botIllinois- lu a s5 urvey >,i .-AW 4ie at e o cfit 0ES, iO440bick plafts rn wblosefl'vtit au entire out- ti.yercomteteOdfor. Loin-» repot 06ljus$ increaue Leol te& lui ldevalk e muedred, tortl- 'ih Dla emdeta haued thus far rimanxbtel>' *f06000. cotpared ppaittifor *00,000 vorth of MU4G?Ût»N - &»irOximalftely i&evboues under constructl00, '.4llh0,Âth remnideltng of factOrY CAFTIAGE--TVobusinfess bWokU Ule» ose0fcontrucotnan big1 lWlgding irogram coder va>'b>' Car »uge cOllegu. iXany nov-haines go- - çCl&RO-T'W«O hunudred Igaty 611 qui bonattafor conoutton valuci si .h1.740 up tb Apil 15. statIS- "i preparcib>' Newv-Toki gase Iitttm &show CcOto sxh CttY lu çeersl -ttu tu number ud valUe atbWUldg permit ine Irat f the cllrC&cO(>-PerWntu for a million ¼Masworth of buildings each voit- IMl day lq Chlca«s 5record ft O= 53 aiipastu gau-lformer records. Dur- ft the fstrt tirse moth# of the >ear ipermta nuiberlug 4 o buildlig vaued ,ai 76 695 147.1 Ett- "ated Chîcago *ini mie , 3O,0,0- vorth o f building Cou otrunton durlos the préect Year. Y 1>CATVR - Ilesîdeae building gg»d=inites. vIth several bosineès Ali under constructioneà"sud t art planai. Labor sa n mtonlli us MATTOON - Building operatfi promaise to break recors of gaverAI yaarastanding. h i stiiusted 100 *;'aw omo. viii b. bult dUnluït tbo. aWmer. The Iluls Central rail' ro#i la ezpaadiut lis large shoie 8214 the. Od polova bonme for age4 12 2aaln an .addition esutracte. UIT. -vEtON - The Jeff rma LSte tbank'ha building s Ivetor> butd* at a tort of spproiiaba çw00ff00,the Tf National i la donbltflg Ifs capacit>' Iu s tirea- stuc, building #sudthliNme Nation- alfa doublinâ iti capecit>'. A new $M0,00 hotei la beg coetruote sud'the Ut, Vernon car vorks ha3ex. peuding 8750»00On nOv bultis Pna area dravu for a nov Southrtr ruillvy passanger station &das neg orpbaut-s home, aud several n»v bai. Jloess buildings are hein& eret& . -pBQOWÂ-AccordieB to lthe'ciW r afSfflng commlaalioer, 218 >buildin potmits haye bien Ismnod Ibis year 01 'blch 111 are for 'nov buiuIt ýe4&.1r for remodellet. ValuO t the, rlJ i iated at lSSZ0. co wok n o v h otel '!111 ExtenstIve buildngep a areud also for te - ANandl NORTH CMI. orue lu île hstory et thetwuo on. uildiàg continuai tbxough th.!vieter on auldas t vuoa "l MOt to vork,.Stronuata '-efforts arn mieai6 teure for tncreusM 1UI4OSNÂP INi me. uthl.*-, iH, oréeoley- %iut hlave l=w Feideltait the> bavre nov, ambïdïg. ta k.teér tramx the aoins Atlir t .. ûrik round ecteni> t tii.Universty oh minis Usan sd nu-w-at l*0luiivéity l brary. ; , .The le tpr, vrItlen N«ô. 11l»47 %se ""od n e âu t le"st 0f bis ve.k, ablI iý aTheilttat bom a p Ore~.Và-l~ sa uQrivflia, severai Wfl ir te aeodtry ta decipber ae 01 -% t vW5P56t hl acm ,e* 0 dihfrence betweon a n edothrçxe. .. la t xgth. s hd, sen' so! chielrn l prpe, coàla fmuch bue 6r# iBIi ofntS " 'I nltto patron ~qv~ ~ fotu. Hot* Gaideu. ma, ZTHW. DiU EMAKERt il, w acnt ime. the Pew emptevea Th-kna nd fers of manlttn"" ~ ~t~ut ori boai.bold has t.t.cVarMo. Tii. gardin vheeli butJf ou'ga- moqcmUe. saab Impluents a9 4M tg tag& Oue do»t sry o alb". acultht'ator, ads ud s Il«I 1*UOR aspada Md ' a i n&Yb. uéecured Wfor ar de»a. 1tb th«b«r bud, yon viiiprob Au luvmtOt7 i«iiiM.ra bols ~ - BS' ~O, 4 "dir5ýi5s..h9W eil b II lsay tn.lbe Ussion "I61~5 5.le" . g ardes hita and5«J Iat 5eretuired shouI fb tmou*t. utoît the voit gets &le a$ fo1ovs. elther * upade or a touts usbaudi vbeiî uoed la a t dhs tg*,fororboth; a gSoa 411. grot conveulieno.. ble, prefersht> à nteuso; a ho., Cutivation ef th qohfl fhi a gar 055 ot the commua t>po Vitii o, d 4ebàa~olUtely neceesir>'for thel' but AaMe fisboe la aUafy udt; parpose f o, aeihng mptsture l in. .nlcetly long i.te e ged. A cotais amut o f mrk té rova; raMa or tape for- tbf. vok must b. doue la order1 -po sd a o* 'nVO& It ità* .aroat bolv la plt lhebm moe amaj'lapè.Is ate b» mà. t&a .A- ecod tiller ide of A aapply et baed dcoaveroet itm UM vM 1ooe.te may Isola mm ila ouviiib. aI, I. a. AmeeauagItIk, 1UWs aly, a&Ma Wed 1111.4 irl tus or tysiet taMla,-marmd on lau vo mmre t 0 an 11iester in ..foot dviIe, ca» MM Sb. la the «sees or t.'areno .l O amui te advataae. It youpima me. escaglMelolu t a ea-u es OtgItlm « .ntPesta, sa fY e%,batu m Mt we 114ury * pmp viibu asecoul. 