~W t~ 111 IUJF drves.He wsvounded six imes. laud stl carnies plecea a1 Shrapnel sdbombe lu île body. <OeMan Condemnea d lie bas been-. lu h18 country inceI 1--t Not embor and vorteed in Kan- Sfotr $hooting Ma- sas, City uttlishecamne here tbrýe Irts Spared_ see & go. 1He is emptoyaet bytse Ji. S. Heath Company' lu lie Mauufac- mape the toast uucus.a i, turer' Terminal. gaperlence that came out i _of___ r0814 ver vas liai of Joseph sma tgod 28, oi 116 Beltidere R À 9 D O a -vito lu t916 vas sared frOul TIEAIp&D T rIum fflad b>' oui>'a tev min- 1 à riait ai lie tark t te' THOMIASFROMIu,À cmtieSo! Emperar Ka.4 Of gag, being thte cause ai lis 1- ee, wh iLs a ngsergeaut lu the E E Y O L ï=a.uUgatian arm>' one day - utliutin rougb a aarrow. Labor Leader Certain that Noa ,y $rt lu a Senbian etFrendofHisWold ak ice approaclsed. Baier eue fin ofHSW UdMk gtumb tbe mire ta permit thel Such a Move. th pasou the sdevaîk. Tbe 1-' r <ev hils.pitai. preased i !If juror William Thomas vas aii Daiersanet sud vth an threatened b>' someone proteeolug La Ltreatened ta kilt hlm unlesae lie be a friend of 'Umbrella MIRe" w< aslde. Bauer, vin bad been Boyle. lie electrîcal union iead la t MWd Baverai tintes, wvas nat uxaware of wbam It migit have y ethuslastlc arer hie lot lu een sm4 told tie officer ta tire. luIndlscusslug Lhe satater Saturda>' Ï major cianged hie mIncI and Boyle sald tbat n f rlend ofis 00 sid. Afewday laer hewauld bave made a more liRe that rd asîmde revda htnltcieud Lie effort ta ibreaten Thomas r vs mrdeed Th luldestcauld onît- have been doue b>' some- te street uaturally led other - nuevishilng ta do hlm harto. ta belere Baluer iad RllecI the 0T.matby FelIbils attorueY. vas suad be vas arrested. court- 'Juat as bitter lIn-enouuclng the ef- haed sud sentencid ta b. sintý fort made to rigten Thomas. Hie ber does't remember the tgs saaoa!the opinion tat an enemy> , but oue morininl Auguet, of Boyle mâd.e lie elepione cal!. M11es, he vas intormed that et "Boy-le bas a number o! euemi,-u ie vauld b. marcied Out1 sud JuBt as maut- friends," FelI jsh01. FIfiesu minutes betore stated. "-Tier are many via vould touar Baiser vas taken out, Lie liRe ta ses hlm trlpped ni 'bis situait marched luta position, pawer." 1ý -4ouht bis end isd aived.1 It la tu a isgup tia thLe to>'5 ait titat moment a caution trrlv- ltions cali la attrlbuted. Thomuas ffl tIbe aeva that a eblld lsad vag at lie session Saturda'. lie î exto a rember of tise ioJ'al as wu der guard coustanîl>'. ly th'le nul. lu Austria 1- that, >au *rent occurs a lite la ta o e ZIZ laýuqq; 0Pft M1e14Nw N1WS Mop I E l *0 asn isrrfrod-9 thé a00*>MTY @etuiO oi ïO 1T4i 0 of Peloi Kait sud Ms e, IOPEDET41W IA PyluamOuZta. lke ne Z74- ý*7o &Z 1eç te e é e *a eî e a* e DProctor Insiwance of ail- kîndsý UBE&îT ViLLE, 00MES IN LAU COUNTY, RELIE Is Samne Building that- Wa s in Uise in 1865, OId Records Show. By GEORGE FIESEL, JR. Tavutine Schoat le ans of tie tldest achoola lu the Caunt>'. Il was built before the Civil War. Tic Seame buIlding la a1111 lu use aet the PreSent lime. The esnllest recarda if thes chool, date beck te 1U65. The selhoo la an éid usadel. lu. ,ls sari>' days fiwvas muebh amalies tbau fi leai ethepresent lie. Part af lie building iad a partition Ln It Le maRe Il a hait. The hlack- boards