CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1923, p. 17

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noYuo o&M.leï tpt.i. dst. Othelie Auct4u Lb-' Euw4kl &Mgemuou ali oliaie Mmh lsaerue.bgglon. Dept. of fhloà:\ ai« Md WhUll4lg urco4 bas Wi1Uh Mei w o ie riadiug cou- Nr EV~8SWÂ" Ive.very ule.oo, rclnI W tu uth iai re.c u.0m LelliWl a"i Vitoris Weidiicr eO f4JL1>sc fAlioa a fa"ot hih. t kl coller& at thé. Crestehore Bunday. vieka *lte . At va I cus ia a eul ti ~~ -oney n othosa Dh3.k vi' ut<leanv bought a finuev- ýl1o,. ais. 'sth ruk.e ae of thoehr U 3l~ pV4Ii au annual "go te obureh Budjh ut, U'iIi Wja-,S y b eur that lBermac tTUC Tb:niafthovur -abouit »trouaclioh matteudana. uet &IItoUng60Mle u . at Uxpeeting lon doel W» t u ule 0 uced i',a iistake. We bave an Hacher Tertada ad s .. hraî l m nets orce. Speein 'WTl taxi otuil. "I .110la>g tJoxi dea vWho the. gulty party te. and If h êmodacuë,l h raei ueýI .Kue nMg y C"90 viii osAi vo vii gadly donateever.1'$2,400Q fWrBrotheer'Brie; -for geoodlà- Amerlos sud b.ewetiAt an Hour, Grashod into aau" *> mnd, wvbb voare Pars Ry uelian bby Sirey MrredhiWaukegan. the. Leulýù les nozt. Tohoid tit pubavy Tuk i.EC aenapent a few days were vois uèin alLke lForest BaturdaY. - lu oi utltut<p ll h apelcimeu fdJyrdpiiaein y iÇttbber daUgliter lu Chicago the firet on n cenalve Rend ail the als l% the iidependOflt, .For his faithful performance, In- << u out' Ourr.pitOp&i Y fh v~ad be itorkesai Wau- as very frequentiy yen. vlU find juet carrylng out a contract te obtain aa cte"oroe tnd eCoutntryw u iveWekuaofluedurc t.h.e bo..reet ayl Mi osé daeOodPoultry whatyiou need; aiseaadvertlse lu these wIfe for higeleder bfother. Hacher 01s' qiîntet ILH. Vlctoepntry Me- il UAs v$ago vit-b Incorp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o lumus viiet younof0 lnger aeed,. RE.1Tertadlan.1 anAmin esdn1lu O n ffoîtpt1o ý <Ves'noîi oatîlPldymonhgutynkewlhbi bbheiass-e id today ta deat lu somoone esise alooifgfor ject thnt i Rtfeine, bas brought nuit linenuniet-cOr brave soidier boys ver>' JiertIly býy i cýwleuthirc aF caial#eeI 5000 h 'eai hesmce.Pl ttn i Clovelsuit sedanu belonging t e sem Oomoerulgai $ ~uIls a$000arÉcle. "«It pays te advertiae." plcutteefr$,0, ann oyO okradynx udy-t Bsebifi and pald The tlird graders baitla.ael ing'coi-.h!le apendet! li- a sevon bofy ou oer's a-ete a-Enteè Taxiompauy of Wauketal Ag.A 0 Mkle! atwe o an1 Frank » $~or.te3t andl honore vere aýmrded te flou- i cth eeareb for saikte comninAx.oew ntali ite"0lterl dmlgmin1helnigW 4aa - 'hyaei S1 Bate.. $100.. n ald ucwomatto od f1 tr i ohr aJea nesEvaugeli jperamnge lest week. Oure. cOn collision vitIl a pouderous motôr- about a 9 a . u lid, volis. rl irilser.,$ltôt ail of Chii- 100 gven Out. ligto the cese bueause the rmari:age finemycl i iitra o t-iku voytudsie.Zd. ML. E01ilakh anid daugier vstt J. N. Buschi. Clarence Busch and AIliwase perforniet In' Waukegan attfl inamyea h ter 3Ne5ruWltTw e t-Uibhoaitre- Mi.Beeuhlvlo a i a .11g. O prst*anftunce liaIt te Bunton attendedth te hesring cf the whicb the couple returnedth lbRacine.i MORRIS PROVIS-Drtver;, Sufer- laid Park hoautal. lait satcrday. SBbc la WI h cu4ucedonMtllec--DeVoult case et Libertyvilieo e~c eAmne