CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 May 1923, p. 5

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L Long 9'Ago9 lit 04 gneas - t~boysaenes '2 eatte sco-e 81ev ile5u tbnla bd mlcian l- c ~ ii4'ad boys Wbareho va fers!Plere ianoter Deo- M. #ea1bo. :Xa3d,18en 15engage 'U tull ama A 'airLaksabis Ut9Besa BRa fd th* 01 t, Jripec a Tiele~idpraetcm evcdrn he war. Aut ,Xfl da Prom 1887 b 1891ho vas ouadnt o he Micahrevtganor-g.bohri-a. sanyp7mse 010 hae - wbroherFreuerlzlulai 1 u Ihe geeras SUFER~METRO Mriage Loiea lEfllIA u. -Swa..aOn, 60,Chcg Of ef y ILLON ertudeSelignuan. 49, Milwaukee Carl B. flutenllof, 26, Mlwauke ~ - Cbarlotte Alecb, 21, sanme Man Tels MiIau Frank Gaplnsky, 28, Xanitowoc, chica and Mil. Ma ie Wealecoby, 28, Keschena, Wla. wa*aisBe *ed Helrman Weudorf, 26, Waukoaba, 'b4frLIES HIS VISION ^Geneîîsîe Frank, 19, Fond du Lac, Kenneti Clina. Melville, 22, Il. P. Sapermetro;polia Of 50000,000 Hilda Eugenio Johnson, 24,. l. p b~asonsa. te laits la îer-ttory betweon Edwai-d G. Fiaher, 21, 7,tiwiaukccc. VÇWc#and aMi iliwaukee, vas pro- Wl,. e gited hy Captain John W. U;orby o! Edward G. Fihecr, 21, Milwauk4e, p '%aukegan. fornmOr professor o! pnb- Wls..I lic'apcakng, tiCUversity o! Arizona. Clau-a Kuueg. ', 0 san.eL *f lalki bfore a combln.-d meeting Wlils F. Gerker, 21, Hi.ghland d of otudy groupa, Junior Assocation l'gnk. bit Commerce in Mltaui.oe 3ast Jocephi. W. Deinuki, 18, tlulibar le Nea udbigleicit.pu te Fuank Schmidt, 22, Racine, Win. h taotbtscO ieaurediandothepun the Emma ltoltz, 25, salnie tacttha MIl auîecaid luecnU-e rcy R. Suffin, 27, Marahtleld, lover.basin o! Lake Micigan la tbe Wl.. tecnter o!ftile greatest dopoalla u! Agnes Rousseau, 36, aamnee thasif aewy andlnh b ndry a cn. Witin6Y Roke0bacb, 21, Deerfield bj liat i wteray an babea cu- Anme Mirjaun Lempîmen, 19., sLme e Malle te devalop If yul fnt ha mnny Robt. A. Young, 29, Evan.u-vîlle, le baurs hefor,0 Ite indusfrIal growtîluWls. befveen the Iwo *citiesa wll coulet o- bue T. Davi, -23Àashaille, N.C. '4t ,oblier. - MOuvai-O Arthur lHsam nnd, 21, tVU- H tJsolag an ai-ch illiugtraled wjtj mef te.H liaUrd-WOr1k sud Square Deaaling ai a Ruth Ana itnpp, ».,"0 lx etyasptiU>uta a. Entlaniuam and -lci *Itlrtg , ood Wvil as suportinig Edn Juadt, 1f, MlVAUke.,Wl. StOunzsad Tact as the* pînnacle, Mr. Jon& ue Paît, 3, iel, osWis. i -GorbY efectively inteuenfed meluberB p ikr- 3.Ner Pa loa, 30, Raeln au lu the requiremenus -ot a good s- Ï W-a rPale, 3,Raie Mma. Defermlnatlon and terslten- Maril!a Alice iDue, 28,saime cy are neceasary 'affibules et!an'lue- inar Thoimasu, 32, L Vt orent Ceflulsaloaman, he declîreul. Sigma Malinqulul, 36. uime M.1r. Gorby quoted »ha tact, theat as Glordon C. Fraleigle, 28" Chicago gliown by World war recorda four Mary Tenu, 18, saune Mst o! every fie pernona have the }taYmOnd C. Brsi 23. Seattle, MIental db' elopinent of a 14- jear 010 Waah. bbluld, ami orged flue aeed of constant RlufthF. Kay, 21, sain" -e4ýadegvor te keep the mixe! active. AIE3 Willanms, 37, Mtlu'Le 'la. Ella Boyd, 30,caline John C. ittobuitit 21, Mlaeo 1WIUBÉEf CEMENttiKILLS MAN Wî~.I? at Ilibliard Il. Au.uia, týoturvi11o, Pl eil'Mi Moulu sd Tbrcat snd Pins Laura L. nihuiWuk'a SufcalpA4ut~gfosulas--ot GCO -FAR BACK 111 IIISTORY l and thi'Ot estUaOvIl rubbeï, ement la beleff e b" uia 1ie4 thie FailsHa o LIefA. dealluet Thbmaa Oeti% sty yecr, ny Fmle Hv og ieoAn .10 vacbasi In ±& ~cLaors, but Royal Lina of Japan -t1er, N. . xcripçs 1ibdy ' 'tag rnla Unique. '~ theulpeaifu«s!abarrel.o« I t plnait tfautt - t th fleflicXthe40D baronsiluthue Britishi Xl laheilced -rin'seu»o of lords, about, a doxea date ead tell bg. ee IlU ad co»ape baek inho100,.te earltoU tbeing 1264. tifr 1,Lng aaiiecicé he %MeLt Tb*eldeattffly lathei Britihlaes -vich'wns used l I n mnaie lae 1 - w lu inscotîsuit, 1005. shoes by a frta Iu% ugiLAjqg Pla OmpiietXacArgyll, bogan la _______________ 1 4 . 