CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1923, p. 16

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O>AY, MAY 10, 1923 I 'lui1M WelmSt, "tI vol4 eldrunk once or Ivice a waak," Mn.Mor-gan said. ~1 usai to MMarr eplaige la hhl*pockat DIVORCtiOCKSust the aue. Ha - Morane wrc marriad ai; Liberty- Hait a Dozen Mlwauku esIou f ioetatm:.; and Couples TeU Court of Their abusiv langtges won a divorce tramt Elopeents ere. KathryntWechselberg, 28, of 1400 Athleclu... The wedding look th=U uksea iva rcauegaiDy'11 Sapt27, 1918. ai Waukegan. ilal'ta fsx iauka5 coupleha Because of nonupport. Myrtie Le- MrÉlge o si Milauke emletMai vas given a decres froin Frank tr, at! aI lte ldIol Qet& GCOen LeMay. 587 Maple St., Titey vers t,,. ai h. ocalGrena Geenmarried at Waukegan, Nov. 4, 1916 ver-e gaver-ad by tee 15 0!0lte JdeL .Hle wre divorce judge. A mvanîiu divorce L W. I-Harig2aardsd9a grantld 10a couplaeviso vers er--dioc 1 ous ladng 0 9 liedet Lberly-riie.Sixtit ase., plaintiff in a nuit againit hes figresyvillitI itlo Jay Har-ding, 23,«- a music teaciter. iraiseotfiuressowtoupwite h to Sie ciarg(d cruel trealmexit. rTe Wakgt o e aqikain au :kegan marriagestank place on rTe taloving ccount of divorces 1*********** appors In a baivmnkree paper: D A O D L K RobertA. KI.ier. U,0of427 Bever-* DI M N LA E - ly Sad bow*od, president and treesirr of te Keter Dr-n Co.,' 238 West Watast.a, vau gransi a di- A basket social yl be given aI te vorce troisOrasec Kiefer-, * 24. by Diainonti Lake scitool et 8 p. mx. on Inige Oscar M. TrIts. Tbey vers Titursday. May 171h. Ail are invitadin1 nmarrisiJan. 3 1917 ai Waukegan. comae and enJoy te avaning. Ladies Mr. Riler- lstifiitaI bis vite pisee bring baskets. vue Ifataalsd vîtit another- man and Mr. Simpson visilsi aur seitool on PrÏod ilove letterasithe bai r-- lriday, April 271h. ceirai front hlm In a secret cor-j Mr. and Mm. Fred Itiaxe visitei iu resoudaace.1 Chicago lait Suniay. 8tay.d Out At Night irTe cemetary committea met May 'l rtured omeonedayand3 a i te home ofrWrs. Witt Cooper. 1 a tur mn w homerone da sd ,arhsud Lonai Morse vers abt- "011e wouM stay out avery nigisl andiutfotshllt 1 vould bae it atks cars oft aid sudandThomal Aibrecht; were absenbt visr-csit bUbe..~eer eli M mr-. Einamaxi- ban returne4 ,fr-on Ms.Meta Cunningham. 636 Nine-. -CtagoI.dviita onorle téent St,. testifllai batlve monthe )Lm.e cf lov tdinCiag u alter ber merr-lesu William P. w cKerilsdli iicg ls Cunainghmaie Waukeas on Nov. Tuixmlt MeCar-Iu. of lte tirst grade 14, 1921. alie ieared taI ha b a &gamin attensings chool. iavixig beaui another vite. Site vas given a 'de. absent ince Christinas. ares of sunulment. Mr nd Wrs. Geor-ge Thtatcher sud "lie slayed nu, laIe one nIgitt and fîalny vere vritiors ai tae . .1Broek- viteu 1 ak--d hlm vitere ha bad man home Sonda>'. boen h atutered." Mr-. Cunningham lVri rtaTher visiaiMise sBld- tettlid. 'lhen 1 weni 10 hl$miioth le PolIeS aturdar. or sud site told me ha bai suotitar Priscilla Thtcher vas a guestali vite sud children li Hsyvard. Wl' "te hosine of Harold Thtcher r iday. Cunninghtam w as coxvIctdIn xi u -_______________ alcloal court May 3, 1922. an a sta-, t:«torý. charge. lie vas aijuigedIin-i sans and eommilied uli testate ba-' pitlifr te insane atu Wsupun. Caserte War Votaran "Site lefI nme <ns veek aflar te mer-r-les" teesllddL.awrence Kur- lixsil. ounded sud gaased World War veleran. vhin a apatientt tae Soldiers' Home itcspilai. Kurlinekti. a for-mér- member of thei One l'in- dr-ad 'renty-eith Infantr>'. Thity second division, vas granlai s di- vorce ftrm a Kurlixiski. 