CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1923, p. 15

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LD~IVD~E IeNL T1VRAY. JUNE 14, t1923 rt [eelui tin, s1>10s leu 4W START WAR ON Week' apnns at Haif Day and a'NO PERSONS TEÀRINi Hpeig SÀY EARSMÀN home DO IN D U S Ramemrnietbeae announcemeiifa--- givîn thiaindIPlamas. as fOllows. Wal- IN URYQUI Fa DO yyj D13>mark S tisem on your calendar and be ten Lindstrorn, Citiderella Wlli, Ritli IN UtI nI sute ta attend ail of tbem. viz: HaseRalpisHerschbengen, Clarence - paner County HlghwySprn0d gregatlolsal chuncis iii oiss.rve Coin F. Klalkb-ennuer, Frieda Stelling adOfrst* o Be v radIB endt Gea Sleuths to Cap- aMionud hve neception afi new Elizabeth Goetz. frntm Long Grave Jr aAse l Qe- li v remhns. BavraI have already achool, and George itacleuisicb and ture 0fterers. 191,d ttalbe "anc of us," an if you George Ward, from Trlpp i5chool. Mr. -tlio;Alil "No."IM know of any one wisam yoa tbink Hudsion o! Libertyville gave a v ery - scbt, t CharIes E. Russell, connt>' superin- vosld jon, Plaie makre t known to inatructle tlk, bis subjeci heng 'To Whtn -Big Bave" Eanaman' le- iae tendent af! isgbwayâ, iodàl. docler0d tise pesteir o rthe deacong. 'T1,y Owu Beif ba Truc: Thoau Tisan to rney. J. C. Wray, maie tise an- Mi tisat privaie sieutha ba» si beela n anul tnt b aleta Anyone." li tbahe aionmeilt ttbe court lite Mondaygm on the trai of pesotns l lia oity eCo ty qnentlon q Congragational Absence of Coûiit> Supt. of -Scisooliatronia i letvspe a visa bave ein teerng divis datl'chuncisel ylha hea i etoui churcb. T._ A-.Simpson tise diplomaivie ra paend to aniwer aame oaItliae i-ba signa on tbe higisy-ot the - iflTise forenSn session yull open et 10 setit h rdae yM raltians ibat had been asiedta ira byltise , 'o Cleteo tegake b r Bticteasin jbryione hefarrefousaic- ty. 'We're going to makeia pt" opl.aa standard urne. Thse dinnen ebo la presidant of 'theaboard of ril-taisgrand ury an torepnevIus0c Mr of the peson caeght te4rinig dovwn Ibour lJinfom 11:30) ta 1.15, et vbicli etrs. a.wcFaotsndon ta ts thais- igna." iderai Bupt. Rusell. Urne Our ladies vili serve dinner In tise Jun4 tis va veill ba"e Communion amgbt. otnd taenrlmnat h, ei "Tiey ot ni> case smilnallltachurcb baiem'?nt.Thse aternaon ses- and BeptlasB of cisiidet. If yoii bave created a sensation among thc hein- Mr a gresi desi 4of urne and trouble. but sion vili ef nom 1:15 'Io 4 o'clock. any clilidren ta hae beptlaad. ldndiy ira Wau In sons caseshaealnuit moegor-c.The Principal speakers ane Dr. Osas- make it known ta aur pastor, 1ev. Mr. Samebady audîbi>' muttunud: '*Has tise cidants isera contractuearena os'i- mon, iai. Water Spoonen and Mns. WillaOLgins ta 'squawk' '. Si in& an ,bridges snd culvarts. Le, ail af Chcago. Titaeewlîl b,ý - Judge Robent K. Welsb dîciared Ho "'It la halîvai tisaiUseaofi vese spaciai siaglng, heatldes aur owu choir,.IL.R.. ltissbn, visa baiwben going tisati ie toit hiabould give "Big Butl signe have beau torn dovn by per-sud v- Are iooklag lorward tn a big tescisool at Yale wa