MONEY Money je' one of "hoe things nec-essary for carrying on modem business. But if actual cash were ahvay nece#ary, husiness transac- tms could nôt bcmade with the quickn5ss and eaue that charactdxzcern business methods iteadof handlng" hundrede and perhaps thousandeof dolars ini gold and silver a check used, thereby avoiding thé incon/niuence of han&àWadù-al cesh, and, yet,,giving ail the ad- vantaïo of ready money. you canot ail ord ta handie money in any buti2c morteconomfical and buiness-like way. Th.laIy Cma. 011>511 OUR.- MOKE NE T U T BMA ND HI)LET US CIVE TOU A.. CHECK BOOK. Lake County National Bank i.. 15 LISERTTViLII OMMW BARN 'DAN CE ______At-2- Frank Aman's New Barn Town of Fremont, hai way between' Volo and Frernont Tuesday, June 5th MITCHELLS ORCHESTRA M r' ÂJatit.r, the LIBERTYVILLE INEPENDENT is read Ly mort! pepe id-covrer more territory »JanBy other paper in the County. Fly TirneComzing -Order Your Screern Doors,. Windows and Porch Screens NOW! GET OUT TOUR OIL) SCREENS AND) PARNT THEM WITH * VALDURA Tne Perfect PaintFor ror «Wood If you -want"to build -your own I sceeý , WE have A the material. TRI 15 VERY GOOD TINE TO. MUY COAL 1. 0lu h l ltu H il itI 'LIBI*RTY.VILLE DOlff WAIT LOOK OVER TOUR ROOFS GOOD WE BAVE Ail UIDS Fju of a fine ne*w Haymes tonring car, tr- cenr purchased the ageneY of J. Ell Mi-.. John Cole bas bought the Bioehm building no-w occupied by ihe Short Itemrs of Epecial Interest ta Libertyville PeQpe 1)iez'liooi room., Thiere will be nie » ~~change ln fli ueUpany 01 ilîe builîlTh it n Mr and Mis.T. A.Simpson of W lu- Mr. and Mia William Zoelinet bave 1 .aile l1i al1e kegan were Lbertyvile ilsit'i,--, la I îrenttd their home ta Ma auad Mrs E. J. Weiskopf lias purchas di a new Suiiday. Harry Schmidt, nd v.îll reside f r a Nash Six tour ng car , as lias ais W. f Pr~ayluWsuegflwîîî 1.1'.Ma ~ville Fridy, June lo. Nasb Fouir louig car.S e d l i f andi tain ly. IDont mies tise dance St Ray Brus J. N. ileinaxî, of licîLeLbetyýil1e AMr. aud Mr& C has. Kaiser sud blrs. l',iifl, mamaud Lake, Saturday (, lias purïîhased fî mvéii ge 'The reckless spender ATayloevisited the Frazer family ln nlght, lune 2, 8:00 to 12:00 p. m-, Mason the proliert), on Suiînyside Aie. Gu-uee Sunday. standard t!me. Ten pounda of candy îoîuie,î;v beboiîgîug l Io yM n iansd Mrs. Keuuaith Bock bave ('rn erlcan fi-s Iu ouplfresac- . hirn W e al know rnuvsd ita the Peter Bock projirty oeeryadJi orfins ti~eutlna jîig on Firststreet.ber oftLirtyvllle young The Libcriîîilie WilasLight base- Mis SireyThma vsiedIn fokaattended a dance lu Graylake bail teani sulievi-il heiiî liai deteat of Neyier gets anywhere. MissfrotShiey Thonas iSiteywth asat Friday ulgiu. -The prise for tise the yeai- at lthe, F ,iv Gîuunds Wedue-- cago tamc y ld ywibhe"ît waltz was bruught to oui village. day, wheu the Kulgbîi of Lithuani If~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Il yo r alglotal ae n.