on u Nuit Sunt!ey le Mothers Day. Moili.c boenut!d.lctc!c la r ieportit o aug veil. son TosebleotanarayTheRacine are ln atteudauce aet thu ai- oc-svthe p urch f e e oiw Ma> r MARI& lASSMTT-Lske Bluff-. MiS. Pedlm in tuii tb ppem Are v= i hoiealatin]IniDos- Hava Yuonait yeur Pnk. oye? It le In«g. Because of tie bittomnes lie- bae oe pheaoeanui sein e Orsi>Severe autosu d bruisses. e!an&ttalueil sc-sela IntttendanA. WAI rég trsktom l viws nov qulle the fmsioe. At rirai vo Inuon tle1w-o factions, (deputy aber- moer o uby.erceuuukty luecbuth l ROTHY OLBON--Counfy et.. Whoovei- eard of au inch tru-w tir âiz 41 auno h thlie huit Ihouglit aonne of lie boys laed imbibeit 1fir are In court conetanti>' ta ru- lnglug lu houer of the o pubira. The Wanieg= allI' eci and bruteed. n 1the$11 b t ~oflMayGueue our 014 stuc May' ho blid. tooe1c-ely Iluthégond! id Raund R., but vent any cashi. Io of which w-OS fathers are juil au velcome. Ive allier members of t at>' vor 8ID' la Molug astas> hat, voaresixg busiessuosvl!lie donc. Iter discovureoI tvas ouiy Pik oye. tlireteuud sarlier lu lhe week. Sna'tcolni uta suuiPeter Spellmun. 1232 Waer neuac-lng bbc Anch c-ségions. lisbeu c te eo enlCluone ud i ttOciet lit le sîleget!Iluthie complainithlat at 10 a'clock, 'The secret wvlr ait e d20Homan,anuother driver----o r M. and Mis. 3.G. Cook eutsrlatued Poil t o appif>he ne dance ai te Buftela CEreek fart a-t! lu Novemiier, 1920, Hacher Tertadian uSlol.Sna'Eho ttfun h iIuCs opn' ee<ul 1oomcaiey frou flhoru.Wlmoui,- M a pi arf itec l t h'e c huitgl ri us Jams iat l ent M Sa Gaahed le jouncthe Europe olnuda>' the lIs tD moli l- MAI->" I-AVci M OOM noT , * lik t it l g a a f ngt -I e en pe l u seaon rciadtw t i e aulîhe yle o r ealet il te ciock, tS lu rts. ave r uminit andgo ho hou hmdcal' a T ii v . ghi rd p pi h v ad r, 1 U nd a d gg.41, a41ed * *o r * e * Mr d y.D. GeinoILrtoe Wehe loc l oeit, I mJr., L an m ga , e r ct n r.adpeasu e vi e e t-S n iy n ' esiSoe t e cdn. h y t ie b o tc eu n y o a t!. y et N. P. Buscws. w-Ie for Gurahot!, Il liqiug under- eveulng et 7: 30. You are velcome. vas belleved5hhe girla vouili oellee Tcs frenthosud egbtligaes--i - A lC O NDA ÀMax MilIler andt!fally>'Mrs. JN. shoot! thal seviewomau sbootit lie utf ' tago lhaome tour>. Al l te mInJuedT!hfiniai th and piyagy cliarls-,tl Bu*** 1 ** es c, erS rene haend>. et Am lnparcutage audrert!itlunparties vere coal et!fr b>'Ors. Hoag finish.-'lirk cnsistgyate t mps- BombCIc-nceBochsu E.hoathre/iinu eut!nd tmerinai ofAr- AN EARI-Y 5ÉTTLER 0F VERNON at Baysehovrsvlu!tet Tisanheahtuet opos. hUu omot.t > Isartix flsled relatives lunCr- Several of Our ycung routa atteudet! meula. The défendent, itla leileged JMc-. and Mms. Phlllp Wolf 1ort Usace ic5pltal bumOdatel'. Lion$ on appaihtoes. 4 ettled y 0andWbetMg from Tlees th le dance at Scbcuel's Sunde>' niglit. egred toarpsyiliexpensos cf the Loralue, Pc-suce, lu 1841. Whlle cras- , The aiou taxi s-as goîngs acta The P. T. A. meeting of May' 7 woa wa"- Loy and Witt Welt!ner verues-n i laiftiff lu lhe acvempilshmeu of 1the lng theoocesu a sou vas bomu. Ho vas tahétiuime oftheoaccident. Herbert veil at&eudet!. Suggestions tor a pIsyr W s iUrv ae>'Gescr' of Grays furils>' eveulus. uî:ssiOu, ont! aise t ay e 'le x.