CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1923, p. 8

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t x güin one abt ventDito :1. u f lug tthe second etruck hl- lUs the lotI Sciav leal and the bullet lea tmi m-' i~lEbedded tep M7 % 1 1. M E RonilSa, au Intelligent Mexicali, stated that the two men bal nOvez - been very f reniily. The Spanlob * ds-ibolice in Effort to and India blood In titeir veia had hsvlCause of Mexican Lati and was the main causse ef thse Shooting. e;hootIng. sccordlng to lis bellef. 1 & Fidel Veiazque. friend of tse» jte penettiiig fyes of the iaiç wossnded, corroberated hie story. d~e it81'5y started the tedicus task or denied that itodrigues had modie ausy Ad14p into the "why" of thse shoot- attemnpt to, trike, thro* a poo bail 1 t f'-Joseiik Rodrlguez wso. lies u itr Insult Nila. Hie litatemnts e e Vikêtoryi RamoniaI hospital mak- taken hy these tate. .~ lubborn figit for hie lire. NUsa bas beers a residen of Wal ISbae dieu It ill esana charge o; kegan for two years. He came ai. uMer axainet .Joseph Nil&, 19, who moi directly bere from Mexico elitt.d ffrieg thse shots to Assis- City, the place of bis birtb. He la at StatesA ttorney S. H. Block. stubborn iseder grilliez and lis tale o toole R statement fsoui him >-s.changes of ten. accordifiz to Mr He -l e elgliid i bnd Wils Mrf. Block In the case are Het in hld W bdeo 4Mi Ieaac Lyon suil CoassIloner $15.000 and lies trial eet for May 24. as. Rodrîguez seemed mucis brigiter l'lsree e:gned tttmnî aesi5Tiglit. Dr. J. E. Walter vas ot les giron' the states' oficesisnce the opinion lie would rive The bui. s ulootiug. Rodnîguez. Nila> and let cannot be removed for many lai1 Veiazquee ail gave their ver- days. ens of thse xun-Play thst wll probae- y oara 4lit. lT Sua-bs H be cu apretofbthe 1AI> A O ichi. Hae ail tisdape nnnbatftre ! soi defense under the insistant -Afi - ixztoi of lMr. Block. Co)ntanti> ljIV i > Z1 b il2ded the Prosecutor that the 1?Y flii'ed aften Rodrlgutz led seacis- Jh pleNtqascse Sfer a pool hall ta Iling t bhin. Jhmpk"alnl Ipe h me sot vent wild. accordiluz wohie gang ef liseebatiers fs-m i hwood OrYwhit theothe foud a arkla over thse lot let Sunday and finieh- sur vhle ie the fond ssafkci thse lIrai ganre of thse Ntioti's i tb let houlder of thse Mexican. seaeon wîtis a score -f -- toe4. Xk vare fired le eelf defenst- and eral stars deveioped le the Nont l eaie thse lie young %Iexicane Chicago teani. Adames llowing onli bu bail eetered hie Pool roum e t Vk'its. and Rogers. center flelder for 0. Il. Sheridaen oad. hoe insted, Uste the Norths Chicago outflt batting 9»di-lpsa' tosiidiffered front. theout a borne rue. 2 tbree bagge u IWxa«ýHe denied tisat ho bact ;a double and a elngte. Ryn9ie caughl qWetW for a pool hall. msade an for'Adams. and the batteries tor Wfte. throvr one. or had seü 1Hlghwood wene Brandie. Peterson wo i gctffl toFward 86S14. ,Tcand Star. ho