fiattie tu ,Look Up jury as 4gdfor trial. Sefen asJohn. e sud, zddie Kaufmnau biug uIn*~ ,Ji doJacob RopknaC tojliy Actua hegtnlndus et - ý6e éÏer untîl Twmweay mi0i'ilWs 'lu teLake county crcuit ~cDe:2 yO1>0ts ot a serie01.* ipolii 1mw nmeuvers became kuov. '. - The blteS y"MO& tIat the ti sras put over lm lumo*ow )Va$ ùtIa bÎlicbaal Lbr r. tg. or Km&if -ma anS courtmy,-issta -luithtIe grand uny-Scmplte <ta vork 1>io tîo marks a tbree 'Mt gqluu of tbis , riol.- declaiui Mo- AWMn. 9We Sobtt vant thesle iit u. eeonail amuor. If the prose- anintent ecaulghai a cas ý»pdat our dlentsby is ULieilu kw tir W. eoP tbmeinsngail ýiun4oopkt ladt*ind e ovaulS ,Bwe hé p" ý uy ao opporuntyl f'it4" *Is lis v orb tia. "Bis mommgg w is u u ourt a-cad to mavar moule 0( thegrand jury ~pBii."1».thse negailve" Il vas tî tom« O MMitu aedca $hati t» trial J-7y holoched up lb. rý t e grmset fthe case. jijproveS t ho anthor explosion lacout circlea Atty. W. W. <ROPM)> O'Dnlen. ~ *oCiAte comusel wibh Atti. Abera. docored ha oulS lial tb.t L" jur ha ochkeSup anS tat vltaees o uelued &rM tuee carifeOmU'l péffr beard Of suel a tblug" Atti. (»IBsis dfe& .*Hm* W*vabave «i et5 ifalloseaI uyta-poelg, aMas 1 b bais to"I5i't r oarenee or these aints lal <lia s., If e odis- mie. et muiertand iat kaS sotci 'ins gt. muot ta dlm ur oce",up s a ps-o- v.t»cton t.thems.Iros, A"Sto Our rTCO. Umm' jîug. opkine wyj rw qe- ioW <i t = iionctésa ait uatlon exa tsIIl p* thL* .1 ta ta - orret," iScared AtoueY yl13igLlsit the ta$ sheuld tose theb"e Èsitvla Wcidavo a IdSe- Open- lnug tor ,Mrçrs irkao,. jury tamp- ArIn~ Wsm14 ee aboye eus- picllon. U At Ol cheS up as ln tw pye" coatoin. thora ean bo negréunil f or t&iY suspicion, I cari- ioôt »0 Wb, yth~e #t$tabould ask for 4ub & mv Iabztotaunderstand tIhe -'J4001,11 tqrànoySmth zmade the PMoPOat buho dçre4, to insten ibe xià et 0 y1" ' tfwilbe veny Ziflet Mo-l . og ta« tw get a jury l ýgû« or et veather," be saiS. 11 ivvould b. pertectly sale Io -&"atitnt. tates Attorney Thomaz syms uoivotoSwltb the stato's ai- tosuey lu bis pIes to permît the iurv te go bolie se iday-Wankegau Ç= of uopay. JUDO 251h. luIWte no f th,.triailvil b. fou *n 1h. second section of ibis Iiue .1 th.eIndepient>L 1MIME ACTQJSI FI<ilIT O.eLIM E 5,000 DUS IN JA-L Sarkis', PUlbosn, Who, Ran Down Bicycilt F110 Affl>- davît of Paupeism. Barkla Pllibottan, 423 Oakt streOt, "seeln esecape tIse serving Of 6,00 days lu the eounty »Iîl for bar- log run down anS permauely, lu- Jured John Bro.',aged 30, @M Onf J. IL Brown, 2»0 Sotb Jackson street, visile tho latter vas rtdu a& b- "ce tvo ymn 48ag, Friday sougbl tw escapa sorvlugofthe .long et- suce by isarlug Od ieS abIsbol !a petition sud affidavt ln tIse countY court sehsdullng bis earthlyPoule4 sious. clalming that ho la ungble0 to rXW oyao ope>to.satIf!ythe 8710 Nient agalhet' hlm iD the circut court. Plhhosan vas Oued $7.500 hi the circuit court and ordered to juil tO serve ai the rate of $1.50 a day un- teesaahI. W pay .