LE~TV1LL. ~E<f~ HURSAY.*JMNE14, 1923 WiI Te NBoSCôrne Your Way? The Ilhlis Bonu Law bus rcemt1y been approvecl by tue S&me Suproe uCourt AilEx- Serice m nwbo have ne daready dontso. shoukMe fi hdamcàinsfor tdusbomusat once. z The State exPisp to itakae the fret payment abot july first. F« may of you, tis wiilmm eaeting an extra jwm ofl*ioey that you bad not planned oq. pro,.4 u"od k wMiput tnoe andgreater oppotfl4If wihhiyéur reach. 14>mmttu low else you ,nay wish to use or mnvea "tniey, yôuoud have at leait part of itoaunccoit inhMsstgbank. Rmnexb too, that wben you want t ini- vest apy Jmey. we are always ready ta ge you the beaefit of our experience and know-, ledge of ipvestmentý, LUTUS HELP YOU TO G H MT IFROM TOUR WDbNUS Lake County National Banik Tulqb.s. 15 LIMETTVLL, lz Nmm In The Pifteentho Year of oiurs d saI*iof tM* uurc, I a1 ime ti1.ae kof FROMIENT INSURANCE becamslhavefoeait --ee RA T1SISE1VU Ete thse Policy HoUer, toge"he FORRET FLAGG'OWEN, Agent Pfflidetmut"a -[Me lwu rueCo. Libertyvilie Cernent Woriks 123 Eust Cook Avenue Next to Franzen's Lumber Yard Cernent Blocks- of Ail Kinds Special Orders FiIIed On Short Notice Phase: Res. 165-R, SLop 50 UBERTYVIE YOUR OPPORTUNITY) TO SET Reiable Repairing At'Reasonable Rates No Job Too Large. Nono To. $mail. - Cylinder t.sppinq By Machine TRT US ONCE M YOU WILL TRADE WITH US ALWAYS No interruption Tc Buslness Whiis Rond la Baistn uilt.Use aL.k St. Entrance UBERTYVILE GARAGE REAIR SHOP CHiARLES WM.RN4PRD, -Pnop. Fly Time Coming! Oraer Your Screen Doors, W indows ,andfPorchi Scieens NOW! VALDURA. - TlPed cPaiulFw «I IWO"d T TO BUT GOAL kte. tue your own ý ave ait thematerial. l*'" LOO0 -P R M il*U O LEROm WHAVEALL Mies Helen Buikley le at horne for thse Summer vacation f romt Illinole., Loc l a d er~ na Univ grsity. Miss Bulklev vas a mem- br if the '23 gratiuating clams aithtie P e rg n'a l Univereity, being thse oniy repileseta- ______________tive from Lihertyville. Short IteMa of E8pecial Intereat to LibertyVille Peope lire. H. É. Culisertaon. of Jolet, forgerly Mise Ruth Sa£ndberg, viso Mr. nd rà. , Mtcal ofGuimes Mr andMr% rAýý R;11g, o Li.we a, Latin teacher at L. T. H. B., for Mr.ant lia. . leteifcf 3isnee lir ani lre RIer ovlngo! iv-seerel yeare. ia bere this week, thse ver. Libertyvilie viitora today. lington, lMontana. ceame Bundai night guest of Mr. and Mr%. Kenneth Loveli, Born lat'Pido, Jne thto r. for a vieil et the home of lMr andi Mr$. andother friende. and lire. Mrman Sebrecir. a Bon. 1 ailq'si .1 1fhe Lbertyville Musical Society liii. Jol~n1NuaseulM.s in Wauks-1andlMm.A. viii give the leut progr&W pof thia sea- Mrs.JoeNuwn wuin &Uk" Grffi ofGsrnee, a&iMise. Dooley of son on lionday nigist, June 18, et8 9"a1 edd.sta'Y, l, guest et a card Waukegan, ver. here Wdtesday viso- clock. aithtie Methodiet chu lietho- party.. . tîns ira. Harry OeteOL dta churcis.. Tisla le a special programn MIssêrae Pese o!Qurns, isieti Heln walioguxo! 