UAIj FF MI - j Vl o nt- am ISIa la a *,amm. udc R -, Lii mesW al l -we t»~a.a -ab te:l~fllt fie a'clgh* ai-a l*tmided' mot ao muais flou porpesn aS fer màISS Mlii. vais. NeaÙ flup - foo ~imeeph~ T~s 41 uuù ciE mii -À = 7;Pie lu vowS - pjus, 1024 fa se~èLLtê i sre about S i $as »W. ler. Wios thr ut Sd maL Iurk 'Mcdkith ~mA ir beau w- and toiddr embe Wmaie .e .e ave«wosa,. a l» aa-mot. -Ciiséiaeôuul Q u>-.wr 4resik aty sêa unuuialam .Tle J*p85se et_ fr ï -pare wlta mie mized Sf ve.a voudol la m e0a a' Jr couded lag>y or l# Tarte- * . tima ltiithe oasme re m àhIr augre of4ie varlai ç-A=&. ora o iwLadtisa a4pla*twlU witlh a uhi t b6«il IleimNftaTiiey art e M aàs.Atla s t3911 Ml *y'~ ftiir 0fer lt . Te .m à" 4m tcLa l J il '*bd uSU- ab be o .idd b" keptit cbe* sI loe fsLm auto"aLa Y cagtffl.uiq rate secS the- bloomingç.aa ~n cabatblumasuh rot ii. b. ctrtgled. >artlcnlarly lu tu tg thi o e rda eh ii rea They have anl thegood qualllmea of tha-aglet Lha iadaome oit- 1*6 Plat fLmiliezcept fragrauce. as- loialW a mm*cmgeter vartcty- et lii Ia4u~'wvuilatleisa t 411 éadOWthan la a m bly their dtsilu t9w 8P40siaort04. tiiegi siie gltera. tii. carnatlons- ad Tbs araits iu tlnely agi çreua plnia, 0xéý of u iffltm oey ti 1ree colorsau geerl «ct ta tui adguarhled o!ont colorla woSe efectimq wlh.or Vmc %rôaea d4pr us.I~ir o!tutà re,.atsuh O"d «nm as Op aé tu, tt flàacebualw pleut about; aa footrnineta a tde *i s«ý 481"fmmira flover.but 545h tuc 1! seil nd bit wfb i oeç. dark gren a Wous ae. 'j t% are Wé~ llayeT t laei a XIUi4e tower. Tt la »rsazew I euot aas ti. huyi unfolS 1 tluib"oýtoX4 ella a$ fowcr. lOVA"WLR now, t vi le aabe Ï 4 0 platlau cr ý»rc 11m sit*y etrasaplaut- n lad, gardenus'O4q "4d as te bulb ay" i e and s on 1 ltb la a elati, et t ice Io X**a vw la gernttua- iSsmUmoled.4lnipri e~4 etâ rèbariy yrgtund--coveigv rusembla ' rnàmioo ut btdo net I brght, bine bloasonl $e1,imp4 grow la. clotera as 4»«e l pi:ad TiiWplanta ahoui b. etafo --e layo l'fad. Wthws the 11w. &part esch way ln abd "do bvxaia4444ffl Al f rTH ae nCELLmnar lti #ee wilieF iý !t ý ie.t pagt wl4ç ~W IseD. Very entoieave delichcv 15 Win.elal x _~-1$yiee, tIoff Clo-c ihttegarden spà1c tiitif If b veabtt bt la'$>èn pla tu mat- *it iwila4bs lo.t Yemy ea2l- ~ ~ 4 lv r*asd 16 tà li iWgadOIL w -eiJ. -~ ISFO! MA ak.-hro ga thlckened 075- atnp. It needo a Éh itoô iatona«goo %M thge i.romt est nif the ~ced G lnato om rmer lni thefi lOv telct oots. move f(rCe onySiw Wliat Lakeo. o 4 FShoe If Plan Prvalled. EXPEiSE tS STUPENDOUS noringaeld, .,.June 9t---O1av@ the. ~~l»earveza troinbecommlug a 1= 0« or 'o man's land" oz and crime.11 le 4heplea coutY board bu aadiie 16 ha ihiolaleglalature for reliet <i~n tbe OOsoliatedtassysteni, u IrUh."i,, apreserve diatrtt Tha ~atlg ysten i lims the tsz rmtý for hqAdgand general pur- paabtii 1011Ui Won the. dollar. m1 i. ke . « 0fthe.district was oued Iast yft t re boudsand' gay7 hiitBte'* Iy board 1l the laiAic e . 00forth et ihuWq bomfdaWt $0coipplethe l*re t re ror85I mby acU, lagut Ib .i 84aO= a«'«sremoi- snded, by - tii Of1ag ja tùM-. N ow Ow ftà 5,M0AJu t The.forent . eère 'i ittA L u#rôiased U.006 Atm-.a% a* r Dgl llnlttatloci mate sprhi Dof Mkke ant- ther valuable rat o'09 the, question mUll tter* lm .a ffloai met the. tarates,. se. rcordlag to Prêsident Cermak.- rThld0unty board preslde u R raccompMoid t6 SprJnggeld by Cea.. miabitera uîme, Miller. Phèrion sud WUlsný. Tbe bill ther are puting huasbeen adl'aaffl W second reading la the houa. "As the, iaw tow stande, the, district i wholy vithoutfon"d8 to carry on 85aort ut, ad-nutratlon of iem préservai la 1thenbfileInterat or othhre." pr sûet Cca" ailS. "imd onies a mniflsdwtti such lieçesarl tuds t ha o à"Uehld wftb.ot. rvlalon, of ahy linS. Weta4QuCIcy b.t»dleat p'Tila voe, b. woffl tlaà il tii WqcYOR . «.erbeen aeiàle tb tùdul. Priyate owwbp t11uliied s@me Dftetiog -*paia ù%i co1IRttSnOr uduilzbli ehe- Uteala-tb.U. wooda. With tuas prtt0~remve&'id nothsu» u..thèee wýebwo b. the wiiOlumq Çpl55Tuii of th*e Des Siq ealp at Thet. baet t-ot u4c ai 4 glirl lb f It ionoMR tahe tbeM M& * *i4t Makeé I~ si'. Fr t~e is $5M ra &ar Ô' tward 'the mm-~bp f Yt WteUy Putdch ascra.Thsoas o tbecome a Fotd OwnetOu 0 yur j= =yId~ed intbmak and tke bt The whole ad a Yoý k e suptned how quickly the cari a CcIt'Ou, f»Rpatiuara W~I4ft &Off ffl WU* i ôn. is ta S IMMs&oaloe I - n - .~ .$ * j, i. tue E OupR Co~gbt stas it*at'isIiaiiuef. Iqara SandY (t o>'!.u iT...4Lloatlpýs~ oh" IM *to orti tiiiia tqorise.Wbh,a ce4~e .A fddtiIt es1c&Wa.nrlàia'oaih Maui atttabu w lja t-r- s tj gQott4'*, wIir tjm *ndcu-pao. * sI.Thc nusmaashow fiat i Steo!Impact it ast ibaye. W Six tons. 2rspsgýI- A.t f4rWet 0" t e.! bmost ,p*nakD*1 iarreafa 'tii. 'worId la gaje d ~fhi é rd 5l ânta- ,t r.u.ý 'ti# tw b m fal t lli .9~~tu that job or tbat- raise> < 1, io eIotw-à work4îgl fr ib. They niake 1oit tJueni. wè are. uow hwing tbe. new uimuérjr mer-& m bc