ýESH mwA m 1 M esui* fiac« ovpudig And onde- tthegrand jury ibis moring Ad la atfr>uo W. t tewau&a rIte LS hav tod09l" ' r F I V LILY 4s 12 eS TÂL TATE$ DETAIt.S EVIDENCE. about the salloed bb C aa.I-1tg4 lmfo States Attoray . V, Smthbtodpy srpte htSaodL'tbO &IlW C* lotIl ad IL'fri o.'1ta A e' ~~, ~particulars a alcong *bhat the prose- cutiol. 'The gand jury inatiia- D1FQdR ka On lbaca Not hcg euio xpct e lfe i eienotions vere practicallW oorplated.thbaDvi)ed MkU d L1 t V 0 o. I Kt lu a fta fort te prove the chargea of latternoon. JU«M lM Dav o6l ckea 2 aid vte 81b. Q. IIL 91L RYP O E omiplrC7and bribery lu the case ErDm. ot#1b0.620.odue "MDbe agaitt ohin &. Ibid. Smal Juror. ww'awuvf-i. UIJ.W .01.0 tnD' (CamUOd rolmPae>e) Ewrd Kaufman and Ddvard Court- AZ n Rookford Ha& DfM = WNam j a e la . ____________________I 184g4ed wero Impli- ing Carddidtt. te 88 , naalo - i ek 8 zld te het heoeul4IA mmdo go > tholtt ettdlacot t Gorr nai). ury ICÉI_81a ;Judgs R.- 1K. Wé1sth. PXrk. Dfeci 14000.00 0 om i te 8tatela Attorney;; 2at c petitionGo.ita agii - uIawBe inte taL. 3. J*.tki otu kt- 16,Ia 19123, h. aelcs peti*q ori t oflowlng lu oaNar- Ascainhv a» »l pW D e0 tm M ý'1IsSI ad a = ant U gisi the :iree deeatiun: Chie$acobCEsudA O fr.toe r ;~bC. Là himta to the »resont tie ta rMOI*cCimle D<ead vif, lot *00 ek * à trno.!_,0f es v. theDLU.ovb of w aa 0>Meeaswl Exetd to çif a candidate for lthe Republicau âA4è t0North Bide, Watipga. <W. Ob ta a m3qgeirret ccd - m trsial o f v Sl, red Sts a ce îor.-r Domination for circuit iladre te sue: MLI7Vallon te. Elizabethh .Mt ougcuni*a tte Manrerl and Vernon Curtis. OO ug aetK #u 0 iUtatu adl e. u uLb, w* 'it, inec'*lA. M.,and thi ..îa~bnkr iovs iee' -Protection to Fistietes. h15 circuit wvoboia s iollSe-. tierl v.W.t.0.0Sani 4a. ' - __r.wo a alge staod rott T19 ee b is Wli sW01 baQ " basélad the . tuidavb lob nla c- t aiA seat 0 .00- rmmon lieeaid vile t. W= bO 4~t Ghi Wbrat b lw t clerg4 W'ltbbgvtutteoÏ tvov w ,plb e a *it bMel Andde-tolehil$ime ýM"ya, lot Sàa»d 1 1 . lot 4. Ri- loyeproild«ins PUP" Of5whcel& ataithf *epri pata lagvapractico. .ugsurtaiAra. WD $10, at5up B h.s"4 o bt w» i ngfo im te au"ta itarmimon«y. fi, g lun.if the muscate pasai Àpecialmoetiz o the_ W aaolu> 8. No,lqt a ors 1 *5hOVt'ldad and g egaauo.acrte 1<>atate- lbtou vag hein > tbat city ye. -rsnk Muather and vif.' ta F. I lie pbleuettio; #Mjosecuh abn a a inrçaliui.of Anu ment iaeu.dtoday b>' lhe aLIgants terâay latu thecircuit court rtao Okey aid vife. part of W 160 fi. lot cpi «*xo ethe -15W tiocb.anid William 1. tlleY, ci-eL- and Ssii deparlinent. vicere tirme ballots voe.tsken *te 5, block 48, Higland Park. W] $100., * lo* ca'Ibeo ov --- e.keepo? *1 AntloctLh. e latter be- The tatement shows i tol vile dterniliatiie sentiment of lie une e tamp $4. th h eeog no charged tItis aiag in ld bribe the depgrtment'"oirtd t a niet dation. Walter Jack nid vite to C. r. a vitO abeas ecb» puAd t noey, i ld, ver. er>'cloue profit of approximatelY U$81000for Thce roaitofthlie luti ballot wvu Schneider'and vift lot 141 Ou.