- umued .Jacob Wolf. Afler tblcty-ts-o Picacher, 5752 -Seti Feule>'avenue. Ige-ount! oqulpe et vr grw Ti Mdt Ur. l ra. Chas. Doad- ~nyPIsst uul pn u-pnec rnlg heprspectùe..daya'he>'aucrivet! et Nev York. Prom Chicago, vasirilng s heevil>'tdpc-cgcarn vrcy enjoyahue, yich Ill-Ye cia>' t Abectyrlle et Vaulergeu's. wife from Euirope ta Racine. that cil>' liey veut te Buffalo b>' canal, et! truck lun nprthorly direction. Ac- cluded a tak b>'MmL«(rs. aclie on a boa jea Ya ilavislted nI lie he Gi-sna Keller- anut!Mc-. Fort!vove. Hacher essec-ta-lie carilut!outi tua lion crossîng Lake Mchgan sud tend-cointahest>'oto!leZonabe o-u4alhllkaot. p u4 N MhesuSuul>'aise tiers. Mms. Fart! ili 515e-t for mission. alîhonh ihtooiai lmsuvuned et Chicago. Prom Chicago the>' police bis uttenuoin vas attracteitet 11Misa Knox purclsed nmsnecurtain ber 'e-home Ici Coorado on t1e mitnigbt monl.ho tefint! a imitable bride tor traveled b>' oon hteviere tho>' sttlad. the taxi long bojoc-e il oacdbIm en so-buand nmade a&soet 1coitas.1 t oiroi Mm Ce. V. LPcatt ontertaiued train Manda>'. - his eider brother. w-ho marc-led tie-ue-liai! Mlle euit Of Aitaklelc. hera b>' the Toarr aItiieopen mÏifler sud the upper grade ora, Be=b1Sma i "blo e silsay. SutrIe> Rase Busch vas on lie alickgirl lu Wankogau. JUne 26, 1921. Jacob Waotfuc-w lires. PhIIIP the. Manner ls vhlch :il uayet! bnci very tgniOo"y ilccate lb.he nofa!ber con vhld idlenr>'rai-, iii teat veek vithiae -ver>'blil!Wben Hacher ~t.~dmultr bougbt lia tac- ram a ua .named hsw«mchn n blidmke h *a4 d usosuad nec-vous trouble. Sic ie someviiet pa>mut c $3.400 wicie hsui!bast.A ieudomho !ettv ju-at!fothIigti. c-aid.Aiays mue svhgaoleutbepd aeli Mu rra rtauretChi. botter .t 1h15 vrillng. - l i j-<,pyj~ droi cos. an sd iter. It vas 4lidOý mcievs on o> te>vi.kala uhc puemmns i ils-' wek uuA4*4btokAexne u Ai enlao tire ti-m. vchsIei h Ias-omd, 4À hostr. e ieatopant Cisc-ence Bosch ta the hallretiesileut!ndlice aider brother o'-.-b>' E. 3. Glic-IMm. URehhi *,p> Il ulledte taheisextreme c-lait IdeSTAIiUK1>1>î&7 Whome Scb" ' vie- the moult! a ccunlerclalm o! $1.700 sait Waiof athe ond ead1prereuL, a possibIe 'aédw«hutrs et lnan e re WheCt i" 4Sndr,11ue ie Wluiebeeci losieociteu Hacher. - 'i'ii o~ - [th Mc. acoedt. Pheber &asit!. '"asti ew ~I ieholeet i7eingbey, -ccli e score tIi.>' Eviuc .sibMitltt! vas t10theOf-1and Uns. PhUpWolf ver, tho, Red- t oi.lgcr oi! n , asa ' Sc-playet wldt, asWioeling vos 238te S. fréeli ai ntua iolu!dHacher »select lgM-,Rookenliacla. Lehmnu. j mousabocanse of lie vay h vas lie- MruF 1'&*re Ment oi 'tr lie gaine thie>' oked 1tOp 4everal, a bride for bis brother but seýaeledt! odois "%A ami RmiLTie>&Incgcume lsg drivon. Jutst ho machine isl* int - entirs= aterii>'rean o , eda mcone ArlaIirls vandmiaoicnid twoan he oanm sadleSa."meoi4 pint atew feet ahead 'Phos péttt tea vumet&gaoe.Thy h«lMe sy-Arela grl Wowuted laetome -'Pie Wvan lu ioissdayss-u sidgnc by eOfmM>' hock lut uddeulY ivaYedt!m wce oU Ase,01e 'iuah*skean is- oral quartsaInthie car antd treateil lie 10Amoeca ast! vedie iscousins, axes or b>' baud. Sfewwu asa.gSd.4 e, teaun off one af my frontWoie AuKaska.ClRil banc ofits ;_ risuks, Emil. lie tca--Hacher brongit lie four gilb te c-op mielMmm.Pbillp -Wolf 414 ail thie vhoelsand puttitit;My truck oui t MiTilr ee Eaumu Xrsii Y Ur eul idMr. becr>' vas fln. , NewTYc-k but .