CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1923, p. 5

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LTy ViiiRàmSd>*>. TIUMSAY, MAY 17,1i9e.' F armers Yom This is just the lime when you will fine a checking account at tItis bank most convenient. It wiIl save Yeu many trips to town durinx this busy season. Deposit in this strong bank the next moncy you receive and ask for a check book. Ail supplies are furnished without charge. Lake County National Bank 0 m Ï11 15 LIDERTTVIIL5mu»INOI Chase & Sanborn Crusi(de Btand 'Coffee 3 Lb. Can $1.10 6 CU? ALUMIUM PECOLATOR $1.00 Sunshine Coco Taffn Bar perILb 23e Telmo Pure Fruit Piner- ves - Rasberry, Apricçt, Peach. Strawberry, Pine- apple, Blaekberry, 16 oz. jar, per jar 30e Qil Mopa, largç size, Each lNo. 2 1-2 Can Libby Fruit Salad, per can 60C 2 Lb. Can Cooked Corn Ueef, per can 25e Jap Rose Soap, 2 bars Borax Soap Cliip. PerSnaCauSop Pkge. - e a 05e 2 1-2c EarI H.Corlett PHONES 339-340 When Seasons Lok*BaqI -Fo' ~wing that la the time to upse Armour'sFer4iizers Wehbavethem f for alkindof gran Don't Ta ke Chances Farn Seed Of Ail Kiùds. The Very Bestlu Purity and Germination FeedingMolasses fàAihfa Meal Big' Value SMALL PRICES This Week Phi~47 LIBERTYVILLE, M - Mrs. Maude Luok tailn Mlaca. Minu.. for a two weeks' viait witb relatives. I. al a d Pe -sonElmer Rose of Warren Township, Lo S* ari Per onal was a Libertyville cailer Saiurday. _______________________________________________Mis. Will iam Zoelner and Î. W. Short Items of EsapetriaI Interest to Libertyvîlle PeoBut ler were in Waukegan on business We want 1600 people ta sees "Monie Ray Andrews, local manager of the Evelyn Pester of Gra yslake la vis- Chrsto" et the Auditorium Theater/'Ilîni Bell Telephone Co.. vas Iu itin7, ýAt he homte of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wakgan flday, atteuding a meeting WXhitmore. C. G. Grldley, of the l'lrst National af officials ofthet telephone campany. Nit and i rs. B. J. Simen and tbeir Bonank. md uiestpt cg J. B. Wetmore la nov employeti by daughter, Edith, were Chicago visitons Monda. fthe North Shore Buick Ca., of High- unilay. J. N. Bernard Chcago Mon- land Park. selllng the Puick car. Reati day ta get a new Studebaker car for a their big display ad lu another columunie.and Mn'. Bent Hall spent Sun- custuer. of this Issue... day nit te honte of Mes. Halls parents Gordon Penidlck left today (Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Simpson and in Palatine. day) for Laramle, Wyoming, where hé daughters of-Waukegan, aud Me. andtieMis Bt-ssie Sullivan of (Chicago, s'as wyll spend some time on a ranch. Mes. Walter T. Mariatt aud farnily of hene Thunsdav toýpitend thé funenai o! Kenosha viited Snnday ai the Byron I NrseLightbody. J. B. Wetmare la nov agent for Coihy home. the Bulck automobile lu thia terltany. Hra efri I ie o h Mrs. John L&e -of Waukegan was Reaci the largerBuacalad ineanotrenheesthis week ta attend the funenal Readthelarg Buck d Inanoherfishlng spasQn. Last Sunday he look of Daniel Lee column of this Issue. two new boats ta Lake Zurich. and ln 4Last liaturday afteruaan a 6%.1 a short time hie natne- wili iprobably Harry Litchfld, who bas heen Il paund daifgher vas borif ta Mr. andi grace that tisb score board at the fat several days wth