îwcovetsd traphy haing awarded ta tremmîd theni by the score nof 13 tterna w sve Miss Rena Mller and Mark Nevilla. The Libertyville îeam scin thlt lead I' 'h 'n w o s v s annouucernEnt by C. A. Hanaywell ounui iennhiuutwînIeLgl opposite page wIîl Interest you. it Mi- sud Mrs. Tom iduYdam, Mia, explodtd. aud went up luitmoke. AfterRe ua y John Cleansd Godfrey Taylor motored the battis tht North Siioie bos lia-i e ua l Mr-. aud Mis. James Murdock of tu Chicago Weduesday aud spent the [bat LIghtiug Plant ail disnannltldn Cuicago were lu LibertyvIlle Suuday day wltb Mrs. George Barbaur. sud lu a sud state of repair. Nian;..ger N h t a e d nlf guese pfMr. nd rs. es A Wa r n ily. Mr* Taylor iefttthat afteruon itfizsasysbe liadt badl gas or surupin' W h ges a e d nl guatajuf Mm Lc . Wrrn.for Lus Angeles. Calit. sud that tbia il net hapxien again. Why -iperirnent -itis ukuowu pho-1 tographars? Read, the aunouncernt 1iMrs B. J. Wolff, who bas beau car- An unusual teatura of the Mernorial Ma e a d p stt-ay. -it C. A. Honey'well ou opposite page. iug for tht tsmiiy of ber &lsti. ,Mis. day exercises hehd St the Epiacopal a e a d p st od W. E. Decker, while the latter wss lu cisurch lu Libertyvilla lait Suuday, waa Mia. George Abbott sud daughtars the bospital, for tlip past thrce weaka. the praseuce ot six vasteraus ut tise or Cilctgo. were haro Wednesday vis-' left Mouday eveuing for bier home ini Civil war. wbo cama down fO raG-ys- itlng at the borne of Mi-s. Sai-ah Van- Laustord. Norths iii4uta. Mi. Deck. lake, sud wbose combiuad ags made F rt N to a a~ ýPleW. accorn.auled bier te Chicago. the grand total of 494 yeaars Tisiis N fo ai& Mrs. 1B. B. Eger,.Mi-.sud Mrs H. N. The Lades' Aid Society ut the i-si* wbu comliosad tba party sud thrirLISERTYVILLE .. ILLINOIS. Nelsou sud Mrs. Lee A' Warren drove Methodiat churcis wiii hohd the a1la ages, folio-w: A. T. White, 80; Chmles erg rWashburn, 83; John Morinl. 82; R. aorcsc or hnaC.tMlle lr ta the vauhoa cemetei-y Tueaday ar t- business meeting Tuaaday, Jue5th, j 8- John Mofeade, 89.a sud Chai-leollar ambion. j t 130 P. M., aithtie home Ot Mi-ale 8 Jo hnMeds9,adChresr Mm. =nk lteburg of esP a t2 s uad Mrs. Cooner on North Hall, 82. ripent Sunday uight sud Mouday at the Mlut e Ave n e. A lasid. e fiday night. June lat (tomorrw) borna of ber daughtar, Mrs. W. F. o h ebrsl ete.lis Independent readers' ngbt at tise - Pruzen. Jr. Harolansd Robai-t Hagerty, accort- Auditorium Theater, sho-wing "Cal- pauled by' threufthtiai clasénmatas verts Valey," witb John Glbert sud Mr-. sud Mrs. Veru CcW'ey of Evans- motored ta Chicago Supday sud visited a big special short subjpct pragrafi -. war ist ea xai-Sunday visitiug the the steel ilîs, the ilMette sud the inludlng a naws reel, 'Bits of Eu- Tiatiu-stkniarte la tte r's . p a re n ts , M -. . a n d M r . . P . ta lia n d is tr ic t T h y w a e g an in g io p a" e d u Pla tio n a l, a d S c am e drE i e n . i - t b u Tcw e . a t c u i i n s S i l d H u t d H n s ' B i h e i- s o ull ti r y, a e otra de p bic ati o nL Mr. ud ia.Patr Huae. Pankise places as au aid lu thair -work arrangement -witb The Independellt. deatIl tvarthe ctst-"L pa.isp Mr.htandy, i-.Peater LiHtbsen, sudk aicollage. ethis Item, clippcid tram your p alie, oe h onr.".0 ih Miss Eva gr.WiIalt e i Suu day1Stasd praseutad' ai tht box offiec w tftpublilber oftie Citon (Ind.) Satur- -i y îi* pn udya V. LoEttlei-, wbo realdea lu Friemnt taon1 cents. will admit you te 1the big day Argus foi? 41 ' sold the Cae.IIL 'twsibsIsali ilsL tporn.eipient otC fisat.rand dlded Mare. 