CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jun 1923, p. 3

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~fng t SOi4O~Ol. 4 nia 7 "ià Eau Day R. arris B.Mteioi ntma «W. -Wtklma rtW. liMts,Jr -X. Ooodia WrEaldene rut M. Curli rT. Çarison P. Mine Uina Credo Wma -A. Ostrail A?$TIOCm SCI-OOL XM. Webi et 1. luths>' s- r. BA" ..verier e azer Cam e .l'c aval W. Wagncr B0yAnon W.temacu 10 . Sgra A.- W. argarder 1. r Jhnson sl .Garrty c AIL M.ticile r. Rasbloan A. S8ticien R- Wagner Sm QPJ.r440. CJtiÇAOO 911115 .4. :~botl$l - -, 1Yee ~5r 8.iulta l.Ceya Nyae - L'Rurc Sebear ~ctimoPp .j miel wa~ iheaden sailli -~ ~Ulua r "ibn 115SCi-OOL ilaPtter. FahA. NUmmi Fox CAKtE SCHO@1 Fmancet ML Jebosoi Salon M. 'Satie myrout BaT George Krac Margaret X. Cusber Leslie V. Jlggs Gertruide Weber WILMOT 8014001 Elvîra A. Meinset Ireno A. T. liccimaas Mdin L Roskiinbac Esuma »Wnscai Cheter 3 q"2 George -. Btbnoa < t3rsc 4 L..sfa cufforé 3'eterom AlicaIK God*lu Wllltc M.W. Wattman Etivart i Wrts Ecmmrett A.' Raasci 1WADWORTN >CHOOL Robart Ra&* . 4 Mary M. iabey Edti LU- cteran DommL, H.Cbsimorae Hiarnct EX.-Kar Prancai G. Lt« Aitai J. Mile>' OAKiÀ*D 04 9. BOU lwMauvs, Jr. Bam Xin Myc:lrti. 1lu Nelicu B1alsa . Martin Lounig R.' Trbriii marie W. Roliera Arnoldi W. buainesan claieUluJMieu peter F. W tweller Lenter taer Mary j.»Mxl"it acA. Tarb[l laaiE.LGrois Batney A. Araiiil SAUGATIJCK 5014001 Abrt DeMoyier LicytiObelrec Shre .Thom"i -'H. iICJORY ».SCHOQL P#lçaral Kemedy Siai it.-eflsibc NUflHAV 8014001. Agnes C. ]%,et Raymsonti . Dlt -wiEsr NUWionrT 8014001 milllrçt I R. Womw Tialma . Esiaiiy Aice lu, Wetmsi LGOU OME SCIOOL 1 Mliabeth Â.- tihets FR«»mOT cEN4TER 8011901 Leujrettq ,C..Frederick - - Maruite TtdI& ic altNZ'l- 801401.' - * M4DN 8CHOOL EmLlr B ieski OoL. * COOL * .1 *WillIai RobaIt BI * - Frani Ch&mlai -ValicIs ÇUffor Bnrry. 8#1400L ses 4 - Sut aài riraili' To I.. ,ftO@L I -y, j AxMia D_,___ pov.~oY BOloot; *moO-KGcI 8OCHO0t.L £MT BI>UTV SCI400L DolYt aM. N1Mai Lei, 3 ONTE boird Moda. . Tagbill -'o thWFe po.oua e f-h co t fa frthvls ,qare A$'VOtu ROmd muberi1126W The creto eoM he rK thé 60efiELAMd S0ing he am qurtraniw rilele h O Geubser &Mont o thetota ex Poainl Man fui mitds DeorM . $ve 7 Grat Tr.$130-001 atuod liecoo113,60. pi1tW trbe m Te isIstvo$ as1r1t7 coosiy oar Tw:Çibraay Tio i a:Woet foried oTestli$t9» or deat 04riY Bmid&Y ni>btulg tien Jo. FVs"«. 394 NOrlil 5iie avfeue, Cbicaglouu*oâeti rougi the G'jirnecbMPQgeater i*ogbund. cd bi tO iclgts cf aiatUlgu ato- Mobile. - lie vwa , renovad tq tie Lako Comtry O-anrai bosptil 1wie:.* gions :fpuo ho vas *ufferni. lrom a fr5.cture -aet aheSwt abwauie. il tg *mol0ýh tho it hoaI bai&nY lue ternat ljrtc..go *"-auremoyeti ta ies âornelaIste ta!. 4%hier, *andi four oUWIermer.s e tnuifïg homete'CIleiasQk theiii lake rgob.Thbc -varb apprO*ci lung thc Glme btridge over the Des pllncairer vbex 1 car apprfacti Jet1g the oette, directon 111. cd t.0llm i ** Ilgite. Fiai.'