u ",Six a bglt of ~A aot sîtyet ad à diaineter of twoLIJ, or th.becfest. It trunk in very short ' and often splits near the baeintq tineS #Y ~ ~or four piirla. The leaves are very S A saati and very muçh flatterie& The cone like-fruits bave from six to twelve brownascal a on each o ne. 5wù94 in ÀUTO IN DON used for making shinglea railway ties. The Indana also uased this tree SAnn Ostrander Has Both fo lnk nth osruto o hi Work onl bt~hs Injued as She and mnade their var cannes. Fnse Leaves Church. One of the pupils brought a map ofT [uAnn s rneo in a countries 0f Europe, Asia, Africa and Atog Osradro!Zon wsAustraia. e wreabe t hade ir .down by an automobile driven Dri$ad2al oe000reasetrae, adl à,Chicago wornan.Sunday nlght Fréay. 2,0 ai as sbe vas 1, seing the East the finltof Sa Mlethodiat cburch, tbe auto- Syvlv!aBe nar in now ahead isPell' the decîsi Os pasalng over her body juat ing marks; Georgia Vasey. second: wthe hlps. She was knocked Heen Vasey, third and ChresMrtnsucb a sta p Matinthat the stil mfchons and other persons tesv- fourth. broadegoting liae building carried her int the Our garden at achool bas just began mouth. cl, wbere Dr. J. Mi. BilIMsYer to corne up so wes can ase the rows. One o! i .Odber. She tater was re- The ixth grade are keeping the feet In hieig liber home. The womaný temperaure of the achool room. ed and vo ir machine truck Miss Otran -_on____________ gare ber name and address 10 'thneaseM Zift plice.OOO 00000000oo00000 htgbeat gro " Rav. -Robert E.OBrien. pas-ON CET1 ~brings the1 «t the cburch, decares the beavy 0 FE N E 0 abova tla in on Sheridan road on Snndaya o0 O GO eOO G oDOO0000 O tower la i eserions menace to members of every part coaeaincompeled to cross Mia. Henry Tekampe inTa ndtulg thea ed by auto 'rd lu gotng to and leaving the week with relatives at Wautegao& Zon. ilcsa, sud that be bas appealed Misses Rosia Wagner of Buffalo The stat enbs tn the ZiMon authorities to Grave, sud ildrel. Wagner et Liberty- three large Ulut trafflc officera !rom is con- vile, "pt lu at Thursday at the home the mechi cation. of the tatteras parents, Mr. and Mra. chamber, e iVe vaut the officers only for Albert Wagner. ed and pio reguiation of traff le" Rev. Emmett Bâteran sisters of Chicago, the next il taen stated today. .anjd 1 do n<>t were Sund.ay guante at the John thing posai k t Ir an unreaisonabte rsquent Fredatika» home. dite matS ,, olty so far bas denled our re- Math Lange and fasity and Wil riished to( s. This la the second accident SteinnilUean sd family of Chicago, and In anticiu lan occurred." Jos Guarin sud fauilly of Waukegan, the workt were entertain.ad t the borne oi Mr. beingaerral * ** ** ** a nd MmsFred Waguer, Sunday. ' no delay .~Henry Luebbe, who bad the mis. everytblug NVASEY SCHOOL fortunte bu break hia shoulder blade a aome aPteu weekksago in getting along nicely. here are& ~ * ** * * ** M* . Ma.sd Mras.Fasuk Ulrlch were prOgrama._ due01tisa pupia are îtrytng for Waukegan shoppers lut Thuraday. ffre adîplons, thofra ar Miss Rate Stoffel retnrned, borne** MèidthM utWO..-ftoius àt whsssatnbas beau W ehoot,11,MSat 1 raysemployadt for theput six montha. M» pt te tisse wsw lait Rev. F.' M. Bay# pastor of the St. ,** Iduayla clsurclswuastrickeas iery 111 Fr1 a itongbout & aywlbesrrsdtika ndOP ~sfo to âtissr of lits enlons codition snd wbt (15W 10 U»d bixtiséala iseS ishes for a qpeedy*,,Ias. J., tbopdtly, o 40brother wb week-ed. weok Tisa -bs.D Proctor ~whst'a tri lite aure Insurance of àiii kinds Peilen in niEverot and Frequent Sei to Milwaukee. i~Ai~o wo01,Zos tbB Ihtrm t oeonete tION Te OPEN'ero diE.Mm 3 . G. Cooki violited at Oak Park AST ~- ret of Iveek, blso attended thé colxse.