Weekly 4 -- >&Y, MAY 24, 1923. WA)KGN WEY U $1.50 PER YEARý. IN A»Y*CM INç~ flEEPLY sbofFieirsont mat Ageof WL de&l . g0tuo 13ftuthay.1 erZWIplessed W coco. e,:ut4et la la rscSlpt IW1 ltter fron thte asso- iup.of Hlabvay». LI, 1111501 Ai Ysu b&' tuese spie r*<li& lWvIle fbeu is bode' »0 Ue, t gou 'tbap la ib largo a fie th e tbat f1 e *p. to fe la d ia Mglselissd be Us - wegmnisd" - sx Block $ Ctg 2.33 3:83 VISION 5.13 - 67.3 5mie*. ffl 6LO i- bsahlsg te fr thcou- ar Tof tb1 4daee s- Jas otpv"tes . Mess, Ae.,a O.lIEà"Ipou 4 s t re d t Ilo aid iç4au' hyy Cale . ENIOcIL ph es Iboofi. or 409&. Ytt bbsdana *I~'AW a troh adsoft4§ à trt . Mb"ofeta 131g hob"or bsped te hlau. tb 15eM. gSon P , or mrns. sud lIsu 4s5*isAss 8eIs nu fsr, leu Y* lyse Ji 6a tI oviq wod. u»d deeds Sud ~ ~ mm *mi ubsla imt1 c II!~e iv. fub»orsud doeeàd Ur. x4qfr 15ev.te lIqra bisl 14wlo~Lule D. Me ; --tvo t.% 4Ms.19»T bewrdef pArlist 10hs.D, *v das*es: r.m& OU*1bX Isrhu IoogeMrs.Bertka ,nuit cwao;ie. f loree uls ;-K. Loot r rum wobrsB- WIthfflzsoma, 5w"4 b05*; Jbah e« rrmn ad saiIbrtesa go .*4 oho e am 0(il"-aâ lor; aMd ver. «v«Y omete V"* me diSson Wolw sryitestobrlng a bb"emso tbui mmeb. e o tWUbenm* a wllden.o ue a-noW 'e me lr A,ýq pltrb flared L7 wIvsb e, tus b w ,ai lde*g5. 'ubor tmp An o siden fe81 Obi Ils>'assied f lr.-efl-Roberts, propriat sglee#1a obeqk for $3.w m u-. amnce 0f fIeable. pic»e ens luThe snhhrtm ea l b rtar £e d 0lr1sethavlfuie -b turned ever te thpm wWi le4. polce have Oered WWIS lia ts ropportuity boou* lsenuoung. wemali 1x le. plie llas"Lye0" .411110 sh. had euar. ed w bad ai*s .The local police asserf f hat pet of thona* ocek deale ver. reporte lIes. ofol ansd no tir .as Imov tIesb la n0oflo@heber v 41re te proseeule the' Young vo IFor tIat reuson thic>'are vili4 811ev Aurrahtle e vor iev ecution. AL MON1 i Zbet.vvle people are aU isp tov la bomi up. Mfil a la bing paved, Conîri ese ila& Sens belng buos Sa nm> ahead of -E5méopi00 lg mach ~u: 513~*~'e f r rian r iq xeha te P ~s P~tej -lla ed ?u' .i til I~ ~ ~ ~ " i.1 sowualgtweh'e con*ted with Louisvfl-Cicg" r -ua r&iheuiYwer ae yes. I 013by W -I Xqupo~ aUOand Peter Walker (aitthig> t. la*keÊaa pqoeo orlais who f eptu'eI Uiaui * uiqli" Iah, Assitan t h iol7ou m& <tfTharau e*y. DOS IN A Il,"anMe lus,,RMain 10 ayLon trb FnHg STUC K UWSTOREKEEPER p» Dml Rego. the 1,cr bandit 10WU ht»n emusienont 1*14 up heolb" oervod a .3 dmp' a,- - *iùe orbi obe i Ll loir edl bw l BN DI3LS IN V FOREST ESTÂTES Clifford M. Leoaard, prsideut of tire Leonard Construction- Compmny, lia purchaaed the tirenty-Sçr es- lite of C. eL Ackert, on TolegrapI road lat Lake Forestat ...uJng the ~A Watson Armour property. flirough loba OrLetiths & Son. Otber pair. cOMM.. hronsb the a*s ani il- clude: Chares H. ýhoeeestate oftwtelve Aerès on West-fister road to .Tkouas3. Marston. the ).L LCudahu' ton acres etf TelÏgrplt râd tote CUva Ktunnai, vice prealdeut or the Pull- mat Coenpauy;, he, ILILGilbert = on ýfouracres, la ltiy. ila te H Iusseni Lrd, luint b-__n Othtel.tn patAthony, s~ <41.1e tdJosupl. 