reatad that 1w and fo- i THSJNpDIINpENT _prints ALL ~btssaa. jto tie >lac aiet the nom of U I;ai. ,nty, tud OaM YOU ARE I4VIED FjNTEIKTAPfflNT and DANCE ssWRAT "M"ANK M MiogMELVINA", ~Thfwsday, Ma.y 24th, 8 O'4CWCK ffANDAR TIME Auditonim -The#itre, '~' ohubiaLotge No. 131, Mys- cebue'iteyFollowing Etran Sm"rtsorchestra 2W -r es bth tetaimnt Anid E PR ise lar , VETO T par" omaae ]Pd[" a jmet ais pians ter the=Âe2n h Meetin - ~piaTbss-cy oenCiflg Ma~yT TeSt Vote On First Iterv' Fa-. ". m" Retigl-,' ous Anal Iewe ri- vos the Govrnor; te 0DioRer. ey O mock. Pa3t4 r a . et>ett# à>àéî y A ly- t n v eifo o y . 1 e \ npthe S ab - eu rl m u seWr ter s È e e» By lntordaîiqinal Ne"sebrvice. 'mmiStisane. "aO'elofO'tsaBh cia'lv oi au4arge ettnumero.- Sprngfield, I.' lIaY 1.-Governor btlàrcieltdrh arenebno Sutai vn avicory oda i~~na0f Young Peool- e sting o40. m. «-Waukepu buotsfaa MOU and polil,. lliiu on rete gaa ive ighto. dvay S peahiigone ett :8. clans ins»eting tbuffl jio tise ne- AttoniiOy Doueaive rugs. bjeût. "Ait l. Ki 1ndo!Fsing eulia ot th0., rectal; 'oity nd tolvu- Atre aeAE-..Prayer meeting Wedisasday eveiiuS.elhip lai Th vi !ts atteuiptingto a<ir-ride the gavera- at 7:30 ocloek. .no -t , giftI t le ifeat et COr', I 'a $àS2(to 0veto, fnt <>Iily.Izaftle .-A velcosna to ail viso would v-r- ral BieiibtP.' ï, certain r1191bus muster thse neailste tvpýtJsde vote shlp. Gond mel atsd a triaudiy fel- bellet. dottii. M<>> pre ubut feU--a vote short, fle Irst test. îovslsîp. MnBK L. SaYre, chersor: - cent .ÀietoW club watrspouslble' aou s con&titutionai majority (77 gael.t. " for 'tisi-eirMtil'$o succaed lu their' votes). Tise Smauf eiArSio la glad to report pqjitical àlais. -Tise. vote le tise irai Iemsf-32,000 tise purcffle o! a splendId piano, snd Aiç>a'gu o ~ioare kiowli ta fonluhrîtncetax', collectlouie â'n newaverv 4l"artzdiO5t le suplIed vlUs have fft~ s liyiglteaa- Lhîcago, ,wss Ayez, 76; Noes, £3. x good.instru ' ment. U a ra4 ot, sams o! Thao. H. DuraI -Tiss as, Use'goviennors hardeet testa "W4sa zna p~r 4perv'leor John: ,because reppi-eetatives Howard UR& - s 's 6bois ais esAWfck-rs-ý >f leandEler . el s oeu tiz, iOf 'Wdont oÇ 'the -lkes'çffl Park Board ICook made plausible 'argumenta for A . A S It -tu reportéd 'mayer'~IBdingei- aiso y this Item, aed ledsslged lu Do perisotu recesied ,éi% o! thea lattera,. aad tisat, alitles. - FOR 8ALV-41ray hanse. 8 Y" s011. a*dontu or nids'. thsers vene e- S:x memeusneo! tise iouea e<ted vergist 1600, and bai houe 5 Y0815 cipients of thse saekid o! noteaX. prsu"and 22 vere absent,. id eMis .