-ho sbant!aot! 11e lttlng sud spImins tram thebcoe nmislau.Bath yieels andt!heiMd sud iherRasimussen. ao s ut $OU Geary spoutBuIMM- In Mr. and lira.RulIe Italrerson and b'étbeiàbride et ElilsIslandl sud ant!s-oltrra= the soep. f-om whs-hentir ie of the tmxcab ver. karcu George IMorrie bas'ben en te teborneof Mr. »il misMaster Alua -d' matorsil la Friment Aho came ta Racine -alise. bic- clothas s-smo made. ,off b>' the Impact of lie colsno verai dors belptng hie taulier Pot fr«Pl Tiuurday te Iaitslthh Mm. red Oben- T______'he lant! s-sales-andud mpy- The>' The taxi tg s completé. vomi. 'Phailu int#gardon- #f fflcago vlsýflted c-l'au!. Ms, lverson sut! baby romain-* * * *41. * * voililwaitt Il I nter sttud thonOut ail tbe occupants ver. nat kllit! la Luea 41etcalf alteidedth le foIe-- ait W Y.nadsy f oc- nverai 4>'. RAIIEthe grain on top of thi.teloi vti e utile short af a miracle. -AtlmieMed oral etflier Asci Mobel Wa.abunW, rllbd elairos Matin Wolt and! ister. Leuc-s, fom, * P è R E V IE W Scythe. Ail tic grasu vas cut vil aauself ilie>'mastoileme t!elbemelyP 0f trayalao. PrIda>'attounoos Il e lu rm at Quitnto'a Cornera, s-oc-etethicdansce Vcrde, sud bbanud. -Poai$U oncearan u thlias. Henr>' Berryre Germe la hUig Te ýb*"t 0ûdsý tBfalo Orwe Wedn'enda'niflt * * * * * 1 * 41*.* *41,lu tbe inIer lier vanit! tch ilsisiance cf lie part>' u inte talcl. radia mil outdoersa nvenugs andtIl- gÏ M ittulGàm7nyud son and N.,V.Buac, I. Buton andA George Hsflty Mascs snd faml>' sud MrLrle . it ha f1ie1 sut!'to coau il tho>' vouit! He' out! Pc-vis vas nunsulgotavo as hourd b>' se.raI schoi chuidruFOni< 0 *de aura> r ain Dan-tel flrscb"ee. Pie>' b.-Kcueger sueeWaakgau Callers lion- h a itm indn rt3IýiO Krolxsn &ua -tic-os-it up Into abicsar sd 11ledalette ncItI t iedsg po e~ amllet orthvbst of Ournee. 'lhnt 1 e0ay tihehome a et.m lIce lir, it pa rni lmehm raie. b-day incmulng. w-tnt! blov bie chat! sud stras- cul. from man coe rzej c-dtr>n br -pkver> vefl foc-lits radio. D siMrpyan aghe 0 eog Sorluso f r adhe rthrsw-île ose day lutl weei. a aide rate on Iltaeeuh the grain andti loe.faml>' vlsibed vîti relatives und Mm oe.SpalUs. sn cf Mi.1tiee-m The tukdie tocer t red iBarrlugtou. Ililols, Sun- p xt ec-puyhosudlu.bc-~lr.01 iaîh.ev'listIi lan M isdlirm. A. G. MSebiec-ar thelie iotifhlug maclnle. vlilch WU thepolice statias lu Zion te cali se. day. MW im somo Sths4Wn wumona u o i oslh -Zà0a-i:ghn ieGripp Beothers t ram eiot.rnnb>'tred voer ororn pwr.Ssttehacas ho rellsd liaIthe n- M-.atvMialealsu!fml.N Nfo'. Beciv' gi îî5White Coustruction Co. .After tiat oame the grain bindet!eM.n .loiiel n fmyN J. M, Bemchuwu againwauoe ai hi o bt -co, ieubs-ssld p M-.sudMi. rai Sai ai tliresing Machine snd- lie ateeni en- t flu eirced médical attention ai vtelted Waukeg.rn friende'Scnda>'. wee ý w eu e sa gei u M r an-M . F ak Sth g send li >' av ty'.onOe. l I c th e e tim e sno her mato- ýM m . ladys A m es vas un lilium laetaitle miiihouae a e s rèt $peuteuday s-lu Mc-, sud ic-a. Chas. tis Mobiliecame aiciig sud pîcieul op lie Mi the home cf VinsBonor Tus- gM ' 21in1h. l i i