&e. aaUont.That was on a civil suit foW danages. flr4... ta. htflitiÇa.ian -fl fond~ Atty. 0'Brin. a &W Mr er assistant ' as ru"v" tor f CokocIt~bs~ "not guilt>'" on a crimînil charge1 ePuatlon eofIavngs etmre' an. rowlng oui of thb.saime incident.9 ti 1 tihe gaBoya than auy prose- Tbs action lu the county court ntor lu tholte. '1'st j&bovhe was tkenhy AttoneW. DA. 1 BMene b.sobriquet. "Repes". Judge Hopkins After tise case as toowmua t9:30 1> ÀT ÀDTRUCK .Thse third defendsmui, 2015,le rep- =W4kean M Rp.M Ci IroASH TUESDAY . O lw vjkdm. 1 ep Wlla sThse penlty for compbimay to 9b ACe oe opedle s sa FIelS, Kaufmm a ud Cnurthe>'. la est Johnuson,. GroW.a Barondad a *m m tos W Oeyarg tu prison, anS Ford truck owued hi Maryan's ften not to ixceod $2.00 bohU. bakery, 1M448. VIctori St., WaUkegan, ew lemark anS Michael Boyle crashed togther TuesdaY moruinIs t sogtas wItuesee, vboeo $2.000 6:50 o'clock at Teuhli treet andSlie- bdse 'fer couisiapi of court hbave Altor avenue. .Johnson vas 'dnlv- I ff otetted. taleS Wo put lu an log estt lu TentlI street and started -npos etoday. 1to lurt MMliter avenue wvbe ~"Btg Dire' Reraman vont Deffire tise baheny truck vas proteeding 't'he gi-and jury jut botore noon aud vont lu Teutb is-rest. Botb machines anSvéered lu the negative nsorf te vers damagod qut. hadl>' butaun 45.stlous, sud lu none othen cases on. vas hurt. Mi anavered lu what La known as the '»Ug formu. andSone others he re- UN 1S belisu-eS that he wyul escape cou- tmpt of court action now. À -BARRICADE Cbarges thai the state wasi on- îp eSeing 10 obtalu an unfaîr au- Report vas maeeu thIe police lat ' tade acoarHopknls 50 ietus dMondi>' t 11:40 p. am. that an-mb-to cor unst le Jaoli ophis Siure mobile baS run mb othe barricade ~cout unîl tmorrv. - that vas erected ou Washington The request of States Attorney streot htveeu Park avenue anS -gmihthal lbe segregatïon ot th" West street viiere ,e- section of jur ho waived anS thal the custoru pavement >aa been tlanaout 10 ,et locklug them Uii h. thollabed dur- permît of repaira. The police lu- 'Ing the bot Weatben met wîlliilu vestigated and found thut there vas F'ttant anS vehement oppositinf ront but pne liglt bArning. Thsy coulS ,AttOrneO>'. 0Bnlen anS William Scott 'hot fint ah> trace' of tIse automo- ('tgwart. attorneys of the defense. bile. Wakeganfairm* At, Sacrifice one of the fiuest arms on the ~T<>th hore, five miles northwegt ;fWaiikegau-forty miles from 283 cres. ExceUant impovements. Can b. bought with ýma11 cash pay- m en t. A. rai b e .  d r s s.,,,6P._ AIJIEGAN ILLINOIS a----' i.mvu$4 colt CltusAm regol*gM" il laAida M. Puntaoj f liwtergown, idian.., the. S.croary eor <ho Net Waye District Colt dClub, Wlth 14e,.Grade fCldea date friIIy. Lady Dor. Uw T.ok Third ln Mer Clama at the Indiana Statu Pair LAWt falL IE _,OPO!E AI1yE PLAN ~UESTI4i uE Lake County Farm Bureau News7j ISJIEFFINT À A1__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ li 'si ei et et ne i SI Mp01hV81lp e of U*hwia A-ep Farmors Ame Cuting Out One of la elat0tlmUUdUUPuw)y l Cues ln Pa Fo Pg veq F -mducer to onMM.r. c nie OsIoutataadlag ocs.e ts pproximateli bat! o! lie dalry taM bureau lun WUhs be--- producte o! Ohioamare heng marketed n Grevrs' h aocJiof tePerseBareai R e e.opefailvely, accus-ding tW etIMaOUw, tors at 8uoettg, u t becf çampiled by lie Oho Vas-m Burea U to stiQie:ýa the emer ofthe fderattop. Thu l alre nunuber o0fe vesatt 0h10 rv " , Obofarme;» are cuttlng out meefPl Is0 