vere on Lie norti sud souti end of lie rooto. Doubte sents vere used, the>' vere faclng la the sauti. lu the sonti part ai lie romr, e lilgit elevatîn was built upan wici Lie deek rssted. As the uber ai cildren lu- creased lu Lie district, the schaol vas buili langer. The partition vas taken tout. nAun addition vas buli on sud liat la used as lie bail. A number of years lter a cernent staop vas construcled aI lie south part af Lie buildingLt belug Lie entrence. The eeriy records show lie Itaiteg of Lie early teaciers, directarSsuad scialars. Saule aI lie eariiest teachers vers, Helen Siepiard. Alice Rice, Dudley Smith sud J. Kennedy. Hellen Shep- bard taugit ln 1865. A numier of the eerly direclari via vers on dut>' lu 1866 yere DudIle>' sud Heur> Smith, John KClein George Doyle sud, Fred Worth, Br. Manuel iHawkins, TotoBrowv, Frances Smthlt, Lettie Mix sud Fred Worth, Jr., vene soine a! lie early pup;la Lia atsteuded. tihs chcol. Tie Tovullue Raad ls important because IL la the baundar>' uns buý tvee te towus of Warrén and Newport. Thse Tevuline rand dons zuot eo etend' ty eto!flte -falîrda el itVasnecessary la have the ond 1 ru a s t r t i s ud th o n v e at . b e c a u sa 1tisaI part ai the prairie vas ,tac low sud vet, becaee ofte uer. ,Dusso! Lbe tirer. There are Ivo Important nallroade nng tlinougb thes district Thay lar'e Chicaga, B ltvakee snd St. l'ai adtihUe Nofttbest»u. ThoeCjslcago, Milwvauksee ad St Paul wai hulItlalu1893. ln builds! the railrad great difficultis ad ix bu - encome. Titan *vene ouiy j tev menu la vark upon IL. Sai af lie aid settlqêre of the diatti tisai worked UP04i Lie naitnoad. vo, ,Mr. Dat-le,,i,.,,. Bicomt, sud J. sud M 1sbetiup. This ralroad 'rtue tbraugh th, for -Pleasu re on The North:Shore Une The fpeed aud frequency of .North Shore tra.mstheir dependab1 living up to sched- - dib~*,aarv on> a11 that , reommqpd the Roa.d of, Servic e. In the spring, especially, itiW important tÔ- note' that the North Shore'lAine' rune thirough as . picturesque -a stretoh of lWke- and-woods oouxtry as ever delighted the eye i a traveler. 1CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Traiue Icave Libertyville every haun from 4: 48 a. mt. to 11 -:48 p. mt. These trains make connections at Lake Bluff for Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee. ago North Shore À& Milwaukee R. Re PAIIENGERSTATIO TEW.EHONE-LIMETYVILLE74. it aL*~ tedJuetu.dis, k am Powel's relep os il = C* .tonda24i Wn048 0 bi: trigt Thetrat c&r7ý psseperathled am olllnCourtatonBrown tao treiglt and taire mllk t h lYtai de foto eluca rne0fte that -là ablpeW by a number ,off \l e r mm diatoe oftese- T3 dairy feri te tidistrict. IN £8K5 tt $or ttbr immédia te ' Mode.Ad7F Thie Nartb'resterfl raliroad was oth br»pel Jg WI'haveu bult lu 1906. liard tites vers been restarod, )I#. Powell wiii b put lui lu trylur ta get a level bed -n-ull f*11contrai of the oBlate andt for the rail rg, Restored to'AU Her NpoIerty do witb it as ohé epeefit. tbe acliool. - Ayear vas von lu Rights After 2 Year Bttie leveltng tbis bill and uBluLg-the extra iii, Sanfty <'-urtsa e e ly dirt Iu filling UV the lower places * *i¶I !g.1 Laborers tram Chicago vere sent Atter a serlesRIet légaltboules distinct.Piy v tô build the rallroact 'The co3Iaj'isi vanndalafyaaMs 