Rheet eas beitile the cseWen- ~~ eInJureil. Ail s-oc-o aken te 11e Vie, day. «*om11. >te 8Die a xpert <of >'oungr Geore WhumsutofChi nt wlClyde Wd ae uto terllItsc visuitet! viiiGeorge neya poo Wemec--aiishei hm. le scoi ut!w-lt bisfioie vendr. evand iivies-ult!cah e cul f lietoe-y lMemorisl hospîtal lu Vaukugan. CMue-reSua *$y&):;" Weiar &jzte hisnviteiteklie whurhiaber,)ira____________day k4 I. thestper. is Misses Bertha andtrMa- iller 100k Heclu>'. lerida>' George h e ti onnins fltrappis.about li>'h e r. - ligîlCnnn ghaîmîu boituta helu l o adrantage çgf the iaci tino 51 thie-tac- of lbis lure rldng coc-e PrarieVie- find tapn>'u he or hPwy Kmb>eri'of CMlospeulnt ls B~-s'sd elelea Ier~af Day eut! Wheilg mrio n a *5 YSLAr 'E 4lents ee. dmlut ta fw-th be pc-ng iousecleaung. train No. 1. 0Oh boy! Chicago lies Oeva ît lrnîe-dsnM.An oi pau sIt M'. lic-ae.0' Clarence sut! J. N. EBuch meoredt1e tilug ounlii pacel PIliip Wci'siboge sud Cept. Dueilel ba4 1*4 1414 4 14 int! Menils>. s-litr. 1hIn' vilueisrelt! Weduum!ay Mes Act Vosasentertoe e rhu-par- 'Wi-ghs bai-us. Cacit. Wfilt vas Mc. Mrs. Tontes anterlalset!liec- dungi- Mc. Engle. Mr. Wor-d WIre's. gerd-1 __________laterDay uln2oe tesik-fente', vue-LaaeI-Zurichi da. Weirs neac-ush neighboi, tiei fermae ter,9fClicago. a tes-daye lest w-ci. citer, of Chicago, la et lie Wlré teem poue-ing conient asn-MlaukeAvenue. Ms ereYrSuade>'. Jclonisg. Capt. Danlt Wrighit iellled Teriea f p eesn west of Qureue lrimmIng tie troe A-P T A [ 131 C' d The w-oc-letsaeted et Hertelrs pavllon es Gog osS-,e n!Ms eublielu 1834,AHe ws-e llI-t s-bite Tcturi !Eey Srnc a' eut!dmaklieithe garden. Anilie- axro-escape et île main Tare cf PIne-e-t, aise lira. Je". Mue-ph>'setîler leLk en>.Atc i t i eit!Tumila>'aflorucon ah ber laIe Mis. Helen Daison cf Gurns«. ~A A ' s,~** exong lu 10w-n. A faut train soi- et Wanleegau, Sut!dlics. J. C. eut! A. L. liii Lake Coont>' HistorentSci. oety hoelicee- Rollins. The horeaveil par- lidoithe mIafortune ai steppilig qu e e,- -bunt! came ithilsa ew Isclies cf 0efier eut! chilen of rua nalied ou maried thie set s-hec-olie sehleil -ihb ente have the sympati>' Ofthievenu- rail IPc-ila>' erenlng., of e Our yceg eAk t d- trlking s large te-c. Thle driere-dit! Me-.C. T. MasnWu&ncst!d.ay.g oler ohr acihemult>'. -Mis. Jase Orenali> lieIn luru-- et B«6"ilm Oe et ulsehie train, noer appaienti>- heur ' lils Grre-nde Lynchla usspeudixcg ciedlaide of Mlsa4ee aeuo i A baU>' girl serivet! th11e home oi neasMonda>'. of lut *10k, i< and a lite td ocleles cf tie viatîe theuun- lie- vacatio sis Monta-ce. Wcigia-m f -rm. il ,, aeu e ea O- aan od> "Tic Treasure lf;tVcd" w-fl lie glneeeudet!. Thle truti was »sit Mis. Fraucia Motionesud Anea Spni. et Aptalelsie- - Ma>' 7h. -- sicyn lu ticurea ailite Waren, k .pilTed, uLbc- roady te go -on the traiA- w-bsn lhe man . Chicage coutl t thticL. L. Jaceob Wolf wet te lice'Pripil scol - Mes. -P. P. Walas- est.te Wauiesha tlesiilp ilgi sciool Fride>' &fter-! G,3i#ei 'oie nLOib- driver lamec obils brmand t!bc-O't Matieur liome Thueada>'. a fÉ wwees linte vintur, sud suent Wia., 'Phuroda>' te viait:Mc. -Waishucan sd evenlug. Ma>'4. tig ua-ut! l?,Ytt H.4b WhiUtruk t àssoeu tIhic- mementheîli soc-elg On tbhe w-ho la ecelsgte