CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jun 1923, p. 7

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Li~ETYVILLE INDEPEN-DENT t~j~~ PEDENTLake Countv' Bg Weekly WUKEGAN WTEKY SUN' .1e t taiihPeofflce at t Ub.ntll#0, taSecai O m lsa al Natter. 4~KE COUNTY FAIR THE DAN> ROAD Oit THE DRY ROAD? 'oals1 T trqe s pFai r G L TieomafiIs mai ir.etorme otite -us w~,A( 1 ~p fYor si atlle b4NMn t etaLAý. tba nature «« or he t the ftairSFEN teietohla three4al s1r-on aturdse. sept ult. t4t d n mojy (iloer aTe5ibO to attend the fair, ben«ouy t ity0flavl tireir or eIselag butassue bhom bas bom mom oppoulticonte Ulsthe fi uudy u ie 71e mtter ws ui:cutLdrei t= 1sd0 directors decliaithat b3' fer 10 MAJOrity o ofeo 0fr heWM Y"won Id b. in tar rof the ffr tbat 1' The progrunon Saader viiib. t)e ami*=fn. se fur Ases8bt uteurtalmueut ueual oia Fena eemt r lM- Thers lm . ne o'eraclag. but a ruai bus kg "mre vllJthe *~eat4tram la ïI aftsrflooa. lira ht tUlrm'.wS le ti. usual dlupiay of flrevwtu, a M iococrt. danoing, etc. Os BatOMrday ami Monday the hor. 'slathe pust, vIls b. 0fthb Ct poUab. tu procure et a ceont! 2.Thre purs.. viiihb. PuLuai- t tiy attractive te bring the bat Orne. The trilla kno*n as » « Lthe but la lb. state. Tie oottraost ter the year bookaid muurUalbubatuom ared, and Un pub&atano vM ib. reuy fur de- Ve!the latter Part çt J*l. This =t; i laplanaci tuma"ethre book a Wa source of InormtIs about thre $&, sud viii be a valuable aivertis- f diaplay et Iivstoct m ae gr.ysd produits promet4 aus tiother yeas. The bw ato. show wM ib. oomlnue&,"dm4tw a"' a t e f tor diers au ipay ~j I~ I W- oN R3~ IJK *he. ii b. mauyditterent bilais i m.....n.,a «Ovide& d. térT iR N SE b. a ruai midvay. The offlcias V N ECIIAI«iENAIM EDI TO FI(iHT.TII cmle oehnofa distinctive $«»r for titis year. N1114IMUA Joseph fizarat, 220 West 23rd St.. T XO~ E T R c.e enent rS osi e liertyville vilii STORE zaIDÀmu Chicago, vas arrested Thursday nigbrT OR T R b pltd by tire tiare thre fair . -by deputy aheriffs on a charge of Mmsud m hiis vill brla ý1g mn n.uautomobile over Cut ae îp oTwr r automobiles bore. The strou eA he ot thegReresheothgen concrete on Rand road at onyTksStp oTwr W u to theiair grounds viii b. put ln Stand of Josephi Cakar and Lake Zurich- Ho vas arralgned ho- Purposes of Nearly 500 Wt lus condition. lmproved Park- "et $100 în Mechadise fore Justice Harry Hoyt and hie Ojcos gS facilitiee viiibe provlded, no s toU, e.anîs case vas contlnued until Jue 23. Ojcos ifi Cam ro r fvisitors. -r tfite vas released uader $500 bonda- The county boarud Triday morulng -Purtirer dtais viii ho given ini Thie ÂAn se ttng tire to the store ot Tmothy J. Crow of Chicago. who authorîzed the finance commlttee ho 9ependent, fram lme 1tnte, sud It Joseph Caukar, on Grand avenue vas arrested last Saturday on a enter întô an agreement wîtb Atty. riup wo every meaidlent of thre Oounty noIr McAree road, lust outailde-of charge of speeding gave a check for Arthur Bulkley