- <~ bd by i v,darft at- . teahe 22 uothi of the bltènIUl pr' twexty.tvo votes eacb for 'Colonel uIgla& Co.os Noth avenue add, t Wwx jut Nsetl*< u ~o, r. taerhothat Field. loi! 1921-1923. lthe asuicluf bmcli ofArthcur E, luber and Atty. E. ID. Waukega. Wl> $1. samp Il. Waa houstiei u laulma. ad auzaey.~era îtW tc&epartlent vas opýf t'& a 1048- .Reynolds, vitlc toi votesfor Coucty C. M. Dantela and vite et ai te Edv. f *aUb é ?V i C. n a caaalrac to urrupi. uuiawf lyie erecelPta of the _IiuterbandilJud4g Fred 8E. Carpenter Who belli Oçjesbawu sud vite, lot 49. Sud ad )a UýE by Herv0e1ic >Cq. tIist :l, èo*ia*te Jurn1 riîcg nlLtl f rapperi Irancix ers 1219,6.85 court lu Lake county luat week and te "bihne an, Third Lake. Wl> $10, 4 u1*si e O h e;t h"' 10 b d-olk0gt gy ufirt> ufo rfabutmomethan thé6 expondtu"*a,"bnt lu tho-lu weii knovn tiroughout the tamp $.8V% pu] t<.IMU 4 b&aOi0a ulusdLI ru a vt t e a t ue 0o f0v. the ffainiccndustry brandihahe xd.itict. Oie vote vas eut for, Ale. K Porter aid huuband te W.TolOat1 ho all al atUACIpen4fitnris excacded te repts by Att>'. JOhiE . QombeL,, gara O'Parrell and vifa part lots 9 po ""OZ.L t e t e faluna u o!ROthe .VENlEMEuI, $169,001.1g. Vice tLfal reipte for ALthei conclusion 01 the tîird adl~bok2,Oiia akgu ~iib~0rw. nt 4> Nr < ac> hfl ar-the 2z mentha e ge $4M2A82, the anouiaat baluot s motion wasmamde Wl) $SM0. la "tM k t" obt t Von"po f 0!ipg out the olleçed coneptracy IWWreport sttetd. white tOs total expan- in adJeuru .nhlch wv a oir heTiO iesKPotradhbuc 10> dilnres fr the. perlo ver. $393,30t-, ballots taken werececrol. Thes pe- RIti. A. Parreil, part lots 8 and 9, Vie *" eXufaxad-uue q bdcia) meeting ofthlie, ausgottiq,, OUr block 28, Orin a ako<an. Wl> veuirmen ttisoffera of ataie j6ba, a. c a 0 ota umed nestiy -Ivo bownta d suthebm ooo. ;= th"OUIeî l odYmn.'algfteflc>'vdvt The 5111 Praldins A lcics.tee Of tesult, 'inufar as reglslariuig ADY eS. A iutch1asu d vte t ER. mutimlorta acqittaI vlicout reamylt' a 10cents for al perans dfer 21 Yeara chie of lice mexbera of the bar 1W. Mullerand vle, lot 5 Ovae ~ ej ictevdacmdtuItbyuo~80h" lad vho 4ealres the Privilege Of Ashsi.frtRpbcacndaefo ikh u, RavInia. WD, $19, tamp $8850. ýý1oai4 o *tu o r-a in0«(àu kglu tle stale vapae etWd vsvtotrsi.Chas. E. Dantls -et ai la RaiDi 6 *fflte bO _______ ln-,nescit>'b> tice House af Represeuta- Because Lake Count>' airedY h-115.5 hlnden. lots 80, Sntd 10teSun. Sktives. IL nor goci ta the Banale- a circuit Judge thoe- *flha flO saune sub, Srd