jol la tetiinlon »rke at the T cherch Mnorwl at lday. -tb m et oalou i e and thoir meeting met 8:80 p.m. F >aqer Meetng Wedueaday eveulu$ tYou .V aoOmed metaiR theataervr- lecetâme chuz,4L Ï 'hne ReVfltofr. 8UnaY. May l7th, (Ttiiiy Souda» vh bW UàÏnla aiMy à d sermon et il. V u L N 000ietohs oetht MethodiatPte&- churchea vii ootae ab* of i be cnirtoflf vil obi& Erang" 8-Fun viii b.the ou$Ibt, and îakBradiord viiib. 3818T MIT30DIST 8PISCOPAL, Ju3k Blraýd .chifl toil ia. 1410 EL .Monime.,Orgslilit. eSum àK»u t Io a. en. Oto. y. Whera I1i b. no lorang r ltoo la * eb *rtu l a moeM day stCie 'y vom in r each th sormon. tm&ad.ord viiisng 'Untder the "14 < M*mme Iy AL0. Wfloe A W" ébatcr trom tii. tireo tbchies psrWhlkne*M le aid -tt abOMu. ikoM& devottoua a7lçmw At $-JW >u.* head -w ïu.i;etiUi1 ea . .Umth. f A~f Li#~ Ni We mb.ie4 t II~.'A5>5ai ~eaaiv OF~ - 14: mesphSm*& awmor,. ~L.T. IL S t W d f inocmk ~aw "'a 0 omé EdZEUUof, S $w 14 t Eo13at Sat tn Mo vl; wlute b. 1&O4 At tkaeblitt" r o o he .u. cInat UuVIor Adoii rdro _____________________ tbetrbiIe ?Wal% 1h ShoOt Iimoth» Caay veriwiioda Wk viii le bold on Wld&Y Ovel*& Inn'l* VI a Taa risd MOM OM14. atthe htgh ad8«%" ltsgi- Dr-.'AU leh aOle tve la Ltb.rtyvill. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ývr Wo.Ci ert, ofatorohq WvitPrebytel' 'tiioflovlng roadOInelaAIe",: im*re f IC.g9l4 M-d-yarthOt DW-n M Vt«415i'd lt nse t%érw D.C~ »ofi,»»er8u :ettAla Hal "d mo udAr -t be1 b Ud .VU :=.. frui rayalaeua et CI ~Gru V"uau Two ACU t4 rcoelie&l ariartcadVa ffl _______________ uai :zg .ad$"0l lulede <àvgm By ovhe IiOf, too!oftht te it orcoipmncouieut w S.Mofnwo I M ni Depua 8-cia"D& tha ehool a vWst smd vwnt 0wtht Oua>; Eveniug, ue -ac- WC* .otn a 4"0> ttaUMonday and Ttesday, lune il and o no unt or credt than i 12-semeiter lrca. h" s»holOore eooyed. TbU s ptaka -Wed-ay, lune 13-Ail School Iiool Auditor&Uonum-dizutzca Tbnaday' Eveulng, .100e 14-C>- I bili iliGO aWO~ th leSet o! bmeucç ment Exercbme. acol uthe IS Suit.- u1sn , 0f 43 tudeM»ti uret as>la m- ofthe lter faini' Lake>lu Dwmsd«3sutSaimi pe 6 atots ut atSuda>'. Ma,$o j Wrew7 a fl- fd Smih vw u Lake Zurlé Sun I~o# rserveat ii~xr8 atylht. sud C. XlIaio Wlghtm&itOf day vldt1± lu m tunItelter sud. tamn irs eItD& s nlugide, tt't5uV. - 41y', vh« have a cottage the-e. iPiouala sacompietm lut of the Md mberatmuo2a7: Ur. and lira. Oeorg* Birbour of Ciii K»ÈS gajlVsW> ali pet htday uIth lir. and ira. ~kIPEM1.~vs.uba Utjq lnea1yrrlu mty «aqml,,mpl ThuMaa>. condtion lu roported au b.lug ni- dor>'. lave you,&Uid your petition for ail- ýhe, siredt lu front of your real- et? AUil ttons muet b. lu tht des of Trustee Beruard by Mrda>'. r26. Tvo eca bisof 011 have r ordeyd tor thtevqk. id Spero, proprietor of the t b- ~hb1aroths ubo e ttie la aersIt>'ai nsns.M "o. villta Brlugff5, bousit a r>' lu bis abori bers. I 3wl 26.47 j36oe- " J 32x4 74», 35x5' 33t4 ZIM 7z Y5 32x4, 32k4 345" 33x4433M 36e% î is~. la 0ogland oemetry, chimmg. lira. vhffla. recouti>' dei*vred iii *-m Bie. Wall&,of on llDay. The C=Sttiel l Sdtuh as uboru-la 0h10olMay' 1%nard- 0. A. ifevacos.o!fttOLIb.rt- vices -r* hix d aChlS"5O.ud 15U5 184 »# u a ardto Mrar chomeku vill ue r wCo. alswka a evpe- u-mt'vuaat BRi! er Mond". '30pt 12, 8ff"sd loved iD Ibis tate odat Six Studeakeyr. ieasd ut lr. ' to" mmi.t u inlum50. husband died lu 1898. Bçrasrd. »oth c*rs ar e ly et>'taad 831Tied7~~i~ DM Scpthat ttie ah* bu 5lived vlth her inu maroon oor. s&d a-e cRas> look. ira. E.A. obu, a baby girI.l, dau#btr.SBbe hsd boman i nvaiîd tuamachines. la, oua. The Utte one aba f or iJ ItP uI t ilrft 7 042. P h . wl m a 1n a d t rsu d ie M - m raitu* t t !the ParIk Ridg e eu odit W lIUs W el i ed lut " d ~ay nsM " d V rzlla E51 obutlL She fllvedto Ivanitos about 18, at bis hom. lu Chicegoi, mter su Kothu amre o.araUtivl>'uvty t~~~~~~~~~~~ leE80 h usrta b be lesistgtur or flit ytemsHe iD Ubertyilte, bsvt =O<i @", daushiera. vau born ln 156. on the 014 Wells Wilbts -WthàBt 8 O., = nirdrim I MaltjW Day. He lu survlv.d b>' W. J. Mir* Koehufl 5 tlêdn six ttebkeourin s mrwvtuhdift WOUflA !Lberytii sd . ak coU OSe ln Cbiffla. of 18M and.1917 None of à& are unmindz- fui of your sacrifices THERE is no one o f45. but step -speak in more bdd tortie..-,Ien in a more reverent manner on th k~oitDy- ad cut of.I1re etor you noble achievenients. ini us, w.*-:idily ~pbraduiorl aprc=-te*dtudh bàsgsof utrPIt dm9 pr s ety s y m iu tl, to (19tOf respect adi çbnoro f Our Herqss, -ive aweutS< ~tti~ h 'CIod-30t4, t n ushws ,pii --s '----. - f - 40 d ý (IIi ~