CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jun 1923, p. 1

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Le*e Coutitv Weekly ~à~w~uimn~ ____ WAUKEGAN WEIEK Y'S UNi4 LIBER~rr * L ~. 12- i ~ ~ ~t 0ant uend *tte vmton tii. var- hp ryv"mms miiitees 'tbl laIt procut vas et-a po«r g tesut *ttaction, accord * tit~OO Wulosnbas a produeir- noasuderu~ a.opsrtlv a"poaion, tiat dit a bouiess 0 acth-n StotOOt ilu dair>' produets lait or IL ailpolues saihnoVW te r* thsa oa-osVlet tbet l~ui m ut o tic ety &s" hbaipropenti vleaiS netriy P10A00- Tii. saut t hie eçd a1 flue. Ca-opativa a, Ta. Tb* -OOW'Oe, lea adItion te Its dais-y bosIsaIlisM" X c- ePara- ,tire groc#wy *Ao t ar ket. It etarto cu ont elierin: itu mmi tros tb. beemit .uofa privata dvall lu& but la 1M w, vIet vus about a, ysar ot, ItILrectat a fbuiitg O!. 11 Tbe auS lstouCaPltalhaed ai $»,M0. bMemer~n s M par arb aeaqCotti«$1. but me Indvwâsa may bot mores a te. bire. Mi - Pr cmit vas 4i,16an a$ hum-astl 12. la adulOMit«a- liadi*-isi oins le-4Iaifll~i reaulve a, rve lUM A P. C. Mt ** gng. À jtai. un, aVetor rotlAretA Smrist ri or bonnel atto 2 cla ilai tira. :ni o,. ndbnWgi t1 om et tisZA Cmun.ruUoe' Coq"ayLid fiUNIS H 1 1-4-MILES Psstg c.striLiu-vrk7 on Uràd Doae hNaîwldy Aveed by Party o Furtgo fclub yes-rayAfirnoo. ONE MIAN IN T1EEIHOSPITAL A pati 0f four people nain>'-lut fil uwa,*rltmiea rbull. or t fie Uvad udb S 'V"astdt'ho ai sov ey&,- Tht ee.traobara mole onubave a The uhM ti? el e r mtatkao larpc aatlvoft»tuie ceant but te th« oa. i Dr. Charles LIObe il.. sema ot tiseis-OM Md Itl l a- iere theyr oclvat nieticai amt lieraI titèr.viiib. ittla dlaî du. 1Tices takcs 10 ilsoffice vote-. to eiorlagct satariaL <Dat>'., lm Cemmen- .Tic Domie bridge oves - the Des. veltbavieu, North Uhicage. VifO PlIses la blag i b#b>' aouler cou- vas pqMad under tae car andats--- crs, Vhe Trfaagbs Cosstructioo cois- 1005W truiied, and JJo otus, M2 punr. Tise>'bava beea vorilug for Lincela treétWo vb ton thetic a momtb sd, anenov gettng re*gylr wvgt. Thes nméof lie othan gir ta drive plllpg. coubd xBot b. eerued, She vas unu- Th ratrolt co-om in u xlsted burt ta etast vw ocs Ooon the.donuen- 'Misa Ran*0aneSd TaUtis vOro tieu of,- lie sbvya aVtheI. Paul pinnet uadsr the car. ]Meooias 9 Ci51~ Ilà lu 11 that thé>' viiialdet tbam- luasttuiifres. -de tht orkt vit t rovugangs, the aciditt isan«ed et 3,30 0 Upu.' at.esisPes-vllof eta couty an- oeclecl yetiudsl aflerneoa. he par. ginear aMt nspectO. ty vas drlving northby he t.Golf t ___________ ClubiaV a rapîd rate eof speed. The t, cn,¶'e ioomed up sud lu su effort te sov dovu Tonts amnmed ou - ls braies. Tht car skidded sud ha-v fora ha conte gain controt again IV b ody. Tné front vieéls ara tom off.t -il vas telen t ie Haves garage loin T. Weimu.ili kiovu hi thé wralii c. reidst Pr tngleoida, r*eëlveà tOur brollu nriPaa sudpoWie' internai d4t UIdfB ND i InJuries, v-wbixan u atumohlle -la w ie hoand issoc.: <George. werat nidiag, about 4S êolucl Bu'qtaî 0 A . ieming. oertiaraied piLtug 1as tvo IS U >l , '.