<1 M'. ai#Ilfe-is. lldlng a verai 0of Use ex-cltY comt- The B rnedage fortes. appanientlIbeUila m.1.1nia . n ta. hesientai rusinetisIt lIgst t wo ~â~u-1ovau eed<~<~ ~ Tise letter aise i'e!erred ta tise hse rîlra etcied agto conekger teise,, S><> Plow sa Sed om siakE-up' lis, ettepolide departmaunt. ne bol c let. tcntsedlathe,, $.00 ar a lWeO van UY wu Psiised "Tisa 100 poncent, 4veto. Iemu Ite m.s ed ate alLaecouity loZ OM ci«,Amnericans club". Tiser bear a Wau- !ollowiug thse action on tIhe fiit Item, inatad. phono 370-R4. itoufla Bi-5.e kegati postmarit. andl are dated 7:30 thea bouse took upthtie $1O00M ap Are, iti. ' a. m. today_ - prp .aio for iaw eProrement et. r' ' --watt ascalied iteat . - toed by the govereon. 'WANT8.-Actire maou, team go d toution o f, Potmastar Masseel Tat- ed a enuber, _____s___ trade. 11-hour day. 60o Par isom-te cott to44aI and an effort ntay ha Batou-dy ai start. BShosld iQai-n 90cpar lbeus vitisin made to-taka îî up vils tthe postal daugister. Me si suiaOpen shop. Travo 011ý autlsart"a. Howvean tisey are comae a bride hO 9A I ISpanses efujided, Chicaga110 wot lsno b a mre ane a ta al trnmo !f v!rdadlu saiissaixumenthet-utMm. F. C. 31,é. hi at wuldcom unertise iseâdof Tists-sdy Ove kg pouEMA 1 ZAim uetta . S. Wte avolatiou o! tiepostai cales. basaUm Oeteh hti your aidamnowe. 01414111 Tarct.'on U n Springfield,.lit.. May 1.-Bide field, IIi. ftqasLake FrlSeMt t-T-t.* *» *rom *ln* the1 M uil be .recaived iii tise bureau' o!f -fHayc« publie verka and buildings, May 18, * > . YA~'E~Cangregatlo at Waukogan tr er vpemonft of: PÔR 'BtLB--Yar bar g961,411W L2.41 milaeof rtad p nthe hlgi» 16Mgood work tsfl\vt s"e * %* 0* * mrige ,ruisuing tram iX4ghy od1 teWh- d'bIO a si;tÏ fôdder MIL ' 3111r -19m, I.L McOsatis bau retsrne bain. ca"-iposist~ qI J4Id rond, -lusStahl, Prairla yig*. PtsOui,114. 4t*fer » a g o evaral monthe vltb Mrs. D. A. 8 Lakea cou iît'. and fait 4.156 blsos 8t er '"dasbier laSa in(m aheUsa mie1 mm section 27-15 Dl. b.ginniisg at Gransd m eu__wa aChe avenue and andiug -north b:te iaOR BL.4a8chicise. ' -Mi. o leBid vstaCiic Wadsvith roal.. Tise- ongineere wildartisi iaVlis5 tOë OSiot Jr.Mel dm ms o. cg ýMt=teuntheproece l e44.33& ranr dour at PM par 100 ne W'lte or a--Ndiqutlt Oil ige ~ bt'Stifi» 0m8105,Md54Prii~t ..t 5 tboT.aae.fe - %mwchsesi$$. Peoona, 7- 6,$ ~_MffJrvfcefl mai -CsPeUt Md Mm Bradley 0f AUM' PFfR1T kOgMODIBT EPISCOPAL. broods piOed loy. Calst,3e9ft E tead Mmc. Ocar'O4ss. Chas. .J. Dihisey, Paitor. Phono 112J. 1 rrow CisIChenie& s, ara. . M lixeFvox <of Round Lake. spuit 5iiis J acks Bradfor'd. Chir Di-otor; lire. 4ay vitis lir dautister. Mm aOUaiI Bar' Lysil IL.Morrià, Organlet. FOiR SALB-?.-rooe hase 01) lot 60 f5. ras. * Bisdv cisolat 0 . i. ea.V. f-ontaga; chiscen ouse, toi Mc~,lr. Led lirs. Les Stranga tuerAl .Pearce, Don. Sept. !and boy gamrge: 150 tsfro i'Oii O!itiociser. aissiYeeBna' Mownig-vorai pat 11. Sermoanhi' stop. Can. gi-e imsmédate pOgossesIon anieS., tisa pator.1 A. W. Tripp. Libertyvilla. Piont*W Miss Drothy Clberg of »ramutais Elpvortls League detotlonkal sevie",- 84 enet tise week aend vitis Me. snd Mm. at 6:80 p,.in. Tople. "What Usa Bible %m H au7 ushes. etsti iinmi.Fred Buptterflald, presidant. rnia -â bargain fer cashfLats$"s -w Rveing voi -itlxkai 7:30. 