1'i rosvenQ ir ly, nov bond(. BUNI) YOUTH W11181010 S d yt. he "kta etWesfntulnster, dates tioia (0t ie- 4Utlubouse of - Ofim fl is* tua e902 and the othiMelle .My Ly61," Y, PMO ail MnWh* Teck Two gmme* , -' ~~~~~I BIluit »ii* btah,<lu e su ~ liasauni=l siemtlaa det at NcfthWestcfiduilcisettea perfect eyetebt n , " obtex ttea. IsW urb Of sbe lis slbe et cola C4lo0 lIAS CIOSE CALL WIIEN AUTO Bis A ROEAY TRUCK James A. Boland of Chicago inlured in Crash at Win- throp Ho. BROiJGHT TO HOSPITAL James AL Boali, 39 geai-s old, 1331 Nortlh Dearbora street. Chicago, au emPioye Of the Dicta Decorating coin- pany o! fiat ciîy; receleed painffl in. nuriaz hortîy sitar noon loday 'tien his automobile craied lmin n truck drissa by Martin Tieoea o! KÇenoaba. Bouanu, vio 'tu driving a Cievro. lot touring car, vas golag sonti. Tie t-uck v-ai aortibouitd.The accident happoned la fhe business district of WLaîbrop, Harbor. The touring car, w" badly am«i- id as a resuit of tiecash.i Boland recelved pniflWinjureitealudlng braisea sud ganies oçaftueelisai, bruts- ud left ara and a deép hlole lanflue le! t elhow. ,"Cat" Itoff; 15i6 lVest Wasblntn 4treet happeue4 to e inluWlulu-op Htarbor *-heu tiLeAceidaat happons!. He immedlatl1y 4drove Bolaad 10 lbe io4l -%a a tsta 'pWsakegan and made 'Zt4.nafefl.oland vas Kx» ad wuremeT- id to il%* VIcbcrj' emortal Hospital. At ftiret if Wax l'oued ho uutglat have suffereit Internai lnjortlla -SCiIOL TO RiVE The Seuior cinss o! the Warren township igh sauhiaoietai(urnee will present litote èlasplay' ah the sclunol lrday asSanu,.jnue 1. Tic nome o! fhe play la *,Ait Aiueout o! E'olly'" Luiella Pilffl vinita ethe, eailng, role. Tlue cant o!fcliaractars foilpirs: Raîpu Beverly, Polly'a gvardaX4, -Eneat Queadield. .1 Baldwin, biesn-Clamer Hart. Silas Yoeag., a mioney. lender- Irving Worthi. Harkina, a butler-La. Tarrt Thea- 'bold. Tommy, a poor ulttle boy-Erneel Ahtgrina. Polît' Pontans. a smnUll owagi Luella Flood. Jane Beverly, lthe vîfe--Eifli 0I- son. 1 Hlortense. bar eider daugter- lrene Deena. reeMHGeraîdine, lier youaiger daugiler, -C ara Vau Haeclika. Mre. Herbert Feathemptdae- L4I eu"4 0 0 " -J u n e M ll r. ^ Mrs. Clu-once Cliadfield, a, eiraWz -Auna Griffell. Marie, a maid-Ireae Leable. 311% Rembrandt a.. mnaaIurt- Eivelin Dineumore. -Miss Buainelî, a bhatr dresser, -Marthe, De IMeyer. PuigU, Tommyl'a sister-4uaeo De 'h ',t n s ...,. PY, ~Y, MAY 31, 1923. IN LAKUE' C6JNTY Diffiô*itto Get Bids Under the $30»W0 -JMnt Set -by PLEASED OUER AWARDS 1 The Lalie Conty _10123 road pro- grai niay lie delaye4 Iýecause of th., high coat oi rgad.buUdiilanth ae feur !lot only 01 Coaaty Supt. of 11gb. waya Charles Russell, but of the road and biidge cormttee ai weil. Trhe dIfficulty ta encouatered ln get- ln ' road building fitms to aubanS bita for lesa tban $30,000 a mile as à-equired by the atate. The dlaim la ma,1e tîbRt labor la higher andnma- lerial coatis are up. Under the state aid lan the county builds the ru¶nda of concrete an! the 8tate paya liack t0 the coun- tY board balf of the cost. The etate restrictions bowever, £et a maximum of 830000 n s th'e amount per talle that ea. b charged for the worl.. tlnable to get bidd£ra bclow that ama'ant the countyis la ~acd at a d;s- it m'aie only recently tîtat the ton. tract Drice wea more titan j3v,(<lo0a mile and Supt. Ruasc-il sougbt tu oh- tain consent from Uthe atate by hav- ing the thicisnesa of the pavement iedutCd which vould maire the job coat legs. . Motoisannd good ruai! boo3ters a:l 