'lhe bus- band char-g ailt site associaled viti t aier mex. The couple vas marriei et Waukegan. Oct. S. 1920........... mary A. Woriçax. 3. gol a divorce Service Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, night or day, winiter or'summer, storin or sunshine, the organization and plants of this Comnpany are ready and able to serve you. to maintain tmis unlflterUP.e service at the higbest possible point of efficiencY, We wel- corne suggestions. We invite any customer of.the Company to ofier suggestions at any trne diret to th e Dis- trict Superintendent? who wl give the saine his- iminediate attention. if you desire, he will be glad to send a personal rep- resentative to cal lupon you. We consider such suggestions .?qM custornerstobthfet kind of practical co-operation. PUB3LIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHIERN IL.LINOIS TME. BLECH, Diii' SuPt., Phone Mo3 129 Northt Ganse St WAUXEGAN, I.L $513OO tM O « ÀM ORIATON e -as perated on for appendîcitio. ýaid %%as to be t ec0veifg i a jCiaohos]4tal. when word oft h.s death vas recexed. The lunerai was BILL FOR À Y. iE N'L. BY @)Y*. SMALL teld Saturcay atternoon aithtie hom-. 4~ Many attended t pay tribUte. The us- IN 3XERC <i VE TO; BILL liAi>PASS Dtru a i ad. e.1Y as~~ oaeed by th thse home f er son, George Governor Len. Small Thursday tuhici thle appropriation 1tte Attor-1 Connel . Site had been ajing toi, cone returned ta the House of Repre- ney (lenerai la $201.900, vhich on lume. Tise tuneial w fi eld Tueday sentatIves te appropriation fori uthe basis ot population lab hit 40 1tte 1 aots ai île onneihome, wîîh tha office of te Atorney Genleral per cent of te amount requested by b1, aite, OkdalecemteWa Se a for thte comlng bieinnium. This bili the Attorney General of Illinois. I ne of the oldesi residents in Benton 'as assd bytheGeneral Assembi>. thte state of Massachusetts, wbich 0.'e,,p ie iecýi 1ý approprlated 1tte Atorney General h as aimost entirely an urban popu- thonfîfty >ears. Htu atm in lite a $997.240, ther bille having eppr-laon tabu3,5.0teAir- itofesty vitit ard work, li which ste prite t tht ffce$llueJadî ~ Gnlaireceives but $204.000 for neeî aleu.1 sisdes lieurubilen and 1thse coming iennieum. vwicit, 0lon tse- xe,îvý-, cl., she ssurvived by a lions-i. Governor fimail vetoed $5;;-tise saine only 40 per cent large clrcl.e o!f fierids. 20, leavlng a balance ior the us f rtihe amounit asked by te samne ;Te Party given aithUe schooi l1uîday taI office of $612,010 for two yeaus officer in Ililinois. A Most striking nigitt wae iargely attended. The Pleas- In is veto message tise GOvernOi 'comparisots. however. la fihat of the î xit prairie Pleasure Ci b otciestLa reviewed tise demand made upon the estate of Missouri, vhich shows that played, a.nd everyone enjoyed theni Atorney General under te coni5ti-j the *Attorney General of intht state salves immenseey. tutional provision for Information itad appropuiatedl to him fou the An eim tree was pianted last week regarding the condition.,nManagement biennium, JusI ending $172.'000 Of lI honor of titose swho louglî it iî[1,- and expenses of thte Atorney Gener which he turnad back to the atate greal worid war. Shruisbeî i)c arit al'a office frram Januiary 1917 ianlte treasuuy of Missouri $50.000. making ous kinds vas aise, pianteti. The schul- present imie. Refusai of the Altor- the coat of running te Attorney are v oted the ma.oie the national tuce. ney General t0 comply vith tIhe