1e Matto, viUl 1e fweIedý, earlyla lue. Re ncaus il seeMéd APParnt tbah the boys This Is a Gond Record When lb that Vers mome-lab»rd ou exeltémett Is Known #t:t74 rCile t"tis ayle he i>eseSped vith mot lit Jansoentences lastd o e .tg aeConsidered. «Uentg tbtzq cboel. $93DEPOSITED WEEKLY "ae of~ RT VIJ4 O 0f 74 Mld-weotera CiesfItes. u Rs f th. achocel hauklug sy*tem et Thrgt levest R A IW I flJA J M El[ 'nt-, deposita lu lIe Wauiegaa pub- auel 1.54f.Ilic ichois ara the scvessthbirolu ,u as t ~ hIe 18, accordlng le a report juabr- Orged lUA 1WI~ fKl~(celved b> tb, Seceurilu' Bavînga baul il Iraw-aur.~i - dep>oîloqr for tb. local ascio. etrmAn average et 3,573 puPlifs bavede plia. Poaied an &verste oft $908 a wee DrM F- W. Fotulds of Libertyvfile for tise year 1923. Tis a t consldere ROB Pctory 18 Choseii to Head Rn -us hll oecord îfer Miî t - - a. Bgf'~oli4tia. - for hiethtere are more ppi ARochester, iN. Y.,ita 21-À-Acapîla lu tue Waukegan acbooils la »,T500, 000 ScoUohdatio*ý et macaroni considerablu' hlgher, shovlug a more uI teresta la b.etg pbertectéd here, Th i JlY> develeped sense of savlng. DdI cdlup n atise nov corporation Tme report of Tîrif t, Tue., ote'he &are 11e Woo<ob*PrhWlCo. ten lhpat citles lu the mld.vett, I psuOf @th tIlci>, 1the Foulls 'Ilit aovug lhe nunuber ot doposihers Wall* ma * et Cbges- ier>.and the evedîl>'ameunt depeslted la tIlIIhie Warner Macaroni Cern.as, followa: IU et Biseuse, sud the Palisado City'Dep. Weekly m* famOIi~n.JCmpay o et ctst S.AmI. Bebke, N;J.The nev organisa- OtS.LoiI...... .7,îOS $2,448.00 411..,wl be kno* as th Po<uid. SeuthBend, mnd. 4,960 1.675.00 540C-omaY. F.' W. Foulds vili . ha Peorla, 11I.............4,663 1,250.6S lbey »réient S uperlor, .Wls. ..... 255 1,005.00 [ de. - -Il ranehen, I. ~901.00 ntAu. %%his aeraer ougiel te b. a good Redkford ___ . ,.....4l6 92WI70 g t MAX 'foer -fth-e Lbertyvihle fadcr>'; Waubýeaan .. 3,573 9go.* Pro14 i ffla Mtat the Itead e LI']b. nigin.»........ ........ 2,624 g etiVM6ecoàUffly', belng lire ho" or Sprngfield. _.4,8 u* th hItoy OM»ay v$ Ustmrllu have CGreenDBay, Win. 3089 710.00 a a w inharet 4Àlu uk~g ire iodai _______ pluat groar vIl fh rest ot tuecoin- 10 bpa.beznt tl.ti 11- fiustoa11* IAnI lJ s ave' b6cote a «M - lui.e, Oo*oHl- AtEAMN IDU oie.0 T SIur ONM E TO r the0OttoWJlde vas doing a ule hua-ý ln aS ludurday ulahh lnu bis olGl Putror-sd restaurant at AreM la $38,3a Deputu'Shr8 WlhrStark vlfâ ýefrlzto Lthe plade and aslccd unt prop- ~ ~ .. tome ta Waukogan le explaubot Los Augoles. CuIll i drinks that vere net seasot and bave frem lotis ut bhood aG-oletu bvlcbh. la slleged ta bave eold fqopr ro ves A14 frout. e ogs. 1Young men recomily.' vounds, tlr*uville SI. * r1~ Wilde wa@ aken ,bée eJustice S rogular arm> i"etebsant sud r lerve>' Caison viiol Ilcase Vasj - slllfary Inshreictor t oVrt Sam'I a tintteA sud ho vas r"leaed ttrsn teunsud Camp MabYTiM. T*a, M lb.heceunbu,'jallSundaY wvion Iletutu- I'pi-att>' Irovn-eyed vItie, Yenny -lsbed $31Mb bonds. Blair, qere haken Inha ctlOdy t ..Accerdfià te he'ofhie cers wilde.a - b>' th police sud 1he étca b aco *14.4 lhree gallons of alco- charge of bab n plicated 1 01 o, fOif orve quarts et uuoonslne :' fserymday aflernoeof. Àà 4t1510 ex.d mas _MOIInk - SUa Drug GOIOsn panymue « ~ ' ' 't7lt i~"rKa PoisoN 's ., ~iTI'L , MU Ad 21dâ"ihlqut a ida= l ~ ~ s-i.~ ~r-r. .'sssirtg Was, One. T. ,00Delegates ai Capta f« Mt~m Presi. dep Gaê Rcetion. SAW FAMOUS "iAboIE" Judge Perry L. Perlonsretsb.d Tu*sday nla4't freinw lon 1Dl C1.. I&M » 130 bus il prealdeaf wdbà ansd *- ca4 hiot &Mm doset ,, I:imd "- ,aa eega9t6 ete 'est alns mm* td- oIp< f ve5t4 taoarucaiem for ltee gstey rtg Peteruon. e 0ftbueuk e tr bi. he ,on the .I#01W» rehlsOt It> O xOutiît 51*4. suit for divorce tromm iepce IIbi UOabrd e laie. elo 1 f4 ieexclusive Veise. T40 petwUa à ies t=11 a ir h oy abeva, actcordk o-ii n tO *ieIiedetit "d bis faMlU. 'pers married at Boli e et .thei. Ibat ahi>'Îa vuilaey ring could; Ho 50.1baus vtb I heleat',~10, ud tuat sIncs e as doort niiucii a puhtbase., laid aer i.rs xmr ua itndbher .4 ber vlthe4t canse,.--Voederai probbllho"agets aretai ibusbUaft the recepticu. "IaddW liMra. Patersonai asthat ber mald- lag au Inhereet lu tb.case. R_ K Aiso wus ln atteudâae. Â marine on naine, Irone s, berestored. Thoimas, conected vith the Chilcago band- furnloha he 135 unaloferthle district, wvs, regent- last neht ait th act- ku exantlnation of prisqners sudtot Judgo Persona deciared the voatir- E "t C 1Vlctiens of *ills that vere Mn. or vas ver> verni sud the. dolegatea 4.) J 41'151WimOed troqtiettly In thge ou le ories wèe eoomjdi-edtabut Up tue ba- Tis! Information, aSocrMlg te Thon. berdaber %torm. ~J'At >P, au, vIli b. lent te themIe. Loivil AUl three rien, Pete Walker, W. A. 110h>'asd Marlon Rail bave made * AD ' a McClure, son et Mrs. Helen lfidavlts au te their part la the rat4A SAJIAIb lare of Guruee,. graduahed lasi Walker signed a cen£tassin -Ws, Sriday tra aveterluar>' college an D1h1t ta iowed ththW wuas ÇIW IIfDu û Idlanpao hellh I lioreo onbie. oadwte ha o M UJ<FORAI.$5,0V years. and relatives vent he that City' operated a atllU ou a farm a short~ dAt the-,t 'mru 31st 1~- Idents et (lurnea. Dr. McClure ex- gallon. Mien that I>cugbt 1041r trou Choa pct t etalih imel I bs ro-bien vers straugmr, h Z n 1 pecs e stblahhleset u islie:Their cout slong.slow fiat,. FMoraine ILoek, N rhtaina ue.H aafn on Nort Chîa. tssib ahGu.ree. ie l a fn. oung15 mn 1;lhIlpted -il fe -.led oChares Offioers- -Bat- mi nsu sd undoubhedly vIli have a Manu' of tbeen vero tr tered Oown Doors, Broke ra ce.la hssetinaereareLev