*~t acb**1 construfion on the st ~1S .ubwq hlm long been ax.e of tii. s1i erý fkye willre me pOnofth*, biggest iiàzad sMi1vwY PIa am azsehen " i.wrWà wk*1the*aN cfthe. imprcivemcnt Wh. w em ded imIse fact ntLake Co= 1 a rsidnt ,*meiof ti iim ot~ "&,t osuegremuirect the Cam ue - through anew order whch,- to proc.ed imm.dikeIy. Tli$ wus ope oftb tr.tionsof the v1ue of Lake County beiuit mat bod wiàhhaixlsaucli matt«rý'- -q» tiw I~ictiei. ndeVor to pre*etit tc. cf Rnd $Swif t, wesltly bske. Foeat retired an tbwie comiel of tie Interustional Hkrvýest", 1 6* ud hi. best.,tqcevwt e. ke Connty PM lob andd Ienohé ti.payroll, ovfp lignt woo workbmn ot4 e êrné ul>way, q*ý!lw cr.mord a nurtiber Of other niatteb i *County aoidextà. -But, the Curne. sqbwAy A *orI vill tart aharty. IINENIE IKWi t. Il 'e et tfi AMMoI4cr volt eviieat hélm lTic bride 'cr la a bincm qw ie tti broe *tahea dpý»te YO eatlmbhit der. a" b»a ru Pml, ma itride 'bins esitou d and] This Month' te- sÙu all aI Feder fleu 'uf l4m i ddrea the Boswd uclef et tw48tyt * sollltIS sd hMn hie Iliq paeudWhn e dcaih-M idfor. »Me »l4*ef0 oud Sê* G3*ee . and .Ârnumn - gf*tdoKs. aigit b.Oco~~tbio 4laolu ion and a bqu&X« t f# £ " pe mot of Wb= anewmBsdoêe or wbm fsic hm bo eaosblt "u4 vithont ammlaluecaiohé flIré ievené . mre . - 4 ,1 "%rcccc w gatom uly OUemr Boat Xion. £M doiild acfv1slêO enobcAt ber of 58W WA8IisWi 41t~Au#, P cbr 0cu in nu&'t» ISVStUI b O 41t It. S8ive beiaau hzeui,' tbce ffov.. oran e 0Ias rcw0OUave ta the iiSSt 'ccddop offihl1Tblrty-t'wo couleç' suplcd 4gtl2r-tiali report di the 'cony POWV 4&ts 8at fjcs bPday for mard-nagee "ber%.break- ticht'Xa' hat tXetllet U9'T.«=li l x Morfilât Mt a recrd i'df ue 4y%,busines hb luipudtts b4çcause,igiuo4m ~lWg â ý »Mua qdgsdxAzrqmià omi41twi5 Lc;w A. Ronde, cocuty t9004, 4. K unr peuic cm aose It~~S*f0~*Poséwoe va 0< on su MsaUtotcocSOner1 do 50f *,AM.= tiSkfimat ~~U vah*MC - lie t, orti S deputevere,*4vt biL i> a-petn ise ldt«*e, MM und* amaRouéi4 *bit- as~e21e rlpUic 1ihe effleaPllcants comm "s u rau extluetirely fres < rç MtsaA*""luti *koas c U0U1*9 410 ôluIat ý>cclérks )b" tf0tako hmfai r blai.fut 1 do say ft ibad td ledicc t flacOsa*W'oud wttl PSiU5. te"r" fur"i t. avm *dwnlfels ctp t fbng itbas sasf ew faulta *4 sur vob. seon ~UU ,115Mp At ti. rata liccuae wffl med mteer owiau a i-c Ls.hi'Or eau4099 IS Jey ta tie Ttft:Wia r prty1f teredt "da*8 ce slat, e.thsi. Ul.mor clU fMtb la d i ls*M ia sesss> are 7m dolig la a 0009ut15ftoa ra Us <M~ asi V brek aIlfor,,ea'record. foi- if at falos sM d fat fe vo* l