0,er the country as weil a aong th n~ orth shore were pteaed ycs- terdey f0 learn that thce contraets bave been awarded by the state for the stretch of pavlng on each aide ot Libertyvfile and! alaq from Lako Bluff to North Chicago. Wben thexe Ftretc'heg ci paveMent have beesi put in the' rond situation ln Lte County wîll be even better than ft l5a ow auet that la3BaYitgconiderabla for tha cGtaY Ioforging f0 the front naoet0 the lient paved counties in the blate. Prop.r .ugusimnt. A littie girl at liwope park Stnrdoy atternocon Wall severely crlttized by lier mother for leediag popeorn a thle goals from a - asteboard box. nue chlid remonaitrated fiat the gonts were hungry. "Yes," *nid the moîher, "but leu shonld bave given the popcorn t0 the. docks, and let thte goats bave lte boy,"-Kansas Ciy Star. Mountaln Passe.,- asY for Tlractor. Automobile tractors4 sinalar to the type used in ttitueceseultour acrose the. &ahuadesert, recuatly were op- ,.*ated la the Pymeeee iu ranee, f0 la altitude of 1725 meters. The littie Machines surmounted a mouunin pas lia deep> mow. Thought for the Day. S.ime men speud moe amxy trylflg te bc a '1goïod felliv" tlin tiîey do try, lag to Il.' a guod luosansi or fcter. Micea for c.s..Ar Ohuaa.,.Pclt rcp-Ifa Croyw:ng t,riinl:tnect-i for rcciiteis A Iropel fi i, vvi~lfabrceum t' In father uIP.U Quive been vopuinr diversiona la the briglt,Iue ln ..oi.r.tN nfux'tu et..--t- ,ss Viliingi' of rn.l-ei, Illgltrn, for nn" S IPIi î iitJ f9,î .uu'ctiC futhIie, Iffl ý-oU*Ve ethft l gcoîî.n. î lweeiaderrý ns that pianz~l.- i".. jk' . ef 1W vl- Ladij ,rzwy .e't lt Inie c thet s the "tsNiluK.* Icter ,îuk#i. .....liîic' ~ ,'j . lian Anno u nce Iment Tue lieuse tlwt Jack BulIt- (Milwaukee Road at Des Plaines iver) Now-,Open Manager Bouche lma just. returned front, New York with his international revue, conisting of a chorous and ten principals. Ail new music and cestumes. This is posi- tively the most expensive pr dirtion- ever given i a roa<lhouse west of, New York The entire place h4s been renuode4ed and redecorated, and a beautiful hwge stge has been constructed for this showw. Show three tintes daly: 8 p. m., 11p.M, and 2 a.m. Pub-, lic dancing and vaudeville acts bet;ween shows. T e àa dances Saturday and Sunday. Dane Music by lames F. Wade's famous Moulin Rouge Cafe Orchestra. Cuisin .1j unexcelled, and the roads. to this beauty spot are, paved l'ilj and patroiled for your protection. Telephonec North- Brook 5 ________________________________ 'i 'BLUUBRGS FOR -MFR Our Gigantic Pijrchase- Sale WIII End Tomorrow You Should Také Advantage of the Unusual Savinge' We Will BoId and.Store "FÈEE any seWetion made tomorrow. Delivery at any futule date. as Reasonable As -You Can Tonorrow NEW ITÂA DINING BOOM SUITES If it is M.%ohair, Velour. or Tapestry yotshoUifd Large Buffets, Oblong Tables'and Tapestry CÇhairs- corne ini and look oveî' this selection. ai oneiiAtq .aui. We the 8 pitice solid Walnut Suite with bliue velotir A genuine Taupe Velour 3 Piee'Suite-picces ar chirs tomorrow ,ý4 $135-40 fuit size, bcst construcetion, reasoaa.ble $1395. ........... .....set at $200 tornorrow only ........... ............. - vr3 oolt est hoefol Corne in gnd làtk over te largest line of Bcdroorn F111 niture- ever shown iiintuake Couuty-Solid MahoganY .Amticue and l icaàXtWalnut«Suits coilsistig of 2, or 4 pieces aro e efor;yoýur approval. These are ail Ihigh oIlsW-tide tiine fuiiiiture- See the 3-PWee Suit at $99.50 SPECIAL REDUCED ON ALL ALCAZAR Gas Ranges conat. in :pid investigat3 Refrigerator Timh is 1k You can no* purcbse thoe -and style you w«ut-.2Z5Stylest. le from-tbey are prkced up on $I5~i90 i r-

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