11TT¶IA l of recor4d,, ft~ bulît a camp of tenta along the Ul in# two and aW"hait rK 1I5M". aI5A for the men tetolire n. The 1caMýMW brô?ert rg tslcomy -S tretched b«eeeu the Tovuhlue andtebefu Dôoy lt*incayj Burkce ronde, covering an ares of! co ur , andfor idge . L. er- usVER Wfl CITd P neIOMte about 'Ons bf al ble square. b uy n ir agie.M.Br George Flesel, my, father, thon a th& Brown, Fouth Street, Waulsgau.4 resîdtut af Wauksgan brought Pro- W bs eO osrizr. nov loges vsol .mWp.Hsestore taeor I0 the aeti.valle of Rer. Fred Galger aýd , o Geo. Ht vision c otop . f. Hse rdte pro- vbhi hla eatimateê ai aOOOO. WthekNaonui Ox08RUD theon C iaauItdeilvre a h The jury returned a eerdet t0 o'uýf eçsnè7 f Scia d okoe atZ visins wth s aidbora th t hte affect that "lira. Powell lea a eo !ScilWreaa beaure n tashae SpaiagAea. litpersoasta have care. cuato4Y snd Wirslngton, 1D. C., a few days ago Terla asn aidanutao. n-centrai of ber property." 'hotemem- and attended the reception vhich nins tinrag tbIdensctooll d n-st rsct oflte jury ver. .Jobn Wbalen, vas extended b>' the Presîdent and Theg tri bashe s raceditit; lIrauk Burke. T. B. Gray,ranuk J. Mr$. Harinlg. Theitrollsadisber's wooed td g Sherry', Edward welch and Aloi Rer, and Mn .Galiger attentlsd the thenly' n dappears. Titis Irai ndoiesMeyer, conterence as detegatea tram Hon- dîthnItd vpea .Tram L a icbigaxi. Thte reataratlan oa! Mis. P wIi'a olulu T. M. and recelved aa sler loy. dine of thetst t ee rls n~pryr$tawsfre npeti. lng cul> vhich vas offered te tihe del- one cotheyMoAttreletree as also lion of Att>'. Nina M. R. C npbeil, egae comlug froin the greatest dis- MnI £ehMuh .i been found on this traill At tre- af Chicago, Whoanerane intereated tance. Honolulu la about fivs thon.- IO A0M~BM quet ntrvas heIndan Wuld in te case laat tail. Atty. Camipbell uand mlles froin Wasilngton. Viti 111.001b are 0erdlsllyl buend nel the ulaIdauna ire e aarned that lira. Powell bad benu On the vay badk to %%uxegan FREn1. surru,,&,Î0. sowd the trn fal wasnee sncb an mte ofthe itate boPital for froto Washington Rev. and Mn. Gel- O1. MT shtres.Thetre s n ardagewInsane fer tva years, beilng sent Iger have stoppait off. ai Newak,N, , Up mia-shapen. thers tram the Lake cOunty court, J., where the>' vere the guette of A few Qld buildings have beau Nov. l19, I, t being sated that hSoar et a big dînner. Tbdy sapeet .~ COUI3IA LODU ý7 fund Inthe district. One of thEse ahe vag an eplleptlc, a commilafi I teasbu bek In Waukegan about te NO. 3 belong te the Myer Brothers. ThIs adjudging ber of nnsaund mind. fireî of neet week. bouse la saiel ta be about sei'enty- M~lra. Brown, the vIte of Williami Rer. Galiger for seaine tîme vas " mYTC w ia. Y lre years old. It la an old model C Brwn, vas at>îaluted conserve. pastorai thte Chape! atreet Christian tSift1VILLE, I I farmiiolse. althaugh lit bas bein e - trix of the estate Nov. 24. 