lu g fat r ly ei gM a s .. d wl"an <p anIi hilt Wa s0.c, atlndar~ l. *Tic mimor>'orfieh»3,000 Gré* »1 ~'Po * . '-potusA1914 10dUuiwa4mreue$3, Rpoaa. Vs.ArMel=a9 ovla ste- 'luucqi ase &rWla àof M M 35-koset2,; Wodstoab. fi. vsstru zseg «g> 'lutpj, Qoay o,Alleu tord of thc vOaderfu po Id Wb.2,prairie vlcu'. leu ssld. Ipi. r~ ilnta r.1.9? e, 1 e 0c00M binjtre- qafttd lu sa'wiil ~~28, Wankcsàî.,homes >i T=6e. fidur. uiu!uecmbla lth nattie (leg! *oets~e45~.ihes pfsurnpaus. $rrl 41gmtcdfanm at thc My4 M. Lewis, ea f Ro*. m lui* SacAtie sf8ftffai iprtSl dcae tore Mp, Uk, md4lérod gnau 4p* thnt té »te odi rsS rcevW cda- Mieai5 roueLKGood a~(legalsae. ithe levaotel O5a1d*#Ou"N, % ln sar im R. Sp V"t i a W br Vbj~ eq n~ f 0 oph c fl v the u Bin sud Louis 1<1. w ie&W1 2UdiVis '? compaiNco, mou~ 0 Laké Oft- rin MK Wohlh,-X&Ilniwun.e. j ugatuarc Ibre t go' tican orbq4futurec agand e. 11e tino .000ne "ter of IbtnILVerna Wenbr t, 8tOioiWl. dlfly Rlir«ef f suppfl hsd, icI*at oflvI jrorj& L Aepo etm Kg tduasW 1 ome 8.Wuea. eu ndgbe. t ii li #or ougj i'eentcd thobeuf o nufylveua" ofai OuMIht tb' .Rt if,'as carsozu ira el o i en bacre 0tint s dmcct ,aauio>fluma Ofs clbeatl l0-bA asi, iimme f le , reU yt hevataa o 1tu 11wlao>' MlicHo i nIa e a-e in,0 e bh iivi W.a ,Hibn ', i br5a I & cNstr abi Reineodsud p spl l éas, tb O v 9e inl u su a eptopro-h Win. t. t"e ine. M 1fsanie.' - Ientilesdgi ad. * hve e 18 e tea ptln t s 1OOLl S3o ttcaisa rsl C- te,21 , amé.emew__e_ i__u___a____96__ 4____________________ wth e It *l Ck4,na ASvler. 2% Me.aar RoPI,édg vmu.1 ,i: n isorAt-*.i- ophngs ano glu w - t w . . 'Mun, oitdifl*ee. , mtU V c À uaeantvr, %v$ lgrwig > ndimalneoor, h45 a. ' 4te.Pa jn. - rst R pi *nc , 9 sanie. mooandTIR Chie, J.,Diciic, aaxert.yPho. rut 41 Uaw %w iilet 1, C WuRaie, e~a aol10f t.4 m î lln tnESIs - Yooar oodlaly lvttd. . G We la dra Jake avl0- s ud . alter A Ai au 4 ~u 8pc-ueh Jéroïa î. Ligitol>a t touvyal otOrs4 . IXW ands,- UU'pn sboj4vau a Utn ,! ln.resaf0 Ii- OudusEfrohl.. 1.4u.acW. 0,p Mrx amnaFisi a"rmm Walter A.1 sic~~~~~~~~~~~~M M. Lcdi u Mcal18,8.snpu'ias i '57er, c urond>. ugé1fnnal-ffaspySýist 1ti. IMchuiI. o vee uxltellu vê Th lur onfi4. 9 ir,.»e& ~ tAt t« Sudday Lfcr Tuluith 4tIe; CoAici1 o 40lefvl- . Tcfis a OtOh a nl m5 $l Jspi 8. etea,-0,ami. Ednu Payrsu erne t 1.rle's Epiec'tae aitirdh.'fhc ltcOr a gergete crp. i Rse .INEaGovu4 A Sa -85sane. t a atirt oi.0f oepuuiy t 6flq o.im rci d *trea ifa enld pr . digo netc a" ore iée Mit suTn.E .