t;tomachte oulte, Mrs. Clifford Faust, The little girl Schanck hardware store. la able ta he out again. bas been nsamed Lauretta. Mis, C. Spnlng, received a beautiful Mns. Japies Tyrrell went ta Chicago Fred Kunke underwent an operation n.oQet of floiters Wedneaday marning, Tuesday for ae visil vith ber sisten, at the Vlctory Memoriai bospital int?'om ber daugbter, Mrs. Blanche Mtar- Mis .George Barbour, Waukegau' Monday. At ;resent is tin, of Spokane, Wash. ThB faors j~adlta na rpored wtvre as fnesh as If they had been eut Miss Minnie Whltmore bas laken a toudtio ie epored gnd.the previaus day. alten traveling.half position as bookkeeper et the Morrow Mns. Ray Andrews aeverely aprained 'way aceoas thecontinent. Garage In Waukegau. ane o! ber ankles et lber home laat Mes. Merle Nevbore. Mrs. Johni N. James K King off Allefan. MlIch.. Thursday. The lnjured meýmber Dain_ Bernard, Mrg. Sara Duba. Mrs. Kate vas bere Th ursday to attend the fou- ed ber considerably, but la better 110w. Bernard and Miss Mary Doyle attend- ersi of hle sîster, Mes. Frank Llgbt- M,. and Mm.. Ray PreMdrgast and, ed an informai reception and banqnet. body. William MoConnIck retamnýdSuii given by the Women'a Cathollc Ordêr________________ from Tucsoni, Arizona. afler spending of Foresters et the Auditorium Hatel severai months lu the disert Cty. lu Chicago Snnday, Mayl3tb. cna Paul GI. Ray ca't get euaugh ta do. Mrs. Hattie Buies of Waucc In addition ta mavlng is large stock A d andMr. eaete mft sen Mndy f frnt btsro heid location te udttoîim wth their aId sebootmate, Mns. Alias the Luce building thus veek. be madie UJsrnton. at the Fuler home aon iev. arrangements wltb the 8teger PianoTh a r bryavenue. *Ce., of Chicaga, .far a big piano saleTh a r Tbe finof Cape and Bons began bers. He bas a number a! exception- FIAMY1 puttlng Inaterial on the ground for the ally hlgh grade instruments vblch are FIAMV1 paving of Milwaukee avenus Momiay. on dîspiay Inlutbe Kaiser building. This geverai gangsaof men are rusblsgt e la the best chance ta secure a realiy H rl ly wok f pntlng in sewer conuectian, good piano resîdents or Lake ooanty H rl ly so as ta be out tof the waq whsn the 'will ever have. Al pano& muât h-an paving work otarte. sod by Julie let, snd the ptIces have bee .mde attractive enough ta, move "1 fln" W. R. Decker la stepping ltvelY ta- the entîre stock. Rei the full page day, the cause belug a fine son born ad on çage three, e<.tbs Issue. - -- ___ t 01tro. Decker abfout mnldngbt Wed- _____________ .. TRibAy, MAY? 19 neaday t the Lake County Geleral -ýT Hospital. Mss. Decker ln gettlng £1along - Tckt 10 u!cely. and Bill wIli have that boy luIna nTikt20 th rgstore belping Mark Neville 'Ibeatre by the fourth of July. Libert SUNDA'?, MAY 13 i Ai pstltlou for alliiug the village! BEOT PICTURES1 atreets muet be returne t t Trustes .1 EXCELLENT MUSIC Douglas MauLan N. Bernard by It'iday, June 25th. lu arder ta assure a suffîcient suPPIY a!f ANOTHE R BIG PICTURE ON -n ail t» go arauud. It la imperative that the ail be ordèred-at ance, en If you FRIDA'? AND SATURDA'? "Bell Boy No. 13" vaut yeur street oled, ses Mr. Ber-. nard before the above date. Fa kMao--_______ The nev cars whicb the North Shore f us enedy a 22 lIWe recently put lu service on the -lii- ZLbrtyville branch, are