association vas effsaadthdue curvaglittIse reaS froin th '- i.rtYIy lu OPbIhT, IQ22i wttIh mu- 4cas Wts heconsflmer. Aiment 40M10 herahip et M20 rOMrW9h-»t 11110 e oi tomen sboJeIýg wüor het 91010 mmre Mas 300000b abois -1e re niic-oeitoSir>' sales aec. pledgeO é &e &6a'10"-e. oBM"&tlY alions nov marketing ar ibout tW msr- L marke9ng cotestt 137 Deaviber 1 àm cremansd milIt c".perattvelY. thé. -mehoship bail bou ase mmai e Nia.groupe reps-eoent au equai mrsuil 5w,0W tie es 01 0"m dmbu Sr ber o!ftseprincipal marketa. Soma tc -O bu wb Of zt*ý « *Walffi et the»o organisatlons spéclishe ia tIse proapoctie menibers huit bous UneS badlIg o m114 o emla creajuh up te iarflaethe total volume ofWhtvMsot o! them haredlobot cal grain te beho odla 1328tW 4,0.and e«ain'The flingeaieludStallit or- 000 bushala. . gaulsationa are ,tbose supeIliiB the Actual adymuces te assocition Cleveland, Pittsaburgh, and Cincnniti members tW Deeuibet 1 on the. basls niankts. 1The o-operativefurniah a of 60 per cent Of martel atiuioX0uit- aizable portion of tseToleo 3O aipY- oS te 1500X00. ait of vbili vastoS- but put a larges- portiontrougli thels- vanced by bontin tuhle rift e botand, co-operative cream MsttIons sud coný tu Nov Orienua. AddtiOnal crédits demses for $1.500.000 have bous cred OBé co-operauves arê 50v fornng, vith New Os-usbakeand the. War the Id o! IL D. Wald, of the.aits Fnance conpor*titL.te completete tarin bureau, lunltheIMiamni', Ms- tuanketLng prograin o tIse -alodi U hnguni, sud - Sioto vlleyasteto spPt Thse fnaneiltalafairU o! these soa- theDayton. hpKuCInge4, Zanevls tion have ber. no arrangeS te &I.sud Columbus unagets r«ectiOOt. thougb 6 per cent Intes« l a palS TIse produces seilteir productS on #11 loins, tseIndivduel fariner te througb a a miecastunttee of tse or- vhomn an advanco la made le actdiIIygeniation la vhlch liey belong. This rgqulred te payleus Iban ane per cent.1 commttes ickers withthUtsdistnibu- !I!tla accOmptîshed lii sctllng lu an tors for, a given volume and et a price os-desty mauner each month entougb 1tes-un for a certain period. A .siidgr ies te psy off the oultaadlng in- laie in arrangeS wbaroiy ' Sebtedneas of the organIsatIon, and, Sucer gels a ;arger ps-les Suring tb. applylng tonds returned lu thia a eaoso restricted production. te finance othen growesa tis tialg -opentive creazu shtpplog,trougi tbesaime mono>' noveraIlfimes ovrnlocalimpiDE stations, la se-Id *tnhave Surlng the. perlod of tse lon.Each 1 ecorne particuîanip populan durng the tanner recelves s check for 60 Par i past two years, te iri: nlase aviig cent of the value of bis rice as sOon Ibeon started et Centejburg, Kniox as It la recelved t the warehouse anS countyl Decemben. 19Wl. Crearn la graded. - nov belugsolS lu spproxlmnately 50 The FédSéraI Rite nuIi t, Crowley,l local co-o pesative stations In ail parla wlth a capactty of 6,000 bushels a day, 1o! 0h1o, set up b>' the co-opeatîve or- lieslieen leased by tIse association for ganizations. EacIs le bdndllug su av- clearslng aud jproc-ýsàlng thé ic, anS orage qf a ton o! butterfst a -aeek. In negoiattons are nj>v unden way t0 se- puost smaîl.-communittls there anse cure a second mnul lk the vlctnlty o! number of ceam buyers. "'Throngh New.Orleans. .thepeoelng o!flbheliroduct, bowveos. M . 