*ogcujte undmr il. ','tbuc-"dent emidon, thé roed licar Thoes131, CALLED il Q1flahàJ4 9lane at long LaIte. Jo> G<lw hae lcad $haseruelianid- vent te lhe assitantce et the Ive Lév A. liondce, oeunty déni. ad ta-, pryt4g up theUA maab &Asd Via- tasM 'cesuaUtbftet i.county reuvingthin>. George Buchanan 'board. luday, batipoce for pro- WMs MtV lnuered. -The . tlet-va seas fo i tesale ot "".0000 vorthl given _iraiet I Dn ,Martin ot et hqodu ttais laduet for the con- LibertYrlle vbo va» t blg cottage etreqtlo<t te' no, addition te the at Long Lak.. KÔILgud8 imbu- court ~Ii. lance tront Wgultegan later tbl Tki i utuacals tfor hids on 20 t lnul tman tota LIe County bon4à. o! 816,000 daaonlnatlon. one gaserallihosptab. MIscondition :10- Vo b. VAxwsif te ach yesr,.,as Vby ta>' flereportet'serions, mture, tie'hasttoube taloen up In Thea -uciins liv idi il«t 1043, Tbuy euture, July 1 each eut x O!'Lon Tlê l t' r year unt îlit ate. >.liU aen>bodi rau 1mb hh oierar Tbeyy uil .isas Interest at thé et itir ichlie. ctusln k1W iate4W'o cvt ent lpar anuum, SloZ càtirol ef It. but persona lu p5y5ble seui-amnsuhlî. .ýasloibothood tsiw fo le asy Thtuhdae Vlib.e potdat 1 . 4 * losebine along thé roat phboul Dut Juno2,a i uevsos Unie of thea accl4nt. s-cen>at heiacourtioute.. ______________Thea ,uamh.s t the'finance cem- mitee. are H. C. W. Maeyer, A. W. ~ » I4YS Verras sd C. M. Austin. # ONE 77NER(Jj i 1 p4weg '14yàsamold, Dug- isO@m-ATI3ION . I4e114 , B Wi Chasbiîs, 10 '*$o teth street, North- CIcM'*ë« hesbt'bacl te W«. John J. Coinel, Me o77. OU 11 011. 1*" jf*, al"par>. lette avenue, underwott au, opera- flbw;*tre lit by'"thé tioii for appendcltis t theo Tietur u i àalMeanrlab heItatb t - RitHl 40',Tui. adlien, laspte o! u i st, on- o f î.adlgo. Ueas ÇAecdon sittntrAbout n entiss ague4ubi val -~~ tablie-r' t Mn.Chasles -lIe ~hi hIBU ~ In e -niLitobiUef'so u LAKEOUùYtLU>I TItItTRD.y, TJ3E 21, 1923 tday OnHuro from Hère AogSix Hondred -"Aliens" atllZed. origla trouafot oosntry iaues X Mo ,ian ma.tosw4ukegaa, Dern, cicero, a&"'Oak Park. livt 4rstd.and. Zios Cty. M« at aurd*r aigiet ta an. *k gleoE two bud4re teet froua the "tas lia belveen luessl and Wintbrop Herber. Tbey wer. Uier e for a »taura1isa. dona. six bundret men frein the laýrtk section et thetnta ver. Pme parsd tataIs itheosti. WauI.gan sponsor oethésmetins. vas ganar- ousiy reprentidsud mai froua tUls City piLutadtheb.ceunlia. -hordes te tbeir placas- for thé rit- It in raported tuat naarly oe hua- dred mai troa is,. mCity ver$ ameng the. sOUhuudrsd t. bava the ostis o! thelan admlnatred te tien>. -Mtih. tirons ver., scat tarin; memhera heom Chicago, Mflvaukée, asii. sud Keoo"& At 10 eclocl th* progrM nopsuet. Mettions haît b.rghoit a viol ba- tor an su$ats Qtlceria»r.prom- tuent on ithepiakar' platform On. Ment1reaesnIset as on. ei Cil- ca«z sW abe *«noted pasters, ataed bonesth beti. asad et Une Klan number, às»& plisead for grastar educatka. Oddly enougi lha op.sad by tell- log is audience a «Petatnsd li.e" flon>. tivor six speakers, toi- lens ati ntervals octire aminutas, took tic plntform,- viciivusbulIt on a bsyraci, sud addrossed tic «mat throng. Tteb messages van. rait practically tht aama. A graatsr t1iltat Sttatas, morscommuon bal.e! lu the Chrima religion, sud ex- tansve. adualalion, vas the. tien>. their ta"la 1NMteralistl.n impreïave. On a mou lu tie dausest pari et the grave vaitedthlb.M500 allen. la tcvnaa hel dth eamr, ver. Vil LheodedalRnumon. Nearer aïd m"pr thtsiatar tIl. allew wveum iruiott sUt bey bat rsaciéd tic rim :oc tbhobp"& ohire . Tics tveo roacie, standieu '04 " staboya le grenai va- ied "Do ynihael the 8upi'5i5ay bt lie United state. in M 0per lent Amarlcamg, li* Christisa nl. ien, la etucatien, lu goo gavrera- sent, andtheicKlan?" Vars ques- tuans alet hi t.he oticora huom i.