CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1923, p. 9

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L~FV1LE ~ ~ ,JMY 5, 192)3 ;9 1 leA big barn dance wIll be given at Bert Smail's fltw barn at Half Dsy erSona next Tuesday night. July 101h the ~u L caland ers nal proceeds to be devotod to the building Loc- l an P l fund of the Washburn Congregational Shor Itm. o Esecil Ineret taLihrtyili.Peoe eurcli. Smart's orchestra viii furnlsh ShmtIus o Fýe"l nteest o L6eryvih Pep.é the music, and a big crowd lea stlil pated. T. fiiJV NW)PAYABLE "BWHV YOUtWUL REZEIVE THE NEXT .'-HMSPR0LEWOHAVE NOT ASVEf SFEC , O OM OllAVINCSBOOKS, SATLM EO PLE STRONGRAMK a Lke C6uïtý,.,Naional Banik [ - ~~i: In The Rifteenth Year o** offuuys~ai ef "I.hMots, 1Ihave t*m e Salle Of PROVI#iliT IIISUIANCE beeaUIhswvfopdit Cavée âT T I1cEte *0. l'lcyHoe, togeâhe w» ASSOWITE SOMT. *FORREST FLXGG OWENI vent Sumn& (3assesFo«BeginnersIn 'ýmSmpe al w w-a~fer.8Lmbi0"DâteI Cmaplialb* é YuL d Sa.r.mi.. MR~GEORGE MacDONALD cI..ifhdA& Tein u~ ae e ruummlb. Gila dieu à YOUR 0OPPORTUNI TY TO Ga" Reiable Repai ring At Reasonable Rates No Job To. Lardo. Non@.Yeu SMlii Cyliader LalplIng *y Machine TRT USONaEA*J>YOU W muT DEWITHUS ALWAYS No Interruption To Buuio. Whie Rowd làl ,u uit. Urne Lake St. pntrandd LIBERTYVILLE AUTO REP'AIR SHOP 1' CHARLES M.OESNARD, Prop.1 .e iei.hon.2O ~L.BERTVILLE FIy. Time Comingl. Order Your Screen Do'r Windows and Porch Screens 1(ONW! GET OUT TOUR OU) SCREEN AND PAIJ( THEM WITH V'ALDURA, l1.. Perfect PaW tF«r Inor Wood if.yuwù THIS ISA VERT' TLIE COAL -to, build your oWfl Shave ail the material. luLOOK OVER ýTylVLLE ]ROOFS GOOD in~~À7~ WL BAVE AUL 3» 4 tbfteld motored to Alzon- Mrs. 8. C. Kimball wus a Chicago The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mfth- 4bl lat Bnda. vsitr Tursay.odiat Ej)iscopal chureholvi meet next 4b1»Isa Sunay.Visior hursay.Tuesday afteruoon at 2 o'ciock at the - Mma.Job Cole made a business Vîrgnia Sink lu visiting ln Bervyn home of Mrs. Lyell Morris, ou Park trtpl 'ta Ohicago Tusaday. with ber aunt. Mms.Berg. . Avenue. This la the meeting vhlcb vas Past.uoned f roui Tuesday. July 3. îîeno Poster iras bars from Wlrt Wight 01 Et. LOI, da., 18 A full atteudance <of th mebe f5l IWObstn mouday vlsiting Misa Battis isting his fatbei, C. P. Wigbt, and eirged. Oi'ldIy. -.other rels$lves ln l.brtyvMfe. i Jullus Treptow bat bocome famous. Mir. and ire. P. A. Berg spont the Mii. Nellie KlclW afýCbîcago vis- He awRsys conaidered that htE was *w4e* end at thec home f lJr, and Ms. lited froen Ttesdgy uniS Baturday at "Bornme punkins," but last Satutday lie jack Sin I. the ho- eof ber Son, 9. 0., Kimbeil. "msade the l'ne" iiln theLin-o-typeor Tva colunin of the Chicago Tribune. Mm n e 31»Jut bal returned home, Un. Ben . LueS suad daugbter.