0. Graham,. fos-merl>' wlth the oneo station la able te haudîs the vol- field service of. 1the stte farta bu- ume formerîy dIvISeS auiong9 sevèral resu federation, bas been sppolnted stations, ansdIlion the coft Of local field manager of the rire growera' as- marketing bas becu reduced ltetiree sudiation.' Officers of. thé association cents aL pound," says F. C. Dean of thèO eare FloîS WUiamq, elda;C .toeeatbn.. Carnes, vice 1P"*atiImb anS genera) "1'brough 'the c-operatiréeleffrtanS manager-, L. P. Fnltkson, vice prou-. the supervision wlch the salez orfan- dent; John Nugier, tresse-r; L. H. bations bave giron, the standard of Clark, secretary. The board o! Sff- cream, bas tucreased lu ai, unusual de- s-cton lao composéd of 18 epresenta- gree. - Buyers toniuely had difibcuîty tire lice grovora of ths state. inl obtalina as rnucb as, 10 te 25 per ______________cent o! No. 1 cream 'fmom their privais on. satIOo& New they are gettlng as SELL.. CROPS CO-OERATIVELY nuich uas70 to 75 per ceut of- No. 1 creazu tbrough the co-operative Bu-. FamBureau Plan for- eing Pota- tions. tes and Graln in Wisconsin "Thse main co-operatIve organiza- CoUnty suec«duul. thons lu 0h1o at the present Urne anS S~tse nuruber o!fruembers tbat tIse>'rep- TIsefatar bureau plan for the ce- resent are as follows: operatlve marketing of thse pointe anS ,Dairymans C-oçoatîve saies Smr- grain crop 14 Door -counti, Wii., bas pan>, supplying, eastomn Obio sud gone over te top. AIronS>' coasiden- pttiburgli market%, 12,000 luombers. ably mors than temilnhiu f 100 O0h10 Fermera Co-oprativo MiIIt Com- contracta bave been sgait.Sand More pany', Clevelanid, 4,000 meMbers ire-trmlug lu oves-y dal 10 irait tiera- Northweeeh Co-operative Sales Com.- aelves of Iis cooperative marketing pany'. Toledo, andS' urrotunding cilies, machinery. 4,000 membors. North Central Oo-otb- The contracta signe Lunt. ,vlclPty. eratlveSales association, lunte reglen of Sturgoon Bar siready, Inctudoen- o! Marioui and Bucymun, 2,000 meinliona 75,000buahela o potatgeal1 his, nîthi Lima Equity association, ,m@, 2.000 the volume of business af ths Biison Imembems.Miamni Valle>' O-oprtlve bay associe-ton, vhich begsuopertlng Eift Produceri? associatli, Bpsing- nSes- a ahilar costracl laat Year, ID ld, ~Da-yton, anS Xenta, 11000 main- sures a tôle-Iof over 100,000 linabéls of berg. Queso City' MîtI Productrs! as- potatoon te ho marketeti C"-Peratveii soctlion, Cncnnati, 4,000 rmulora. ibis faIt. quthbvem On h1o Co-operadtve'Elales almocIetoru. a cretin agelicy for -Clan. profit From Wintor Flock mont, Highland, Brown anS Maous Witb wintes- egp' Igrth ecieldel, connUes, 2,000 insubprs. ,SdlooVal- ahi>' more lienommet ow 'sud vtIsley Co-oWertive Mlk ProducOesase- a flock of!thens thaI bave heeM proper. cition, Columbus teritor>'. 2,000 méta- Iy culleS ta elmiialS the loa~eSM aMy bers.Canton-Âkrofl organlzation, 4,000 poultrymari cati mBIt a good profit memb5t'5." out o! the vinter dock. _____________ seitng Cotton Abroad. Ocruba Nt Dealrahd. The Texas 'arm Bureau Federft- Il- la never true that a tmin Who lion nbs ruade lit first sale o! cotton ralses scrub cattte can gel mnore ont direct lu Llvejpool. The tarmers o! bis stock thon b. vio taisesWvl!