'e f Ch- ptwsp . asefnt thea d a Wil Ys gt p-g-r.ta wthdraw defl tlty ftom the newl- an sd Mrs. Bari Kaiser t hi-patCo.ur.adotlrlte oneftWheys - -field . LenttftMMr. BlibaP tarn- cage ware bei-e sevai-al days ibis ceek LgtC.M- uIIrl n ittNOTICE I prýrily closead bi office and epent visltUng t the borne et Mr. and Mi-,. mIt progressiîve tai-mers lu the cauuý Tht Vebicle Toi, as pravlded by oi- tb wntrl aensu a80 ChrlsKSse.ty aud thus takes ane mare stop for- dinauca of the village ot LIbertyvhlle, lewne lusedwittaut sanedthm± ho waýrd lu equhpplug is. fartaioralec- wss due May lot. The time hîrit for wilpvmuty st atMi1 Mrs. Maude Lusk bas rEluri-i- rom tric light and power. Suuday nigist paymant was May 1ýtis.AUldal u- ý3baals ona -creehd. L . a two w.eks' visit witb ralarivee lu about 40 or 50 uft te nehghbors gatb- queuta must psy at once. ai- they WinlUcr tcad71,0 Miuscs, Mtnn.. and calaed ou trien la lu tercd aithtie Doetzlar home, lu tisa forirn bha proceedad against. Blshap la a brother of E.LA.- B"09,P Libertyvilemdy !asupiepry Sud hlpd oh 22-tf JULIUS TREPTOW, Clerk. of thse lbertyvMe Lumbér Co. Ifm W. 1. Colinsansd Daie Collins drove Dtaa-clbaebsIa stsa. _________ ta Sycomore fil., Tuesday sud remain- temarial Day pasaad aft quiatly in ed iptil Wedntsday atternuon visiting Libertyvîlle. Ait the business hanses at tise A. C. Bannaborne. wrac adudpracticahhy averyoila. lu th. illargeuat taneai-by cames- Tise Misses Minnieansd Beesale Whit- lre.wir graves0 oîvad anas more ot Lihertyville aud Mma. lue 1PSes,..ra,"ittlhzgîytaken scars ,0f. Tise ax- ttr of Grayahaka. attaudad aunEasteru aiclati hald at the bigi sachoolAlditar- Star meeting lu Waukegan ast Fiiday loi were Wel attendad by the voer- Born, ta M. sud Mrs. Ho'ward Moi- Capt. Go.'by waa Weil given sud mucis ri-latlat Suuday, an 8% pound baby appreclated. His message was a timre- girl. The Morris tsmily toi-mry vere lW ane, sud executad ln bis wn toi-ce- resîdants of lbertyvtllle. sud are'Weilfui imanuar. Atter tise close of the knowu bers. pi-ga i-Sm eu. lue of1 marc ais w orIz-- ad sud theuce ta Lakealde cernetary !M tuî-nèd hume Mauday tram the Lake Eacb Memorial day secs tis a rnks of Couaty Ganeral isospital. They weîe lits G. A. PL. growlug -thinuean d ers Saccampauiad by Ni'bes flasB-D e long the abser-vance of ibis day wlUl Wbo *11 i i iûre for a tinte devolve upon tise SpantsisAmeicauDu g a Auulirnrhim sund world wsr veterans. G a a t e Theatre' The show Hou"i Oelightful FRLDAY and SATURDAY june 1 and 2 66CALVERT'S VALLEY" i tarring JOHN GULERT Aisa Cornedy, News Reel and Scenic "BITS 0F EUROPE" BIJN DY JUNE S AGNES AYERS "'A DAUGHTER of LUXERY"' COM INO- "FURV," wth Richard Barthelemets I îibert< I e~keatpe FRIDAY and BATURDAY JUNE lot and 2nd FRANK'MÂYO ALTAR STAIRS, Bro wnie Comedy COMING JUNE 7-9: HUNTING BIG GAME IN AFRICA Ngw 'runnilng the second nîonth in Chicago. The biggest pleturs ever shawn in Lburtyvie1*, and you'Ii neyer «ie anything lik. It &gain. Libertyvilie Cernent Works 123 East Co*k Avenue Next to Franzen's Lumber Yard Cernent BIoc4 of Ail Kinds Special Orders Filled On Short Notice 30x32' S OI-CÔRtD 32x4 « 26.03 35x5 42.07 33x4 ".127.0os37x5 4 4.20 32x4," *32.641 34x5 "46.90 33x41" 33A48 ~36x6 "68.12 LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE Cretones .1. il~ Telephomu - 4Oca Other Curtin Drapery at 85c - to $1.!, Ladies' Home Patteins, also Home Journas Hours 8.0 .K to 8:.00 P. MX W. W. CARROLL& SONS' q or' a ht would be elel'e tisai )GTO at bh y. Mar M$ >oi- l ve: on atara lb biL tai vidow, igm e daugistel two slatel taBle- TISU Heirick, cd toy E. Neu I oi- a lmn îtey. For 1 is desth Il kegan. ro il n Meusl l@, couM of Bi. IAi Iteam a %, - ---- ----- Li«VVÎIWý UL pho» 29