Lakte. Wl) 810, tanli» r* ionavrs ltics s electlOn ai the »Y Ur Th0'e net receiits ai-ar expenditures appoelng candidate rtrmharo. lm $1. ieh e flics îlfled, by framl-. ý lu in thefleicin5 nduatry, if thia bill ho- lie! le, expressel that thse caudidi4t bau frsi 0. fueut onsa1w wll total $140.998.87 put up b>' Rockfotll vIii e un-Ma2819. ~1$1.0l.0.ne>' and iaufrn a !d te 111k'; for each blenulum, lice gains aid fteh pposed as Wlunebagq count>' la 50 Bernard Siegele and' vite et al te ~~SttulS endnt tiien aa-81000 ta ha dlvtded belweetu hlm 01w. department estimatcd. large thal IL la entited te one a .H AaoJ..prf! W74S edtA i Ny 4. 1923. a IlPed. and fiat Rdcy gave Field $350- Vice regeiits ftramn ice lishtig i11-1licethrea judgsips lu the circuit. 14 Sec. 18, floeld twp. W)$0 -uaflilaIb>'onA. V. Ti hla i. oney vw#3 alu Field twa dustry are derived as folle"*. Fsix- - <.Iîap11 béor ilerve>' C. Caulsu. eeks before lthe lose of thxe 3mai) ing tI.censes. $14,189.80; viclesale Il- M. 8. Gifford and vifetelaW.. A. c~aai<. ïla a PIsnouden/ trisk mand that Fîiellater receved a OPse8. $4,960; lsting vlatins, 0000 O00000 touo@6 @0 ochs"iild and vite, lots 6 and 6. bih tbWý1f pea'f o r lct iai0 staejob.. ' I1o,o16.95; dsblng actities,. $7,021.-1 0 .S M TE TRRM 9 O1, onbornes Sud sub., Uberyvile. thO#e -oou» Irlcg ta Ne. 7, aîa i hutory af dates cou 8.making a total of $66178.56. Vice Bo.K. gEAL $0 sm$ ~VleaIattaIi se'eefanuglc Saitra mitc Il ~xendtures of $21517960 for tla o OyeA.h.iSWte W>.81C.stBpe$4 iffl iniuc (Ibs ea ll 11 't > 114 igte mlltm adth l o a e e L. H. MCOUJcetalaJC.e- leçl jty a~prhn tasatlio- 2 mntia o lie benuum ucile ~ den, tract of land in Sec, 4. DeerIel %ax 'Lsd #tOwtb tub William If siso sets forth that Fel ttarted offices exilenises, travel. salaries, My2, 93twp. Wl) $10,. amp 87.50.1 *$, ticeowbhoe icamea -are ta worh for lice tate as deputy game vages. equlpmenl, re Pai.floh 'tes-te Jb». FankMMayn 22, 19D23, YS àowlu. to'do i legal act lu- varden Jli 16. 1922. that Vie 3ia!l rue, lisixpropagation m, eshidistri- Piklar et al lots 47 and 48 Blocil fé> and vite, loti.1, Peasis suii. High- MM 1 te l dthnlarSliOU_ et JUS'ril trtd prl4su ed n - 17 Washbbr ak ot hcaowld D$50 tIt ~ ~ ~ ila corluptlscgnd ede- - Thrt- -enlIon o!flice game aud NotCiag vo.W»$50 et ortptig a jurOr , luic helune 24 o!fiat y -~ - fnudepartmeflt, vwihx ih a eadfl y W,.. a$10-00 Stïmp $1M5 é YtPol . Lau iiillb> _oÈ8 t t il lce p--oecutlon 111 m&i4 Sîral na a~0uy Cicga. ille and rrÎat CO. - l ItMeIDL 'lIêgui$Ira gratuiv>'idith . ibt e- > ..ý W _o urèrlg It ~u ~. ~o ieonised a varrant vleclncllvl i alsl00 ili become aa$pr0.00- Jasls depa1022 4Iy *ccudspant Ib tic , to >8t tth11fe usmes are- un-, en.