pravlng al, Special Attraction tIai. vers clalmeti for them. They are The lm g Hour niey lihe polse Lu ngreen ra lfg- "Monte Chlrito" velvet. the smoking epmpetment lu A pictutizlation o! caisrnity1 leather, and the luterior fitted Up In andi love triumphaut that wil THIS 18 ONE NO ONE CAN the ltavli the ay c ome crs fre f male any audience stand up snd thetrveili *bl.The- reOf clise lunadmsiration af Its abeer AFFORD TO MISS a much iighter construction than lte reailim. One of lte oal; jpoer- aid type, but seat the same nuimber O!f ria f t er passengers. Aisoa s Two.Rool ComedY W. . Woadiu, prealdent of the LakeTh Caunty Fair Association., bas a pie rw i flock of WItite Leghorn liens, au bis farm la the southeen part o! the coun-i ty. Last week be brought tva eggS Wonder Don' ta the Coriett g rocery store. the con-1 bineti weight o! whicb. were 8% nunc- _n es. Oue of the eggs measureti 8% luches around and tse oeer 8%/. We ~C  cail these SOME tggs. Mr. Wbodiu la Stinee m Swee G a busY man these days trylng ta at-1G R tend tea mauy tarm duties. and sien N'T FAIL TO SEE TI4i8 BIG keepind1"hng going for the moat se DOUBLE PROGRAN '. Re cesaful fair ever heiti lu Lake CEouuIty, ADDMISSION-1OC and 250cR S that fair ta lie puliet off this comin lg autumu. --- -I - Berrnes, Box *LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE FLoue 242 Lib p o e ai o e sm oe ten ~ yt i sa m y WU m m MlAdverte,tise LIBERTYVILE Qlw 'rade 'at the. EEN FRONTI Ml EVE&Y DAY IN EVE1RY WAY 1 Re' (CîwnmIwr lu u, -~~ hi Queen Unions' irp~sh 8c 14V A "Chai n i t" k $adishes 10e 2 for 15e Bat Ar î' OC j Onions sets per lb. - 10 Pin, Like A Suit ofChain Mail, is Made Fo, Gtape Fruit 3 for -- 25c Ori t"t udTa nd'ri GIVE US-A TB 'Me . bd ear and taiseotn Green -Front Fruit & 1 i S ~ 5 L # îsj o p e an kri tte flî e s eel6 2 2 N ort ih !dilw u kte A v e u chain-s.U_________________ The (lohinaÏad, le bu .Adthen it is carefully shaped, ad Th Sock doblecland tripled at points of the strani 'Me resuit is a sock that MUST wear for a long timne. THAT'S WHY WILSN BROS. ARE PROUD TO PUT THEI NME ON THE ABueL A QUESTION 0F LOGIC Atail mx and a short man have exactly the same chest mneas- uremen; so, according to the olà systera of fitting, they~d both wear unclerclothes of the saine dimensions. But imagie the Ta§ Man Or even the Shtlan la a "perfect" 36 Union Suit! It can't be done. That's why its ouly logical to let us mensure you the sensible "Wilson Bros. Way"---round the truk-for your &immer Unclerwear. je Be MORSE a C0é EV"R YTHING FOR MEN Telephone 64 Libèrtyvile, MI. Cretones. . 5c and] mons 3 for- Manas perlb ne Appte very. gqod- ranges per doz. RIÀL Vegetmê q -~~ 4O, Other Curtain Drapei 85eto~ Ladies' Home Patterns, also Home, Hours 8MOA. K to &M. Pý m W. W. CARROLL, & SN4y phsone 29 M -f1 --- - 09 -- - A Two-Cent Trip WHY MAKE LONG TRIPS TO A BANK WHEN YOU CAN TRANSACT BUSINESS FOR THE PRICE 0F A TWO-CENr STAMP? -OR TEN CENTS MORE FOR REGISTRTION IF YOU SEND MONEY BY YOUR POSTMAN. SAVE YOUR TIME DURING YOUR BUSY SEASON. IF YOU ARE A FARMER, OR FAR FROM A BANK, GET THE DEIAILS 0F OUR BANKING BY MAIL SERVICE First National Bank- LIBERTYVILLE . . . ILLINOIS. Rescurces of More Than àsHllI Million Dollar@ FMMB= 28e 1

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