-~0'iv cioafrfcauanl cii a i. public a *luVitad L Mi-' i-ce 9QTc gromla Oo tic dSo ldjep laua 01 , oir, . i24s, tChf-aeuicxST. udtue Wodussls.y cra ýedi. en i t citi od lflho0ftta v a> à ot,', 1. ac, Wl.. Mn . IL4u11p ah s(ud Ni. ibis>' ______ f____ -an Fm t lt.ofe W 014 M Lo Vve n Ùual, U'a i.- u M.Sfoi wl seaI :fir laieJohn 88.deM and - Mee, OW sicVicee. T ff ldn ul bL a,ýly IstIgasélMx er, beKçgx sai&.-the uleaul,t sanie.e J. -7e. ioly Oosuéni iIyri iiiptc encesd 4aifFnt>d qmd Ba XMokaoni 8L i. PJmia' sron yIre orf chrcrveillhho- 9 rupi atrve v a reseS giani'MM. e8ol 0. mf. Gv vl'0éerZesd rCai-eluse t 7:~ r. a au e e dlunlc Johnso 1. lve -ýs tc-3t.omnotua S.éf la*.,ajatrtu ré Joeh ,fyr n s tr.0 ticel cerenon> fie o m ue lft ftt6 M r Se MRas, ., ,, Gdan -a& Renash slhetlt fe,'ltth hmb -»e*i. kres. Thé goo a th e - k SophiLp.C 1 5, Sfich pble 4 MMwlim no ZqlaI Nrgr, Ç,Cia, Wk 0faré 4IOX.an aof JulytheDreer Pacg IIIcdi- Ite1be pau'si > 01M essn 9 m. ii OU & Ôs, ,'. » m*, pUfl 1 kel11 the p uon e- iOato BuSt, 1, aie , I.MUm IL - e anfdXt 5»d 'c-,v m e liaewa, mtisa1it o! Mr, OW» ï*. W ycrHG-lAAcie tcad,1, m. ' an e..*"*11*0g tu- *r tRsw*e xermau a' iakMm»in. se; %WMNl*I3 o*,tY amier Na in uate i iseL nianskinae ~ lglul dPAn'ý'X Dugsd t" at Si W sororal homp. mre, rcahlcee mItid tas" tac yoa~r vacati~ e, 1151*? i ~.w a~oeaom fmi-e - a, lm f Ues af -m aide vim4mte ft s r o I. b .1 Great meresse or fron la fo1lu Der çent la asbow utic vèlona de- JBIMtW*il5. tic Pareel»«pot us havln;grevu te se sprop«- flou.. au a4dUtca1tria- iavi CeM busleim bas dobled-lu the rear. Trcauury soriu oertiflcate ie %180so abo. awulgdomad. Tb* grocta ceaatia Wuk0 office »M tsod bave teadd voa =arir a= Clans suMW rural car'. risse l hm&*r a aui tic buattes 6««Msi0of tbc claie sd ton, dre vllqrecelre nutomatietn«Sucrse 19 mlaÏ -JiaIy- t.bclUgadvancqd lu .Tie maum .16 violithc busl. *055 -'cAs Iisdledtl'e lm pt seo sv »iatbl Àtc akeguupOstalfore larcry 'ff Md 4ftttMansd <d tic 'con 'cl OU Orxlg n*milu e- . - ~~~niii metdM who knoi,, b. 30 à 3;5 **ssoer moglrssUSCt' « be-,rdl»oite4 d t be vdgatcL c~4*1ao.fe . tha p k L ic as a=y - U1u~ ~soiSasdkJademhqx4. ls a&dby the am» peopi. who b* W bu>, LLS3lres 'c WM1~OIA 4&UME WAUOONDA, ILLINOIS c SALE 1922 Ford Tourins, uwed teni rnu starter and daountabk rnns-$Zt0.S0 l1922 Ford Touring, with starter and dèznuntabk c..$1SJ 1917 IPrd Trùck ----..-......75.0 1917 Vord Taurin8 g ----------.-- 50 1921 Ford Ton TrÉick with closed cab ud exi*es body..---.-.-$225.00 KENNE-Y & FLAHERTY CO. Tu -néa T. 32 on 00$.O w.si e -DANCING Doc Zo! ý Oe studwa 10e Daume