#juil as, thce gatne departaenl 10(.0 ,lue11,4 1922: a50 wet-e eIli uck Want. tancC , co bIflsfu. î afsln ienef c e. W. J I. lloan d vife tea, ).W. 2vr'iyhi- ai ve-i seù "4dstarranttmea Ca. A e ex- tm.is f ihiglieB l l g& Short aud vite loi' 208 Cumatiuâs orles, ,de., e aue î> artecîha.lig ex- NAMIE $TATE WITNE8S - &Ce.sx14ortb Ave. Add., Waukegan tivcrY me-noF brJ»cgsRatsar, lad flic 'sa-e IywarrÂsvins thé W. 1). $10.00 Sta. 8 2.00 Dee" ln aur 'bektîsvocberish u~c~Dive E .ma, .sd .udge Rohl. .s. .5Welb fi a aer, T NF,.Kru..C., Bied.ersat and vite tg Thoughta'oethiuele ed se desi" eI mbt court on Mmay ou eeruld a motion by Att>'1ýrter ohr Sse n 9; , thâa respoudeul bas e.oer- Wuiam ledft 'ftewart .counàel for ~block 6Rail andti sbrnijc'aAddd3ritlcere. :Od thMt »e parti -Who real theKakn nLd~oleCnamore 11V4Deerdoîl. W. . $00.00, tMP -Mr. and Mlr$. (Gus KrmreY' Mr, te bli ýon'~aî 15, Was er-appcltc. iil,,f A.M t~aabut agreÎ7!aa¶<,S Sd85 n4la >.241t m. Couloon. Jnities aOrltué,O o Aais me1dnsI t b> wbiich te de-;. CH.,Shurte muid vitetaP. il. 0 1usd biied sncb varrant; thii*Ifause vl! be t.uollgd villi addition., X11ARè111 * emàn' 110 acres lunB9E,4. Sec. 83 CARO 0OP TI4ANKB tle the retLth ou the warrant ai names of *Itàe"bs lncase tlic, eS TUES* 4AL540Waucoada Vwp and 40r acreM lu We vlic 1teallccerel>' tiink ail o! ym a tei saas execul e r.calle as a ruait et the develap. Set. 4 Cuba ViJ .W. b $D. Ot' a1, oe may fiands vic'o n ldI ad Ma> ' 1 192%8., *111the docet et 0. cnts lu .be ia of' Ntod, lîmuiman Staucp 821.00. v=oeerteti7. asistedI -cia In aur àctsy 0,. OnahOn Ibonia thMthlie àdC«t b.gOrw ad'o te-aybeu k ý*a.VutuOd On May ' -85,19»; Aisto! lic, .George -Bowers Ply Up -for pL. . P. Ria teMatilda Entru or0moro. a otenmmof>' eau' vltf'h ilesO, val prt lot 3 blSkc- t 'Nûrth .Wet, AdI. lti forlpica1s6oMa fthi $j4Uy 25, 1821. Iis c-#btnd' nisiel lice dptense 'as toliavs: Jutige Speedng mw tthkr WaukeXan.- W, D. 01.0 8>=P 85.0 'uaP*tb>'. botoraie juo":doulon~; <IaC. Pltiarda, tirut CierIt "3atr Mai>' L. GqIerte 0A, U . Pavera woS. IL LATE:R'P. ,#m the a cu llof,-Ibispe-L.Clerc Qk-y. tepnatvClmcupil et' ai,40 acres laui BWl io0.'2 E. 1). WDBAUD AND FAXILT. . eaak04for a4> Immedifate warry ' ltiot, bonul>' icitf -aDeeLeiiJ wp. W l.810(000 _____________ 1=-01. J Codais>' uid vte h>clive bitsadi mottas vawu deOW Jurer, ailU a #leph Ha'Maî. George Boveu. oanda et ietract-ot laid lu o.tn JIIt$ 1s~#0 3~~.~1 1 e, J. Ernest apeedtng. betore Iniu#UbeChdés . E. 0100 Stamp 8$42.60. -Y fLIM S st w > et iù b~ i: bk4àdèv;Wodene, . Pward Miaxoandul vs fUel$6 adant OO P. a. Craiéa nd:vtela $'ances thisa, wàtuiîls .4 SoteBt i ad Arthcur Nugenl. ail ni Ai» lat veek.,The ç&patlit vas mle 'Wolff lots, 1 aud 2 SheridanManor - ,*l)o* i*o! *be Ileeli: tSlï- MUc1 I Ua>',preaenl -aI- Imbe Poreat l) 855(à0<10 PO SBA2r-*'w'vçcséd sfo cda M ordhl, Rocktord; RlOeerwuas crifug tlice 1X1' J.J. Gruosie> y a t WM*'1portableo pera clars.'G. C. Grid- - une 11, »W $nei t u I ltOam Att>'. Werner W. coipatffet*d Studeluak4r ýbtisIwa5 Levig lots 1 and 2 Block'17 Wtlghts j !T' - 8i>irfaef Une~srtlU. Bt-E Mev- trapped by D1) put>'Lester TOa'AdI Libertyville. 