- bind their beode. Au affirmative 'Toi" hoemed forth at each quer>' trei liae6M tiruata. Siadeva, tusuet by thét fllclant ighti of the. crosses thrauh tiih l leut cake. béat a 1air ef mrater/t tha conclave. Stibi.membars uta i pres a luing a repreuantatlv ut the Dail>'S$un ver. gnidsd la aud. out et tha tirona te pointeocthte béat vautag ho'ieré tha>' couid bain the caremeonisi. Myster>' vas .lett te the imaginative mini alone. Buuln@$*-ike-SBui Gay. Buck ot tain carnival of guet>' wss a stemu busaeas-ili airain liat fulhad thé caramonlai threugii viii machIna-buke rapldbty. A sandvich and drink standl had beau coustruct- et ta temos 4=o fanpoints aud it vas &round tliiplac e ire the joyeisiée vas atitis ithest SURb vian lia rituels enaed the. stAnd vas beft deérlcd and Vhs vend- ae teck their placé lu tae crovded circle. Women made théir appéaraucefer thé tiret timé in thé blaterr. ot thé otite. They vero net ailovcd at thé céramoulal D'brnaturalisation. but later were parmittai nean the grounds. Tii. newapaper men vert not excludéd front sur part ot lthi seséuion, Tvamen. ith in thé or- (TUUN TO PAGE TWO) Capital -Stock l is nmased from 5 100,000 to $5, OOON Surplus $150,000 PLAN ANN OUNCED -TODAY The Board et Direchors of the Wanlegau National baul'bieid a. meut ing afteruoa t ich lier vbted te lucroase the ea#W4 steck et the ban>. troile 1*».0 ta $350.. tockholeida11é ravi i en tiret oppertuultr te pus-auetii. m- dtional stock. Thon 1! tlisrssiî sy hefi, WblcIin le t anticipatadtbe pub nela hîi ave an opperteqit>'. WisIîIkgaet. luttoam l*anI0 '1 >01 oue the hlggsst capital etecit- *1 Laie Conte, bé" I. lb tIi swrpit b<p5K, dltog bMeo aieiltrr 'U ~ et pupt Wils-<*Ol ObrasaI au e1ti. Mçle ati k bro t a . lâ BJè0i. $1.50 PER YEAR,I# -PI I ei t Arm3r 1- OfThem ar te S m- ARE AREAL >IMENACE 'miimasaI cf terpllare aa avad- ing L"eea utr, sud tiiey are sot isuchla levidance that aveu automo- MUts o«al ses jnyriads ofthtbsm hmu Th.i are vint la Inowa s"tant" atarpiffl. The. "t.utb' caa b. saen, einig té practlcally oery abrub Mi buâh along the. roe.doldes. T. Â.t SIxmpaon, county ,auperltendept of highvays, wiio drives tu ail parts eft the. county, sixtes ho neyer botore saw suait au army ef caterpillarsinu lisi section.9 Reports froin vIrlous parts of the United States wich have issu board rocently indicate that.thq invasion le generaLlu Inson> sections, IIla ro- ported trains hava bemea taliad, the caterpilllrs gettinu en the rails. maklng, them se slippery the trains could mie no headway. It la feared that the ' caterpillars may attack the growing crabe jater la the sesson snd caine serions lbas. PLAY DIi JULY 4 CELERATION AT SLIBERTYVIL Big thInga are bing plauned for a Fourtii cf July celebratien at Lubertyvilleanad accordiug te Indica- tions, If the plans work out properly. thé Knlshts: of Columbus basebal tesm of Waukegan viii ha the head- liuer attraction lu a game against tha Libertyviliefine. 