-vill th IJ y*. m3JAs mal #-Au J£ttpt iy a ùuswgsaayt TaisaFu, Sis rmiti.te tb-e. rt..ylet tue Sa'al- wh4. Mar byr) 'wttk 94 l tebq sim &Cil huJu !Iata" bh . u etmmt à&' uld Nl . te . d M tey eto àestlL ua 'Aitol»rft t m1e&t be y6cX.d upbi uslsêoO timwoI Chte et tbae-et tt*.rtw"Thet tgr maoed wl t md br7fle U bm WlMt-u look" a sk' . 1 - 1 &~..L4b ui d souUaieit o vtbb l.brmpoids wbmm th* T*ciib If i PekIX& u5ecII13xAJl arflvU bi trpi. T»- I*varkdiu" 0"" %ras- réeetcf At e4 letat tiI 1%UW )AV MAX' Rcad the Adveértisements and Uo foie cstores, With Vour Mind Made Up Olt' i your #sy-çbalr and read lthe advrtiaeoients lelurly. F14 êutà wiiat -ti iuèrCha.nis faré, b offer, ~Mkeup a list of th bfflg youî wmt t look at or imy. 'ia àviiiSave Éhoi o!stand- tng ,aro=nd lb. store., aking q4estiona ooflb. olrka-may- b. getng wbt yüu wnand Rnayb@ ilot. ne'h advyerUsantils are a. paaoiia of! d,ra' u 0&h ~u " o!f thearticle &id Ias price plalnly eted. if you1re in a hurry, miake up your order from the adver-, litements Iand have it de- UMv.rod, or at. least 'wrppec! Ujp o y=u =aget it without .Vasteof lime. That la .aulr than runing yom oe -osf trying tb gel hile ot Uu4article 0f mer- ébaudi».. Iveu though YO4. "love 10 jou " te #pu.tiuoe You invite eatn h pning f ou, r new men's clothin )ntreet sieOfGenese.We, want yoru ..to inspect the biggest values Wav-,ukegan haever seen- in men's twcýtrouser suits. You wfill- be agreeably surpriseýd,, we are sure, 'È n you see -two-t.rouser sui-ts of«the finest r edsserges .,and tweeds,- çIniy pnesyou have beencare es t e' Corne. In- o 'fB fl LAS *Our formai openingwiil take place on Saturday; May 12.. Thfere, wIll be souv&irs for aàl wh attend. Don't w'ait for opeîvng, day but corne -in tomoi'row and see these srrsn clothing valuesthen corne, in aga-n on,.opening dayi eWeomne Any. Time b ILEVITT j-., Read die t~vertisouiemts~~.reguIarIyI Y g nhe -Store fane-Soi<d> Furnishfings for Men Kt~on a M&L Bootery ýouth Geaesee <I