i'i;~~i , YaIw~.$l.75 ,ffabwa toe7 4 Uar Cela(iOm s aitet au-mui At.,Iticifare hnbmi ~odidsrl )tu« limai.?IIa itu aie eldialisf« fou-tig ear. t futes juikt. fldi$Weto lai lek clearaàa. Nearly alim sre iheseW SALE Tour W"h Iceko chat liavs lest tchoIr .cr14- r nom ou ha .«.*omnkafly r«etelathiesale*. --IWa.irekaof ts 'nIl. sMd reiniaias. -trimtel 'ilae, sbroidsrbf aMd ortandit, are vid cloriage id ttredtfvelf trinqued are $9.15. * TéUSrkirt *4 !Wtà Froks ~uv5 ~ Witla more dellahiul Wfo t athÎi t9» asfrock et charming tüb eUh? -Àaid wu ist lI 1w Muemihe et. oMMe ,f hetise J ysale pilou art et -44pd ar Irese5eetriet i tubiti la-pretty -color e1fte aa" et naturae cauton Cr ae, 8 1!4i pèi »cMu 111 lI mut ipproved Modes 0« thce ason. doMlés urble ail m40 %V = .Se ar Juy Salearue81 lliad. .Taie SBlouses Women'a Blvusseof fias vhIli cotIsa , materlalse, lam trlm- mue&. Values t $.4 Tuxedo ,Sweaters Kul t orhIgi luatrone fibri au1 lu wanted colore.$10.00 vIalue, $49 %Weaters attractive Coor colbliton, "Uoidng the 4esiro#. iIýeck»d laother lot et gBlees Sweaters lula th -Zuly SaIS omlli'pricofi at . .. . -..... ..... $ U e~,thteery Jly Sa88W valie îê Me W' - Wrméù9#sAJI-wool Bath 1,1 $2*98'Ail July and AI pt rt>mlma nY ej»l *" h neP, ,*ogted»atdntOuqsformm nd:womofl t a VT' OrY1w, alq Baib1Dg EboOS>-Cape and -Bagi. amshnrduood for July 0a".. Entie Stock ofWoiueWis at a diit of from Nothint szCepted., Sports. whites@,astins, Footwear0orvery îind &nd f« sery pul'poesart lacluded. Seiclie hapeeu 1*0lu and take s&vantage of th e OCtal duut. Th* asame crs lu litting wiu b. ireu su wheu leu pay the fuil price.. -Ientioed as ExgpIes .are:, ýe = t4 ~Shoe. 20%discout.. W.=esatin 1ms %4IntUA. ons port 8hoe. leo nt" Shw i hi eoldtmes'a a very submma.. n ? i s z "Ob, Plita. repe la ia- ýixt dl, ï4iidi arl Ssi»sx 4ln. Purs vigIue. Ml Piflo,ýirTubhi 41-liait mchsol biPt Tla . eirit lou1eHO"e ouln. 'nuI"Pe.hei ad full wtiti. yard 11=t0. l1c9 ard i t 119 OiSaes SI Imbue wIde.Ppia clr 0loh8-rd toela 19- patterne. Yard ,ia grut&t. rard Wash. Fabrica -b S* OottmoiiSlant"ig, Cautm sa Ilochesi.. ý Vl1 Çreie and Doojeello Ratos. e.su ort fuaglq *Wie ie, aIl 5 ul ic atrs Extra Women's sud Girls Knickers Ead. o8 liait eloth. Wifl afofle. Cut WuL Govua, thou s.uad viat atql.4lnet. made et Ofteel or Vesinlace lotb; a $4 &bd Cotton msterwa. Step-Ia lomr Made et smlii dtted mlul lua se- oral colora. Lce triminel Genitine KoireraUs le of ibakt or et0< h om lt- la. Red trimiosi. soms a" ofsit au tripéd Lu t4o1or M&ttertaleAU bave eteati hose supportse. Ali etree to Wi54. ieux . pà tsr. oU tlir- sud pettlcoats et uls Year Presents. areate l h.n Opportunitles In Every Wa~c Fo $a~ A~ou~ceipnt. EvyPersn Wach £4 H -.. ioi ~oore Hap L !r~os srs~ agi ilk.Rate w<rth $9 I ~ ~ 9iia~ P~O ~ f~ Ç1éGine at chokce- Serlcabs ad raticai SIte tint bope lOchv U"d (e Weil la are / Made of Ohambray, KhaIS4 Crash 'uting sud Wit »eUd 4,hdole.otbçrs la- com bai. &AUài*r seul sso -t.- A-- ..i W.wý ý - - -- - 1 - - - ...4 1 1