1Ne de.!nite plans bave yet been made, but thé managers ef the hlg oelebration are planning on getting the K. C. tesam for tiie gains If they l4av an open date that day.ÂA- cording te tthe adyna. dope. thors ,viii b. trac> aud field avents, horse races, motor-cycle races, big carnyIva attractions, a basabh gama, oata,ý snd lu the avenlng, a Foutt etaly fr. vorks dL$play. Waukegan men are baçkin5 ithe celebratlup and ara panninghta liSte a great crovd cf Waukeatnpeuplé at the. affair. The day'a sté9tÏhlU, monta viii hé011out o bar #9m#a for the pleaure of lois.,1uofaau sports, and after the Are iwunkM la thé. ovening thera vinl bé a big dance. Sevéral bmuds ue bon eg. to play sud a gou r bs*UM, turnisk munitafor dalg iru ii aiso e ha 504ope", srmaxthe BOYLE OUIT Sprngtsd,Iii.,JunteO.--TiioSu- ai Ii asi dqS the D onur, court tae ~~ tht ermd t urt, th lot enul ST4RT WORK. ON BEtvII]EREROA D; Il 140V1S RAPIDLY Expced tIRt ournfCn oree W I e hsWe k as frm are Set Uvarytintas l areailinesa for an =rI tt a Pvn Balvidere rued p5 oiï0 t tu ram, or thls vas. 'oeîs apam W-for lb. concresrou- ties Voot tli h* en Day raid conent.are a 04,a ~ Qrd ab. ce toeomta tt I00. Progresa la aise- noticoabla on the bridge ovar th* I>sslalieeriver, ia aptte et the. tact liI uuual difi- çulttes hava beau. sacoutersd.AI oeitéraÔof Véry iaavy vator boas'- Lng groval bas axrted a lysmeloam 7rasaure viilch taue e prevat the. drfvln t u hiorlu te boid-the1 high bank ouofnt hs bois dngfer tht footings, but It la expected tiat the luat or thé.footings VIII b. comm. pieted Moaday aller vwhlch progreas viii b.>mare apparent. Delyldora roa4 la clesed te trafic betwsan Greau Bay Toad and Mil- waukae avenue. Traveiere freux Wauksgansn aut iield taka Grand avenue te Gurus.. tutant l eft ente Milwaukee avenue lmadlately attar croising thé bridgae ver Vhs Des- plaines river. Traveliers, from the. Laike Region te Chicago uiiould turu sonth ente Milwaukee aveneaItithe barricada la Belvider, oid aIs the Aret leit baud turu. After crosa- lag the rairoa4 taes theirat rlgiit turu ente Telegr*pii road vbli leadi te Routa 42 <Wankofan road) at the. Creinry road. Bath dateurs bava direction saIguscupiceuilY potad at svery lntersectiongn roai! a"d ar exocellentonudition. CAERILAR Yt wlth a' deadiy'- aapbI LtW"i 4ulont ta ki1, was bçna 0* $4410 vien ha vasarbn>ued butorspee Mas itrate wittr iTaylor tuday. M'a vas arrea4eavotai Viol. ZO 5f* ter ho had s#botJ40eph -Rodrigue& Tiie latter vau t0meata the homPital whIre Ir or 50Ume01.It Was tsated ho -*ould dia. lIffl dn b=«d «et 5oi0 At lst #rthe" Su~r ,wseen roucd a t 4*f tm 1IO&I U 1 - " û-* Il 'réquirsilasspeacat et Cou. tressu te gir. bilas Jetan liodeo the, Mnique distinction ot bcig the ouly', ivoam'n Ibell i cr>. lnthe Unttedi StaeArny. Ohé le statloned In' Ban *Fruncisece aes _aecretary tg; FIT LOCATE "FLOm;" SK POLKTOAI erl- 10,sthe ol& . viol l«bie?. et laul yps at9iCensepar 100 p «id ;w m'II it ugthe year. Somn eceivet as