to hure hlm as a b bocal this Lae coonty Istitution, tho Waukegan clty limite. robbers $25 lnPayment of a flneeIln, Justice sellassat1 tt5Atre Thusdo nlht ootd 1, bildng.Coulson's court. The checkr wasre- PSmilt sitan gt theStaesbiettorsey Thuada niht ootd te bildngturned today marked 'NSF' Cr Smthtufwho ae ld rtestaagainectothe A akng tlir fescape wiîiimore a being ought by deputy aBeriffs. hop a e foi l arperot anst eo TWICE R4&N A ysa r. FOR1TER DL O WD carry thruugb lits dght, whlch proh- oCauckarhe abl ae elee t Y-wilI again go 10 the suprqne W Ti TJ R MEN ocîock. s iet fr oa w Co l stheca ty hospitai no longer nlgit.ILTAITAfk-u as no use for an autumobile that cssl.fl topd u Mna i ung ami th" ssuccoededin cra.c waspurceedfxta dprm se Ille irrl iy n»g the glass vthout eirrghord- INSTONEQ lfrtWtdprmn aw iorc e Frethagat M e. Thre Caukar resideuce la located near gueieâg,____deie Fia « ofLm mrs gIs r.the store but the thieves vent ith o Shern t heictr ort hoateuse o tue 'Wenbrg of Chicago, vhen. htf hsrm h itmsl ~4eClaire C. Edvuids-grated threa, window at the far aide so that Rev. 'Chartes K. Alexander, comPelled t. hire a car tu look Mier'.. request fot-l ave le fMe a thp escaped detection. FomrPesyei atrafter the business of hi. office. The Wa ilt wih h outr They took the followina merchan- b""~ ~ jeîI ~o oard authorizeti the sherlWfs and ri.bluvlb srecetrdise: in ýbry11 rws hospîtal committees to gel together ,otatbr bpsbau.d usaex.-I1iBoxtyoflcigaren U cruel., Ia ber i r eh AI B cros orcigaretsand decide on what would be a 017ie tùse a aaver ithr 1ca rtene o! cgae Lbrya erudet ufair price for the car and the hoa. nia udtigteh ira u Ics rp JleLbryil rele t as wees itplaiwill ho givon credit for liaI1 bei-g andrtilt e ie t day0f 1 . i eepop were shocked "ad grleved eh the noeganrount. The amount vilii hope.ld bo utl h ftîdyofMy i case tobacco lot the sudden and traglc deatir of the out o! the saving on taxi hure by yea b1 o ioc vsle ot gruessPackage- smoking tobacco Rev. CharIes IL Alexander, former the abortif. The hlspia no longer - -ag5 Wenbrgciiarged tira bis jkerai boxe* ut cairdy. ~ rdpasttor of tie Preshytorian churcir lu needs the car because the North s«qý W anoirerrman but ie rFrak Brence afin ietve ,.jm-sva thii man 0fut ii at1 a aidbth e.~xne a rwe u~ Shore line la runulng busses oui _jp. say vnls e ireiave lso iee û e Rv.Aeadrw rwe nathere uow. sto berbs*.ar tais rlng a .Wg urrble ho obla n Y lte. aoequarry lnear bis home la Gallon ______ an rèmlw 'be. Es lto A report of the rohbêrY vasmade o , h10 ile on a pîcnic vitir the -» jbah ~ t teoagain put lster t10the abteaOffice. chillireu of hIas unoy achool. Hoe ti and ste hd The place ln guazded hi' four doge had taken tire chliron and severalCO TY' >yaitat i- d te tact thai the animais made membore of tire paisirto the plcnic COUFlAIPO R TlIa ra. Wons- no disturbauce, vhlch leau the auth- grounds atthie edge ot thre Quarry e.u usaer 8h aso riiesobeleatiraI the roirbery and ah