0~1coniis~tIng of the love songe offlamnn mis xeeplsr t lme. iitd Mines lnWabl o otcomposera. Suntisy et thte home cf lMr. and Mlra. Wayne, lad., ln aro visitlng hbe aint, 1 A. Taylor. lira. Fred Jochhiem and 1famll. ,She iT. A. Reynolds isa» here lest Fritiay lir. and Mlra. Paul M(acQu!fin andtill spendthe13w ummner here. andi Setnrtay from Csseadage. Fia., little dsughter vire In Chicago lust.1Mr. and lirse Fuki Huber miotored 'viatlng sinold friende. lMr. Rey- gaturday. Ite Austin Satnrday eternon andi re- nolds vua aformer business man o! Mie Olive B nige and IrvIn HMl maineti over fiunday vîling et the Ltb.rtirvIlh, leeving here for Fiantea aPent Suntiay e-caning et thse hom:of Ihome cf Mr. truise'apainte.1 about !OUF yearae eg. Me vas on ti. n M ,Wbtor.rOqite 10 lMassachusetts tu vii rea- lir. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bon ani ir. if Witor. , June BIh, ta lMr. andi tIVOl. Mir. -dti lra. Loi..'Warren, M.inlira. Joseph P~. May, et thein home on Th)C Eman teTiu ni htmr ndCLrJ oteu Aah stredt, In Waukegan, asoan, vho TseMsssEmeatEhlTtu nie inWhitoesanti Coa i otecu han bien namîti Joseph. junior. graduisted thia Ysernfrom tise Nortisern ve. u auagn idy igt.Illinois State Teechera, College et De- Mr. nd m ILEL #'Mtey pent êtn. Park Allilon and Mlra. ary Kah. MioseBanniaremainod in De- lir. a n ifl *M ME. ritey pet Roue o!Ares, voeeoperateti en for, Kalis, Ihre se will take a four-veeke' Sndsal iericMmo Vt i. Wsi-ppendiciUis et the Vlct9ry liemôtial aoci&l course, Mitss Ethel le et the ney' mutr, lra. peinate.hospîtalIin Waukegan thia (Thorn",iy) P. R. Tripp home for tise summner. lin. andi lra. Wiliam Zoellnen cf iiOrng. Botis yul teach tIntise Deerfielti gram- Chicago spent the iveek uiend eevils Mr. anti Mr@. Henry Scbmîd. . Mr. andi lis. Jamea MurdocklMr mer sco inext feit. anti Mn. Frank %taper, lilas Florence Palulyalts fiil fbt lira. Harrison Jose! clf Baginav, 'ilete antiRobrt Rankin, of Chicago., tis inIatinal tenoffiLaiesonty Mici.,s.ePent tise finit o! th veek vîti Seuot Sunday et the home cf lMr. anti National benke attentiedth ie meeting li., and lin. Fret Jocueheum. lira. Lec A. Warren. andi lunciseon ef Group Four of tise Thsomas Colo. of JoUet, vas ho-e isMel a tn ecere îiosBnkere Aesociation, ieltid Sunday vielting et tise home o! hie Northveslerii. vis recently vîitet in, Wetnesdey et Ravinie Park. Details parents, lir. and Mira John Cole. LibErtyville et the home of ber uncle,; cf tise meeting will he found In tise Mr. nd r$.B. . Smenareentr.F. R. Tripp. salît June Ib, vitisaa second section of thie issue. taining lire. Simen's parents, Myr. and ty ffns o urpa rp Judge anti Mrs. Ben H. Miller left Mir@. M. Stolît eutd a siseur, Mise Lu. le anoliser colonie cf ibis Iseue Tise Wedneesday morning on a mtr trip cille Stoîl. Auditorium Theeter ennoueces tise tisrough tiseBEst, tisein destination b,,- gieateet group of motion piclune an- lng New Heven. Conu., wbore they 0. D, Haven, vis e rosîes nortiseast lertaiements 'even ehove In Liberty- will attend the commencemv'nt exer- off Libertyville. lust veek capturet a ville in tve euccessive voila. 