î. t4osi vkletaboissg beld this week at PlgrituMarnorl tchurcli of Oak Park. 1Station Itself to Be Well wils lité aid of a littia puais 6d' Jin Three Days; One at ferainy date wvegot the woc d floor rowerIs Up. we êan juatcotiue ourenthuiam ia f ev unavotdabte delavsansd our parttanz made. nopossale to opan Zion'& Mm-5.Wît cvi af-Qal Park, vlidat di broadcanthng station on5 thé hanme of (t. J. ieracierge andt Df May as predleted w>tn Mie Alice tut 8 turday sud Stmday,1 on vas made to purcisase also attencted aur Sabbatli eclid me;d iltion, il la nov beihevali chnrch. Mm -..%Vlicox'ta Our pstors talion viii be ready 10 atart rmothen, aud va vers ail t id 5 Ott ng by thse sud o! tis acqnalnted wsth bar. tise tau i se1t tera, 150 Mies Auna Gorbert fiayéd onU bihr Iht, aiready bas beau amant- cisateai piano ooa'a csurch ervIce. ~rk l proressng r ltt Sun;day avatstuE-Theré *lll b.1 ror laproreaing -PdlYmorseapeclal maie next, Snday ove ond. The. loWas are lopal- ug. =om to churci t h e an erthas, ik Vriiva'a tabernacle on the la vorts wbite aud it viii ais enoourage rond In the clty. This tbeo in their work. fop of tise lovera 234 feat rlarsi. Tbe' tati. siender Mrm MinssiasMoore ofChtcago, vlatgd, noav visie from neariy bar ruother aud aister, Ms-s. Moore andt ofn the cIty, and la obsemv- Mrm Knoll ovér tise veek-end. ., teins long before reacbig Onrsntertaiunment "Old l'teBnlga* warwell attonded'lest $aturday mght. lion lie 'if, oonsitlng of Tisa chair rsatlzed about $50 whIcs tisey me ooma sed tor conlaluilg ara glvit Ig 11our buildine tond, thina hanlsm, tise bmoadcastung lin ipmove sud loyatty. 1gowîfeveryl etc.. la practicaU4y complt.-Ont viU psy visaI Iiey predged tovward rbahiy vii lice rady vithîn the building fond @0 that wa cmn, ms vwo or Ibras days. Every- ehée e ans at va vii aprilato it ible le belng dons id expe- véry lunchs. Surely yon Ought te have ers sud tbe vork le, belog pride onough to do that complellon. .1 A bneof young foika about bu tun pallon of the compisîton of epsubér drove b Oak Park bu attend1 the malter of progrmn la the Yon&g Peopte's day at thé couve- unged so tisaIliseré may be tion lest Wednésd&y p. mu. traom thiassource visOn Fatay cvenistg, Ma y 8th la Roya a ise la îeady. ZDon bu agihrmsisga rireVé ai ndid talent and radio fana~s era vm hmonetsPracilent.rt all. autlaipati>g noma excelle nt ment sud aU mambera are requested bu * * ** * ** * * Tise cisoir viii ment for reem-W on R-ALF DAY ~ Satuday e'vening 7;W0 Ibis veel. H-AL DAYla the absenceof oen pastoýr, vIs I" v.kObli!jecollega ln Ohio aMx* * * ** ~ ** * *Sumday, Mr. NMarta oflvsnbo., vi iela w. t sslsfortuz* aik. the, I la arB e o * ý ltst veste ss-tara i Usin IIt toffl ws»< MxoWta j'gise hJ*»Ray wecoma. id in ïOrorn mer ot o- [wd tise frettelé. IALF DAY. 801400k NEWS ,1G. Cook eutoetained hon Waler5lundstrom, "dton. *.... - 4 vite tam Cises. oves l". We bave, bottiOuir niath monts of séisouan sd are prepara-ig for our final »turno. examuin. lion. by reeviuIg Ilie dUtfea- mda s at. o onig et atudIee - c an .~ws o+êma Mise Kfilox bas huug nome curtaisa ,~ ~~ 19,e isla aeii ou tisa vindove ta m*ke thea sciool. Bih Daail ot sbdsdhouashoock more ciseertul. oa1h32 av4lgsy o The pisysilogy clarta visiqis vs ses e too. rnakng for finatlaxauination are ai, gla toreprt hatUrI 1mont compteted. - gtadbu spot tiat rm. At thseetingof the P.T.AXiseld gefling botter aftya ler n'g., receutly rneany taS tise stand that tisa waw .bot tuncheasbaneld ba startsd. Sa tisoY osa, one of teo batehler bougist au oU setoye and f ixed one pf 1 d old timersti the 'VsasatY th* cloak rooma tpr a kiteben. The nu, was fausside" la .it flint tinsu erved v a cocos, sud atter- yard visai> arrn veathér came. MsuYý e!tishe puplIs anatad safk. Bacis puPt - - - rougist a cup sud spoon, but tiIs yésr the P. T. A. turnishéd tise caips. Tise, pries of tise cocos.vas tan cents V, vosk.Lesàt year tise cocca vasPro- psred by Ruths'Wolf, Ilvetyn PatersOn.