etlir.Thee btlqren are bringing lu t ÈeIr -- ~~ ~~ jr -a-li -c-Mr. Walter WIdneror 1Mrud vieH. CWill.iaso t luWtfdi ~172 cuiRwlnget hleenwî ce [suil(tc-ucktle à top. Maisoc-, _ - ~Ph vWf d*&ite172! ou Octriitooier hatinstattmnte. Se fan ail mouen M. dm- . .91m oiaWlf iB nOcanr^ad cede et - ,acalertte, ome - -day erenina vélli Mr. est! Me-. Georgelai-m Wvie-c-e ils taller, Vbllip ? obll. fin relud*Mis. ' uuesdeaiIn 'à .10 toej 1~clna4sT- -Miss Alos Boston ia sosies-bat un- Maeon n Lbertyruie. oettlet!. He ta se-w 83 >'Sis clii. but ait f o Kjsî euc iTete I uit Uberyvile u aderthewWter itha bd eild an nddisla Tro>', Wls., apeut Sonda>' et the home ehi enosha. lttfras Lbebyvlievasa ec-lievethe vii eba! cl( ud Mr.eut! Mes. Math. Eesciberger le en tieu goa cr-yday. et!di of>'eltiel rdiltruter. Mr..W. iclellen. ,Caherine CunuinghamIolabale te .N. Ub'o' 'pe5d". - lier eyes-vuhl. lie>' loik uni o Pink.-ut! Me. sud Mis. Fred.Bi-ockenan ris- tji pop Of e muc yonsger maxi. Mm-. Lamb 'aI Colorado la lie guatrie up ant! aroun!. -but sic eunetal AVuet ArIcuglen Rotat. wu Pulen sîl viie bu eilu, be ws- ctf bd er siater, Mis. lA. J. ýbe-leOck. wale. 811e - viotte ith blluler sunit, 'osa. l n çatuesi>'. s ili.Miseafimma Rtîzenlhie- of Chicago A-i.* ***of4'* Mis. Lona Glass eulee-balueilMM. Jenul DaIziel Môndaf' an - Mterwn ti NOTICE OF AWAtD luathie!l aeZeiiSue' oe sevrial days lest w-ei., Q<llop of ChkaeBonds>'. teGereSumhminMr. eat! Ms., au Epp sut! Coree--u A R E A Mms. K. Kicoh sud son of Was1- NOTICE OF' AWARtD Pubicnoic l hrey ivn h> ap-ntsuda lueaiepeSuaw -ithi 4' At At At ~ ~Ingtan. D. C.. huve arc-fred te alend nu avaii-o ti. conrait fr lie Pink adBue111 udy iteo ummor' idihber <stier, Mrs. Public notice us berci>' giron liaI au -lait veee. Sie s-usfac-m. enaar-fthle onerone fruthercon- the sn-etnteudet!othe diiWhte Cen- lic-. Geeeg.'ttsaa a eChicago vis- Tuc-ner. -as-ne-ft!hfeiscouIrcdfoc- lie cou- t Knoplw. strenooti eimrvinen srlu tue-ctionc clpan>'. Ieor P-ida>'. Miss Mec-nb Neville eand lady fri-end setinlnof lie Improniment hereîs- -- eunt a-flslng Sun-&'ter dac-iei lias hein maie 10 i 4useoStoerp vas e Luertyvillu ris- Me.sdlr.AM.Ru-vatd ofCerI. antiewcioitete t!cibdhabseslel nthudtctestar'elsMollo>'Counstruction Co.a.ndet!thatilier Monda>'.Mran s.AM.RdrvatdteoCI -B- pnthwe ndtatrdscidbu enmdet lunsuibtaoiardlhélutheicae 'ibRoalNegh&toviiioy ielstter's brothee- ai Grasa>' Laie'les th, eNevileborne. tic Mollo>' Construoction CO, andt!ta i sud taeniA>' ofmailseut!dprevudut!. a ccntrach -Mvie bun-txt meetincgo s ilde>', Ma>' 18, 5aturChi.c. aoinriSunde t H chome aidce sand ta lied, t otra n illcase tduudmy aetbt'hoGeorge enteredi mb vii 111ehe aiMullo>' Con- 8 p. -m. ehac-p, sctrlime. A muai- lMr. est!lic-. A. C. Jarrett enlertein- nC iglad age.B d> 1 11cbousisdpryte!scara lile 1 .Rgi e e.S.oteredtutli th he i~sal id l4ty Con- truction Co..nutItees aten ds cal proge-ma -ishugarcauget! eut!ailcd Mr-. sud lira. B. T. 4ngvorthy af Ms. 9Staffer afLoait Laie vas a blus- stlc-u c « n ot lmestbon, ten isys Igule LIbrtyrille vasa a romlthe101h de>' cflMa>', A. D. 128, membei ~are pc-ted he attend!. LiberilvlIe Siuda>'. lescli'c e T uesday. .