*est i directionli ntb tisa act 0. weglra anti is jucizLq burue ticti U e'i biluige. It va> badly daagtn. Pecultartiy teteft be Memicl- bers of tiepartyvae- uiot Infureti uith the eeiDti0on"Of mIner acrajti- et anti brulace.Th@ driver 0ai:the atber car faitout te soaccording tu reporti. *Trainit. Ralent ilaItbooks,' beynd -nU el" vomi ut tic scioulbeyoiid ailt ibéla ep"utiteu of uhat I c",,.My ef culme igLL d i 1andi Prcsitii0, a 51* d"c , that la mi grettbaonol- )tiasr y dany bnci. whatcver Il li, iialiatinatly eatiiftes nqm M lc uturtntr l 0 iumry .<el*f -p'ot 4tk t bnljt i a. WiiaM :,ewl 64 @l#lbF a bu otwb* 261> Ibde A1 inum - Lwae. 00 ~id g .led g~ ~.~ m Vp hmImml -Màs,~o a wm Mt bua a e .. s .~ .10b Isc ~yio - QUaliby mthe 84XOR.Worth Tirinkin Over. oftjiare sal t tbet bffla tt c udft te mWacriof b3naw l ,but ot lu rcatUve vork, and licbO«7, der, by mutUal offies of coimpuiqoli or la orilalt>. benimolence andi bttmanfty-AddlSeu $ OO -willenroflyou and-mtrt you on ship. WW inlput the money irn a localbank1et w, terçstEafi week "ae an additioýnal payment. Soon yourpa yments pusthé interes paid by the bankwil make the car yours. So< toe:outintothe fiel"andwoode Ito e beu&lt >r sàutre-bcfilly andyou-ln the Fod Sen. It tareadyfor uln~8 or leseriihne you sep into the driveris-set andi put y= ourot on the startr buttoxi. Iti a a car f6r al wcadler with ueri comfort forlevczYoç. Aniî now ila witbinyeur zeach. Cornein toda* i dctalis. WILSON oeOHM ~ WÂU*GAKPhono 2M4 file .E" D9WltoT7for SEOUMETY BÂVTGS BANK pkmw c 4wnl*nvIted.a -~$425>lu * k Waaib ovi, wville Porctlu cum*nlct il liù.in:aise 17 lu. Xuicidnge viltd cbine or iâ leta, - iltei v ibi tvo Iro n eaeue*èt- 1ev .3ks bram *ab umah ceiet.. .--.$6.5 andi ite'5trelie sfpic a* ti 115-Vlc-04115intbv.Ic j 1@t Ihavs ani lm- 2-5 W-sta g rae ~ *TelaWfor ilcaiïantibot l80-galion, zo la. by 5 i:.. vtlrii t.ltlai«etto" :te tel' plate. 5f ani tli. . on4tr- a vRilelie li1~~.tiel tsi ene. po'ieq fI..kd Our' prlcis-4AVZfrout 4) POZ CMasust 8 01,rCent dn in megy cases cndhi mor. - ates bcfiyftf0 R~almeahitCORT E4S Tai e ltdifIW ~I te g"d et., Jortb cbioso.-. 6ËW mora rouba * *4 ta# - * Siridun Boa. ' 70110w> oui (IgEN ëwtïip =a ", * Open Suntiml forY9ur Ocuvateffl * *,~c* OPEN ON WAUQ$RW A.ý ei. p PHE OARDLS ;cqodetcf ita a mner so -"Y ew » ÂYÂr5W belce bulit, en ~ 45 :r.iltiIbl at ýag~ tdI5»àotb-cf 0111à View ". - _t _et over*10.O0 l we'iidk là ai i là@ mroi14 - lor c{lti'4i Ird-?Ile T,0a - ti i * 4 iliat . C îeý'iraîdI êtaýeich- ta. bisl. do«r. yll beu èo u c f . ) r . . T e a r n . y - & a -e . t 4t e 4 I g o v t n d .