CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jun 1923, p. 8

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sey & Weber lumber office. HRs bro. o ilLAeWSAlhe ed Cor-o, n Ii w NA OM WL P Miess losses Class in music wiANR ,TYTRDED A N, C. N G •R tzSSY GA6E4FROM t'e l-o«the"rd U': SULER LAO IN am fAEFC nouced lat week. Pardon the mie-g b rsde Eer atrayEen, Cu ee le'PDterripen theGweekend OgnWj ¾Yg, NAting th¾ B WILotSan ad FndNew ake p enlio«Mfï in." eciio" aeNo .111« -0.P&Yt tae Hurler In Woertz. Mr. and Mrs. Kean spent Tuesday i, Plàyg da amne. Go"donetandinga is s. by C. W. ýYeom" ans. ..Pmrorisd in the City un business. yegstd t BiphmoN .eg Mrs. R.-E. Hussey has been on the The North Chicago National Ath- 1 62 071 7914 ifiósI Tr ouer the opeLake ilmet sick list for several days. lettc club won a whole fiock Of nesb,, ,,23 if 10 15 28-34 1 ô 28 xiad a fa and oInqaued ce ihyllth--laurels Sunday, and proved them.- Producr o me ban 165l 2 2 22i914 26428 10111 maries *l crod n fstan clsebalnha TEmCuRCH oN THE HILL j osieles to be one of. the best tea=Mo mre by mIng «A pr9a aas25 188 la4i4la CrOp rail tht a ntovruni telatiServices at the usalthours next in the count he he atld ada isety dwellers, "s arket 8 1 1 2 1 i22517rop' Jt USg when the Lake Vla aeait Sundayv. You are welcome. defeated,th strong Silver Lake, Mpeait fteUie ttsN2 25 812 os 1i'f31 28 1S arouncem thoir es uaneithe-lt oteThe Daly Vacation Bible school, Wisconsin team by au $ to 6 scrm.partmmet Agiultdre. The neigtb 4 8 17 lg le 23 si 24' Dra".'Tisrange cean e'changuWrat My e tldau te2.under the direction Of Mien Flagg and Silver Lake, last Yes schampions borhood slected shouldbe o"e wùell . ---.... a,'The p Lake Vila ilant over the Vic- MisMuryoe nding good7wd, adof Keenosa contyhavwon telenot wellsuppuied with magtets« t lem No. 4: By J.P.,Rend v# J. rgIttoasurratt, tory for tw«o ,reason. First, tenx udyeeigat73,admn vr athehe aeplayed -this grocery storesbandling farm produco lem. *r,'gygt]s textra partu.'emra WDmo t etowddefeated the Antioche, stration of the work done durIng the year, and have even knooked sOMOs A man disrc m M wIt *V l Lak Villa' greatest rival, and st t weewl egvn o r o cnt good Ineomes offers a good deld ln No Mater Wéere you aloe, morthern end, he gae shwed tat Wortsmile postse. SIlver Lake han de- which to solicit trade. uees in the Acorn No. 6wil a°° LAke VIlla's new pitcher, lsallU of feated the Antioch team, and teams making a personal canvass depends.1r1»olt th» bear e was labeled when theyints vicinity viewed them as a in a large messure en the persnait f CnitOnse eicienty tr-e a w f en t tiePamighty organisation, but the Nation- fteprsnmkn.tecnes.H sD mom rom M Yomte »ethig more between Lake Villa and al hwdte o h aeo hudbenalursesol tt Q ton 1In the ake County