hlghSa $% luar- Th. Company la nov paylng 9 Cents more per 100 poua& Wfr oil Il boirg than other deslerc, AVtt saume tIs the retail VilCe rsnaiu s sludard for ail dears hrogbot tie éty. SEK Ta TAUE Tu PmORFAItRN Comittees ID WQrk Guê Plan To R.eeeconditions At Codnty HmsItal. PAINNiAMUÉES A "JAN" -Thé affaira uttii *cpnti hospilai vére ait-ed hy lie count>'hady 1 "Y-anduthVia peor-rmn onimitt ,vasInâts-uCted to brint la areport At liseptamber t- n s.l10 i o ay# And mois o f haudblug ishe?«ur- abies at the peor faim. Tu,>' as- nov b.iug carat for at a loseU94I, ant iany suprvlot teel tbtisi-tii. proger pluce ter tien> la atlte oun- ti pW n arni; médical -i«MlicannaI aidthtem n>ad Il tie>' uaad la cgr., vlilbeti Ualib. pra'vet altlie, ax- p eaue St iepour tari. IV V aaise steie tuatomaue et tae ipret lasai sy b. aanl o .151 aluý-4 wW -* pttn o at t* Cmte - 1.ýcontractes- appànuý 1ïa- tb -boti 'meM.berU - Mitiée, tt paiLaý, a p th- boaty, bit dit tha e vaser" "'te< Ilion plus 15 pet cent ôs ~aprce'-profit. hueeetet, hbgivaya, vas slavet y600 s er bu she srviceca on' -uud- -ist of Fifty Pupuls WhoT, -Iigheet Averages mnE~l~Tl WARD SCHOLARS1iW Belovw-teS iven thé "mmso!t tba- Ira. hundred ton pupils 1 id-t, arai and village aciiomi U t li >unty vliu bave been grxantsd sflil grade diplumas., This lu the leruset number that bava over rFd, pilumas inuo.year, th,* auter aau increase et ton porcelet, ,hêî, àe numrin uthei. aiast lait p id twsntY Percant mors thsa At tumbar lunith" claiue t the . uP' »(ore. This lu quits a aln t« lth the. Increases lu Vhse *eb" ereiment ln the. classes cf mbgOW' rpraented. The. puphe namas are arraugédt la the severai acheoislu lVth' &order 0f raukin tiihe amib&n.en, ig>s et biieng placut firet. The f fty pupil vho made tht, itghest average* lu the COUCtY i«, aminattons are given belai thé" rder of their standings. Joilus IL Kuhiank, Area Sdioot Edth B. Kunlar, Wadsvortb Debout Robiert Radire, Wadzvortb Scillo Hovard B. Smith. Guru.. BcbarA Glenne, Roberts, Channel La". school ]Çmaer R. Bobh. Lake Bilff eiaE%. Amvin Deye, Centrai Ochool. UÏK Cbirago. Mary Wiilianaseu, Lake Volia. lehool. ,' '1 Victer Walulis, Central Behool. il.-, Chicago. Vera. A. Dunakin, Druce LA"t Kathryn, Devideon. Lake Blut school. Charlet Shoup. Central ibeool, N&. chiicago. EMmet M. Webb, Autlocii Debout Blcer L Randai, Round Lais »* xlvirs, A. moinuer, Wluo Oi*6I ReosiL. VisaI, KurM , Gladys Daoe, CiunaiSobool, Chicago. Louis N. Dali.Iti ound A. Seboo. Tb""a$ P. W".aii, Orsyslak o ou turP. aSimPf, lLA"eVilla Bobout D"o utRta, D asiacé île"0 Mapt. 1. -'Ma«an,' Ogriocb , sei. Lester Muglmwd 8Uboo4 BL Rodget-Bwui. Ai*M Marvia Schvrman, Amas 50bsot rances M. JTanaou. Wox Izai Sciiool Albert DaMeyar. Sangatucl Scioi- Charles P. Kerry. Gages Lale Seool.1 s= joRie.Oekland Sciieci A&ua Simonsen, Autioel OcheOt Cîttferd IL Wilson, Volo, ichool Edvard True, Rendout, Sciioi Lauretta Fradartck, Fremout COU- ter Sciioc Elizabeth Bueschlug, Lake Zurichi Scheol. , GusatfBerg. Deenfiéld 801001 Irene A. oleckman, WilnoV licbDM Myrtie Nelson, GalantBc"ee., ' Helen i. Rockebbach. WilmOtý Ochool. Marié Rothers. Graus Lake fitOoS Walter Lintistrein, H*lt D&Y S.booi John Grueuer, Central acioo0, tW> Gave Justice "Bum CheOklnh Payment of Fine; Paya- Deariy'for Trick. CATCH ANOTHER SPEEDffi Whia amart alec ,aUtumta May fouor nm le h.