itu us for a faw Diii" a chance ta go bEfore the sonsWhoia mnPlaces 0! amusement day fon Hall Day. ai ibis la tise fîrli isys. On Tuuaday, Jua 12, hlaie t grand jury again m anoderei Rani- o erSmnan eotecsetirne tisaitisa cauut7conventlionbas .for Minneta. man s earing on contempt o! court * ore rafelm net drsn.hcecr3ta ouichurc Sa vinyo8 j r. LA.0. ocknb"C .Ruth, Eliza- changea continuci , for tv eki. * tine faurs f aptagisem f te- Iboieaprjeit, sud a large congre- bath snd Robert Rocluefbaci ataendedien ibat hody vilIrecanvuna. tagaleaparon age aa ipeis" gation fnam onr cormuPlty aboul ie ha e senior pay af Deertield Shilids "Bi1g Dive" la niponted ta bave * rad esoe.un iand ta great aur vlaiting bnaibren. Iigi s saool . Mongieur Beaucaire" on lnformcd f[lundi tbat bie axpicti 10 * Tise Cenoral Tisame vblch vias ffeai ;uesiay eveniug' et Ravinia Park anser questions innsata 20, wiic Mr 0 000 u la.Io"Maliug Tiis Ran ietand thsatne.. aRirey, e-slieantup iliam Atiji. Tfot téFinilly Würld.", You viii ail agreItdg Wn Rly exsonkprofAichofh vus us tisai bila a aver>' vital tapîc he ay 'Ari Indn g" lihupan viose allagad 'contesslan- mii- LA KE ' ~ . LA *for discussionsud ntresta everyanse. ven tivanoe plsieisaet Herteî'supot@Ihon> oh n rooae t*s ll ie here àrý. une unies thea auspices afi Ove evidence ta prasecute tisa tise Mr ** sa lt's ai hi tiera. Itisa Ki AIha Ea. Refm'asiments wl in ii*1dmi.Jh . 'ii a On P'iday eveuing. Jue 22, t ha era Everyonothiat biS e!>i a jron. ddie en. ohrn B. ieldddiewit Fred Batiuit buai sgnad bis post- Ivanhai Clubviii love thair pli>' an- jn istlal nsul> jo.Kurman.E"dig Davrte" l antEdewi flan n leChicagoansd wvus Tony Lion- titlei -Arnm ntdlng?" t Hertel'g yt&s anu LKufan BgDv ,l eotd M and, la vorking et Round Lake. Park .pavillons et 9 sharp. Tis is tisa On Jua 12, Mm. Mac Maon bad ai ta bave said lise vil ansvar tisam Wis Edvard Lionari sund Waler Doug- tiid on foint.h fne tisay bava rapiat- blr diiiier guasta Mr. and lMrm Grant lu tisa ngative. o! I, lu are home fronm Lake Fonait collagu ed ibis pia', sud If la a bonanse. Bo Cok. if la aiso reportbd. according to a M for the estmmer. don't miss IL Tisese younig foîka havie A argenma i0 YUWP petor n oseith's oficetSai atsdmort Heriet Miler codoa asucceasui aidai us ai diffenent tAmis, go iit'a ba&*ornpiui e y ais îetrAtvo rnaeSp yll ssiisnfpficecto Tlia.Peur tern of choo ai he CIbb istictt otad give tisar a bg houses. C an sd are . umigte f*-vi iome pcaAsitn preuo Ts. m ]es Tusdy, ndthechldrn njoed Rev. itaan sd Miss McKEé of routy va0nlous partsndth -ttr' a- pe picnic Waines4iay. Ciao te hi ueosfinstorney,.EnsiSrith, bai a con i maIZ l T oey clamtise usli enjoyai Oicomvisualtysatn nura nands On Toseda>, Jone 19, tiha Conira- ferince a fe days ega, and tisaium tione ai cl.