1919. cburcb ln,. Waukegan. About tbre. e MMs ld and 4tli Tutemy of tub modeled b> 'the Myer'a Brothiers. bel!, Powellsatfatned atty. Camp, years ago hec accepted an off«er o MMIUI etat dly l4aN The lghting plant and ruuning vater Mcru h UelrCUIt oouuweeh/okcag «MgF*tw Cr t asystetos have been Installed. bracru uteSpro ofrt tahe nolul wepr be/bt S ctéarg . D. M~s*e A CRahY t=9 n The communntY boule ofai anum- af Cookt caunt>'. the matter lbeins: I 0fthé oungDe'a r s t citn» edi oAm-a~ AY A rber af large and bstortc atones. ioard before Judge Ttmotby D. Hur-1 lan tbd anCiy. e a s uAu inoeeruseenu On. ! teasla aundlu aihf"5lEy. vba ruled that aie lea asanesaatnluhaciy Hebsen_________________ Id wQode, It la tbougbt ta bce L estpersan and sauid lb.,restored te ber ore ev e alte ecety e as -t "IIAX Y lu the. surrotniding vîcînît>'. The mful rlgbts as such. *eold. eeest i ain.VCOYAPLAE are aso twp large atones au the it vas charged that wben lira. ton euterence and vas given au e«- COUNCIL t yrBohriat.eeset Pow'-l~ came ta Waukegan laut rail tended leare of .ahMee ta ViaitNOT - ta h aBoersf r. care sonota vîkît ber danghtsr. the latter friands and relatives le WaukePmu AMIMICAN UNION t chbed by Uts of art nda nd vbo had béat Wlufû nue uadvance jHo bas nftot u>'dedlded vb.hellim be ai edb heTWns fber - omiung, vas "u" lrwollreturu ta hie work: lu Honolulu f uhMSh itH4ae An aid atone fonce vastonan ulg ci.t s e a4ai-or viiether lie viiiromain le. the ~ ~ ~ 5 W 14 'tha oqhool Ltl ot t te? Au Campbell baaine. *bomniffleMtos. = t, Oitb'5 faim. i la gosu a t te. '~Id it as tumbled dovu, but te ruinse _________________________ ~C.0UL nY lare atn] lu place, preaerved as Ir )o relit. ________________________ o t S e2Ia. M.. 1 t. Spil, X. Tiiere are also a number of old laplonoera luthe-district Urtina. lira. R M . ]ien Shelley ia the oldesict e J I IN"D.C BY alive. Sbe Ilaaimant.aone khnadred NMIi» n e% d.S eaconrelates Wl OVan T148 u 0"O«IC of the Clvil War, tie lndiaml. uiT101011141001,11, M t. Abrahamn Lîncain. She aays thâtl ÇHO h I !JjFUiti eiphti ag she bah actually néon Lincolu. lire. LISENTYVILLE, ILLUNOIS te Sheley la ver>' fEebie and moaes ber a homo with ber sou -ln the district. YOU WUL SOON WANT'TO HAVE Y" JR W W. -O ne Borne of the alier planeers voies et Fred Worth, Bi., Lewis icraPPOl. RGCLEANI>A.M) 0F COUMEYOIJ WANT r atsn.oCokLm re Leiglier Hawkins sud Lon Puiror. THM Ca NFIIN THE£VMY MTIWAY.Ob.i en.o oTLsu M- Mr. Wrtb.passed avay lts fait.Téphn U Lewis Krappelifosght ta Save the THERE!S NO BETTFRWAY T5JIATM A MT elOiibme 193 te Unionz lie %CLU! bas thte MUtket DRY CLEUM1G J ILE LNI that lac nsed .lunthe var. Ho re- 0 lates tonles about the hard timte 'rT-M WAY CLEAM THM THOROUGHLY LYELL it MORRI !- urlng the Cvit Wsr sud the scal- cil>' oi food. netI lid tiat once 0F DIRT ANM)&DM SANM) F ER 'TM Aftern9tJLsw the soldiers vere couipttted tae515h- FM~ FROM MOTI-S OR A POSSIBIIJTYOF mTv4L LINI Blt an meager partions of corn.uI uniN titi more provisions arIrIved. He p MOTHS LATFR O. ETIDN rery aid sud feeble sud bas nearry UsE. Phase 13&-M OaeFISOL'Mo u rescbed the ceniliry mark.lHe moaes CML UBERTYVILL 67-R WHM YOU MARTINf- DECICE bis home vitb hiesoeaulu WauAME ".AY AM!)WE «L CLEANTHM ______ M£ NAPTHA WAY. Attordsy-st-Law ail; Wasblrgtm Street fi» IRLTONWAURM!AN,UILINOIS onriisîic hcleibeLaulldrv m o LI I1 UERflVÏLE W tIIGJILAN PARK DR O. F. BIJTERFIED SUA 14ONSTER LAUNDE1tERS, DRY CLEANERS ANCD YERASVAssistant Sta tulnIoaaN Workmen maklng excavation for IMYLJ UM S lie Public Service catupauy's $25,1 000,000 paver plant at Waukegan i DR. J. L TAYLOR ta4ay dlscavered what la dectared tae _>__Office___In___________National____Bank_____________ be lie bend o! a prehletoric ses fieI Fa ainl akDIdn monster. Bo_______________________________ Hura-1 10 3:30 anid 7 ta 8 p. m. Th'e boues were discarered 25 rost Résidence ou Broadvay, opposite Park betnw tbé level ai, Lake Michigan, JL LBERTYVLLE, ILLINOIS the excavation binig made about 80 ____ roda __ ee a!fiethe he . Thej 'rtebise , are attacbed te te bêlaideOfrY i --~- '- isuci s mannoer" liat Dr. Ctt ,1,1;-ea-.s - Tbompsonu.a local archaelaglst. Iso! bfp.mu 'i fLt p aJ.J*iL the opinion liatItIL liaged tae' e -T lower faim of marine rather.-tissu 5 ilk C n N;IUni E RN land animal lite. ia A I ..U TO E RN According taeaahher local arch- - seolagi, Il le the skeetan ai nme, at prices you canmot equal elsewhere, not. FARM'AN!) STOCK AMW auphibilan reptile simllar ta the crac-I ju ...4. PcAI odile, about the size ai a full gravu . secons .or ILanagILS cafl, bt snAVECUT Amiercan alligator. every respectL oedscitos M- ie 547 NORTH COUNT ST *The depti et wici these keleton N t ecitospdpie vas found b>' Rudotpb DQrdler andl WAIKGA, 911«OI -,WillIam Ray', of Ares, carpenters,lu TIGER PATTERN, 8 galon, railiroad hippiig~ cane, tilats ha I 1 a gea attqut>. ctual weight 1 9 à t 20* Ibe., extra hevy construiction, PHONE 2441 w w w w vv w w 4, .,Ju 6e**nm. w;vrd to iftj ein..nifleriveted and sotd- E5 » V hi01B5 "sB ud»"1W5coillS * -MILLBURN C lils Bertbts White having agent tvo veeks viti ber parents eturued ta Chicago Menda>'. se Mise Iuez Pollock o! Cicago,.pn the lieek-end vitihber stinle, the MissesWatson. t Ruth sud Mariou Edvardeansd brtier apent Spnda>' iti them grand-' parents inGridge Haill rint>'. fle Mislangaret Jack relurned bone I for the sommer, iaring apent tise i wintor vitih bnrsunt, Ln. Jack im Waukegan sud vas emplayedat Rubina store. Mis Jack vlllapend the sumner up nanti. Mr. Mn.sd lMr@.Kerr at La kaoVla vere Miburu callIons etnda>'. Mr n.sd, lira. E. A. White, sud dsughtens ai Eranstan, speut Suda>' wlth home folke. ýThe C. I. saciel>' business meeting vili be beld at the horne of Mn. sud lira Wetzei, lie president, ffîda>' ereuiug. A hard time prt>' vasgiveuet te Maaonic ball riday eveuing b>'tise lussHave sadRads. . V1. L. Rice vas entertoined orer tise week-end at tae honte of Mr. sud M,. J. ý.Deupua. 3. 8. 'Deuman ;installing Delco lîgita linls b orne. ered to the cyiùnder. Double n'c1E construction la standard on ait aur cet a al seama and rivets fuil .uid- ered, rn»UMeIctbkirn han"-es. W'ith apenixtg for ship- pin taa.A van designed and buit for ahral ro..d handing., Regular retait value is $. 'M.75 to $5.50 Our price, each . . .. $385 0FH0 PATTERN, 8 gallon, local delivery can, actuel' weiglit 16 to 17 Ibs., con~struction~ identical with Tiger Pattern wti the eception of the bottorn which isl re- infcrced on outaide of cylinder with 2 1-2 x 3416 inch band, heavily soldered and riveted to cylinder. Pipe handiessutabte for factory and cre=nely deli-very. Regular retail value is $3..75 to $4. ' Our price, each .. .. .. .. .. .. .. When It'j HARD WARIi, Ask McKinflOy T.F, McKINNEYoNL & SON~ Telephone 31 18th *nd Shqrida",igo" Nom jhChicago, I 1 výý1" ,ýM F. »âWW MMUATUREaf 0OF MMASAO GRAMT ARLINGTON SHOTEL Good Meal850c ~WAUKEANI ILL tan of Dereu Thn IL ,1 vanuirnU honc nbiuo mou Jisai t AttarDe Tun,