championship. LaM.Manet, 1 sm. baWitplayed.thnaeote his busiesSu clearly and Ccn cise -e r&ay oxbut pro Woerts, who is a big husky hurler, WaM. E. Shoute, 25, WaueganNaonalis, ed itchi so the hevy bt.howing the prospeçtiv ecu$tomer why Cabinet range.18nth whiffed the boit over the plate no Alma C. Hougebrauck, 26, came ting by corting out 3 doubles and direct mnarketing wold be advanta4m -hich Il ;fast that Wilmot's best battere struck Elmer P. Heusgebrauck, 23, same, d eayan and, If possible, hi' sboldhave ,Fuishe with santar white 1U the a )&tM. He has almost perfect- control Laine Stetter, 21, Milwaukee, a single. Repas playead a cagh samples 'of' the produe that es* be ' o end can eut the balt ever any corner Charles Irving Coller, 29, Wauke- gamle in eente eldudc hn. urnished. Au this metho41 of obtai- pr"Su mtale of the plate isany sort of pitched egan. thJ s eft eldpu e esti ngcsoespemt h o#mrt rys hl,,C ball Acco sto ale.te ashorte El ,Semft, s32 ago.lar stunt of the game wb-he eran Osee and talk with the producr, a be-Black-1 2 4 5 8 10 14 16 19. ra bWer Pan, legs, siclesr orde nwhih h reire 10WiloyHaselBorg, 27 hiae. bak into the tll timbers and nailed ter undeirstanding la usually ee4White-17 21 22 25 27 29 30 81 32. and top of oVenot sides bf sdeafbracket and With niCkeled his Wortsgua o ad n le 22, ssame. a hot linerw h is bar hand the than if they had never seSe ech ot- White to play and win, e th bttegocacehet N 11 L e ah, 9M s go' e s t h c8 t moeunseit toPrblm o.5.By'l Godbro hi two double s h aiwe e a adl bneed tow nWi. be ht 2 aloa nil t e fitfd h rac al tpakt hiaolr s c Xru.s hit a rdmoa a ct veof tC aiCO e andgWe d. Å C mpttnea réiin ote bwo l e d tib-n uneme dr .trtdthe Laker erelsstus anothe d00 pie e 4"oi M ME liee ha thLkeVilasha miedLeteur H. WLux, 0, Wauo, A mE" oalivine adfewa pen rsoi a nva, yUr itcenandgN&ng5.lage om"ne COUngsurace ey9b ted hes e. h 1 coditt e A. hQue1, ame. North C agorR H Eof a fewhomsinpoa y fdesII t l1WGuaec s adCa ethènCa"heusedathe siame8.ileCo of terdot, ut Wm ot's trained crew Par Schmidt, 29Ba meKbar, i_"... .... 2 1 2 n sintiBaltimore and obtained r cokeindnw4memî Io daouypiers awerebalys reedy Charleis Hrmn 5,Rc s and ircn alc tlte, ......... h 2 2 cstomabestewhmrethie gn edigCulfoleaig aertDYCninCnncio eo ythe La e i laat onrweee h uusHt W en, 31, BAnder o te. D a tiaes ............ ..... e1l2 Pmsb pacl ot.W hi afe ballews o e roe te fie- ld 'lefford Brid , 2 , hicag o Ryn ke e .. ................0o 2 0h e ekodcs theyh ro me nd ed nthe » pro.ea dk télnh aera n ni.o m ynslu s a e n"b n raeuss in atc e Vilthatl k *e t e sterC. Hopkp, 4, SteenPoli.gintReae ......... 00 mr oa purc ae apoall heegsand yu ice M gvii ag o ie ooissf-e oýob»ls to atti saf e .A crowd of 40 Catein e Z.rJho, 3, sae. hed re:f , ......;7.;...0 0 0 polr h poue cud sply ya 1lebatted the aellas provei teirn RyAeWge 8 rliNo ertho c gbo..R .' .F ..o.. .. 