ý * ClndemaUli Wetts sud Ruth ilaussu Thiis ysar tisa cadis vers Ciludeelia .rv ic e Wells, Ruth Hanasu. Marian Hersais. berger, Mary Bock sud Lue"t Savakin. Tise, pupits vasied the disses sud tise tavela' vers sent 10 différent bornas of mambera o! tise P. T. A., ang Central Standard Time of, the c1hief àdvantages of living North of ago is that one.can use the North Shore Line. pdablE, that instead of making 'your. planis t6 tran ime, ou have only to e your ple#ùs -our trains will fit in nicely. Trains leave Libertyville every hour f romt 4:48 a. m. to 11i :48 p. m. These trains make connisctions at Lakte Bluff for Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee. ggage Checked to A Il Points on the UÉne .North Shore - & MilwaukeeR.. STATIO TELEPHONE-LIBERTYVfLLE74 Il S ARBOR DAY ACTIVITIES On tbe eveniug before Arbor Day Mr. Smatt %ad bis gond noighMbr, A- thur Kruger, dng np three trees eblh Mr. Smali doneted 10 ties choli, tbbe panted o ntisa playgrouud. We tbank bf s very- klndiy for bis ganrsi&sCLt Mr. Kruger cnt back tbe tops of the -tfeesand tbe mots where t vaâ tlio't necesssJry, ,lecausa visen a tras hs traspiantsd lb requimes more atreuglis t otatte root, and become- accslstorsd to iba 155w location than If It contliue ta grov 1in Up owu place. Mn hný for pour kind lUstance, Art ak Thse ciltdmau ail hepsd 10 clear thse sebool gronnd of auy rnbbisb, vblch vas bunsid. Thse efghtli'grade p«ts»fla-psae4 catalpa tres whicli vas denated bY; M. Lindatroiu. We aiso tbank hlmâ The sventh grade pupils pianted an'. Anerican atm tre about six teet bfigi. Tisa *upils of tb isatftisgrade plant- ed a poplr tres abouit elgbj test bIais . A blackt valut trea vas aisô- ptantqd. .A arn#t floy.er bed vas made,; uatung a dahlia bull> donated - by Mr$. Peter son, as Ils centerpiece. *We t4siuk. Mrs. Paterson for bar id d@iNtbO.. The pupis brongbl rSkel, boss aud. apades, vitis wbich tbe vork v*asdoua.& STise vtud vas bloinag'very strong, and the largeat trees vers achomad. ~MADDEN SC IjOO.LÏ1 Mr. suad Mrs. Walter Sageare~ rjoicing over the arrivai of s uittle boy rn u srsday mornlng, May 10. Thoee perfect f o. tisa elgstis month Pe schoot s*Ming Friday May Il. am;~ FPinI grade, Marie- kiratan, *Frank Victar; second, ]Edward Schneck; tieid, ""ri Hlama; fourtis, Joki> Epker, MafVictor, Mary Wlegi.en; ifts, Wlei, Annie Victor, Jokeph Vctor. 1 Edvard t3ixen of- fret grade bas returnad after an abssence caused by' wisooping congis. . Raading circie honora have been. nçceived by ,many of tsépupilg.* We are gtad to report thîat tisere bas bee more ragutar attendance for nhe 1 pasweek. Saturday aftennoon, May 12, a birtis- day paty vas givenls isonor of Mari# Henvetkaxnp, a pupi oce the imt grade. Mamy membeme' of our firat tree grades atteusded yind it was enjoyed'by~ al; the iret part of the attehfoon vas apent luIn taysnggauseatsd lati refreaisetaT»re serv i. T .."yrr jpqty retumned home tate in tiseaf t. f0015 sfftefabric money's - Worth of 4êmUeca. If yout demie tris te fun yOu some. thing elie ho won't b. surprised If you tien ausCoSU are biuât by tdemarneS»people Who make RoWaICoeds. Ti"f oct Coma&s Whrtobuy LLS3Jaw SCHANCK WARDWAItE CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 'F WAUCONDA GARAGE WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS EVERPLAY THE PERMAMNOM EFL The "Everplay' Phonograph needie plays every word more distinct., Plays every nmake of record, and wijl not injure any record., Price $ 1.00 Mailed Anywhere Geo. IL Schubert' Box 2U ROUND LA$CrbIlLI-- Mes Eaeh Msnmuy Nlght t a 6 .0Ioe P'IRST NATIONAL BANK< BLMS V;eltng trothoru are Cordiaîly InviSsi FARD H. SMITH4, N. 0. 