- netteS $3 te $4 more per bals on bred stock- Ibis cotton than ihe>' vene offered' anlihe local Texas market. CO RT PR CE3DN6 GET REA3V FOR THE MARKET equal 1923 production as nov ow COURT ROCEEDNfi' "amb o t dg) well in hot wea- casied. - ther. This la a common observation. iive '-Of Villanous Buzzers Ilinois Iambs carried through the auto- ahoa rePORK $0 on WittSe Exhibît K~in Writ fat r e sbeee t he avgs pared with 16h.0,'a year previflL of RejýIefin suit stomacli wolsus, dogs and maggots. In There la a surplus of about 12 Ver cesnt competitlon wlth uniform lots of lababai e test year'o3raroduction ta ho ab- Te beec or neot to bee- 1f rom the voes ra nges; Ilinois sorbed. Exports, wblch glace the va? Tbà l8,th qustin tat othredIambe lu the l'ail, are usually under a ha% !)en taking about 16 per cenft Tbk lsthequetio tht btheeagreat handicap. To avold the heavy the Poxk output, are now running 40 oeluty. Walter Stark Baturday. 1no etrsa.mlisoî be ner ceni higher than the correspond î'nd ho wasn't the only persan ted out as soon tg possible and mar- log menths In 1922. rorrtO& When Justice ttervey Coul kted. Pnîces are good now. -RICa- îu<.tolephined the sheriff's office 8 Advlce f rom Armqur and Company1 Prcîs8 or fa Rm p' theu hnryd ors hould lie sent to marketshrd ushrdlu r roducta are 5 Ver w>4 'M I O lo--yd o la as foîîows: 'Only the fat Iambe cent higher than a year ago and food bat-bis ba, a writ of replevin for a sho0ald lie sent to uiarket if dfie pro- prices 4 per cent higher. This coin- of b ft rutoil gripped the ducer expects a satisfactory price for pares with an increase of 15 per cent = 16of the liv. his crop. Mlxed Iota are dlscrtrplnated for clothing; 29 per cent for moelas; ShtehIff_ Ahltroin rusheg Out etl agaînet wben unîforut. well-finished and 2U per cent for building materials. te offie hUeag and vithout nie5 lots are avallable. Cuit out the thliÉht4e purchasing power figure tor tarzft lus.! cIerot -echnut te coutinue Iambe, dock sud castrate tbemn andS uroducta In terme of ait coxnmodites Lai# i for Mike' Boyle and hoîd them on fead until flroperly fat- l 70, wbicb la 5 legs than the correa, ewmark. DeputLester Tiffany tened. UnIform lots of 6o to.70 îmemhered ho liait sosne 015 tee wilI usualîy command a price, near the' )lst tO 0 csot. lt H AMx Ahi- top of the market. peel their rilia to LAKE COUKTV LEADS THE STATER nrnm tore back to bis post la the find out If they are fat .'--W. B. Kam-1 The ecrez of alfalfa In es eb cmliii 31rilt- court and Deputy Doyle lads, U. of I. of Illinois fer 1920 bave lm ho«eg Imghthé tOnt train for Lake Bluff.i made publie. They are taken frpi Stark akme e tUained. alug thse-- the canetue figures of tmat 7ear mi~ mareot lusursoce agent lie tec ont show LaIke county far in the lsd J* i$1000 accident pôlicy. tors his WHEAT !acres of alfalta growu. bNotes, th ar from is laveit, and vent for the WIIRt lg a sers spot with a.grcutur" rank ab followe. s'rt of ropliarme'dSfwltb inc- «# ba hon constautly growîng!County 1No. ftrms Acres Allta lutinti&wmLakte 2220 802 Bit PtalngUeo vorecb lo sance the terrsination of the'Aeadr 7140 Bact f lngUn 0 «potof gva.WbeatPrIcea thisa prig baveM, lendr. 