about 10:U0 la the eveulng. ra aie oi tr mu h. 1921.en vals co eld ho' persons viio are as tire parhy wus packn.g up to e- I y an ffl.,&t ~s tes, A year. ago tire place vas cleanod s ed tai 10hake a ilankot over tire tioth e casseq lot by roirbers but Caukar di not edge f the cuarry before packlng t R E 9 EP T r o n bis ov a cc oa I ttle It ot he automobile. Ho sllpped sptigon ir eff ortsvet.d - oa Jaggod rotk ansd laniris et- tortsrto save h"Irsei, became on- County Poor Farm Comimit- enter,. the place. tariýged lu lhe bauket and pluaged headloug 0101 backvardu ýnto tire tee's Report Shows They ueigiry basmelt ut*4lte In water ve.hrd. pa b ie Kept Under Appropriation. tuth ue uga * 001 " B R ST À darkness. and thie pashor. belng - latter t rai Mfiat -V40 Mdveigirted dowu by thm blaket. sank Tire poor farrutcommittee hoday îc WIM i 1A7mfl mmeiiately.' Men vere called oui eubmltted a report 10 tire'county tire store. "oui Ray, hie ôCisk t Fv.~ 5L55i rmtr iy*t Iefrtr a'board, whlcii sire-s tiai durlug the b4e Wu~he~ a -ite emoaeer la - and il wae finally rdcorered bylu qare tosthcuty$. 'the feavy vork beiag doue by -blastlng. Il vas Impossible ho rel a6t qurtie r sI n ieonty.$Tho Scement -gong.. T 'Il i a Tire formner homeof !Senalor Wil- tire body viti books or by divlug re otapo roe foleugut The n - ippreves tire street at tha$ l:.liam IL. Mumn deeaslecl, ou Grand as the vater la 30-Teet deep in th5 epralobugtntahielu amienalest~op1 haga clse Vellilmb.JAgorf dvuouiths paceviere Rer. Alexander vomi terestlug tact - that tire commlleea rW-e Show vindovu. vbih Mr. marks the p"ül of eu o f the ied-clovn, Mrm. Alexnder vas at thre -sayed thn l arolai, -ialsald A- nov 1tllii ui reuidmoaInce lte city. The aid pnl 'Wbeu lire trageiy lrapponed. whlch le $20.000 a year, or $6,000 per fog tire Windows vas put la hom, ept"cJe te ogéed just euat of Rev. Alexaudér. viro Was #eîîqate.Telouy ambas ah - -byTtusBru., mi has DsAal ateSi - pisirua~etaret orknovn and bloved bry tire mern ers tie presont lime about as largea m.onn tibrd ribars bêetirte-bnp seyxI firmes vthmn ltheaIof bis congregation, la surlived-by number of people as il ver hall. dee.ralve ork 'lbe earmii hi oveeshav iilu ,tithe vidotu, Helen Klnuey AIexauldsýr. Thre coufty iboard sîso reroived tire do"d fOI b tradteOnSUedcddt out, eildreu, Charles KX, lilaor, report ou tire cnet of keeplpug delia- ,whea co~psied viii b. one remoove if. lsborjng mean bougiri lllabetir A., Helen C., Martha Jean. queuls. depondeuts, sud defoctives lu lest. t JItuzl m aigrIeluthOitifor 110 oand la * birt it iior th.e esa sen, survived by* aasisher aud thre varins stae echaritable InstItu. vert eIth-ie itte when com- lomber, mumet vWIeir1 I tu la ex- Ivo brothere and is moIrer ad lIons. Tis exPeuse for the quarter - -le cdion itliont . ftirer, Rer., and Mrs. Walter Alex. totlei $2,741.75. ClANI FOR FREE PON SA>RDAY BOYLE T !p TO FARM imm'elames'Le died e thhome ofc B NA tran rive monthe. For .more I ban 8 I PICNICÀT