- -. t' ag y th .e, mIM -,-.y -aýieB . gihee< o nente. c i t yoe tthe -reu.e. mUesto sare ;, 4' jwatch Ouf WhIi r ~wsfoeMM..4 x1M- We give idRl deem Our ownI BlueTrdinj --e r f t. e t, ATreat for All Feoeinityl Over, 100 New Dréee îp, tIîeppu1ar Ratie have arrive. They- aredany Ii>t -w.ight and verY attrâctive withb their- leather Slace or iUnen, cclars and cuffs tràmmd poçk- é .,-An except# Ï44, a~b0h s t Otý44get Gty, e1ue a 0T~ tship these have'bemi effered at1 t», I Coat lmascome to be perhape raqtý9ul1iiiexpeDisive and tber... bdmopiilAi'coat et the' semsn. o bave been uniuafly fortipiae 'Ne, docloie et» o! 60 as that wl*riy ienlfr$7O o$O> theg ôur good fone witb ou ', t, 1' b, i 'c mie Sêb IP.et~cJ r lie st y to gel etthexn iamOur ~meven to- f1 oment ti *oer to a] dor of cr #0o ef Fort mno ti the aau -We-1ra éf eca 1w' coumt »U1 bot trad Ie, an inçma untubi 'c. 4. .11W Il - - - - - - - - - - -