- from; the l0th day et Muay. A. D. 1923, tees Snd">. for lie follcvlug ilescrie-hd impiove- Me. end ira. B. GlImnaeut!lic-s.E. 'Pie trustonsi otthe ivaulico ant!d ahPestr Zu4.B. Uoitc-ey voie r cithefoilovlcig 4deed impe-efe- - falie-f4celait!n ament. to-w-t: M sou attsudedthie PB.,,-dance aetbthe Ares ébchoes banc caled-a MOeetuin a{ mat Laies*u ulned'uesday>. amuntto-vit: clerasaet. 3-N.'BeuciV Ae Àcoiciectodyt! >m onf ca eou w-a- Lliy Farin Burdaye>'tl. c9eebcbicthgb' nol Wo!liYMe An -Tcm>ue a n - sm Aconnecti eyntern of cash iron va Mau-spp> ies ouhe -I lr u' Mm-. Emma Dyca aent Weiliesiley a.tee- eshort menlg s-0c-hu ie nMe>' pîcycet ai teléphone e 5clige. tee- suppi'Ppas, tcaehiec--i t ire b>'- ~ir.- utWleablen dtranse, sinloff valves, tees eut! spea Iu Libee-lyrille. ' 01h lu each oallie r«ispeçîTchurci- deati. ahut off vlet oms sud sue- et 1. N. Bluci'a Sanda>. cisi catingesud alotier necessar>' A ulece cf Robert lHerili>'Ile shS>lig ee.Th-'e porpose grfthlie setings-Ill * c A4 1 * iaelcastngs ant! ajlotbei n«eear> rises d Cicgo uai Su- Adicîs sut! matoriel fthulie ae, tho wih hie mal p-esenit. 'bu le cenehder a pisu toeoallug a Pas- duitapmtéelfrhegeo oa igon oiegu Sunibumade, causte-uctet! Set! lailu Ien, h a yid Pries peut Sunde>' andil ý.hw-il wi»se-vu oM*pU Ever>'* AL DAsiit!,, mta-1toi nl4In.5155 t uueeain a snuder part of Miwaukeee Avenue, IMonda yleeChicage. mme fbt btce aiPce ndnae oto4 alIcourtl&Pd m-é, eue lu v s atfVillage cf. Lubertyvllu akie- Pe-o. Magon u-enluLaieVent om ter h m pen f**p*ec*l**, aitetI ent larto rt Librty-p -James Matoumele of Liber- Ceun>', I., In lhe manuer show-cit utisinuas Sàalue-is'eenlug. 1Mm. ast!Me-s. Charles Leenluli 0of Aitscoisaego! vn!leville, Laie Caunî>', I1, lu tie macne' get forth luau ordînauce passut! awi William Bravimas est! daugbtor, HglulPresuitSid> iilcvAste roue ar eaid w-eand i gts he * s!stfrhlia ciuic bouglil a Il-c rler Approvet! b>' the Preelduet!dBoard lielpine- Dasmout!La-ke visîlci vît ihlande sParkentMc. udaM-es- .. thewatse "liranBrsae i e a oitc-gpsmeilansuapaet >' t ic'nrlnte MIuIII;coolec-, of course. of Trustera f ait! iVllage oun1the 241h Grandme ,Beociman Suda>'. ý ltel aetM.adMs R ) ess"mBigs0 h olr asi n pfvdb h'rsd sdcotntTuesàIy ai day cf Mai-ch. A. D. 1923. as peovidet!1 Mr sud Me-. George P. Long andiCok. ard"' a isheTas-n Hall. Hall Day. on and Board cf 'trustons of alt!-Villuge b>' salit! nuisance ef nalt! village Bpue- l son, 'Mis, S. Moline sud Mms. E. A. Jchn A>'uaiuy.MUr. sud Me-. George Satndiq', lia>'12, ah 8 Dp-m. Taisla o n 'lie 201h day cf Mach. A. D. 1928, au O=t mao then olîe- ove- et! est! ppravet! Mrci 241h, A .OjStancliff a1ilf ai ucago caliet! et litheRos anadtAy-uiey Rousamotai-u t oe ot!comtc pinaIorirse ae, nasd as proridet! ly sait! ordiânucu ce sai - Pesam s o lon er 1923. notle«tie os-sera cf eania$eitYyd Maettl'r berne Menda>'. Barrîngten Salue-day. Wviisoc-lb tie priceof ai dnon, S5cevillage paiseil 'sudapproved Mac-ch e acheloc-. asnbia w-île cf the-frontaeuon thiplote eundlunule - Rer. cnt! Mrs. Wisuon ofChicago Me-. sundMis. B. E.Redure ttrtain- tee- adulte muid 26e for chIldreu. Bu- loti. A. D. 19P, unies lioe os-se-1 frtroncbrc-ini;Itehalhemsbntting upos saIt! cyi-posud Improvu,. apent oeeday ltantvie-e iiMe- andl et!severai