Con- Genarai's office oethat state about S. L. Legglsnd anid family or Evans- stitution and furnisit the lnformatiOL $122.000 for the paet two years. Ini ton %pont Sunday at the Elison hjomei. renuested lefI the <overr.or tithoixi the Missouri sîtte budget AttornY elie rry and family apent Sun- e-z General BarrEtt calls attention 7toY day atternoon at the Crawford home. ad noute maso f ascertalinfg thetbte fact ltai the work ln hie ffc necessity for the appropriations de le conducted with the aid of sevenf.C. manded and caused iim to base his assistants, vitereas thte Attorney Gen-****** '**** veto upon comparîsons viti thte ap eiai of Illinois bas lwenty-five reg- ' propriations of otiter- stateis bar tht ular assistants and almoat flfty oe-. M ADOD EN S C H OO L offce of Attorney Genaral. cial dEputies. rTe Governor's veto -k *****. In hifs veto massage the Goyernor message shows that rihe amount re- sets forth tiattet Ste a!oflllinO.m maining 10t te Attorney Generai of By Marie E. t3covandt han population of 6,48:.280, of whiclî Illinois, afler teItems vetoed by "llow 1 May Keep Mysaif Fit" prlictiCatly ivo-thirds is nritan andI hmlmeis tiliiequal la the combined the ramainder rural population.Tise sui received by thse Attarneys Gen- (Centixiued> popuatin o Pensyvane, na of erai of the six neigitboring staites of The best kind of axercîses are basa. poplaton f Ponslvaia. Wisconusin, Michigan. Indiana, Ken- bal. f6otball, horseback ridiug and ail lte greateet industriel states of the téy Missouri, and lowa. whicit bave outdoor exercise. for they otr-engtite. Union la 8720017, and tisat the At- a comblned population of more titan te lungs. if 1 do nat tae outdoor ex- tornely General o! Paunsylvania bas 16,000.000; t-o and two-lhirds imes ercise iny longs will not ha mrong, approprialai w hlim $430»00 for lb'- greaertr han liitiofIlîlinois. rTe and 1 arn liablêé ta gel consumptIon. in comfIng tva years. viticit la but two- Governor aiea cailed attention taeltete morning 1 sitould tekse exercise 50 thirds of thse amouxit ieftlatae AI- tact tiitthlie stale ot New York lsaIS ta gai tse body fit for te day. Tiis lorney Geieral of Illinois atter te thte only state In te Union viticislaieadad because te body bas eean Items veload by lte Gaver-for. Gov- bas an appropriation talte Attoney ling atliii ail te nigitl. and lte isiod ernor fimaîl sets forth tatIin Ohio Ganeral as greai as thal made ta, ts not li circulation. Wben exer-ciing tise population la 6,700,000 witit ap- teAttorney Gneral o! Illinois, - v must lake long breatits. 1 shouid proximately te saine proportion os vitile thte total appropriations of have one-itaifitour of axercise eech people living In tae cities and induS. Nev York are $263.000.000 and 1theday. trial cenlai-* as bluIlinois. Tisa At- ammnsts appropriatii Illinois total John Bye, vitose vifs dled a mon!t torney Genar-al of flin tatste bas, an $80.000.000 aga, bas reaign.ed as foraernn otte approrlalion for te comîng tva lu conclusion lte Gaver-for- elates Folly Tarin. Mr. Pepper le now taking yeare of oxly $226.370, or witit a pop. that ail appropriations vatoed Pr-a- the job as foreman. ulation approxlmately Z-6 tiat of lit. ,v Ide a duplication of funclions mnas- If our **gum cisevîng club" continues aios. tite Attorney General of Oitio much as tae Attorney General stilil t grow, va vill publisit thte naines af lo askixig for only about one-qa- bas lventy-flve assistants vito should ltae nambare in aur nextleltter. ter of teaniaiut being raqueste-lhd bs1 asfo n ea ok Wa ail blieva in frsi, air, but va es providsd for In te veloed Items ha dmora titan aur sitars fast Friday, ty te Attornay Clneral o!fLlinois and thaitfitere Is fa necesslly for and Il vas vaîl toaded viit duel. 