-'Tii couduçttor of tbat famous coluwu ~tfte a visit vit in relattves lu Beloit, Editili vifited Tiiursday ot.I&Mw ha.bthe ffOlluig ta eay about aur 1 Waukegan vith Mm. J. P. May. Julus:* "Tiiè ad of Julius Treptov, IiàU znHafes. returnod homue Misses Adab snd Hauuah Moeyen onculaofLUbertyvilie's mont prominent laut Bday, 1 atfiniluig a veeDfl pentti. eek end lit the. home et UndertakersJ tentures Economy AI. vlth Chcago reltltiO5 their father, Albert Me~yer, in 1A3ke W&Mn but siloa sat Service snd Nuigli. Zurich. bortybInter«* btiereby rnakiug it a Mn. aiyEUikt, etured uufty Icouifot ta die Ik er near _Liberty- to h r hom lu O bloago, a ler a visit. C lyde A nderson Ieft l nt M o day for ville." nMain on a tbree veeka' vacation Visit. Mr. and Mma Glefi Boulina are bore neug bie brother, I. M. Anderson, and NOTICE fro w tv eels' autoobile trip knfamlly. Ee I' "4 lylthelbprice of milk Ji. ndlts71 . r b ave been da 9 ta lenad flinar W vU plt bee Ibleis eel iSItIng Ms. m e a ent te4tb w1t MmimBin Osborue, a sister of Mm ra 0ns ibter, M BoRube. P, haomas, cago voie borne overSma vstn the latter'a Parents,M.suM. John Cole.1 Miss Ruth Kinnad of Autlach spent luday aithelb.ionne et Mn. and Mrn Yed #lai:e&. Mi-s. D. H. Scott snd sou, Josepb. nd daugliter. iuie. are bAnc tram :thervile. Iova, visltin gat the home ,fMr. aud lirs. Chanles Scott. Mir. and Mri. J. P. May, daugbter, tarbars sud son, Joeogi, af Waukt- an. visltedl Tuesday wlth Mns. May's roufs, Mrn.d Krn. J. P. May. Mr. sud Mns. B. B. Eger sud Mr. ad Mii. Lee. A. Warren and daugbter, 'vkan. iotpreo4le, liffvrd, 131., Wed- esday snd apeut the. day witb tels- 'es sud fbief*d. Mr&. Fred Bowling ai Grayalako sud Mn. sud Ulira rcuig Sebiasser and daughter. M4arait. Ana. o!f0hlçago. vore bore TUesday. guesta at the haie1 tf Mrs. Amuas omn. ]gr. sud Mns. Warren Nicholssi Mr. sud à[ns. C. U Coonfer, lin, sud Mns. Jay Prudy. Mrs. Allie Nicholas sud Miss -Adah Niebalas drove te Roud LAke Sunday aud speut the day pick- clluig a attM efort. Justice Charles Maso» asbore frdni Wapkegui Tnesdy eveiug via- Itlu.g the licCormek fàmlly.lUr. lia- sorn has IwUrita*s tk tell af the holdup kn ldff.nkbhliefIguied as the ,ictimn one night lait veel. Mer and lira. Henry Boyes o! Wau- kegan vere ilu Lbertyville Suuday vis ttlng relatives. 'Belnie" vbo vao farmerly manager of su A. & P. store. la nov proprietor of "The Sugar Bavi" a blgh cdass coufectIauery store ucan Eldison Court lu Waukegan. Dr. snd Mns. E.A Bysit sud, eau. AIs», have been bere the. past veek lvleitiug the fariner's brother. Jesse 9. Hyatt. sud faily. Thoy made the long trip front their home kn Si. AI- bans. Vermont, by automobile. Alan viii remalu kn Lubertyville for the. rest of the suminen. W. P. Decker,'aet the drug ftri of Decker & Neville, bau purcbased tbe William Prestan place ou Cooki Ave., and viii take possession about the firet af Auguat. The RaInbow Girls bave advertisEd a dance ta be beld aithtei Ray Bras. pavillon,'Disrnond Lake au Wddnes- day evening, July Il. The famous Me- Corrnick orchestïa viii play. Mn. and Mrs. Robert Gousaes. Mrs. Vincent of Hubbard Woode, aud Mrs. Saudmîre aud son of Bygnaton, were here Weduesday and oelebrated tbe fourth vltli Wl i chiey and fsmily. Mns. John Weicb. of 8Dm Court, last