1 us ome s er nreane b suppth G d olScining eue atde a ie . n diae week Lke Vil awill rest. ear A. -tM cC,29 athy,24, a Wntri b ,.... ... . ... .. .. 21 2 tienodnuaimoretand ob te.ric t lc - 21 3H i' n t i g i a ,e e tiiy o ethetlo, teywiut la bl, utthy intn,11TO'.. 2.. 813 5 hte 111522252h3 3 the. et ayie esy. The y ntea t he anies . hara l, 1, Du Iluth, iver Lak......Black. to player and win. nlunsentn Câ fr eain at rean f Wte , D en oneeio t aedine teat nrmGena Junc gutin ia l esn,31, Asdkv in. Star, sa ....,.............. 1 3 0 i sBROOD rE F RpoUibN a eCHICKScton Sai uaday t. t eyv ethelkfiladprk. as. . r ne, Racli e, 2 3ic. RSomer, e3b................Problem No. 6 BkG. Irvig. Satifaction uarantede1po- at RU li as an ad n -eo Jaenie M. Stele, sme,2. Barer, ,If -............. '0 A0 d apertedaEspefcaily for u td« ofsor r- aven M.qxa * at* hes* * a* lo*ke ai t Walter T oin Rac tee Pin t, Rebte, cf ................ 1 0 m n t uýaealtee 4* u rbs . atri ne ureu Ma1, am.lech ,rd f ,....... ..0 0 2 pet"he centd A eriCnutnillusta ja MY WORE,1 1R.I.FVolrit whti d h e ade isllaberoothr- Roy A. Wagnr, sam , A19. • F, M Richardsb r.............. 0 1 0 igan ee rein a hcke vn oe, Mrst Jarvisatnete commi encE-zaethrADeoof, aukeg, 2, Br.- - - fthe inventin of RcR.Mran y oficat l- é- 21 3 ù" ngm ltû*" r1610h m e t xe ei a in t , a s e i ad w o hT O T A L S ... ..... .... 68 1 5 tf od exasines : relatio s .t o l r Ti a e tetrilply ao wi th rens uclleHilsae,24.NaioalA.C. . 00 14 00-2 risng ad2hs aricla3reernc3te. and2tplab th is hey fortntehmer.),andrteber, Milwaauee,22,DuutSilver Lake ...... 0te000a00-a6dto he care f young hicks. Aongngun A friend, iss raey alla nankof Jaelia.Jablns, ae, 8. To-BsehisrWntrs3 Mrlc, heobets.stopovdeal 0 urtPesdet .B.Smt e ensn nJaNe .usnihie or a fe l er O. Gre ene, Mla ke e, 21.Sare, Ri hte ... . ::*'1 1 1 F. WN . . D -G I v n. S Chi a rebit, rstery a d anager weks Mri ladt ToRier, is, TheeBaehisMak 2 2 1 dapted'espeially for outdoor Use or dto el oneeceaatecurh Pter Naumoffi, RMiuke, 24. R crifice .hits; Pearce, Jeffers, TELEPorME 81 Ag Strdy vnig Jne2, t Rse1Strwso, same, 214 Mette Black-1.2.3...6...14.181t0ea rhhDCLArkJohnprsid. AlertA. Bastia, . Mend, W...s. .St.e.baes.Da .. Wit-1 122 325272B3E3NSC RIY ILE & TJ% RUS O ec inPst r m o e b a bl c s m t e e n A . J G a rg r, Cm p bie, ll., R o .Rt c h aW h itef t ay. .a n d w i n e t ul RfthchmerodrdnwtW .cok, eeorIll.u, 319 ABSTRACTS.........OF 12 TeITI.tfl . ..