&atOWOOe, trltllug vlthVe Lake aOwty sicSlf end. Juattos H. C. COU11*4 'teisii Pte -Timthy .. Crove. 5128 Dosai Ulisbstit*venui.Cibkego. ount' tel tatrlvlu$ a boaeh"qql lu ple"e ofaigu he te ia bat 8Sm rete for jrlvng au automobile luan n trepeil' rrecieas mannor. SCrewi was arrestad lait Stn* atesroou tir Depaties troua] Ahistruia ffte@. Wh" Ar betora jutice Couleon i. vas lu a big berri. As u lu Occotamotate, bint t ibmdc i Iéw et a check for $6 h ba roturned 1his vool Maria ,' m'bnt stoppéd. Auea aet Igratitude the Lais .1.0*rý 0tiasiwlusltuted, a il4 ILuad Weduiid*Y ybn P er Stark.uatb.d Mn,. ti e,"sud »l Mi~ Ai il North Shore Citles AskedC te Keep Watoti f*,Appear-s -anceof 80*. S STILL UNIDENTIFIED The ideutitr of the «"tboater" nici vas tisceveredtiomfloa la l the laie.about a Mile Môttise- 0f - the liglithqîmaia thteiNaval Train- log tatien. bau net yet bien ru- veaied. lu tact the body bues'hot, yot 'bots rcerd. 0.versi uavy C tters:'m=n ibi mailora tran C ha Navol S ationscored tic laks fer a spacaetofmany adiUsa naSiL e dovu the laie ahore and i ales Itte tbe itke. but vru" bilg e l s.a don thé Mearcii vieIlno' trtier tisa.é utfhi body eal4 lie ton"d Thé body oethé tic divasinias pane, tret vas discolr.I>1a5i tttrmeOn buT glismef 0ai Cleemer i4-1etWa*gu aev tiai nu mais ne.getibît 1 body pu 1board, beaa* ce tis. e4, ditton and se aubmnft, a- sreport of thiîr discovéry ta lie neai sa- tion. Bousa ereSesnt eut lmm*d- intel>' i anda sairai vasetartedill'Tis wrae Ceutinued >'isterday sud final-, iy ba inlehb.abandouad. - Tiiepolice eoftii, varions North Shore citie. have beau requested te keep a vatch for tia body. At tic Vin>. lt vasseau tha body appear- ad 10 b. driftlng lu a seutherly di-1 rection. doubîles. carried- aloig b>' lia qtrong dirrent vbtch ruas Soluh abong lie Shore. This causa.thc ballet tihat the yictlm' May bave, lived lu soeaCity to the nortit et Waulegau although tiare la a poubiliti tiat ho Mai havé lived ln Chicate or Evanmteu. Thme tacseoftheisdead man vas unrecognizablé. Thé vîctipi appear- éd te hé about 35 years old, 'welgii- éd aboût 176 te 180 peundsansd sppearéd le ho about tive test asV- en luchas taki. He vas trosed lu vhat appéared te ha a bathiot suit. ADMINISTRATION - OF4ISTICE C»ST Thée peusof tie Sudiciary de- partment et Lais county ceai $8,969.26, during the' lait' titras montho, according to bUilé,suimittat tu the, ceunly boaut Tiiurday hi States Attorney - it>h whîici thé supervisors os-tared DM&d Tbis Corse. eut ofthVes Matou ai- totney's spietal fuit. lic largéet itéisla the billvqre liais fer services et thé aspooge aquad and thé employment uf privats detectvs-é The servlca ut IFred Pititclalr, mein- b.r 0( tho spoi4ge squad, vas one of tie lailes, amounting tea$1.300 4otlier large bibl vas liat et W. W. (Yrdetective, fer $615. TU bill'for priuting sud station- Sttlicounty aise vua aiee totalbling $4,270.22, vhlch lu- Cludee the coul ut printing the de- hiqitVax let. M-" lý

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