27141 es£ stood bitsLaura eliam" f go * aVoagtng close ta $1.20, dma-1McUenry 2874 36%5 Bl o. LoeO avnenus.r»eeoueut oS wfth, $12«5Ufor- the corrsspondlngLatUaler 433675 egre enforced monquito nettinlp She months a year uno snd $1.79 two ye.. ars aeeî 423 2772 luglted a villainous laugli at the ___ I l 256 6 swtlereddopuy. Acreage tOUs- beaon '"as reeloceil Whlle thia la only 3 acres Ver f5111. But thie boeo. lu the feo of John 1 m.atprcetfo atiyet we are vol ahead et McRonr7 ScbaI, 134 Bo. Lewis avenus. who fcounty. whîcb. vpers.e-macront ias clalmsd lhe boes, entered the scene wisind it county. bas legs tot a -achs hi0 duc ton 6 Poe w4r1 22 snd twe lfa and only 1%4 acres por fmtioL1%0 CaSllagthe leaders.- by their first Ver ja Jêll23aerg.certainly shows that vs ba» 1ldOUltl aines ho brushed tbem lun a basket oftW-"'e Cent veadat sisfrpvutOýfRO wit bl bas bndeandbor set a1M roV 34perandlivestock snd dalry husanzIi, lm bo is home. 1Me wan't ,stuns ho- c ent;*, Swtb af anS1cWru, th eage-to 56p08* anse ho bad ralaed thera wft the orte orthe 1 Oro<sw iprbbyli1aflaadcmalg troper home cars ho relate&i show about U8 îo0,11t. on. dsirylug can ho maSo proftabis Théesud adauccelpfnl. The nosai mar lihsoI SoblosbnueS bofore Justic ou]- '10feorlu ctIsr ne 0<an= son -lat*lest Wlday afleo ernon. s Oua c uttof &;;o ratclly&lohrlns0 dIteSfor wri o! epteia fr - ~ 0~ usliandry. ausot cattle and slssep SM bla boss, ivblch ho reportedl as h&r- duction <Su ) mnrandv are ,l totheiNuuis 1>1of08 nu mg swarmed to the. yard -0f Mrs. cOrr1 CUftff9 4UUt î 'Wliydatock taUgnis Lake ooutytms 1,Man. leste ]W alarge ha <le rbr ~la# tJ w, î,becoïn t atIeasng dlveod "Tou are stung for the colt ef sesa& biGl atisproSuetda ým"coU tti th suit before you begiln,' ho Vas d*h igrPIU tti! U maimUbo1h1 coti.8118 lob&Over 1529. Be produil thle.tees that wouid Efforta are 'adim'sto btb*Mt-* ' - bring hi& pet stlugers home 1juin.- domoastho whsat eonamptleè.. wbimI dIately. buasuen eclilge Pet e08014tiùp- buabela. around 1280.,40 busb*., ad4 1910. 5.6 buselos. 3'roms thl,bigis .LIBERTYVILLE INDLPIENDENT point It bas Maion to, 4.9 bflah* 18 RAU R NOIIIEPROPEý h. four yeap average 1919-22 sud-4.5 lB RED mvMOREPEOP..ft buaheis for 12t2 THAN ANY OTHER PAPIER N Buporta ta the extent of 20 per cent of the cr01> and por- cs1>ta conaump- ' LAKE OUNTY tion o uithe buste of pre..war vould rf Publi ~4tJStM. The Wonder' Wo4er N 0Wyoucanhaveanarywell ventIatd ~dche freof hat "ho stffiess sodistasteful to every housewife, by installing a blower ventilating fan and paying for same on easy terms. $l « down Y=u housework ta macle casier and jyou fr.el better when the kitchen is ffdled wit fresh, invigorating air. W. wIll gladly demonstrate this ventilating fan - explàin how it 18 installed 50 thet the kitchen window rieed be lowered onl'y when the fan is. in operation. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY or NORTHERN ILLINOIS THED. BLECII. DMs. Supt. G. KRUNERY, Servce N 122 N. Gan"**set., Waukegan, 111. Phone 144-R, Llbertyville,litlnis.l Chautauqua fîoM"[uly 4th to 8thI4 cIkw 'e -- 4. 4k'- . .L J .1 kt.é,,M'a%~, .4tL~&k"S'4 -- - - -. i ;- c ___ ~$ >t~ s~iriaws p .-'--.,- - * .,.> - -- - . . ., t. lm