f Omufexper1e n si Liberyvfle Lads No po9t.A. he uIldin ates"Logcae n Cay forreor flilad"anUpntr urnie a!ngta Wa..e Md. wednsdy 'evena Mkay 6 ioteastothes vllagéom. tarnneess rjifh'samen lareflor t.n th 192. orkonMaterMaoa8 dgreMM.ra Caî ageer forMi-tenemns Mr. and .F. al. _àSimpsonaand EMîlandMee ae aLn obe ta . R ubladsdafreo maugtes ohag f akealde ceter;un kgaweeor so.toeklgsa ois engneDng.TLgE.sldsin. Bite noutell tay4 cae omelo s. sd ts las lu matealatnecatotnt wifh pavn hti nlmecaisfsthny a sfeter n JOH chrge hopILE. Thoaflot awa ers the n the lâchaahanoklt>. Hardwar1V vs e Tillatract l illages > Jn ltJfois hn llis elthe alepone Il Ccmuy lhasco rie rdd sued UsA lu an d ia-I ,arYn4 , geethe r13 at akAv. noddm a nte Kser s u daeiagtassft îa tetnu las amTest eeand ........ Mr. eogeBabor ne Fornc eonasth Ry uritreanfPi lceed iew aillanlack ase abi ol1 vllbertwyvil tPal o.32. inrca a"r thwek dalng undegrond i <' havese' eol',t aoncidebced Legin. nit uesdy Ma' 1 5. Bi cnuits oonfMulakr Ustesbumm ter bosn's ereD. Ts ling mime Mr dk . JaTlemeT eig'lll behe d hn Ie r. The ndrgau ad wsys- shi tspe p snvfn apeeîsont h-iIl;m m l Ther t" wigeall a nd tha metiegla f bten 'lloexed l Rs laragn oie tan ofarweln. wXtH. Smh odemet Igu.." : pobrtnt bie ss ta ils 492,An c. & bulng lnta the Logerfyvhle Garage c or pthern Ta- frp ont Mmle ofhaU t. o laot t AL M1 atenda e v etenlg. Ma 1, ner.The to h is ill iiateai inî.ity ne.dr. ta ne eslas ne t onthlia'i.Ad itr s iDIPe s I M i pales and 'onlresteramafileqbdsinèsa d is s c~re anih rd. bLIo r t ar0 AttarasA' Paul MaeGui!ln went ta t~~~~~ ~~~r andwlh o gnien g e pr feote buvnu thapvetetanîh-Icvesms- m Sgysy ~ fs S-aprln.afmel eda crty g. o a-fnnh aflsn' cli'. ' nea onecedwl Us eren ~ Te egla metngaJth.Pret. ubivisola inadlfoe of manChu- 1 ncaial a r a glten ouf a dthe îff- Cotheig M.,choolFrdaya t e an ay Ore be sy t han lton s bthe teutt uf cuIt>' lnareot onsL p. ',bcb etrm- -11. tor s meting aoereiceer in r 1h1 o u w lfh ln he nrft woreaa.o ploiae fo ltsavn tof ,Rout e s i n exf yar win onelsted. w ark aig i bte rt______________ a e"rPn ch r.e. oe. Rltlot worb erned b ay orne xlnhoehtlhcit. icudn Dm Af lainvfvt Ti ratl a aras y tramnalltchta oism - Sinc ndM1ulTr nlgeAp av l inl navn ana. adhereaabsnatfeandd thefweddlent ttebn'wfsho DomeaflflScience girlsColl a! ere son. bMaklsorlhmeta iss hf o gn iprro t 3:30. A ng A-rv- Lt r otvhIxb Hierle a Pos bI at he aau,îb elia. Itendnce ai meme rs a agudh sner-ud h .ln" ro)p.w nnu i a LeflJawareth w es e a. ai Retev i oaldui n h Mlwaueeai for atheo ee-etaels îsh .Th uidn O'lra . . Tai> he aetso vIlfed Ne' lidgphonYe ures enceéwunde eouragYB-etrelnqpeptInfIrecý, ~h.reot tewele iietem wchepaenfttshndpupaageputanVisit the Gre.xII Fder ka a' tc Vl!ag hal, a d m herela i - n gr ather ieff rt la ils ',ork aiced- r v m nx f mb l g uit Tt prabuistaLlmerry as IeteobasM.Ave h psuaes Wednesday n.Igbtheabdssaescddan' A largethruck ',as destPtySd on the Atorneysvauale apoe. Thrn ent taran> a ud &gay nIhf. Teme n nulytraspav e t oru bSpanged abutiteen werc n seenhy taopedb> Bamn Bas, iar e IJ ewS e r lb.+;. u l n cv slue qW« " nets once maah i a thegnortliro n Iu d iThegan ',eotiadg otPrnt- orio o e1nrhnld vaCt sapped ater.Mrsudaked ',bee litg TIleaCchga sscaktonwhe ie l stup- ufrangi plolad ayere the aitl.te 'agae evtai an toe ia haesol Fate ram a1mrelng orv ies or s',e n ra. M n imertoowns ip, eihm- 1is An gttî thmetigsoînertanko',lh ul ihntenx w ete prite s angm Rothevlael.eien21. wle aleake. The bog the L tuc pr(~fli ~ a sîree.. B> chsclng u, liediscaered ave aothertnu , an 'higei h I-' th.E. achinsorgth a a r. El omier- caca Wedn"dy dits tuck as i >'- -D-u. - - - -a ang, iho re sies asnth Ia',n The atounitheg car, aiencegarl'sf 0 i' blao weshept ut ioRnlng ande60 mles n hwfat.of Th e tlpanl i e', eostae ather hoes eieaeiag par esallpuidl>' cnpt ei~lkk <1 FRANK MlATO, lei1 4MRE FLAINGHOUR"p that it bal bFrontkite and Joseph Baumgartncr, 1026 N. Cal- a garaze for repeins, la the ut in- Ifarnia St., ail in Chicago. One saad day nigit flic banda ai tis dtlver wer3 G ee ,FoiiF Ùt he ',asa Je',.te second a liane and burned whlle trying ta exflngulsh the the Ihird a German. Dennias aid if flames. The Beamails are &enttemanlY 622 North Milwukee Avenue wss a greaf coabinatlan, but nary an yaung men, and qeem ita l lie aving . Irlshman lanflie lot. sereak ai had tuck. I - _____ - _______________________________ When Seasons Look Bad For Growing thati te lime toe eCretones - Armour's Fertilizers We have them for fli kinds 01 g O her urt Don't Take Chances- Farui 'd of Al Kinds. The Very 'F r P a Beslàt Purity-and Germination Sadasrn Playos Feeding.,MolMses W eprepu e Lades' Home P A fa- , ea demands inCbmIe's Sandals and- PRICESMWelkPay Oxfords5 aid have thseid Big Value SMALbX-IPE This W-e that Wear and give absohate satis- - Hos.800 ____________________________________________faction. _______________ Lieryvll ilhibr o.RAY Ne. -SMITH W.hW. eCARR9 Phoe 47LIBRTYVILLE DUDDLES BUU.MN LIETYHLE- un apery at 8C to $. utterus, also HoMe Journals A.Mto &8MP. Mx iL & SONS' COMP- '7. 'I ake d kc dance A prize "hebest i1y Records >Aï *Ow k m l I, L I .4 e i À 1 p 1 - 1 . it &