UR ÀNÀ veul YYears Mr&. Lee vas a reident - 0f Lbertyville, unlil about o Yeur ago viien bier hueband dlei, aince vich Jury Fixii County earnyadLColf Tourna- time she 1usd been living lanBlirn montW Conty air rou an, d Mlwvaukee. Suiewuvaomemiben June 26 Saturday, June 2Srd amme fteUetvleCatr Order of the Eastem rnte. Bondse c - Tue tuMnralservies vert ireld St Novarrki A free trip ta tire siat. L 1. À. pic. Mlwvaukee Mouday, viti laterment la uie ah Urbana Lulle 29, viiiholen oret ome cemetea.y, viire ber bua.s- ring 505 by thre laria Bureaur te tire vlmmlg bdanvas huri.d A number of Liber, lathetii a Lake couny t-eat h iis ccuaty opu- t3'villeaclMnhalan et etle MIlwau- tempt ofc Petitian. Tomaismuai ho farm bure«u kee for lhe funorai.eerqea members or beionglag to fezu bureU - qet famlly. We viii eoupply tire shout ad J ur-y wviec stalles. unIesayen have o pair of your the Sm~ua~ a ver ovu yeu voulu! ratier us.. DIstace ayelta C~ betwveln stakes 40 fout, saine u as tua' Cell htie tte conlest. lame nues 'SPECIAL RU1 Witt ho uaed. Torbert and Heeketi of mou. veilcony itt not compote Ibis LT a aeV. ii lot o ierenle ceat vii bua -FHAS. VÀ LIClaire C.1 bo oe.Ree ben ttlme-Cuahe vas une Contoat Ln 2 itr Lake Couaty* asked that Fair Grounds. State Picutc aI Urbaita Saturday Afteffioon T r- a i n clarei. Lune 291h. Trip vii probahly ho made m>Ch"* Fx1k Sil.rt iy auto. starting the day irotore. Let,% fro Chcag tmFopLae ed11 le go. Lake counny irai o team luit year Country "LoàWet." vio re a ai Olney. Remember there lu a free -nte r trip to the etate- picute for tire b" Tire Chicago, iuWi s - t.Pan] la lire l1 Lake county bornueehos. pltciagteaiii, nlrosi officia]s dS-rt baov Il but vboee tria Gel out lire old iroesansd pratce up, lhey are rnung a 'biàclgera uPWitrum oud for ht Wil taire soute skiff to vin tire lai" hoetire Fox Lake district erery aprlag 1 trip frout someo f aur localvptchra. eek. Laut Saturday Ilh çarnhoi more QUItted GO" Tire more contestants thlbotter It tutu 1.000 quart# of tiquer to relBee.1fBtte AI vil? ire. Old and yeung are ellgible ta thre Sunday draushrlu tire lakes re- tbot it" enter the coateat. glous. Hundreds cf bulgln perfptr-lcaoWM tlî lng sulîcases filaitire aies o tire bô cule ni train, aud as Shemmerville la tire iat dayWas .0ri tlfi#T o.IHTS"atoV' befbrethlb.train reoas ULo tiret 48 county. viiere tmigs are more strict. Lune 25. the commutera neacbod for tireir hips tire SUtti U1U5V<I1e 10ake ou enougir quenciingi tntAii l 1 ain r ,MEa m they nesciied tireir deeluaicu. Tue boud ~ ~>~p~> A Waukegau menon irhai ocas- ver.t gi BOAl-.ton to taire tire peci le x Laké. loter rodUC1 BOAT C P ff iraving let hia automobIle filerae *b«e 4 - .j..enit became atailed iectmtly., de.'ft> IOilfy1 I alne hre venu 1"0 bootleggers -ou about &a t jay Graham and -Two Olte ire train, sud tirai practleally ail of survie.Ata1 Famous Trap Shooters Face thear got 0o2 1't Fox Lake ond ingie trel ' a Death Twloe. ad.OL , Caughin ea érrilfte