-nIn llTIT- ocESi a AGUARANTEEDY £ é c W I ntta er wmietEandzaes nrth. Gl ad u , intm , 29. . . . . Solutionn# to Problem No. 1 By W J.r,.."Oo"tn . mAabr frm er attended the Jnc- eom,Waukegan, 2 , • -•te• • • Wood.R R.Capratal:Ml-$br25, ment Gxraslesa is we, W and pr. Anie Zolart, N. Chicago, 924 Black-2.....5..166 225 KrdsT14s.24.s notee tuey e gtood. M J C-DlanRenAolaentsh, 2,.Hsgh-eWhite- 10 11 15h17 2.vWAUKEoAN :-: :.: te.LINOIS opmsarl Reetin b ahaBto ty Jiena Lclan U Park n, WhiteoalA.C...30 10to0- rplay ad asandiulr win.cew Mpent latwe oek o theiv es inChi FlrencW er. wa e , 2same 17 13L13e9.23 19. 803 150110---..tuyea À ea. M n ewey , Geaof Cel bo. Fei ks on 2, 1. Zion 14 7 5ner , ero 14eth creofyu 16 23.A on 7eor . 16lP 16 7 .e. f cond"010-401$7 Mrs .,Ja Leonar r a eding IeMa re Rwen,amkee 21SaRctr a op l o we e at the h e h er tal E tter , 29, MilwakeeM.ilwoltionto Prblemao.i2fycW.,J MR ADVF.TlŠER -YouJitterdalat TH I.IB RTYiILE44,r9an Meï Webser from ore2atha RoeSraC.Schsult, 34ae Rac eahsBcwrBlack-61 2'356 K2PNEN s1ed4ymrepopetanay.terNwpaeti ak ent Cl a rues Matte hoe ofher EsterC.A Thoas, W18 n, same ove ec oGrbT o neendebasefs;poltr hose.The Wite-1 1 225 52728'K 1 1 32 the con boether . oeadhwie foa few Rusel. GTredl2, Kpenlosh, dveWohiie olo yaidlBato play and wn. S IYneT£ & R S O Rich hyt ý av e rnfrec t e thed ein agtn,2Wo. o n ak aiale o te s sa eln pe ehmaa 1 710187262.9 1 01 rc thetn laroDerybypntng thce home. GAdophC. S K a tee, 22,Ln9eehn.n udy n o adasial oftepout f Solution to Problem No 3.By W Jniton AC. beCoron hasre aturned tfrom i.Gro le 3. ONDtieAtE s w s lod. bsto.eigcovye. utadWood. Cpia6 per00-0 a R o3 a okd rd , a d i s al t w o r k , at nth e p r u - E sthe r Col r a G i c g, 2 4B k2, i e t v l e f r h c o d e5eti g r a y t h o u h a f u ,h t 1 61 5 2 2 3 Ka 1 4 h 19 - Mrs. Cari off their abets.tThe TelephoneP.rBlacto teplay and vin. 9 spout lutcompanyistartedtoutslike ahwhirloSTEERSCFATTENeON S2LAGEa2 27 3 3 923 12683 16 i7 eago. )ewindeo.nd in then, firstoninnin Tkno k.7E d 5ga e4 poitios2 4 7 an6 1 aree r ed Mackesfor tworome run, nda emar abtegGainzCMnride ~ngdNatue23,ppi he HandyOaNual, an are pub a coop* a triple b ait theerofeothersafe-ari E.gSeMade ed'tionthe M Prob e e SNtinel each elu ties tha netted hem 4 rus.MThenkotaiStaion weekaAlTUthUlatestRlays on ll open Parents, lowhenmRoundeLakem came to bat3anda__e 'rangsrtwoSmoteorestrictions and1.goeas kotate agues atthe ome f br. EtherC. Toma, 18 se -e derfeatswas to e poild. oev eer o n slae lone acording oseriTes Miwaukee, Wi s 11 8.h o >rotherIL Pottr, and vte for few Rusel V. Tuacklin 2t'ightened éupe later on aandloofptestdalconductedlayatnthen.South Da-n james tweU. isa Mawithr-aears.e andnaMcKillian20,doing wth kote e erien~ ta in Te sa nn u n017 1726e8 W. 1 Xrs. lcbakt hae recntly mproheavye hittiRo n gkewhieas c h on first didn't clget of henr feed nor were there thet PrDert bypaitingthehoms. Aoip P.Kalkrener,22,wasgTe peari n wdase hitsfo bya anyadsult s in ro ftepdin ålae s ouint rbe o .B .J d rehng ve h i sy bas ck an d yo e hesl6rto .6tt e lsvoehrGA D B I A D ejVýCoron b reurne frin G ove Cor Gls, 2 , Lbertv he f nethe hud e Rnd L ae R o ued tembst ion eah y near t e ct w re od'1ls NextSundy thaRoud Laerstilles, adabrtghtwithnna ewscntsrhe a nd Billiard2suffered3a eanterain et e G eeet ea a t eu d th e mh arklet . awfutl allopng 3at he hans4 of, t ef en ake and folowin tsThe game, ,te "Tegnshv benrmral stogG ne nne udyafron cmansarSeek Sorliea' of teRS aTe eNhave ae 24asun.Th2coewa 9 7o1. nt The d : ture. Hundredtiof cattle are intered 2you Iagine it? 26-30 16 .TeaclephonetwoComp uaany teark*alf "ma ndegNae t wasandawful walloin and bothPubn a'til -e4ësèvrrohR ,Hie-te9ms syt sufferig from e e er-p Wynco .. .. .. .. .. - .. .1 0 tey er fd on.igefomt ee ion, the urnest from runn ig bae wh.nCRaused . , c .. ..11e tmethetwretaenoflfora genndth e rstfromct indgobas.e E. Cras n.,e..u...l.t.l. . e. . . e... .e.0 1Casthe f all heycou d h a bee n old Thesore lok, more likewadgr. tsr ong. .t.i...of.v..t. , ...,n. . o.c.1n1 0 la et sprnge odngatle a iui - e th an a ase 4ba l w ayead a ox Wihe ......................1 1he oayfghnperi e " sor wultloktoienTH. The-ES an an-to feqen stutin-a. ERE are few tiresn the snarket Dunar ...............e1bitsnee lay atRounbLae rADdthe na isn nfrng tis wiat ay o usWau rean vrhe-bc ver... he0 eAsYTe Fat TEBAtB lo e E f h e t.t.oi tha cn qua Hrttdheeor laMnceome Roun...............2 te2s0ecînks under like condit'GRons-B'LLIteD Next SCndy the Roudwners.s~ ~ ie~s, d brdig andQaity arfewetead eTotal .................,..10 nd9 of t equimar e op. tTPe .rnHEREllAaREALnflerESTIONI H R E Makealltpingaihthedbwdthoftteer utoeyfyth r $ 0 UaeSand olTlg the Ome the "Tn aisf a v b ermkablthn d Thoi ne th f Jsuna e n lm O e -r.yu y ettUÎ!sl.ofc CO teBrir oret il o nte 0 0 'quau ty e nsarey ofthe fg odeats ng, 43, ofthe adey f a, ast DWa ..u. egazreurfor a bigctd bahenquetw caandt cn b dne . eca d-i.lusipone5 ©©OS WIMWOR Kely . ....1 9 rod cti sonar be. nmn af ahns a l!f ed a e d d 'r t facturiattgeexperiencehekeepsththeaisohte°bau WEPElM erNtAUTaftlenoe, e un ise, la t t dOwn and thef bevethedeeon P-n- -un%$"Te g"einr iwas 29ega t19. T OW ~-e Toe&T l op..ho..n.. ..1 u1m0Eve r d W at en if Te y d agf e deth.Ta igt lannfryen Mboit it.-Qu«atity Men t cnan suddenly orse and ithfi HATFRDIBBR OKSRon Lke.100 101R, -0a.. - atge& btge esugforinmfoths. er ehus-ip s co .......... . 0 0 The vernifi sonm he .be b a nd .a Gnd sen cildren sv.ho=. 1790 Besadwan Nevr York * * NUe ty v erstto n ot the seeolnttTE PH E5 R Ti Eil e. COaUNTY ........ 90 TN _ heycana...i. If popletakethe hete o &nchapel in baleMountn ti INDePEND............. 1 A ER1 scod bst its otbecausîte the oseph's ok Woms.T ltma tlWMpe stt

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