~sisool convention fon Rile>' la repo ta hnave sadliehiber 9ivue arecital ai tise Frank kilin Budai. Tise>'alsa aarida lu tise Lake coonty vii hbah a t tise W811b- doesanot knov Rarsrnuor aven ,e horne on Satunda>' evenigag. Jane in Cleveland Saturdi>' evenieg. but DicS boras Coogregainal cisurcis. Tisias huard suyibing about hlm util hlie u Mn.Lu Ssevoi a hila e ry sal." ise go acihavnid Liz." vai'> oopeker, bave been seconed vas arretedi.secnitly and béhId n-8 vlctim -Of sclt lever and tise borne la Vr a],BcS o e ae aidL d s an ansu orth viile communîlcedo l tsaZenna quarantilua. sud lbar twrq mnaioula ta hoot. u>,ognsni laga.ornisthe 1ev vesSA agA Herbent McCure [s enjoylng an at-. Miss Wakeield, visa la appnding lber Min Anna Linarn lefiTueday "Big Bave" decalieha navs nots- for tan o!meues iti vuS, acaionvusbermon. M. W fH.r ~Minnesota visera abci vi i pafd a 'ng about the jury tirnperng char- L4 Tise Ladies' Aid Socety vîli hava a StanclIf!, caliai on Mise Alice Heroci- uv ea ek it vfb er unt gs and tbaisaib only nemion for picutc dinnpr vitis Mn. Simpson at hargar lent, Satunia'and Suday., fot anaverlng ail tise questions la arec CudanCrest farim on Weiuuailay. Jane Liut Sunda>' vu observai Cbillien'a Chidren day exercases van bh -that hae isasn't aivays troi thei Belv 20tb. Alisa a ven atteniai onfo!Day, and thenka for taenie audience Sonda>' eV iel, uda large number tralgisi and narrov sud mn>'dils- H ihbe'farnous dinoan v ili sunel>' vant ve bai *(h ougb9t ta hae sucis aven>'Iverse Premant. MV. Keitisain peiched closunes mîgiiî nesuit ln charges of tia: - moisir nature heg priiernai againit tn go, and visllons are vaicorna. Sndai eveuing). Our former pasior, ties ermon. The chlinen ai Mn. aud e James Lianani. vis a iagbt achooil Rev. lteithaisn, gava tisîde ns s!Mm. Max Miler, Mrn.doiMn,. 11y brin. "Big Dive" las arrestii for afI! In Centralilîîînpîs lise putyes.atise evaning. vhic hvai Sfirected ta- StudaJff aoi Mn. and Mns. Wmi. amngo'e ve>ctuism apending .the sommer boeaned viii van tise 700ng toksa, and vii enjo>ei' Herrickt vere baptlséd. crime la cammttadinluCisicago. Nat fain netou tisera ths fait.h . aiozvea ai again linear Mn. Warren Sprague la borne on a vac- long ago hae vas includai le a rasi A. Simpson. of Cedar Cresarci Keitisabu speait. l'ise chislinen vine tian.-round up",aI mare tisan lât>' unier. E h"aizone ta Kaniai; City' on a business b&iutied b>' 1ev. WiIcox, and short ex- 'Ts IatDyooebi ali cisiacens, ail af vnam vena and trip. rche ine h oet h tise chiudren. 1ev. RRa aypobale ada surprise îaten eeaici, îî beleg fointbey the Mm . verett CuIvri ent ta Bougon. Kaltisais la golng te tise tiîn chies ta Ms. obet awsg'lntba! nt, cannectilan vustise casa tha and MICIs, lat Weduîuay te lha pressai perforrn the mariage cenemons> for a police sought ta sauva, bon At thei graduation exerciigesor ber acisoolmate. mter visicth viii i peni Mlan Anna Gerbent la panning ta Bn Nevrnsrk vas given sea.] grauddaugbtsr. Uvelyn Culver. a"i r.