1T, D. $1000I Iaakflç et Boyle, and Peter J.near lthe (MonenEorw Coulty $3 ta»8.50 - l ea' uelatter a delective for yeerdm>' mq-ut ng. talie bood. lan- IL. IL horrow and letete B>ual) hou"'.-Pb= eo Ltrlyid.74, IL the , eueey Deteclîve gelcy, &Il der lice sentIs.andt fcced aay 'la- MeKeever tract of land 21. -O' t nil My ROW."-àrte I Noekô, . C. -~ - < biltfduln .ffcll Ile rai of oui. tpholatebring ver. uma" tin cou. -St Mad B& ofGreme lAve., Wou. da, o±or 1%; White Rocks Nid a buet herk I tl.rioaalaI. puPXtMmuta te hll i igc olgb kegaLW. D. 110M 0Staca$#LO ou tda $1,OrlaloaWyÊ»- l ~it ; Llie B"i, so! ut aen,the sherffs olce be- May 28ý 1121 lttai. 81*;_Legherzùs, 81.Càttoiog. Dot. BInai) adC- . Mater, stata e ived. The>' foucul no Ilq u thel tics . H tards an&tife, te Charles D.»T. '%tmrw Cbiaerieo ea, ann, PL a tu«Perfleacleulit ofcghw*ys, bath at rar md ticey vere onabla te blli iaiBrute lots 47 ami 48 Lincoll a mlbta ,, , Kankakeo, and WUllam J. Strettoe L myiln oo b peedlng WukînW .800 lm 0 - cbiastate etpevsrde « - tagle- The Bluftobaker plaiad. Ba . iR. ldwards a if Ie ta L. U dri-l vee aîave tago o W R.i ]8!lburg lots 110 aid U Liuicola - ~ Jlta aiahbUts txi-oOu a,- cgo mte hioe fu baobn îmChe-lgicts, Waikegai. W. D. $10» ae 'hetl reseld, le naine of Circuit Judge * posed sud pul. 8a 6C N U WilhiipJ. Fuilin, f Sycamors. aq, Accordiiugtategraiieiine infarnia. mL.osmau lots 53and 54viteôlaIt tie Pestdins lu «"lulatice taI o!etlion I Ing lna thce sberlf'saub lgc Waukegau. W. D. 810.00 thli vas sattafito-, I. the- counse) nort tic i cgisî vils a load, Vhey [%C. C Cawford-and vite te.LW, lerthfe defease ad prosecahtlon. Ho muale an effort ta rera ja the day- ;1ystund N. 44 tfi ots -i andi vO xeid a îe ralif bix consent imre ta Cbiciago wilh Iheit cargo dis- Blckc 5 Park AId. Waabeaa- . - . àaie. lcecus lu& '-pdl i i.$1000 Blamp 8109 m an ý opkP. B. Blotigott an Ifevte ta Ioh ,aea%Mn- 4axoaeKt0 eaî9K 6 X * 0 m, kyrce andti vielIot 6-odtgttk e th* . i . . f Uie fil, Waukegin. W. t). 810.00 515*1> ËA A72varîs ani Vite ta 1e-ri es3 ILL ~caa u *'mvar.owm r l veý «aMe by *iaWg t st Désla IAM- LZftED--J!Wmm er d" tis vlt te replUBfl larp"mOOom"m et its a& Produit LA" ecmyayWeil i>lb be. Fr tatoevfrw. w1teC. »ambem . ar Idg.ndeat. 