ù y , i l e er.vl;be 2 gala on the ~& uea lr Zt ner, w hlchbe, a nd, bir 1 ?ne flI> SC5Oi îIieStn n it ar tAdi daitr ,vlU 0rn' >Ut e -W '9 l o s nlIy vil> ccw »IY. c 1 ~ c ., liel leiiStIp = Pc-lo t Ban Francisco. j ptôae 10,090gco ieaat -~~~ ~~ flc010 fA la belng OtauVwev»Antilis peupleaboulé verl Sw#1 te séiMssnadate aI&MOY partiel come Mr. TearmeY as t~pYlu wI0e eu t e i.oati and I viiiba thair comnmultY. whosé Damea are ot matie public DY thUicHMfefly authilta5.Thc charte IAN agiaist Peterson làa t o f 'Motir- JN, PEARL- É ei ueinc eoeo - ta cultivate pearla b! etablliblux AithOuSi the tnitter lu mot te. ertearive bed, or clama andti tratlg eaelly -keovu It develoos tbat a »«6ý them tA a certain va!. bbc ecfret mer Waakessnulon lapue . of tiçsq of ,4leh vas ln the bande -et Fr- who bui been arre atuti a ýe "WèA muiRoy. Thc bubbla fluaily burst FSiOrli" rob tet a blmga. Andi the grand jury lxnmediatelY, got dmUOtd por o th t abl--R a th thebbcrecuit that 29 lndict- tvemty.amlmo truc bUils bavebecsre-mti rc eretined. turcd * htiti cacabY lb. granti' Juat vhat ianneètiou -Peterson hati Jury la that; county. mewthti mc cruI any. bals mot! yet .Aibtrav .Petéraon of "Iove ab >e« brtmjhbta1 ilgit. iormeily QtWaukégaii, lW thelocal _______ mcm vie #*U ndictti'ith PIremmt Soy, a Cemry baikar "isud tha nt aeCae othom . -ptrie gv iib af p a i ta i Sea o (fCîss. rn lev dm s egAelter thc lndletmcnts bere1- lt avceltttdfee ,Wcbe retilmlmd ai asplacati indter bctweeà the feIlOJFho dlt' tkno'v bondi of11,000. Be vas raelassE4ti. las icadèti andi the î,îeorist Who ater. thcc bonds liaitibeen esiffmt I neyr in'ows uheti hie theurY li t gg by tva Waukcgan- business âmcm 10 téaxtiode. our COM Im uS, fPal Jous, A&YW"ih Md Varrmgu ~x6 lu * l 1 4 Il N. le l. Heavi rubber, 3 plInlurailis. ' price ýper square of l t Wa» Baud- * ~ ~ ~ 012 10 s I-__ agalar siecta. like 29 Worth ncv $2.50 ncv, par 100 sq.'tt. *LeIJ Whl4*m-Sah-Worth ucv $4.00. Glicd shii. &. Llglits eec. 4 In 1 20 an., excellent for barns, Ta lit 6. 8 or 12 ligit wia-, garages, etc. Priced rerark- dows. WIre lu gooti c"1i-: ahi! 10w. j tin. Very.. specll -60 taclet .. ..-... $.00........ ........ 0 Worth new' 12.25 Wnosand Brames Pri osn -n . bil8tOA t ai)~. sqz, et u.xs51 l. itre 15iL pcadIti nc*, Càc vldVfor YctVrbunlDOJw At ..-.--...... or cottage. ise 2 ft 10 ln. Many ther aises &,t ratidc4- by 6 ft. 4Inl. IPrame cqulo- pricce W wd ith -pulcye andi lits 2xritgudtiuir. Complcte van- B<O1 Di dow anti trame, vary 4Wttjlc'thay lan,. * a sicllypricç4 etRt .2.5 - cc e .. ............ . Iid 19NOT: The qusalti il lunibeM4 uiw«rk uMe, i tii eu- dtrucilo f thoie camps wu sçpe iof q~theq Myr bout rU& Tb@ *bufldings&Te diWatW tl4wflta - peatit cOu%, sil gih anar 1maw> matitbe, gooti co d.c . lum I bet lprusorcalin «Mr way pesaible.

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