electrWW te lltf(g~ viricirbraite Monday nIgit, tire. f IAlL U Iv~ak e orni Amerlca'a toremont troLP- shootera .Olilt5iPstc vere etunued by tlghnng vien ihoyDeI>1Ufyfl WiriBoiter eouglrt shelter union theln ovri- jJJ~ol j'~L-ee Berri. turned iboat ah Pequet, Mina. Tire .Ioizo itiii mon are M. Trocir. Vancouver, ('J - " Scott Waair.; Jay Grahram. Long Lair., Ill., XV17L A R5,I1.R aud Frankr Hughes, Mobrldge, S. D. .100 kan>i Tire three- mon vert on a flesIrng laime, Leoc trip viren the storin inoke. 'bey Tire lulauous doore of MaÊW r &lVs& drv irJr boat up- ou a shrlp of land place yl ho closei forerer. Thomas Li oui cra*iod under lt. They ver, State's Attorney A. V. Smibh gave L.Dd irnocýei uncousclous viren a boit o! thiitussu rance Monday, Otter hW<adryH.L. *al lightuing sirucir a tree near iry. agonts hai irougit a uttiey tiockAudrev Ber Ail thr-se men are von kunowa Iu irontirhe leourtir. Lake dive. C. W. Blet Waukogan. Mn. Graham.n for yese One yean and a veek âge tire place Lobn Geilge1 famus as a trap shooter. resides ah vas clnsed by an uInunction for a Ged*Mai'5 Inglealde, sud Mosane. Troeb aud year. One veek ago vheu 1h opaned f. E. Lob] Hugires have frequeutly ahot frout agomn vih rJae Paule at tire ilm tire Q- R. Pack, tire local Irape of the Waukegan, Gun dry agente earlai an Investigation. Herman trI club as tire gueste of Mn. Grahiam, The result of thie wonk <an ho gar. Osar Kulle Charles Armes snd J. J. Dietutoyer. neei frontirhe fact liraI. John Baril According ho a tlegraut receivai .10e Paule, deooaire skipper of lire Saut Evilsim ioday by Thromtas Grahamt of Ingle. alleged brouseo f 111-faute, la ouh lu Oeo- Wnlit aide. brother of Jay. the îirroe mon boude o! $6,000. Fied G. Pet vere net seelously. iujuned butirad Ruth Lava. a typical flapPen fromt Wm. Edv40 îwo sucb close escapes that îhey are tire tendenloin of Chicago, ilaeut fi WDt. A' -V cut uuervd.$5(>0 bonds vîtir ber triai set fan H. W. stil unered.June 271ir ou a charge of boing an GeO. Baociie tomaite of a bouse of Illfamo. - Louis B2-ckn 15raaiNellie Blumenfli, qoy;, o CU A u O wt, Ing ogei. le out In bonds o of su0 ad Loba lPeiF CeÀ D O IEDavaitlug i Lune Zîrir uearnj ou a - TIR i cffÀ fiE tir er sections of tire coutry for IU a living. N E And E. C. Subriene. vWho athr at tire time, le lu tir, toile If thre Mv. - Milwauke Young Woman & aule dld not riolate tieorder o Asks for AnnuIment of Mar-.lire iniunction, accordlug te M.. rnage on This Grousid. te bnut o ws td bineth A srane -law. . R# II-- Auhomanlge elory ef beiug coaxoi Paule &pont boit ablumer là' thie -mt intomarrageby aWankogau Justice couuîy l.Ho vas tera doirrga oftepeace. vas houlai circuit sirti for violations <hiProirlb. court Iu Milvakeo btan iday bY Itory lau. pret hrot Mayvamn. aged 24, Constable Conradi À. .Oreae Ad ls - nfticlhtyluti a suit for ennui- agents ruade tire raid virile lthe courtJdeRb pleu 0f on aiage te Lloyd R. actionsu ve taken'betore .utce H U d, o Moy;wor. aei 22, aiso of