- is vacation vIshiis ioiki et l'air- attend De"sb ibis aummer. dais, by Judge Weisis. ta fila an Ou maleai fofr sevenit di>" visit vus moucrnt.Xianu. appealint the auprurne court. Hae0on ber sou's <ai>'uïar thmre. W. IL Herrick le huai building a 0 faces a six mouila 11I ri an sd la. XZ. u-4 MM.Jais.Atvull visiter! houasfor ith. He landoing thea 00000000001>90000000O $100 fine for contemmat of court. w reative Le Myvoo rt rFrdsy on- vorS lgiss&fierlbu cornes f rom bis * FRMNNT CEN1TER 0 Navmark. imecimi assistant arne min-v IL J Am-Adfnybv p tsiorknd. »rff&off lu the Senate omnibus bill. aroi bornommer bome ear bure. I h <1ra cos5gl rnto a b tierm= ODJItdAdmd he TockaI rallnni ri thelerntri! <Toc Latte for 14st Week)Qu larecesl'bendite u sts oc tf.oie.ieParie Mns. George Obensu.! sud C*-b ** *à res or tisus.Ve braacis ouects vitis the main sons. George spent Waesdsy eveaang N e' gotiseonBail VacatinBilgon lattenbae i n sugrons Place. Savr& aa *Itis relatives ai Alingion Helgis. A M 10 c IL vh goin onnicay vtis5 god aten- bae bau u p thane latelyl n tri- Mesdames Kastner and Hacisi and anc. ln bath primry ansi JuWiorde- lngtIngef ovaraor "sisotheobhutes,»Ms iuePesenti ICscg 4 partjns Tisa cblhdrens anaver>' as-1but noue have beu e anouly dana«- Myen igteatun g st ilotiseoo GdenTaevioaien cfr Ustl&Ulahc oTan IL. Misa Flagg and e&i. t' ton bai nosmaorithose <c">n& wMr sud r.a éaittoen.f tie eut ae aa risenonaeau s n. Nir .)MlcClure mre bots ver>' campaient j lugecouli not ha maie s lth more MHeud.r>' Hapk eerd .asi> sd tisa t f eetpee nth an teacierisud have pleaing DSiZIers. pssable. Hov about t.ýBob viser. MsssHenta suad iaiynd thnms m . H.F. Beebe vas a Oicaga ri Al Pnimsny à"ud Jnior ciildIire are thse pianki for tise cisurcis cross- spansi Fride>'evening wvus Mr.a. u gerWed>ie8da>.Sti aligibia "d velcouse. ILs?'» Mns..Wln Frost a! Round Lake. lima.Fm.Northam ofaiNew York state ma 0Tise Vernon carntary seilet>' met ientuaWge u ciino a alibr.ts etve its (Ton Lata for Lat Week> tise.tovu isililaiet vaak and. ausong Ar n " Wgner vsiai ndcilenosu iins cans dberfs aihernt fisank imatheB A son vas bain to Mr. and Mrs. oie iig s noleeto !ari &oïHihsvstdfinsadiloaiaddt fbrmteM e Rui icana CdrCas am tcem ii bath.e . anneelctonofof elatives hure'aven Banda>'. John Clark.1 o Satonda o lat vear r baafeugs ehectelprMmiertfan tiaan- ft Ben Roelnsg sud sou af Voloaranala>' Tbe Amoies]> Van Vo., ai Wasakeu- Ml. urd MaoJ.lut Arrnu. bacconspa- pesriet or heen-fl;eg tisounidatien for a uev reaildnca bit a picuse for 1h. emploe.a nied y Mr.and Ms. P.T.vblch George Obenauf wvI i aeci ongan nsedhiMn sd n.F.T.Fovler. Bd itlituhpdascar of teen sund th~~ hsamre 8rIvan Bescis, vith i nnr ah 6 1 maea uotrip oi ca> otatbsfai e',neclock atthe Slvai Beachbot. v mai s auo a aaehai l silait vaak. Tva af the afeeri gai Front & Myer are ,painting tbe 0' t! yack on Sondai and lait Sunay T. excitai on tise vey ta tise depaf aoi building on the Heur>' HanetaIerni. mis" 'ila ie évnger, on. of tise an B. Risoades sudIfiuilly maie tsthI- areae. Nliber Md no Rager vn Nalyal ia euhno!S.bigisusboal teneber. tathon Tuaida> ri& l'l..sud Mca George MINte ill orablee f0lhai tisem of or ta Lauso ihem Mnealc Ilurhe atteaits opuSi.for Pique. Obi%, for a vnt -Chicago sat tthse vouS und i vtsM.utilou rua ot of g an sd h"aicar-.Chati scelbratndeu theMary a It ~ ~ (Jo.eoie jbsioll and Mms. James Kerr. larafor