24-t *t OAIZU-Oi. red bsIby bu= yand 4m. UlLekDeey it ercle. gociLA ft. Ubeaaeâ tmm &Oole* P IL buD neo" St. Ubçet L 11 .'urk. ~ o 0$lvss i gornd tb uiOea .LakeV= m ScI hm me K.Ake ytulfl 1-i. 2 "y CmEcm*-Dsrro4 moka s; Red% for lue ow 4hti.e%b3oe *ome 51 Platine. t 1'. On SALE-Choc.o Aster. Pam spdrago Mid otiser plants; i ut lt-loera. Clami B. m elr. mer' m Av&. %U PEoelmd RouI. 2 --I FOR BALE-On. utagle buggy, j'itic ful leaiber. top aud uubber tires. c. XeCruick grain bindet and orne niveniser. Chs. Foot., Elf iat'.y, li 1 4-2t 3KSALS-Baby elciclois. leWbits Lagiora. For daliver>' lune Stb 0 2tic. ReLauar'c Poaitty Faim. Pr 020. Reime', oultry PariaPrairie iv. Poac 674-1 1+1 fl dd,. »V Pae AkOU ~ I. WAII'rUf-Men« o wes jtome r. demfr. utgiae uu iBtmi ber, for f«14 ,,mvA" i oblidras. u2 listo> unZI& sear, 01M s v.ekfor f=Ufl e U» s0a hbm ron*r. iai.A BoeunL~i Mun >1mk.. . ILK. Bowm&Xo»d tke.Phaau 11-W-IL IWÂNTW-A vhitt girl 1 fer.3"«u houewovk la l*or*b NVaauto. A nia. h«»mad goêwg:nutwa tu ftmal y. AdOru.Xr-.lit-or me0 Unoplu St.. nVul.IIil L 234ft fui!lat Imt«opasudl rmfler tirs.. Onu Dulci Unef. mii>' u tivuwAt. Oa MeConudeci grin baid and .uas al- vaniser. *Ise4 FOM BALE-A heay wvt houm Levi over 100 Ibo. PL WilcoZ ýAiea.,111 Telepicoio 17-R-2 . st2 WANTEI-A voucn or gir for bcone voon oua tan.; oi>' Ie tLa ftmini)>. luquire at WoiuerDciFana.Ltte FOR BALE-Aster PlMant5 1ai a dosc; peoule biaisaet 60 -r»l a doaah. Mm ILD..-5US- 2M Get back te 6u lu& oestwlkee-y.u'r 0"r but, LOr yoor mmoey wIf reaize s gooti incarne for y.. uadsalie yoç BUY A'FARM hesoue m sy ood hrUlm' .fwfrasaeu SUF-i=ePoultry Farai cated on the electoj ine, close range of Waukegam, bas* 7-roopa bouse, electrio ight, ce-, ,R=tibaseunmt. bath, complote water system. Marage, sbmd- anc> of fruit, 3 potiltry bouse wiib ample rome for 2,000cWekk ,ens, soi uder a 11gbst.ate of cultivaion aid can be aold a!' '41.500 cash, bedance as reictal. ÇORSA-4-eacxç, farm dlose ta Gamnet. bas 7 raom modem bqw9a fiie dôOr yard anid orchard swth abun&iie of fruit, new t>id~i0 cattle arge F e F diicens, o$, -tr> apd Isols. Thi. cboice fana uà beiig, .acrficed. nid dwiI Co- ýWaiâegan resideace, -or small paYmeiut down, bal'. IOQR WE--0acre faM Cl ose ran ta tow0. bas goot voeu modem hbouse, electric ligix, btb .crei&n PX4 ngut- abm&eize pf fruit, fîqe poultry bouse newbain .aidie 'lls.Thbs farm is poeWyu nd ier aiég ittfwt' :t tls 'aood copes, 1 doIc e chi*bQea inWm ur ýpli'bt reaaoubl payment down, balanceas reotaL IP'-WR Ae-i 1 0-acre faim,.hbu good 1 Olérom b ouse. nw haûand other mdit-bui1de -9 lmas aidarli sou aMider *b state of cultivation. , Tâ cisce farai we ane aud»rrWed to seil at $150 P-Cr atre. Owner migltcoiSidr exang Tbeseare m*à choice farina, ad ww uil km oflY, or fa4eany PurcIeont6ahfbut. RE.AL ESATEI 0$7, "SI 737, 0* Tc PAIN vere "éY et lie ai a aid th at, J. T., appro: so 1 both milles vert ,HUSUPANcE A1dS me Tb ,Be t lu bu Tbe atartil from ti Io tbe0 eoo&W peau the rt ai dmt