vehe. re. at on the bu' Wai*çng orle Locks. ~Prlr to goig tW ndlanapohts., Dr. Ivebce.T< - McClure studled lu Chicag. .04. sa theboid teen o brt1ogt TOOK POP, TEA, CHARGE tag vlndsot, IWalkte'Qpndad e.e HAI E TD-sli!adilted l.b. ai beenars. Cato athie 'store vas e- o u- 1V135L Jz* L. Wreshed for meensbllng. ne *,",Apt tered vitIl forceef armas, the doors * 0Pto1ted on !thechargé. tilgee *14 tecks broken,* and ihat jDNJ~ J.4LI'Iul iamapti1tion ofthhelr moue>' PUssl nurbUndis. vas aolied vînsout a851t UVAL liithepolice. The>' bad about #10, treivarilPloraie Lore of w13&I 1he7 lett their homes. accôr& 119. QeoAvenue, Norh Chicago, -LUna o hheir storles. sud bUt A »W f~ua7Sled suit for $5,000 damages John Rodge li M pu t iagntag tance la lef t. Expendlhurs do âât tg if oaales V A. Brune. and agaln for the'Ifrde greaget coua- count for a haIt et thr e îî8 5 FIe 5Pethelstr, sud Forrest. à. tir fair, sud, aeoo u te tle Le >t- ienpot. solviug ibis »apjàe' 3 Ceom, manibers of States Atorney' clul spokasums for the fair planing other people. police- bellev e. me , . A. V. Siit',a pouge. sqpad, 15* cO.enuxttee, Llber l v tIell ho bheIoe 18 athel. .possiblity lIatI thql,ý> actioi beint takeu la the circuit"icnetaihé 11 13.51 ever held il ubtrled theirfttuds. court bir Athys. Orvia & Fariner. bua coluett or el1ewtere thil al.j They, hud-.plau>ted, eue efýt té- Il In chargcd the efficers - outired a 45yèar vi.b.o b4 jeventh au- 5id, tibut e51 ve a blggert"te bis plAce on, April , sud tuaI 1th>'iial talc te i>e hel L Ike ceuinty sbuIgd .lic 1-q Sanue#' ubr 4'lea. hock four botties et pot. a .b:ef4 1*4 thIe plana tItis fer compieted aucoestml. 'et tet, - one bey aud errerai other unl for a show ua*4naleà au>' urne Couiratyl W au' ubiweullre a ttlaflilng 1 te rrnIt, l i-ln ltr'et55.cuà' 0 1ukli qfobd toLrei's ateorneys charte, tlut the la lt.evarda ef "Javu" himacî,li 11à bW*ace varalded vitireut a searci 'Tiis *Ill bebIle greateat talr Chiot 1 Aitb t e tr the ?I c r*eb ver. No bunk. but aIl rmal, boneSt CieI, 047 PP3t9* PadyWau&eM, next do«. Wu. hO *tI' 44 re*rh 1 che et ofviolabiig thie prolsihîtoru'SA IT R B AR) èaeeis fi Z ePons b5 ut vas foUud "Net Guilhu'"b>'9ttI » f h ek s Jury Iluthe ceunI>' eonrt. A DC~ CLM fiI i{JJL ED f Thee auity commission will go te M TER Y gI¶lfl he Ucmental cond itionet f liole washblngtob, 1Më>'22.- 0" H EuFc TRAPValînaulli.au elderlu' womau, ebh ftalb.tCe la «ÜÔ'ILl bedfast sud canuot b. bronglit 1te1the oda>' bocauso et the -cotrthoiiî0. lneoxdo UMdletAnvn, 0., May 23.-Ierottlg CouniuY Clerk lienUe. lous>'recelv- lin e o ta that 13. bad set a death trap te catch cd notice efthfIe dispouttlonU of the t fol- u teia o c)ciethIles., John W. Watson. 51, lovlng, mental Cases sentt ram t la ' Btat d4 vs, InstauitI>'killed t et0 o'claek cOuntY 10 Elgin: a, at pi iu nernlng vlsen ho apruug, the Charles Lui.