irulatives Sonda>'j 0O-aides llagiron b>'. the churci choir eaeejorihy ai tic trontago of the loti, meuh, or thbur aessh lali onter lotoMie. J. P...Ritzenthaler. ofnithet- henthbw-sung i âsîvner' uf oc- al god cause. Sgotcn't misane-rliseagente., ihal ester 150a5 s-t- va cnrehIe elie cnrot --iutn s-l e-ieCt-hi ehrn-tt le 'heeBeesel es i- ut M-. m-tai!',cae ailpp ii u oi!tfrone-etin thee~te> l-m i [i wm -*ior *W OM o gobia uwokon tarn, two lu a MW Waln(W0be. Imm Villa4 mL RBALN-gray hors, 9 yeb» id right 1600. 4Mi b&y bom & Y-mm 5- welght 1400. Mr. Mary UUln& ertyville, M 1. Utý R ALE-lowrna 9g" Cors t 8.00 per bugcl. Whêre pmomoUly J4ke comnty PiOWlflaA l OiR il ted. Phone 310-e-R-i. 1O10.isee, I M-À broWR 40", ige aise; a goedbdvti Mad yt1 ado. S-bour dey. S00o We OW te rt SbouId amn Oper tomwlt.ia monmthi. Ofea sbop. r1= 9~U mies rofufl4 ObiegRe swPe nd. oWCidoaao IiM. 11-u >R aLD8tUQgg.8..Wb»t 4&. III. Phd.. I.k. ouet R-.~AL.-4-y aby gI»diaig.WL lffl:, ood vork t«=u.vt880; hi.1 Pratri. VAcu.Phone d4&.14 )R SALE-Baby çoblka.tuibiocisi wonderfui laylug stock. Poetpoid Mr 4oor t M pe 100 Uq Writé, or Liltiful eat&log sud prie. D,. T rrov Chiekerbe, Paonsa. W. lt DR SALr-i good stave £i004 149X tf, one-piec estar..; roof mnd ehMt kaplete. Wlinbe aoId ut 0o& Cate. and buy a good silo Obeap. rwk HirealvUisa, est of VaOW T"i loe MIcRery 420-W-1. - 1*-l EVY ClIIOKe-Tharbre4 Barred iocka. Single Comb E.M. $10 41 *. Leuomu. 1P. poutpuid.' Otiter ruds prloud low. catolos froc.X. T. trv CioexIca, Peor>adlL OR BALN-Yeliov De.tmi ed 7«Za Phoae I. . . .Dry«. . 1*-lt OR SALX--rocshome on MW di & !rontsge; cekk«boust% toul hoe. ad »ovgarage; 150 teet trSà car top, Cmii gir. komedite uoeéono. W. rlpp. ldbertyvlle. Phaoe326-W 'Stf iANTUD-tooeu. mtam o rhot valer heated, for next sehoal year. Lady eacher, car.landependeut. 14-lt ORt SAIi-Tlian Tractor. ploa» and Pulverlser. W36. Lem Oscar lloUe "ai TLake. betycen Wauudà" osa. 18-lt >R fBALB-Boda fountain. tu fine shape;- a bargain for ciale Lesterls veitIy Store. Ubortyvlle. 1141t 1MA )TIRER -RESIDE' *miel La,"01 S"ttof Ul Passed AI Dauiel tee,. ou 'dents of l..ber-i>vI Souda>'mocntngt ,Maughtcr. Idra. O. Mi .. -sone miii llite vIllas, Izionds b>' "ic1 -Incas. He hb" le Mityilile for senti 'pianlausta thal 'ýe of tie cari>' e liSlp. Hi vua ar Iln ait! wusamuet by nu Who k.uw- 1 uera i ervIce 1'Puecisy' aterne. boue. couoctet J8. Dicis>. par the fongIos-ls ie JdO: Doaie «w-ml 'Ventai. Detebea December 19, 18-4- 'Ais tvo i-adiat -=u li.eame0 Nofevas <cc-i.i *itar mer. libns I -M mar-loilifse b 719I 110lubis bel- greonmfort fi ~4anghter, Surah s-ho vas boabi .'kî% w-Usa dSib.L - or eeit> tas tlb. vintor i -j» olad records 4 rtlo<i.lcerc si T -ua P r Stow .;oe..s He vas 'Ithse ifueisi - Nlseteu Yea-î lofJt thle fac-m an --ville. Ho vas an ln lu Lbeulyville 108150 t e eviii - dangher lire. v'Ite of ils sa -ugo amt! tiers. i UWhtr's Day- -rgtauaaing, oe-r Ang suduatafi- -aivenluro. aedt -tocaeets iit 'jie 11cohice Iune heen Inthi paiting! Wt bi ave bien R. le eue-vînt c-a.Aune W& ea=. bath r, Ashton lentsudvv of.atheme edaviri lirtiee ad alb s-tii revte dorchon 'lnan iu< a sout tle, iiia ey-h. lovre - ~ -

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