Mllwou. Coclsou. ne alr kes Acceding btirsh report frout tir e jnay rem Smartly attirai. Mme. Mai'vorn dry eqsrld îiey' tound tventy pintae le , o « I houd .udgo E. T. Fairchild, siebsi o! gin aud aboooe!aI Paule's. nul t cma viir hemrhusiand ho Wauke- C. P. Watts, colorai, viro biladanurgt gau te ait as vitneseos bte v ed. fine of $200 suspended asu re1ug au la- qiag of frienis. mates~tirhe place, complaneuai b e mi. Ilumes JustIce cf Pouce Coust. eFred "Spot" Poiclatr h. bes-li *11 hadnounIntention of marrlug carne tree vftb lire use of irise club JUdg4* M Mn. Mayvorn," sire touIlife. "I irad ma rstoe0 i.poi u t l.#rd*" auly beau out vitirilut once before place. n epo r ai not reached -tePl tirtand sd o iadt nover dîsLusutiMr iitt. ua wOlitd marriage. Tire justice of tire peaice Snttii.oharsIl A] eoa.xed us lIe manrYlag. We nover .11 li i lirai togethor atten tire mrla e!D u'r 1JI 'ifSpa vq Aunulmeut Le askai under hi N ol DJ1E VIILAilATiO5i l1 fonut marmlaze evasion act, as If la tbeila alloeoitire couple wedded lu or- fAV ça*51 tus 10follèl sitnou tflie Wisconein maniage Ji.UA3 À 4JJ 'jSl Thre sauc couse law. Ludge Fairchild look thes today tirat malter under adisemenî. Tire Wau- 1gni la kejan weddlug 100k place Apnll 11. RutIl Grof!, at Buffale- Grave, Men.-1t=r 1919. - 'day ploded gUlIlty hoeiraring nto* . lit5e LIllian Gottiirg, 29, of 1607 Grand fcoting lquo lu i i pssession.Ute W OteatO 'avenue, Mllwauloe. sald aie vas vas arrotd by Voutabia C04#Mrai .T'e 0 ls deserei iy 'ber irusand, Gui Gel. A. mmmc sud is mon la ibéirW»k- of e t- «MlTn tlpenMay10,1919. Sire oitaiued end raids. He pal a ttué 0?1$000 1J84W E o ddre. Tiy er mw" le ai, and caés. Ho made tihe complaint reo» il' ýWaueguNov,'.Y, 1>,197.tiraItirsamnvers ecatamrâiiraid- hie P-s'yl 0 ling iilm ou tals repensturned tla ei TIEINODEPENDIENT priais AU. f ly eeaoirie. BuE<~2a 4 th4 eM of* Ltke County, end- os e i.jtiug 1h wu tire ,-Uý' irs ê,v relled upe ase *cours*&e. erer ah tire place. iluit :-.ii>,-..~ -~'. - -. - n LiME XXXL-NUM~ Z5. LIBERTYVILLE, lLLIS. fISMA Y. lUNE 21, 1923 Who ale ied o -, - qtne rIX Contmd ai;Juge IaolwH=p- lthoo have fèd wto ,. Cunila 4os jury b~ nmwsty and mut bail l in81,000ea c uty. vent bo*Julýp Edrarda and~ able to locate mu*a4 at the forfaiture bi.. sad no effort voaiii t locate the misslgam also vanted as Wi*uW and Juror La 8.J8ý al Wiin banode iay. e ou brgs bribe ti.Ju h* mi', weraur SuiD &ttornoy Sudtiian"uu De Jacob 1WoPMU e t= Id herthre case but UW X« b. hure ceai wIaaUy P1srn, A0 si"-* case b. cothsu* Tise 1&vagqh. bm*' nq"ec. Thre =a~~ sPvort on twait As of Boyle andi wxr omaliy s4et at#IA# P Ced. .hstrom vas lstru*4 the. U veirrem «»O- tc h .... t.. r..... Oti .. .. . . . . A t ts...... . Mard ÏAk VaU*s ...r..... a r . . . . .. . rt ...... W m a.. . . Â14Lef-s le ......... aww«ké Ise ....... seÀ tr............ertvIenp ramler.......... remu ..d... ........ Cti. ilsWeek* WiNL8ë*4 th*'

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