>', 1Vukegau, recuv- arem én trp h'dvcoc*altedo#s o ered andsI dscbargod.., - lssar - - P r. ete ,recvered *nd i §.Si co*e 8 Cte 1.81 1.51 1:5? ÀMASNE TR ÂE J4M" AlxE fi0 Lib e veMason* Temple WateiddBandts Hul4 b As n. I omrtod at WaulcpPto k~ at SprltnfledTody. FuCnep* MEET HEARTY SUPPORT -WON'T FtGHTr EXTRADIrTION The lilbertyllle Mesonic TempleBI.EI o dalcogrDorated et Speing. Wrrnt bfr 4.aw'0L or A13 f11 audywtho;napital tg. huM Ibre. 13srdts lla b. ,s±4j5l a Mafolc Temple in LibertyYille. Tue dlstllerY raid, wre O w8»4t4 lrsa rpratrs are: Raipli W. 3n1k. ,ÇWlted States mer2"aa 1ey S,1 . Corlett, Matthew -Pet Louillel.* according te t ChOareFIr ale. ail or I.b. Ha wai lnformed It lt r#et er~flad"Thomas Ruusell o 11tb e u nýwrre aimer ttdctg tbere. Officers will lse"Cbicagg ,YUs tiberU'vilUe Masonic Iodze la et 5 O'clock this aflernoon to pck Me 0 1sitrôngest In Lake County. l> the Men. Il lO1 Me ef the oldest. For &Me.~ pjbtte members baye Information that rnay lii prou'- =ue theai~ ue ad'rlaabillty o ent lLouisvilfle poUictaliilu la th erect£Wg a ii.w t1ew. The mem- attemPted robberY of the Les Sans- bers ret,4 te me slead wlth uic tela DlstillerY <OCDeatuffle. Ky, plansan th le action tairen today ilwaa obtained me3t nlgbt bY polie incorporaUtf#R an asoioue to go after a four beur grillng et the ahea4 With the constructIon. wl. the Kentuckiana who were arresteil bers resultTuesday mornlng. Exct detaIs f et h posed Marion Hall, of Co% Creel. a oui- buildig baye flot yet been aueuL>leu, gawkY mountalneer, broIe bis e4 but tasser .e.aou uiMtht it silence atterthie thUrd questioahsg. wlll b. onOe orwbicb the jfsg **a storY Imlnicateil an dri§ollëe ma)' be proud. The membersofithe cagtahi. of Louisville, Ky., a wMaltbir lodge eve are a unit for the MeV .OUl4ville resident, and a number temple.0f alloed go-betweens. T'he fourner officer was wlfln.a,&ose uOrding te Hall, tb psY 4100* a, bar' ri for the "red stuf'. it was fuiese 2 WýM 91«tW*OR ahwb ers lti talc. the 2 WUMN 5E1K uipv1fto e s au DW ZDIV»dtCgan; ROtaeune ~ ~ s».,7%~k pazionat 6th avenue ER~~u«i lad Rrbdka0flde etreet. sud iv. irefadboumesouI t oflAetIie ver. thre ex-orteé mediis for disposas~ et uIb no»r. Hall mate~ Mrs. Roger 0. Mofftt of Wall. 'Pive Mnvere nainet bu'the-ban- con,ChWI" HUMd gtthÇ, h» nbU hO. Bo are. Ont andSappedlier. .q&4sud alrea Lrtv oda nd vil tas TERCHARGE DESERTION dueon aka enapsle Thau' bave ail valved *Ktra4ttlc<. - Düps4che. front Louisville carty 1the [n tle spring young muofaucu' lao81atiO. that the confeedofi ayturu liguithi to tbebgbfts of takcà by waukgan police flovlagx ov;but at thbms*as t , .two t'04 capture eort he tbree menuill lýaI, couatu 'I vemehve "0 s u ab84Utl*te vlkalt thepolUtee ffIera *01.wbt'btdvse ad#tra dar- 0f 'that city bave beez able te o>. rd out their Ides, wtb;p ltlq . tr'pXý the Inen tbey ae . for~~dâ the abiOetZ,#'i 1 rc olt iW~4 ~ ~ lr. #