troubli4eun hlieid dovu Laiti eeratiunSt-ar. is cn' asoft is)DmR « nligf d" t Mm. SX Rutton of Englawood $pnt and diai. Van>' aufortunste, emon-1, as elentcisire o! Ahcer thp auer«, lviser. adgs vi vIsil hu' o Mhroodand viti er roiet. Mn. BHMan,-Mundelu aofViicig opbed b>' iv- for aot tva useS.btors em Bisevaod sudbus motar. ~' (Toc, Late fo'Li Week anal bimbope -u«d a lan*e umben o0 huboasleblc=*pllInM: ~ ~ -~ ~turiy on ~nph8isn4~~45I5d - iti plstisud $dni.Th tudeta to E pM.i latvoS si alrg laret goangbc. fro e ulil _f, l~té,ta"0etisaeame>or outs5 5but la saain an thse loi. Si . Mbasl's uSureS, Viicago. had roinuHahs l tise liasuMl tuat. se vM iteinS ai Mrnsd Mm La. R intou o! Ber-' charge oa, tboausuluandIit vwurets- Mm luer P. BeS.lmtouspi i McanlailaitiisL .visitai frindusud relatives bé,ehi inaotbe tant berrmeai s a..s..,ip Ul g 'ise som Ptr blàr MMaJeu. Virasqis, slisati nt an sd eek. - rtd mont betlh initatin ta t- aimàa bac smaSghe n luge. leM, Junior dOi rai tebled 0tfals'd , M. an Mmi.W. 1. PlIuafis 0< ted sa eger alusu ai icountinf, hm iiivith doer.nfo sMs e i o itisSe ta I>5Qb tg Attenid cago sud 3Mr. aid Mra. Henni' Raitend hs"cf rai. Oufian F K q.Tisahe>' egn bw bgwie e Normal -scbool tiis -Insil.Jousor sud of Bloei esSai Mon . J. Hunich-is- vo ll ahj t.eIur ovn ca l- "inJouin"5Wiltt ift ceMondai' * blé sent wviiVIAUf itis relatives; dur- ibergr lsu Sunda>'. elroulIoon, tObave erisair . aisfr wot is cetv- atss int..isin abswie* lira.J. G. CouS. aeaooml byedhiMr.carSmv~ e4neibts r. , ,scisool. Rer motiier secam'- M'. PiaSEsiA bveCouS. 1ev. WUeoe. AU"ansd Visas. Jis rPiaueuets iaei i tis Blied be erai ica bgo. Ve t10 liser cttageID lu pigrave Huniehbaer, en itud a eeting oa! semlnan>' .51 ebm the saf r. ud ts Setlosersu for tise sommer montb.ts euui aht. a is a miU ei* byi the 1*e. Mran à,G Bek u& thelîu ct I e Vo>rmitofs he rcki neon- 1ai,ihba muit plailuspur- 11111edaugitea ovsss ,vistoi OBITUAUY snl Ë4etyendaared bis- rlagivesFa ptaado* or atday. ____ lasulcdiy vnig I ta tise pouIe n ans king charge MaJ .Mn ' ~ s sl David . Krana ai i lur vueS dhMam.Cook lu -cairmai. Tise h yjfl orit»emwj.ML . .MI s&I Jaunir>' s. iSSZ sud liveit ti~~~sr. vhs ato for tisaesnui convention <ts ai orwst gve> eho SnsbbI EaS bi li poute nutlb.vas 18 îean id ysroassetfnin.a "elocal ÏWp e a las s par of tise vison lié vent ta Wclegan and f Wn- barn Cngregilonai hancis I b&ni)[caon te Asbsi nmuinmehm at w e d& e eurla la lm- ll bro frt atto,6WbO4 fer viicishoauS- if lf Day. Agod progasuan& suds tvin , isut gevliabus taIn ié wandi skas is.Q . 11>610ltbusiness On fea. Remembem' tise dats and Plaoi botpriesbed tb~ iI~5 fiia4 lit Pubsiclshir-7 heblplng I taSe I; s bg day. boTt 51'h eriNaday.wuE abuelusssvister il *bvut twoot Wocdmse* rain Ver- in chiorun Tuesa>. 19 = 1111ve o onU lffcn apNo 185 5atteuisi A. muet1k Iowa; Nsa~>I& -thse rutI asate ng0f tise Hfighlaü d PutAICampilut Alfred Stàcklas vus a Waukec. istis fo r. tisé an t n P o FridA>' avealn. Tvao!tOur'candidates -vistor ane dey thse for pauto hclt frtb'Vdtiva «r ad-Mac Mason and Wm. CrulkSsuk- altI v PCID veS. I paisai wa:114 ' « 1%_*$, ie.ving a vena gvn tise fluai dagrees ln vood- mai n -iR'ErdtteJohsolIS «USuda vite an , <ar mssajo sd 0159 it' " t sa>' yvers unabie ta go vilS--h-.'