Tuesday 1.11 from a otep-l£dder. white picking cherries. Sbe fractured sev- oral riban su utained iuauy briyises. She la restlug easy sud ber recovery la ouly a matter af a fer days. Dr. sud Mrs. . B. L mith returntad lait Saturday evemngtram an auto tnIp of thre. veeks tu points ln Ken- tucky aud Obin. Mr%. Smth's Utile uleee, June Richardo, sccompauied tiien borne ta spend the summer va- cation. A. 6. Daugherty aud Jeas Pasteaus have been engaged teuegat veeklaii puttiug a nov roof an the. Cea Bll. loy bouse aon nortb lXubkee avenue. Under tuie outer layer of ablugles tb.ey tound the. orignal roof vlilh ab.d been put there more than sixty.flve Y%=X ago, beiug tasteued with band-Mnt steel naisa. Tii. uails vere as gaad a. wien driven hito the vaod, and many af the. sldnglea ver. souud. The. Ray, Purniture and Paint Store sunounces tbe association vlth that f irrn o!flMr. Edwin W. Petons, kn tbe uudertaklug business. Mr. ?eters lo a son of Edward Petons, su aid set- Uler of Barringtan. He graduatod tram tbe Worsbam Callege of EmbalmIng and Sanltary Servfte ln 1918. He served- bis appreutlcesbip vith Menu Bras.. of Cbirago, aud. after recelving bis dIplorna. vorked wltb HarrY B. Burvee at Rockford, 111. For the. put three year8 be bas beau lu 'busln'es for birneel! at Barninyton. Dance Where The Breezes Blow RAY BROS. PANV1LION. Diaid Lake. Ilnoîs Every Saturday and Wednesday Ev ening f rom 8 to 12, Standard Mine Sunday Afternoons f rein¶ 1 oiclft ta S5a'oiock Central 8tandard.Tim'. MeCORMICK'S FOURPIECE ORCHESTRlA "«TINY T OTS" Mother, you are bleaaed toay wlth s "tiny tov'--toiioiroW, the. man or woma ri. A ri you efolg to afhow tîme to wîpe a"y ail. trace. of the beauties and graco of chlldhood that la wth you now? The.ornait tout of a f*w of cur beautifuli handworlced photo portraits la Insignifloant whuen compared with the p#lce. le"s Images they preserve dur. Ing thé coming y*are. Dgn't gambie wtii chante-aIi us up today. c. A. IIoNEYWELL Portrtit ATtiat Pbotograpby su" mush Teleoee 8-- Bette r Times for Al Put your idie mouey To work i this bank And thereby enable The -faumer, merchant., And the mannfactuer "odo more busioess, To employ more wotkers And make better times For' ALL First National %alà LIBERTYVILLe . . 1LLIM1101. Resources qf More Than a Half Million Dollars Nbiable Lctur-el ATTI :CHAUTAUQ&*U- WILLIAM IkAINEY BE NNEITr BATTERI ES At an age when many batterie are ini the scrap-heap, aiý B" dewill be Wging youvigorusmsrvce. LiIlrtyvlÎIe'Batery and Electric Co.. Telephone 40 SN-ow's« "America's Leddershi of the. WSOrl FORMER G0V. BROUGH 0F ARKANMS «.Michael Brown" Politician» WILLIAM D .SALTIEL Fi've BgDay ~Redpath Chauta WeeT&Itrïe Jûi,14,to PH ONE 308 IM.,o Cretones -40can Qther Curtain Drapery,,: 85C. $t, Ladies' Homne Patterns, aso ome Journl Hours 8:OO0£' W&8:0P.,Ma W.. Wi.CARROLL &SONS' cQm1e I %it taxi h. ail- chawged Ma". lis a blocke 3p t0 tbiý the. cap, aiopped tau troul revolver. su lea Kun. wre ait lIces LA Phone 29

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