'Me' ciscs of Yale University. Tissu, son, f'ne specmen cf tise vIlt goo;e fani- pragram Includes Gloria ilvanson In, Rollin Ellie Miler, la e member of the liy . lir. Haven took tise blrd to Chi"My- American Wlfe." "Mie Trait of Yale graduatlng clame, vits the degnep cage. vbere it vas eagerly ecceptedth ie Lonesme Puce;" Contance Tai. i acelr 1 hiOmo esy. nHe ee ant no ocu.9ese pacele iseLi- matige In "Fast Io West," and tise grea of the. youngeet membere of hie clans,. coin Park ZÀoo. myslery play, "One 'Exclting Nigisl." anti turing hie Frts sman vear recli- - - e 1ed thse higist honora of hie clees ini Mathem,-tice. He pnepareti for call2e 1 Là et Lake Forest AcadEmy. !Îibertq 51heaIre' A1nnauncement Mr.\, Roy Edwards of Waukegan has purvhased the Liberty Theatre and will personally manage the theatre. Friday and Saturday, June 15 - 16 FRANK MAYO "CAUG HT BLUFFING" A Story of Big.Men-Big Chances-eand the Sweetest Girl That Ever Stepped Into the Kondike. Also a Big Two-Ree Comedy BABY'PEGGY "PEG 0F THE MO VIES" AN EXCEPTIONAL.PROGRAM Sunday, -June 17 ALL STAR. CAST "THE POWER 0F A LIE" Aso a Gnod Consedy Tue*dy and Wednesdy, Jume 19 - 20 HOOT GUffON ."KINDLED COURAGE" M» Alng- d "Thir*d ýmari" "Keatucky Dérby" nl le, Naieý of the Layp" i D ý!O m FUTURES I hAuditorium "ToTheatre "Th Showhouee DeightfuV'. FRIDAV andi SATURDAY, JUNE 15 andi 16 Gloria Swanson MyAmerican Wif HarolId Lloyd n s Side-Spiitting CQmedy. SUNDAY, JUNE 7: M M Lm S MINER Tbe Trail 0f The' Lonesome Pine TUESDAY anti WEDNESOAY, JUNE 19 and 20: Constace-Tdinage. ToBiggest S.Reei comedy 0Dra ma of the Season The man who courageously, Practices self denial, Whù forms early h if e A good bankig connection, And persistently bankR A porti of bis income, Is the type of amon ,-This bankais glad to back. First Naional aink LliERTrYVILL- .-IL.LINOI& Resourcea of Mors Than a Hail Million Dollar WUIInwIH IIII tu UtliIIiIIMI HOenttl -R-EDP ýATti-1-e i CHAUTAUQU *A TR-fACTION * Great Coffedy rPý^ i"TURN TO THE RIGH1 i"AN EVENING IN HAWMI 13 Di Giorgio Concert Orchul Van Browne Novelty Werno Ladies 'Quartet' Caveny, Art st i (laJ and Ciy, Special Cildren's Programi» Notable Lecturer on Timely Subjects' 5--BIG DAYS-I.%1 Redp bCaut Week Here, July 14 tou EAST 1S WEST Cretones . 40canc Other Curtain, Draperyï,,t 85C to $105 Ladies' Homne Pattem% aWue Home Jourmàl %Hout 8M A. a teo&OP. K W. W. CARRO0LL & sQo4s' Jr~ 71 In iaàbit umlOs. tees# Talophone 202 LIBERTYVILLE