0 i.. SMITHl . oqtary O COLUMBIALODG 140. 131 mYSTÎCWORMI LiBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Meets 20d and 4th Tueetdsy of laoh Month at Orldley Malt %feisting I80mbes Cordlly Invitd. E. 0. MUBRAftO, MARY CARNEY. Prfst Cerruendont VICTORY APFILIAT«D COUNCIL NORTH AMERIOAN UNION aings of aiM onXmtli at OGslieyHal vw ut= ro.rIffly Iawt.d. GIiOGU C OKAaLseereU.ry. mm hur, unnOUSEKIEEPERS Yo( wILL sooN WANT TO HAVE YO<JR RUGS CLJIFDAND) 0F OURSE YOWANI IHEM, CLEANFD) IN Tl£ VERY BEfS WAY. TFRE IS NO BEIER WAY lIf A AA DRY CLEIM. TMISWAY CLEAMNT-fM THOROIGHLY' 0F DIRT AND) SPOT AN!) RENDERS THFM FREE FROM MOTHS OR A POSS~1iMM 0F MOTHS LATFR ON. cALL LIBErTYVLLE67-kt WHEN, YOU ARE READY AND) WE WILL CLEAM THEM THE NAYTIA WAY. Theie ilable Laulldrv LIBZTYMLL ad MHILA!PARU LAUNDERERS, dRY CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONE LISERTYVILLE 67-R III Wié 0f fu8w YoII.Sipin and local delivery at ricer o cannet equal eJsewhere, not 1 cn, & or. daniaged'caus, but, firîts in e.very repect. Note desciiptions andtprices TIGER FATTERN, 8 gallon, railroad ahippig cana, actual weigllt 19 à to 20à Ibo, extra heavy constuton, zoUlW bottom, wlred to stiffen, being nveted and sold- ered-to the 'cylinder. Double neck -construction is s tandard on a&U our caris, el searus and rivets full sold- e rec4 malleable iron haridies, wyith opening fori sbîp- *ping tags. A cari designed and built for tough raiI- road handling. -Regular actai? value is .. $4.75 to $5.50O Our price, each ... . 04-110Pj«TERN, 8 gallon, local delivery cari, actui %weight 16 to 11 lbs., construction identical with Tiger Patterni with the exception of the bottom which ia re- info)rcrd on outaide of cylinder with 2 1-2 x > 16 inch band, hèavily soldered and riveted to cylinder.. 'Pipe Jiandles suitainle for factory and creamcery delivery. kRegular retail value is $3.75 to $4.50 $1 Our price, each................ $3 1 When It's HARD WARE,-Ask McKiiiney T., MtKINNEY & SO"jN 18th and Sher"kI( oad North Chicago, 111. L. IL IM D. C. OVIR T" iau ooFied LISEWIYVILLr, ILLINOIOS EJIANANW. CRMB OffIce at Hama. on Cook hymne T.tsebme 10-1 IIEURTTV.L& LM LIOIS ga FY L 1.MORRI Attenn.y.&tL&w UBURTYVILU, ILLINOIB LUCM BUILDING Bs.. Pkame 13E-M OMMicepbéme u MARTI C. DECKER Attavny.tLLsw 315 Washington esel WAVUGÂflN. iLOW ectce Pbonê 848 ne&. Pliage 1W DR. 0. F. BUIEIIJ VEERmINART SaUfflUON A"Iatt sftat. Vst.s-lnsuan DR. . L TAYLOR Office ln FIrst National Bank DuiIdIie Ilou:-l i. 8:80 sud 7 buSp.Il Réasdeuce on Broadway, opposte Puk ALCTIONEERINO FARE AMD STOCK SALES A SI>ECIALTY 547 NORTH £OWTYl ST. WAUKEGA N, IUJNIS 0* PHONE 2441 Revsms. Clamages« a on esl*sCals 'F. BAHREFB MAIlLE AU GRANffE MONMMMS Ceuletefy Wuo f Esey 1Desaition coRRLWONDECE -SOLICMED 116 S.,th Gemm..S. WAUKE AN, ILNIS ARLINGTON, Ùt OTEL * Good mea1s5Oc WAUREGCAN, ILL. -----------SOfS ÀALU) il vi AS Prosnt Hav o! Wauki surprised arrnory T vers pres * masbed y training property the ChicA nouncorne Captain 1 Naval lRe * district. Commlo Evrs to Compainy aud Capt. Captain. tormrely 1515 relim Iug atabi were,. thé banquai Thse Yu sautefi b Mslki cle515 perse dom aw- Sc - :4 1 _ 1 - 1 - 1 . 9 to 12 IL ut, 1 te 8 > mý