-~t tise homne cfbis grandpaes, Mr.F tienrot er ' , l votawAn-un o aRound ake. tva veeki 5"o. T IN K1jUSlAWD Mmi.N. Baker.N oui>' bvothrm3oittisi p oe*g. v m gay tbat\ va ail ejoyad entreve- la Dr. Loiherman wusa O lgoisuitaitr osyto ots Q #40llà- undispustaisia. Tisa WasaSagaidrill en SondsIv sid Monda>'. M. Kerr Wxvus viSbow>n eo f tasd tiein goamivote.agtaluin MoiDwnJh ie-a cso las nd> crit Lakte caunfi bynUl> f tse aoder ao tise vanS.ansillu aaemu i utm ile Runs Dw on Te*esho lsdFia n nasiast, visamaure lt*ubtssiAxa2d*d. f.teOcart ta ian exteni her th hy Wni ls' atisdw rt ,bopigbhae ia getting fiancer- rigisi Tubbs This Mornrtng, Police 1 tbie pmnftjývr isaen.a bisude faxpli>'. lioag, Tise boya"sliust ha feeing h- Leam -rpIaft.eegva uca faro_______MWv dust sud thisfles. Tvelvi canadi- of Tils i'W Brh Igvm voca. Tisé Pamsto-1i'es daes vuee niiatei. Thrîa o! theru aaoclatio ad charge aetishe plensr. 11141 via baise. Bnner --- emi sud Jaln Tobis, o! 412 Madison 1About 130 atedanud eacis onearta Dr. Ward's Produet ow TH bacucat coM CM04 owtim ~&u<u'raAl 4O1&0 rstA oTii at Mayo Bron., a short trne ago.I leavea tui mourn ber lois ber hua- done daughter, Mns. Fie Northan aaiter in Chicago. The fanerai h wa private waa held at the j ne on Monday afternuon withbhurilI ie Millburn cemetery. ,tber .los Savage ùf Chicago, i nding îome time here vuith hie 1J. Murphy of Evanston. viaited[ tMonday Aith Antioch relative.iS ii Jeasie Runyard, wbo attended ol at Urbana the paet yean returned.l ber home hene last MonidaY. ins Ruth Pollock lsaspending the mmer riacatian witb. her parents, su ad Mna. Pollock. Misa i'oiiock been at Urbbna attending aLhool past year. Ër. Emma Tharpe and son of md du Lac, Wavisite0 triends bere )ntly. Kr. Mnd Mm. Donald Smnart of aukegan, are spending somatime at bWxn Smart home bere. Donald iat la flot very well. owsrd Wilton bai purcbaied a new ck touring car. %In. and Mns. Ed Secîbolti of Eut oy. Wia.. apent Sunday at the home their daughter, Mra. W. MeMilIaIex Miai Ragadale of Chicago apent aev- i days witb friendi bers recently. Ir. and Mns. Ciement Wbltmore and ugbter of Chicago apefit Sundsy th Mies Wnitman. Mies Mary Jane White oce Madison,. a., spent the wcek end at the hiome ber aprents. ira. Oscar Oison la entertalaing ber bter. Mns. Haxrlington of Pitsburg. mnsylvanla. Mise Lily Darby of Valparalio. mnd., ent the week end et ber home. lisa 0111eApple, a reideuit of Our L- imîn colony. la ententainling a nuýn- r f young ladies f ro mChicago this Misi Menub Neville af Cicero. Ill., ,ent the week end et ber borne bere. A party wai hald ai the Lon Groave. w borne 'Iuesay evening, ln hanor Warren Grabvenar's birthday. Lee Williams will aoo nbeglu tbe ctio nof a garage eithe corner af lvidera rad ai Center Ave. Ioly Communion et the Congrigi- [mei chuncb next Sunday morning S o'clack. The