10f'e U ____________ __________Store,_______ 15' tise pator; omusic - ie miso Aearrlosiaon o~~f Chsoir. YOU ARP CORDIALLY INVITE]) 5ultd vfà ta andd t t TO' TRIB SERViCS. - islp. ' Pay $100 par moantis Mi $40> a - Duk arm. Lake V1118a.111. n2t veek meeting for, prayen. Bble yeeen;at7:0<ni , o8'dfo e -* 0:o Thursday and !elioweisip. Juet pna brie! iseur. FOR SkBL-'6-sooM , by e ait cet- l'Comae witisnus'and ve shali do tiseea "tg; garage; lot 0OOXI&O fot. Ad-E Tisureday erenlng at 7:80 and 8:00 drs-o-- 4 aetivlo n.2~î' a.a Junior and Senior Choir reiseansais. FOR SALP-100 foot honting aun Mi-. , -eaukea aaeune; yl 411e; a31 puB' andI IST. LAWRENCJf'S EPISCOPAL lic improveisne lemeit i-oaS on. Re.H. B. Owayn. Pator. thse va-. 1WIU oil 'reasouable. Albet The services on S 'uUdai'.May 20tb, W. Lltcbfieid. - - 20-2i Saturday For Th s servlc .at 8 a'clecis, a celebration o! 64, Ocaylake TII. '24 tise H2iy commnunion vi111lia at BEtA-fn.teu !esls Auidrew's.'Graylake. 4 -FOR 8A in.Me=ofmo" Whltsueday la pué of tIse !ia5t days aiseo ne exttwz Jal'ze muler and 4r y v â o!- solemnuobligation, vison tisafaith!ul gond hkaevv team of wva or ees, alliL- .E munIon. ?. ,Manàda Seelisacb1 i)ales Tairi'..Fane. ' SiiedaF Sebool vili ha at tiseUnaI Wauconda. 8 bsoun, 10.a. m.- -la i astudefi n Ée aBeset. igisatîsatue.s cilre.Umm JIchurch, Antiocis. excisaeged 'vîis hMrn iate dareng. Salai" $15 a veek for JGwyu aithtie il 1clocie service. Mi-* full tinte, $150 an isour @pars Umne. AÀ - h~~~eanuil surinz fine,.International w ~ & C ide WANTED>-Womtau for general hanse- varie f r tise sali e ontIsa; ulce Shm oos fit any style of footçl-or Men, honte. pleaaant aurraundiege. Cal Sunday'Wfter 10 a. ms. Telepisoxe Lis- oeanChlr. etyville 2î0-W-2. '20-lt Swome fon . ---------------- t .98 k- Do uglaàs. Co0' G ua ra nt .e ed 10,00 0 b 3Ox32' SKICORD- 30~12.98'ý34x421<l,ý34.38 30x~3,i -s.'t14.61" 15.4,1 35.64 3C'3 " 20.47 36x4," 36.09 314 -25.49 '33x5 -i41.35 32i4 " 2.03, i35x5 «*42.07... 33z4 " '27.O& 37.t5 *44.20 t 2x4l", 32.64 34x5 "46.90 33x4* 33 48 36x6 "68:22 GARAGE J. N. BERNWI, ARGETde uea * k M iWe vish te express oui- sust elecere thaeks to oui- neigisiorseand frianda vho vere go kIind to ue duriez tiseIll- - nae and suddee <eatis o! aur dear hi- band and fwtiser; also ta tise siug6ra., and for -tise boantiful floral Offéting5 Led autos.;1and ta our *astai'. tisa Re Dicb*y, for tise fuivos-dm ise spoke * ~ ~ l uru- ereavemeut. Softly thse stars are shlniug, U3pod a quiet, grave; lenvisich one lies sleeping e Wisom va lare but nould uot gare. i Mffli. HRISAN 3. àMBYERS r QAND ICILDREN. 20-lt We vhs tcaitend our tisanka for %' jý. I e * tise ieautiful floral of!erings duriez tise Ilins and deatis of aur beloved vist ang mother. aloo ta tisose Wisa fsrnisbeda allias ted helped us &o Slnd. ly la Oui- beneavexueut. Frank 'Ligisibodi-and YFamiy. Mn. and Mrs'a Eg Schneider. & Fantily. _________ Mn. and Mrs.e. Cas.Smitht Mr. nd Ms. Cas. cot iMI,. ted Mrs. Pate Bansen. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Pubiuc notice le hereisi giventhat the a tbecrîben, Executor o! thILa* Regular WIU dh:d*Testament of Anuna Maria Radar. deceased, viii attend ths'P1ro' Price liste Court o! Lake Couti'. a a toril therai-aot be isolden t tise Court 18.30 Elassea ln Wauiskegau, in said Counti-. on tise"Si-st Monda'o! Auguet neit, 19232, viiSandvier. tii pensons hay- log claims ïaanst said etate are uptI- I~~rop ~~fiel and re<uisted tôl-oSePnt ls an bu ssd court for dudltOIs 3. W BtTLBRlxeoutor. Wsiikegaas , 3»14. 1»28. 20 21 22 Aprons Combinatâi, Coverali, Drees, Standard Ginghamn. Attractive Styles. 75 Ail sizes. Up frara ....... SiIk Stockings Reoearkable Hse. Mst $ .5 PoWuar Sizes. 'S"tca .. Ladies' iVests Very good vaues at 30Cio 50c, Special Price ........... Pocket Books Poc-ket Books and \Nhity Cases at Sf ECIALPRICÎS L ibertyvmle. 545 NOflLfmLWAUKEE AVEMJ Cooke»ry experts agresthat thebest and moetheluld 1bakig pow0T is MadOfO1l ««em of tartar, derivecl -from grapes. That is why they in" atOn 7h. O won ydatiu. Cs.agg or Tartar Dah.iagPoode ConWmu No AIum-L..V. No UIWw m I.1U mains las hofor 0f1ss [-a. bviso t saoube-Ç %WlIbur viii auterâ Mon" e t a caI,4 Piaty -025 sunin. Tisa prooeeadI vli tup de! ry tisa expeufea o! ry. [erg bau OPeeie4àaPool John lfook bisitbM unnon viii b. held È%thtie >1l ob=rCismaxi uay Icott lo reportod u as in£ liOW' DNE 306 O WILL FIND TIAT THJE IN- LIUTVILLIE INOUPtMOELNT la RRAD I8V MORE '.IOPLE THAN ANY OTIU PAPER tu LAKE COUNTY BANTERIe At an Age when nuy battrW mein ibe acrop-hcp, am B" dewiil b. glving youivigto srvc Tebiae M 111 AIL'May I Sth sWeek-AtThe it [e Dép't. Store men, SHOQES! SHOESi SiOE&I Absolutelylhe BEst,. Special $2.75 for this sale ai ............. Trousers In serges, kha)ki and moleskin; casWot be duplicAted; 1 9 up fr m i ..----------------- Caps Pretty designs in ail sizes ahd salors for the sumner; 't1.25 'up from ................ .... Oveialis-# 2-20 Denimi, best that can be made; sold ese.wiere at $250;~ 6 speclal at..- - ' - Socks -Regular 25e seller, qpecial, per pair ........ 20c, Dept.Store - OPsPOS STOFFICE 5-Bocezlptis 14*4 S OMî~ fluaS N pt JueiuSs$er N S fi. .'~ -' N ICUEU% .tBzS 120- ranînu~. r ao~dau. Brpva ar:; UnW (tEde 9 8TOW&L- 101*4*4WOOLR0i i-- fs'wu.... .......... IC PIANI( wu Bwk (j. of Il M fInuydaua.... tv fi LaUen... Do A cwiment.... .......... 9 etde kr. Wx ection 2 x, e....*b... t ClemewnIa.. h ixta la te c Omean tit Et is Myii afg s 9% des E 88 Ui rd* tap1 *17 ch» Myi a 82% deff ldes 0 3.15 t0 p 0 b... Heyduleker Ises t Lot &A E tfa Moellon 8St5 Lot 5 If msn ic ef- 2msuet Mlorse Tia -toi: Itu At tlain 81217 ýtiers suis b e' ofDivictis pRenk Y!.W14i 41-5.« lia iiih frt thO'i Celag 1. 11J.0114zeuy 'l

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