'Tie Furter comparison is made vith paying large sume Of maney for tîmaîy arrival of ana ot aur diractors theitte 1 of Michigan, the popula- additiona] counsel 10 perfarm te vas greally eppr-eciatad. lion of viticit la 3.700000 and In saieadues. Scitool vas closed fdr a vask, viii __________________________________________________ gave tae boys anud girls opporlunlty to haot great belpl i ta ir parants dur-- S1XY EAS A O T ROW SHO L ng tite planting and osceng tafct attendance since ltat lima. xiv George L. Besital. citurch vas laler moved ta Wadsvwort-b-- Tlhe early satlUers of District Six- 'bers vers five log bouses l. Dis: Fr * o &IO ut -Tlhe INDE L teenceins rlreland, Germany. ltaetriel Sixteen, ovned 4y ltae lCuh.aitn NDEN-T N = -EuladStatessand tse Mddls Dougiterly. lssisit. Emer-y "d But- Ilantie States. A number of su iter familles. gr- - cmeixico- iAsons vu rfi re nte "Oft Mr#** cENK oudo 4 gaoh sy' 81. b s ai te scitool, and sPellng contestes. ------- nla1*wtî irs ver frquet. h ashone sogetus. Larin. HUla, Emma and Jesssî vers en soqns et Utfaosed o liteFoster, <Gerge. Serait and Marîhia De- coete. it snhool heoe vsflgtte vis and Lew T'olman. aiottandThe s. ritebouse itas i man> dilthese early days te grades vers good lmes g ,ngtlaparties andi vîsît- esignasi b>' abilit>'.'Te titres Re g.o 'itesmaxi vnt adncsvarn wersconsderedthtie Most importent covide boots, sud lise vomaxi Ihougiti sbjecle in education. Suxclal attan lit>' er- veI desed f tse> ba alion vas given ta spelBing soi mental, xew cuJica dress. yaung people look oal.itbmu ti hear> il is vrk vas long sligit rides., and finlseai u te qorld'u teiaeo- te pies inverrs avenlngs enjayment viit a big nyster uritnasttepsdnslxaa. Galae vas nIEliful. conBsitns o! geograpit>' as taugiti froanoutline raihil, auirel. qali prtuîga ani naps, tise vork beung te loaes cuxi- once ia vqitîle aie r ai ha san. lies, citles. rivare. capilels. etc. lI- oeinahl uals-miswuk. bekuene teai of movbng pîclures thare ver-s sud mukrats-vere I-appati.skunksse eelling, vritlng and ixginsahoals.x fora te people 100k taeLtts Fort Pia esaaiit ioestvn <nov Waukegen' lo.excitenge for-food.tisemosti mprovqmnt.l A lage loxe. bs sougt taiue li 1916 an addition o! nixie test vas, on vagasîtone, b i englacial aa.eaddel laelite building. and alterI- t Isaontt>' ytest square.'rThe sari>' proaenw t aidai 10 caxiare l te satler-s ouni man>' rallie of lte In- tals ev. At psen ier-e aaIa dians jani noueroug arrovs are ta i ogthelyflv puîleers o heBs plckedi ip etai tis lime.'Te Indiass Aoxig bieashers o! bts Rosit diiinet give up titaîr- vîi lîves for- ci 1leapalrseStlpincipW. C. farmlng. B>' 1832 mosb ofrtem itai McKenria. AIcaE iii.picplo movei te other tUnting grOuais. Lake Tilla seitools; ani B. H. Miller, 'Te ploneers bai ta buili tances an atborney' of LbertYvile;, LafaYebte arouni litaîr fldo'1 keep str-ay cal- Bond. Wrs. Cittra Pr-tee 8Otrn, Mue. le ont, anis covitlae vespacai on Editit Coopear-anti Misses Ar-salle anti peut of lte cattîs 10 tind tteln et nîgitî.1 Cor-aMr-eh. people vere s a er-nie eallt>'. ax-i capl fortfaerrandague, or "is kes .') ) R ( R)(! R)r! (DR)R)@ as Il vas called. Titis vas ovins le tise I lalnds. viticitbrai myriais o! 8 NORTH PRAIRIE mosqultos anxd tits. sprsadlte malaria germ. 