Rev. Mn. Quinn will ficlate. Charles Sohraeder hie moved bis ily t oLibertyville. wbera tbay will ide wlth his mother. Elwyn Wlghtman, Clifford Pester al James McMIlhen bave com*iated eir studies at the Stte University ii will spand the sommer et their omes bine. Mr. Rufford of Calitornia li era "a thirty-day furloug h.And sbirdlu "a thInty-day furlough, snd la vWst- mg his wite ait the Whltinore home. 4]al Battersiiall spent Sunda7 iindstuÇhlcaga. and Misn Addle enter- lned frlends from California Tues- ay. Thbey wera dri'nng through ta îaebac. Canada. Mms.NeIlle McNarnsra attended the sdding of a cousin lu Chlcago lest îuraday. 0o (From, Another Correspondent) Mrs. Lae Williams snd daugistar. sid. spent the tinst of thse week wlth lenda in Beloît ani Maison. 1 Mr%. IRasmussen o! Chicago speut lunday wlth ber cousin. Mr%. J. Sher- Mary Jane Whsite, wbo bei been at- endlng achool at Madison, Win., la ime for thee sommer. Waldo Hufford. of the U. S. N.. ia et >me on a fitrlougs. Dora Wilkenning and George Elfe aere marrlad June ftis. and i IvBe lu he, Butler flets. Mantha Richardson wd Ted Golwitzer were united lu mer- dage Jua i1ti. Congratulationsi. Tisursday. July 26. le tise date set e'r tise countp fair te he gives at tisa >pera bouse hy tise IL N. A. Mnm.Wandelken - la serving a 1ke mimsionary tes on han lawn fflday. Hlarold lunear bus sevened bis con- cctiox witis ilese Sinclair 0Co. Mr. a»d Mms.Eockwits enturtalnei rlatives f rom out af tovu oves Bon- d&7. Mn.. Nid 11ud, wb.o bus beea sll fr nome tUrne in muni bitter. VOLO <Toc, Laie fer Lest Week> M» Orpha.Russellleborne for tha oemer vaeation. 0Sorgo Nieuwell of Gurnee sud Ger- V& Bonisina 0fChicago visitai et C. Milon's Weduesday. MLissVers Vasey la visitInq ber it- aer, Mis. Lloyd BenveU, et Gurnea. Mis. Lloyd Uddy snd daugllter r- turned tt ielrhuom» In Mcary ItM Vnlday, aitar spending the peUt tvo weeks wlth bar parents, Mr Mm E. Pesfiali. Mr. and Mr&. D. V. Watt eutqrtalned relatives aven tise vue keni. .- MUs. Mattisews and Um Mangarel f4tzgeald. ad p9pils of thse Vole and Veiey scisols bah sa picole st Plat Lake Saturday. AUl report a vunY gond time. Mns. Rasadeutcherl'ai.speudins thli weak wvts relatives lu Cisicago. THE INDRPUNDENT priais ALI te news of Lake CouaC>', rd coni t' relled upen sua aoires H. C. Dowden At the Libertyile Garage Phone 202 Libstyvi The De Laval, Is nDo t abù it is -lie Botter War of '.LviM&ru. clemua skià «My -wr 1 i ,qC Mont UUI a l it I lteo pesor ta ary uehi -mu"of 1Mmd' fIboth ~s rn~ug-ittband or mârlin& . toit b 16 a j. tire. nw- viris i itsactm w t. s o p4p ,futy*uttetuhwi llfl S1IEAVT STOCK PENC Perbi*: àw 8 ba, 42 i.t h. in. 16 bans, 58 W ba. ô. 8 àa DAEME>VUZ Ui 4 mpao OMMTUE E MDRIIVWt GAT * IOft.wide$5.65; I2ft.wlde-.%2; 141t.wi-.$7ZU STEEL "MJtETG(AI" Ail Prie subject Te OIweg. Withfft NetIm * Ammcau feFuc comlas,& Done- Monuwmte and Let us Repair %your -Tir Our yulcanizing and patching l add thousands of miles to theiu. Onurpiices are .utull fe MdOur usrvice w NO DNy

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