'vii ot bave degieted00te*ML. r TOur g"sa1l if taili>' oui Machmouture mm cesdmr&bli1 «slue.abaa vhW lho. viiil lWhttpliai food viii ýbe m0oU d for àAIOUtb1 pautuvermuetist a,, Wschmore valaI thae AUL TRI NE» M L4T'5 NKW la INi lJBR" ,=, ID'lENDENT, AuL NÀmI,'.ww Mixeal Leegthh POAI» P~IT lir ai tu.n.J Xtln. lx$ in 3>11oatubr- 18 Is L Yellow ?lui tsguPapr-4 lM.No. 1 cieur. tor >' rbber.- pI>', ln rol»,an Ir* Wpersqntaeof .. W&UXll ý i@tait. tt. $1.... .25 ItffReglar abeets, hâte 'I Worth nov $2.60 nov, per 100 Bq. ft. $1.75 WIS&'- 0~bWorth nev $4.00. S~ ~~~l x ha ab.4 ur26 lu.,eet for barns', lîsi B x-lurÀ z 2cross gu s etc.Pricoil romark- paels ihsve-. AnMot- l* w Wokas'*4 eai aI - qXt Auex- 12aah.ulgbtoi;ee Pib Fve cross panels, 2 fL t. l. 1ln. by15 l. j&1n.i$D4 by 6ft.831i., and wfedov for yffl bugalov 7 ft., liko nov, mors. or les& or cottage. Sise 2 IL- 10 Mi. hardware, hI S ft.6 in. Faim. eqailp-e- acb $.0 pod vitix pulls"u aud fii Zad tûddjg opeswi Frame aud casiig for 1% d0w tnd Mrme, very lutinh Inside W aPeoiil' prlced et '*,w dooro noMThe i uaity etf ~ber sn&MulUvork uned -l Utcou- stata of thee mp vasgeurafl o-*e vM eryb grade. The. Iiigaane dsmutlea 'i*tk h.grestcaun,Ï4 »sisare 4mw., md 11W good cidtof &e' lumbr is pncsrved in Vanjey t o>'0fale-Your ianectionlsve $425sdP. Wasb Rais - Co uts- Wah bowls, bite poclaip oumle linm;s > n . Incluidng whlte china or xL 19ilu., fttedi vft:,t io io umeel1 tank, .-nickel plated con4reguln fIttol vith lstest -lmproyed gamcet&, Complete 6~a bridlutorlor trlimnint, e at -'.~U' sd âv.t. evtren. siî>o ,Wwto.vitreon, siplbu s&et- 1 rcs O f 11fWi~al'0, $1~2.50 '"Âmae1a"w sUEalto Trapwetfor steam n a bot q14 30 . fi., vster, lu vsrléey'of sectons b sr~teel plate, $25tsudniti. A vottiew.22 lf,> te>' .91.eluivne. per si ft- &am cisstrack.qtu 1 t e osaIOU OMM IÈNdiréction asglu. -b t s lic ThcSà1TI~k ~hoos 0f flic Mc FOR MIN WON[N AND CIJDN A GOOD M0VI9 XD0IKN'T W*ED ANY 5UiTI=LE 'And a well illiustrated âdvertisenýeut idoesn't ii c any words. Here We "Proeve It With Picturea", Tliat the pew Spring Shoes at The Leader are "9par-exc'ellence" for originality and distinct i vûness, at a iere fraction 'of their actual worth. Sale -Now Going On ,Your greatest chaunce, Mr. man. ýAssor-ted in grouips'at- $2;95 -$3 95 $4J5;$8 What Wefl - Dres8ed reet Will Wear TisaSaBoli pashion is able te tell a womxan uumis, takably what ist he proper Shoe for street, f or sports, for 'cdress. There -will be less uucertainty o! what to buy, than there has been re-, cently. But as to Where to buy-Ah! that's .where the inspired originality and bril- liant Io'velineso f -Leader'-'aShoes cornes in, and jiat 110w at, the greateot, BaCrifiCet 'eve-r attempted, Shoes for everv. ocea- sion at- $1.98 $2.95 $3.95 àl' $485 $5,85 before anywherel, was such uanÈarray ofwonderful TREMENDOUS SACRIFCESI .ConeToOuStore! SEUl' yoU illwonder m' amazement at terarest of- ail shoe values. WE ARE GRIPPED by a determina- tion Of self -sacrffice. -We want to acquaint you with our store, known for miles around AS ¶11E FOREMOST, SHIOE *STORE IN LAKE COUNT'V, styles first" at prices wti reach the most economical, These at are so intense in the minds of the public that when they think of FOOT- WEAR they tbink of Tir lui There 's more to a'Sehool Shoe than its price, and ' so xvhat you pa.ý iiinet nearly se w hat you get. adi'rnsu.I D Ini Lead&r's School.- Shoes you get quality, the produet of years of experience and fixed standardsLkeCu y'F These -arc the things that couait more than prce- for Men, Woin saUU Iàeader's Sceel Shoes 'are Iower priced now than, e'er beforè. tDuring this sale, while they 23 N. Genefee St. laist, at- 1.49 16 .8 2A5 2.95 -open Evenings 1*1 IIo %remolt, nen aàd wi S!