'Te pioneers sufferai txanY itar-iihi*oa.sui ai ta vork ýard. Ail. @@@@ te grain vas flelaib# bandt. B>' Kendall Cravfor-i. 'Teoer-etstore vans keptb b>'Rab- Nancy' Simmans and Ruths Cravtord- ar-b Sur-sus a eootcitxn-. Re ottan tédi apeot Setur-da>' nigiti vils Hazal Mal- o! vearing raemtafto okiags. In ixie villa, te beaan a e stit>'mn rtýe eventit sud aigitls grades bava A sav inll as rectai t Mill Creekoear-t>'campletai lteir trac books. in 1856 te paver boing ierlred trein RutCravfor-i spenl Ounday xig9t ltp vater. A lai-se atone nov marks and Moxiday vitit Caterite Johnson. te spot, viltiithedata paintedion t i. WaluwirghttChristiSJase star-ei ta A churcit vas bül l I 1847. Il vas scitoal Weifesiay. oamxisfor St. Patrick. Titis eur-cit lois Larsen, broter of Leoari. burmai davis l Yoarago. Tis ern--' rbart. Winitran sd sboli. passai e1er-y wva aimaaI III Creel. Tis a aV.>lait Weinesday sxOruing. Louis Long Distance Teelp Cails at Low Rate W ON any long distance telephone cals thiý party wanted is pesent and th&-foWs rched promptfy at thernumber or 1acati0à called. Had the cali been made by numberojrby giving the name of the subscriber at whoàeu#le- phone you expect to reach your party, andwidj- out asking for a particular person wantecl, tWa person migh t have been reached just the same. Ths1cprvdb u fo "es-î -:II long cxpericnce, bas sug-i gcstcd a ciass of long dis- tance service, which we catli "ýstation-to-Station" serv-j ice, and which we arc able la supply ar about îwenty per çcnî less than the or- dinary, or "person-to.-per- son service. In many cases il 15 flot necessary ta talk ta a par- ticular persan. Te busi- nescan bc îransacted with saie ne necsc, or a message which meets the uo-Ps of the cait caxi bcecft. On social calte, particu- larly home celle, it is ofîen juet as satisfactory ta talk ta any anc who may bc at home. "Station- to-station" calls meet all these situa- tions and meny others. We suggestthatyoustudyyour long distance telephone re- quirements vidi e view ta using titis service. The rates for "station- to-station" ceils ar- about twenty percent lover titan calis. During the «mng, (8-.30 P. M. ta midn~ts stjîl furîher redotioi . made on "sation-tn4teW tion" catIs. Frorm bidnig-t to 4:30 A. M. the t te an "statîon-to--station.à celle is about one-fourtig the day rate. (lTe mni- mum reduccd rate on titese messages is 25 cents). Toénuake a "station-to'. station" cati, ssk the C4leI- ator for " long distaci" and viten "long distanc" answers, give-ber ybur- naine and telepitone tmv- ber and teliter you = elMams. meke a"station-to-etatin callto-(givingfratthedWa tant city or tovn and d4ea tite telapitone numbçr). If, yaU donotknovthemimlnW,ý give thte naine andI addreq under vitich the teflJow~ probably is tisted. It i titen be under-stood 'hât you viii talk to anyvch<> answers. Thec char-p bc.. gins viten the distant tle pbone is anýswercd. Fo.1rcrifo «Uio ai"Long Dktunoei wilI quote ",*tiooto-st*tion"rtt 1yU7 UfLNoLs BULL TEEONE M11 INDEPENUN---ONLY,$VA' LL=~ ThreisnoSbst tforwlt T eeinosttuteaer ypats t ytb- Automnobile bodies, like bouses, may be either strong, sturdy and durable. _oriqJiii noXjandweek. Like bouses, shifts are cheap. -Pricesa influence aies af autonipbiics, as they *do of houses, but highcst qualitY and lovest Pricet are possible li neither. There le no substitute for quality. To cheap en qualily of mater-ls, con- struction and finish is flot Studebaker pô,icy. A makeshiJt product is fatal to permnetnt auccese. Studebaker bodies are built 10 withstand for maany yemr the exposurc and use ta which an auto- mnobile ie subjectcd. Better,bOdies are flot bîtilt byany maanufacturer norborne by nny chassie. Studebaker's reputatioxi la at stake in body buiùlding. èiebI~ana, abody pb4cetn1ju* squad:re fet f ao p rers*b people »=arus wa" nufacturer in the hidiutry. iqWi -. we beâ eve as =ppUicnC4 iÀm $çaç -. tegt to, build zood bodiotat m=Ww' investneet, ercm ncc Ocoey. The broad pri=cple upom wbh Studehaker buuineu as»prqspcred fW, sev#ty-one yeu, sud uposi vhkU it h nov coseduited. maures matisfaetku eto everybody vito deali vith the IHomu of Studebaker. The uaine STUDEBAKER in y=a bestprotectýose.aaitis aur gtest eit t Partial List of Equipnient, Leht-Six Sedan Fourwid ulildoo.ri. igitt-day dclk. Quick-action ccvi venlilstor. AMtrbctiv c3aý:. lampe. Henter-. Glat-proot visas' and vinishili cnr.TIlf.proobeomnmni i -c. Domene lît. Mohiter veivet pitisi upitolsier>. 1923 MODEL8 AND PRICES-1!. o. b. M is «h LICSHT-55X ' Saci.lustx 814CX J- U 12 W . ,40 H. P *. , 19,'W. ». $0H. P. âlutour.P 975 COUPs <-... -i75w .p Terme ta Meat You Convesunom LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N . BEMMAMfPr, Telephone 202 LIJERTY VILLE T H1 1S A S T UDFB-AKXE R T 1 S lteir- vives sud cblidren. Otiters came ., J Uu+ .y by rallwy>'wviictwuva ealover maya DBushI J.UU5l 1istoLU5 misit titan It lasnov. Ilb 10k nearly a veek',s eleai>' traveling. and nov tseF UWJHO same journey takas Jeastitan farty- TaBs cto vsognsia siglil iours.srit. TeBu Escl w aly lalite yeas- Witsn ta>'reascitaibers, men bagan1861.trit Ne ut oar0f inrteear a clearing a plae a! land. 'Te bouses 16.Tefrtbado ietr a were ail o! loge. The furnturs vas ail Jacobt Siupe. John Busit and W. E. of te pilfues kind. 'bey alsa isulî Hougittoi 'Te building vas pisunad seds for te oxen and caille, tae roosud bult by Hiram Gleason and sons. bein thtebd wih wld ey. Tisadistrict au flut comprsai ltA hgtatcwsite vlt d bey. te s rme of G. Bergeron, John Bush, E. vas alan coff. and cae.'Te farmýers Cooper, L. L. Lessly. Prof. Owen, I. a ere coipalied ta go ivent>' miles tc . ~Swift, H. Guxtier and M.,J. usai>'. mîl il ixeir gr-ain. Later the Thomas, Buikle>'. Lilchiixli. rthe>' bai a fsv cave and made bol- lieder and Wara !arm1 ver-e lakexi in. ter for their ovn use and sabi vitat The fîrel tarin- o! eciool openadIin the>' iad lefI aval'. Butter sald e ai ltse sammer of 1861 vils Miss Jean- cents a pouud. Ever>' farmer keot £115 Simssson as teaciter. Miss Simp- siseep andditogs. Fruit vas ecare * as son received $8 par month and "board- the rchrds ereyoug. Bt tereed 4round.' The schoot ysar coxsisted wag Wpîst>' of vild frui. a! ivo terme of titres montits eaclu. 'Tetiret scitool o! district sixteexi tisa vioer 1er-m being ta accommodais vas a log cabin viit a large fila stan te aider pupils vito vers obliged tla for a ioor-step. In 1868 tite log houe> work turing tise sprixigsunmer and a as burned ta te grouni. Our pres- al ent school building vas erected In 1859 The. naines of saine f tlle pupilas e- and tise qeats et thal lima ver-e vood- rolled dursng tefluet%1r-m are: Lau. an beocites. Ai ttsat lime te chibiren Isa. William and Libby Lynch,. John. vwer. 0o1 separated In, grades, If , arys,'yand Emily Busit, William andi pupil six. years nid couli, read Iltae Mary Littbe, Dennis. Amas and Wil r-huit reaer., t- -....jov.d'& 1d. ,,,Shupe, Chtarles Taltler, Joitn"3leeon. et8 INOIS e à eilmh [N18 NG- lois l "al 0N, ILL" - ..-- - -- - *'~~' i,~-O-- ' :-, 1

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